#makeup artist business plan
jovialarbiterperson · 2 years
There are many beauty services such as beauty salons, hair salons, nail salons, SPA or even opening Lash & Brow shop.
A skilled make-up artist is someone who has an understanding of the basic principles of human anatomy, an artistic flair, and a sense of style and trends. If you want to start a makeup artist business, you need to acquire proper skills too.
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partynuptual · 8 months
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to elevate your career as a makeup artist in Brooklyn, NY. Join Party Nuptual, our Makeup Artists Directory
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satorusugurugurl · 1 month
Toji as a bodyguard
Til’ the Day that I Die
Summary: You’re a popstar in need of a bodyguard when you find yourself with a stalker. That’s how you meet Fushiguro Toji, you’re insanely hot bodyguard. Who knows how to push your buttons, and get you feeling flustered. Just how far is he willing to go to protect you? And how far would you go to protect him?
Pairing: Bodyguard!Fushiguro Toji x AFAB!Reader
Warnings: mentions of stage right, performance, anxiety, stalking, panic attacks, language mentions of gun, (eventual smut)
Word Count: 4.5K
A/N: this request is amazing!! It got my brain worms going! Once again, this will be a multi part series, I’m looking at a total of four parts as I have already planned down the whole story. I’m sorry for the lack of content, it’s been a rough few days and I just decided to take some time for myself! But I do have about four stories almost done so you can expect updates for the rest of the week! Love you all!! (Readers' stage persona is highly inspired by several artists! 😊)
Part Two Part Three Part Four
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Performance anxiety is defined as an excessive feeling of fear related to being able to perform well. Symptoms of performance anxiety include pulse racing, rapid breathing, dry mouth, and throat tightness. Dealing with performance anxiety when you're a rising star is brutal, and you begin to regret all your life choices. You aren't sure if you want this to be your life. You were attending nursing school, but your sister posted a video of you singing online. Reading all the sweet comments was fun initially, but it's funny how fast things change.
One second, you were posting a few videos of you singing, and the next thing you knew, you had a record deal, your songs were on the radio, and you were performing at concerts. All in the span of six months. The attention was overwhelming, and, at times, your anxiety even worse. But the more you performed, the more you were able to bury the stage fright down, masking the fear with a persona you made until you were home in your apartment. In the confines of your home, you could cry and tremble; dealing with those attacks was something you’d gotten used to.
But your stalker was a whole new fucked up mess you never dreamed about dealing with.
It had started as nothing more than a couple of love letters that turned into more descriptive letters detailing information about your personal life you had never told anyone. Anytime you saw a letter come in with ‘M’ written on the front and dark gray ink, your stomach twisted. You at first thought you would be okay. You could handle something like this. This was the kind of thing that came along with the territory of being famous.
That was until a bouquet of roses was dropped off at your door in your guarded apartment building. That whole situation sent you into a full-blown panic attack. You left your apartment and went to stay with your friends. That incident caused your manager to contact Kong Security Services and hire you as a bodyguard. One, you were anxiously waiting to meet as you sat in your dressing room before your show.
“It’s going to be fine, I promise.” Nanako, your makeup artist, assured you as she fixed your blush. “Geto said this agency is the best in the business.”
You shot her a skeptical look while her twin sister fixed your hair. “Are you just saying that because your dad’s are my managers, and they told you to say that?” When both twins had ceased their movements in obvious shock at your to-the-point accusation.
“No, never!”
“Uh-huh—I don’t believe a word either of you are saying right now.”
Nanako steps back, looks you over, and bites her lip. “They really are the best, whether or not we get to go out for Boba after this. It’s not like sweet milk tea is on the line if we don’t ease your nerves.” Just as your sweet young makeup artist finishes, the door to your dressing, eyes darting towards the door as it swings further open. Suguru and his husband, Satoru, enter, displaying their matching black-and-white wedding rings. They were the best management company in the world, the power couple of Tokyo. Satoru, who was in charge of your social media accounts, types viciously on his phone while Suguru grins up at a man walking in with them.
If you could even call him a man.
A fucking mountain of muscle is a more appropriate way of describing him. He’s tall, has dark hair and navy blue eyes, and he’s fit. The mountain wore a tailored jacket and white button-down shirt with the first two buttons undone. His eyes leave Geto’s for a minute to watch you sinking further in your chair, his pink tongue running over the scar down the corner of the right side of his mouth.
“Hun, this is Fushiguro Toji,” Suguru announced before glancing at his phone. “He’s your bodyguard and will be with you everywhere you go.”
“Yes, to rehearsals, your shows, meet-and-greets, he’ll even escort you home.” Your eyes rammed back over to the mountain of a man standing off to the side. When you have time off, or he needs a day away, his work partner Tsukumo Yuki will take over for him.”
You swallowed hard, fingers twitching, a subtle action your new bodyguard noticed immediately as you dug your fingers into your skirt. It was part of Toji‘s job to see behaviors and be observant. He could tell you were on edge from how your fingers twitched to how your pulse raced in your neck. His handler, Shiu, had warned him that you were an anxious mess after finding out about your stalker. But this anxiety didn’t come from just having a stalker. This anxiety was deeply rooted in you. It was probably something you had suffered with for years.
Without being told, Toji stepped forward, kneeling before you, giving you a gentle smile like a father would give a frightened child. He had to put your nerves at ease to let you know you would be okay. “I know you’re scared, but I can assure you that I am very skilled. You won’t even notice I’m around.” You weren’t sure about that. How could you not notice the handsome man who would always be around you?
“Right, thank you.”
“You’re welcome--”
“Ugh! We gotta get going; they expect you on stage in five minutes.”
“I-I s-shou—” you stuttered as the performing anxiety began to root itself into your already anxious demeanor.
“Yep, let’s get going.” Toji stood motioning towards the door of the dressing room. “After you, Miss.”
Being a bodyguard and a security escort for so long had allowed Toji to pick up on specific cues from people, like how their eyes moved around the room or how their body language told him what they were feeling. The way your fingers were twitching, he knew you were nervous and scared, and he wasn’t sure if it was stage fright or something to do with your stalker.
Regardless of whether you wanted to go up there, it didn’t change the fact that thousands of people were already waiting for you to perform. As you both walked down the hall, Tojo noticed you took a deep breath and exhaled through your nose, and as you turned the corner, you put on a huge smile. The way you put in a mask so fast nearly sent Toji stumbling back. He was usually prepared for the unexpected, but seeing this scared, shaking woman shift into a bubbly pop star rocked him back.
Everyone you encountered smiled wide at your perky voice and demeanor. You truly lit up the whole room. “Alright, guys! Thank you for all your hard prep! Now, let’s have a great show tonight!” You were handed a jeweled microphone and placed on a platform to lift you to the main stage, but before you gripped the handles to steady yourself, Toji grabbed your hand. “Oh, Fushiguro?”
“I'll be on the side, watching you. If you need me or notice something's off, you should give me a sign.”
“A sign? Like a signal?”
“Yeah, something easy and inconspicuous.”
You thought for a second, that perky look still on your face, but Toji could see the anxiety behind your eyes. “Well, I wink a lot during my shows and throw a heart sign up.” Toji hummed, pursing his lips together.
“Well, if you don't want to alarm your fans, how about this.” he took your hand, putting your middle and ring finger down. Your thumb, pinky, and pointer finger were left extended.
“Oh, the sign for ‘I love you’!”
“Only use this if you need me on stage. Otherwise, do what you normally do, but know I’ll be right there if you need me.”
There was a flicker of fear in your eyes, which probably would go unnoticed by many different people, but it was one that he could see clearly as day. “Right, thank you, Fushiguro.” Your new bodyguard looked at you as he scoffed, shaking his head.
“Toji, just call me Toji. There is no need for formalities. Have a good show, Miss.”
“R-Right, thank you, Toji.”
Your new bodyguard watched as the platform began to lift, taking you up to the stage where fans were screaming your name. Taking a deep breath before smiling, your bodyguard watched you reach the top before the band blaring music as you began singing into your microphone. The beat of the music rang in his ears; Toji ran for the stairs that led him to the stage, where he could watch you from the side.
There, Toji found your managers standing on the sidelines, watching you. Upon looking at you, he met a woman who looked nothing like the girl he had just spoken to moments before. You danced, sang, smiled, and winked at the crowd. Multicolored lights flashed as fog from the fog machine flooded the stage, and the backup dancers moved in sync with each other. I think this is poor, who was shaking upon meeting him.
“Yeah, crazy to see her shift, isn’t it?” Geto asked before pulling his phone out and snapping a few photos of you as you sang. “She’s like a different person.”
“Like? I hate to be the one to break this to you, Geto, but that woman is a completely different person. Why the fuck is she masking?”
The white-haired man glared at Toji, his sunglasses sliding down the bridge of his nose. “She’s not masking; it's called a stage persona.” The annoyance was clear in the other man’s voice, a tone that crawled its way under his skin.
“Look, buddy, keep your terms to yourself. I don't care about the different terms. All I know is that woman—” he jabbed his thumb in your direction as you twirled around the stage. “is masking; that’s not who she is.”
“You don’t know a lot about the entertainment industry. This is something that a lot of celebrities do. It’s completely normal, and she knows that. That’s how she adapted so fast.”
Toji wasn’t sure if that was the case. He had seen you firsthand, shaking in your dressing room. To see you change drastically for the sake of a show? Toji could see why you would be nervous to go up on stage. There had to be a fear of your mask slipping, revealing your true persona to the world.
But Satoru was right; Toji’s job was to protect and ensure you were safe. It wasn’t his place to judge how you lived or worked your career. In the end, you were just like all the other popstar divas and clients he had had before. Rich people with too much money to throw around and fame led them to believe that they were in danger all the time, which is how he managed to keep a steady income for himself and his kids as long as they were rich snobs like you, Tojo was guaranteed to have a job.
Instead of continuing to argue with your overzealous manager, Toji crossed both arms over his chest and watched you closely. The sooner the show was over, the sooner he could get you back to your apartment, where he could call to check on Megumi. He just wanted to relax, and for all he knew, you and your managers were overreacting to this so-called stalker you had. If anything, this might’ve been some cruel prank; receiving a note to roses wasn’t that big of a deal, and this was way too easy for as much as he was getting paid, so he wasn’t going to bitch about it.
What he did want to bitch about was how fucking long your show went on for. Performed for about two hours straight, only taking breaks to change costumes throughout the performance. It was in those moments when you were changing that your mask slipped. He could see the exhaustion in your eyes and how you wanted to do nothing more than take a break. But as fast as that mask slipped, you had it back on instantly. When one costume was off, and the other slipped on, you were back on stage to sing the next song.
After about two hours and thirty minutes of this bullshit, you gave a final bow and blew kisses out at the crowd of strangers who were cheering your name. While the two hours he got to stand up to the side and watch you perform was easy, he only had to look for your signal if you needed help; getting you out of the arena safely was a whole different story. Everything moved so fast The second you stepped off that stage and towards your bodyguard.
After every show, the goal was the same: get changed as fast as possible, collect your stuff, which Nanako and Mimiko had already packed, and get in your limo before the crowd started heading towards your exit. Toji gently placed his hand on the small of your back, ushering you through the maze of halls that led you back to the dressing room, where, just like you knew, the girls had packed all your stuff.
“You got five minutes to change,” Suguru announced as Satoru snickered behind his husband. “Thanks to Satoru, you’re trending again for your newest song.”
Toji could see the minutey, perky personality shift into your more anxious state. You frowned, literally frowned, at the news. Most people would be jumping over the moon to hear it. Seeing such an ungrateful expression on your face had Toji resist the urge to roll his eyes into his skull.
Spoiled little brats, you rich folks were all the same.
“Did you make sure to tag the—“
“Are you insinuating that I don’t know who to tag or which hashtags to use? Babes, I've got you covered. When have I ever let you down?”
“Right, so let the best PR manager handle this.”
Toji sighed, glancing towards his watch. “Two minutes,” he announced to the room of people bouncing off the walls and collecting items to clean up the green room. How could your managers be talking about more brand deals at a time like this? Brand deals were bullshit, but knowing how popular you were with the teenagers and you probably had some make-up deal or some other shit that would make you all the richer, you had to make sure the right people were tagged so you continued to be sponsored. But there was a time and place for that, and now wasn't the right time!
“I know you're the best Satoru, but I still wanna make sure the word gets out there.” You stepped out of the bathroom, dressed in black leggings and a simple T-shirt. Completely different from the baby doll dresses you were wearing on stage. “It’s imperative—”
“I know. I’ve already posted it. Everyone’s been tagged accordingly, and the hashtags are in place. You’ll get lots of people to see this, trust me.”
You were slipping on your baseball cap and sunglasses when Toji’s large hand gently grabbed you by the shoulder. “We gotta get going,” you sighed before nodding, waving off your team, and falling Toji down the hall to where your car awaited you.
Thanks to your quick change, nobody was waiting for you outside, making your getaway from the arena smooth as butter. You just wished you felt as calm as your exit from the bustling stage had been. You were beginning to regret going back to your apartment. You hadn’t been back there since the roses were delivered to your door. Going back was going to be difficult, leaving your stomach swarming with anxiety. But at least you had a big mountain of a man to protect you if, god forbid, you needed help.
The entire ride back to your apartment complex was thankfully quiet. Toji sat on the other side of you, staring out the window, not making any conversation, which was a blessing. Not only was your throat sore from the amount of singing you had done, but the idea of sitting through a conversation run solely by small talk was almost as bad as your performance anxiety. Sitting in the back of the car, leaning your head against the window without worrying about smiling or acting perfect in front of strangers, was a breath of fresh air.
Being alone with your bodyguard made you feel like you could let your walls come down for the first time in a long time. It was a feeling you might as well get used to. He would be around most of the time, so instead of adorning the perfect, pretty mask you always wore, you could be the introverted true version of yourself. Knowing that you could relax, you shut your eyes, allowing yourself to doze off as the car smoothly headed down the freeway.
If only your dreams were smooth and calm like the car ride. Your dreams were filled with mysterious notes and roses you had once loved. They circled you, drowning you in paper and petals as a roaring crowd rang through your ears. You could fight against the tidal waves, but instead, you let them wash over you, allowing yourself to be crushed by the unbearable weight of being a star at times.
Nursing school wasn’t easy, but at least when you were in school, you didn’t have to worry about a mysterious bouquet showing up on your apartment doorstep or sneaking out to avoid getting seen and swarmed by your fans. Your biggest concern in school was getting good grades and doing everything possible to get your degree. The only things you had to worry about were study dates and pop quizzes, not ominous letters that made you fearful for your safety.
These nightmares were so vivid that you wished your family had heard you singing online. Was it too much to ask for a normal everyday life where you weren't constantly stressed?
You sighed, looking up at the lingering rays of light that slowly began to peek through. More envelopes and roses piled on the cocoon you were stuck in. Perhaps there was no going back. This might very well be the rest of your life. Just as you were shutting your eyes to the casket you were being buried in, a hand reached out from the top of the mountain of dread and anxiety you lived with, reaching for you.
You couldn’t make out who was reaching out to you, but you were sure they just wanted to help you. Without hesitation, you reached for that hand, brushing over their fingertips. Just when they clasped your hand to pull you out of the burial ground, you were jn. You gasped as someone shook you, waking you from the dream.
You sat up quickly, shaking as you met Tojo’s navy blue eyes. He was frowning, motioning towards the rolled-down window, and Ijichi, head of security for your building, leaned in, giving you a weak smile. With a quick rub to both your eyes, you placed your mask back on, going from the sleep-deprived woman you were transforming into the perky popstar everybody knew and loved.
“Ijichi! Hi!”
“Hi yourself, glad to have you back.”
Toji could see how your shoulders stiffened when you mentioned being back. “Oh, yep! It's good to be back.” Toji could see through your facade, while Ijichi was blind to it.
“I just wanted to let you know that we added more cameras to the building, and my security post will be far stricter with deliveries and anything else from this point on. We want you to feel safe here, and I’m sorry we failed to do that in the first place.”
“Oh no, it’s not your fault! Plus, I feel a lot better now that I have Fushiguro!” The man with glasses peered into the car, waving at your bodyguard whose face remained stoic, not returning the gesture. “Okay, uhm Ijichi, Toji; Toji Ijichi.”
No pleasantries were exchanged, not at all. The only thing Toji managed to do was give him a nod before focusing his attention back on the massive building and making a mental note to ask for access to the cameras. That way, he could keep an eye on you and ensure nobody was hanging around who wasn't supposed to be there. Those thoughts Toji was lost in made it a tranquil ride up the elevator to your apartment. He was leaving you feeling even more anxious. Usually, being around someone quiet never bothered you; you felt so relaxed around that person, but Toji’s cold demeanor and attitude toward your friend made you irritable.
“So, uhm, are you going to be that cold and standoffish every time you meet somebody I know?” You asked, finally allowing your heart mind to win over your mind.
His dark gaze had you swallowing the lump suddenly in your throat. “I wanted to ask if this is going to be normal, you being—.”
“Oh, I am so sorry little star; I wasn't aware I needed to wear a fake ass mask around people too.”
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me, and unfortunately, unlike you, I like wearing my face. I don’t have to be someone I’m not to get people to like me. Because quite frankly, I don’t give a damn if anybody likes me.”
“I don't eit—”
Toji scoffed, leaning against the elevator wall and shaking his head at your words. “Oh, please. You’re just like every other client I’ve had. All you care about is money, your appearance, and what sponsor deals you get.” His words made your blood begin to boil.
“You’ve barely known me for a couple of hours, and you think you know who I am?”
“Oooh yeah, you're some small-town girl that made it big. And instead of showing the world who you really are, you put on this fucking mask, one that hides the true you from the prying eyes of the world. You care only about ticket sales, making your fans happy, and sponsorships like the one you were talking about with your manager not even thirty minutes ago. So yeah, I’m sure I got a good idea of who you are. It’s my job to read people..”
This was the best security in the business; bodyguard your manager had set you up with? Ha! Yeah, right, this man was nothing more than a dickhead that had a lot of opinions that were far from true?!
You laughed, pushing yourself away from the wall to stand in front of the doors before him. “That's the great thing about wearing a mask around people I don’t fucking know. They get to see the real me, but I get to see people for who they truly are.” Toji opened his mouth to continue arguing with you, but only for you to quickly shut him down, holding a hand up before you. “You were right about a couple things; I do put on a mask, I love my fans, but I could give a damn about sponsorships.” Toji pushed himself off the wall, towering over you, gritting his teeth as he tried to control his evident anger.
“Oh, you suddenly don’t give a damn about sponsorships? I just heard you talking to your manager about one.”
“You don’t know anything about me! That whole conversation had nothing to do with this sponsorship!”
Tojo tilted his head back with a laugh. “Oh, right, of course. You don’t care about your amazing condo or all the money you’re making; you don’t care about those so-called nonexistent sponsorship deals.” The elevator rattled like the lid to the rage threatening to explode.
“Alright, yes, I do live in a nice apartment, one with security that sucks, but it’s still home. But for your information, I don’t do this for the money. You don’t know what I have planned on doing with my life, so I don’t want to hear you make assumptions about me! The conversation you so rudely eavesdropped on had nothing to do with a sponsorship deal but a massive donation I’m making to the local Children’s Hospital. The same hospital is well renowned for helping unfortunate children. So yeah, that whole conversation you listened to was me telling my manager to tag the hospital in my video because the hospital inspired the song! It was a public service announcement, a reminder to help those who can’t help themselves.”
Your rant was unexpected. Toji had never had one of his clients talk to him like that; strangely, he liked it.
“And another thi—”
The doors to the elevator slowly slid open with a ding as you reached your apartment. Usually, your automatic lights would be on in the living room and kitchen, leading upstairs. But as the doors opened, no lights illuminated your bodyguard's face. You knew something was wrong, and just before Toy could look over your shoulder into the apartment,Toji’s hand quickly covered your eyes. He pulled you into his chest, and he listened in as he smashed on the lobby button on the button panel.
“Toji!?” You asked, placing your hands on top of his. “What is it?! Is something wrong? Let me see!”
Toji shook his head as if you could see his reaction, his hand reaching for the gun at the holster on his side as the door slowly shut. There was no way in hell you were going to see what was behind the door. Because he knew if you were to see what had happened in your apartment, you would never be the same. As the elevator slowly began to descend, Toji realized that he had been wrong about your stalker. It wasn’t some harmless joke.
This was fucking serious.
Forever Tag List:
@darkstarlight82 @pandoness @nealeart @simp-plague @sugurubabe @chilichopsticks @reap3erslov3 @wil10wthetree @luvsymai
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calicoheartz · 5 months
need need need something about Caitlin dating a famous popstar, think Sabrina carpenter
☆ espresso ; Caitlin Clark
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summary : caitlin clark x pop star reader!
synopsis : you are the music scenes next hot thing , who happens to be dating worldwide famous wnba player (set a tiny bit into the future)
warnings : tiniest bit suggestive if you squint , pure fluff !
my master list ㇀♡
a/n: thank you to the lovely person who suggested this! i changed some of the lyrics in the song for it to make sense but it shouldn’t be too noticeable. Enjoy ◡̈
You were the music industry’s next hot thing. From performing at smaller venues, to headlining at Coachella; you were everywhere. Along with your wnba superstar, Caitlin Clark.
The two of you had met while you were preforming a gig at a local bar , a little right before you got your big break. Ever since then, the two of you had been inseparable. Both instantly drawn to each others passion and drive for your careers.
But with Caitlin’s demanding basketball schedule and your international shows and tours , maintaining your relationship proved to be a challenge. Only relying on calls , texts , and surprise visits whenever you can to steal a moment together amidst your busy lives.
It had been almost 3 weeks since you’ve seen your loving girlfriend. With the wnba draft and Coachella starting to kick off, the universe was simply pulling you two away from eachother.
You were sitting in your dressing room , preparing to go on stage to kick off the second weekend at the bustling festival , the biggest festival of the year for that matter. Your nerves were practically eating you alive, you knew she would be in audience. You toyed with your hair as your makeup artist finished the final touches of your look , as you fidgeted with the hem of your skirt. The skirt that perfectly hugged your curves , delicately adorned with lace and bows , your signature look.
You soon snapped back to reality, with the cheers from the audience slowly making its way into your mind. There was no doubt in your mind that this was the moment that could make or break your career. You planned on preforming your newly released song espresso , as a way to give your girlfriend a little treat on her first day back.
You made your way to the stage , sporting your signature beach waves and skimpy clothes, the intro to the song soon began and your eyes darted across the crowd. Begging to meet with the one pair of eyes you can call her own.
You hear the crowd begin to chant your name , you lock eyes with Caitlin briefly, sending a smirk your way. Prompting you to slowly begin to sway your hips as you begin to sing..
❝ now she’s thinkin’ ‘bout me every night oh, is it that sweet? I guess so ❞
you turn towards caitlin , seeing a big grin on her face , as she very well knows the melodic tune is referencing your whirlwind romance. Your hips continue to sway as the lyrics danced off the tip of your tongue , hitting every note in the process.
❝ And i got this one girl
And she won’t stop calling
when they act this way..
I know i got ‘em ! ❞
The crowd begins to scream , noticing your small wink towards caitlin , making it painfully obvious of your ode to her throughout the song
As the lyrics then again roll off your tongue like sweet honey, you continue to prance around the stage earning gasps and applause from the audience, and most importantly; a hungry gaze from your girlfriend. Her eyes practically undressed you as they wandered from your hips to your face, and vice versa. You immediately felt butterflies in your stomach, it had been so long since shes looked at you with those eyes. And as much as you wanted to jump off the stage and into her arms, you only had to finish the rest of the chorus and verse before concluding your set.
You began…
❝ I'm working late 'cause I'm a singer…Oh, she looks so cute wrapped around my finger! ❞
The music continues and you feel as if you are on cloud nine. If this doesnt fully establish your relationship with cait, then youre not sure what will. You practically feel her eyes burning into you as you resume your soft sways, slowly becoming more provocative as you reach near the end of the song. You hair slowly flows with the gentle breeze, as you shoot a glance towards your girlfriend, receiving a approving nod in return. You hear your cue, and make your way to the front to face the audience head on, you quickly hit your iconic signature pose while belting
❝ Mmm, that's that me espresso❞
And the audience erupts with claps and chants as you quickly exit the stage, locking eyes with your manager who signals you to head to the back. As you make your way down there, you feel a strong and warming embrace wrapped around your hips, with soft kisses peppering your neck. “Cait!” you squealed, unable to hide your excitement to see the brunette, she grins at your reaction, snaking her arm beneath you as she slowly begins to carry you to your dressing room.
She soon gently puts you down, as she gently begins caressing your cheek. “You did amazing” she muttered, “everytime you preform you never refuse to amaze me with the amount of talent that you have-” you cut her off with a deep and tender kiss, tasting the mango flavored lipbalm that glistened on her lips.
You giggle, simply muttering , youre my honey bee.. Come get this pollen ;)
anywaysss this is my go at pop star reader x cc !! tbh i feel like this is train wreck but you be the judge of that! tysm for reading 🎀
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ghosty-writes-23 · 6 months
A 'Helping' Hand. - Leon S Kennedy.
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!TAGS!: Boyfriend!Leon, Sweet fluff, Morning Cuddles, NSFW Content, Switch!Leon, Body Worship, Praise, Eating Out, Blowjob, Riding, Aftercare.
Pairing: Emo!Boy!Leon + Tattoo!Store!Onwer!Fem!Reader.
Rating: Mature.
Summary: Your sweet boyfriend decides to come and help you at work, but one thing leads to another.
Word Count: 3.9k
Ghosty's Notes: Hi, I’m sorry this post is late, I have been really busy with my course and just finished a 1000-word case study and I’m due to submit a 2200 essay by may and I haven’t even started yet, so I am really sorry I haven’t been updating lately. But I finally posted something, and I plan on posting something short with RE2:R!Leon in a couple of days.
Side note: All the songs mentioned in this one-shot are from 2005 :)
Thank you for all the support, it means alot❤️
18+ Content // Minors DO NOT Interact // 18+ Content.
Last night you had received a text from one of your working tattoo artists, that the monthly shipment had arrived at closing time and been brought into the store preventing it from getting stolen, you had sent her a thank you text and told your artist group chat to take the day off, which a few of your younger artists where grateful for because it gave them a chance to catch up on their university studies and you knew some of your other artists had small children as well.
You were happy to give them the day off because it meant that you can restock your tattoo studio in peace because you like things in a certain order.
Hearing the faint tune of Bat Country by Avenged Sevenfold starting to play, sucking in a soft breath you started to stir and felt your boyfriends arm tighten around your waist under the slipknot shirt of his you were wearing, you could hear him softly humming to the song causing you to smile softly even in your sleepy state.
