#mal x alina x nikolai
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unicat-w · 1 year ago
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piece I draw for @grishaversebigbang, want to post this with a fic but my group kinda drift apart💔
it's mal/alina/nikolai, where mal try on some fancy clothes and nikolai got bi attack
more art by @ferrisraccoon
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dreamyelectronicmusics · 2 years ago
Listen, I haven’t read the Shadow and Bone books and I’ve only seen the show once so I’m not going to write fic for it, BUT if I were to write one it would be about the obvious endgame ship which is Alina/Mal/Nikolai and it would go something like this:
Mal spends about a year at sea. Alina and Nikolai get together in the meantime but at the same time Mal’s absence makes it clear to both him and Alina that what they feel for each other is real.  Alina isn’t sure how to resolve the situation without hurting one or both of them and breaking half of her own heart in the process, but once Mal gets back he’s immediately like “I left and lost my chance, you two fell in love, I get it, I’m stepping aside” while Nikolai is like “You’re childhood sweethearts, I’m not trying to compete with that, I get it, I’m stepping aside.”
And before Alina can jump in to suggest that maybe no one needs to step aside because she has two hands, Mal and Nikolai are in the middle of an almost-argument about which one of them is hotter and more deserving of Alina, both taking the other’s side. And as Alina watches them hurl compliments at each other while getting closer and closer until they are nearly chest to chest, memories replay in her mind and something finally clicks.
“Huh,” she says, realising that maybe no one’s heart needs to get broken after all.
Mal and Nikolai tear their eyes from each other’s lips to look at her.
“Sorry,” Alina says with a smirk, “don’t let me interrupt your flirting.”
Which finally wakes them up to how close they’re standing and what they’ve been saying, and they jump apart. Nikolai, who has been aware of his attraction for Mal since the moment Mal said “north is that way” but is convinced it’s one-sided, thinks he’s failed to keep his feelings in check and overstepped a boundary and starts apologising, he didn’t mean to make anyone uncomfortable, this was so inappropriate of him, it will never happen again, etc. etc.
Meanwhile Mal, who’s never even begun to process what he feels around Nikolai, is instinctively like “we’re not flirting” but Alina just raises her eyebrows at him and he realises, maybe they are. And he looks at Nikolai who’s still stumbling through what sounds like a love confession wrapped in an apology, and suddenly there’s only one thing he can do. He looks at Alina, who nods in encouragement, eyes shining, and then he grabs Nikolai’s face and shuts him up with a kiss.
And then the three of them live happily ever after, thank you goodbye.
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kycldntcare · 3 months ago
7 iconic trios that should have been throuples.
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monsterhunting · 2 years ago
“As we know, Nikolai and Alina have recently announced their engagement, and, well…I have to admit, I have a few concerns I wanted to address, and I thought it pertinent that they be addressed before the wedding.”
Nikolai scoffs. “What are you talking about, Vasily?”
A cold smile curls in the corner of Vasily's mouth. “What I’m talking about, Nikolai, is your wife-to-be sneaking around with a First Army deserter behind your back.”
wrote a malkolina fic because s2 gave me brainrot and they should simply all just be together methinks !!!
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seventfics · 2 years ago
and when the mask comes off; a Mal x Nikolai x Alina fanfic
Behind closed doors, Nikolai gets to be Nikolai.
Rated T | 597 words | Fluff
Written for @amchara for the Grisha Rarepair Exchange!
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sissytobitch10seconds · 2 years ago
Moi Zvezdy
Fandom: Shadow and Bone (TV) Summary: They're wonderful, beautiful, and only he can reach them. Warnings: Nudity, non-sexual bathing, illusions to sex Word Count: 1,246 Ship(s): Mal Oretsev/Alina Starkov/Nikolai Lantsov
Archive link!
A/N: Hello! I've returned to bring you more of this throuple because they and the Crows as a polycule have me in a choke hold right now. This can be read as the same universe as Truthful Promises but isn't necessarily. I hope that you all enjoy! Stay sissy and bitchy everyone <3
Mal was nothing if not efficient.
He was always the first to finish the training exercises that they were given in the army, and to get them through their missions without the dawdling that some of the other ranked officers did. Back when he was living in the orphanage, he had completed every task that was given to him like he lived in a semi-parallel universe where time worked differently for him. As a child it had given him more time to explore and play, but as an adult the only thing that it gave him was time to think about his partners and to sleep.
This time, though, he had managed to convince his leading officer that they had finished early enough that they could head back to the palace like they had been planning. Now that they had secured their borders and settled the battle with Fjerda, the missions that they went on only ever lasted up to two weeks and he was allowed to go back to his home in between them. 
That was what had resulted in him stalking through the gates of the Imperial Palace, sweaty and grimy from walking across half of Ravka but never once had he been more full of energy. His heart was thrumming so loudly in his chest that he was sure every heartrender wandering the halls would be able to hear him. He’d probably be a nuisance if he so much as thought about stepping foot into the slowly disassembling Little Palace next door.
He didn’t bother to stop by the room that he always slept in when he was at the palace for longer than a moment. He dumped the pack and gun that he had used during his mission and then also shed his outer layer. If he had a smidge more patience then he might have used the water pitcher in the bathroom next to his room to fill the basin just enough that he could wash the grime that was clinging to the sides of his face and behind his ears. He had none, not after he had spent an entire month away from the people that had a permanent residency in his heart.
Mal darted out of his room and continued down the grand halls of the palace while trying to hide the smile on his face. None of the guards or attendants paid him a second of attention, other than a few of his friends welcoming him back to his home. He liked the brevity of it since it was fairly obvious that he had a self-assigned mission and they all understood that.
Finally, he found the place that he had been rushing to get back to the entire time that he had been away. He only felt at home when he was within those four walls, surrounded by the brightness that they both brought.
The hallway was completely devoid of people, which was a good thing. He knew that the others found it a little disturbing or at least embarrassing when someone overheard them in their most intimate moments. The lonesomeness gave him the chance to grasp the doorknob and slowly push it open so that he could see the scene that was unfolding inside.
The bedroom was huge and mostly empty, furniture dotted around in specific places that would make it seem slightly less cacophonous. They were all orantely detailed with cold and silver, carved with the finest of knives by the most skilled of craftsman. Yet such beauty had never failed to be surpassed by the two people that Mal had been seeking out. When he spotted them, his heartbeat picked up to an octave that shouldn’t have been possible. His stomach dropped out from under him and then erupted into a bouquet of butterflies that rushed through his system in a massive wave.
The bathtub was in the corner of the room, close to the bed of the custom marital suite where the Tsar and his wife were supposed to spend the first couple nights after their wedding. Only, the current Ravkan rulers had never moved out of their honeymoon phase so had yet to separate.
Nikolai had his back to the door, but that just displayed the vast expanse of white, freckled skin to the room. He had a long white long alone his shoulder blades and a knot of scar tissue nearing his left arm from their fight with the Darkling all those years ago. His hair was matted down with water but his bright golden curls still managed to bounce, even as they dripped droplets down his glistening skin. 
Alina was facing towards Mal, her beautiful body on display for the only two men in the world that she had ever truly trusted with her heart. She had rivulets of water coursing down her darkened skin, reminding him of lightly steeped tea. Her dark black hair was held above her head with a simple hair clip, one that Genya had given her when she had started enjoying baths to relax. Her breasts were on full display but not in the same way that it was when they were being intimate, more matter of fact in their nudity.
“I’m never going to do this with you again if you don’t stop, Nikolai!” Alina laughed, throwing her head back in the action.
“That’s what you said last time, Alina,” he replied, saying her name to her the same way that she had his.
