#male SDs send help AAAAAAAAH)
xaz-fr · 7 months
Is the currently drama around skins/accents that people don't sign up for them so people can't fill them and thus buy the blueprints? Idk I haven't been paying attention.
Make accents.
People like dressing their dragons. Unless you're well known or the art is insanely good skinscents are a harder sell because they're more expensive. More people have 500g laying around than 800g (or can accumulate the remaining they need quicker). Most people do NOT have thousands of gems or millions of treasure laying around.
This is an old anecdotal statistic but a lot of the playerbase doesn't even have even a million treasure in their vault, or they consider that to be a lot of money. Idk if that's still the norm but I know for a long while it was. And like having 500g is a lot for many many players.
This is not 'don't charge what your art is worth' or 'don't do limited runs to make people sign up for accents'. This is 'other than the wealthy most players are poor like most new accent makers too' so filling your first skincent order is harder than an accent because most people don't have 800g to send you to help you buy a skin BP.
And I am beggggging people to remember how to make accents. I love accents. Please make more actual accents and not accents with so much extra stuff it turns into a skincent. Take off wing coverage, remove some of that drapery, go easy on the amount of jewelry. A lot of people love dressing their dragons and would love your first foray into accents to accentuate it!
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