“I have to go in today.” You say as you felt Leon nuzzling into your neck, his snakebite piercing gazing the soft skin of your neck, his nose ring also gently bumping against your neck as well. “5 more minutes.” He deep voice rumbled; his voice was always deeper when he first woke up in the morning.
Reaching over you grabbed your phone and finally turned off your phone alarm before placing it back on your bedside table. “I really have to go.” You playfully argued with him as you knew what the time was, the quicker you got it done the faster you could come home.
“you’re abandoning your boyfriend on his day off work.” Leon pouted as you slipped out from his grasp and comfort of your shared warm bed, you playfully rolled her eyes before she leaned over and gently pushed back his messy dark blonde bed hair and kissed his forehead.
“I’m sorry I’m such a horrible girlfriend.” You say with a playful grin before you moved away and headed to your shared bathroom to do your morning routine.
You brushed your teeth and hair, took your morning medication, standing in the bathroom with a towel wrapped around your freshly cleaned body you did your morning skincare routine, not bothering doing a whole face of makeup, just some concealer, setting powder, mascara, eyeliner and lip balm today since you weren’t seeing clients today and it was too much work in the morning. As you where applying your lip balm you felt Leons arms wrap around your waist.
Looking up at him through the mirror, you could see his messy dark blonde hair was sticking up in all directions, his sweatpants hanging low on his lips, you could see the matching my chemical romance tattoo, it was of the album three cheers for sweet revenge done in the lovers tarot card design, the tattoo was placed on both of your forearms just above your wrists, you had designed the tattoos at Leon’s request.
you could caught a glimpse of Leon’s nose piercing and crooked helix piercing that he pierced himself when you two first started dating, because he wanted to impress you with his piercing ‘skills’ but he ended up at the hospital later that night because his ear swelled up and he was into much pain to drive himself, you always tease him and tell him you count that as your guys first date.
“you didn’t need to get out of bed.” You say applying your lip balm, your eyes were focused on your reflection in the mirror. “I’m come with you.” He says placing a gentle kiss on you neck as he slid his arm around your towel covered waist.
You could see the little tattoos that decorated his arm, some he had before you guys meet and others you had done or covered up. “you don’t have too, it will be boring at the studio today, sleep in today.” You tell him but he shakes his head before he leaned down and softly kisses you.
“Wanna spend time with you.” He says before pulling away as he starts his morning routine of brushing his teeth and then showering, going back into your shared bedroom you decided to wear some leggings, a crop top and Leon’s Metallica hoodie you brought him last year when you went to the concert in your city for your 4-year anniversary.
As you gathered your things you would need for the day Leon came out of the bathroom wearing black ripped skinny jeans and nirvana shirt, his hair had been pushed off his head he looked fully awake now.
“Princess don’t you own your own hoodies.” Leon says with a playful tease that makes you roll your eyes roll slightly. “it’s not your hoodie it’s our hoodie.” You say grinning causing him to roll his eyes as he pulled you into him by your waist.
“you’re lucky your cute.” He mumbles before he kisses you softly the metal rings of his lip piercings pressing into your lips, you kissed him back as you wrapped your arms around his neck and went on your tippy toes.
The kiss was slow and gentle making your body feel all warm and fuzzy, his kisses always left you breathless and wanting more, but when you felt his tongue piercing graze over your bottom lip you knew you needed to pull away.
“later.” You mumble against his lips before pulling away and grabbing your bag, you could see Leon smiling out the corner of your eye as he grabs his phone and anything else he would need for today.
“I’ll drop you off at the tattoo studio, then go and get coffee for the both of us.” Leon tells you as you both walk out of your shared bedroom and downstairs, you grabbed you bag while Leon grabbed his car keys.
He drove an army green jeep that he had for as long as you have known him, it wasn’t that you didn’t have a license you did, but it was cheaper for you letting your boyfriend drive you everywhere. 
Once you both where out the front door of your apartment you locked the front door then nuzzled into Leon’s arm as he linked your fingers together in his fingerless gloved hand, then you both headed outside into the cold winter morning.
*Skip Car Ride*
Leon had dropped you off at your studio before he went to your favourite café to get you a hot drink for the cold morning, it always warmed your heart with all the little things your boyfriend does for you, it makes you really appreciate him and want to do the same for him in return.
Unlocking the door to your studio you walked inside and flicked on the lights seeing all the boxes in the front, you knew this was going to take a while but you didn’t mind.
Placing your bag and keys in your tattooing area, you went and turned on the heaters and the stereo so there was some music playing so it wasn’t completely quiet, grabbing your list you went to make sure you had everything you ordered before you started to pack it away, because last time there where a few things missing from your monthly order.
20 minutes into checking everything you heard the front door open and the familiar sound of Leon’s voice as he curses under his breath at the cold weather, as he shook some snow off his hair as he held a tray of hot drinks. You placed your list down and smiled softly walking over to him.
“thank you.” You say as you took the hot drink from the tray, you could smell the chocolate and coffee before you took your first sip, a soft hum leaving your lips. “how is the restock going?” Leon asks as he sips his own drink, he followed you into your tattooing area where most of the boxes were.
“So far we have everything on the list, which is good I just have a couple more boxes to check then I can start packing everything away.” You say as you set your drink down and grabbed your list again.
“why don’t you check those boxes and I’ll start packing things away.” Leon suggests as he came and rested his head on your shoulder, his eyes glancing over the list of items. “I can do it myself, it your day off work.” You say to him slightly stubbornly.
Leon works as a music store manager that sold CD’s, record and music instruments, his boss liked him a lot and let Leon be flexible with his hours, when he wasn’t working at the music store he was helping you out in the tattoo studio, either packing things away or being on the front desk.
“I know but I like to help.” Leon says as he placed a gentle kiss on your shoulder, smiling softly at his small affection, it always warmed your heart when Leon helped you out even if it was with something small. “okay, thank you.” You say giving him a quick kiss on his cheek before he went to start packing things away.
*Sometime Later*
After finally packing all your shipped supplies away correctly, you found yourself pinned against the wall with Leon’s hands holding your wrists above your head as he kissed you sweetly but need, his pierced tongue tangling with yours causing sweet moans to leave your lips. You couldn’t focus on anything else other than the touch of your boyfriends, which was causing your mind to race and your heart to beat out of your chest, feeling him pull away slightly a soft whine left your lips causing him to chuckle slightly.
“Somebody is a little eager.” Leon softly teases you eve when his blue eyes held the look of lust, want, need and desire, you could also see the warmth, affection and love, feeling his thumb and index finger softly grab your chin and pulled your face back to his kissing your slightly swollen and bruised lips, with his free hand he used it to unzip his Metallica hoodie you were wearing.
It slipped off your shoulders and down your arms with ease, falling onto the floor behind you. Breaking the kiss Leon let go of your wrists and tugged off his nirvana shirt and tossed it onto the ground beside him. “somebody’s eagerly.” You playfully tease him back causing a smile on his pierced lips, because you knew you were both as needy as each other in this moment. “only for you princess.” He says slyly as he lifted your crop off your body leaving you in just your bra and leggings.
“such a romantic.” You say with a smile as you bit your bottom lip, you could feel his pierced lips on your neck as he was leaving a soft trail of kisses on your skin, you knew there would be marks left there but at this moment you didn’t care. His kisses trailed from your jawline to your neck, to your shoulder, your collarbones then to your chest to where he started kissing lower as he sunk down on his knees in front of you, placing gentle open mouth kisses on your stomach as his fingers toyed with the waist band of your leggings.
You knew when Leon went down on you it wasn’t for your pleasure but for his own, he could do it for hours if you would let him, he always leaves you overstimulated, trembling and a mess but deep down you love it. Your fingers found there way to his dark blonde hair, it was soft and slightly damp from his shower this morning, he gave you a small grin as he placed a kiss over your slick core over your leggings making a slight blush come onto your cheeks, before he gently tugged them down.
“No panties, dirty girl.” Leon clicks his tongue, but you saw his tongue wet the bottom of his lip, you had decided to not wear panties today because it was more comfortable going commando in some leggings than it was in others, and it wasn’t like you were seeing clients today.
You could hear his tongue piercing hitting the metal of his lip rings as he admired your glistening pussy. Leon leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on your clit, making a soft moan leave your lips before you spread your legs a little to give him better access, he placed one of your legs over his shoulder, his large hand supporting your thigh before his blue eyes meet yours again.
It was almost as if he was asking for permission before he touched you in any intimate way which made your heart race even more, you nodded your head trying to back the smile threatening to fall from your lips, before he dived in and feasted on your soaked core as if he was a starved man and this was his last meal, causing soft moans to leave your lips as you buck your hips slightly.
His tongue lapped at your folds, his eyes were closed in pure bliss as if he was lost in his own little world, you could feel the cool feeling of his tongue piercing jewelry and eve his lip rings grazing your soaked pussy, you could hear him humming and even grunting as he slurped softly. Reaching a hand down you gently pushed his dark blonde hair out of his face, you could see a faint blush on his cheeks as he pulled away slightly breathing heavily.
Just as you were about to ask him what he was doing, but he used his index finger and his middle finger to spread your folds. “beautiful.” He commented before he leaned forward and sucked on your clit causing a soft cry to leave your lips as a tremble ran through your body,
“Fuck Leon.” You cursed throwing your head back against the wall, as you rocked your hips against his face, he didn’t even need to use his fingers to make you cum, he knew your body like the back of his hand. You could feel the familiar feeling tightening in your stomach as your eyes rolled back slightly, your thighs began to tremble more as your moans became more whinner and slightly high pitched.
“cum for me princess.” He says against your soaked core, you could feel yourself clenching around nothing. “cumming.” You softly moaned as you came with a soft whine on your boyfriends tounge, feeling your legs get weak but Leon's hand came up to your hips as he helped steady you.
After riding out your orgasm you pulled him down to you and kissed him deeply, your tongue tangle with his you could taste yourself, but you didn’t care.
Breaking the kiss, he looked down at you breathing heavily there was a small grin on his face, but you could see the lust swimming in his blue eyes. “my turn.” You tell him before he could protest you sunk down to your knees, you could see the bulge in his skinny jeans, reaching up you undid his belt and unzipped and unbuttoned the front before tugging his jeans down his thighs.
You could see the small wet patch of pre-cum on his boxers, looking up you could see his cheeks burning slightly, causing a sense of power to wash over you are knowing you’re the only one that can make Leon feel like this. You looked up at him in your eyes asking for permission like he had done for you, he gave you a nod as his hand found its way to your hair to make a makeshift ponytail, to keep your hair out of your face and eyes.
You carefully hooked your fingers into his boxers before tugging them down, causing Leon’s harden cock to spring free, a soft groan leaving his lips at the cold air hit him.
Giving him a soft smile you ran your tongue up the side of his cock before you wrapped your pillowy lips around him and began to bob your head at a steady rhythm, while placing your thighs on his thighs for some stability, he was heavy on your tounge, but the weight always brought you a sense of comfort.
“good girl.” Leon praised you making a soft blush to come onto your face as you bobbed your head, he would occasionally hit the back of your throat. “feels so good.” He grunted but you would hear a high pitch whine leave his throat. You decided to suck your cheeks in causing a soft cry to leave his lips as he slightly bucked his hips as well. “your mouth should be a sin.” He softly panted his hand slightly tighten around your hair causing you to groan softly around him.
“You close baby.” You asked pulling away but you used your hands to pump his cock, you knew he was close he was twitching in your hands, he nodded his head quickly as a soft cry left his lips, taking his cock back into your mouth you pushed him as far as you could in your throat, causing small tears to run down your cheeks as there is a slight pain in your jaw, but you ignore the pain to give your boyfriend the same pleasure he gave you.
“Fuck I’m cumming.” He moaned before you felt him shoot down your throat, a soft moaning sound left your lips before you sucked in your cheeks as you slowly pulled away from him and released him with a soft pop.
He was breathing heavily with a blush on his face, Taking his hand you lead Leon could of the small supply closet to your more spacious studio area, where you gently pushed him onto the couch and straddles his waist.
His large hands immediately found their way to your hips giving them a loving squeeze, reaching to your bag on the end of the couch, you pulled out a familiar square. But ask you where about to open it Leon took it from you. “Let me.” He says taking the condom packet from you and tearing it open with his teeth,
After couple minutes of awkward moving and some giggling from you, Leon finally got the condom on without your assistants, he took his harden cock and gave your soaked core a few taps causing you to moan soft, He had applied some lube before just as a safety precaution because he didn’t want to hurt you, even if you insisted that you would be ok, he didn’t want to hurt his precious girlfriend.
“am I good to go doll?” Leon asked you as he gave your hips a soft squeeze, it always filled your heart with so much joy when Leon asked for permission for anything like this, you nodded your head biting your lip, you could see him grinning before he slowly pushed into your glistening core causing a moan to leave both of your lips at the familiar stretch as Leon buried himself fully inside you.
Wrapped your arms around his neck and rested your head on his shoulder, a soft tremble ran through your body as one of his hands stayed on your hips to help guide your movements while the other went to back of your neck keeping your body close to his. “feel so good princess.” Leon grunted against you; his voice was deeper than normal causing you to clench around him as his thrusted up his hips.
You moved your hips slightly meeting his thrusts, moans falling from both your lips as you both lost yourselves in the pleasure of pleasing each other, your hips moving in time with his, he filled you up in way you only dreamed your fingers could reach when he wasn’t around, it was like you were made for each other. “Leon.” You moaned his name as you felt as if your mind was getting foggy and hazy from the pleasure you were both experiencing.
You moaned out loud as you rested your forehead against his, your eyes where closed and your bottom lip in between you top row of teeth, Leon’s thrusts where sweet but hard causing soft squeals to leave your throat, when suddenly you are pushed into the couch it was soft against your bare skin and your legs where now on Leon’s shoulder, but before you could protest a loud moan left your lips at the new angle, causing Leon to go deeper.
You could feel yourself tightening around him and your eyes rolling back slightly, he always knew how to drive you wild, weather it was when he would let you do anything you wanted to him, or even he was rough like this knowing deep down no matter what side it was you loved this man with all your heart even when he tells you stupid jokes from time to time.
“You close Y/n?” Leon grunted and all you could do was nod your head as you looked up at him, your thighs where trembling against him as your toes curled, at this point you knew your making up from this morning was running down your cheeks, but you didn’t care.
“cum for me like a good girl.” Leon says as he leaned forward and kissed you as he thrusts into you roughly but somehow sweetly, your moans are muffled by his lips but you cum around him with a soft cry, his praise sending a shiver down your spine, he soon followed spilling into the condom.
As you came down from both your high’s Leon pressed his forehead against yours. “I love you.” He whispers softly with a gentle smile; you smile up at him and softly kissing his nose.
“I love you to.” You said with a bliss filled smiled but soon the romance and sweet moment is ruined when you hear somebody clear their throat, looking over Leon’s shoulder you saw Jennifer one of your best friends and tattoo artists looking at the both of you with a smug grin on her face as she leaned against the door.
“I’m happy you guys have such a deep love for each other, but next time you decided to fuck at work can you please close the door, because I don’t need to see my boss getting screwed by her boyfriend at 11 o’clock in the morning.” Jennifer's says causing a blush to colour both yours and Leon's cheeks at her comments.
“Sorry Jen.” You say with a soft giggle, but she gave you a wink before she pushes herself off the door. “I’ll be expecting a bonus next week.” She jokes as she gives you one last look before she leaves.
Hearing her leave both you and Leon couldn’t help but laugh. “this is your fault.” You softly poked Leon’s chest causing him to laugh slightly.
“fine I’ll take responsibility this time, but next time I won’t be so nice.” He says pulling you into his chest as he pulls a blanket over you both that is usually kept on the end of the couch for when you take naps at work.
“I look forward to it.” You smirked before nuzzling into his chest, he just laughed and rested his chin on your head as you both fell into a peaceful slumber…
!Good Enough One-shot Update!: Its coming I have only recent had the time to start it but the ball is rolling finally, I can’t give a time when it will be posted but I am working on it when I have spare time, also there will be a name change but deciding on the name now and creating the banner.
©Ghosty-writes-23, 2024. all rights reserved. !I DO NOT! consent to translations or replications or reproduction of my work on any other social media platforms and or make AI Bots without my explict consent and permission.
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mint-yooxgi · 1 year
{15} - Paradise Gardens - Yandere!Demonic Entities!Ateez X Reader
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Yandere AU & Demon AU - Book Two to Hotel California
Genre: Mature, Horror, Angst, Fluff, Slight Humour, Smut
Pairing: Ateez X Reader (Focus on Hongjoong)
Words: 23,108
Warnings: OC get her makeup done (I based it on my own routine, please don't @ me). Smut: Biting, Marking, Blood and semi-bloodletting, Knife Kink, Oral (m. and f. receiving), fingering (f. receiving), slight orgasm control (if you squint), minor dom/sub dynamics and switch tendencies, one mention of Mistress, Begging (m. and f.), Overstimulation, Desperation, Squirting, Multiple Orgasms, Cockwarming (at the end), intense emotional intimacy. I think that's everything. This is a Yandere story, it will contain themes such as stalking, violence, obsession, possessive natures, and just general overall creepiness and swearing. You have been warned.
A/n: Finally! The moment you've all been waiting for! I really hope it lives up to everyone's expectations. This smut has been months in the making honestly, and he even surprised ME at times. I'm really happy with how it turned out, so I hope you all enjoy! As always, feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy~
Also, gentle reminder that I don’t do tag lists.
Mini Masterlist - Part One - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four - Part Five - Part Six - Part Seven - Part Eight - Part Nine - Part Ten - Part Eleven - Part Twelve - Part Thirteen - Part Fourteen
A soft tune drifts through the silence of your room curtesy of you. Lowly, you hum to yourself, eyes focussing in on the task at hand. Meticulously, you turn the small products over on the table, making sure that everything is in its place, perfectly set up and ready to be used. All that’s left, is to begin.
Smiling down at your handy work, you give one final glance over the various brushes, containers, and bottles of various sizes and shapes. There is not a product you’ve missed laying out, save for one. However, if all goes according to plan, you’re saving that one for the very end.
Letting out a content sigh, you straighten back to your full height. The small table you’ve set up for this occasion rests before you. The black fold out chair, reminiscent of a director’s seat, stands proudly beside it.
Without wasting another moment, you sit down.
Joongie, The call of his name is nothing short of sweet as you drop your void for the moment, but only for him.
His red string hums with movement. Yes, My Love?
Are you busy? You make sure to keep your voice even, not letting on even the slightest bit as to what you have in mind.
Never too busy for you. Comes his earnest reply, and you can hear the pleasant hum in his tone as he says this.
You cannot help the way your lips pull upwards tenderly. 
Well, when you’re free, come and see me. You say, making yourself more comfortable in your chair. I have a- 
In the blink of an eye, he’s appeared in front of you. Lightly, he wipes his hands on his jeans, as if they’re still wet after having just washed them. 
You chuckle lowly, finishing your thought out loud, “…Surprise for you.”
The first thing he notes as soon as he appears in your room is you sitting in that chair. Your one leg is crossed over the other as you lean back comfortably in your seat. That small table rests beside you, and he cannot help the small quirk of his brow as he takes note of the various makeup products placed meticulously on top of it. 
The door to your room seems closed to give the both of you some privacy. One of the doors to the balcony rests open, letting in a gentle breeze as the curtains sway. Sunlight streams in, casting a warm glow on the surrounding area, and bathing you in golden hues as you smile at him.
There you sit, in a plain shirt and loose pants, looking as beautiful as ever.
“A surprise?” He grins, stepping in closer.
“A while back, Seonghwa told me that you’re a very skilled makeup artist.” You begin, meeting his gaze. “I was hoping to spend some time with you today.”
His heart warms, and he steps in closer. Gently, he places his hands onto the arms of the chair, leaning into you slightly. Not enough to crowd you. No, never. Yet, enough so that he can stare deeply into your eyes with a loving look of his own.
“Would you like for me to do your makeup, My Love?” There’s a slight teasing quirk to the corner of his lips, but you can hear how tender his inquiry actually is.
Gently, you bring your hands up to cup his face. “I would love nothing more.”
Leaning forward, you place a brief, loving kiss to his lips. 
The smile that tugs at his features as he pulls away to look at you is nothing short of radiant. Almost immediately, he turns to the table, observing the products placed out before him carefully. Meticulously, he begins to roll up the sleeves of his button up shirt to his elbows, noting how your eyes briefly trail over his now exposed forearms. A subtle smirk tugs at his lips, and after nodding to himself, he grabs your moisturizer off of the top of the table. Opening the lid, he turns to face you once more.
“Is it okay if I touch-“
“Please.” You cut him off with a kind smile, sitting a little straighter in your chair.
Hongjoong cannot prevent the way his heart skips a beat, nothing but love swelling in his chest as he looks down at you. Carefully, he steps in closer, gathering a bit of the product on the tips of his fingers before he’s applying it smoothly to your skin.
“You don’t wear makeup often, My Love,” he hums, the caress of his touch nothing short of gentle. “What’s the occasion?”
You quirk a brow at him, your lips tugging upwards lovingly. “Can I not wish to spend time with a man I love?”
The way his touch physically trembles against you for a moment as his expression softens has your heart warming inside of your chest.
“You can spend as much, or as little, time with me as you desire, whenever you wish, My Love.” He meets your gaze, briefly shifting his hand to cup the side of your face. Softly, his thumb traces over your cheekbone. “As long as I get to call you mine.”
Turning your head, you place a tender kiss onto the palm of his hand. Your gaze is nothing but adoring as you glance at him through your lashes.
“Always, My Love.” Your reply is low, so as not to disturb the moment between the both of you. “Just as you will forever be mine.”
A content rumble escapes his chest then and there as he reluctantly pulls his hand away from you. Though, despite his best efforts, he cannot hide the way his fingers still tremble, even the slightest bit. Sharing this moment with you is like a dream come true, and the fact that you trust him enough to indulge in such an intimacy like this with him warms his heart more than you’ll ever know.
His soul has come alight, and it’s all because of you.
Capping the moisturizer, Hongjoong turns his attention back to the table of products beside you. His eyes scan over the contents carefully, eyebrows twitching slightly in recognition once he finds what he’s looking for. The liquid foundation is then plucked from the table top, and it takes no time at all for him to start applying it to your skin.
“There was also another reason I wished for you to do my makeup today,” your eyes glance to his own, noting how he seems quite focussed on the current task at hand.
He hums in response, wordlessly asking for you to continue.
“Seonghwa told me about the coronation we’ll eventually have for me when the time is right,” you admit. “I would love for you to do my makeup for when the celebration takes place.”
The slight hitch in his breath is audible as he pauses his movements for the time being. His eyes dart to your own before flitting all over your face, as if he’s memorizing every feature and committing this moment to memory for years to come. He swallows, his Adam’s apple bobbing as his eyes begin to shine with that all to familiar adoration and awe you’re so used to from him.
“You do?”
You smile gently, bringing your own hand up to cup the side of his face. “Of course, My Love. I wasn’t lying to you when I said I was ready to become Your Queen.”
Leaning forward, he nearly presses his forehead to yours before stopping himself. Instead, he opts to take your hand in his, bringing the back up to his lips to place a loving kiss onto your skin.
“My Queen,” he breathes, tongue darting out to wet his lips. “When the time comes, I would be honoured.”
The smile that stretches across your features is nothing short of brilliant, and Hongjoong swears the room gets even brighter in the light of the afternoon sun. His whole being floods with nothing but love for you, awe and wonder clear in his gaze as he returns to making sure to apply the foundation evenly over your skin.
The giggle that you let out is music to his ears.
“I know I’ve said it before,” You begin as he turns back to the table beside you in order to grab your stick of toner, “but I truly am lucky to have you, Hongjoong.”
The popping of the seal on your toner is synonymous with the way his breath catches in his throat.
“My Love, it is I who is lucky to have you.” He replies earnestly, managing to pull himself back to reality and lightly begin applying the toner to certain areas over your face.
You reach up to grasp his hand, causing him to pause in his movements for the moment. Your gaze is unfaltering as you meet his own, making sure he knows how serious the next words that fall from your lips are. 
“You are the greatest blessing I have ever received in my entire life, Hongjoong.” You breathe. “I hope you never forget that.”
His expression softens, and you can see the beginnings of tears gathering in the corners of his eyes. “My Queen.”
“We’ve already been through so much together, Hongjoong,” you squeeze his hand held in yours. “Things weren’t easy at the start, but looking back on it now…” This time, it’s your turn to swallow lightly, “I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
His lips part in a silent gasp, and he swears that you can hear his heart beating within the stillness of your room.
“You have taught me what true happiness feels like.” You cup his hand in both of your own now, holding onto him tenderly as you continue staring deeply into his eyes. “I know what it’s like to be loved, and what it feels like to be in love. Hongjoong, you have saved me in more ways than I can count, and I can never thank you enough for that.”
He blinks back his tears, feeling his heart thundering away inside of his chest as he looks at you. Nothing could take this moment away from him right now. Absolutely nothing.
“You don’t have to thank me, My Love.” His voice is a little rough; strained from the sudden onslaught of emotions you’ve just given him.
“I know that’s what you think.” The soft upturn of your lips has his eyes instantly tracking the movement. “I just thought you should know what you mean to me.” You squeeze his hand once more. “What you’ve done for me.”
“Anything.” He breathes. “I would do anything for you.”
Your heart swells inside of your chest at his response.
“I know, Joongie.” Slowly, you drop your hands back to rest in your lap. “And I will always do the same for you.”
There is no hesitance in your tone, nor falter in your voice as you speak these words. A fact of which that has his head spinning. Truly, this moment, and your admission, means the world to him, and he wouldn’t trade this feeling inside of his soul for anything.
Silence, brief and tender, surrounds the both of you as you stare deeply into each other’s eyes. That is, until Hongjoong is finally clearing his throat, seemingly snapping back to the task at hand. Not before sparing a glance at your lips first, of course.
“Is there a specific style of makeup you’d like to have for your coronation?” His voice nearly catches as he says those words, the full weight of what they imply settling over his entire being.
You said yes. You really are ready and willing to become their Queen. It’s no longer simply just a fantasy of theirs, but will soon become a reality. A reality they have all been longing for since the decision was made to crown you alongside them all those long months ago. Back before you had even truly known of their existence.
You tilt your head slightly, humming lightly, “Nothing too overtly dramatic.”
He huffs out a laugh at this, finishing off with your toner only to grab a blending sponge and start lightly dabbing at your face. His touch is nothing short of gentle as he ensures the toner is blended into your skin evenly before moving on from one area to the next.
“Are you sure, My Love?” His gaze flicks to your own, a teasing quirk to the corner of his lips. “Why not simply decimate everyone who attends with your ethereal beauty?”
This time, it’s your turn to huff out a laugh.
“As tempting as that sounds, I think a softer look might be more fitting for the outfit I have in mind.” Your eyes flutter shut as you say this, simply revelling in his touch as he finishes blending your toner into your skin.