“You know that I can’t resist those puppy dog eyes. They’re my second greatest weakness,” she whined as she squished his cheeks with both of her hands. The king just laughed as he leaned forward and kissed her lips sweetly.
Mal took that as his cue, stepping into the room and shutting the door behind him as quietly as he could. “Would that make me your biggest weakness then?” he asked.
They pulled apart from each other and Alina launched herself out of the tub with one smooth move. He was worried about her tipping over for just a second before he was distracted as both of his lovers flung themselves into hugging him, naked and wet as they were. 
“Mal! I thought that you were going to be coming home in another month’s time! I would have met you at the door if I had known they moved the time,” Alina mumbled into his cheek as she began to pepper his face with kisses. He had to lean down closer to her height so that she could manage it.
“I think I drove my unit home faster than the messenger traveled,” he laughed.
Nikolai snorted at that, then pulled him up and pressed a kiss to his lips as well. “I’m glad to have you home, moy lyubimyy boyets. We should clean off though, you do stink.”
“I spent the last three weeks on a horse, I would be surprised if I didn’t,” Mal laughed. He knew there was no malice, they just wanted him to be naked and in the tub with them. He was glad that the water was likely as clean as it had been when it was drug up from the well, seeing as his grime had rubbed off on their wet, yet clean bodies. 
He watched them laugh and tease each other, including him this time, as he stripped off his clothes. They were like stars, bright and shining. Just for him, his own stars.
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galaxy-flowergirl · 2 years ago
shadow and bone made me a multishipper.
let me explain.
i read books. i ship mal with alina, nikolai with zoya, david with genya. right? everything is great, my ships are together.
but then!
then i watch shadow and bone. and now i ship mal with alina, alina with genya, genya with david, mal with nikolai, nikolai with zoya and zoya with alina. like, these actors really gave those characters so much chemistry!
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platossoulmates · 8 months ago
im so bad at multishipping but i am fucking FANTASTIC at making ur favs poly
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serpentthecrow · 6 months ago
Sleepy time with the grishaverse characters
A/n: I... Don't even... Sorry about that. My executive dysfunction did its magic. But here you have this as a peace offering since you guys liked the crows one. I can't even believe how long it's been. I'm probably not going to keep writing too many fics, if any at all. But this one's mandatory. And short.
Summary: headcannons on the sleeping habits of (some of) the grishaverse characters.
Alina Starkov
Hear me out
The girl's out like a light
Exactly the type of person to roll around the bed, end up in peculiar positions, and mainly, accidentally slap you or kick you in her sleep
Isn't picky, but if she COULD choose- only the softest mattress, duvet and pillows
She's petty like that
Has absolutely no night routine. Like. NONE.
Owns no pajamas. Just normal clothes passing as sleep clothes.
Gonna use her sun summoner powers when getting up in the middle of the night to fetch water etc., only to curse profusely because ✨light sensitivity✨
Midnight snacks. No elaboration is needed.
Definitely owns a stag plushie. Cause poor thing.
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Mal Oretsev
Sleeps like he's in a coffin
No honestly. Like, on his back, straight as a plank. Psychopath.
The nightmares tho.
The biggest duvet stealer
Never actually uses the duvet tho. Kicks it away every time
Can barely be bothered to change
Absolutely cannot be bothered to make the bed
Hasn't got a single idea how to put on a bedsheet
Red flag: eats in bed too often
Occasionally has a dream about Nikolai throwing him overboard Volkvolny and grinning down at him, saints know why.
Would fall asleep under any circumstance. Light, loud sounds, anything. Bang two pans repeatedly next to his head, and the guy will still fall asleep if he's sure he can afford to.
Has a phoenix plushie. Pun intended.
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Aleksander Morozova
does this guy even sleep? Questionable.
But in case he does:
A side sleeper
Surprisingly heavy sleeper
Rarely sleeps in bed when unsupervised tho. Not uncommon for him to fall asleep in a chair.
Black silk sheets only.
Talks in his sleep
If someone walked in on him sleeping, he'd be long since executed for treason.
Absolutely unaffected by caffeine
Produces a whole lotta shadows before going to sleep, roused by the slightest amount of light.
The extensive night routine is canon.
Doesn't have a plushie. The only one in this hc series btw.
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Nikolai Lantsov
my favorite sailor bo- anyway
(Let's ignore Volkralai for the purpose of these hc's)
A stomach sleeper. We stan.
A pillow hugger. We stan.
Mostly blue bedding, especially in the palace or the spinning wheel, since we all know he misses the sea.
Another one with a whole-ass night routine.
Reduced amount of clothes when sleeping- usually just pants
They're pajama pants tho
Has some trouble falling asleep on land, he's used to the rocking of the ship
nap king, especially as Sturmhond
Reads a LOT before bed
A night owl- has to be reminded to got to sleep
Sometimes starts to rant about some invention of his
C A N N O T fall asleep without cuddles. Like, he's physically unable
The biggest manchild about waking up early.
Has a fox plushie. A fact.
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Genya Safin
babygirl has nightmares, okay? Gotta start with that.
lowkey got accustomed to some level of luxury in Os Alta
not the biggest fan of cuddling. For understandable reasons
a warm beverage before bed
fuzzy socks
tries to maintain an exact time to go to sleep but ultimately fails because she's got trouble falling asleep
probably improves on her sleeping habits once she becomes a part of the triumvirateonly cause she has to tho
overthinking before sleep queen
does she have a plushie? Does David count? You tell me.
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mixed-imagination · 2 years ago
A Grisha's Affair - Nikolai x Grisha!Reader x Kirigan (part 1)
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PAIRING: Nikolai Lantsov x Fem!Grisha!reader x General Kirigan ♡
NOTE: This is the first part of a short two parter.
*** Requested by @seronsalk
*** Beautiful golden divider created by @saradika ♡♡♡
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As you neared the rear entrance of the Little Palace, your heart raced within your chest, drumming a quick and frantic beat. You had pushed yourself to the limit, sprinting down the forest path until your lungs burned and your breath came in ragged gasps. You cursed yourself and wondered why you had driven yourself to that point anyway.
A sudden memory flooded your mind, creating a rush of emotions.
You pounded on Nikolai's door. You weren't sure why you were so eager to see him, but you chalked it up to wanting only to say goodbye.
The door swung open to reveal Nikolai standing in his untied robe. His face seemed surprised to see you, but with one look at you, he greeted you with a big smile "Y/N, isn’t it past your curfew, little miss Durast?
You mirrored his smile but furrowed your brows, "I'm no longer a child, Nikolai."
"No, you certainly are not." His gaze descended your figure which made your cheeks hot. You were suddenly aware of how exposed and vulnerable you were. There you stood, before this handsome prince, in a thin, lace night dress and silk robe.
You wrapped your robe tighter around your frame, praying Nikolai did not catch a glimpse of the cold night air exposing your natural body, "Let me in."
"Won't you get in trouble with your Darkling?”
"I haven't seen him in weeks," you pushed past him and headed straight to the opposite side of his room. You settled in front of his desk, leaning your hands back against the chair.
Nikolai shut the door and his smile widened. He waited for you to continue speaking but it didn't come, so he responded, "Am I his replacement then?"
“General Kirigan?”
“The one and only Darkling.”
"What, no, of course not. First off, he’s my superior, and you’re no way near—" You huffed, "Stop. I'm not here to be questioned by you."
Nikolai laughed, "Right. Go on then."
The halls were dimly lit, and you realized you had never ventured through the palace this late before. You prayed that no one had noticed you sneaking back in after your late-night rendezvous. You didn't want to risk General Kirigan finding out about your secret meetings.
