#malec happiness
graycious-tea · 5 months
All yall saying Tommy calling Buck Evan is disrespectful and like malicious clearly don’t remember my man, fellow bi icon Magnus Bane calling his pookie Alec Lightwood, Alexander at any given moment despite no one calling him Alexander except his parents who also suck like my man was gone on that shadowhunter and so is Tommy!!!
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kasirose · 12 days
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Happy Birthday Alec Lightwood! Our salt king, consul of the clave, and all around best shadowhunter!
Here he is surrounded by some things that I felt represented him :)
Character by @cassandraclare
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izzymalec · 6 months
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happy 8 year anniversary to the most iconic scene in tv history
march 29th, 2016
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jaxlightstairs · 7 months
Some people say "I love you." Magnus Bane says "Loving you made me believe in eternity"
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Art from the graphic novel by Cassandra Jean
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carelessflower · 12 days
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Istyle - Alec Lightwood-Bane Issue limited 2500 copies (sold out on all black market)
The Consul talks life, fashion, and what is in his bag. Fun fact: The photographer has even more photos, but they disappear after the photoshoot. Watch out for any tall, cat-eyed man you see, he might possess all the Alec photocards
Magazine flipbook version available below the cut
tag list: @magnus-the-maqnificent @literallytypogod @hoezier-than-thou @sociallyineptbibliophile @queenlilith43
@khaleesiofalicante @wandererbyheart @raziyekroos @onetimetwotimesthreetimess @alexandergideonslightwood @andrwminward
@noah-herondale-lightwood @elettralightwood @dustandducks @deliciousdetectivestranger @delightfullyterrible
@kita-no @thelightofthebane @secrettryst @goldendreams3 @cityofdownwardspirals
@i-have-not-slept @rinadragomir @potato-jem @kasper-tag @cam-ryt
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toomanywatchers · 7 months
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happy valentine’s day
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iightwoodbane · 10 months
my theory is that the last shadowhunter actually refers to alec who will then become immortal and live happily ever after adopting tons of kids with magnus.
i hear you asking "but what about all the other shadowhunters?" and to that i say i do not care <3
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lawsofchaos1 · 3 months
Shadowhunter Promptlet: Obeisance
In honor of the impending AO3 Shutdown Great Panic, please have a writing promptlet from one of my oldest journals. Fun fact: this is the predecessor to my angsty fic For Every Bird There Is a Stone. :)
When Alec is sixteen he discovers that his parents were in the Circle.
Not trusting any story they would tell him, Alec doesn't ask his mother or his father about their past, going instead to Alicante on official business and slipping the Hall of Records on his way back to New York.
Alec reads the file he illegally copied and is unsurprised to learn they were highly ranked- Maryse was one of Valentine's highest generals- and neither his mother nor his father stopped killing Downworlders without reason until it was made a condition of their parole.
Alec wishes he was surprised.
The file on his parent’s activity estimates the number of Downworlders they murdered and tortured, but no names are listed. The werewolves and the Seelie and the vampires and the warlocks are all left almost entirely anonymous, not even a cursory effort to identify them.
Alec reads every single word in both documents and discovers that there is one name contained in both, a single name that belongs to the only known survivor of his parent's wrath under Valentine's orders: a warlock that Maryse and Robert brutally tortured before his escape. Magnus Bane.
Alec is livid when he finds out that Magnus was never so much as apologized to, not even when he was later contracted by his parents to perform magical upkeep of the NYI wards after their parole.
When Shadowhunters have wronged another, the strongest expression of regret and repentance in nephilim culture is performing obeisance before the one who was wronged. It’s an expression of complete abjection and humility, acknowledging you (or one you are responsible for) have wronged the recipient and your punishment is in their hands.
In response to what he’s learned, Alec petitions the Clave for not only the Institute in full, but also the Headship of the Lightwood family.
Disgusted as they are by not only Maryse and Robert’s past actions, but also by their cowardice in refusing to take responsibility for their actions in the Circle and their present action in effectively leaving the Headship of the NYI to their son since he was fourteen, the Clave agrees. After the ceremonial transfer, Alec goes directly to Pandemonium. 
Magnus asks sarcastically if the new Head of the NYI is there to lay down the law or to make trouble. Alec doesn’t respond. Instead, he disarms himself, laying his weapons on the ground. All of them.
“Last week, I petitioned the Clave for Headship of not only the New York Institute, but also the Lightwood family. Both were granted, making me directly responsible for the future actions of all Shadowhunters under my command, but also for all actions of the Lightwood family, future and past.” 
Alec breathes deeply. “My parents, Robert and Maryse Lightwood, were in the Circle and believe wholly in the racist, genocidal doctrine preached by Valentine Morganstern. They committed unspeakable atrocities in his name to all factions of Downworlders, but when they spoke of their crimes to the Clave when requesting leniency, they only named the species of those they murdered and tortured without remorse. Except for you, High Warlock Bane. You, they named.”
Magnus was coldly imperious when he spoke. “Did you come to request absolution on their behalf, Shadowhunter? Because you certainly won’t receive it from me. Your parents slaughtered dozens for no other reason than their blood, and I will not forgive them.”
Alec nodded. “I didn’t expect you too. However, when I accepted the Lightwood Headship, the responsibility for their crimes became mine to bear. Although I know that this will be no consolation for you or for the friends and families of those hurt by my parents, you should know that I have ordered them confined to their home in Idris for the rest of their lives. They will never again bear weapons or act as members of the body of the Clave. They will never again harm another Downworlder. You have my oath on that.”
Magnus raised a brow. “A letter would have sufficed if that’s all you have to say.”
“No.” Alec paused. “Are- are you aware of the nephilim Rite of Obeisance?” 