“Outfit?” The quirk of his brow goes unnoticed by you momentarily as he reaches for a new brush and your container of blush.
Blinking your eyes open, you nod, a knowing gleam to your gaze that screams nothing but devious intent.
“It’s a surprise.” You wink, grin tugging onto your lips as you finally see that look of inquiry pulling at his features.
“Then, I look forward to whatever you have in mind.” He sighs, almost wistfully as he begins to apply the lightest dusting of blush to your cheeks.
“Well, I suppose I can give you a little hint,” You hum, noticing how he attempts to not look too eager. “Light tones would work best. Specifically, a blend of white and gold.”
His brow quirks, “White and gold?”
“Let’s just say I have something else in mind that even Seonghwa doesn’t know about yet.” You grin. “Well, if everything works out how I hope it will.”
“You are always full of pleasant surprises, My Love.” Hongjoong hums, closing the container of blush and swapping it for your mineralizer in the next second.
“I’ve got to keep you all on your toes somehow,” you giggle, wiggling your brows playfully at him. “You guys can’t always be the ones surprising me, you know.”
“Try as we might, I suppose you’re right.” He chuckles along with you. “That won’t stop us from trying, though.”
You smile, allowing your eyes to flutter shut once more as he begins to apply the product to your face. “I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
What you fail to see, though, is the fond look that settles onto Hongjoong’s features in that moment. However, you do feel the way his hand trembles once more against your cheek, the brush tickling over your skin as he finishes off with your mineralizer.
Feeling him pull away from you, you blink your eyes back open.
“I’ve been doing a little research myself these past few days,” You admit lowly, suddenly avoiding his gaze as a light heat rises to your cheeks.
“Oh?” His inquiry is soft, his full attention on you for the moment.
Neither him, nor his brothers, knew you had been looking into anything. It’s not unusual for you to spend your time in the library, browsing their own collections. The fact that Jongho didn’t mention anything means he either had no idea himself, or you swore him to secrecy.
Hongjoong meets your gaze, and he notices how your own eyes flash.
“Soul merging.”
The hitch in his breath is audible, synonymous with the way his whole body stiffens lightly.
“Have you-“ he swallows thickly.
“I’ve been giving it a lot of thought, lately.” You begin, thumbs suddenly brushing over one another nervously as you hold your hands in your lap. “I remembered what you all told me about it that one day and I got curious.” A moment’s pause where you swallow the building dryness in your throat. “I wanted to learn more.”
“My Love-“
“I know I could have just asked you all about it, but I didn’t want anyone to think I was broaching the subject with them to imply I was going to merge with them over another first.” You explain. “I also don’t want any of us to feel pressured into a decision like this. I understand you’ve all talked about such a…” you search for the right word, “delicacy before with one another, but I wanted to come to a better understanding about the subject myself.”
Hongjoong hums, “We do have a tendency to take certain liberties regarding certain excitements when it comes to you.”
You share a small chuckle with him. “You could say that again.”
“May I assume you were looking into it as more than just a meek curiosity, My Love?” His voice is soft; tender, as he gently grabs your hands into his own.
“Perhaps.” The slight upturn of your lips is nothing short of sweet. “Of all the accounts I found, none were of concern to me. I had to be sure there weren’t any negative side effects, or risks for me involved in such a process. I know none of you would ever lie to me about such a thing, but I wanted to come to this specific conclusion by myself. It’s a-“ your voice catches, and you know he can feel the way your hands are currently trembling within his own grasp right now, “It’s a big decision for me, not to mention a big change.” You blink, finally lifting your gaze to his own. “For me to become like you. I want to make sure you’re all ready, as well.”
“Whatever you decide, know that we will support you.” Nothing but sincerity shines behind Hongjoong’s eyes as he says this. Gently, he squeezes your hands. “Of course, we all have our own hopes and desires, but we would never force such a decision on you. It’s like we’ve always said,” he smiles softly, “we want you to want us in the same ways we want you. This sentiment has always, and will always, apply to every aspect of our lives together.”
You squeeze his hands back. “I will let you know when I’m ready to take that step with you. With all of you.”
“Oh?” There’s a light teasing quirk to his brow as he smiles. “So, the orgy isn’t off the table.”
A snort of laughter escapes you, and you extend your leg out to tap his shin with the tip of your slipper, as if you’re pretending to kick him. “Keep dreaming, Joong Bug.”
“Hey,” he shrugs, pulling away from you slightly as the tips of his ears begin to turn red, “Never say never. Look how much fun we all had together that day in the cinema room.”
Now, it’s your turn to splutter as he winks at you. A teasing grin pulls at his lips, and you’re glad he’s diverted his attention back to the table beside you for the moment. You don’t think you’d be able to sit still if he brought that up again. Especially not today, not with what you still have planned.
Shifting slightly, you notice him looking over all of your products with a slight frown on his face. Every which way, his eyes dart, seemingly scanning over the table in search of something.
“What’s wrong?” You tilt your head in inquiry, glad for the momentary distraction.
“You didn’t put any lip products out.” He observes. “I normally do lips next.”
“Ah, I only have the one colour.” You’re quick to explain, and from the way his whole body stiffens, you can tell he’s thinking back to that first dinner all those months ago.
Looks like you’re not the only one consumed by memories right now.
“Oh,” he swallows, somewhat thickly. “Should we plan a trip to get you more, then?”
Briefly, his gaze flicks over to your face, his hands hovering over the table as he begins to pull an eyeshadow palette off of the surface, along with another brush. Not even a moment later, he flicks the palette open, scanning over the various shades found within.
“No, that’s quite alright.” You smile, though with the way his attention is off of you for the moment, he fails to see the flash of excitement that lights up your eyes. “I figured it would be better to leave it out for now. I typically only wear red for two reasons, anyways.”
He turns back to you, gathering some eyeshadow onto the tip of the brush, “Oh?”
“One, and probably the most common,” you begin, eyelids fluttering closed as he steps into you once more, “I want to feel beautiful.”
It’s almost frightening how you can feel his hand pause right before your face, that brush mere millimetres from your eyelid.
“You are beautiful, My Love.” There is no room for argument in his tone, voice firm, and always, always so sincere.
A bashful smile pulls onto your features as a slight heat rises to your cheeks, “Thank you, Joongie.”
Gently, he continues. The soft press of the brush against your eyelid is almost synonymous with the light exhale you breathe out.
Hongjoong clears his throat, retracting that brush to gather more product onto it so he can dress your opposite eye. “And the other?”
“Oh, the second reason?” Your brow quirks, despite your eyes remaining closed.
“Yes.” He repeats the process, touch just as careful as the first time.
Only, you wait to respond. You can just tell that Hongjoong is holding his breath in anticipation. Except, it isn’t until he pulls away that you finally speak. 
A sultry smirk tugs at the corner of your lips, your eyes flashing open and seemingly holding him captivated, “I want to seduce someone.”
The way his breath hitches is quite prominent, and you notice his hands begin to shake lightly once more. Then, a moment later, he seemingly composes himself, swallowing thickly as his gaze darts to your lips, “I see.”
All Hongjoong’s mind can supply him with now is that dinner all those months ago. He knows he shouldn’t, but he cannot help but to hold onto a hope that maybe, just maybe, you had worn that shade of lipstick that night for the second reason you have just divulged with him here.
It’s a long shot, but that will never stop him from dreaming. Besides, you’ve both come such a long way since then, so he’s holding on to an even bigger hope that the next time you do wear red, it will be for him.
“This applies to any time I wear something red, not just lipstick, by the way.” You mention casually.
Hongjoong nearly loses his balance, tripping over thin air as he steadies himself using the one arm of the chair you’re in.
“Joongie?” Your voice, amused and playful, reaches his ears. “You okay?”
Blinking, he refocusses his gaze on you, noticing how you’re leaning slightly forward in that chair to get a better look at his face.
Your lips rest mere millimetres from his own. He clears his throat. 
“Yeah.” Shaking his head, he focusses back in on the task at hand. “I’m good.”
You giggle, and he swears you’re doing this on purpose, just to torture him. “You sure about that?”
The way your brow quirks, somewhat deviously, has him chuckling lowly.
“It’s like I always say, My Love,” he rights himself, moving back in to start blending another shade of eyeshadow in with the first. “You hold more power over me than you’ll ever know.”
Despite your eyelids being closed, you still manage a small, knowing smile. “I think I’m beginning to have some idea.”
Gently, you feel Hongjoong cup your chin, lightly tilting your head from side to side to see if the eyeshadow he’s applied is even.
“Should I be worried?” There’s a teasing lilt to his voice, and you can practically hear the smile he wears clear in his tone.
“Depends.” You hum. “I think you may just like what I have to offer you.”
“And just what is it that you’re offering me, My Love?” He leans in, noticing how your eyes blink open to stare deeply into his own.
“You’ll see, Joongie.” You grin softly. “Like I said, I want it to be a surprise.”
A hum is all you receive in response as Hongjoong releases the gentle hold he has on your chin. Carefully, he blends one final light colour in with the other two on your eyes, allowing the silence as he works to settle over the both of you. It’s comfortable, and warm, both of you basking in the other’s presence for the time being. The calmness of the moment does not go unnoticed by either of you, and neither of you would want it any other way.
“So, multiple sources I was reading up on depicted the recipient, or recipients, receiving some traits from the other when their souls had finally merged.” You comment, and you blink your eyes open just in time to watch Hongjoong fumble that eyeshadow brush in his one hand. Luckily, it seems he catches it before it can hit the ground. “Do you think this means I’ll receive a sort of portion of your powers, or that I’ll just be able to use the same powers as you?”
The way you’re looking up at him, with wide eyes full of curiosity, sets his heart racing inside of his chest.
“I’m honestly not entirely sure how it works, My Love, but I think it’s correct to assume both.” He breathes out, tucking the palette away, along with the brush. “It’s also entirely plausible that you may gain powers entirely different than ours. When the time comes, of course.”
“Yes, yes,” you nod along with his words, almost absentmindedly. “When the time comes.”
“Given that our blood seems to have such a profound effect on you, I’m honestly very curious what the merger of our souls will do.” He adds, plucking your liquid liner from the table. “I do know that the more souls you merge with, the more powerful you will become.”
“That makes sense.” You agree with a hum. “I’m assuming there’s different levels to the types of entities you all are. I’m aware you all have different forms you can take on. Jongho explained them to me, briefly.”
It’s slight, but you do not fail to miss the way he stiffens before you. 
“He did, did he?”
Again, you hum. That same spark of curiosity shines brightly within your gaze as you meet his own, “When you were born, were you as you are now, or in your true form?”
Hongjoong pauses briefly once more before noticing your eyes flutter shut. Luckily, you miss the way he swallows thickly, blinking a few times before beginning to work on your eyeliner.
“When we are born, we appear as human infants do. As we grow, our true forms emerge, our more demonic appendages and appearances making themselves known.” He explains, his voice low and a bit strained. “Each… clan has specific markers they tend to pass on to their young. The more,” he pauses, as if searching for the correct term, “extremities that appear, the more powerful the entity. Or so it is said.”
The gentle brush of the liner over your one lid lifts, signalling his completion for the moment. Yet, before he can move on to the next, you blink your eyes open.
“Do you believe that?”
You can tell he’s a little stunned by your question, for he freezes before you. Your liquid liner rests in his hands, one holding the cap while the other holds the bottle, both held in the air.
“I believe there’s a certain truth to it.” He replies, seeming to choose his words carefully. “The more physical features one’s true form has: horns, antlers, tails, wings, scales, spikes, you name it, the more magic the entity seems to have in reserve.”
Your gaze narrows slightly, mind reeling at this information. “You all seem pretty powerful to me.”
“Some demons are born with a natural reserve of magic, others have to meticulously train themselves to store such an abundance of power if they want to make a statement.” The words almost sound bitter as they fall from his lips.
Carefully, you sit forward and on the edge of your seat. Your hands reach out to grasp his own, lowering them so you can have a better view of his face.
“My Joongie,” your voice is soft as you call his name, “You don’t need to prove yourself to me. It’s clear how hard you’ve worked to get here, and there is nothing you can do or say to chase me away at this stage. I don’t care about your lineage, or about who has the most power out of all of you. That’s never mattered to me before, and it sure as hell isn’t going to start mattering to me now. All I care about, is you.”
Tenderly, you squeeze his hands in your own.
“I love you. I am only asking to get to know more about one of the men I plan to spend the rest of my life with.” Your voice is firm, not wavering in the slightest. “I don’t know the personal struggles you’ve been through to get this far, but if it means anything in this moment, know that I am so proud of you. I am happy you chose me, of all people, to share this life with you, and I promise to stay by your side through it all. No matter what happens, you will always be My King, My Love,” you swallow lightly, a smile tugging at your lips, “My Joong Bug.”
The way his breath hitches, tears threatening to escape the corners of his eyes once more this afternoon, does not go unnoticed by you.
Your smile widens. You’re starting to understand yet another reason as to why Miyeon’s whole plight affected him so much. Seeing you hurt like that must have reminded him of his blood status, and how he had been supposedly ‘born weak’. A fact which is completely and utterly false, especially to you, and you make sure to tell him as much.
“You have come so far. We have come so far.” You say, settling back into your seat properly. “And I wouldn’t want you any other way.”
A single tear escapes his one eye, the traitorous drop spilling onto his cheek as he stares down at you with nothing but tender love and affection in his gaze. You can feel a deeper understanding of each other settle over you, too, and it warms you right to your very core.
“My Queen,” he stutters out a breath, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows his emotions. “How you always know what to say to make me feel better sets my very soul alight.”
The words you had spoken to him that one day in the garden all those months ago come back to you now, and a loving smile pulls at your lips.
“I have come to realize that we’re all more alike that we realize, Hongjoong.” You voice gently. “I’m happy to know we all have each other.”
He mirrors your expression, smiling lightly as he wipes at his lingering tears with the back of his hand.
“You say how lucky you are to have me, but it is truly I who is lucky to have found you.” He says, barely above a whisper. “You mean everything to me, My Love. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for you. Please, I know I always say it, but never forget that.”
“I believe you, Joongie.” The sincerity alone in your gaze says it all. Only, in the next moment, you begin shifting slightly in your seat. “Now, as much as I’m enjoying this lovely moment, may we quickly finish my eyes. I have to pee.”
“I can wait, My Love,” he chuckles, wiping his final tears away as he goes to take a step back.
“No!” A pout tugs at your lips as you whine. “I don’t want to spoil the surprise before you’ve completed your masterpiece.”
“My Love, you’ve always been a masterpiece, even without my influence.” He grins, shaking his head lovingly at you as you bounce slightly in your seat. “But alas, whatever My Queen desires, she shall have.”
You giggle, smiling wide as you look up at him. “Love you, Joongie.”
“And I love you, My Queen.” Comes his immediate reply.
Stepping back into you, Hongjoong is quick to finish lining the opposite eye. He takes a moment to observe his work again, making sure the product is applied evenly over your lids before switching your liquid liner out for your mascara. Softly, he instructs you to either look up or down as he applies the product to your upper and lower lashes. Not even two minutes later, and after inspecting your entire look once more, he smiles to himself, motioning to indicate that he’s finally finished doing your makeup.
“Yay!” You hop up from your seat, placing a quick kiss to his cheek. “Thank you, My Love!”
Hongjoong chuckles at your enthusiasm. “I simply hope you like it.”
“I know I’ll love it.” You smile, eyes crinkling slightly as you scurry passed him and to your bathroom. “Don’t go anywhere. I want to praise you when I get back.”
The playfully stern look you send him before you enter the bathroom has him grinning to himself. Lightly, he shakes his head, turning back around to at least attempt to start cleaning up that little table of products before you get back. It’s the least he can do, and besides, he should probably clean the brushes anyways. Clean tools are always preferable when starting fresh the next time they’re used.
Hongjoong pays no mind to the slight shuffling he can hear coming from behind him as he wipes off his hands. He knows that it’s just you in the bathroom, moving around. Your little gasp of awe he can hear only causes his grin to widen, knowing you must have finally taken a look at your reflection in the mirror. He just can’t wait to hear what you think.
Holding that eyeshadow brush in his one hand once more, Hongjoong hears the bathroom door finally swing open behind him.
A moment of silence.
“Oh, Captain,” your voice, sultry and sweet, drawls out from the open doorway.
The sight that greets Hongjoong as soon as he turns to face you sends him tumbling to his knees. He cannot contain the darkness that swirls deep within his eyes as that brush clatters to the floor, his heart skipping a pleasant beat inside of his chest.
There you stand, leaning against the edge of the doorframe, looking like his own personal divine sin. Your opposite arm rests lazily against your side, and Hongjoong finally notes your nails, which have been painted a bright red to match the outfit you currently wear.
A short, red silk robe hangs over your figure, barely covering your mid-thighs. The string is tied loosely around your waist, the fabric artfully caressing your form. White peonies are littered across the fabric, hues of blue and yellow dotting the petals in what appear to be smaller floral designs. Your left shoulder is exposed, red lace peeking out from beneath the silk. It’s as if the material is meticulously draped over your skin to provide but a taste of the delicacy you seem to be hiding for him beneath such a thin piece of fabric. Though, that’s not what draws in Hongjoong’s attention the most.
On your lips, the most sinful shade of red is painted over the most seductive of smiles the male has ever seen in his entire life.
There you stand, sin incarnate, and all for him.
“My Love…” He breathes out, voice barely above a whisper.
His eyes never leave your figure as you slowly begin stalking towards him. The look in your eyes is dark enough to mirror his own, and he cannot help the way his tongue darts out to wet his lips as he continues to stare up at you.
“I told you I had a surprise for you,” you chuckle, leaning slightly forward as you come to rest before him. Gently, you bring a finger beneath his chin, tilting his head up to meet your seductive gaze. “Do you like what you see, Captain?”
Hongjoong’s chest heaves, and he can barely suppress the growl that rumbles out from deep within. “My Love, you are the most captivating beauty that I have ever had the pleasure to behold.”
The upturn of your lips shifts from sinful to soft, your eyes shining with nothing but love as you continue to stare down at him.
“I am yours, Hongjoong,” You say, cupping his face gently in the palms of your hands. “There’s a reason I planned so meticulously for this moment with you, and you alone.”
“There is no honour greater to me than spending time with you, My Queen.” He exhales, eyes flitting around every inch of your face and committing this all to memory for years to come. “No feeling greater than your love for me.”
“Truly, the honour is all mine.” Your thumbs trace tenderly over his cheeks. “I am prepared to offer myself to you in every way this evening, My King.”
His breath hitches, and his lips part. His hands, which he has been resting on his knees this whole time, continue to tremble desperately as he attempts to ground himself. This is everything he’s ever wanted, and so much more. Finally, he is going to get the chance to show you what you mean to him. What you have always and truly meant to him.
“However,” this catches his attention, and he waits patiently for you to continue, “there is one thing I want to request of you first.”
“Anything,” he breathes, searching your gaze for any hint of what it is you could want from him. 
Always, he is ready and willing to provide at a moment’s notice.
You inhale deeply, as if to steady your own racing heart as you stare deeply into his eyes.
“I want to see you. All of you.” Gently, you kneel before him, lowering yourself to his level. “Please, Hongjoong,” you swallow softly, “I wish to see your true form.”
You physically feel him freeze beneath your touch, but your stare is unwavering. 
Within your eyes, Hongjoong cannot see even a hint of hesitation, or fear. There is no uncertainty he can decipher, or regret you seem to hold from those words. Simply, there is that same spark of curiosity, and now, love. An undeniable fact that only serves to solidify his decision.
Your painted lips can only part in awe as you see Hongjoong slowly begin to shift before your very eyes. His ears sharpen into fine points, eyes hallowing and swirling with that all too familiar black hue you’ve become so use to from him. Thick, canine-like fangs protrude from his mouth, lips stretching wide over the sharp points almost naturally as his skin grows taunt and pale. Claws extend from the tips of his fingers, and you notice how he seems to be digging them harshly into his knees, the faintest bit of blood seeping into the material of his jeans. Even his limbs appear slightly elongated as he sits there before you, averting his gaze to the side.
Softly, you guide his head back upwards, eyes searching his own.
Hongjoong holds his breath.
“You are so unbelievably beautiful, Hongjoong.” You lean forward, resting your forehead on his own. “Thank you, for sharing this part of yourself with me.”
Slowly, he begins to shift back into his human form, his lips parting slightly as he attempts to control himself for the moment. Of course, Hongjoong did not fail to miss the sudden spike of arousal that permeated your scent just now as he revealed his true form to you. Really, it is you who makes all of his dreams come true.
“I love you, Hongjoong,” your voice manages to pull him back to the beautiful reality before him. “I’m ready now.”
He blinks, a little caught off guard by your words. Though, as his eyes trail over your form once more, watching as you shift to loosen that tie holding such a flimsy material together, he cannot help the way his brow quirks.
A low groan escapes him as the intricate lace ensemble you wear is now fully revealed to him. It wraps delicately around your figure, showcasing every dip and curve he admires so much. In his favourite colour, too.
“Do you understand what I’m telling you, My King?” Your voice is soft as you kneel before him, your one hand coming to rest on the side of your own thigh.
Hongjoong’s eyes nearly bulge right out of his head as he sees you pull out that jewelled dagger from beneath the red laced garter around your upper thigh. The blade had been artfully hidden beneath the robe, but now that you’ve fully opened the silk, he can see that it’s been held there carefully this whole time.
“Not only do I fully offer myself to you in every way tonight,” you begin, meeting his gaze once more as your one hand still gingerly cups the side of his face, “but I have every intention for us to become whole.”
His lips part, and a soft gasp escapes him, “you mean…?”
“Yes, My Love,” you smile. “Tonight, I wish for our souls to finally merge as one.”
The hitch in his breath is audible, and you cannot help but fixate on the way his one hand trembles as he brings it up to cover your own. Nothing but the deepest, most sincere form of love you have ever experienced in your life can be seen in his gaze, and you swear that you can feel his heartbeat pounding right alongside your own.
“Are you-“ he swallows thickly. “Are you sure?”
“More sure of anything I’ve ever been in my entire life.” You tell him earnestly. “I want it to be you, Hongjoong. I need it to be you.”
In the blink of an eye, he has you laying on your bed. Carefully, he hovers above you, his chest still heaving with every breath he takes as he stares deeply into your eyes.
“My Queen,” his voice is full of emotion, threatening to choke him out at any second as he leans into you. Gently, he kisses you, pouring every single emotion he’s currently feeling into the movement of his lips on your own. Pulling away, he rests his forehead tenderly against your own. “I would be honoured.”
The smile that stretches onto your features is nothing short of brilliant, and you can feel him shiver beneath your touch as you trail your one hand up the back of his shirt. Softly, teasingly, you allow your nails to trace over his spine, pulling him in closer.
“Everything I have to offer is yours tonight, Hongjoong.” You say, shifting slightly so you can nuzzle his nose with your own affectionately. “My blood, my body, my mind, my soul.” You meet his gaze. “I want you to have it all.”
Leaning in, Hongjoong wastes no time in kissing you passionately, successfully stealing your breath away as he presses closer into you. A pleasant hum escapes him as he feels you pull him in closer, the hand you have resting beneath his shirt digging into his back desperately.
“You have all of me, My Love.” He whispers against your lips. “You always have, and you always will.”
Gently, you nip at his bottom lip, eliciting a low growl from deep within his throat.
You smirk.
“Now, do you want to cut me out of this,” you lift that dagger held in your one hand, holding it with the pommel towards him in offering, “or shall I?”
The way his eyes flash black, an animalistic snarl tearing from his throat, has you clenching pleasantly around nothing. Your whole body thrums with excitement as he takes that dagger from your hand, gaze trailing shamelessly over every inch of you that he can see.
“A shame to remove such delicate lace from such a perfect body,” he hums, twirling that blade in his one hand as he sits back onto his knees. His eyes are dark as he stares down at you beneath him, a smirk pulling at his features. “I have half the mind to make you ruin these panties of yours before I tear them off of you.”
Once more, you clench pleasantly around nothing. “Why don’t you?”
“Believe me, My Love, I plan on taking my time with you tonight.” That familiar darkness swirls within his gaze as he takes in your figure beneath him on the bed. “Let me admire you just a bit longer like this. Then, I swear to you I will fulfill every promise I’ve ever made of ravishing you until the sun comes up the next day.”
This time, it’s your turn for your breath to hitch. Not even a moment later, and without giving it much though, your hands reach up to fist his shirt, pulling him back down into you for another kiss.
The movement of your lips on his is desperate, fingers fumbling over the buttons on his shirt as you shift your hips up against him. The way he groans into your mouth has you smiling into the kiss, and before you know it, he’s slipped that dagger back into your one hand.
Without wasting anymore time, you tear through the rest of his buttons using that blade. Once the last one has been cut from the material, he pulls away to tear the remaining fabric off of his torso, tossing it somewhere in your room.
Shamelessly, your eyes rake over his body, licking your lips as you do so. There is nothing but pure love and lust in your gaze as your free hand comes up to trace over his chest, eyes catching on two very specific details.
Your expression softens, “You’re still wearing it.”
Briefly, his own gaze darts downwards, as if to glance the golden ring hanging from a thick, silver chain around his neck. He smiles, eyes flitting back to meet your own, a tender look swimming within.
“I haven’t taken it off.” He admits lowly, his one hand coming up to clutch the One Ring lovingly. “It’s… precious to me.”
Your eyebrow quirks, amusement tugging at your features.
“My Love gave it to me.” He says, matter of factly, a knowing twitch of his lips upwards.
Lifting you free hand, you cup his cheek tenderly once more. 
Almost instantly, Hongjoong brings a hand up to rest over your own, turning his face to place a gentle kiss onto your open palm. He purposefully allows his lips to linger, revelling in the feeling of your skin beneath his own. For too long has he dreamt about this moment, and now that it is here - you laying beneath him and pressing against him in every way he’s only ever wished for - he finds that words escape him. One thing he does know, is that he will savour this moment here with you for all eternity.
Again, your gaze darts to his chest, but instead of catching on the ring gleaming from his neck, you focus in on another monumental detail. 
There, a thin, white line sits a few inches below his left collarbone.
The scar you gave him from that knife rests proudly on his upper chest. In fact, it appears to be the only part of his skin that is marred by any sort of blemish for the moment, other than a few moles you can see dotted here and there.
Carefully, you shift your hand, sliding your fingers down the side of his neck in order to rest your touch on his shoulder. Your thumb traces over the faint scar, nothing but adoration shining within your gaze.
“I told you I still had the scar,” he chuckles lowly, that same fond look reflected in his own eyes.
Darting your gaze to his own, your thumb finally freezes over his skin. Nothing but pure love blooms in your heart as you think of how far the both of you have come since you gave him this scar. To think that you’d be here right now, in such a position, is almost unreal. Yet, looking back on it now, and knowing what he means to you - what they all mean to you - you wouldn’t change it for the world.
