#making an updated one bc of new info!!!!!! share widely!
librarycards · 3 months
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Hey, that's my book, Failure to Comply!
Cavar's Failure to Comply is an abolitionist text concerned with trans, disabled, and Mad liberation as a speculative art.
Every story has its fugitives. “I,” a deviant self-hacker with three arms, two stomachs, and no name, is on the run from RSCH, a high-tech, authoritarian government that mandates wellness and carves the contours of truth itself. When I is kidnapped at axe-point to be mined for forbidden memories, they must struggle against RSCH’s medical abuse to recapture their history, reunite with their lover, and rewrite their future—or risk remaining Patient forever.
I crosses an epistolary, time-flipped dreamscape as they recollect their memories from RSCH’s hungry archive, and, in the process, write the story of their liberation.
Rivers Solomon said this about it:
Failure to Comply is a striking and fresh examination of life under boot of hegemonic corporate society lovingly and ecstatically told. With language that sings and stings, this novel disrupts the status quo with the form and poetry of its telling. This book made me feel. Each sentence excited and thrilled. I loved it.
It'll be out on August 6. A percentage of the proceeds from pre-orders of FAILURE TO COMPLY (check out the new ~official~ cover!) now-June 30 will go to Palestinian LGBTQ organization alQaws. In July, for disability pride month, a percentage will go to the anticarceral care collective/respite space Wildflower Alliance.
If you haven't pre-ordered your copy yet, now is the perfect time. Consider adding on goodreads –– where there's currently a giveaway going! –– and storygraph while you're at it, and tell your friends!
[see the original post about my book here :)]
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narumi-gens · 4 years
hi!! so i just started writing fanfics, and i was just wondering -- how do you deal w/ numbers and the whole posting online thing? while i know that i should be writing for fun and stuff (bc it is!) and that im literally JUST starting out, BUT i just.. im someone who really heavily relies on validation, and when people don't really respond to my works well (or at all), i kinda just.. feel bad ): idk.. do u have any tips?
🥺 You came to me for advice on this, anon? 🥺 Thank you so much! I’m more than happy to pass on what I’ve learned and help out a new writer. I’ve been reading/writing fanfics on-and-off in some form or another for like ten years, but especially over the last four and am happy to share some tips. There are five main things that I think can help grow your follower count and the amount of feedback you get:
Don’t feel bad about wanting validation.
Consider the platforms where you post.
Write for active fandoms and popular characters.
Post frequently.
Interact with other authors.
This got rather long so I have more info under the cut about each of these. 
1. Don’t feel bad about wanting validation.
There’s this dumb trap that we all fall into as writers that tells us that validation isn’t important and that what matters most is our love of writing. While I enjoy writing, if my stuff got no notes and no feedback then I would definitely have gotten discouraged and quit writing awhile ago. Why would I put all that effort into something if no one seems to appreciate it? There’s nothing bad about wanting people to let you know they like your writing! I get so happy when I see someone left a comment on one of my fics or went crazy in the tags or sent me an ask. And when something doesn’t get any feedback, I get depressed about it and second guess whether I should have bothered writing it. So, definitely try not to get caught up feeling bad because you want people to tell you that they liked your work. 💕
2. Consider the platforms where you post.
I only use AO3 and Tumblr, so I can’t speak to any other platforms, but posting my writing on both of these are widely different experiences. Part of the culture of AO3 is giving kudos and leaving comments, so you’re more likely to get feedback there than anywhere else. I slowly built a following on Tumblr because of my AO3, even when I wasn’t posting anything on Tumblr itself. I would really recommend checking out AO3 if you’re not already on there! You do need to request an invitation, but it only took me a couple of days to receive one. I also have 8 invitations that I haven’t sent out, so DM me if you want one and I can give you one! 
I’m sure you’ve already seen posts about this, but the unfortunate thing about writing on Tumblr is that the feedback is absolutely minuscule and I’m not sure why. There’s this awful culture on this platform of people only liking content and not reblogging it to make sure it gets shared with other users. So, you end up really reliant on your own followers and the tagging system for your works to reach people. And the tagging system is a mixed bag. Sometimes your posts don’t show up in the tags or they will but only after a couple of days. If your post gets enough notes then it might go to the top of the search feed but then only for a few days at most. 
As a sidenote to readers, this is why reblogging is so important! Even if you only have five followers or don’t leave a comment, just reblogging it means a lot to content creators!
Here are some of the tips I have for the mechanics of Tumblr:
Use the tagging system, as imperfect as it is. I think Tumblr now reads the first 20 tags in your post, so use that to your benefit. I usually always tag at least: [character name]; [character name x reader]; [fandom]; [fandom x reader]. You can always also try things like: [character name genre], [fandom genre], [fandom fanfic], [character fanfic] as well.
Make sure your blog is easy to navigate and have a masterlist that’s easy to find. If a reader sees your content on their dash and decides to check out your other works, if they can’t find them on your blog then they’ll probably just leave.
Self-reblog as much as you feel you need to for your followers who may have missed your post. I self-reblog a lot for new content over the first couple of days and then even will do a few icymi self-reblogs later as well. It also helps to have a list in your profile somewhere of your recent updates so people can easily see if they’ve missed something. 
3. Write for active fandoms and for popular characters.
This might seem like common sense, but I think it’s something to keep in mind if you want to grow your follower count and your chances of getting feedback. And there’s nothing wrong with prioritizing a fic over another just because you want more feedback. I actually really want to write something for Chainsaw Man but the fandom is so small compared to the other fandoms I write for that I’m putting it on hold until the anime comes out. 
That’s not to discourage you from writing for characters or fandoms that are less popular -- I have a bad habit of writing for niche characters and fandoms. But I always see my activity spike when I write for more popular characters. Another tip is to try and figure out which characters people are thirsting over but where there’s a lack of fics for them. You’ll also find that some characters or fandoms just have louder fans than others. The stuff I’ve written for Gojo has gotten a lot of likes and notes, but not so many comments or much feedback. But the amount of asks and thirsts I’ve gotten for Naoya is wild. This is something you’ll learn over time as you keep writing!
