#makingvhim more of means to an end to get info spada gave him
ace--of--swords · 1 year
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They are very tired of being hollowed out, rekindling the soul, being almost possesed by an ancient deity, losing their grandfather, than father, separated from their mother by folks who attempted to hollow them out and get possesed, see their friends die of plague, dying of plague, trying to pull monte christo on Lucio while dead, then taking a pity on the man, getting split into two, being ressurected, self ressurecting after another 3 years passing, enduring another apocalyptic event and ressurecting the goat (out of pity and spite towards powers to be), dealing with loudly bleating skelegoat, putting a furface on the said goat to hear him bleating louder and thats all before their coffee.
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