Softly, your lips pull upwards in a smile. Leaning froward, you press them against his chest, directly over that scar. The fact that there is now a faint stain of red marring his skin has you chuckling fondly, revelling in the way his chest rumbles in content as he sees you looking at the mark you’ve just given him.
“You know I’ll always wear this proudly, My Love,” he keeps his voice low, gazing down at you as if you’ve hung all of the stars in the night sky.
To him, you have.
“I would say to give me a matching one, but I don’t think you’d ever agree to stabbing me.” You say, and you notice how his one eyebrow twitches. “Remind me to discuss the idea of tattoos with you all sometime.”
The grin that stretches across his face is radiant, if not devious. “You wish to have matching tattoos with us, My Love?”
“It’s something else I’ve been thinking about lately,” you admit, your one hand back to trailing over his chest. Lightly, your nails scratch at his skin and he hums in content.
“You know, My Love,” his grin turns teasing, “Tattoos are quite permanent. They can last forever.”
“Oh?” The playful pull of your lips upwards matches his grin in every way. “It’s a good thing, then, that I don’t plan on going anywhere any time soon.”
He laughs, his eyes crinkling in joy, “We’d chase you to the ends of the earth.”
“I’m aware,” you hum, letting that blade settle beside you onto the mattress as you fully pull him back into you. “Let’s start with this first. Okay, Joongie?”
A content rumble escapes him once more. “As you wish, My Queen.”
His lips are back on your own without another moment’s hesitation. Gently, he grinds his hips into you, letting you feel just how hard you’ve already made him. The way you gasp lightly into his mouth as you feel all of him pressing against your core makes his smirk.
“You don’t know how long I’ve fantasized about this.” He moans, nipping at your bottom lip. “About you.”
“Oh?”You quirk a brow, heart fluttering inside of your chest. “Just what have you fantasized about, Captain?”
His eyes flash, gaze briefly roaming over your entire body once more as he licks his lips.
“I can’t count the amount of times I’ve fantasized about you sucking me off.” 
The admission knocks the wind right out of you. 
“I’ve thought about you worshipping my cock: the way your lips would feel wrapped around me, and fuck- the feeling of your tongue licking over every inch like I’m the best damn thing you’ve ever tasted in your entire life.” He pants out, voice but a low drawl. His chest heaves, rising and falling dramatically as he watches your tongue dart out to wet your lips. 
“And of course, once you were finally sated with pleasing me, I would absolutely fucking devour you. Fuck- ever since that day you allowed us to indulge in you, the way your scent fucking hypnotized me, I’ve been dying for a taste.” His tongue darts out to wet his lips this time, as if to emphasize his point. His eyes darken significantly. “That little gift of yours could only satisfy me for so long; I’m afraid that your scent has long since worn off of them, given the amount of times I’ve tried to suckle whatever last drops of your sweet nectar that I could that clung to the material.”
Your breath hitches at his confession. The mental image alone of Hongjoong desperate and aching for you, your panties caught between his teeth as he strokes his throbbing cock to completion to the mere thought of you has you immediately clenching around nothing. You can practically feel yourself soaking through the material of the panties you currently wear, and the fact that he’s already mentioned wanting to make you ruin them only adds to the immense pleasure that currently floods your veins from his words alone.
You let out a low moan, eyes nearly rolling as he presses himself firmer against you.
“Fuck- I’ve always thought about you.” He leans in, nipping at the shell of your ear. His lips trace down the side of your neck, sending a pleasant shiver down your spine as his voice deepens, “The way you would taste; how your thighs would tremble around my head as your juices dripped down my chin. I’ve always fantasized about how sweet my name would sound falling from your lips, pulling me in closer as I brought you to ecstasy over, and over, and over again just from my tongue alone.” 
He’s panting at this point, but he doesn’t care. All he cares about is letting you know exactly what you do to him, just as he’s always so desperately craved.
“I want to feel you falling apart because of me. I want you to flood my every sense with you as you continuously drip down my face because you cannot help how wet I make you. I want to make you tremble. I want for you to experience a bliss unlike anything you’ve ever felt in your entire life, and then I want to drown you in my love, in pleasure, so that the only thing you can think of, the only thing that you can feel is me.” His eyes flash as he stares deeply into your own, beginning to grind himself into you in time with his words. 
“I want to have you shaking as I make you come over,” he presses deeper into you, “and over,” another shift of his hips over your own, “and over again for me and me alone. I want to hear you sigh my name, and then I want to make you scream it until your voice is so raw from the pleasure I am providing you that all you can do is whimper and moan.”
Desperately, your hands claw at his back, nails biting into his shoulders as a small whine escapes your throat. Already, you can feel yourself trembling beneath him, close to tipping over the edge from the sheer want coursing through your veins. The same want - need - that you know he feels in this very moment, too.
“Selfishly, I want to please you until I am satisfied. Until you’re either begging me to stop, or you pass out from the feeling of it all.” He breathes out, the slightest of smirks pulling at the corner of his lips. “I want to feel your nails digging into my back as I make the sweetest love to you, letting you feel my devotion to you in every movement that I offer you. I want to feel you pressing against me in every possible way, and even then I fear that it will never be enough to satiate my need, my desire for you.” 
A gasp escapes you, your eyes fluttering shut as you absolutely revel in his confession. Your heart feels as if it is about to burst from your chest, whole body heating until you cannot tell where his desire ends and your own begins.
“I want to love you, until the stars fall from the sky, and the entire world goes up in flames.” A moment’s pause so he can stare deeply into your eyes as you blink them open to meet his gaze. “I will love you. Until the end of time.”
“Hongjoong,” his name is no more than a whisper on your lips, eyes staring deeply into his own.
You hold him tighter, your one hand coming up to cup the side of his face.
“Please, My Love,” he reaches up and grasps your hand in his, placing your palm directly over his racing heart. “Feel how my heart beats for you. How it pulses and aches for you and only you. With everything I am, I am yours. My every breath, my every thought,” his hand tightens over your own, and you can feel the way his heart skips a beat inside of his chest, “my very soul, belongs to you.”
Subconsciously, your thighs tighten around him, your fingers digging into his chest as you stare up at him with nothing but tender love and affection in your gaze. The need to be closer to him rushes through your mind, and you hardly register how your vision blurs through the appearance of happy tears. 
Blinking them away quickly, you smile up at him, lips parting slightly as you attempt to catch your breath.
“You are the greatest love I have even known, Hongjoong.” You say softly, your other hand coming to cup his face as he still holds the one tenderly against his racing heart. “Everything and anything you want from me, I will give. All of your desires, I will fulfill. I am yours as much as you are mine, and nothing will ever change that.”
His own breath hitches as he looks down at you so fondly, “My Love-“
Quickly, you shift your hand on his chest so that you now press his own to yours. Even you can feel your heart thundering away beneath your skin against the tips of your fingers, and you make sure to squeeze his hand just as tenderly as he did your own.
“Know that my heart beats just as fiercely for you as yours does for me.” You keep your voice low, feeling as he begins to tremble above you. “There is no power in this world that could tear me away from you, nor change what you mean to me. You have made me believe in love again, and nothing will ever change that. Just as you give your all to me, I give everything I am and more to you. You are My Everything, Hongjoong. My Soul lives on for you.”
The small sob that escapes him surprises you, and not even a moment later, you feel something wet land on your chest. However, before he gives you time to think, his lips are on your own, kissing you breathless as he clings to your very form.
“I am so deeply in love with you, My Queen,” he mutters against your lips through kisses. “I love you more than life itself.”
“I am in love with you, My King,” you breathe out, clinging to him desperately as your arms hold him flush against you. “And I always will be.”
Hongjoong buries his face into the side of your neck, his hands caressing your sides tenderly. His fingers dance along your skin, toying with the intricate straps wrapping around your body that he can reach. His heart positively sings for you inside of his chest, whole body overwhelmed by his emotions. This feeling that consumes him currently is unlike any other he’s felt in his entire life, and he knows it’s only just the beginning.
After all, the two of you are only getting started.
“You drive me crazy, you know that?” He nips at the skin of your neck, soothing over the bite with his lips shortly after. “I can never get enough of you.” His tongue darts out to lave over your pulse, and he loves how your whole body arches into his touch. “Of your love.”
“It’s endless, Joongie,” you reply, words but a whimper on your lips as you tilt your head to the side so he has better access. “I will never stop loving you.”
You can feel the way he smiles against the skin of your neck, “Took the words right out of my mouth, My Queen.”
Gently, the fingers of your one hand begin to thread through the hair on the back of his neck.
“I want you to act on your desires tonight, Joongie,” you breathe out, nipping at the shell of his ear. “And I will finally act on mine.”
The way his whole body shudders in your hold does not go unnoticed by you. You smirk.
He bites down on the side of your neck a little harsher this time, eliciting the sweetest of whines from you.
“As you wish, My Queen.”
Slowly, meticulously, Hongjoong grinds himself into you once more. His lips swallow the gasp you let out as he presses his own to yours, hands holding you tightly as he moves above you. He wants you to feel every inch of his love tonight, and he doesn’t plan on making any exceptions.
“You’re so fucking beautiful, did you know that?” Again, he nips at your bottom lip, a pleased rumble escaping him along with his words.
“All for you,” you hum, cupping his face in your hands tenderly. “My Handsome King.”
A low, pleased growl echoes around the room, his one hand coming up to cup your breast over the lace material of your bra. Slowly, he begins to squeeze your flesh, moaning as he feels the warmth of your skin against his palm. Teasingly, he traces his thumb over your nipple through the fabric, loving how you arch desperately into his touch.
“Joongie, please,” A small whimper escapes your lips as your hips shift beneath his. “Touch me.”
The corner of his lips quirk, “I am touching you, My Queen.”
As if to emphasize his point, he gives your breast another appreciative squeeze, his teeth scraping against your pulse in tandem.
A whine slips passed your lips, chest stuttering as you attempt to catch your breath. Then, something within your eyes flash, a sort of devious intent shining within.
“If you don’t want to feel how wet you’ve made me,” your voice is low, rumbling out as you slip a hand between your two bodies, “I will.”
There is no mistaking the animalistic snarl that tears from his throat as his one hand comes down to halt all movements of your own. His touch is nothing short of gentle, contrasting the darkness swirling within his eyes at this very moment as he stares deeply into your gaze.
“Still wish to tease me, My Love?” You grin devilishly, licking your lips as your gaze darts down to where he pins your wrist to your stomach.
“Who’s teasing who now, My Love?” His voice is low, nothing more than guttural in tone as his eyes flash black. “I thought I told you I wish to take my time with you tonight.”
“You did.” Your expression softens the slightest bit, a warmth lighting up behind your eyes. “And I said I wanted us to fulfill our deepest desires, as well.”
You feel his cock twitch against your clothed core as he grins above you. “Fuck- I love you.”
The words have barely finished escaping him when his lips are pressed against your own. The hand holding your wrist finally lets go. Only, before you can so much as react, you find your breath hitching, a pleasant thrum travelling throughout your body. The feeling radiates out from your very core, spreading down towards the very tips of your toes.
The dagger, which you had left resting beside you on the mattress, is suddenly at your throat. A wild, desperate look shines within Hongjoong’s eyes as he holds the blade mere millimetres from your skin.
“Beg for me, My Queen.”
The soft gasp has barely finished falling from your parted lips when your hands tighten around him again for the nth time this evening. A fact of which has his own hips involuntarily shifting forward, cock twitching against you once more.
“Please, Joongie,” your voice portrays every bit of desperation you feel for him in this moment. “Touch me.” You swallow lightly. “I need you to touch me.”
Slowly, the corner of his lips quirk upwards, and that hand he still has tenderly cupping your breast begins to sneak down your body.
“Feel how wet you make me, My Love.” You breathe out. “Please, I’m tired of only fantasizing about what your fingers feel like on me.”
Hongjoong’s own breath hitches, those very fingers of his halting all movement as the tips teasingly trail along the top of your panties. He can feel his heartbeat ringing in his ear, threatening to burst right out of his very chest at any second.
For too long has he fantasized about such words falling from your lips, and now that they have, his head spins. Hongjoong has to hold himself there, desperately telling himself to calm down, lest he want to come before you can even touch him, or even better, he can even touch you. Such a simple phrase means everything to him, and the way you begin squirming beneath his hold says it all.
“You’ve thought about me.” Not a question, but a statement of fact.
“How can I not think about you?” Your response is airy, hips lifting off the bed as you seek the warmth of his hand that he holds just above your panty line. “You’re not the only one with desires, Captain.”
“Tell me.” Hongjoong growls lowly, his fingers slowly dipping beneath the band of your panties.
A small whimper escapes you, and you attempt to raise your hips to meet his touch. Only, this time, he’s expecting you to do so, pinning your hips in place with his own as he presses that dagger firmer into your neck.
You swallow, excitement thrumming through your veins.
“You have such pretty hands, My Love,” you whisper, gaze briefly darting downwards as if to glance them. “I can’t count the amount of nights I’ve spent in your arms, thinking about your hands all over me. I’ve always dreamt of your fingers digging into my flesh, pulling me in closer to you as we lose ourselves in each other. I want to feel your nails piercing my skin because you can no longer control yourself, sinking your fangs into my neck and drinking your fill of me as we come together.”
A low snarl tears passed his lips as Hongjoong finally shifts his hand down to cup you over your bare pussy. He can already feel the dampness on the back of his skin from where you’ve soaked through your panties, and as he finally dips a finger through your folds, he nearly loses himself right then and there.
“Fuck- My Queen,” his whole body shakes as he moans lowly. “You’re dripping.”
“All for you, My King,” your eyes flutter as you feel him repeat his movements from only a moment before. “All because of you. Do you see how wet you make me? What your words alone can do? How much I’ve been craving your touch?”
Again, he growls, the tips of his fingers coming up to lightly begin circling over your clit. The way he can feel your pussy practically pulsating beneath his touch has him smirking into the skin of your neck.
Another low moan escapes you, your whole body shuddering as he increases the pressure slightly over your clit. Already, your legs begin to tremble, high pitched whimpers falling from your lips as you toss your head back onto the pillows.
Only, he immediately halts all movement over you, drawing a desperate whine from your throat. Yet, he never lifts his fingers from your dripping cunt, making sure to keep the tips pressed firmly against that sensitive little clit of yours.
“I didn’t tell you to stop.” His voice is low, nothing more than an animalistic drawl in your ear. He circles your clit once. Slowly. “Keep going. I want to hear it all.”
Your lips part in a breathless moan, and you are more than happy to oblige.
“I’ve-“ you inhale sharply, feeling him adding the slightest bit more pressure as he resumes circling that sensitive little nub of yours, “I’ve always enjoyed the idea of being marked.” Your chest heaves as you feel him nip at your neck. “Of being claimed.”
He hums, his lips placing wet, open mouthed kisses along your racing pulse. All the while, his fingers never halt their movements over your clit for even a second.
“The mere thought of you-“ your eyes squeeze shut as you attempt to hold back that impending wave of your orgasm, toes curling prematurely. “Oh god-“
He smirks against your neck, adding even more pressure over your clit as his fingers circle that swollen bundle of nerves skillfully.
“Go on, My Queen,” he nips once more at the shell of your ear. “Tell me.”
“Hongjoong-“ The gasp of his name is a mere warning on your lips.
“Tell me, and then let me feel you drench my fingers in your love,” his voice is but a mere growl on his lips, hips slowly grinding against your side in time with the movements of his fingers.
A loud moan escapes you, your brow furrowing as your whole body tenses beneath his touch.
“I don’t think I’ve ever come harder by myself than to the thought of you claiming me as yours.” Your words are rushed, voiced hushed as your hands come up to desperately cling onto the sides of his arms.
The second that admission escapes your lips, your eyes are rolling into the back of your head. Your back arches off of the bed, his name falling in desperate whines from your lips as your orgasm crashes into you. You can feel your release dripping out of you and onto his fingers, your whole body trembling beneath his touch.
A pleased snarl escapes him, both from hearing your admission and watching you fall apart immediately afterwards. The fact that he can feel you soaking his fingers as he teasingly drags them through your folds, circling over your entrance lethargically has pleased growls building continuously in his throat with every exhale he makes.
Only now, Hongjoong wants more.
That dagger at your throat gets tossed beside you once more on the bed in favour of his hand cupping your face. Instantly, his lips are back on yours, swallowing all of your sounds as he gives you no time to recover from your first orgasm of the evening. Dipping two fingers through your folds, he pushes them inside you, moaning lowly as he feels your whole body shudder beneath him.
“Another,” the feral command is growled against the skin of your lips as his teeth sink lightly into the tender flesh. “Give me another.”
His pace is ruthless, fingers massaging your inner walls as his thumb finds your clit once more. His movements are precise, albeit desperate as he continues to grind his hips against your side, his cock twitching in tandem with the way your warmth squeezes his digits so delicately.
You can no longer form words. The intensity of your first orgasm has barely subsided as he begins to coax another from you. All you can do is moan, lips moving against his own as he swallows all of your sounds greedily, fingers curling within you as he begs for you to fall apart for him again.
“So fucking beautiful, My Queen,” he whispers against your mouth. “Such an ethereal sight, watching you fall apart for me.” He hums pleasantly, his chest rumbling in content. “Because of me.”
Again, your whole body begins trembling in his hold, and all you can manage are loud moans as his name falls from your lips in desperate whimpers.
“Give it to me, My Love.” Lightly, he nips at your neck, sucking gently on your skin. The softness of his lips completely contrasts the eager movements of his fingers, his thumb pressing firmly against your clit as he adds more pressure to each of his digits within your cunt. “I want to hear you scream.”
As if your body is set to obey his every command, your second orgasm crashes into you, much more intensely than the first. Your whole body shakes, a loud cry of his name escaping your lips as you arch into him. Your chest presses against his, legs twitching as you feel your walls spasming around his fingers still buried deep inside of you.
“Yes,” his voice is but a low, pleased snarl as he helps you through your release. “That’s it, My Love. Just like that.”
A breathless whine of his name escapes you, attempting to catch your breath as your chest heaves. Luckily, his fingers have finally stilled within you, and the next kiss he places upon your lips is tender. Even if he still growls with every exhale.
Softly, he begins trailing kisses down your jaw and to your neck, sucking lightly over certain areas that have your breath stuttering. Slowly, he removes his fingers, feeling as you shudder beneath him once more.
“You’re doing so well for me, My Love,” his voice is nothing short of tender as he cups your face with his opposite hand. Gently, his thumb strokes over your cheek. “My Beautiful Queen.”
Your eyes flutter shut, basking in the gentle caress of his touch as he kisses you. The movement of his tongue over your own is languid, and he hums lowly into your mouth as you finally release your hold on his arms.
The fact that he can still feel the dull press of your nails against his skin, even after you pull your hands away, makes him smile.
Pulling away, he rests his forehead against your own.
“I just-“ You lick your lips, chest still heaving as you rest beneath him. “I just need a moment.”
A pleased rumble shakes his chest, “Of course, My Love.”
“You truly are insatiable, aren’t you?” Your voice holds nothing but amusement as your eyes blink open, the faintest of smirks tugging at the corner of your lips.
“When it comes to you,” he pecks your lips softly. “Always.”
You hum contently, your one hand gently stroking over his spine as he rests above you. Nothing but love can be seen in your gaze as you stare deeply into his eyes, smiling tenderly up at him as he looks upon you in the exact same way that you’re gazing at him.
In fact, he’s so enraptured by your gaze that he fails to see your other hand sneaking up the mattress beside you.
Finally, you seem to catch your breath.
In the blink of an eye, that dagger is now at Hongjoong’s throat. The tip rests mere millimetres beneath his chin, and you can feel the pleased growl that reverberates through his chest against your own as his gaze darkens.
“My turn.” You smirk, wrapping your one leg around his hips and flipping your position instantly.
The way he gazes up at you, his eyes flashing black as his hands settle lovingly onto your waist, says it all.
Still, you press that blade to his throat.
“You certainly know how to please a woman.” You grin, licking your lips. A movement of which, you notice, he follows.
Subtly, his grip tightens on your hips. “I live to please you.”
Your expression softens, a tender smile pulling at your features as you gaze down upon him.
“Well, now I wish to please you.” That knife gets trailed gently down his torso, the tip of the blade caressing his skin and causing goosebumps to raise in its wake. The shudder that wracks his body as you trace the tip over his scar does not go unnoticed by you. “How about it, My King? Shall I reward you for always taking such good care of me?”
Hongjoong’s breathing deepens, eyes trailing over every inch of your figure as you move to slip that silk robe from your shoulders. His lips part, a choked moan escaping him as he feels you beginning to grind yourself down into him.
Your brow quirks, amusement tugging at the corner of your lips.
“Did making me come for you please you that much, My King?” Your voice is but a sultry drawl as you begin to shift down his body.
Once more, his eyes flash black. “You have no idea what you do to me, My Queen, nor how long I’ve desired only to please you.”
Your breath catches in your throat, and you can feel your heart skip a beat in your chest. Warmth blooms beneath your skin, for you know he only speaks the truth, especially given the way his dark eyes drink you in.
Sitting back on your knees, you settle between Hongjoong’s legs. A small pride blooms in your chest as you see the prominent wet patch on his jeans, his semi-hard cock already straining once more against the material.
Hongjoong observes your every movement carefully. Every twitch of your brow, every subtle upturn of your lips, he sees. The way you hungrily trail your own gaze over his body has his shivering in contentment, anticipation clawing at his chest as you hand that dagger back to him.
Gently, he takes the blade from your hand, silently asking you with his eyes what you wish to do with such an item.
“Stick it in my headboard for all I care,” you grin, hands finding purchase on his thighs and rubbing over the clothed flesh tenderly. “I’m about to have my hands full.”
The way his hips buck upwards, a low groan escaping him is completely involuntary. His mind runs wild with the implications behind your words, and he hardly registers slamming that dagger into the wood above his head.
You giggle, and the sound is pure music to Hongjoong’s ears. “Someone’s eager.”
“My Love-“
“I know, Joongie,” you grin, glancing up at him through your lashes. “You’re not the only one who’s fantasized about feeling my tongue on you.”
This time, it’s his turn for his eyes to roll to the back of his head. His back arches, cock twitching beneath his jeans as your words settle over him. Knowing you’ve desired the same things as he has only makes his head spin, his need for you growing tenfold as he feels your fingers trailing up his thighs.
A blink, and you’re leaning over him, hands splayed over his chest as you kiss him deeply. His hands slip down to your ass, and you giggle into his mouth as you feel him squeeze you appreciatively.
Slowly, you begin to trail your own lips down his neck, biting and sucking marks into his skin along the way. His hands never once leave you, holding onto you for as long as he can as you shift over him, kissing and nipping your way down his bare torso. Not before laving your mouth over that scar once more, though. A fact which has his whole body shuddering, hips bucking upwards to seek any sort of friction that he can.
“So handsome, Joongie,” You hum, teeth grazing the skin just above waistline of his jeans. “You are everything I could have ever asked for, and so much more.”
A shameless moan escapes him, his fingers reaching for you desperately. Only, you chuckle, moving just out of his reach.
“Patience, My Love,” your own hands grasp his waist, squeezing gently. “It’s like you said before,” you grin, “we’ve only just begun.”
The moment your fingers start to undo his belt, Hongjoong’s lips part. His eyes never once leave your figure, drinking in the sight of you, still in that sinful red ensemble, ready and willing to please him. Truly, this is everything he could have ever wanted, and so much more. The fact that you’ve already given so much to him today, and that you plan to give him more, makes his whole body come alight, his soul singing beneath his skin.
The slow, meticulous movement of your hand undoing his zipper only serves to tease him further. Your touch is like electricity, making his skin come alight in the best ways wherever you choose to caress his body. The way you lick your lips eagerly as you hook your fingers beneath both the waistline of his pants and his underwear has his cock twitching in tandem, straining against the material until such a time where you remove them from him.
A low, pleased moan slips passed your lips as you watch his cock spring free of its confines. The tip is already an angry red, and you swear that you can practically see it throbbing from where it sits, pressing firmly against the skin of his stomach.
You toss his remaining clothes somewhere in your room, mouth practically salivating as your eyes stare down at his cock. The way you lick your lips makes him twitch, and you cannot help the grin that tugs onto your features as you realize this.
“Such a pretty cock, Joongie,” you slowly lower yourself to him, letting him feel the warmth of your breath on the skin of his thigh as you place a tender kiss to his flesh. “I haven’t even touched you yet and you’re already this hard.”
“All for you, My Queen,” he replies breathlessly. “You should see how hard I get just from you merely looking at me.”
Your heart positively flutters inside of your chest, a warmth blooming within.
Softly, your hands trail up his thighs once more, nails scratching lightly over his skin.
He shudders.
A smile rests on your face as you begin placing tender kisses along the inside of his one thigh. Your hand comes up to settle over his hip, thumb gently stroking over his skin as you hear him moan.
“My Queen,” his voice is desperate; airy.
Using your opposite hand, you push his thighs further apart, settling between them comfortably. Your head rests just above his aching cock, and with every exhale, he seems to twitch against his stomach. Out of the corner of your eyes, you notice how his hands fist the sheets at his sides. A fact which makes you smirk.
“I had also planned to worship you tonight, My King.” You tell him lowly, hearing how he whimpers your name so beautifully in response. “Let me make all of your fantasies come to life.”
A loud moan escapes Hongjoong’s lips as he feels you drag your tongue along the underside of his cock, slowly. You repeat the action a few times, drawing different patterns against him as you trace your tongue over a prominent vein. The fact that his breathing picks up, his head getting tossed back against the pillows only makes you smirk, loving the effect you’re already having on him.
Slowly, you bring that hand you had resting on his hip to his cock, holding him firmly in your grip. You pump him a few times, thumb swiping over his leaking slit as you spare a glance up at him through your lashes.
The sight that greets you has your stomach twisting in pleasure.
Never have you seen Hongjoong look so dishevelled. His hair is a mess, sticking out in odd ends as some damp strands cling to his forehead. His chest continues to heave, lips parted as low growls slip through with every breath he takes. Already, his eyes have bled black, his gaze fixated on you.
No matter what, he refuses to tear his attention away from the glorious sight that is you. Too many nights have been spent fantasizing about what you’d look like between his legs, and now that he finally gets to observe such a breathtaking scene, he swears to engrave it into his memories for all eternity. 
The feeling of your hand holding onto him so delicately, occasionally gifting him a tender stroke has low groans escaping him. The wet heat of your tongue dances across his skin, his cock throbbing with every desperate beat of his heart as you continuously lick him from base to tip, just like he’s always dreamed.
The second you shift to lave your mouth over the underside of his cock, Hongjoong’s whole body twitches. He can feel himself internally battling with the feeling of both loving and hating the slow, languid pace you’re taking with him right now. Yet, it’s embarrassing to him how quickly he feels like he’s going to come.