4. Post frequently. 
This one is annoying because writers have lives and real-world responsibilities and we can’t just write 24/7. But when you’re trying to build a following, even if you can do a couple of short drabbles a week, you’ll really start to see your follower count and feedback grow. I’m not sure if people tend to like longer or shorter fics more, but overall people are just hungry for content and if you can give it to them on a frequent or at least regular basis then they’re more likely to interact, especially if you’re taking requests. 
But don’t prioritize writing and posting content at the cost of your own well-being. As authors we’re all guilty of this at one time or another, but your followers will understand if you have writer’s block or you need to take a step back! Taking care of yourself is more important than getting feedback or interaction. ❤️
5. Interact with other authors. 
Building relationships with other authors is a big one, but it’s also probably the hardest because a lot of us (me included!) are just so shy about reaching out! It’s like asking someone on a date or trying to be friends with someone you really admire. I know it’s scary to come off of anon (I still sometimes send asks on anon!), but authors recognize the names we see often in our notes and in our inboxes and we’re all really nice, I promise! 🥰 And I’m much more likely to read the fics of my mutuals and the people I follow than I am to be searching through the tags.
And I think there’s nothing wrong with reaching out to an author you love and politely asking if they’ll read your work. I think it’s totally okay to send something like, “I really love your writing and wanted to know if it’s alright if I share this fic I just posted with you? I’ve seen you thirsting over [character] and think you might like it if you have the time to read it!” The worst they can do is turn you down. I would never be upset over getting an ask like that as long as it was polite and the person was understanding that I might not have time to read their fic. But, I know that this is really scary to ask of someone. I’ve only done it once or twice, so maybe I don’t have any ground to stand on here, but I really think you should try it even if you need to send the ask on anon first.
Please just be mindful of an author’s rules before reaching out.
Another added bonus is that authors are more likely to reblog and give you feedback on the stuff you write because we’re in the exact same boat as you! We’re the perfect audience. 
And don’t forget...
Growing your follower count and reaching the level of feedback you want takes time. If you’re just starting out, don’t get discouraged. The more you write, the better you get so even if you’re not getting the feedback you want now, that doesn’t meant that you never will! 
And of course, pay it back in kind. Just how you want people to interact with your fics, we want the same. I always try to leave comments on the fics I read on AO3 and always reblog the fics I like on Tumblr and try to go wild in the tags so that the author knows that I loved their works. 
I hope you found all of this useful, anon! Best of luck with your writing! 💕
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fightmewiatch · 6 years
Every so often, I have a day, one where something happens that keeps popping up things in my head that bug tf out of me. 
Today is...one of those days. Lol. But today I’m gonna write out, hopefully throwing it out will help me clear my head. (And it’s going under a cut, because it is looooong).
So, today I got an email from my supervisor that my productivity is really too low. Which, I knew that, I knew it wouldn’t be spot on. It was only based on the last few weeks, so I did email back to let her know that the last few weeks I’ve been getting constant headaches bc of my eyes / old glasses, but I finally went to the eye doctor last week so I should be better once I get the new glasses. 
Here’s the thing about this job. We log requests for medical records that are sent to specific hospitals/doctors offices/etc into our system (requests from patients, insurance, other health facilities, law firms, etc.). (We also send out the records, but I only do the first part of the job.) Working from home, I get assigned to a bunch of different facilities - sometimes that place is in Louisiana, sometimes Florida, sometimes it’s a country-wide place. When I change facilities, I have to “transfer” on my timecard, so they can see how long I’m spending in each website (and then the physical system keeps track of how many requests I’ve put in). 
It’s pretty much become commonplace for me to run out of work LONG before the end of the day, and then I email my super (same one who sent me my productivity), & ask for work. If I’m lucky, she answers me within ten minutes with more work. More often than not, I’m waiting between 30 minutes and several hours, and by that point, I email her at least one more time, and then try to find work on my own. 
No one has ever told me otherwise, so when I run out of work, I tend to stay in the facility I was last in (so instead of 2 hours in one place, I can be shown there for 2.5 or more, even without having work). When I emailed her back, I specifically asked her if there was a different place to “Transfer” to, so I don’t throw off my numbers, considering I often have to wait a while. 
To no surprise, I answered her at least an hour before the end of the day, and she didn’t answer. 
(I’m not looking for ways to fix this, I’m just basically throwing down what sparked the day.)
I’ve worked at 2 law firms in my life. 
Law Firm #1. 
Family firm (owned & run by a husband & wife - he was the name on the door, she was his secretary / office manager). 
This place was wild. 
I worked here twice. Once for two years, before I moved for school, and then after school (and a different job), I came back for another two and a half. And let me tell you. 
The first time I worked there, as secretary:
I worked part time. There was a second secretary who had been there a LOT longer that everyone loved but she was one of those older women who was certain no one else knew what they were talking about sometimes. 
My boss (owner, lead atty) wanted a listing of Potential Clients. Since we mostly did school law, business law, estate planning, and real estate, you think we would limit to that, yes? Nooooo. I had to make an excel spreadsheet of EVERY SINGLE PERSON in the phone book. Yes, you read that right. I had to spend my downtime putting THE PHONE BOOK (you remember those, right?) into an Excel Spreadsheet, so he could organize it by: first name, last name, city, address. Didn’t have an address? Find it by any possible means so long as it doesn’t cost money. 
My boss decided he loved Spreadsheets. I then had to transfer our entire client file (which was, at the time, comprised of about...2100 clients) into Excel. Also, so he could organize it by: First Name, Last Name, Business Name, Address/City, Reason for them being a client (god help us if they were there for multiple things), OR, for the schools, who the Superintendents were.
Sounds decent. But we had three different client lists to update every single time we got new info or a new client. Two in Word (one by Last Name, and one by Client Number) (which had been printed out for a hard copy that we had to keep reprinting to update them), & the one in Excel (which I fucking refused to print out, bc we’re talking HUNDREDS of pages, and what a waste of $$ and paper). 
