#making up your own fanon cause the canon is crap is self therapy
So I was reading the chapter where Heinly declares the western kingdom as empire and I just shook my head. I don't know whether to laugh at the stupidity or roll my eyes. So I did both.
Hah what's even funnier is that some readers thinking it's such a romantic move that he declared the kingdom as an empire for Navier as if that's how it works. 😵‍💫
I'm guessing those readers aren't older beyond 13/14. No wonder they think such way, birdface is 19 too. I know their main audience are them and thus these stories are written like this, which is a huge insult to teen readers, cause authors believe that teens don't have the capacity to grasp beyond the surface level. Which is true to some extent (judging by comments from the fandom) but there are also teen readers who criticise the story because of its plotholes.
Look I'm not making fun of the readers who enjoy it, look at my blog for goodness sake! But it annoys me when the plot just bends over backwards for the MC.
A kingdom is a one independent state. An empire is composed of multiple conquered countries that has a centralised sovereign ruler. Look at UK, it was British empire before cause it had multiple Asian and African countries under its belt. Now it's just United Kingdom, not an empire. Also the title of the ruler didn't change, they were still called queen or king of British empire cause a queen and king can rule an empire without changing their titles, if the states fulfil the criteria of an empire which western kingdom does not have.
Many will say "but western kingdom has lots of wealth." So? Many countries now a days have more wealth than UK, but they don't declare themselves as kingdom either cause that's not how it works.
Declaring themselves an empire/kingdom because they have enormous wealth does not make an empire/kingdom. Sure, empires have wealth but that’s a correlation, not causation.
Birdface declaring himself as an emperor is like some random baron/duke/count etc declaring himself king, because he has gathered a large amount of wealth. It doesn’t work that way. It’s also a good way to make a lot of enemies with severe consequences. And the fact that nobody including Sovieshu didn't do anything about it, shows how strong the plotforce is. Some will say, he didn't attack western kingdom cause of Navier. Umm so what Navier is there? According to the author, Sovieshu never abandoned his duty as an emperor. The dude literally collapsed because of overwork. This guy is a workaholic. It was obvious his empire comes before everything but all of a sudden he forgets about his duty because of a former empress? (Just like his character assassination after bringing Rashta in the palace). And conquering western kingdom would have given him Navier too. Yes it'd be forceful and ooc for Sovieshu to force himself on her but since when the author cares about character consistency when it comes to Sovieshu?
And other kingdoms just put fingers in their mouths like suckers and did nothing in response except for one and birdface had to run to Sovieshu for help. He didn't have the capacity to beat a smaller Kingdom without the help of Sovieshu yet he had the audacity to call himself emperor. How pathetic and shameless. Lol
An empire is a sovereign state made up of multiple countries : that’s the definition of an empire, so declaring oneself an emperor or declaring the desire to become an emperor is basically a declaration of war, unless you're a bland ml of a webnovel that's backed up by plot force stronger than thanos' snap. 🗿
The plotholes are so massive in this story that you could pass multiple eastern empires through it. 🫨
Reason why I still don't acknowledge western kingdom as an empire. Cause it's not an empire. 😂
At the end of the day TRE is a cheesy manhwa that helps us in our escapism. It's not meant to be taken so seriously but that doesn't mean we've have to close our eyes and accept the blatant hypocrisy and massive inconsistency for the sake of making the MCs look better. It just makes the MCs and author look foolish.
In the end, all we can do is shake our head and laugh at this stupidity and enjoy the clownery.
Or you can ignore the canon and make up your own fanon like me.
If the author is going to be beyond reasonable about the plot why should we not be beyond reasonable with our fanon? Go crazy.
In my canon Sovieshu actually had character consistency and helped Rashta but didn't make her concubine and lived happily ever after with Navier. Birdface who?
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