He wants you to make him scream. He wants you to make him beg for you, to make him so desperate for your touch that he falls apart just from a single glance. Yet, he also wants you to be rough with him, to please him until he has nothing left, his come dripping over his spent cock as you force another orgasm from him. For you, and only you.
He wants you to make him cry from the pleasure of it all, but he has a feeling that, somehow, deep down, you most certainly will.
The tender brush he feels of your mind against his own has another shudder caressing his spine. The fact that you immediately open your void to him to let your thoughts shamelessly pour over him as another low, desperate moan of your name falling passed his lips.
So hard for me, Joongie, Your voice echoes shamelessly through his head. Fuck- I love the feeling of you against my tongue.
As if to emphasize your point, another long lick is given to him from base to tip. Only this time, the moment you reach the head, you wrap your lips around him, suckling him gently into your mouth.
The moan that escapes Hongjoong is nothing short of needy, his hips bucking upwards in pursuit of the warmth of your mouth. Except, you’re faster, releasing him with a slight chuckle as you pull away from him.
He whines, the loss of contact making his thighs twitch.
“I control the pace, My Love,” you tell him, voice firm as your dark eyes meet his own. “Touch me all you want, but I determine when you come.”
“Yes, Mistress,” 
The whine he lets out goes straight to your core, lips parting in a silent moan. Only, you feel his whole body stiffen beneath you.
Glancing up reveals him staring down at you worriedly, his bottom lip caught between his teeth. You’ve never discussed the use of certain names within the confines of the bedroom, and he’s not sure how you may react. However, at the way you’re staring at him, eyes dark with nothing but love and lust for him, he has a feeling you’re rather enjoying yourself right now.
You quirk a brow, the corner of your lips twitching upwards, “Good Boy.”
The moan that tumbles from his mouth is shameless, and his cock twitches once more. He can feel your hand tighten slightly around him, pumping him a few times as you begin placing open mouthed kisses along the underside of his cock.
“Oh, fuck- My Queen,” he hisses, hips shifting involuntarily beneath your hold. “Your mouth-“ he pants, eyes squeezing shut as a high-pitched whine escapes him. “Your tongue.”
A pleasant hum is all the response he gets as you suckle one of his balls into your mouth. The second Hongjoong feels your tongue caressing his skin, his hips jerk, more precome leaking from his tip.
“Feels so-“ a choked moan escapes him as you hum around him, “Fuck- you feel amazing.”
A soft giggle slips passed your lips as you release him, wasting no time to take his hard cock into the warmth of your mouth. Gently, you suckle at his tip, swirling your tongue around him as you lower yourself further onto him. The pleased hums you continuously let out only serve to reverberate sinfully against his shaft, making his thighs shake as his one hand comes up to cup the back of your head.
“Don’t stop,” he whimpers, gaze desperate and pleading as he meets your own. “My Queen-“ he gasps, eyes nearly rolling to the back of his head. “Don’t fucking stop.”
The whole time you move over him, you make sure to watch his every expression. You can feel yourself practically beginning to drip down your thigh through your ruined panties, the sounds he’s providing for you going straight to your core.
A pride builds in your chest as you work your tongue over his hard cock. You’ve never seen Hongjoong look this disheveled, his normally composed appearance giving way to a man absolutely lost within the pleasure you’re providing for him now. It makes you wonder if this is how he always looks when he thinks of you, if you’ve always been able to make him lose his composure just from a single touch.
From the way he’s moaning for you now, your name falling like a sinful mantra meant only for your ears, you know it to be true.
Simply knowing that you have this profound effect on him makes your whole body come alight in awe. The fact that he can allow himself to be this vulnerable with you, and you with him, means the world to you. To have him, an all powerful King at your complete mercy with his cock down your throat, has you smiling against him. To know that he trusts you, that he has always trusted you is a feeling unlike any other. A feeling which you gladly share, for there is no one else you could ever want - no one else you could ever need - when he is right here, ready and willing to provide you with everything and anything you could ever possibly desire.
Such a pretty cock, My King, you repeat your words from earlier, your mouth full of him as your tongue continues to swirl around his shaft. I could worship it all night long.
A choked moan slipped passed his lips, his hips bucking upwards slightly. The hand he has holding onto the back of your head tightens its grip, and his chest heaves with every breath he takes.
“Please, My Queen,” he whines lowly, thighs tensing as he attempts to hold himself back.
Coming so soon, My King? Your voice feigns concern, and it only causes him to twitch within your mouth again. More intense than just a mere fantasy, isn’t it?
“Better.” He moans, head being tossed back upon your pillows. “Better than any fantasy.”
You hum around him once more, your free hand coming up to start caressing his balls.
A loud curse and cry of your name are the only warnings you get before you feel him twitch, coming down your throat. His hand on the back of your head holds you there, and you feel the faintest of pricks digging into your skin, but not enough to draw blood.
You smile around his cock, helping him through his orgasm and letting him lightly thrust into your mouth as he comes down. Your tongue works to gather any of his release that might have escaped you, finally moving off of him with a small pop as you giggle lowly.
You lick your lips, absolutely revelling in the low growls that rumble out of his chest with every exhale that he makes. His hand finally loosens its hold on your head, bringing it around to cup the side of your face. Gently, his thumb begins stroking over your cheek as he attempts to catch his breath.
“Could you get anymore perfect?” His voice rumbles out, lips parting as he watches you smile up at him from between his legs.
Again, you giggle, wiping at the corner of your mouth with your thumb almost teasingly.
In the blink of an eye, Hongjoong has you pinned beneath him again. His kiss is desperate, tongue stroking over your own as he moans deeply into your mouth. His hands trace down your sides, and you faintly register the feeling of something sharp trailing in their wake.
A shiver caresses your spine as you realize he’s teasing you with his claws. The moment his hands settle on your hips, you feel those familiar little pricks digging into your skin and you moan shamelessly into his mouth.
The briefest of flashes of a thought within your mind has him smirking against your lips.
“I promise that I’ll ravish you in my true form another night, My Love.” His words are but a whisper against your lips, but you still cannot prevent the way you shudder for a second time in his arms. “Right now, I wish to take my time loving you.”
You smile up at him, meeting his tender gaze for the nth time this night, “I’m yours, Hongjoong.”
“As I am yours, My Love.” He returns your soft expression. “Now, as tempted as I am to tear this stunning ensemble from your body, I’d rather not ruin such a precious memory. Would you?”
“I couldn’t agree more, My King.” You reply gently.
Carefully, Hongjoong helps you sit up. His hands slip around your back, skillfully undoing the clasp of your bra and watching as you slide the material from your shoulders. His gaze is nothing but loving as he trails it all over your now exposed torso, hands reaching out to caress your breasts as he helps you lay back down on the mattress.
“Like I said before,” he breathes out, eyes darting from your figure to your own as nothing but awe shines within his. “Perfect.”
He emphasizes his words with a tender squeeze of his hands, massaging your breasts as his thumbs flick over your pert nipples. Slowly, he kisses back down your neck, nipping along the swells of your breasts once he reaches your chest. He continues to cup them so eagerly in his hands, humming lowly against you as he takes his time pressing his lips to your skin.
The second his mouth encases one of your nipples, sucking gently, you moan. The sound is but a sweet melody, one which Hongjoong wishes to continue to elicit from you for as long as he can this evening.
Flicking his tongue over your nipple, he’s quick to release it and move to the other. Giving the opposite the same attention, his low, pleased moans only serve to echo your own, his cock twitching excitedly against you once more.
Slowly, he kisses his way down your stomach, his hands taking their time to caress your sides. His movements are precise, making sure you can feel how much he admires you in his every touch. He hums, laving his tongue over your skin and smiling into each press of his lips against you every time your chest stutters. Wet, open mouthed kisses are placed, almost like a halo, around your stomach, his hands squeezing and massaging your flesh appreciatively.
“There is not a single part of you that I am not in love with,” the admission is but a low drawl against your skin, his dark eyes peeking up at you as he settles himself further between your legs.
“Joongie,” the sigh of his name is nothing short of tender.
“Every part of you is absolutely sinful, My Love. You have enraptured me with your very being, and I will kill anyone who says otherwise.” A low growl reverberates in his chest.
Your breath hitches, heart fluttering inside of your chest as you stare down at him.
Again, Hongjoong meets your gaze.
“You got to taste me this evening,” his voice is but a mere rumble as he hooks his fingers beneath the waistline of your ruined panties. “Now, it’s my turn to taste you.”
In one swift movement, he’s helping you strip yourself of your panties, pushing your thighs open as he settles between them once more. A guttural groan escapes him as his eyes zero in on your pussy, seeing you clench around nothing from his gaze alone. The fact that he can see your essence glinting in the light of the setting sun has a pleased growl rumbling in his chest, your scent completely surrounding him and making his head spin.
You are absolutely intoxicating. The sight of your bare pussy, which he has desperately longed to worship himself, dripping and practically begging for him to touch, has his cock absolutely throbbing against your sheets. For too long has he simply fantasized about this moment, and now that it’s here, he’s going to savour it for all eternity.
“Fuck- look at you,” he pants, licking his lips as his eyes flash black. “Already a mess; just begging for my tongue to have a taste.”
A low moan escapes you, and from the smirk that pulls at his features, you can tell he can physically see you clench around nothing.
He looks up at you, meeting your gaze as his eyes shine. His fingers sink firmly into the skin of your thighs, holding your legs apart as he watches you carefully. Every breath that escapes him boarders on a low growl, his lips parting as he breathes you in.
Softly, your one hand comes up to comb through his hair. Your fingers gently brush the strands away from his eyes, and you smile as you feel him lean into your touch.
His eyes flutter shut.
“You are my greatest desire,” he breathes out, fingers tightening ever so slightly over your thighs. “I will never stop wanting you, My Love. My heart beats for you, and you alone.”
Your heart swells with warmth, spreading outward from your chest and to the very tips of your fingers. A feeling you are becoming all too used to this evening, and you wouldn’t want it any other way.
Briefly, his eyes flit back to your weeping entrance, moaning lowly. “How I’ve been longing for a taste…”
Hongjoong goes to lean into you, except, he doesn’t get very far.
The hand you have resting in his hair halts his every movement, holding him mere inches away from your pussy as his chest rumbles in discontent. Only, before he can protest, his eyes catch on the way your free hand comes down to part your folds using two of your fingers, putting yourself on full display for him.
You meet his gaze.
“Beg for me, My King.”
Hongjoong’s lips part, his heart stuttering pleasantly in his chest. His nails dig into the skin of your thighs, eyes flashing black as he stares, transfixed, at the way your cunt weeps for him, and him alone.
“My Queen,” the words are hardly audible over the sound of his own racing heart, “Please- I need to taste you. You don’t know how long I’ve been dying for a taste.”
The corner of your lips twitch upwards, “How long, Joongie?”
“I have been craving you for what feels like an eternity, My Love,” his eyes glance up to meet your own. “Please, won’t you let me devour you? Won’t you let me make you come on my tongue? All I want to do is worship this gorgeous cunt of yours. So, please, let me make you feel good.”
Your breath catches, stomach twisting pleasantly from his words.
His gaze lowers back to your quivering pussy, tongue darting out to wet his lips.
“Let me feel you dripping down my chin,” he’s panting again, but he doesn’t care. “Let me bring you to the highest of pleasures as you drown me in your cunt. I need you, My Love. You know I won’t ever be able to get enough of you…”
He trails off, and the small whimper he hears you let out sends a pleasant tingle shooting down his spine. Before he can say another word, though, you’re pulling him into you, pressing his face right into your weeping cunt.
The snarl that reverberates against you is nothing short of feral, the vibrations sending pleasant shivers up your spine as Hongjoong wastes no time at all. There’s no need to. Not when the greatest temptation of his entire life is spread out before him, whining desperately for him.
Who is he to deny His Queen?
The first taste of you on his tongue has him moaning shamelessly into you, his hands parting your thighs even further as his nails bite into your skin. Slowly, languidly, he suckles at your sweet nectar, the sloppy, wet sounds of his actions filling the space around you and making your head spin.
Hongjoong is shameless as he laves his entire mouth over your dripping cunt, humming contently as he feels you squirming beneath him. His lips have never felt a finer warmth pressing against him, his tongue delving between your folds in chase of the high you offer him with every drop. There isn’t a chance in all of the realms that he will ever get enough of this: your sounds, your taste, your cunt. The way you cling to him, thighs threatening to close around his head were he not holding them spread for himself is simply icing on the cake.
He’s desperate, and he’s not afraid to let it show.
Finest cunt I’ve ever had the honour to devour, My Love, his voice echoes lowly through your head, making you moan. Knowing you’re this wet because of me only makes me want to make you wetter.
“Hongjoong,” Tossing your head back onto the pillows, you begin to shift your hips against his mouth. 
Again, the wave of your impending orgasm approaches fast, the past events of the evening having worked you up so beautifully and kept you on the brink of pleasure this whole time. That, and the added fact that it’s him that’s currently devouring you like you’re the best damn thing he’s ever had the pleasure to taste in his entire life is making your head spin. You know it’s only a matter of seconds before you’re falling apart for him once more.
Your whole body twitches as his nose brushes against that sensitive little nub of yours.
Should I finally touch that aching clit of yours, My Love? Suckle it between my lips and make you come for me? He hums, and you don’t even have to look at him to know that he’s watching your every movement carefully.
“Yes, yes! Fuck- please!” You whimper, both hands now finding purchase in his hair as you tug him in closer to you.
The pleased rumble he lets out only adds to the immense amount of pleasure you’re currently feeling. Another whine tumbles shamelessly from your mouth as you feel him dip his tongue between your folds, soon dragging it upwards.
Your whole body twitches, a loud moan falling from your lips the moment he flicks his tongue over your clit. His movements are quick, yet precise, watching you carefully as he suckles that little bundle of nerves between his lips. The eager way his tongue swirls over that swollen bud immediately afterwards has your head spinning, voice close to breaking as your moans rise in pitch.
I know you’re close, My Love. The smile he wears can be felt against your cunt, and it makes your heart flutter. I don’t want you to hold back.
“Never,” you shake your head, too lost in the moment to realize what you’re saying as the word spills from you like a mantra.
Give it to me, His voice is but a growl inside of your mind, his grip tightening on your thighs. Let me feel you drowning me in your love. Let me get lost in this gorgeous pussy that could only belong to My Queen.
A pleasant feeling begins building within your abdomen, intense and tight. You’ve only recalled ever feeling it once before, but you’re too far gone to care. The way he’s making you feel is like having your whole body floating in ecstasy, head spinning as you attempt to ground yourself.
“It’s yours. I’m yours,” you mutter, eyes fluttering shut as you succumb to the pleasure he’s providing you.
You fail to see the way his brow quirks slightly, nothing but a feral devotion and love shining within his eyes as he snarls against you.
“Mine.” The word is muffled into your folds, the touch of his one hand leaving your thigh only to immediately slide two fingers into your dripping cunt. “All mine.”
The moment he curls those two fingers within you, pressing right up against the most sensitive part of your walls, you scream.
His name is no more than a high pitched wail, your entire body trembling as your back arches off of the bed. Your orgasm crashes into you, vision going white as you feel yourself let go, your release flooding out of you and onto his hand.
Snarls, deep and feral, greet your ears. Still, your vision is fuzzy, and you attempt to blink your eyes back into focus as your chest continues to heave with every breath you make. You can feel a certain wetness coating your thighs, dripping down your skin only to be caught by something warm tracing the trails back upwards along your flesh.
Finding enough strength within, you tilt your head to peer down at Hongjoong still resting between your legs. He’s taken the liberty to remove his fingers from you, his hand back on your thigh and spreading you open for him. Your feet are no longer pressed against the mattress as he holds your thighs, pushing your legs towards your chest so he has unrestricted access to your dripping cunt.
Though his eyes remain fixated on your entrance, walls still spasming from the aftereffects of your orgasm, he takes his time to trace his tongue along your inner thighs. Every last drop of your release, he cleans, tracing over the paths of your sweet nectar that shine enticingly against your skin. Pleased rumbles continue to shake his chest, of which gleams with that same essence, that silver chain with the One Ring dangling almost hypnotically over his heart.
Sensually, he begins laving his mouth over your thighs, creeping closer and closer to your weeping cunt with every kiss.
“I didn’t-“ his chest heaves, “know-” a kiss to the innermost part of your one thigh, “you could do that.”
Lightly, you swallow, your throat already feeling raw and overused.
“It’s still a shock for me, too.” Your voice is a bit rough, managing to speak through your own heavy breaths.
A pleasant hum greets your ears, and your whole body shudders as you feel him lave his mouth sensually over your entrance once more. Gently, he begins tracing his tongue over your swollen lips, licking every last drop of release from your pussy that you have to offer him.
I’m tempted to see if I can make you squirt again, My Love. He moans against you, the thought alone driving him insane.
Your one leg twitches in response, feeling just how wet you’ve made your sheets as they press into your ass.
As much as I want to please you until you pass out from pleasure tonight, he begins, languidly licking from your entrance all the way up to your clit. Gently, he circles that sensitive little nub with the tip of his tongue, hearing your breath stutter pleasantly as another choked moan escapes you. I want to slow things down for a bit. Let you feel every aspect of my devotion to you with every flick of my tongue.
“Joongie,” A soft gasp is all you can offer him as he completely slows his pace, sensually moving his lips over your cunt as if he were kissing your mouth, just like he did earlier.
That’s it, My Love, his own eyes flutter closed as he wraps his lips around your clit. Carefully, he suckles on that little bundle of nerves, shaking his head lightly from side to side. I want to hear how good I’m making you feel.
“So good, My Love,” you breathe out, lips parting as your chest rises and falls in uneven pants. You hum, your nails scratching at his scalp faintly as you continue to hold him in your grip. “Incredible.”
Hongjoong’s pleased rumble reverberates against your core. Using his tongue, he parts your folds once more, letting the warm muscle explore every inch of you that he can reach. The way you feel around him, let alone the way you continue to positively drip down his face, makes his whole body come alive. Not to mention the way you taste.
Such a pretty pussy, My Love, his voice continues to echo shamelessly through your head as he flicks at your clit. And all mine to devour.
A moan tumbles from your lips as you clench around his tongue, “Yours.”
Hongjoong shifts impossibly closer, pressing himself deeper into you.
Is this really my pretty pussy to devour? His already dark gaze flashes black, emphasizing his words with a pointed suck to your clit. Are you this wet because of me?
“Yes,” the admission falls like a chant from your lips, nothing but pure pleasure coursing through your veins. “All yours.” You pant. “All for you.”
A pleased chuckle reverberates against your core, making you moan.
Mine. One of his hands shift, pulling one of your own free in order to intertwine your fingers with his. Carefully, he rests your joined hands on your stomach, gazing upon you with nothing but love in his gaze. You’re mine, My Queen. And I am yours.
“My King.” A soft gasp causes your breath to hitch in your throat. “My Joongie.”
That’s right, My Queen, Slowly, Hongjoong begins to grind himself down onto your mattress in time with the movements of his tongue over your dripping cunt. I am yours. I will forever only be yours.
A smile tugs at the corners of your lips as you moan lowly.
He squeezes your hand.
Now, let me claim this pretty pussy just like My Queen has always desired me to. A pleased rumble shakes his chest as he focusses his attention back on your clit for the moment.
Your eyes nearly roll to the back of your head from his words alone, clinging onto his hand for dear life as the fingers of your opposite hand tighten once more in his hair. All you can offer him are whimpers and whines of his name, accompanied by low moans as you completely succumb to the pleasure that he is providing to you.
Every movement of his tongue over your clit is precise. His eyes never leave your face for a single second as he traces specific patterns over you. Not just any patterns, special ones he has long since desired to draw over this precious cunt of yours. Each stroke begins directly over your clit before he’s dragging his tongue outwards, as if tracing a very specific design over you.
He is.
In the ancient tongue, Hongjoong delicately traces his name over your clit. The movements are precise, and with each stroke, his eyes darken.
Each flick of his tongue brings you closer and closer to the edge once more, and you absolutely revel in the slow, languid pace he’s set this time around. The gradual increase of pleasure from such a slow build up seems to only intensify every feeling, your chest heaving as your eyes flutter shut. Pleasure threatens to drown you at any moment, and you find yourself eagerly jumping into it without a second of hesitation.
You know that Hongjoong will be there each and every time you fall to catch you. So, you let yourself go.
His name falls like a mantra from your lips in desperate whines, combined with breathless whimpers of your nickname for him. The fact that you call him your Joongie has his cock twitching once more against the mattress as he watches you fall apart for him. All because of him.
That’s it, My Love, he hums, suckling your clit between his lips and helping to ride you through your high. Such beauty. He moans against you. I can never get enough of you falling apart on my tongue.
Your lips part in a silent gasp, gazing down upon him with such a fond look in your eyes, that Hongjoong is sure to drown in it. Not even a moment later, he feels you attempting to pull him back up to you, and he is more than happy to oblige.
Without wasting another second, Hongjoong is hovering over you once more, pressing himself flush against your body. A moan escapes him as he kisses you just as eagerly as you kiss him, holding you to him in every way that he’s only ever dreamed about. The fact that you wrap a leg around his side to pull him in even closer makes his head spin.
Slowly, your one hand creeps up his chest, and he pulls the slightest bit away out of curiosity. His throat bobs as he swallows, noticing how you hook that necklace he wears through your hand, your one finger seemingly slipping into the golden band hanging from the silver chain.
Gently, you caress the side of his face, the cool of the metal contrasting the heat from his skin.
“I love you, Joongie,” you meet his gaze, your own flitting between his dark eyes as you stare lovingly into them. “So much.”
“You are everything I could have ever asked for, and so much more, My Queen.” He breathes, holding himself above you as nothing but love for you pours into his every movement.
“The feeling is very much mutual, Joongie.” You smile, thumb caressing his cheek tenderly. A breath, and your gaze darkens. “Now, become one with me, My King.”
Leaning forward, Hongjoong rests his forehead against your own, a content rumble building within his chest. “It would be my honour, My Queen.”
The next time Hongjoong presses his lips to yours is slightly different than all of the rest. This time, it’s slower, and much more tender than anything you’ve ever felt from him before. His lips move against yours as if telling a story - the story of your love, and how it will forever be interwoven in your lives for years to come. It tells of the hardships you’ve faced, the struggles and fights, but more than all of that, the unyielding strength and resolve you’ve both had to come this far.
He loves you. Desperately. Unwaveringly. Unconditionally.
Nothing, absolutely nothing will ever take this moment - you, him, your love, your very souls - away from each other.
Gently, Hongjoong shifts his hips, bringing a hand down to align himself with your entrance. Teasingly, he drags the tip of his cock through your folds, bumping against your clit a few times and making you moan. Only, he pauses, the head of his cock just pressing against your entrance as he looks up to meet your gaze once more.
“Are you-“ he swallows thickly, “Are you sure?”
You take this time to study his features, eyes flitting everywhere over his face. You note the slight furrow of his brows, the clenching of his jaw as he holds himself above you. His jaw ticks as his chest heaves, nothing but tender love and affection shining within his gaze as he looks upon you like you are his entire world.
To him, you are.
The fact that, despite his own raging desires - his very need for you - as he is mere seconds away from pressing into you, he still holds your comfort and wellbeing so highly, lets you know exactly how to feel in this moment here with him. You have no hesitance, nor regret for your decision right now, and time and time again, Hongjoong has proved just how worthy he is. How worthy he’s always been, especially to you.
“More sure of anything than I’ve ever been in my entire life, Hongjoong.” You reply, reaching up to cup his face tenderly in both of your hands. “I want this.” You lean up to peck his lips. “I want you.”
Nothing but love shines within his gaze as he fully presses himself against you, slowly beginning to push into you as he claims your lips with his own. The languid movement of his tongue on yours is synonymous with the gentle push of his hips, moaning into your mouth as he sinks into you inch by slow inch.
Involuntarily, you clench around him, walls fluttering against his cock as you feel him fully sheath himself within you. The way he fits, almost perfectly, inside of you makes you moan, your hands shifting to his back to pull him into you closer.
Parting from your lips, Hongjoong groans. There’s a slightly deeper furrow to his brow as he focusses on remaining still inside of you until you give him the okay to move. For too long has he dreamt of this moment, and now that it’s finally here, nothing could have prepared him for the absolute euphoria that is your tight, wet heat surrounding all of him.
“Fuck- Joongie,” your breathless voice reaches his ears, and he focusses on placing small, tender kisses against the skin of your neck to ground himself. “You feel so good inside me.”
His cock twitches, feeling your walls clench around him almost rhythmically.
“My Love-” he manages to get out through pants. “Fuck- My Love-”
Gently, your one hand comes up to begin threading your fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck. You hold him to you, purposely clenching around him as the nails of your opposite hand dig into his back.
“I was made for you, My Queen,” his nose trails gently up along your racing pulse, his lips finding purchase on the skin right below your ear. “Made to hold you, to cherish you, to worship you.” He nips at the shell of your ear, voice rumbling out in a low growl. “Made to love you.”
He can hear the hitch in your breath, and it only makes him smile.
“Please, Joongie,” Your grip tightens around him, a small whimper falling from you lips.
The slight shift of your hips against his own is everything he craves, his heart racing alongside your own. It’s all he needs to know that you’re ready, simply waiting for him to fulfill his every promise, and become one together like you both so strongly desire.
Pulling away to stare deeply into your eyes, Hongjoong slowly begins grinding his hips into yours. The gasp you let out as he pulls almost all the way out of you, only to roll his hips back into your own has another small smile pulling at his features.
Gently, he reaches up to take your hand in his. Ever so carefully, he turns his head, never once faltering in the slow, sensual grind of his hips against your own with every soft thrust into you. With the utmost of grace, he places a kiss onto the back of your palm, his eyes fluttering shut as he absolutely revels in this moment, right here, right now, with you.
“There is nothing I wouldn’t do for you, My Love,” he breathes, intertwining your fingers together as he rests your hands on the mattress beside your head. “You are mine, and you always will be. Just as I will always be yours.”
A tender moan slips passed your lips, feeling as if your heart is close to bursting from your chest with how much it swells with nothing but love for him inside of you.
“You are worth every second I spent without you in my life, just to be able to get the chance to love you now.” The admission is but a whisper on his lips, but still, he never once stops the movement of his hips.
“I-“ A low moan escapes you, your hand on his back pulling him in closer as you nearly lose yourself to the feeling of him sensually grinding himself into your. You wet your lips. “I’m sorry for making you wait so long.”
Immediately, he’s shaking his head as he stills inside of you.
“I would wait forever if it meant getting to be with you like this, even just once.” There is only the deepest form of both love and sincerity shining within Hongjoong’s eyes as he meets your gaze. “Forever, and a day.”