Each time you created a new client, you had to write the information down on a sticky note and take it upstairs to K in billing, so she could make sure the information was put into her billing system. (and then she would give it to T who did payroll & incoming payments, so when people paid, they’d know what the $$ was for.)
Overall, my first 2 years there were okay. Nothing horrible, really, it was fine.
But then, the second time I worked there (approx. 3 years between leaving & coming back), in billing:
I was the billing assistant. K was still Head Billing. I adored her, we were friends despite the 30+ year age gap. 
The Billing Office was shared: me & K, and T had been transferred in there but she still did Payroll & Incoming. 
We were still at 4 attorneys, but 2 of the ones I used to work with were gone & 2 others were in place; and we fluctuated with other people in the building - 6 to 7 to 6 to 7. 
The secretary was the same as before, but she left about a month after I came back (she retired). They hired another woman, J. She was very experienced, very helpful, very firm, I really liked her. 
At first.
Her mom passed away (and I felt so bad, bc she hated her mom’s bf & there were a lot of issues and things), and afterwards, she wasn’t my friend anymore, she just seemed to be looking for a reason to leave. 
T was terrible with math (which is AWFUL for someone doing, you know, PAYROLL and INCOMING PAYMENTS). I mean terrible. We added up our own timecards, and I was shitty at keeping the math right, so I found a website to help (which I then shared with the paralegals who fucking loved it). But a couple times, T messed up hours for one of the paralegals, and the girl mentioned it to me bc I collected the cards (T had leg problems, so she limited herself to coming up & down the steps as much as she could - I did running for her). 
One time, when payroll got printed, and T was working from home, I checked her math, just because she wasn’t there, & I knew the boss would be leaving and if the paralegal didn’t catch it quickly, she would have to wait another day for the correct check (guys, you know how big of a pain that can be especially if you need that money). In the process, I pulled out J’s, trying to sort through them. I never just look at someone’s check stub, never ever, it is none of my business, and the only reason I was looking in the first place was hours, not pay. But J got a raise. No one in that building ever got a raise. Never. I’d worked there (at this point), a grand total of 3 years, and the only “raises” I got was a) bc they rehired me, and b) they wanted to make me a paralegal (which I didn’t want, but they let me keep the pay difference). 
The OM called me into her office a few hours later, and just ripped into me for going through payroll & telling everyone about J’s raise which is NO ONE else’s business, and I was so flustered bc I didn’t know what she was talking about. Turns out, J told the OM that I was telling everyone she got a raise, so instead of calmly asking me, she asked if I looked at payroll, and I was honest, and she just lectured me like a stern, mad, disappointed parent (you know...the tone of voice & the facial expressions that can send you into an anxiety attack). The young attorney was my friend, he actually came to my defense when he found out what happened, told the OM that I didn’t tell anyone anything, that J was bragging about her pay raise to the paralegals (and since he spent time down there working, he heard her). (I never did get an apology from J for lying about me, or from the OM for yelling at me like I was a disgrace.)
It was one of my responsibilities to go to Staples & pick up supplies with a business check. (That’s right. We didn’t order anything in, I physically drove up, shopped, paid, and hauled it back myself. In 2.5 years, I was only offered help twice. The young attorney had a perfect view of my car from his office, never came out unless I went in and asked (and I only ever asked him to carry the GIANT BOXES OF PAPER). We had a list down front of everything we needed - printer ink, paper, pens, staples, tape, etc etc etc. Sporadically, my boss would ask me to bring her the list, I’d triple check it so nothing got missed, and bring it to her, then she’d nod nod nod, hand me a signed check, and let me get it. 
One time, she told me to get everything we needed. No biggie, typically. But this rang out over $300, minimum (I’m almost blanking). I am telling you, she nearly had steam shooting out of her ears, and refused to let me go (like I’d messed up somehow) for well over a month. 
The bosses & at least one of their daughters (they had 4 kids) were Pro-Trump. (This is...this is all I need to say about this.)
J wound up showing up 2 hours late for work, going up to the boss, telling her she quits, and then leaving. (They tried to get her to stay with, you guessed it, another raise and a duty change. She still left.) We hired B, a lovely timid women. She was very, very nice, and as far as I know she’s still there. 
The two paralegals left and were replaced - one left, the 2nd trained the 1sts replacement, and then the replacement trained the 2nds replacement. (It was hilarious when the OM introduced us to the first replacement bc I knew her. I worked with her at the other law firm. We laughed, waved, smiled, good times.)
For a while, I had to sit in on meetings my boss had with clients (I had to take notes). This became rare for me, because once they had the 2 paralegals, they took turns, with B. We never really conversed with the clients beyond hi, but once I managed to have a nice conversation with a couple who had a place in Florida, and we talked bc it was at a place I had been to earlier the year before for my sister’s wedding, and we were having a nice conversation. Which, as you guessed, was interrupted by my boss who looked flummoxed that I, a low billing clerk, would have anything in common with his clients that he didn’t have in common with them. (He never said that, but you could see it well enough on his face.)
They had a quirk. They kept everything. Every bill that had been printed, it was printed, then copied - clients got the original, we kept two copies, one for when they paid (we would staple either a copy of the check or the check stub to the bill, so we knew what checks paid what bills), and then a copy for Billing, with any notes, adjustments, etc etc. (I’m talking bills back at least a decade, just thrown into the back apartment.)
I should mention here? The Office Building was an old apartment building. The entire downstairs and most of the upstairs had been converted into offices, but there was 1 last apartment in the very back that had a couple broken window panes, dust, bugs, etc etc. It’s where they stored old Bills & Paid Bills (anything older than 1 year). 
We’re pretty sure it’s haunted (I say this, bc I did record the sound of a giggling little girl in that back apartment, which is upstairs, not connected to any other buildings, and there were no little girls in there at the time.)
I worked there 2013 to 2017, this time around. Around 2014, I talked to K, and the OM, and made the suggestion to get rid of those bills. But not just toss them, no. Let’s SCAN THEM IN! I was excited when they loved the idea. (My poor, poor stupid self.) I had to scan in every bill (we’re talking thousands and thousands) of bills, I scanned in every single bill that we sent out between, like...2006 and 2015, by the time I left (I left Jan of 2017, and idk if I finished scanning in 2016 before I did). 