The unfamiliarity of your surroundings and the thought of what might be waiting for you made you quicken your pace as fast as you could without running. As you rounded the next corner, your hand instinctively went to your chest, trying to calm the erratic beating of your heart.
You crossed your arms, "So tomorrow you leave again."
"As soon as the sun rises, I'm off," Nikolai did not come closer to you. Instead, he copied your position and leaned his back against the door frame.
You found your gaze inevitably drawn to the way his torso muscles rippled underneath his robe with each subtle movement, causing you to bite your lip in frustration at the unyielding distance between you.
"And where are you going to this time?"
"Novyi Zem." Your chest ached, knowing well how long the journey would be. "There's a talented Fabrikator there that's willing to create a strong steel for my newest creation."
Your jaw dropped slightly. You were slightly offended but your playful tone remained, "What? Fabrikator? Have you forgotten I'm a durast? You could've asked me to—"
Nikolai finally stepped forward and raised his hands, "Y/N no, you're one of my closest friends, I couldn't—"
A memory of his mouth on yours suddenly flashed in your mind.
Friends don't kiss.
You ignored it.
Breathless and with a light sheen of sweat on your forehead, you finally reached the entrance to your wing of the palace. You could see the guards standing, their eyes watching your every move.
You tried to act casual, as if you had simply been out for a stroll in the gardens, but your heart was racing with fear. What if they could somehow sense your guilt and apprehend you on the spot?
You approached them with a smile and a greeting, hoping to deflect their attention. They nodded politely, but you could tell they were eyeing you suspiciously.
As you made your way down your long corridor, you felt relieved to see the door to your bedroom. You couldn't believe you had gotten away with it.
You giggled to yourself, remembering once again.
"Saints, Nikolai, that's exactly why you should've asked me!" your head tilted and you tutted, "I bet I could do your fabrikator better."
"Better than 80,000 tensile strength?"
"100,000 tensile strength and more!"
He threw his head back, "Oh no, you're joking. Really?"
Your face broke into a big grin. "Yes, yes, yes, you bet your royal arse I can,” you laughed.
Like always, you fell into an ongoing easy conversation with Nikolai. Talking with him was breath of fresh air as you had a natural understanding of each other. Your conversations always felt like a plunge into an infinite pool that contained both his thoughts and yours.
As you listened to him speak about his latest invention, you couldn't help but get lost in not only his words but also in his boyishly handsome features. His dark blonde hair was perfectly messy and his blue eyes sparkled with mischief. You stared at the way his lips moved and how the sharpness of his jawline accentuated with every sentence.
You tried to focus, but your mind kept wandering to other things, like how it would feel to run your hands through his hair and kiss him again. A heat suddenly began to rise in your cheeks, your attraction to him growing more obvious.
Nikolai stood only a few feet away from you now. He started to notice how your eyes seemed to linger on him a little longer than usual. "Are you alright, Y/N?"
You blinked and nodded, "Oh yes, I am."
"Good," he beamed and stepped closer. "So tell me. Why have you come? I've never seen you out this late."
You shrugged, avoiding his eyes, "What? I can't come and spend quality time with my closest friend?"
"Not at this hour, little miss goodie two shoes," he smirked.
You turned with your back facing him now and looked down at his desk, feigning interest in the papers placed on it. "Maybe I wanted to say goodbye. As a friend should."
He scoffed, "Don't say you're actually going to miss me when I'm gone."
"A good, best, closest friend would."
Nikolai was right behind you now. The third time you exaggerated the word, a knowing shit-eating grin grew across his face. "You sound like you have an issue with being my friend."
You finally entered your room and firmly pressed both palms against the door, shutting it behind you. Leaning your forehead against the cool wood, you lingered in that stance, still lost in your reverie.
"I am but your friend Nikolai, I have no issue."
Unexpectedly, the weight of his hand resting on your shoulder sent a shiver down your spine, your silk robe providing little barrier between his warm palm and your skin. It felt as though his touch had set your nerves alight, leaving you with goosebumps despite the delicate fabric that separated you.
His thumb began tracing circles on your shoulder, and you couldn't help but lean into his touch. You felt his fingers slowly making their way down your arm, gently squeezing your skin. He was leaving a trail of fire along your shoulder as they traveled back up to your neck, only to slowly descend down again. With a deft movement, he pulled your silk robe down your shoulder. The unexpected touch sent a jolt of desire through your body.
"You stubborn thing. You don't want to be my friend, Y/N?"
He then swept your hair away, revealing a tantalizing sliver of skin to his gaze. As he leaned down, you felt his warm breath tickling your ear. "Nikolai," you whispered breathlessly.
"Why are you really here, love?" his voice was low and seductive.
You suddenly felt wet, tender kisses trail down your neck, causing your core to ignite. The sound of your mingled breaths and the soft smack of his lips sucking against your skin filled the air. Each touch of his lips made you feel like you were melting, completely powerless to resist him.
His strong hands wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer into him. You could feel his lower abdomen pressing hard against your backside, making you feel weak in the knees. Without warning, he spun you around to face him, his intense gaze locking onto yours. He leaned in for a kiss with his arms still wrapped tightly around you, as if never wanting to let go.
In that moment, all your doubts and fears faded away. It was just you and him, lost in each other.
You replayed the memory over and over again in your mind. The softness of his lips, the way his hands cupped your face, and the way you felt as though time stood still in that moment. You sighed, sinking further into the memory when a voice interrupted your thoughts.
"Penny for your thoughts, Y/N?"
Your heart skipped a beat, startled out of your reverie. As you turned around, your eyes landed on a tall, dark figure.
The corners of his mouth curved upward, "You seemed to be lost in thought, milaya."
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♡ part two coming soon....
soooo my brain was formulating the idea for this concept, and originally it was just supposed to be a one part one shot, but idk i just went off LOL. like holy, i went down a rabbit hole and came back up with enough plot for a series.
should i write a series? let me know what you think!!!
if i do, im imagining there'll be some mutual pining, angst, fluff, and spiiiice - wink wink wink -
if you enjoyed, please support me and my writing by giving me a like, reblog, or follow! thanks ♡♡♡
♡ gage
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wh0refornikolailantsov · 2 years ago
Compass Of Pirates - Nikolai Lantsov
Summary: Nikolai is given a compass that he was told would solve all his problems, and yet he cannot figure out why it doesn't seem to work. Yes, I am merging with Pirates Of The Caribbean because I fucking can.
Content Warnings: No Beta/Proof Reading.
Nikolai Taglist: @hauntedenthusiasttragedy
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The brass points across the centre of the compass are centred by a sundial, which as far as Sturmhond can tell is the most functional part of the compass. He holds the compass in the clutch of his palm, staring at the red arrow as it gently swings between two points, neither of which are north. He had picked it up from someone in one of the markets in the last port they docked in. It was this rocky, mountainous island, just off the northern coast of the mainland. The name of the port escapes the captains mind, but it was some fishing port with a name not unlike a weapon of some kind. But that isn't really important, what is important is the illusion of help this compass had been acquired under. "It will bring you to what you most desire," they had said, "the compass never leads you wrong." He had been dubious but nevertheless he has hope he isn't sure he has a right to, and yet he was finding the outcome very disappointing.
"This thing doesn't even point north," Sturmhond says, staring again at the compass in his hand. Mal shrugs, offering out his open hand.
"May I?" he asks. He hands it over, without pause and the dial spins to quickly into a new direction the moment it touches Mal's palm. Mal watches the dial and follows it's direction. He knows exactly what the privateer has observed, that this compass does not point north, but instead it is now pointing at Alina, who is leaning over the edge of the ship, staring at the way the waves are breaking onto the boats side, creating the white foam of sea spray and she is smiling like she has never seen the ocean before. "Oh, Sturmhond," Mal says, "it points north alright," he chuckles, "true north."