Your breath hitches, heart swelling once more inside of your chest. Your expression softens and you bring the hand you have resting on his back around to tenderly cup the side of his face.
“How lucky we are, then, to have finally found each other.”
He smiles softly, resting his forehead against your own. “I couldn’t have said it better myself, My Queen.”
You mirror his expression, the tips of your fingers beginning to tingle where you cling to him.
“Now, make love to me, My King,” Your voice is but a whisper as you stare into his loving eyes. “Let us finally become one.”
His heart flutters, gaze darkening as he shifts himself above you, “With pleasure.” 
Rolling his hips sensually into yours, Hongjoong absolutely adores how you immediately sigh so blissfully in response. Your eyes flutter shut as his free hand comes down to grasp your thigh, pulling your leg up and around his waist as he slowly thrusts into you. Every grind of his hips into yours has you sighing, lips parting as soft breaths escape you.
Each movement of his is slow. Precise. He needs you to feel his love, needs you to understand that his every breath, his every thought, all of him, is for you. Always and forever, he is yours. He lives for you, and only you. Right now, he intends to make you drown in him, just as he’s always been consumed by you.
“You’re taking me so well, My Love,” He moans lowly, teeth grazing the side of your neck.
A pleased hum escapes you, “Made for you.”
Softly, he growls, his hips snapping the slightest bit harder into your own from your words.
“Filling me so well, My King,” You clench around him in time with your words, and his hips falter only slightly. “I can never get enough of you.”
His lips are on your own without another thought, increasing his pace as he thrusts into you. Still, his movements are sensual, but there’s a slight urgency to the way he buries his cock within your warm walls now, loving how he can hear every whimper and whine you give him.
“Fuck- I love you, My Queen,” he emphasizes his words with a sharp thrust into you, his fingers harshly digging into the skin of your thigh as if to pull you even closer. “I love everything about you,” his voice is strained, low and guttural. 
“I love your body,” another sharp thrust is given, his voice but a growl on his lips. 
“I love your mind,” his forehead presses against your own as he snaps his hips into yours. 
“Your very soul is perfect.” A pleased rumble reverberates in his chest as his eyes flash black. “Perfect for me.”
“Hongjoong,” you pull him flush against you, your head getting tossed back onto the pillows as your eyes flutter shut. You clench around him.  “Hongjoong, please-“
At another particularly sharp thrust, your breath catches in your throat. Your eyes roll.
“Again,” his voice growls out. “Say it again.”
Immediately, you comply, moaning out his name as your one hand desperately begins to claw at his back.
The shiver you feel caress his spine makes you smile.
A deep, guttural groan escapes him, burying his face into the side of your neck as he increases the pace of his thrusts. What truly makes him snarl is the feeling of you wrapping your legs around his waist, pulling him ever closer into you.
You can do nothing but whimper beneath him now, the nails of your one hand raking down his back as you squeeze his with your other. Each thrust he offers you is angled precisely, the tip of his cock rubbing against that special spot inside of you as you can do nothing but lose yourself to the pleasure he is providing you.
“My Beautiful Queen,” he snarls, teeth nipping at your tender flesh before he’s soothing over the bites with his tongue. “Fuck- your pussy is mine. Mine to please. Mine to love. Mine to fill until you’re satisfied.”
A moan escapes you, and your legs tighten around his waist. Lightly, you nip at his ear, your walls squeezing him so sinfully. “Your cock is mine, My King.”
A feral snarl, deeper than any you’ve ever heard him make before, tears from his throat.
“All for you, My Queen.” His hips snap desperately into your own, the wet sounds of skin on skin only serving to fuel his every movement further. “I was made to serve you, to please you in every way. My cock is yours, let me use it to fill you with my endless love.”
An endless stream of ‘yes’ falls from your lips, eyes nearly rolling as you feel the familiar prick of his claws against your ass as he angles you to meet his every thrust.
“Do you feel how wet I am for you, My Love?” You manage to choke out, voice low and gravelly. “Feel how my love drips endlessly for you.”
Hongjoong’s hips stutter, his cock throbbing deep within you as his brow furrows. Your words nearly have his own eyes rolling, but he forces himself to hold off for now. He needs to see you come again for him. He needs to be the sole reason you’re screaming his name once more.
Slowly, the gentlest of touches begins to caress your mind. It’s warm, and soft, not unlike the feeling of sunlight on a beautiful summer’s day. It originates from the very tip of his red string at the edge of your void, beginning to seep outwards through your mind as you feel a gentle tug pulling at your whole being. The feeling is like being opened and surrounded at the same time, but it’s pleasant none the less, and you begin to feel an intense pressure building within your very core.
He has to time it perfectly.
“I need you-“
“You have me, Joongie,” you whisper, tilting your head slightly to the side to give him better access to your neck. “You will always have me, My Hongjoong.”
A earth-shattering roar tears from his throat.
Reaching his hand up, Hongjoong doesn’t even realize he’s grabbed onto the handle of your dagger. Harshly, he drags the blade through the wood of your headboard, eyes the deepest black they’ve ever been as a complete and utter feeling of euphoria floods his veins. His face buries itself in the side of your neck, fangs piecing your flesh right at the juncture where it meets your shoulder.
Instantly, your blood is flooding his senses, but that’s not all.
Memories begin appearing in his mind as he feels his soul and yours finally becoming one, dancing within the very depths of your beings and finally merging as he has always intended. 
Memories that are not his own.
Through your eyes, he sees you turning around to face that makeshift front desk they set up all those long months ago. He feels the genuine surprise you felt when you first laid your eyes upon him, but also the spark of attraction that announced itself upon your first meeting.
He sees flashes of memories here and there of the very first days you had known each other. He feels the uncertainty, the caution, but soon, those originally negative emotions give rise to more gentle, pleasant ones. A fact of which that makes his heart swell inside of his chest.
The garden appears before his very eyes, and he sees himself gazing upon you with such fondness in his eyes as you thank him for creating such a space for you. He hears you telling him that maybe, just maybe, loving him won’t be such a bad thing after all. The way he can feel your heart warming in that moment says it all.
The time at the mall spent with all of them is the next memory to flood his senses, and he is privy to how good you felt after you condemned that bastard all those months ago. He observes the various subtle glances you gave him that day, all of which he thought were too good to be true. Yet, there he sits, directly across from you at that table, and sure enough, you keep glancing towards him. That fact that your curiosity is now running unfiltered through his mind, combined with the fact that you’ve always wanted to know more about him makes his head spin.
So many of these scenes, and more, play out in his mind as he feels you completely consuming him in the best of ways. All he knows in this moment is you, and he wouldn’t want it any other way.
The garden makes a reappearance, and he sees himself holding your hand tenderly in his own. His arm is wrapped around you as you both sit on that bench together, gazing upon the fountain. His breath hitches as both your thoughts and feeling wash over him, whole body stilling as he hears your voice echo throughout his head.
“Yeah,” you sigh to yourself, settling further against his side. “I think I might be falling in love with him.”
Hongjoong doesn’t exactly know the precise moment you fell in love with him, but if he thinks about it, he can’t exactly pinpoint the moment he knew he was in love with you, either. All he does know, is that every single emotion you’ve ever felt towards him, both the good and the bad, flood his very being right now. Emotions which overwhelm him in the best of ways.
Then, a more recent, unfamiliar memory makes itself apparent. It’s of you, alone in the shower, your back pressed firmly against the wall. It’s as if he’s an outside party, getting the first glance at the beautiful sight that is you, naked and wet, pleasing yourself to the thought of him.
His breath catches.
You’ve thought of him. You weren’t just telling him what he wanted to hear earlier. You’ve actually made yourself come to the thought of him.
Carefully, his eyes trail over your figure, noting the hand you have over your mouth in attempts to keep quiet as you press the shower head to your aching clit. Slowly, your hips begin to grind against the spray of water, small whimpers escaping you. Though, that’s not truly what makes his head spin.
Your thoughts from this exact moment in time shamelessly wash over him now, and he gets a front row seat to such fantasies you’ve seemingly always had about him. A fact which makes him smirk, a pleased rumble building within his chest as he fully submerges himself to the feeling of you and your thoughts flooding his mind.
He wouldn’t want it any other way.
You, on the other hand, are fairing no better.
Just as you speak those final words to him, you feel Hongjoong twitch deep within you. His claws only sink into your skin for a brief moment before you feel him burying his fangs deep within your neck. The sensations, combined with everything that has built up to this moment makes you scream his name, back arching as your eyes roll into the back of your head.
Suddenly, you see yourself walking through the front doors to the house. Though, you suppose it was considered a hotel back then. Still, the thoughts that flood your senses now are not your own, and it only takes you another minute to realize that you’re living his own memories of you right now.
You can feel his excitement at finally getting to see you in person, and the way he shudders at the first whiff of your scent that graces his senses. You hear his thoughts, shamelessly praising you and your beauty as you talk to him, and your heart feels as if it’s going to burst from his lingering emotions the very first time you smile at him.
A blink, and you’re watching yourself flee the dining room that night where it all went down. You can feel the pleasant growl that reverberates within him as he pulls the knife out of his chest, staring down at that blade fondly as thoughts of your bravery and skill fill his mind. You even feel just how affected he is by your actions, pure pleasure coursing through his veins as he chases after you without a second thought.
An array of moments you don’t recall flit through your mind next. Some are from before you came to them, while others are longing glances he’s given to you while you’ve been in the same room together. You feel his every need, his every desire for you - the desire to prove himself to you and make you his in every meaning of the word.
You feel his jealousy, especially when he barges into Seonghwa’s tailor shop to see you inches away from kissing his brother. 
You feel his hope in the garden, bright and vibrant, as your words echo like a siren’s song through his mind after that very special moment you shared. The first of many more to come.
You see him, in the shower, cracking the tiles on the wall beneath his grip as he strokes himself to the thought of you. Shamelessly, his thoughts wash over you. Every fantasy he ever had that night is yours to behold, watching him beg and moan to the mere thought of you. You hear his desperation in the way he moans your name, spilling all over his hand as his heart beats for you, and only you.
Slowly, you drift through all of his memories of you until you finally feel yourself coming back to settle within your own mind. It’s heavy, and a bit cloudy, but you’re finally able to pinpoint the tingling feeling of your limbs, fingers twitching as you continue to hold Hongjoong so delicately to you.
Carefully, you blink, eyes focussing in on the ceiling above you to further ground yourself. You can feel his lips placing tender kisses against your neck, tongue already soothing over the bite you’re sure now sits proudly against your skin. His cock still rests buried deep within you, and you can feel your combined fluids leaking out of you onto your thighs. 
Except, you don’t care.
You pull him closer.
A low chuckle greets your ears, “Welcome back, My Love.”
All you can mange in response is a hum, nuzzling your face into the side of his own neck. You inhale deeply, humming pleasantly at the intoxicating scents that begin filling your every sense.
“Come on,” he goes to pull away. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”
A loud whine escapes you, and all you manage to do is tighten your hold over him, ensuring that he cannot go anywhere.
“My Love, you need to at least drink some water,” his own voice is rough, albeit amused, and slightly gravelly in tone as he strokes a tender hand down your side.
Your body suddenly feels as if it’s made of lead, eyelids threatening to fall shut as sleep tugs at the edges of your subconscious. Already, your vision begins to blur at the corners.
“Alright, My Love,” he chuckles lowly once more. “At least drink this.”
Your brow furrows in slight confusion until you feel him lean into you. His neck is presented to you, and you notice his one hand coming up to attempt to create a small slit in his skin for you.
Only, you’re quicker.
It’s as if your body immediately knows exactly what to do, recalling the moment you bit into Jongho’s wrist. Your one hand comes up to grasp Hongjoong’s hair, tugging his head to the side as you lean in to begin suckling softly at his neck.
A low moan greets your ears, and you feel his cock twitch deep inside of you.
You smirk.
A choked moan of your name escapes passed Hongjoong’s lips as he feels you bite down on his neck. He feels your teeth, suddenly sharper than he ever recalls them being, sinking into his flesh, soon followed by the gentle laving of your tongue over the bite.
His eyes flutter closed in bliss.
A soft, albeit pleased hum escapes you as you feel his blood flooding your senses. The subtle taste of strawberry cheesecake greets your tongue, and you suckle all too eagerly at the wound.
Lowly, a growl rumbles from deep within your chest.
You freeze, pulling away to blink up at him owlishly, his blood now painting your lips that sinful shade of red, “I- uh-“
Before you can get another word out, his lips are on yours, calming your mouth with a slow, yet sensual kiss. His own chest rumbles in satisfaction as his hands settle lightly onto your waist. Then, ever so carefully, he flips your positions, letting you rest on his chest while his cock still remains buried deep inside of you.
“Get some rest, My Love,” he places gentle kisses over your face, arms wrapping securely around your waist. “I’ve got you.”
The sound of gentle chimes seem to echo in the distance, and it makes you smile.
“I love you, Joongie,” you mumble, eyes already fluttering shut as you settle your head onto his chest, resting softly above his beating heart. “I always will.”
Hongjoong smiles, a low, pleased hum escaping him at your words.
“And I love you, My Queen.” He places a tender kiss onto your forehead, relaxing fully into this moment with you as his eyes fall shut. “Until the end of time.”
Again, the soft sound of chimes echoes in the distance, and it’s that thought - that warmth - that you feel surrounding you as you rest in his arms which lulls you to sleep, basking in the embrace of the one who loves you most.
The one who will always love you. 
More than life itself.
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perfectsunlight · 3 months
warnings: none
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the soft makeup sponge gently tapped against jennie’s skin. her eyes remained shut, doing her best to stay awake at this hour of the morning. two other stylists worked on her hair while the makeup artist shuffled around her face, applying the final touches before her own busy day began.
vogue photoshoot at noon, elle interview at 3:00, and then her flight to paris at 6:00.
she mentally went over her itinerary for the day, her mind focused on the professional obligations ahead, each task meticulously planned to maintain her public persona. despite the flurry of activity around her, jennie's thoughts kept returning to the great idea of her simply canceling on everyone and spending her entire day in bed with her dogs.
the soft hum of the television in the background barely registered for her until she heard a sound she’d never imagined hearing from a tv. 
“i’m ivory!”
her eyes snapped open just in time to see her daughter’s face flash across the screen through the reflection in the vanity mirror in front of her. 
the makeup artist paused, sensing the shift in jennie's demeanor, but said nothing, allowing her a moment of privacy amidst the bustling preparation. 
jane ivory. my ivory.
jennie whispered her daughter’s name over and over again in her mind. it was only a few seconds of an advertisement for their group’s debut, but all she could do was replay the moments of ivory’s face in her mind. as the segment on le sserafim ended, her emotions swirled—a mixture of pride, regret, and an overwhelming sense of loss. 
her daughter’s radiant smile on the screen pierced through the layers of professional composure that jennie kim had carefully cultivated over the years. she blinked back tears, unable to tear her gaze away from the mirror in front of her.
the little girl she left behind was now an adult. 
“did something get in your eye?” her makeup artist asked gently, trying not to dig too deep into the idols emotions.
she took a deep breath, trying to compose herself as she wrestled with the flood of emotions threatening to overwhelm her. the makeup artist's gentle inquiry broke through the silence, but jennie couldn't bring herself to respond immediately.
“just a moment,” she managed to say, her voice betraying a hint of vulnerability. she reached for a tissue, dabbing at her eyes discreetly as she fought to regain her composure. the weight of years of absence bore down on her shoulders, a burden she had carried silently for too long.
as she looked at her own reflection, the woman saw traces of the person she had become—a successful idol, a fashion icon, and a global star. 
but beneath the carefully curated image lay the ache of a mother who had missed out on so much. 
the television continued to play in the background, the sound of a local pizza ad replacing the sweet tone of her daughter’s voice just moments ago. jennie closed her eyes briefly, willing herself to stay strong. she had grown accustomed to wearing masks—both on stage and in her personal life—but at this moment, those masks threatened to crumble.
“it was just an eyelash,” she finally replied, her voice steadier as she met the makeup artist's gaze. “please continue.” with a subtle nod, she signaled for the preparations to continue, silently resolving to confront the emotions that had been stirred awake.
throughout the rest of the day—through the photoshoot, the interviews, and the flight to paris—jennie couldn't shake the memory of her baby girl’s smile. the emptiness of the private cabin offered her a rare moment of solitude, where she allowed herself to feel the weight of regret and longing.
she scrolled through her jane’s debut photos, her heart aching with a mixture of pride and sorrow as she scrolled through ivory's debut photos on her phone. each image captured her daughter's radiant presence, the same smile jennie had seen earlier on the screen. tears blurred her vision as she traced the familiar contours of the young girl’s face with her fingertip.
alone with her thoughts and the distant city lights below, jennie wept for the daughter she had been absent from, and for the years lost to ambition and fame. 
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redrose10 · 2 months
#35 & #45 with namjoon! ❤️ preferably angsty
Here you are! I hope this is okay and angsty enough.
#35 Do you regret it?
#45 How much do they did you hear?
Warnings: Maybe hint of cheating?
You stood outside your husbands studio door. Your hand tightly gripping the bag of Chinese food you had picked up at the restaurant down the street for dinner. It had been a week since Namjoon came home and you were desperate to see him.
“So do you think you’re going to tell her?”, you heard a woman ask just before you were about to knock. Your brows furrowed, but you tried not to jump to conclusions. She could be a coworker asking about something completely unrelated to you.
“I don’t know.”, Namjoon responded.
The woman scoffed, “I’m not going to keep doing this Joon. I’m not going to keep sneaking around and lying to Y/N. Tell her the truth or what’s going on between us is done.”
The door swung open revealing the face of one of the makeup artist employed by the company. You didn’t know her name, but you’d seen her around. She politely nodded at you before scurrying away down the hall.
Namjoon stared at you as you walked in setting the bags down on the table.
“How much of that did you hear?”, he asked.
“Enough. How long have you been sleeping with her?”
He shook his head, “No. no. I haven’t slept with her. I swear on everything Y/N. I haven’t even kissed her. I would never do that to you. We just hang out. We talk a lot.”
“Is she why you haven’t been home all week?”, you chuckled.
“Not the whole week, but yeah a couple times.”, he admitted.
You bit your lip as he continued, “It started that night we got in that big fight. I came here to try and get some work done and keep my mind busy. She asked what was wrong and we talked.”
You were silent as you tried to fight back tears.
Namjoon pushed his chair in front of you before taking a long breath, “I uh…I didn’t want to say anything until I was sure because I didn’t want to hurt you more than I had to. I thought maybe the feelings would just pass. But I um…I think I love her.”
You felt a stab to your chest. Your tears began freely falling. Namjoon reached out and grabbed your hand. You wanted to pull away but you also wanted to remember how his touch felt.
You looked up and saw his own tears beginning to fall.
“Do you regret it?”, you whispered.
“Regret what?”
“Do you regret us? Marrying me?”, you croaked out.
“Oh god no Y/N. Marrying you was one of the best things I ever did. I guess I just regret falling out of love with you.”
You nodded unsure of what else to say. Quietly you grabbed your things and left the studio.
The divorce was quick and easy. Namjoon gave you the apartment and the car. You didn’t want any of his money, thankful that you had worked your ass off to get a good job to make sure you could fully support yourself if you were ever in a position like this.
After signing the papers you sat in your car trying to control your breathing.
“Your dad had other plans so I guess it’s just going to be you and me little one.”, you whispered rubbing your hand over your barely showing bump.
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6ronze · 7 days
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𝐌𝐎𝐃𝐄𝐋!𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐙𝐔 thoughts..
warning(s) : just smth short w sassy sanzu. you can imagine platinum/white or pink haired sanzu here it doesn’t matter. model!au so no deaths or wtvr. he’s a fucking jerk. model!fem!reader. nsfw. mdni. reader smokes. intoxicated pussy eating. clothed eating out. sanzu having a whole plan to fuck you sloppy so you keep coming back for more so maybe a bit toxic if you squint. wc is 1.5k
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MODEL!SANZU who was a male model you were made to work with last minute. You couldn’t even refuse or take a second to at least search up his name to see if he was someone you could work with—your manager decided that for you instead.
On the night of the fashion show, you met with pink haired man backstage, briefly introduced to one another by his manager since yours was busy instructing the girls who had their makeup done to change into the clothes assigned to them.
Amidst the busy, cramped space you guys were in, it seemed like the world around seemed to stop when his uninterested eyes finally met yours, the pretty, unique scars on each corners of his lips curling up to an almost mocking smirk. You hated that look on his face, hated him right off the bat. And you also hated how easily his face gave you butterflies.
“You better keep up. ‘m not slowing down if you fall off the runway,” his velvety voice laced with arrogant teasing reaching yours ears like nails on a chalk board, your perfectly touched up face contorting ever so slightly at him. But you didn’t turn to him, refusing to have any sort of connection with your one-night partner.
Lights dimmed, curtains slid open, music cued—you two opened the show. It was a quick-paced walk, not much pressure since you’ve been opening and closing fashion shows for a few years—but for some fucked up reason, you felt the nerves in your prickle your skin. He walked in sync with you, though it was more like he was leading the whole fucking walk with how inconsiderate he was being, walking like you didn’t even exist beside him.
Once you returned backstage, waiting for the rest of the models to walk the runway so you could join the closing walk, you felt awfully peeved. Trying to find out the cause, you turned your head to the first suspect, MODEL!SANZU.
He felt your glare on him but simply chose to ignore you, knowing it’ll probably piss you off more. A scoff left his lips when it was proven true with how you clicked your tongue at him.
“What? Not like it’s your first time walking with your tits out,” he snickered, standing still as a makeup artist touched up his face and dabbed the sweat from his pale skin. “Unless, I made you nervous,” he added after a short period of silence, mesmerising turquoise eyes glancing your way to meet your glare, brows raised with an amused sneer that told you he had no intentions to stop provoking you.
What made it all the worse for you, was that you were liking his attention, as condescending as he might be. Plus, everything about him made you want to stare at him for as long as you could. From his silky long hair, to his lean yet muscular build, and not to mention the scars on the edge of his lips. He was a work of art, ruined in the best way possible.
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The night came to an end, finally. It was a few minutes past midnight after the show. While all the bigshots and guests were at the after-party of the event, you models were taking smoke breaks out the backdoor of the building with nothing but black robes or maybe a faux fur coat like the one you were wearing right now.
“Didn’t think you were a smoker. Such a big girl now, aren’t ya?” You heard a familiar voice call out to you from behind, yours lips pursing to a thin straight line with the light smudges of eyeshadow sharpening your already narrowed eyes that glanced at him.
Flick, “not gonna join the party? Some millionaire’s you could sleep with there,” he muttered with a cigarette between his lips as he directed the flame of his lighter below the edge of it.
“Money without good dick doesn’t turn me on,” you huffed, trail of smoke leaving your lips along with your sigh. You turned your head to look at him, expecting some kind of remark to your response—but all you saw was some shitty grin on his face, eyes looking you up and down without an ounce of subtly. Your hand moved to pull your coat tighter over your body as if you were already naked underneath, save for your panties and lace stockings.
“Oh, please. Trynna hide yourself as if I didn’t already see the shape of yours tits and ass. They were quite the view though, can’t lie,” he teased with an initial roll of his eyes, inhaling the cigarette then releasing the smoke.
MODEL!SANZU couldn’t help the twisted pleasure he felt from the sight of your stunning features contorting to a mask of disgust, or even a nasty glare. He liked it even better when you muttered some nasty comment telling him to fuck off, only to see you not lift a finger to make him really go away. You were feisty, knowing how to keep him on his toes while simultaneously pulling him close.
“Come over. Just for the night,” he blurted out, sounding more decisive than he truly was. He punched himself in his mind for suddenly inviting you over, annoyed at himself in fear of going too fast. But he kept a straight face on the outside—a skill he gained from his modelling work.
Your eyes flicked your eyes over to him again, removing the cigarette from your lips and keeping it held between your index and middle finger. It didn’t take you long to ponder for an answer. And he didn’t seem to question you much either. All that happened was a quick nod from you and a brief trip back inside to grab your bag before heading out again to get in his car.
In a blink of an eye, you were in his apartment—a messy space with essential furniture, his taste in colour and interior design something you almost admired. He didn’t bother opening the lights, letting the city lights from outside illuminate the room from the big windows.
Minutes passed in his apartment, red wine served to you in a glass and cigarettes shared and passed. The conversations between you two were somewhat heavy yet filled with banter, the atmosphere starting to get intoxicating the closer and bolder you leaned into him, legs over his lap, giving him a sight of your clothes pussy if he so wished to peek. And being the opportunist he was, he did. Stared at your figure appreciatively even.
Soon enough, hands began to wander and clothes were stripped. It didn’t take long for him to lift your legs of his lap and hang them over his shoulders instead, shifting on the couch to position himself between your legs, leaning down to give half-hearted swipes of his tongue over your dampening folds. His eyes seemed glazed over, as if he was intoxicated, which he was.
You leaned back against the armrest of the plush dark velvet couch, fur coat slipping off your body to reveal your tits, stomach lazily skimmed over by his hand. He felt you squirm from his licks and it almost made him chuckle, hand on your belly sliding over to grip your hip instead. He buried his face further into the apex of your legs, his tongue flicking up and down your clothed pussy with more effort than before, parting your thighs more so he could delve past your folds and reach your clit.
When he finally found your pulsing buds, you felt a subtle jolt wash over your body, a soft moan leaving your tired lips before sipping a hand down to his head, threading your fingers through his locks and tugging on them weakly at first, matching the rhythm of his tongue that soon picked up the pace.
He was getting greedier in seconds, moving his tongue faster up and down your clit, probing your aching slit that he could barely reach due to the fabric that stopped him. As much as the lace annoyed him, he didn’t want to let you have the full experience of his capabilities, yet. He wanted you needy and curious the next morning, he wanted you coming back for more—he didn’t want you to leave.
Your fingers tangled in his hair only tightened with every passing moment, your legs quivering as he brought closer and closer to that sweet release you craved. His saliva made it better, sloppier, wetter. The lewd suckled he made desperately on your bundle on nerves and on your puffy folds made you whine pathetically, eyes closed shut and head straining to brace yourself for the orgasm he gracefully gave you. You gathered a fistful of his hair, pulling onto him to shove him deeper, riding his mouth with every buck of your hips without care if he breathed or not. But you didn’t worry much about him either, since his hands that clawed the fat of your ass and thighs told you he probably enjoyed it as much as you did.
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jungkit · 4 months
jungwon x f!reader genre: fluff warnings: suggestive towards the end wc: 800
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“Hello, everyone, it’s Jungwon. Today, I have a surprise for someone. Y/N and I haven’t seen each other in approximately one month! It’s a long time, I know.
Enhypen has been touring and she’s been busy with her activities. Of course, we texted and called as much as possible, but not physically being together has been challenging. I’ve missed her more than anything, and today, I will surprise her!”
Jungwon unbuckles his seatbelt, exits the parked car, and takes the camera.