This meant: unstapling at least a dozen pages per bill, scanning in every page of the bill, plus every page fo the last draft bill (bc of course there are multiple drafts), logging every single bill into a Spreadsheet so we knew what we had, for whom, and where. I had to set up a bunch of fucking folders - one for every year, broken down into month, broken down to Schools or Miscellaneous (Everything else), broken down to Bills and Drafts, so we didn’t mix things up. This was fine if the bill was between 1 and 10 pages, but after 2009, we had bills that were twenty, thirty, forty pages long, I am not joking, and if one page messed up, I had to scan them all in AGAIN bc I was using the free Adobe.
It was tiring, so I printed out pricing, asked the OM if we could get the monthly subscription.(This was maybe mid 2014, I think). (And then promptly watched her hum, and put it somewhere never to be seen again.) K, her gracious soul, prompted the boss a couple times, but it was brushed off every time. 
I finally paid it myself, fuck it, I’m not rescanning 80 pages bc 1 page got stuck in the scanner. 
One months before I left, the paralegals asked me about it, bc they had me fix stuff, scan stuff, bc i Had the better program, so I told them were to look. They asked the OM, who then asked me why I was paying for it myself. (I could have screamed.)
My bosses were the kind of people who went to church, and thought that made them good people. The Big Man had a library of religious DVDs, books, CDs that he loaned out to people. Asked me to, yup, make and keep the Spreadsheet of everything - one for CDs/DVDs, one for Books - and then keep the log/keep track of who borrowed what, & when it was returned. (This included tagging each item with a number. Had 6 of the same thing? Then 6 of them were given the same number). I stopped keeping such good track when he started accepting returns & not telling me who brought them back, or started loaning them without telling me what and to whom, & started adding things in without telling me so I could label them (and then loaning them out without me having numbered/logged them). 
My boss wanted me to work on the Website and their FB page. Thought we could send out an email to everyone (when I say everyone, I don’t just mean clients, I mean every person he could get an email for in the county), and when the IT guy said no, bc a mass email that size would most likely go to Spam, he said “Isn’t there a way to make sure it goes in their inbox?” and we all looked at each other as he said, “No, not unless we hack everyone’s emails, and that is very much against the law.”
I got paid mileage, because I often went to Staples, the bank, the boss’ house, two of the employees’ houses, two of the schools (who needed their bills NOW, not whenever the mail was sent out) and the Post office. One time I wrote the wrong mileage - I added going to the employees’ house, bc I did, but I did it on my way to/from lunch, so it didn’t count, but I was in a rush to write it, and I forgot until she was asking me why it was broken up. When I told her, she gave me the look, like I was trying to steal from her, and lectured me about it. (It was an accident, okay?)
T had diabetes, and after a lot of other medical issues and family issues, she had even more and they had to take her leg below the knee, and because the office wasn’t Handicapped accessible (there was some legal loophole that kept them from having to update the building), she got to work from home. The OM honest-to-god, when we were talking about how awful it was that they had to take the leg, said (summarizing) no one else has problems in comparison. ....I had to stare to try and figure out if she was serious (she was), because, yeah, it’s awful, but her problems did not negate anyone else’s, and man I feel sorry if that’s how you feel. 
The program we used for billing went down one day. We called called texted called our IT guy, but he didn’t answer, didn’t answer, didn’t answer, and then finally said he’d be there at some point but he didn’t know when (he worked 3 other jobs, and was our IT guy, it was not a good setup, I’m sorry). My entire job revolved around this program, so I couldn’t do anything, so after waiting all morning, I emailed the OM before I went to lunch that I could just take the afternoon off (I figured it was better they not pay me at all, instead of paying me to twiddle my thumbs; K agreed (and she’d been there since they pretty much opened the doors at least 20 years before)), and then clocked out and went to lunch. when I dropped my mom off after, the OM called me, screaming at me because how dare I just leave, I needed to be in that office, just made me feel about an inch tall because I did that (and reminded me I had things I could do for the website, which I swear I had forgotten about bc I was so distracted by the damn program). I had to crawl back to work for the afternoon, and listen to another lecture, basically belittling me for the choice I made, that I don’t get to make that choice (I was seriously the only person who doesn’t get to make that choice, pretty much everyone else in that office was able to work from home, leave if something at the office wasn’t working, etc). (I still hear her in my head some days, if that tells you how bad that day fucked me up.)
We had bowed windows in Billing. We also had our own furnace/ac system. The insulation was long gone, so in the summer, if the AC was on (and down to about 60/65) it was fine, but the second it kicked off, you burned up. In the winter, if the heat was on (we had it cranked to 80), it was fine, but when it kicked off, it FROZE, i had to wear sweaters and gloves while I worked. K did, too. The first time I was there, they had space heaters up there. But the bosses hired the worst construction crew ever (hired them bc they were clients, btw), who had to rewire something else, which rigged Billing so that if we tried to use a space heater, it would blow the entire breaker on our side of the building.
Despite everything K or I said, about the fact that it leaked into billing when it rained, we were ignored. Until the day it poured in on me, and two ceiling tiles fell (lucky for them, I was already leaping out of my seat from the cold water, or I’d have had a field day). The guys fixed the side of the building, but never replaced the tiles (which we knew was because, if they replaced the two that had fallen, they’d have to replace all of them, which meant they’d have to admit to knowing about the mold in the ceiling). 
I’m adding these as an after-bullet-point, because I did these both times I worked there.
This firm handled business, school, estate plans, and real estate law. This meant they wanted brochures, but not just A Brochure, with highlights for the company, no. Brochures for the general work we did, our school work, our business work, our estate plans, & our real estate work, each one with each (relevant) attorney on it (as attorneys left, they had to be removed, & as they joined, they were added - including their photograph, which they didn’t always provide and I had to dig for). Brochures were tri-fold, but at one point, we had 5 attorneys, and with the other (honest to god) bull drivel that was on these brochures, 5 did not fit in a tri-fold, meaning I had to figure out how to fit a 5th without it looking ridiculous. (And my boss was kind of...irritating, in the fact that I should show him how it would look A DOZEN TIMES, in a DOZEN WAYS, get his sign off, print 20 copies - as he told me to do - only for him to “suddenly” change his mind, meaning I wasted paper (at minimum $25 a box, and ink at minimum $25 a cartridge/$49 for black & color).