The Captain frowns. "True north?" he questions, staring the tracker down. "What kind of navigational system are you working on Oretsev?"
"The only one that hasn't ever lead me wrong," he hands the compass back to Sturmhond and the moment it enters his hand it changes direction back to where it had been previously pointing. Mal taps the fabric of his shirt, directly over his heart. "I told Alina about true north once, she asked me what scared me most, and I told her I get the most scared when I am lost, but I don't really get lost. Yet, getting lost happens even if you know where you are sometimes. So I told her about cardinal north and true north."
"Cardinal north is a direction on a map," Sturmhond says. Mal nods, not letting his eyes leave the Sun Summoner. "So, as for true north?"
"True north is home," Mal says, sounding more like a poet than a tracker, "it is where you feel safe and loved."
"Miss Starkov is your truth north," Sturmhond says with a nod. Mal doesn't even need to respond to that. "So you think this compass points to what exactly?"
"Whatever you most desire, that's what the translation says on the side isn't it?" Mal says, finally looking at him. "You did see that, didn't you? Since you're always six steps ahead of everything, and ever so flawless Captain?"
He is too eager to test the theory to even care about Mal's teasing of him. He just thanks him absentmindedly and follows the compass forward. "Don't walk off the edge of the ship," Mal calls after him, "or do..."
He spends a good while walking the length of the decking, trying to figure out why the dial spins into a change of direction, seemingly without link. "Maybe you don't know what you want," Mal teases, observing him.
"Doesn't this interest you?" Sturmhond asks, running a hand through his tousled hair.
Mal shrugs. "What use is a compass what would be pointing right beside me all of the time?" he asks. "Besides my heart always brings me back to her."
"You're good with your words when it suits you, aren't you?" Tamar asks, coming to stand beside Mal, bored of her card game and far more interested in whatever it is that has gotten the Captain all pacing and flustered. "Still staring at the broken compass?"
"It's not broken," Mal says, "it's just not helpful."
"A compass's only purpose is to point north, and it doesn't, so it's broken," Tamar argues.
"It's a heart compass, not a compass," Mal says. The Heartrender laughs.
"Those are legend," she says, taking some walnuts from her pocket to snack on. She offers him one and he shakes his head to dismiss the offer.
"Wasn't the Stag legend too?" Mal retorts. Tamar gives him a shrug.
"That means nothing of all legend," is her response, but she keeps watching Sturmhond.
"It doesn't even make sense," he says finally holding the compass up and above his head to see how the dial moves. "It's not pointing to anything, I thought it might've been pointing to Ravka but I was wrong."
"You're suggesting your truest love is a country?" Mal asks, "what kind of excessive patriotism is that?"
"You're not patriotic?" Tamar asks, her tone littered with laughter.
"No," he admits, not feeling pulled down by the admission, "I came here for Alina. She's my flag, my nation, she is the one thing I remain loyal to."
Tamar's question was to sway Mal from paying too much attention to the captains words, but he doesn't throw her a look of gratitude, instead he returns to his fixation on the compass, as it spins to point towards the ships bow. Some of the crew start to appear on deck, changing placement as the time passes, and Tolya walks beside you, as you tell him something out of their earshot.
He takes his eyes off the compass, staring directly at you, forgetting what his original intentions had been, he offers you a smile and you grin back, all teeth and cheer. Even after the days at sea nothing seemed to sway your mood.
Tamar elbows Mal in the side and before her can take issue with it, she nods his attention to Sturmhond, who has lost interest in the compass altogether in your presence.
"Got it working yet?" you ask, coming closer to the three of them Tolya by your side.
"Think it might be a lost cause," the privateer admits, holding the compass down and to his side, as if to hide it's direction from those around you.
"Come on, Captain, plenty have said that about broken things, but often you just need time or the right pair of hands," you say, "show me?"
He hesitates and Mal and Tamar share a look, a look that spreads into matching grins. "Oh, he is not as smart as he gives himself credit for," Mal says in hushed words.
"Most of the time he is, but any heart can get blind sighted, and when the heart is blind, the mind can fog," Tamar says, voice equally low.
You look at him and he is smiling at you like you're a sunrise, like he is seeing you for the first time, and you wonder how he always manages to look at you like this. Look at you in a way that makes your head spin and your stomach twist. You know Sturmhond, and you know the man can flirt like second nature, that no one you've yet to meet have been susceptible to his charms, so you try not to let go to your head. But that's not easy when he looks at you like he has just discovered what love is for the very first time.
He holds out the compass out and you look at it, not reaching to take it from his hands, you move around to his perspective for the dial to swing back in your direction. You lean around him, to get a better look and then stare out at the ocean. But he just watches you, not as much are daring to confirm what he suspects by glancing to the compass.
You move back in front of him, and the dial points to you, and you turn your head to look at the big blue expanse behind. "Compass doesn't know north that's for sure," you say, giving him a wild smile and a shrug. "But I guess it's no better than most of us in that."
"It doesn't know north," he agrees, shoving the compass back in his pocket, "but it seems to know things I should have before now."
"Hmm?" you ask, turning back to him from the waves.
"Nothing, now, tell me, what was so funny?"
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the-witch-of-woods-beyond · 9 months ago
the trio of two boys and one girl is my fave when the boys are in love with each other and the girl is going down a questionable path while falling tragically in love with her enemy-to-lovers sapphic.
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depressedbagpipe · 3 months ago
A Heartrender's Fire: ch. VI
Tolya Yul-Bataar x Lantsov!ofc
Words: 5651 Warnings: sexual assault, please, skip until the end of the scene with the first – · – if you're uncomfortable with the topic (it will not be mentioned explicitly any further but slightly alluded to), death, canon-typical violence, episode six shenanigans. A/N: as a SA survivor myself, i do not condone any related actions, and please, if you have experienced it too, I'm here. remember that you're loved, that you're not alone, and should you need it, seek professional help, because there will always be people willing to aid you <3 there's no shame in being a victim/survivor. also this chapter was long overdue because of that scene, but it also felt somewhat cathartic to write. life gets better, i promise, and it does in no way reflect who you are as a person <3
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VI: Ni Weh Sesh (I Have No Heart)
When she opened her eyes, Irina was back at the Grand Palace. She recognized her room, familiar yet impersonal. The lights reflected the opulent golden accents of the decorated walls, but the air felt cold and oppressive. 
Nothing’s changed, then, Irina thought.
Her body rested on the expensive mattress, and she wore the carefully crafted robes all the royal members of the Lantsov family slept in. She almost missed the soft cotton on her skin, and for a second her eyebrows frowned in guilt. She wasn’t meant to enjoy the many luxuries from Os Alta. Her heart and her mind never belonged there. 
It was almost uncanny that the princess didn’t think twice about her whereabouts. For someone who was used to always double-checking behind her back, looking everywhere before taking the next step, Irina was now unconsciously following the same palatial routine. Her maids came into the room and dressed her in the finest garments, combed her hair, and applied the faintest tints of color on her face while the sky outside threatened to pour any second. She was escorted to the ballroom by unfamiliar guards, and even though a fully awake Irina would have noticed the absence of her preferred twins, she did not complain. She barely moved a muscle when she stood beside her brothers on the stage, behind her father as he spoke graciously to their guests. 
The Grand Palace ballroom was always in use, in some way or another. It was usually per their mother’s request, and lately, Vasily, too, both taking advantage of their popular status to throw expensive parties to keep the court and themselves happy and entertained. Irina knew better, of course: nobody except for the bastard princes cared about their country as long as they had food on their table and fine garments to wear. 