As he looks into the camera, he begins to speak again.
“She’s doing a solo shoot today, and I’ve decided to ambush her completely. She thinks I’m coming home tomorrow, but I’ve arrived early! I imagine she’ll be super surprised and hopefully give me lots of hugs and kisses. I also brought her favorite flowers.” He shows them to the camera, zooming in on them slightly.
As he and the crew behind him head inside, he can hear music pouring out of speakers, the familiar voice of your favorite artist filling his ears.
He greets staff as they pass by, having already informed them of his arrival.
Jungwon knows what kind of shoot you’re doing, as you told him the week before, but he still wasn’t expecting his jaw to drop.
He hides behind some crew members and cameras, ensuring you don’t spot him.
You’re dressed in the most beautiful white ensemble. Your hair is done elegantly, and your makeup is stunning. You look like a princess.
Jungwon’s heart begins to pump faster, wanting nothing more than to run up to you and engulf you in a hug.
As planned, the photographer calls for a break once you've taken several photos.
You smile, thanking everyone around you, as always being kind and considerate, something Jungwon loves about you.
He makes his way from behind the crew, holding the camera, hiding his face behind the flowers.
“Delivery for Y/N?” He says, doing his best to disguise his voice.
You look up from your phone, eyes widening.
A colossal bouquet presents itself in front of you.
You walk up, not noticing all the staff's smiles and giggles.
There’s a card, and you pull it off.
“Read it aloud!” Someone shouts.
“To my love, I want nothing more than to be in your arms again. See you soon, love Jungwon.”
Everyone around you awes as you pout cutely.
You take the flowers from the man, stepping back in surprise as you see Jungwon’s smiling face.
“Oh my god!”
With that, you throw yourself into his arms as he laughs at your reaction.
He wraps his arms around you, inhaling your scent.
You smell like fresh laundry and strawberries, his favorite.
You pull back, grabbing his face and kissing him eagerly.
Jungwon can feel himself blush as everyone around you cheers and claps.
He’s never been one for PDA, but he doesn’t mind.
He kisses you back passionately, cupping your cheek.
When you separate, you begin peppering kisses all over his face, making him laugh.
“I thought you weren’t coming home until tomorrow!” You say, laying your head against his chest.
“I came early and just couldn’t wait another day.”
You blush this time, hugging him tighter.
“I missed you so much. Every day without you felt like torture,” you say, dragging out the e.
“Me too; I was starting to go crazy.”
He pulls you in for another kiss, softer this time.
Your lips feel like heaven against his.
“Are you staying for the rest of my shoot? You ask as you pull away again.
He hums, “And to thank everyone for pursuing my devious plan, I’d like to buy everybody lunch!”
The staff and crew start cheering again at the offer of food.
Half an hour later, you and Jungwon sit in your private dressing room. Your hand rubs your belly, having devoured your food.
“That was delicious, thank you,” you say to Jungwon beside you.
“It was my pleasure. Come here.” He pats his lap, beckoning you to sit.
You do, wrapping your arms around his neck and leaning into him.
“I really missed you,” you coo in a cute voice.
“I missed you more,” Jungwon replies, rubbing your back slowly, “I won’t be leaving the country again for a while, so we have plenty of time to make up for the month we missed.”
“Good! Can you sleep over tonight? My bed’s been lonely without you,” you whine.
“Of course I can. Are you sure you’ve missed me, though? It seems like you missed something else?”
He smirks at you and you smile back.
“I did miss you…all of you.”
Your hand begins to trail down his chest, but he grabs your wrist before it can travel any further.
“You’re such a minx, yeah?
“Only for you.”
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t/n: another quick something that came from the delusions of my brain, enjoy!
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latinasforace · 3 months
Hidden feelings
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A/N: update!!! ngl i hate being the reader & having to wait for an update haha so i’ll try to be quick with it. Also cuz i enjoy writing this. FORGOT TO MENTION. THIS AU & SOME OF ITS IDEAS ARE HEAVILY INSPIRED BY ARTIST @/_ceceru ON TWITTER. So definitely check your their school au one piece art to get a visual of the story :D it’s so cute. also ignore the shit editing i’m not use this tumblr stuff…
warnings: none as of yet..?
pairing: Luffy x Fem Reader
WC: 4.8k
part 1 here!!!!!
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Chapter 2: Flow
The morning sun rays went through the curtains of your room, gently waking you from her sleep. You rubbed eyes and stretched, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. Today was Friday, and it was the day you planned to return Luffy’s hat.
You got out of bed and started with your usual morning routine. You brushed your teeth, washed your face, applied your usual makeup, and dressed in your school uniform. As you fixed up your hair for today, you glanced at Luffy’s yellow hat resting on your desk. You had spent a good part of the previous evening mending it, making sure it looked as good as new.
With a deep breath, you picked up the hat and placed it carefully in your bag. You went downstairs, had a quick breakfast, said goodbye to your family and headed out the door to catch the bus to school. The streets were bustling with students and commuters, and the atmosphere was lively, everyone excited for the weekend ahead.
At school, you went through your usual day. You attended her classes, took notes, and did your best to focus, but your mind kept drifting to the certain yellow hat in your bag. During lunch, the cafeteria was buzzing with activity. You spotted Luffy sitting with his friends, the Straw Hats club, their table lively and full of laughter.
You took a deep breath and started walking towards them, but as you got closer, your anxiety took over. The thought of approaching Luffy in front of all his friends felt overwhelming. You turned around and went to by your lunch mate’s table instead. They greeted you with kind gestures but didn’t bother you throughout the period, sensing your feelings of frustration and irritation.
Throughout the day, you tried to find the right moment to approach him, but he was always surrounded by people. Each time you gathered the courage to walk up to him, your nerves got the better of you.
Finally, the last bell of the day rang, signaling the end of school. Students started to disperse, eager to begin their weekend. You gathered you belongings and decided to make one last attempt. You walked through the emptying hallways, your heart pounding.
Near the bathrooms, you saw Luffy standing alone, adjusting his backpack. This was your chance. You took a deep breath and approached him, your hands nervously trembling slightly.
"Uh, Luffy?" you called out softly.
He turned around, his usual grin lighting up his face. "Oh, hey, Y/N! What’s up?"
You reached into your bag and pulled out his signature yellow hat. "I, um, found this yesterday. It was under a bench in the courtyard, so I took it home and fixed it up for you. It was really teared up from the cap part.”
Luffy’s eyes widened in surprise and delight. "No way! You found it? Thank you so much!" He took the hat from your hands, examining it closely. "Wow, it looks brand new!"
You smiled, feeling a sense of relief. "I’m glad you like it."
Luffy looked at you with genuine gratitude. "You’re really amazing, Y/N. Hey, how about I get you a drink from the vending machine as a thank you?"
Before you could respond, he continued, "Actually, you know what? Let’s go grab something to eat. There’s a small restaurant near the school, you know the pirate seafood themed one. My friends kinda busy right now, so it’ll be just us."
Your eyes widened in surprise. "Um, that sounds great, but—"
Luffy didn’t wait for you to even finish. "Awesome! Meet me there in about an hour, okay?" He gave you a quick wave and jogged off, leaving you standing there, stunned.
As you made her way home to drop off your bag, change out your uniform and freshen up, you couldn’t believe what had just happened. You are going to have dinner with Luffy, alone. A mix of excitement and nervousness filled you, but you knew this was a chance to get to know him better and maybe even become friends.
The sun was setting as you walked to the restaurant, a tiny spark of hope igniting in your heart.
You arrived at the small seafood restaurant near the school a little early. It was a cozy place with a warm, welcoming atmosphere. The soft hum of conversation and the scent of delicious food filled the air, making you feel slightly more at ease. You chose a table by the window and sat down, nervously fidgeting with your hands.
After a few minutes, the door swung open, and Luffy walked in, his usual bright smile on his face. He spotted you and made his way over, waving enthusiastically. "Hey, Y/N! Thanks for waiting."
You smiled shyly. "No problem, Luffy. I just got here myself."
Luffy plopped down in the seat across from you, looking around the restaurant with curiosity. "This place looks great! I’ve always wanted to try it."
You nodded. "Mhm, it’s really nice. I’ve heard their food is amazing."
A waiter came by to take their orders, and Luffy, with his usual enthusiasm, ordered a variety of dishes, making you chuckle. You opted for something simple, feeling a bit more relaxed as she watched Luffy’s excitement.
As you both waited for their food, Luffy leaned forward, his eyes shining with curiosity. "So, Y/N, tell me about yourself. I mean, I see you around school, but we’ve never talked at all.”
You felt a bit nervous but was glad for the opportunity to share. "Well, there’s not much to tell. I like reading and studying. I like to hang out with my friends after school, uh.” You slightly lied, not finding the correct answers that will please him so you made something up.
Luffy nodded, listening intently. "That’s cool. I like hanging out with my friends too. We have a LOT of fun together. Hmm do you have any hobbies?"
You thought about it for a moment. "I like drawing and painting. It’s a nice way to relax and express myself."
Luffy’s eyes lit up. "That’s awesome! You should show me your drawings sometime. I bet they’re really good."
Your face slightly warmed at the replied, feeling flattered. "Maybe I will."
Your conversation flowed naturally, with Luffy sharing funny stories about his friends and their adventures, making you laugh. You found yourself feeling more comfortable, enjoying his company and the way made you feel at ease.
When your food arrived, you both dug in with enthusiasm. Luffy’s excitement over the dishes was contagious, and you couldn’t help but smile at his reactions. You shared bites of your meals, laughing and talking about their favorite foods.
As you finished your meals, Luffy leaned back in his chair, looking content. "This was really fun, Y/N. I’m glad we did this. And we ate really really good.”
You nodded, feeling a warm sense of happiness. "Me too, Luffy. Thank you for inviting me."
Luffy grinned. "Hey, anytime! We should hang out more often. You’re really cool, Y/N.”
Your heart fluttered at his words. "I’d like that."
You both split and paid the bill and then left the restaurant, walking side by side under the evening sky. The streets were quiet, and the stars were just slightly starting to appear, creating a scenery.
As you walked, Luffy turned to you. “Thanks again for finding my hat and fixing it up. It really means a lot to me. Like a lot. It’s from a special someone, you know.”
You smiled. "It was my pleasure, Luffy. I’m glad I could help."
You reached the corner where you guys would part ways, and Luffy stopped, looking at you with a sincere expression. “You know, you’re kinda cute, Y/N.”
Luffy gave you a quick, friendly hug, catching you even more off guard and rushing to this way. Before you could even respond, he turned and sprinted towards the bus stop that was different from yours, waving as he went. “See you tomorrow, Y/N! Oh wait— Cya Monday!”
“And don’t forget to meet my friends soon!” He yelled out from the distance before slowing down and riding on his bus home.”
You watched him run off, feeling warmness in your chest. This evening had been more than you could have hoped for. You had spent time with Luffy, shared laughs and stories, and felt a connection growing between you both.
As you made your way home, you couldn’t stop smiling. This was probably just the beginning, and you looked forward to what the future held. For now, you cherished the memories of your first little dinner together.
The weekend flew by in a blur of activity. You spent Saturday shopping with your siblings, trying to find clothes that suited your style. You had experienced a small crisis last time, picking out an outfit when you went out with Luffy, and wanted to be more prepared in the future. As you browsed through racks of clothes, she visualized different outfits, hoping to make it easier to plan ahead. You also were in need of some makeup products to try out new looks and enhance it. Your siblings also offered their opinions, turning the shopping trip into a fun bonding experience.
Sunday was a mix of chores, homework, and relaxation. You tackled your assignments in the evening, making sure everything was ready for the upcoming week. Despite the busyness, you still felt a warm, happy glow from Friday’s dinner with Luffy. The memory of your time together lingered, making you smile every time you thought about it.
Monday morning arrived, and you went through your usual routine. You got dressed in your uniform, and applied your makeup, doing a little more than usual going out for a different makeup style. You felt more confident about your appearance. The school day began like any other, and you headed to your locker to gather your things for class.
As you were busy organizing your books, you heard commotion down the hall. It was Luffy was running around, fooling with his friends Usopp, Chopper, and Sanji. Their laughter echoed through the corridor, and you chuckled at their antics.
Suddenly, Luffy came barreling towards you. Before you could react, he ran into you, knocking you to the ground. Your books scattered across the floor, and you looked up in shock. He had clearly seen you in the hallways so you didn’t think you would get caught up in the commotion or be in the way, and left completely caught off guard.
Sanji immediately rushed over to you, scolding Luffy. “Oi, Luffy! Watch where you’re going! You can’t just run into a lady like that!”
He offered his hand to help you up, his expression full of concern. “Are you okay, Miss? That was quite a tumble.”
You nodded, accepting his hand and getting you to your feet. “Yeah, I’m fine. Thank you.”
Luffy scratched his head, looking sheepish. “Sorry about that, Y/N. I didn’t mean to knock you over.”
Sanji continued to fuss over her, making sure she wasn’t hurt. “You need to be more careful, Luffy. You could’ve seriously harmed such a beautiful girl.”
Luffy grinned, seemingly unfazed by the scolding. “Hey, guys, this is Y/N. She’s the girl I told you about from Friday.”
Usopp’s eyes widened, and he elbowed Luffy playfully. “Oh, so this is the girl you went on a date with?”
Luffy laughed, waving off the comment. “It wasn’t a date, Usopp. We just had dinner together.”
Usopp smirked. “Sure, sure. Whatever you say, Luffy.”
Luffy turned back to you, introducing you to his friends. “Y/N, this is Usopp, Chopper, and Sanji. Guys, this is Y/N.”
They all greeted you warmly. Usopp gave you a friendly wave, Chopper smiled shyly, and Sanji bowed slightly, his demeanor polite. “Nice to meet you, Y/N.”
Usopp grinned. “You should sit with us at lunch, Y/N. It’ll be fun.”
Chopper nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah, you should! We’d love to get to know you better.”
Luffy didn’t wait for her to respond. “Yeah, come sit with us! Uh you usually sit with Vivi right?? She’ll be okay with it.”
You felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. You had always admired the close-knit group of friends from afar and now had the chance to join them. “Okay, I’d like that.”
Luffy’s grin widened. “Great! See you at lunch then.”
As they went their separate ways to class, you couldn’t help but feel a flutter of excitement. You had just been pulled into Luffy’s world, and the prospect of getting to know his friends better made your heart race. The morning had started with a bit of chaos, but it was turning out to be an unexpectedly wonderful day.
The day flew by and when lunchtime finally arrived you made your way to the cafeteria, your heart pounding with anticipation. You spotted the usual table where Luffy and his friends gathered, filled with laughter and lively conversation. Taking a deep breath, she approached the table.
Luffy waved over at you enthusiastically. “Y/N! Over here!”
You walked over, feeling a mix of shyness and excitement. The group made room for you, and you sat down next to Luffy. “Hi, everyone.”
Most of them greeting you with the kind smiles.
The table was full of energy and chaos. Luffy and Usopp were animatedly discussing their latest adventure, while Chopper listened with wide-eyed wonder. Sanji was busy serving the cafeteria line, his duty as a volunteered chief in the school.
Y/N also noticed Nami and Robin sitting together, engaged in conversation. Franky was tinkering with something, his mechanical hand making small adjustments, while Brook strummed a soft tune on his guitar. Zoro, as usual, was napping in his seat, his head resting on his folded arms.
Nami looked up and smiled warmly at Y/N. “Hi, Y/N. I’m Nami. I’ve heard from you before from Vivi.”
Robin nodded in agreement. “It’s nice to meet you. I’m Robin. You seem like a very interesting person.”
You felt herself light up under their attention. “Nice to meet you both.”
Sanji, ever the gentleman, made his way to the table and placed an organized and appetizing plate in front of you. “Here you go, Y/N. Enjoy!” While motioning over
to Nami and Robin’s side and also placing their plates down with utensils.
“Hmph. No fair Sanji only bothers to serve the girls.” Usopp grumbled while getting up to line up for a plate.
Luffy and Chopper running behind him as well while chanting “food! food!”
As lunch continued, you felt herself becoming more comfortable. The infamous friend group included you in their conversations, making you feel like part of the group. You laughed at Usopp’s exaggerated stories, listened to Chopper’s excitement about his latest medical class studies, and even joined in when they talked about their favorite foods.
Luffy was his usual cheerful self, making sure you felt included and comfortable. He talked about his friends and the soccer team, explaining how much he loved the sport. “Soccer’s the best! You should come watch our game sometime.”
You smiled. “I might just do that then.”
Luffy’s eyes lit up. “Ahaha. You should meet the rest of the team too.”
The bell ring and as they all got up to head to their next classes, Luffy turned to you with a grin. “See? Told you it’d be fun. You should sit with us every day.”
You smiled back, feeling grateful for his kindness. “Yeah, it was. Thanks, Luffy.”
You headed to class and continued on with your day. Even if before you had noticed some of Luffy’s friends in your classes, you had never approached them. Since you didn’t know them and they didn’t know you, they were just any other classmate although you observed them more than others.
However, now that you were introduced to his gang, some of them now approached you in class. Starting with Nami, whom you have majority of classes with.
It was during AP Geography and Human Studies, that she approached you first. “Hey Y/N. Let’s sit together from now on. I don’t really like the people I sit with in this class.” She mentioned while taking a seat to the always empty chair next to you in class.
“Ah okay,” You replied softly. You didn’t mind her sitting with you at all, infact you hoped she would now that you both know each other. You always had a feeling you would get along with Nami, you were intrigued and inspired by her fashion and her beauty. Alongside her leadership skills and her intelligence. She’s the smartest student in this class, geography being her strongest subject probably.
“You know, you don’t have to be so tense with me. You’re always so quiet and keeping replies short. You can losen up around me. I promise I won’t judge. I want to be your good friend as well.” She motioned, with a gentle smile on her. Her pretty and expressive brown eyes gazing, seemingly analyzing you.
You shy away from her stare and replied, “Mhm okay. Thank you Nami. I want to be your good friend as well. I really admire you, especially your looks.” You hummed softly.
“Aw really? Thanks. I try you know. If you need any tips just let me know like…” She listed some out and you listened attentively. Afterwards, Mr. Cobra, Vivi’s father, made his way to his desk and settled down the class to begin the lesson. Nami and you stopped your conversation and quickly opened your notes to begin.
After the bell rung and the class period ended, you said your goodbyes to Nami for the day since you won’t be seeing her in your last few classes and rushed out to reach the PE locker room before the warning bell rings.
After changing out of your regular uniform and on top your PE one, you made your way to the gymnasium.
You usually just wandered off, never really grouping with other students and letting Mr Shanks just group you in with anybody.
You were standing there, distanced away from others as Mr Shanks explained the rules of the game you’ll be playing today.
You heard noise behind you and look back to see Zoro slowly walking to the circle formed of students in the middle of the gym. He nodded at your direction, his way of greeting and got back to listening to Shank’s instructions.
Zoro was in this class as well, however he was often very late, due to getting “lost” on the way here. You had no clue how he would get lost, sure, the school was fairly big but there was clear signs everywhere of where everything was and directions given out. It was almost halfway through the school year already. Either way. Mr Shanks always left him off the hook and consequence of getting a tardy since Zoro has a defense position on the soccer team, which Shanks coaches.
You hoped you both can get along later on so you won’t feel as alone as you feel in this class, having no companions to practice with and in general, talk while working out. You have observed Zore before and he isn’t really one to talk unless he feels comfortable around you like you seen when he walks with Luffy and Nami in the hallways, fooling around and bickering.
Shank’s whistle broke your train though and signified to get in positions for the game for today. You joined your classmates on the side of the gym, ready to give your best effort. Shanks had a way of making every activity feel like an adventure, his laughter echoing across the gym building as he encouraged everyone to push their limits and have fun.
The day flew by in a blur of lectures, assignments, and fleeting interactions. You navigated your classes with a focused determination.
As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, you mentally reviewed your upcoming challenges. Tomorrow was going to be a kinda busy day, with a presentation for Biology with Mr. Jinbei and a chemistry quiz for Mr. Caesar Clown. You felt a familiar twinge of nervousness but also a sense of readiness. You had prepared thoroughly, and while the thought of presenting in front of the class made you stomach flutter, you knew she could handle it.Gathering your things, you made your way to her locker and then we’re ready to go home.
You exited the school building, your backpack feeling heavier than usual with the chem book in there needed for future later today. The day had been long and stressful, filled with classes and looming quizzes. You put on your headphones, scrolling through your playlist and settled for a soothing track to calm your mind. While you like to observe your surroundings and take in all visual and sound, you also often needed music playing in your ears to ease you up.
Lost in your own thoughts, you didn’t notice the group of your newly made friends gathered near the school entrance until you heard your name being called.
“Y/N!” Luffy’s voice was unmistakable, full of enthusiasm. You turned to see him jogging towards you, his friends following closely behind.
“Hey, Y/N!” Nami waved, her brown eyes sparkling with excitement. “We’re going to get boba drinks. Wanna join us?”
“It’s all last minute,” Luffy added, grinning widely. “Nami was craving it, and now we’re all going together.”
You hesitated for a moment, your initial instinct to retreat into your comfort zone fighting with the opportunity to spend more time with them. But the inviting smiles on their faces made the decision easier.
“Okay, I’d love to,” you replied, a small smile tugging at your plumped lips.
The group walked to the nearby boba shop, the lively chatter making you feel a part of something special, again. You noticed Zoro trailing behind, looking half-sleepy, while Sanji animatedly discussing some food recipes with Robin, who listened with her usual calm and attentive demeanor, with Franky’s hand in hers. Brook and him engaged in a playful debate about music, and Usopp was excitedly talking about a new gadget he was working on.
Your back also felt lighter than before. Before making the sightly distanced walk to the boba shop, Sanji had offered to carry your backpack, carrying his and Nami’s as well. You were about to declined until Luffy just snatched it off your back and carried it for you, grinning cutely at you.
Continuing, he walked alongside you, chatting about his upcoming soccer match this weekend. “Shouldn’t you be practicing today? I thought practices was required every day after school.” You asked curiously.
“Oh yeah, we did but Shanks had something after school. So practice was cancelled today.” Luffy replied.
“You should come watch us practice tomorrow tho! And come to our game this weekend. Shanks always takes us out to eat if we win, and i’m sure we will so i’ll sneak you in with us.” Luffy added on, with his signature mischievous grin on his face and a little twinkle in his eyes.
“Mhm, i’ll be there. I’ll have to ask my parents for permission if it’s during the weekend tho.” You replied back, with more confidence than usual that ignited from his invitation. Your heart felt light and bubbly.
At the boba shop, you all crowded around the counter, each of them choosing their favorite flavors. You, feeling a bit overwhelmed, let them decide for you.
“Get her the taro milk tea,” Nami suggested. “It’s a safe choice.”
When their drinks arrived, they found a large table to accommodate everyone. The conversation flowed effortlessly, with Nami and Robin making sure you felt included. The group’s dynamic shone through. Luffy, being his usual playful self, grabbed a handful of boba balls and stuck them to his teeth, making silly faces. Nami and Usopp laughed, quickly snapping pictures with their phones.
“Hey, Y/N, you’re gonna love this,” Luffy said, his voice slightly muffled by the boba balls.
You chuckled softly, feeling a warm sense of belonging. Despite the chaos, there was a sense of harmony among them, and you felt yourself relax.
“So, Y/N, what do you think?” Nami asked, gesturing to the taro milk tea.
You took a sip, the creamy sweetness spreading across your tongue. “It’s really good,” you said, smiling.
As you continued to chat and enjoy the drinks, Luffy and Usopp started a mini food fight with the boba balls, much to Sanji’s chagrin. Zoro, who had snapped off his sleepy mode joined in, adding to the chaos. Franky laughed, encouraging their antics while Robin watched with an amused smile and Brook laughing with his silly ‘Yohoho’ echoing throughout the shop.
You found yourself laughing along, your earlier stress melting away. The group vibrant energy and camaraderie were infectious, and you felt grateful to be a part of it.
You noticed Chopper beside you had pulled out his chemistry notes, flipping through them with a determined look. You seeing this, decided to join him, grabbing some of your notes and reviewing for the quiz.
“You’re really serious about this,” You remarked, impressed.
“Of course! I want to do well,” Chopper said, his eyes shining with determination.
You nodded, feeling a kinship with the little brown haired guy. As you both studied, the others continued their lively conversations, occasionally glancing over and offering their good-lucks for tomorrow’s quiz.
After a while, Usopp pulled out his phone, scrolling through the pictures they had taken. “HA, send me that one. Luffy looks so stupid.”Nami laughed, while pulling out her phone, which you noticed had a clear case and a small polaroid of Vivi decorated with hearts.
“Hey, Y/N, wanna be in your group chat?” Usopp asked, turning to you.
“um yeah,” you softly replied, nodding your head.
“Give me your account info then ,” Usopp said, grinning. “I’ll add you to it. We use it a lot to keep in touch and plan stuff.”
Feeling a bit overwhelmed but touched by their inclusiveness, you gave Usopp her details. He quickly added you to the chat, and soon enough, her phone buzzed with new notifications.
“Welcome to the crew!” Usopp announced, giving you a thumbs up.
As the evening progressed, the boba drinks were finished amidst laughter and animated conversations. Nearly three hours had passed in the cozy boba shop, and outside, the sun had begun its descent, casting a warm glow over the autumn-colored trees.
With the daylight fading, the group started to gather their things, mindful of the time. Nami and Robin, ever the nurturing duo, insisted that you don’t take the bus home with the evening growing late.
“It’s not safe,” Nami stated firmly, her concern evident in her expression.
“I agree. Let us get you an Uber,” Sanji chimed in, offering his phone.
Luffy, who had offered to walk with you part of the way to the bus station, looked slightly disappointed at the plan changing.
“Aw, c’mon guys, she’ll be fine,” Luffy protested, though his concern was genuine.
“It’s better this way, Luffy,” Robin reassured him with a gentle smile. “We’ll make sure she gets home safely.”
Reluctantly, Luffy nodded, understanding their point. Sanji ordered an Uber for you, ensuring the destination was set correctly before you handled the phone back.
“Make sure you get home safe, okay?” Luffy said earnestly, his usual carefree demeanor momentarily replaced by a more serious tone.
You nodded, touched by his concern. “Thank you, Luffy. I had a great time today.”
“Me too!” Luffy grinned, his usual cheerfulness returning. “You better come next time we go out again.”
With a wave to the others and a final thank you, you stepped into the waiting Uber. The ride home was quiet, the events of the day replaying in your mind. You felt a warmth in your chest, a mix of happiness and gratitude for the new friendships that was forming.
Arriving home, you settled into her room, feeling content. changing to your pijamas and climbing to your bed. You just layed down, enjoying the silence that your home offered as late night approached. Until you felt vibrations coming from your phone, notifications from the LINE app popping up. It was the group chat Usopp had added you to.