Sometimes (two to three times a year, I think) they did seminars, where they would compile a binder related to the Specific Thing (estate planning, real estate, school staff training, etc), because they were going to basically hold a class, pass these binders out, teach the attendees things. It was always my responsibility to assemble these binders (which typically wound up being 1 for the file, 1 for the OM, 1 for boss, 1 for whatever attorney was presenting, and approx. 5 to 25, depending on how many people were attending). Low end, we’re talking 9, high end, 29. Before I could even begin to assemble, the boss/OM/attorney had to get the stuff together for the binder - the forms, the spreadsheets, the index, literally think of a Handbook, and that’s what we were putting together. The boss had final say on everything. This is a man who has no concept of a timeline. So the day before the presentation, he was finishing the edits. OM would give me a check (she didn’t bat an eye for this shit, ever), send me to Staples to pick up all the supplies: binders, cover stock (bc yes, I also had to print covers, and use a blank piece of matching cover stock as a “back cover”), ink, regular paper, divider pages (meaning: colored construction paper), pens & notepads (bc ofc those were included, in case they had to take notes), and brochure paper (bc those were included, too). In less than 8 hours, I had to: use my computer to print anything in color or anything on the non-regular-paper (the copy machine was only normal paper, b&w); copy everything 9-29 times in the copy machine; hole punch everything (with a hole punch that would do max 10 pages at a time, and honey, they were rarely only 10 pages); assemble in order the binders; trim the card stock covers (bc somehow, they never fucking fit otherwise); and then try to stack 9-29 uneven binders on the 2nd floor conference room table. (And sometimes? Yes. Sometimes, the boss would take one when I was half-way through (without me knowing sometimes btw), and make some changes, meaning I’d have to take them apart and redo those pages, which meant going back to the computer, editing the original document, reprinting & copying, repunching, and reindexing). Please note: yes, I said in less than 8 hours, but that is being generous, bc do you think this man was ready for me to start when I walked in? No. He’d call the office around 11 or 12 to have me start (he often “started his day” from home, a mile away), so I’d go pick up the information, get it done, and get started bc I had to get a check, shop for supplies, print, copy, punch, arrange, index 9 to 29 binders with min 10 pages in each, plus covers, plus divider pages as necessary, between 12pm and 5pm. I’m exhausted just thinking about it.
(I know this is long, I’m sorry, last spot.)
My other job.
Law Firm #2
Owned by one man who was like 400 years old and half dust. (He was a piece of work. His son was also a lawyer, but he & his new wife hated his son, and he constantly tried to sue his son to keep him from using his name in his business. They...they had the same last name.)
His wife owned a dress shop that was PRICED HIGH but was not very good quality (and actually had a second shop in the City). 
They lived in a mansion. With maids. And the wife thought it appropriate to call in before we got in for the day, leave a list of things needed from the store, so one of the employees at the office (she used a couple of us as her own servants) could go to the store, get it, and bring it to the house.
I was hired as a Work Comp Clerk. Meaning I send out the subpoenas to health care facilities/doctors/etc to get bills and records for court. But the second they saw I’d been a secretary (at Firm #1) before, they took that chance. Made me secretary first thing in the morning (before the actual lady showed up), and for an hour after lunch (while the actual lady was at lunch). This was the busiest hour of the day. It was an 11 line phone, and no one else was allowed to answer it. (Firm #1? 4 lines and a fax, with 3 people as backup.) 
I did fine at first. Made friends with the girls I worked with, and the other attorneys.
The owner, and the office manager? Nope. They hated me. I hated them. They looked for anything to get mad at me for. 
I do not speak Spanish. 2 people in the office do (the secretary, and the woman who was made to do running for the wife). There was one time neither of them were in after lunch (usually 1 of them was there), while I was working the front desk, so of course someone called in that spoke Spanish. I told them, uno momento, por favor, bc I do know that much at least, put them on hold, called the OM. She raced up, started rifling the desk to tell me there was a sticky that said how to say one minute please, and I said “I know how to say that, and I did, that’s why they’re on hold. What do I do now?” And she looked at me like I’d grown a second head, before huffing and telling me to call our maintenance man (who spoke Spanish), so he could translate for me. (I think the secretary came in before I could, so she did the call for me. 
I started having trouble doing my job. I’d never get records or bills, I’d spend half the day on the phone going round & round trying to figure out what the problem was, I’d keep sending reminder requests, but some of them I just could not get. One of the attorneys I explained this too, and he took a second to realize what I meant, before saying it was fine, just try, and if I can’t, I can’t. 
Two of the attys left, and were replaced with 1 attorney who had just gotten his license, and one who had not yet taken the bar (so she legally wasn’t an attorney). They were nice, the attorneys there were (mostly) nice. 
About halfway through the time I worked there (8 months. I was there 8 months), someone started calling, leaving threatening messages at night on the voicemail. It got to the point that one night, the secretary asked me to cover the front desk a little bit before I went home bc she had to go in with the boss and the OM, and a cop, so they could play the messages and figure out what to do. She didn’t mention there was a cop coming, no one did, so when he showed up, I did what I’m trained to do (write down his name, what he wants, etc) and went back to the boss’ office to ask him. “Well who is it?” “Officer XX.” “...is his first name Officer?!” “...well, no.” “Go find out what his name is!” He actually even called me an idiot, in the loudest possible voice, and kicked me out of his office. I was shaking, I was so angry, and I went up front, and whipped the notepad to the desk (it’s funny now bc the young atty was coming out of his office, saw me throw the notepad, and turned back and went into his office lol). The cop asked me if he could go in and I said no, he wasn’t ready yet, and the cop sighed, said he had a job to do, and they called him, and I got short with him and basically told him they’d call up when they were ready, so SIT DOWN. (Thankfully, they called up for him, so I walked him back and then just sat at the front desk, seething.)