She felt the stares, but then again, she was used to them. The princess of Ravka was never a person; she was a prize either some lucky foreign prince or local duke would win after earning her father’s favor. Her father’s words were muffled, but again, the princess didn’t think much of it. She was used to drowning whatever her parents told her. As long as she was silent and looked pretty, nobody would bother her for long. That is what princesses were for, after all. 
Her trail of thoughts set the mood as she spun around the room with dozens of eligible bachelors around the kingdom. Their faces blended, asking trivial questions about her favorite color and preferred fork when dining. Their hands often wandered around her back, each new dancer a bit bolder than the previous, grazing and groping, testing the limits but not quite drawing attention to them. Once again Irina felt like a part of her humanity was being stripped away from her. Her hands suddenly felt cold, and the lights seemed to dimmer, and the blurry face before her showed none other than Alexander Morozova in all his black glory. His eyes were pools of darkness, yet alive and conspicuous. There was something mischievous and conniving about them, and whenever he smiled down at her, Irina trembled. His grip on her was firm, rather bruising, and the girl knew that whatever the General was planning, she would not like one bit. 
Blinking, Kirigan disappeared alongside the music, and she now felt all the guests looking up at her, only she wasn’t at the ballroom anymore. She wore white, a splendid satin gown with lace embroidering that hugged her body in all the right places. She had never worn something so bold and pure before, even though the princess had always wished to be seen as a capable adult more than a child to be scolded. Her heart dropped to her feet when she looked up. The feared General awaited her at the end of the narrow hallway, his smirk powerful and sinister. Irina’s heartbeat raced dangerously, but her limbs didn’t move at her will. In a matter of seconds, she stood by Alexander’s side, fearful and helpless, and even though she looked around frantically, she recognized none of the guests’ faces. Her terror only increased when she realized Nikolai was nowhere to be found. Not even Vasily and her parents seemed to be there, and not even the twins flanked the two rows of pews. She was utterly alone in the claws of the Darkling, and for the first time in her life, Irina felt truly hopeless. 
Muffled words signaled their union and subsequent cheers, but the princess stood frozen in place as invisible walls were placed around her, caging her forever by the man who had finally gotten what he most desired. Ravka was now in his full control, and the absence of her family only aggravated the dire situation. 
With a blink, she was now back in her room at the palace. The lights were low and dozens of candles littered the room. It was pouring outside, thunder and lightning adding to the spectacle. Irina’s relief was short-lived when icy hands gripped her waist from behind. She tried to pry them off, yet something metallic caught her eye. A wedding band adorning her finger, as well as the mysterious man’s, behind her. Frowning in horror, she was spun around against her wish, only to face the Darkling once more.
His eyes burned with hunger, although Irina could not tell for what. 
“I have waited so long for this,” he murmured, with one of his arms around her waist, keeping her close. His other hand roamed free against her face. She barely breathed at his antics, choosing to keep her eyes on him for any sign of trouble. “In a single week, I got Ravka, and a pretty princess to make me king.”
Irina frowned again, her eyes closing involuntarily when his hand dropped lower to her chin and neck. She was sure he could feel her pulse, beating erratically.
“Such a pity what happened to your dear Nikolai, wasn’t it,” he continued, and that made the princess open her eyes wide. “Don’t worry. We’ll name our heir after him. It’s only fair for the Queen to honor her beloved bastard of a brother if she chooses to.”
With that, Alexander’s hand dropped to her chest, his fingers tearing through the white lace with skilled practice. Irina could only stand there and pray as his hands touched and groped at will; dread and despair swirled around her at the news of her brother and what the Darkling was about to do to her. 
She was pushed toward the bed, where she fell ungraciously, cowering in horror as her newlywed husband stalked her like a predator finally cornering his prey. Irina closed her blurry eyes despite the tears falling freely, praying to any Saint who would hear her, trying to summon her own fire in hopes of stopping the assault. 
“Don’t worry, my Queen. I’ll be gentle,” Alexander was now on her, opening her legs wide. “If you behave.”
Nobody had ever gotten that far.
“Please,” she begged, her voice lost somewhere in her past.
“Come to think of it, you must be used to this by now,” another layer left her dress, exposing her even further to him. “It’s a good thing that Heartrender of yours left. Finally got tired of you, didn’t he,” he continued, now grabbing her hands and pinning them to the bed. 
“No…” she gasped when his cold hands touched her skin.
“Your secret’s safe with me, Ainthe,” he pressed his lips to hers, forcefully moving her head in sync with his. “Nobody will ever know.”
He moaned into her mouth, trespassing yet another boundary with his tongue through her lips, savoring her. She tried to scream, but no sound came out.
“Your pirating days are over, Ainthe. You’ll meet your family on the other side soon enough, too. As soon as my legacy is secured,” he settled between her legs, still caressing her carelessly. “Not even him can save you now.”
Irina shook in her place, trying to get rid of his unwanted touching, but it only seemed to urge him further. 
“This is what you were born for, Ainthe.” 
Her tears stained her cheeks, and soon enough, the only sounds in the room were the gasps of the ancient Grisha, moaning her name like a prayer to be learned. 
“Ainthe… Ainthe…”
– · – 
The princess opened her eyes with a start, coughing heavily. Tolya was holding her head in his large hands, wiping away the tears from her cheeks. Tolya sighed in relief, his heartbeat picking up when he saw her eyes ignite again despite her chest breathing erratically. “Keep chewing, alright?”
He eyed her for one second too long before gently bringing her up, making sure she could at least lean on the wall on her own before moving to Jesper. 
Irina’s unfocused and blurry vision, due both to tears and the remnants of her nightmare, barely cleared as both Jesper and Kaz came back to conscious life. Even their voices were distant, too. All the Inferni could focus on was the ghost feeling on her skin, gripping her, uninvited and fatal.
Tolya didn’t waste any time coming back to her, even though he was forced to leave his own suffering aside. As soon as Inej had saved his life, Irina was all he could think of. Seeing her on the ground next to him, shaking and crying, was only the final touch to his nightmare. When he approached her again, he immediately noticed the way she seemed to recoil and press herself further into the wall, her eyes still unfocused. The Heartrender could not remember a time when Irina had worn such a haunted look on her beautiful face. 
“Is everyone alive?” Wylan yelled at the party from the other side of the door. 
Irina noticed a small gap had been opened on the paneled door, and the sudden fresh air coming from the hole she welcomed with open arms. For the sake of her country, and herself, she forced her nightmare away, trying to toughen up, even though she knew she would forever relieve those terrible seconds every time she closed her eyes. The sight of Tolya next to her, keeping close despite not touching her, calmed her racing thoughts slightly. 
He’s still here. He hasn’t left. Yet.
And that was all Irina cared about at the moment.
“We’re alive,” Inej cleared. 
“I owe you my life,” Tolya said to Inej, and Irina could feel her heart breaking once again. 
Yes, she was jealous. Yes, she really liked Tolya. It had taken a horrible nightmare to figure out how miserable her life would be without her brother, and even more so when the man waiting for her at the end of the aisle wasn’t the Heartrender himself. She often thought very little of herself and knew her value only came in with the title, but she hated that hallucination reminded her of it. All the princess wanted right there was a hug from the man who was staring at Inej with newly-found adoration. And she didn’t know how to get it back from Tolya.
“It was Wylan. He saved us,” Inej clarified. 
“Wylan did?” Jesper asked, still out of breath. 
“You’re welcome,” Wylan replied, almost sarcastically.
Jesper’s eyes shone at the news.