Magnus paused for a fraction of a second, only noticeable to Alec given his closeness to the warlock. “I’ve heard of it, yes. It’s only been performed twice in the past century, if I remember correctly?”
Alec’s lips twitched sardonically. “It’s fallen out of favor since it requires admitting fault and accepting the consequence without possibility of appeal.”
Magnus’ own smile was cruelly amused. “Yes, I can see why you nephilim might not like that thought when the Clave hands out pardons to anyone with an old enough family name.”
Alec didn’t respond for a long moment. When he did, his voice was soft, but not hesitant. “Like they did to my parents.”
“Yes,” Magnus agreed, even though Alec hadn’t made it a question.
Alec closed his eyes for a brief moment in acknowledgement, then looked up to lock gazes with Magnus. “High Warlock Bane,” Alec’s voice was pitched to carry, his intonation suddenly formal. “As Head of the Lightwood Family, Maryse and Robert Lightwood now fall under my responsibility. They have both committed grievous harm to your person and have also committed grievous harm, including murder, to an unknown number of warlocks under your protection. Their crimes have not been punished by the Clave, nor can their crimes be fully addressed by anyone other than one harmed by them.”
And before the astonished eyes of all those present in Pandemonium, Alec sank to his knees, bowing forward until his forehead touched to floor in front of Magnus’ feet.
“As the one bearing responsibility for their actions, I give myself wholly to you in the fullest expression of remorse I can offer. In recompense for the harm done to you and yours, everything I have, up to my life, I give in offering to you.”
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wikitpowers · 1 month
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(featuring. the tsc jewellery i got from litjoy and the two malec stickers they accidentally gave me!)
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vierss-herondale · 3 months
Happy Father's Day!!!
Especially to Malec and Luke, three of the most caring, loving and amazing fathers of TSC 💕💕💕
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kasirose · 10 months
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Happy happy birthday to the resident high warlock of glitter and our hearts, Magnus Lightwood-Bane!
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izzymalec · 1 year
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happy 7 year anniversary to the most iconic scene in tv history!
march 29th, 2016
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lurafita · 5 months
Shadowhunter/Downworlder teamwork to not have to suffer their leader's bad mood
Alec gets sassier and saltier the longer he and Magnus get cockblocked. At some point, his subordinates just can't take it anymore, and countermeasures need to be implemented.
Both Alec and Magnus have important positions and are often called upon to deal with various things. So when the NY shadowhunters know that their boss is on a date with the high warlock, and something popps up, they do their level best to handle the situation quickly.
And if they need to establish better relations with the Downworld in order to get the help of another warlock for something just so they don’t have to call Magnus away from Alec, then that is damn well what they do.
New York shadowhunter/downworlder alliance as a byproduct of people not wanting to deal with their leaders when they haven't been laid enough.
"You think Lightwood gets bad? Magnus pouts. It's a lot more disturbing than you think! And he keeps sighing forlornly. And then he tries to distract himself by getting into everyone's business or inventing new things. Do you know how some things sound like good ideas at first, and then turn out to be horribly annoying? It's that 24 fucking 7 every time the High Warlock doesn't get to see his boyfriend enough."
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booksandmore · 9 days
i really would not change a single thing about the malec plotline (breakup and all) but sometimes i really do wish we got to see alec date at least one other person yk? and i dont mean that in a pre-cog focing himself to date a woman to hide his sexuality way, i mean in a post-breakup rebound/fling kinda way like i just know the drama would be legendary
#my favourite part is imagining how everyone would react like i do not think ANYONE would see it coming#i think magnus would be the most accepting of it actually. all he wants is alec to be happy and i think that at this point in the story some#part of him deep down doesn’t really think they were ever going to have that sort of demesticity anyway#imagining how robert would react is amusing me greatly#especially because i imagine no one told him abt the breat up(he thinks malec is still together)#bad ending is magnus leaves nyc forever and never goes back even after alec becomes counsul and legalizes gay/downworlder-shadowhunter#marrage. also alec never marries and dies at the tender age of 41 :((#good ending is they get their shit together and get married and adopt their kids!!#but what i really want to know is how alec would react to a new relationship#would he consider it serious? casual? when his partner is being cagy about their past would alec push or leave it be or would he think#it doesn’t matter? because it’s not magnus and let’s be real he’ll never he over magnus#would he let them call him alexander? in the early morning would he forget for one breif second that it wasn’t magnus with him?#would it be a nice respectable shadowhunter boy his age or would it be another powerful imortal downworlder older than literal countries?#i do think alec has a type. unfortunately#rafael sends magnus a gift basket when he founds out<3#i’ve speant a lot of time thinking about this actually#tsc#tmi#alec lightwood#the shadowhunter chronicles#the mortal instruments
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carelessflower · 1 year
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Why you should not date Alec Lightwood-Bane (sold out)
submitted by an anonymous source, suspected to be published to counteract the "9 ways to the Consul's heart" guide last year
tag list (tell me if you wanna be removed or added):  @magnus-the-maqnificent @literallytypogod @ukisteria  @wildesummerchild @sociallyineptbibliophile @queenlilith43 @khaleesiofalicante @wandererbyheart  @raziyekroos  @onetimetwotimesthreetimess @alexandergideonslightwood @andrwminward @noah-herondale-lightwood @elettralightwood @dustandducks​@deliciousdetectivestranger​ @delightfullyterrible @letsgofortacos @kita-no​ @mxtthew-fxirchild-apologist  @thelightofthebane @secrettryst @pocketoffeels @cityofdownwardspirals @stupidfuckindinosaur @i-have-not-slept @rinadragomir @potato-jem @kasper-tag
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