Honestly, that was the downfall. That was when I started looking for a job, but considering I’ve got anxiety and a fear of public speaking and all that non-fun stuff, it isn’t easy (and I never know how to answer interview questions, which genuinely makes them think I’m stupid, I’ve seen their faces). 
Just over a month before my birthday, I walked into work (on Monday), and went to put my bag at my desk. I got confused, seeing someone in my chair, but I just figured it was so she could train with the lady in the next desk, and I didn’t care bc I was working the front desk for that first hour. But just before the hour was up, the OM came up to me, asked me to come see her when I was done up there. Okay. Told me to bring my purse. ...o...okay. Finished the hour, grabbed my purse, went back. SURPRISE. That new girl was my replacement, and I was being demoted, which came with a pay decrease, as well as an hour decrease (although I was still expected to have lunch at the same time, and cover the front for the same time frames, even though they were taking 2 hours off my schedule every single day and over a dollar off my pay), and I was the runner. Because I wasn’t doing my job to their standards (they never told me that, they never gave me a warning, they never gave me a head’s up. Just BAM you’re fucked). I worked until 3 (per my new schedule), walked into her office, said “I’m not coming back, I can’t do this job anymore.” She shrugged, and turned away from me. I quit. (I had called my mom around lunch and her first words were “Fuck them, you quit & come home right now.” I just told her I needed to finish the day.)
I filed unemployment.
We did the hearing: one of the attorneys I liked was representing them, with the OM as one witness, and my closest coworker as the other. I felt awful and betrayed because we’d kept in touch (this was a month after I left, ish), but here she was telling them all my negative traits - including that I would stare out the window for periods of time. I explained to them (as I did while I worked there) that it helped my eyes, and helped me think, when I couldn’t remember my Next Step. After a little while of them talking shit about me, talking about how terrible I was, and all that stuff to make them file against me so I don’t get anything. And after hearing me say I had no warning, the hearing officer interrupted me and said “So...OM, you never gave her warning.” “Nope.” “You didn’t give her a head’s up, didn’t give her a chance to correct her problems, just expected her to keep working for you after cutting her hours, and her pay, and changing her responsibilities. With no warning.” “Right.” “Are you crazy?” I won. I laughed maniacally. 
When the following year’s W-2′s came out (i worked for them a few months the year they were for, so I needed theirs), mine didn’t show when it was supposed to, so I called. New girl, said she got hers, put me on hold, “called the OM”, who told her to tell me that yes, they were sent. I got it 3 days later (postmarked the day I called. Mailed mine out my fucking ass). 
added: Oh yeah. Someone had called at one point, & there was A Thing I was supposed to do, but no one had ever told me about it, never mentioned it, etc etc, so I didn’t know it existed, meaning I didn’t know there was something I didn’t know (following me?). I asked the OM. She said “well, if you didn’t know, you should have asked.” “...I...didn’t know. Like, in any capacity. How do I ask about something I don’t know exists? It’s not that I didn’t know how to do it, I didn’t know it was a thing.” “You should have asked.” 
I think that’s it. 
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robertbryantblog · 5 years
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qindaskurdi · 5 years
What Will Edible Lily Be Like In The Next 5 Years? | Edible Lily
What Will Edible Lily Be Like In The Next 5 Years? | Edible Lily – Lilies are extremely elegant blossoms that have clearly been appreciated and loved for a very long time period. These are just a number of of the reasons the reason why a lilies bouquet is a great addition to any kind of household.
Lilies bloom throughout summer, and have a fantastic scent, which is used to attract bees, the butterflies and other pollinators. They are very popular the globe over, have been voiced of in literature plus painted by famous painters. Even today, a lilies bouquet is very nicely received due to the flowers’ elegance.
Lilies were first mentioned on a tablet coming from Sumeria about 5000 many years ago, where they have been described to surround a city. Nevertheless , the Pop-queen lily, as an example, was handled with much respect by simply the Minoans, who connected it with the empress Britomartis. Of much higher importance it was to typically the Greeks, because they associated it with Hera, the queen of gods. Furthermore, their mythology tells that this lily first appeared about Earth after Hera’s breasts milk stained the skies, creating the Milky Way, and a few falls than it fell down to be able to the ground. Those drops, the legend goes, started to be the first lilies.
Actually, the very word “lily” comes “lilium”, its brand in Latin, which originated from “leirion”, thier name within Greek. Later on, the Romans also started to share the Greeks’ respect for that flower, and tied it in with their own own queen of gods. Even one of their particular poets, Virgil, who resided between 70 to nineteen BC spoke of the flowers in some regarding his poems.
A lilies bouquet is yet a very strong messenger, because of the particular things lilies symbolize. To the Greeks, they meant birth and renewal, mainly because they associated this with the legend of Hera. On the additional hand, they represented chastity and innocence for the Christians, who associated the flowers with virgin Mary. Furthermore, the three petals from the lily flower is frequently thought to represent the trinity. Whichever meaning speaks to you, there’s no denying that they are a very positive symbol.
When preparing a lilies bouquet, consider away leaves on the stems, as having them marine will only end upward making the water devious and the whole agreement will become unappealing. Then, cut off about 2 cm through the stems, and perform so inside a diagonal range to increase the intake area. If possible, support the stems underwater while performing the cut to avoid formation of air pockets within them. As the particular stamens in the flowers create, make sure to cut them because when falling, they will end upwards staining everything they touch. Finally, change the water each few days through adding floral food, in order in order to make sure that the lilies bouquet are always well fed.
Along with this kind of history behind them and such beautiful meanings carried in their strong petals, it is simply no surprise that lilies usually are loved so much. Many may tell you that they will like the flowers’ shape, or perhaps their amazing scent that can easily fill an entire room, but there is so much more to be able to them compared to way these people appear. A gift – for someone, or for yourself- of a lilies bouquet is an excellent reminder of love and proof of attention that will certainly provide a smile even upon the saddest face.