“We almost died, didn’t we?” Jesper continued, finally coming to his senses. “Same time… I had the most incredible hallucination.”
“Lucky you,” Irina grumbled, her eyes fixed on the wall. Her voice was rather hoarse, but she didn’t dwell on it. She was almost glad she could still articulate words after her vision. It felt as if her voice was lost somewhere in Kirigan’s sheets.
“Did anyone else get lulled into a comforting sense of joy?” Jesper tried again.
“I didn’t see anything,” Kaz cut the conversation short. 
Inej looked at him heartbroken, while Tolya and Irina shared a look for a split second, enough before their memories got ahold of them both. The princess wanted to smile, despite it all. Inej’s heart was spoken for, even if Kaz was fighting his own demons, per usual. Her almost childlike jealousy proved to stroke her ego further, making her believe that Inej’s lack of interest in Tolya would only help her to keep him nearby. The mature side of her brain did not waste any time in punching the childish one. 
“Neither did I,” Inej concluded, defeated.
“Alright, what’s the plan?” Thankfully, Tolya came back to the present.
Kaz, even though he still had his back to them, spoke. “You said there was another heartbeat in the house.” 
Tolya nodded. “Southeast corner. The heartbeat’s weak.”
Kaz continued, already forming the plan in his mind. “I suspect she built all of this to protect that heart. Along with a different way in to get to it.”
Ohval did not take long to come back. Through the gap in the door, Irina saw the woman effortlessly walk around the courtyard to them, sorting her own traps with such ease that Tolya immediately knew they weren’t the first to try and trespass her home. Irina could not blame her, either. She too was fiercely protective of her loved ones, and if Tolya was right –though he rarely was not–, her temple guarded someone far more precious than any blade ever created.
Before the woman opened the panels, Irina closed her eyes, faking her death by the far corner near the entrance, ready for Inej, up on the ceiling, to deliver her fatal blow. But when the Wraith grunted in pain, they all sprung into action.
Kaz, Jesper, Tolya, and Irina stood up, all trying to fight the invincible woman. Only Kaz stood behind, following his own set of rules and noiselessly disappearing. Irina didn’t have time to think about the Crows’ leader, for she soon was aiming her revolvers at the woman, who had gracefully dodged all of Inej’s knives. Even though the four of them cornered her, with a clean swipe of her hands, all of the party’s weapons were immediately neutralized. Jesper stared in bewilderment as his own guns were suddenly pointing upwards without having been touched, revealing once again the Grisha nature of Ohval.
“Foul play.” He murmured, with his gaze fixed on the woman.
It was Tolya’s turn to try his heartrending skills, but they were all two steps behind. Ohval’s hands summoned the rest of Inej’s weapons, as well as Tolya’s katana, and aimed them at the four. Everybody scattered as they would, with Irina barely missed a knife, which grazed her cheek. The sharp sting only angered her further, willing the fire to come out.
“Seriously offside!” Jesper exclaimed, not dropping his guns.
In return, the woman grabbed one of the intricate accessories she wore on her hair and threw it at Jesper. Irina couldn’t comprehend how, but the sharpshooter was now gasping for air, dropping low as he choked. His fingers trembled as he tried to break free from the metal around his neck, but he couldn’t even move it an inch. He very much regretted his own lack of training right there, even though none of them were a match for the feared owner of the temple.
Tolya quickly ran up to her and began the fighting, with Inej following suit. The woman expertly fought back, with every blow sent to her opponents even deadlier than the last. Soon Inej and Tolya were panting, each stroke winding them down more. Irina had raced toward Jesper, desperately trying to find a way to stop his choking, slowly melting some of the pearls that obstructed his airways, yet the remaining ones only pressed further into his skin, and she could not risk burning Jesper altogether.
A single second of silence alerted Irina that both Tolya and Inej had been defeated, even for a few moments, and the princess knew it was her turn now. She saw the shadow before she saw Ohval, looming over her shoulder, ready to take the girl out too, but she quickly moved to the side, standing on her feet and using the woman’s lower position to her advantage. Irina frowned when she saw Tolya on the ground, grabbing his chest and stomach, grunting in pain, and the heat couldn’t wait any longer. A whole ring of fire erupted from her hands, dazing the woman momentarily, but long enough for Irina to begin her attack. 
She’d have to thank Tamar for all the training if she made it out alive. The girl moved, dropped, dodged, blocked, punched, and danced around the woman, who met all her movements with expertise. She used her entire body, moving around, throwing herself in and out, but it was all pointless. Irina knew she alone would never defeat Ohval, but she kept fighting. She always kept fighting. In a twist of luck, it seemed as if Irina had the upper hand, which she used to take the diplomatic route. Just like Nikolai would.
“Don’t make me burn you,” she mumbled despite the strain. 
As she expected, the woman only answered with a deep glare, and the princess was sent back flying. She landed next to one of Inej’s knives, and when she saw the woman summon another one for her, she quickly followed her actions and began yet another combat. No powers, just strategy, and swiftness, just dodging and slashing at the air. They both danced around each other, unable to graze the other yet trying relentlessly. They grunted in the effort, definitely more on Irina’s part, and when she aimed at the woman’s stomach, Ohval grabbed her arm, sending both flying backward.
Irina landed on her back, and the slight daze and impact left her breathless. She would’ve continued to drown in her misery and constricted lungs from the woman sitting on her chest had it not been for the knife aimed at her throat. Irina could only push back, but her strength was slowly fading.
“Ohval!” Tolya suddenly called. Not fully recovered, he watched in horror as the girl he had desperately tried not to fall in love with was just seconds away from her death. And yet, Ohval didn’t even react to his pleading. “Not her, take me!”
“I’ll take all of you,” she finally spoke. 
Just like her stance, her voice was low, venomous, poison ready to spill.
“Please, Ohval, this is only about the Neshyenyer,” he continued. For the first time in his life, Tolya was desperate. And that was not a dream. “This is only about Neyar’s blade, not you.”
“Your actions say otherwise.”
Irina couldn’t help the tear that escaped her eyes. It mixed with the blood spilling from the cut, yet another reminder of what her life had become. The nightmare was still recent, and she hated how small she felt right there. She was not safe anywhere anymore.
Jesper finally managed to break free and took a big gulp of air, but it was Wylan’s explosion that truly put an end to Irina’s misery.
Gravel and rock flew at them, and Ohval was quick to protect herself, forgetting about the princess of Ravka she had been about to kill. Irina rolled over to Tolya’s side, who quickly took her in his arms, protecting her from the flying stones. She felt Tolya’s big hand cradle her head before hoisting her up and putting her behind him, only relaxing slightly when he saw Nina and Zoya with their hands ready to summon. 
Irina and him followed suit, also readying their hands, even though Tolya kept the princess just a bit behind him. Zoya and Irina shared a determined look, knowing the combined attack of an Inferni and a Squaller could be as deadly, if not more so, than two expert Heartrenders. 
Yet Ohval seemed immune to all of it. With yet more rage in her system, Zoya and Nina’s metal accessories forced them to their knees with a swift movement of the woman’s hands, who smiled, barely sweating.
“This is taking longer than I’d like. So perhaps we end it.”
With just a pull, Irina felt the fire of her bones trying to escape her for the first time. The attack was unknown, unlike every time a Heartrender had had it out for her. She knew the feeling of someone trying to take away the will of her heart; she continuously allowed Tolya and Tamar to do it to her benefit. However, this time, the will of her blood was the one bending. It rushed through her veins fast and unsteady, trying to break through the tissue barrier onto the patio. She knew she was screaming in agony, for she was also used to the burning throat that accompanied the yelling. But all the princess felt was ice, fighting her fire, her skin getting hotter by the second, a warmth that did not belong to her and was threatening her life. 
