fictionkinfessions 2 years
Canon scents:
Mako, The Legend of Korra: Any cologne with cade smoke or oud or ideally both works well enough. There wasn't a singular consistent smell but all firebenders had a bit of a tinge of smoke to them, myself included. Erik, The Phantom of the Opera: Took a while, but I found a cologne with lilac, ylang ylang, musk, amber, and dragons blood that fits. Non-canon Star Fleet member, from somewhere in Star Trek's DS9 era: Still working on this. I need something smoky, but not woodsy, more like tobacco, and something that smells a little bit like coffee, something... I don't know, something I've yet to find in this life. But I'm working on it.
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Getting back into my source and going into a major Mako shift after watching The Legend Of Korra Is Garbage And Here's Why is a weird note to start the day off on, but here I am. Also fuck that video essay for making fun of Korra's PTSD, calling her whiny, etc. as if PTSD isn't a legit mental illness people need time to recover from. I hope every Korra out there is having a great day and knows you're five times the woman the video maker is. - Mako
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I just love Junkrat so much it's ridicilous and I want to find and smooch him again -Roadhog
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homestuckkinfessions2 7 years
I like to imagine that there is a universe out there where our HS kintypes are kin with us. They all hate doubles and get into fights over who is more valid. - Eq馃幆
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bbchausa 5 years
A Tanzania ana zaman makokin mutuwar mutune fiye da 70 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWFbm_ibCbE
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isiyasy 4 years
An ruwaito cewa yayin da Annabi (s) ya baiwa yar sa Fadima labarin kisan dan ta Hussain (a.s) da kuma abubuwan da za su faru gare shi, Fatima (s) tayi kuka kuka mai tsanani sannan tace ya mahaifi na yaushe ne hakan zai faru?sai yace mata a wani zamani ne da yake babu ke babu ni kuma babu Aliyu聽sai kukan ta ya tsanan ta, sai tace waye zaiyi masa kuka kuma waye zai yi masa zaman makoki?聽Sai Annabi yace Matan Al'ummah ta su zasuyi kuka akan matan gida na (iyalai na mata) Mazan su kuma su zasu yiwa maza na iyalai na kuka. Zasuyi ta jaddada zaman makokin karni bayan karni a duk shekara聽Idan kiyama ta tsaya kece zaki cece matayen su ni kuma in cece mazajen suSannan duk wanda yayi kuka akan musibar da ta sami Hussaini (a.s) zamu kama hannun sa mu shigar da shi AljannahYa Fadima dukkan idaniya mai kuka ce a ranar Kiyama sai fa wadda tayi kuka akan musibar da ta sami Hussaini (a.s) ita kam mai dariya ce kuma an mata bushara da Aljannah mai ni'imah聽 聽 聽 聽聽Muna rokon Allah ya sanya mu cikin yan shi'a na hakika ya kuma arzuta mu da cetan iyalan gidan manzon rahma (s).
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hausafilmstv 5 years
Gabas ta tsakiya na makokin Sultan Qaboos na Oman
Kasashen yankin Gabas ta tsakiya da sauran takwarorinsu na ci gaba da alhinin mutuwar Sarkin Oman Sultan Qaboos da ya koma ga mahaliccinsa yau Asabar, Cikin sakon da sarki Salman na Saudiya da yarima mai jiran gado Muhammad bin Salman suka aike, sun bayyana Sultan Qaboos a matsyin jigo ga yankin.
cigaba da karatu 禄 from Hutudole: labarai da hausa https://ift.tt/2NjxHMn via https://ift.tt/2whmJRK
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fictionkinfessions 2 years
I wish there wasn't such a focus on finding canonmates. I'm canon divergent after season one, so that's not an option for me, but I would love to just meet and talk with other Legend of Korra fictionkin and fictives and copinglinkers. Just talk about memories, things that we think are funny or sad in retrospect, reminisce about our canonmates and who they were. It'd be nice. I think we need more 'kin spaces that are both not for the kin for fun crowd and are laidback in tone. - Mako, The Legend of Korra #馃寳ThePhantom (note to self, come up with a better sign-off that includes more than just one kintype of mine...)
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fictionkinfessions 2 years
I can't tell anyone about being fictionkin because none of my friends remain. Give it six months to a year at most and everyone I think I'm friends with ends up forgetting me. No one ever has some catastrophic or hurtful breakup with me; instead they just text and call less and less until it stops altogether. They reply less and then not at all. So I've never entertained the idea of telling anyone. Why bare my soul for people who aren't going to stick around? People go to me to vent and get a shoulder to lean on. They don't want that shoulder to have problems of its' own. - Erik (from the Phantom of the Opera)/Mako (from The Legend of Korra, canon-divergent) #馃寳ThePhantom (you can tell I chose my tag back when I was in denial I was/am Mako)
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fictionkinfessions 4 years
Hey I鈥檓 Mako from Legend of Korra and uh.. biggest timeline difference is that I wasn鈥檛 trying to date Korra.. no offense but that鈥檚 my friend not my Girl Friend. I wouldn鈥檛 do that
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Why do all Shuichi kins remember being in love with Ouma and Kaito, why don't they remember me?... -Maki who was in a relationship with Shuichi and really misses him
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The biphobia in the fandom for The Legend Of Korra makes me wary of discussing my kintype. A lot of times, when a fandom is like that the kin community is the same, and I don't want to try to put up with biphobia, panphobia or other radfem rhetoric just to find canonmates. PSA for the LOK fandom and kinmunity: a bi woman is still bi when she's dating a man, and a bi man is still bi when he's dating a woman. Die mad about it. Signed, AU!Avatar!Mako who was married to Wu and Jinora
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i? think im mako from legend of korra. and, god let me tell you, it would explain a lot of the stuff ive felt while watching the series. like, that first time meeting korra? who is this and why is she here hah get out. kissing korra and bolin seeing it? awful. still feel bad about it. all that other stuff that happened because i didnt know what i was feeling for who? pathetic. and who do you think i miss now? bolin and korra and asami and. dad. why am i so pathetic in this life
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bbchausa 4 years
Daliban jami'ar sun kwashe fiye da shekara 20 suna daukar kifin a matsayin abin da ke ba su sa'a a lokutan jarrabawa. via BBC Hausa
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bbchausa 4 years
A ranar Laraba ne matasan suka yi wani mummunan hatsarin mota a kan hanyarsu ta zuwa tarbar gwamnan jihar bayan komawarsa daga Abuja. via BBC Hausa
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bbchausa 4 years
Gwamnatin jihar Adamawa ta ayyana kwanaki uku na makokin Hama na Bachama wanda ya rasu ranar Lahadi. via BBC Hausa
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