What Will Edible Lily Be Like In The Next 5 Years? | Edible Lily – edible lily | Pleasant for you to our blog, in this particular occasion I am going to explain to you regarding keyword. And from now on, this can be a first picture:
LILY BULB – Starchy edible bulb of lily plant and is widely … – edible lily | edible lily
Why not consider picture earlier mentioned? is of which amazing???. if you think maybe and so, I’l t demonstrate a number of graphic once more underneath:
So, if you wish to acquire the wonderful shots about (What Will Edible Lily Be Like In The Next 5 Years? | Edible Lily), just click save button to store these shots to your pc. These are ready for transfer, if you love and wish to have it, just click save badge in the page, and it’ll be immediately down loaded in your laptop.} Lastly if you desire to grab unique and latest graphic related with (What Will Edible Lily Be Like In The Next 5 Years? | Edible Lily), please follow us on google plus or save this website, we attempt our best to present you daily up grade with all new and fresh photos. Hope you enjoy staying here. For many updates and recent news about (What Will Edible Lily Be Like In The Next 5 Years? | Edible Lily) pictures, please kindly follow us on twitter, path, Instagram and google plus, or you mark this page on bookmark section, We try to provide you with update regularly with fresh and new images, love your searching, and find the perfect for you.
Here you are at our site, contentabove (What Will Edible Lily Be Like In The Next 5 Years? | Edible Lily) published .  At this time we’re delighted to declare that we have found a veryinteresting nicheto be pointed out, that is (What Will Edible Lily Be Like In The Next 5 Years? | Edible Lily) Lots of people attempting to find info about(What Will Edible Lily Be Like In The Next 5 Years? | Edible Lily) and certainly one of them is you, is not it?
Eating Daylilies – Cooking Edible Day Lilies – edible lily | edible lily
Hemerocallis fulva – Wikipedia – edible lily | edible lily
Daylilies: Resilient, Ornamental, & Edible | WCAI – edible lily | edible lily
Day Lily: Edible, Medicinal, Cautions & Other Uses – edible lily | edible lily
from WordPress https://liaflower.com/what-will-edible-lily-be-like-in-the-next-5-years-edible-lily/
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liaflowerwall · 5 years
What Will Edible Lily Be Like In The Next 5 Years? | Edible Lily
What Will Edible Lily Be Like In The Next 5 Years? | Edible Lily – Lilies are extremely elegant blossoms that have clearly been appreciated and loved for a very long time period. These are just a number of of the reasons the reason why a lilies bouquet is a great addition to any kind of household.
Lilies bloom throughout summer, and have a fantastic scent, which is used to attract bees, the butterflies and other pollinators. They are very popular the globe over, have been voiced of in literature plus painted by famous painters. Even today, a lilies bouquet is very nicely received due to the flowers’ elegance.
Lilies were first mentioned on a tablet coming from Sumeria about 5000 many years ago, where they have been described to surround a city. Nevertheless , the Pop-queen lily, as an example, was handled with much respect by simply the Minoans, who connected it with the empress Britomartis. Of much higher importance it was to typically the Greeks, because they associated it with Hera, the queen of gods. Furthermore, their mythology tells that this lily first appeared about Earth after Hera’s breasts milk stained the skies, creating the Milky Way, and a few falls than it fell down to be able to the ground. Those drops, the legend goes, started to be the first lilies.
Actually, the very word “lily” comes “lilium”, its brand in Latin, which originated from “leirion”, thier name within Greek. Later on, the Romans also started to share the Greeks’ respect for that flower, and tied it in with their own own queen of gods. Even one of their particular poets, Virgil, who resided between 70 to nineteen BC spoke of the flowers in some regarding his poems.
A lilies bouquet is yet a very strong messenger, because of the particular things lilies symbolize. To the Greeks, they meant birth and renewal, mainly because they associated this with the legend of Hera. On the additional hand, they represented chastity and innocence for the Christians, who associated the flowers with virgin Mary. Furthermore, the three petals from the lily flower is frequently thought to represent the trinity. Whichever meaning speaks to you, there’s no denying that they are a very positive symbol.
When preparing a lilies bouquet, consider away leaves on the stems, as having them marine will only end upward making the water devious and the whole agreement will become unappealing. Then, cut off about 2 cm through the stems, and perform so inside a diagonal range to increase the intake area. If possible, support the stems underwater while performing the cut to avoid formation of air pockets within them. As the particular stamens in the flowers create, make sure to cut them because when falling, they will end upwards staining everything they touch. Finally, change the water each few days through adding floral food, in order in order to make sure that the lilies bouquet are always well fed.
Along with this kind of history behind them and such beautiful meanings carried in their strong petals, it is simply no surprise that lilies usually are loved so much. Many may tell you that they will like the flowers’ shape, or perhaps their amazing scent that can easily fill an entire room, but there is so much more to be able to them compared to way these people appear. A gift – for someone, or for yourself- of a lilies bouquet is an excellent reminder of love and proof of attention that will certainly provide a smile even upon the saddest face.
What Will Edible Lily Be Like In The Next 5 Years? | Edible Lily – edible lily | Pleasant for you to our blog, in this particular occasion I am going to explain to you regarding keyword. And from now on, this can be a first picture:
LILY BULB – Starchy edible bulb of lily plant and is widely … – edible lily | edible lily
Why not consider picture earlier mentioned? is of which amazing???. if you think maybe and so, I’l t demonstrate a number of graphic once more underneath:
So, if you wish to acquire the wonderful shots about (What Will Edible Lily Be Like In The Next 5 Years? | Edible Lily), just click save button to store these shots to your pc. These are ready for transfer, if you love and wish to have it, just click save badge in the page, and it’ll be immediately down loaded in your laptop.} Lastly if you desire to grab unique and latest graphic related with (What Will Edible Lily Be Like In The Next 5 Years? | Edible Lily), please follow us on google plus or save this website, we attempt our best to present you daily up grade with all new and fresh photos. Hope you enjoy staying here. For many updates and recent news about (What Will Edible Lily Be Like In The Next 5 Years? | Edible Lily) pictures, please kindly follow us on twitter, path, Instagram and google plus, or you mark this page on bookmark section, We try to provide you with update regularly with fresh and new images, love your searching, and find the perfect for you.