“Fascinating, isn’t it?” Ohval murmured. “The amount of trace metal there is in the body. Iron, for instance, in the blood.”
Irina would not really remember how the torment stopped. She would only know that at some point, the pain vanished, and when her vision came into focus again, Kaz was standing behind Ohval, accompanying an older man in a wheelchair.
“Here she is!” the man called out to her in a frail yet loving voice. “Sweetheart, we have visitors. Art collectors from Kerch.”
Ohval’s demeanor switched drastically. She was no longer in control of their lives and turned around quickly with a smile on her face. “I know, dear. I was just about to offer them tea.” Nobody would think she had been so close to killing them all just two seconds before.
She exchanged Shu words with Tolya, who was grabbing Irina by the arm and pulling her close to him as he checked her out for injuries with a hand on her back. This time, thankfully for him, she did not move away.
“These are the collectors we were telling you about,” Kaz commented in a sweet voice that almost sent shivers down Irina’s back. She didn’t think the man was capable of such manners. “They’ll be pleasantly surprised to meet you, the great thief of the art world,” he looked at the rest of the party.  “The Disciple.”
Jesper was quite shocked, to say the least. “This is The Disciple?” He was pointing at the man, harmless and frail on his chair. 
“Have we met before?” The Disciple asked Kaz, barely recognizing all the people staring at him in bewilderment. 
“Yes. In your room, just now,” Kaz answered with a smile. “And I’ve met your wife,” he pointed at Ohval. “In Bhez Ju. We had tea there.”
“Bhez Ju Museum. The support beams are under every second section of the floor. The other creaks. Important to know the secrets of a place,” The Disciple smiled back at Kaz, proud of his work.
The woman turned back to Tolya, her Shu words direct and poisonous. Tolya, ever the negotiator, tried to reach the woman. Even Irina, who couldn’t understand what the giant was saying, knew he would be able to get her on their side with just a few more words.
“The Neshyenyer?” The Disciple perked up when he picked the giant’s words, even in another language. “I stole it for her.”
Ohval seemed to panic at that. “Please, dear.”
“It was the last piece I stole before we decided I should retire,” the man continued. “Anyway, you couldn’t really call it stealing. It was hers to begin with.” Everybody frowned at his words. “She made it.”
Jesper interjected. “I’m sorry. Did you say she made it?”
The Disciple stood up on his own, taking tentative steps towards his wife, who received him in her arms. “Hours of work. Prayers. And tears. To fight the unkillable army created by the clock worker Kho.”
Tolya couldn’t help the small chuckle that left his lips. His eyes were fixed on the woman, no longer committed to killing her. He looked at her the same way he had looked at Alina after her light display at the Hummingbird. Admiration that Irina had been looking for her entire life, and had never noticed it was Tolya’s default gaze when he looked at her.
Tolya began reciting. “Three days and nights she fought the unstoppable soldiers. And when the last soldier fell, she laid down the weapon,” he had to stop himself, his eyes slightly watering. “And it was named Neshyenyer. ‘Relentless.’” He quickly got on his knees, and they all followed swiftly, except for Kaz, who still did not believe in Saints. “We are honored to be in your presence, Sankta Neyar.”
Even Inej couldn’t believe her eyes, almost forgetting she had been close to dying twice because of her. 
Ohval, or Neyar, closed her eyes in defeat. 
“Come, my love. Let’s get you to bed.”
She helped The Disciple onto his chair, not without throwing a dirty look towards Kaz, who remained standing by the door.
“This is our sanctuary. Where we can sleep peacefully,” Ohval said to him. The quiet of the garden only seemed to amplify her voice. “Not have to worry about thieves and bandits like you.”
“We’re not bandits.”
“No one gets past the poison,” she looked at the rest of the party. “You’re just a child, really.”
Kaz shrugged. “A child who understood your weakness.”
Ohval breathed out. “Weakness,” she looked at her husband for a split second before returning her gaze to the Crow leader. “Four hundred years I’ve been alive. I’ve seen them all die. My family. All my loved ones. Taken away from me by time. Hundreds of years I closed my heart as if that was the solution to ending all pain. What a safe way to live,” she looked back at them. “What a small way, as well.” For a second, she centered her eyes on Irina, and with teary eyes, the princess felt as if the Saint could see through her. “You guard against pain. You guard against joy. But when you allow yourself to be blindsided by love… two worlds make a universe.” Ohval caressed the man’s face softly. “He’s not my weakness. He’s my universe. And I will see him through his days. Sharing every moment until he is part of the night sky. What do I care about a blade?”
She kissed his forehead with such tenderness that Irina couldn’t help but stroke Tolya’s arm for a split second, not even registering her actions. 
“What do you care about a blade?” Ohval looked back at Kaz, angered and confused.
Kaz killed the mood with his seriousness, and even though it was necessary, Irina wanted to throw a pebble at him. “The Darkling has created an unkillable army made of shadow. Your sword is the only one sharp enough to cut them down.”
“That sounds like Ravka’s problem.”  
Irina wanted to boil her alive, too, but her Grisha powers almost seemed to bend at the Saint’s presence. She remained at her place, ready to defend her country if needed, but yet again, she was not the protagonist of the show.
“You think he would be stopped by a line on a map?”
“I think I can still kill you where you stand before you can blink,” she added after covering The Disciple’s ears. 
Tolya stood up. “Sankta Neyar, I have met the Sun Summoner, who will take leadership in Ravka if the Darkling is gone.” He pleaded again. Ohval only seemed to answer before him, so Irina gladly allowed him to take the chance to bring her around. “She is benevolent, and she is also Shu,” Tolya teared up again. “She could be the living bridge between our two countries, but that can only happen if you grant us use of the blade.”
“Use of it?” Ohval asked. “All this just to borrow the blade?
“All this just to protect your husband in his sleep?” Kaz retaliated. “We each fight for what matters most.”
“And on my life, I will make sure that it is returned to its rightful home,” Tolya continued. “With you, Sankta Neyar.”
The Saint finally relaxed her eyebrows, and with that gesture, Irina knew he got her. 
“Ohval.” She corrected him, and the air of relief that flooded the patio became yet another ray of hope for the small band of bandits. “The last thing I need are… pilgrims crowding my gate.”
Irina unconsciously nodded with a small smile, ready to protect the woman’s identity, putting their past behind them. Just in case she ever saw her again.
“Is it time for bed now, darling?” The Disciple asked in a weak voice, which prompted Ohval to turn to them again.
“All of you, out.” And with that, they followed her order, defeated, waiting for the next move. “Except for you, in the hat,” she pointed at Jesper, who stared at her in confusion, as did the rest. “I’ll give the blade to you. Alone,” she looked at Kaz with her last word, before turning around and taking her lover out of sight. 
“Let’s go, then,” Irina whispered to Tolya, unconsciously reaching for his arm again and pulling him behind her.
She knew the giant would’ve loved to stay behind and talk to the Saint, just as Inej. Irina liked Alina, but she had thought that she had seen enough of the Saints for the rest of her short life. 
“You’re quiet.”
Irina was snapped back into reality when she heard the words.
“I’m fine.”
“You’re not.”
“We could do this all day.”
“I know.”
It was sunny in the field. Not a cloud in the sky, and the green woods around the Saint’s house seemed more alive than ever. The breeze was gentle, early morning dew glowed bright in the sun, and Irina’s heart felt heavy and sorrowful, despite their new accomplishments. Jesper would soon come out of the temple with the blade and they would all return home, and her brother would be waiting for her at the other side, and the Darkling would be defeated in a matter of hours. Or so she’d like to think.
