#male omega? female omega? doesnt matter you're a boy now
tumblweeds-omegaverse · 2 months
worldbuilding thing I've been wondering about:
how do you handle gender identity, gender expression, and/or gender stereotypes, within your omegaverse writings?
this goes for ocs and for fanfics!
if alphas are physically male in the way we'd consider a human to be physically male, that's a statement on their sex, yeah? not their gender.
you can have the body parts implied there and still be a gender that is not "man". so how's that work for omegaverse? especially if alphas can be male or female.
how do you describe gender within your omegaverse? is it based more around dynamic / secondary? (alpha/beta/omega) or around sex? (male/female/others if they apply)
do people get gendered expectations assigned to them based on their sex, on their dynamic, on the combination of both?
(ex: is there a difference between the gender roles given to a female omega versus a male omega? are the stereotypes for a male beta like or unlike those of a male omega?)
could there be such a difference between female alphas, female betas, and female omegas, that only some female people are considered women, while others are labeled with some other term due to their dynamic? or are all female people considered to be women? (assuming they're all cisgender...but if you've got trans headcanons I wanna hear those too!)
I'm curious about this because it's reasonable to say something like "our image of what is masculine appearance / behavior is shaped by our society and time period," right? (since male doesn't have to equal man or masculine, but there's often some connection)
but that structure wouldn't be built from the same stuff in omegaverse. since behaviors and such could be associated with different groups.
so...if a male alpha is seen as a feminine presenting person, what does that mean in your verse?
are masculine and feminine less about what exists in your verse and more about the limitations of our own language?
is it something else altogether?
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