Here you are at our site, contentabove (What Will Edible Lily Be Like In The Next 5 Years? | Edible Lily) published .  At this time we’re delighted to declare that we have found a veryinteresting nicheto be pointed out, that is (What Will Edible Lily Be Like In The Next 5 Years? | Edible Lily) Lots of people attempting to find info about(What Will Edible Lily Be Like In The Next 5 Years? | Edible Lily) and certainly one of them is you, is not it?
Eating Daylilies – Cooking Edible Day Lilies – edible lily | edible lily
Hemerocallis fulva – Wikipedia – edible lily | edible lily
Daylilies: Resilient, Ornamental, & Edible | WCAI – edible lily | edible lily
Day Lily: Edible, Medicinal, Cautions & Other Uses – edible lily | edible lily
from WordPress https://liaflower.com/what-will-edible-lily-be-like-in-the-next-5-years-edible-lily/
0 notes
jelantiahilma · 5 years
What Will Edible Lily Be Like In The Next 5 Years? | Edible Lily
What Will Edible Lily Be Like In The Next 5 Years? | Edible Lily – Lilies are extremely elegant blossoms that have clearly been appreciated and loved for a very long time period. These are just a number of of the reasons the reason why a lilies bouquet is a great addition to any kind of household.
Lilies bloom throughout summer, and have a fantastic scent, which is used to attract bees, the butterflies and other pollinators. They are very popular the globe over, have been voiced of in literature plus painted by famous painters. Even today, a lilies bouquet is very nicely received due to the flowers’ elegance.
Lilies were first mentioned on a tablet coming from Sumeria about 5000 many years ago, where they have been described to surround a city. Nevertheless , the Pop-queen lily, as an example, was handled with much respect by simply the Minoans, who connected it with the empress Britomartis. Of much higher importance it was to typically the Greeks, because they associated it with Hera, the queen of gods. Furthermore, their mythology tells that this lily first appeared about Earth after Hera’s breasts milk stained the skies, creating the Milky Way, and a few falls than it fell down to be able to the ground. Those drops, the legend goes, started to be the first lilies.
Actually, the very word “lily” comes “lilium”, its brand in Latin, which originated from “leirion”, thier name within Greek. Later on, the Romans also started to share the Greeks’ respect for that flower, and tied it in with their own own queen of gods. Even one of their particular poets, Virgil, who resided between 70 to nineteen BC spoke of the flowers in some regarding his poems.
A lilies bouquet is yet a very strong messenger, because of the particular things lilies symbolize. To the Greeks, they meant birth and renewal, mainly because they associated this with the legend of Hera. On the additional hand, they represented chastity and innocence for the Christians, who associated the flowers with virgin Mary. Furthermore, the three petals from the lily flower is frequently thought to represent the trinity. Whichever meaning speaks to you, there’s no denying that they are a very positive symbol.
When preparing a lilies bouquet, consider away leaves on the stems, as having them marine will only end upward making the water devious and the whole agreement will become unappealing. Then, cut off about 2 cm through the stems, and perform so inside a diagonal range to increase the intake area. If possible, support the stems underwater while performing the cut to avoid formation of air pockets within them. As the particular stamens in the flowers create, make sure to cut them because when falling, they will end upwards staining everything they touch. Finally, change the water each few days through adding floral food, in order in order to make sure that the lilies bouquet are always well fed.
Along with this kind of history behind them and such beautiful meanings carried in their strong petals, it is simply no surprise that lilies usually are loved so much. Many may tell you that they will like the flowers’ shape, or perhaps their amazing scent that can easily fill an entire room, but there is so much more to be able to them compared to way these people appear. A gift – for someone, or for yourself- of a lilies bouquet is an excellent reminder of love and proof of attention that will certainly provide a smile even upon the saddest face.
What Will Edible Lily Be Like In The Next 5 Years? | Edible Lily – edible lily | Pleasant for you to our blog, in this particular occasion I am going to explain to you regarding keyword. And from now on, this can be a first picture:
LILY BULB – Starchy edible bulb of lily plant and is widely … – edible lily | edible lily
Why not consider picture earlier mentioned? is of which amazing???. if you think maybe and so, I’l t demonstrate a number of graphic once more underneath:
So, if you wish to acquire the wonderful shots about (What Will Edible Lily Be Like In The Next 5 Years? | Edible Lily), just click save button to store these shots to your pc. These are ready for transfer, if you love and wish to have it, just click save badge in the page, and it’ll be immediately down loaded in your laptop.} Lastly if you desire to grab unique and latest graphic related with (What Will Edible Lily Be Like In The Next 5 Years? | Edible Lily), please follow us on google plus or save this website, we attempt our best to present you daily up grade with all new and fresh photos. Hope you enjoy staying here. For many updates and recent news about (What Will Edible Lily Be Like In The Next 5 Years? | Edible Lily) pictures, please kindly follow us on twitter, path, Instagram and google plus, or you mark this page on bookmark section, We try to provide you with update regularly with fresh and new images, love your searching, and find the perfect for you.
Here you are at our site, contentabove (What Will Edible Lily Be Like In The Next 5 Years? | Edible Lily) published .  At this time we’re delighted to declare that we have found a veryinteresting nicheto be pointed out, that is (What Will Edible Lily Be Like In The Next 5 Years? | Edible Lily) Lots of people attempting to find info about(What Will Edible Lily Be Like In The Next 5 Years? | Edible Lily) and certainly one of them is you, is not it?
Eating Daylilies – Cooking Edible Day Lilies – edible lily | edible lily
Hemerocallis fulva – Wikipedia – edible lily | edible lily
Daylilies: Resilient, Ornamental, & Edible | WCAI – edible lily | edible lily
Day Lily: Edible, Medicinal, Cautions & Other Uses – edible lily | edible lily
from WordPress https://liaflower.com/what-will-edible-lily-be-like-in-the-next-5-years-edible-lily/
0 notes