“What did you see?”
Tolya was used to the princess’ wandering mind. He would often find her lost somewhere in her memories, and he always knew better than to ask her. But this time, everything felt different. Tolya himself still felt the blood on his hands from his nightmare, and by the haunted look permanently settled on the Inferni, he could only guess her dreams would scar her forever. And it pained him, truly, because as soon as he woke up from his hallucination, he vowed to himself his princess would never be in harm’s way anymore, or at least until the war was done. And now, he couldn’t protect her from herself. 
“Just…” Irina said, taking a big breath. “Some shitty things. Nightmares, really.”
She shrugged. The cold, lifeless hands that touched her would always be present, somewhere in her memories. Irina kept in the shudder at the thought of coming back to the Grand Palace. She fought back tears at the thought of coming back to find Nikolai, her family, gone. 
She looked up at Tolya, who wore a concerned and sorrowful look on his face. In his eyes, there was pain, fear, despair. Irina didn’t like the way he was looking at her. She never thought that pitiful look would come from the giant himself. 
Tolya needed no words to know she wouldn’t talk to him about it. His heart searched for the sudden wall that had not been there before, suddenly desperate to break it down. For the first time ever, he couldn’t see through her, and that was a terror only reserved for his worst enemy.
He breathed out, looking ahead of him.
“I caved in, too.”
Irina was shocked when silence followed closely after. She figured Tolya would follow suit with a poem, or some saying in Shu that she wouldn’t understand, but would listen to willingly. Instead, the giant remained silent, with his eyes fixed somewhere on the horizon. Despite his introversion, Tolya had always been fairly easy to read, at least to Irina. Now, she wasn’t so sure. Whatever Tolya saw in his vision, it must have been haunting enough to shut him up completely. 
“What did you see?”
Tolya thought he couldn’t close his eyes anymore, even if he wanted to. The sight of his twin sister impaled in his arms by his own sword had been too much for the soft-hearted man. Nobody else was on the Volkvolny, and nobody else could have helped him save her. No Heartrender could reverse the death that was surely approaching Tamar. 
Even when the woman closed her eyes and stopped moving, his hallucination forced him to look to his left, and the dream became a nightmare. Irina Lantsov lay still on the deck, just a few feet away from her best friend, bathed in her own blood, with one of Tolya’s knives directly embedded in her heart.
Her eyes were open, but no spark ignited them anymore. Her hands were cold and lifeless, and Tolya swore at that moment that, no matter what happened from then on, nobody would ever harm Irina. That included himself. 
He hadn’t admitted it until that moment, but Rusalye’s attack had scared him far more than he originally thought. The empty spot where the princess should’ve been, and the faint blood that drowned with her, almost sent the Heartrender into cardiac failure. He was the lucky one to carry her back to the ship, back home, and it was his sister who took over her caring after she noticed her twin’s erratic heartbeat. Of course, Tamar wouldn’t mention it to anybody else. 
“Shitty things, too.”
Next chapter
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darklinaforever · 1 year ago
I really think Mal Oretsev is the worst endgame romantic interest in existence.
There are many canonical ships I disagree with, but Malina ? This is the worst of all for me.
Alina had so much potential, and it was all wasted on a stupid tracker ; When she could have had the Darkling or Nikolai !
As much as I will always wonder what could be wrong in Alina's head to prefer her childhood friend to these two, and also what could have been going on in Leigh Bardugo's head when she wrote the character of Mal and the Malina relationship.
Like... she didn't notice that the character and the relationship were catastrophic ? Is that the height of romance for her ?
It sucks...
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sissytobitch10seconds · 2 years ago
Truthful Promises
Fandom: Shadow and Bone Summary: His life is so complicated now, and yet he would never change it for anything. Warnings: Implied major character death Word Count: 845 Ship(s): Nikolai Lantsov/Mal Oretsev/Alina Starkov
Archive link!
A/N: Is this my first work in this fandom? Yes. Did I put off finishing my writing goal for a different fandom? Also yes. I'm so excited to write and consume content for this fandom now! I'm probably going to seek out the book(s) as soon as my library is back open, haha. Thank you all for reading! Stay sissy and bitchy everyone <3
“Nikolai, I need to talk to you in private.”
The prince closed his eyes and took a deep breath in through is nose. He knew that this was going to be coming, especially after Alina and his meeting in the war room. He had been hoping that he could put it off, like he had with everything else in his life. He had run around as a privateer so that he could get closer to his people and because he had the privilege of not being a bird in a forever-closed cage the same way that his brother had, but it was also to avoid the responsibilities of the army and royalty. He hadn’t wanted to face the harshness that life was trying to offer him so he had picked something else to shield him from it.
He didn’t have that option anymore, no matter how desperately he wanted it.
Slowly, he turned on his heel and then gave a nod. The two men departed from the crowd of people so that they were on their own, tucked in one of the forgotten rooms in their fort-sanctuary. This place was so still, more still than he had been in years. Even when he had ventured deep into land so that he could help Alina they had still be traveling, which was also what had happened when he had hired the Crows. Now the Hummingbird had been grounded and his ship was sailing on the mission he had given them before he left. He was grounded and stuck in a pit until they could claw their way out and kill the beast keeping them in.
“What did you wish to talk about?” Nikolai asked, his heart fluttering in his chest. It was a combination of nerves and love, something that he had adjusted to very quickly after falling in love with a Living Saint. Her life was full of turmoil and danger that followed after her with every breath she took. Loving her was much the same.
“I know that Alina told you,” Mal replied. He leaned up against one of the tables so that he was closer to Nikolai in height.
The prince sighed and ran a hand over the lower half of his face. His emotional stamina was high after spending his entire life hiding what he was really feeling, but going from comforting his girlfriend to having the most serious conversation that he could with his boyfriend wasn’t something that he had been prepared for when he had woken up that morning. “She did.”
“Then you know what has to happen,” Mal replied. He reached out and took the hand that Nikolai had been using to scrub over his skin. Tolya had been surprised when she found out how quickly both of his partners had picked up on his worst habits since it had taken her months to find them all and she was an expert on people.
The words hung heavy in the air between them as they both refused to speak. Nikolai didn’t want to acknowledge that he was about to loose someone that he had just found, a love that felt so at home in his usually hollow chest. “I know,” he whispered as he tried to keep his voice from breaking.
Mal brought his hand up to Nikolai’s cheek, threading their fingers together with his spare. He brought their foreheads together with a soft ‘thunk’ and a pain sharp enough to ground them both. “I know that this will be hard on you as well, but it will destroy Alina. We were made for each other and while this has been my destiny since I was orphaned and walked all the way to her, she doesn’t exactly see it that way. I need you to promise something for me.”
“Anything,” he murmured, and he meant it. There were times he had made that promise and then broken it almost immediately because they were hollow words and false ideas, but this one was so full of truth and love he felt like he might die on the spot. 
“I need you to make the proposal real. You have to marry her and give her the political power that she needs to bring Ravka back to peace. She needs to know that the world can be a place where she can simply live after all the pain she’s been through. She deserves to rest,” Mal whispered. “And you deserve to have someone by your side that is going to be faithful and loyal.”
Nikolai resisted the urge to point out that if they simply found another way to kill Kirigan then he could have two people by his side that did that. He would never legally marry, but he would take them both as consorts and have them marry each other just as they had discussed in that quite night they had stolen in his ship after capturing the Sea Whip. Instead, he just pressed a kiss to lips that would not be his for much longer and murmured, “I promise.”
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foetp · 2 years ago
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alina/anastasia x the 3 types of boyfriend
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