You browsed through the messages, saving the silly pictures Usopp took of Luffy earlier. Giggling at some of their funny remarks and insults to one other. You sent Sanji a quick thank you text for the uber he ordered for you earlier, and receiving a corny reply, ‘Anytime Y/N gorgeous 😍!’ followed by a long lines full of hearts and more romantic emojis.
Then Nami complained to shut up because she needs to sleep. You turned off your phone and settled it down, while going to the washroom and starting your night routine of skin care and brushing your teeth. Afterwards, you tugged into your bed and attempted to close your eyes and fall into sleep.
Your mind drifting back to the whirlwind of events that had recently brought you closer to Luffy and his friends. Reflecting on the day, it had been filled with laughter, camaraderie, and unexpected moments—a day you will fondly recall as you drifted into dreams of your subconscious.
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a/n: is this too corny or too slow? 😣 Feedback pls except don’t be too mean yall. Also will try to have more longer updates!!! just cuz. Thank you!
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eternal-ascensionism · 3 months
Hey! Would you be willing to write a Sleep Token fic where fem!reader is touring with ST (maybe as part of another band, makeup artist, etc). Vessel is really sweet but shy, and reader discovers that he has a crush on her… then things become very spicy…😈
Warnings: smut, angst if you squint. Oral, penetration with fingers, that’s p much it for this one. MINORS DNI
Reader is somewhat fem aligned but it’s mostly gn!reader. Also: Don’t @ me for this but the title is from Naked Love by Adam Lambert bc the Trespassing album had a cultural impact on 12 y/o me the size of a mf crater
Word count:1.9k
Roll The Dice - Vessel x Band Member!Reader
He screams until his throat is raw, searching for common ground in the dim lighting of a sold-out arena. Having complex emotions can be a blessing and a curse; on one hand, he feels most validated when he finds the right words to capture his view. On the other hand, it’s isolating when the words won’t flow so easily from his lips. It isn’t until Vessel meets you that he begins to feel the burden of speaking his mind has lifted a bit. You were placed together on a tour through the states, your band just beginning to show out as a rising name in the scene. The man couldn’t say for sure whether he’d heard of you before, but he figured it wouldn’t hurt to listen to one of your songs before a show to get a read on your music style.
As the last few notes rang out, Vessel found himself staring into space. Lost in the agony laid bare to all who listened closely enough. It was a sort of primal yearning he’d felt before. One that was imprinted on his very bones. He’d written it out and heard it discussed a million times over, yet the way you captured pain tugged at his heartstrings. From then on, Vessel couldn’t deny his fascination with you. He would never show it, of course. You were both professionals. Since this was your first real tour experience, he couldn’t risk tarnishing it by following you like a lost puppy.
Vessel had never been as smooth with conveying his affections in spoken word as he was with his songs. Although you seemed sweet and approachable for the most part, he was a shy man by nature. That said, something about you made him want to open up. Vessel desired to bond with you, sharing old wounds and their resulting scars. It was roughly two months before he mustered up enough confidence to have a one-on-one conversation with you. After that, the dynamic between you two seemed to shift. Words flowed easier, compliments became abundant, and suddenly you were his confidant. Ves settled on being friends and tour mates, packing away his growing feelings for your sake. But he wasn’t the only one pining in silence, unbeknownst to him.
You began this tour with rather low expectations. Your band was new to all things business-oriented, and you weren’t familiar with most of the lineup. You set your standards to surviving and hopefully making a friend or two. Then you met him. Vessel seemed reserved; you never saw him around without some form of mask to shroud his identity. You knew it was part of Sleep Token’s personas, and it never bothered you much. Who were you to demand someone’s true self or their face time? So you’d always respected their privacy, turning around when one needed to lift a mask for water or to replace it with a less sweaty backup.
Tonight hadn’t gone according to plan. Your poor, uncoordinated bassist had clocked his head on the edge of the cabinet door when trying to pack away the communal copy of Cards Against Humanity. You had quickly sat him down and examined the spot; it wasn’t too bad, but it seemed to be bleeding like a stuck pig. With the other members asleep and no first aid kit on hand, you give Chris a towel to hold pressure on the laceration and head for the bus two spots down. III was the one to open the door after you knocked rather quietly. You weren’t sure they’d still be awake, but the lights in the windows gave you hope.
“What can we do you for?” Came his cheery tone, stepping aside as an offer to come inside. You shook your head.
“Sorry to bother you guys, but Chris smashed his forehead on the corner of the cabinet and it’s bleeding pretty bad. He’s alright but we used up our kit after that broken beer bottle incident last week.”
He nodded, seemingly racking his brain for something. “I think we might have one, I know there’s plasters somewhere if nothing else. I’ll look around and come over there.”
You turn on your heel and walk briskly back in the direction you came. Upon arrival, Chris was in the small kitchenette holding the blood-stained rag to the affected area. You both settle on a bench seat next to the counter and wait for word from the guys. When the tall man crossed the threshold of the front door, you almost did a double take. You hadn’t been expecting to see him out of his stage gear, but it made sense given the hour.
Vessel held a flashlight in one hand and a small, red box in the other. “Hey, heard you guys had an accident. You alright, mate?”
Chris nodded the best he could, in spite of his splitting headache. Vessel made quick work of cleaning the wound that had mostly stopped bleeding. His long fingers unraveled the gauze pad and carefully placed it before securing it with two larger band-aids. You couldn’t help but smile at the sight; for all his mystery and moody aura, Ves was a lover at heart. You hadn’t taken notice of it before, but it seemed obvious now. The man cared deeply for those around him. You feel a thud against your shin, and lock eyes with your friend. You’re met with a knowing smirk.
“With the way you’re looking at him, you’d think he was bandaging you up!” Chris chuckled as you prod him sharply in the side with one finger. Vessel’s head was down, a hint of red across his cheeks. Cute.
“I wasn’t looking, I’m just admiring his kind nature. Not like you’d know; remember the time you and Amanda took me out with the pool noodle? Y’all just laughed at me like maniacs after I swallowed all that pool water!” You made a sweeping motion with your hands to paint the picture for the taller male. He shook his head with a smile.
“I’m just trying to help out. Besides, gives me a chance to talk with you more.”
Wordlessly, Chris stand up and claps his hands together. “Well, it was a pleasure seeing you Ves. Thanks for the patchwork. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to give you two lovesick freaks some space. Talk, bond, kiss. Just keep it down so I can maintain my plausible deniability.” With that, he disappeared to the back bunks of the bus.
The silence that followed was all-consuming. Neither of you were sure how to move forward. The connection was evident. The tension was palpable. But you both had long histories of anxious behaviors, and old habits die hard. That said, you only lasted about 30 seconds before deciding the potential reward was worth the risk. Scooting closer to Ves who now sat on the same bench seat, you chanced a look at his face. His eyes held something akin to amusement.
“So what did you want to talk about?” Your gaze falls back to the floor where your slipper scraped repeatedly against a loose thread of carpet. It was a soothing motion as you awaited an answer.
“I think I’d like to know how long you’ve liked me.”
“Well,” you began, “I’ve honestly been into you since before we met. When I saw you guys live for the first time at that festival last summer, the one where we played on the small stage. I caught you guys’ set after we wrapped, and I was absolutely enamored.”
Vessel inched closer, his right hand coming to rest gently over your left. “Yknow, I saw you that time. You managed to get to the front and the first thing I noticed was your pretty eyes. They sparkled when the sun came.”
You took the leap to close the gap between the two of you, Ves meeting you halfway for a soft kiss. You practically melted. He smelled like soap and a hint of incense, you wanted to bury your face in his threadbare tee and never come up for air. He gently guided you to lay back against the cushioned bench while his warm hands slid down your sides. His fingers dipped just below the fabric of your sleep shorts to press into the plush skin of your hips. The firm kneading movements elicited a strangled noise from you.
“It’s okay, baby, I’m right here. Gonna hold you and make you feel good.” He murmured against your lips before making his way down to your neck with sweet pecks. One hand remains at your hip, massaging while the other slips your loose fitting bottoms to the side. A deep satisfied hum sounds through his chest, and it makes you ache. He carefully pushes your legs up and apart once again to admire the view.
“You really are gorgeous everywhere, darling.” A quick peck to your lips. “Magnificent.” Another peck against your shoulder. “Breathtaking.” He’s now level with your groin, eyes taking you in like a desperate animal. No more words leave his lips before they attach to where you crave him most.
Bucking your hips, your hand flies to your mouth as you fight to stay in control. Your band has seen you in many embarrassing situations over the years, but this would be one you’d never live down if anybody caught you. Vessel moans against you, and you bite down on the heel of your palm to stifle your own needy sounds.
It isn’t long before he has you on the edge. You were so close to your release, but you just needed a little more to push you over the line. Mustering what rational thought you had left, you plead for Ves to add a finger. You swear you hear a growl, and then there’s two long digits pushing lightly into you. He prods and curves expertly until finding the spot that makes your hips pause as you grind down on his hand. You let out a whimper as you feel the dam finally burst, making a mess of yourself and Vessel in the process. He lets you catch your breath and relax for a moment before slowly removing his fingers. You pull him in for a kiss, hands beginning to roam before he takes them in his own and looks at you.
“Hey. I really like you, like a lot. I don’t wanna rush anything. I know that’s a bit odd to say after I just had my mouth on you, but I’d really just like to take you out proper before we go any further. Would that be okay? I just…I wanna make sure I do this right.”
You feel a lump forming in your throat as you gaze into his eyes, a sea of uncertainty beneath. Nodding, you give him a smile and pull him closer for a hug. “I’d really like that, Ves. I wanna give us the best chance at working out, we can go as slow as you feel comfortable with.”
Vessel beams at you, lifting you up to relocate to the comfier loveseat in the middle of the bus. “Wonderful. I say we watch some cheesy horror movies for our first date.”
You chuckle and nod while grabbing the remote, “agreed. You pick the movie, I’ll make the popcorn.”
Okay screaming over, thank you for real for the requests and all the inspo it’s helped refresh my writing skills and as always, feedback is appreciated! If this does well I can make another part where they actually have their first time together (not as in virgins but as in first time with each other)
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astrojulia · 1 year
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Tarot Cards as Professions
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Major Arcanas:
The Fool: Work with abroad, connections with imports, language teacher, multinationals, entrepreneur, intern, college student, art major.
The Magician: Entrepreneur, job that needs skill with the hands (acupuncture, hairdresser, artisan), actor, salesperson, influencer.
The High Priestess: Education, especially children, nutrition, psychology, cook, housewife, food engineering, toy factory, fortuneteller, spiritual advisor, librarian.
The Empress: Management, business administration, foreign trade, secretariat, translation, decoration, stay-at-home mom, model, cook, farmer.
The Emperor: Business administration, work related to areas of technological innovation, the military or sportsmen, CEO, tycoon.
The Hierophant: Philanthropic areas, ONGs, religious work, social work, diplomacy, and a degree, journalism, writer, editor, priest, spiritual guru, politician.
The Lovers: Sales area in any sector, tourism, theater, advertising, the arts in general, porn star, stripper, masseuse.
The Chariot: Activities related to transport, cars, the latest technology, chauffeur, mechanic, athlete.
Strength: Aesthetics, physical education and various body therapies, medicine, zoologist.
The Hermit: Teacher, writer, doctor, antique dealer, restorer, librarian, gardener.
Wheel of Fortune: Financial market, exchange offices, casinos, lottery houses, stock exchanges, and areas related to public relations, hospitality, game show host.
Justice: Public jobs, won through competitions, politics, police, with government positions, in the diplomatic area, law, insurance company worker.
The Hanged Man: Nurse, auditor, inspector, porter, secretariat, general assistants, yoga instructor, prison guard, philanthropist.
Death: Doctor, farmer, geologist, business administrator, gardener, accountant, assassin, death row executioner, surgeon.
Temperance: Working with liquids in general or with what is transported in liquid form such as alcoholic beverages, medicines, juices. chemist, chef, food critic, regional or even international traffic.
The Devil: Does not limit the individual to a professional wing, so he can also go to extremes for the desire he has, such as landlord, drug lord, sex trafficker.
The Tower: Social assistance, humanitarian aid, medicine, firefighter, police officer, construction worker.
The Star: Music, painting, sculpture, poetry, cinema, makeup artist, dressmaker, beautician, agent, promoter, sound artist, astronomer, harpist, dealer, meteorologist.
The Moon: Oceanographers, sailors, fishermen, owners of bars and restaurants or nightclubs, artists in general, medium, hypnotist, psychiatrist.
The Sun: Motivational speaker, entertainer, comedian, social relationships, work with the public, artist in general, member of society.
Judgment: Work done at home, connection with the law, lawyer, judge, work with disabled or people excluded from society, social assistance, board member, executive producer, director.
The World: Pharmacist, massage therapist, scientist, teacher, community leader, religious leader or priest, fashion designer, makeup artist, interior decorator.
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Creative industries such as advertising, marketing, and graphic design.
Entrepreneurship and starting your own business.
Athletics, sports coaching, or physical training.
Outdoor jobs like park ranger or tour guide.
Event planning or organizing.
Firefighters or rescue workers.
Ace of Wands: Entrepreneur, startup founder, motivational speaker, fitness coach, personal trainer.
Two of Wands: Business strategist, project manager, travel agent, international consultant, import/export specialist.
Three of Wands: Sales representative, marketing manager, e-commerce entrepreneur, market researcher, international trade coordinator.
Four of Wands: Event planner, wedding coordinator, party organizer, festival manager, hospitality industry professional.
Five of Wands: Conflict resolution specialist, mediator, lawyer, debate coach, competitive sports coach.
Six of Wands: Public relations manager, spokesperson, social media influencer, motivational speaker, winning athlete.
Seven of Wands: Defense attorney, human rights activist, political campaigner, advocate, civil liberties lawyer.
Eight of Wands: Courier, delivery driver, airline pilot, travel blogger, expedition guide.
Nine of Wands: Security guard, bodyguard, soldier, endurance athlete, self-defense instructor.
Ten of Wands: Overworked entrepreneur, project manager, event organizer, professional organizer, heavy equipment operator.
Page of Wands: Assistant in a creative field, aspiring artist, intern in a startup, social media coordinator, apprentice.
Knight of Wands: Travel journalist, adventure tour guide, professional athlete, race car driver, stunt performer.
Queen of Wands: CEO, business owner, charismatic leader, life coach, influential speaker.
King of Wands: Executive manager, entrepreneur, leadership coach, consultant, director of a creative agency.
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Counseling, therapy, or social work.
Hospitality industry, including restaurant management and bartending.
Wedding planner or event coordinator.
Artistic fields like poetry, writing, or acting.
Healing professions such as nursing or holistic therapy.
Psychologist or counselor specializing in emotions and relationships.
Ace of Cups: Therapist, counselor, social worker, holistic healer, emotional support specialist.
Two of Cups: Marriage counselor, matchmaker, relationship coach, wedding planner, love psychic.
Three of Cups: Event organizer, party planner, celebratory event coordinator, community organizer.
Four of Cups: Meditation teacher, mindfulness coach, spiritual counselor, psychologist, therapist.
Five of Cups: Grief counselor, trauma therapist, hospice worker, emotional healing practitioner, bereavement support.
Six of Cups: Child psychologist, teacher, daycare worker, children's book author, pediatric nurse.
Seven of Cups: Creative writer, fantasy novelist, imaginative artist, dream analyst, visionary.
Eight of Cups: Travel blogger, adventure seeker, spiritual pilgrim, explorer, wanderlust photographer.
Nine of Cups: Life coach, happiness consultant, gratitude coach, self-help author, wellness retreat organizer.
Ten of Cups: Family therapist, marriage and family counselor, foster care advocate, wedding planner, family mediator.
Page of Cups: Creative writer, artist in training, intuitive healer, aspiring therapist, dream interpreter.
Knight of Cups: Actor, romantic poet, musician, art therapist, love and relationship coach.
Queen of Cups: Psychic reader, intuitive healer, counselor, compassionate caregiver, therapist.
King of Cups: Therapist, counselor, intuitive mentor, emotional intelligence trainer, psychologist.
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Legal professions like lawyers, judges, or law enforcement officers.
Journalists, reporters, or investigators.
IT specialists, computer programmers, or hackers.
Teachers or professors specializing in critical thinking or philosophy.
Military or defense-related careers.
Strategic planners or analysts.
Ace of Swords: Lawyer, judge, legal consultant, investigative journalist, strategic planner.
Two of Swords: Mediator, conflict resolution specialist, negotiator, diplomat, relationship counselor.
Three of Swords: Divorce lawyer, grief counselor, trauma therapist, emotional healer, heart surgeon.
Four of Swords: Rest and relaxation specialist, meditation teacher, spiritual retreat organizer, yoga instructor.
Five of Swords: Military strategist, competitive sports coach, lawyer specializing in litigation, debate coach.
Six of Swords: Travel agent, relocation consultant, therapist specializing in transitions, boat captain.
Seven of Swords: Private investigator, spy, intelligence analyst, cybersecurity expert, undercover agent.
Eight of Swords: Social justice lawyer, human rights advocate, disability rights activist, therapist specializing in limiting beliefs.
Nine of Swords: Insomnia specialist, anxiety therapist, nightmare counselor, sleep coach, mental health counselor.
Ten of Swords: Surgeon, coroner, forensic scientist, mortician, grief counselor.
Page of Swords: Researcher, journalist, fact-checker, apprentice in a legal field, investigative reporter.
Knight of Swords: Military officer, police officer, attorney, competitive fencer, conflict resolution specialist.
Queen of Swords: Judge, lawyer, critic, journalist, literary agent.
King of Swords: Judge, attorney, CEO, strategist, military general.
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Financial advisors or investment bankers.
Real estate agents or property developers.
Agriculture, farming, or gardening.
Architects, builders, or construction workers.
Conservationists or environmentalists.
Accountants or bookkeepers.
Ace of Pentacles: Financial advisor, investment banker, wealth manager, entrepreneur, luxury goods retailer.
Two of Pentacles: Financial analyst, accountant, bookkeeper, event planner, stock trader.
Three of Pentacles: Architect, contractor, project manager, teamwork facilitator, craftsman.
Four of Pentacles: Wealth manager, investor, financial planner, asset protection specialist, treasurer.
Five of Pentacles: Social worker, philanthropist, charity organizer, financial counselor, volunteer.
Six of Pentacles: Philanthropist, humanitarian worker, non-profit manager, social worker, charitable fundraiser.
Seven of Pentacles: Gardener, farmer, agricultural consultant, sustainability expert, botanist.
Eight of Pentacles: Craftsperson, artisan, apprentice, skilled tradesperson, technical trainer.
Nine of Pentacles: Luxury brand manager, independent business owner, successful entrepreneur, vineyard owner, art collector.
Ten of Pentacles: Real estate developer, property investor, family business owner, generational wealth manager, financial advisor.
Page of Pentacles: Intern, student, apprentice in a practical field, aspiring entrepreneur, entry-level employee.
Knight of Pentacles: Accountant, financial planner, farmer, skilled tradesperson, meticulous worker.
Queen of Pentacles: CEO, business owner, property developer, hospitality industry entrepreneur, financial advisor.
King of Pentacles: CEO, business mogul, successful investor, high-level executive, financial consultant.
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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starlightguh · 11 days
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An Artist Always Signs His Work
Word Count: 1,879
Tags: inappropriate uses of paint, Oral f!receiving
AN: 18+ Smut !MDNI¡ I started working on this before the Rafayel banner announcement and wanted to finish and post this before the new card dropped! I’ve truthfully not been the biggest Rafayel girly but lately he’s shown up in some spicy dreams of mine so I hope this does him justice 💕
I was taking my time doing my hair for a little outing with Tara that I had planned, when my phone started buzzing. I pause my hair routine and see Rafayel’s picture with his contact name: My Sushi <3 light up my screen.
I answer with a cutesy ‘Hellooo’ and am met with a disgruntled groan from the other end.
“I can’t do it! I won’t do it! I simply cannot draw anymore no matter how much Thomas threatens me!”
“Woah, slow down what happened?” I stifle a laugh at his dramatics.
“They expect me to have a new painting for that gallery by the end of this week and I just can’t! No matter how much I’ve painted nothing is giving that inspiration I need….You have to come help,” his voice sobbed on the other line.
“Rafayel I can’t, I have other engagements today I can’t just drop everything to help you with your art,” I sigh at his drama.
“Oh so you hate me. I get it. Well I see how much you care about me and my dying wishes, so I’m hanging up now,” his voice was full of sass as he then hung up on me.
I let out a long exasperated groan and gave Tara a phone call, “hey girl I might have to rain check on our tea date.”
“Oh that’s funny you called first! I actually ran into Dr.Greyson and am kinda caught up with him right now…We’ll definitely touch base and reschedule when I see you at work! Bye girly!”
Well that was easy. I continue to finish getting ready to go see my dying artist…
Im buzzed into Mo art studio with no problem. I didn’t bother calling Rafayel back since I knew where he would be whether I showed up or not.
“Knock, knock,” I call out as I open the doors to his studio space.
“Studio’s closed, I'm busy passing away…” Rafayel, whose clothes were covered in various paint colors, was laying on the floor with his arm covering his eyes.
“But I came to revive you.”
He lifts his arm away from his face and he lets in a sharp little gasp as he takes in my appearance.
I was a bit dressier than usual in my shiny short white dress and my hair and makeup done. I smiled down at his stunned expression as the pupils of his eyes darken.
“I think I’ve found my inspiration,” he says with a bit of a confident smirk.
He slowly lifts up his torso and smiles up at me before holding out his index fingers and thumbs to create a frame of me in his vision.
“Oh so that’s why you wanted me to come here, you needed a muse?”
He stands up and his taller height makes me lean my head back a bit to glance into his deep sea blueish eyes. Rafayel placed his hand under my chin and moved my face from side to side, appraising my facial features.
“Not necessarily, but your beauty has striked my inspiration. Come here while I paint,” he takes my hand and drags me to the center of his studio.
He has me sit on top of a stool in front of the background of his flowing white curtains as he sets up a canva and easel in front of me.
I sit a bit awkwardly, unsure of what to do with myself. So I kick my feet a bit as Rafayel is pouring the paints he wants to use on his wooden pallet.
His eyes are scanning the scene before him as a mischievous smirk crosses his face, “I think the subject needs more color.”
I look down at my white dress and frown, “Well I didn’t exactly bring anything else.”
He wordlessly strides over to me, and with a paint brush he slashes a stroke of blue paint on my bare arm.
“Hey! Rafayel! What are you doing?!” I shout as he laughs while splashing my skin with more paint.
“I'm just painting on my lovely canvas,” he smirks and then dips his hand in some of the paint on the pallet.
He places his forehead against mine while letting out a shaky breath as his paint covered hand slowly and sensually caresses down my bust to my waist. As his hand is the paint brush that has now ruined my dress, he stops at my waist and grips it.
“Raf,” I whisper as I glance at his plush lips. His eyes were now dark and intimate as he no longer stared at me like his muse, but rather his meal.
He lets out a huff and leans his head down to place a soft kiss at my pulse point in my neck. The only sounds I could hear was the smacking of his lip’s against my skin and the shakiness of my own breath.
I felt his nose drag up against my neck as he then brought his lips to my ear to whisper to me, “You know, when I paint, I prefer to paint subjects in their most natural state…”
He purred in my ear and pulled away a bit as he dipped his hand in his pallet and proceeded to set it down as he covered both hands in colors.
“Rafayel,” I said in a warning tone as he now has both of his hands on my body and ruined my dress with shades of blues and purples. “You owe me a new dress.”
He looks down at the paint covering my arms and seeing his hand prints on the dress he hums and nods, “You’re right….Let’s get this canvas to her natural state then.”
Before I could process what he meant by that, he had unzipped my dress and removed it off my body. I let out a yelp as the cold air touched my now exposed skin.
“This too,” he grumbled and popped my bra off immediately.
As I sat on this stool naked in nothing but my panties with wet paint covering my arms, I looked at him annoyed as my face with hot with embarrassment, “Shouldn’t you stop fooling around and actually work on your painting?” My eyes glance to the now abandoned easel he had set up.
His hands were all over my skin, his soft fingertips gently tracing paths around my breasts and sternum, leaving color in its wake. “But I am working on my painting dearest, it’s already beautiful,” he says in a whisper before leaning down to capture one of my plump mounds in his mouth.
I wrap my legs around him and let out whimpers as his tongue swirls around my sensitive bud. His face is now getting paint on it from the trails his fingers left behind earlier.
As he pulls away from my breast with a smack he stares up at me as he goes to give the other one attention. My face contorts as the feeling of his lips breaks my composure. His deep eyes are drinking in my expression as his mouth works on me and I close my eyes and turn my head away to hide from his intense gaze.
Rafayel pulls away and moves my head to face him, leaving more stains of paint as he does, “Look at me.” His voice sounds deeper than his usual teasing tone and is full of command.
I open my eyes and as I do he leans in and kisses me with a fierce intensity. His hands cup my jaw and I wrap my arms around him as his tongue parts my lips and dances in my mouth.
I drag my fingers into his purple hair as he groans into my mouth. When he pulls away I’m panting as our lips are still connected by a strand of saliva. He licks his lips with a smirk and he bites his bottom lip as he takes in my panting and flushed form.
“This is almost the vision I have,” he says as he crouches down to get more paint on his hand. He slides his hands that are wet with fresh colors up my legs as he parts them to have me sit in a straddle pose on the stool. “Beautiful.”
His hands grip my thighs as he stares at the small wet patch that’s dampened my teal cotton panties. Rafayel, like a man possessed, slides his hands underneath both sides of my underwear to slide them off me. My legs follow his path as the cotton is now cast aside and his hands are holding my painted thighs apart to expose my wet center to his vision.
“Now that I’ve painted my canvas, it’s only right that I sign my work,” his voice rumbles as he gets closer and closer to my center and he gives a lick on my slit.
“Raf-“ I pant and go to grab the back of his head, but he stops my movement with a grip on my wrist, “Don’t move or you’ll ruin the portrait.”
He lets my wrist go and dives into my center, drinking in my dripping essence with his thirsty lips. I can’t help but grip the sides of the stool and lean my head back with a moan.
The contrast of his hot mouth on me in comparison to my cold body covered in wet paint made my mind melt. I was drowning in pleasure as I could hear the lewd squelching and smacking of his mouth on my dripping pussy.
I could feel more than hear him growl as I placed my legs on his shoulders and my toes dug into the fabric of his white shirt.
“Gods Rafayel…I’m gonna,” I squeal as I close my eyes and feel his tongue on my clit.
As I focus on my breathing I can feel his tongue make what feels like the shape of an R on my slit, followed by an A then F….
I could feel my lower body tighten and heat up as I was close, “Rafayel please I’m-I…” I sputtered out as he made it to Y in his name.
He pulled away for a moment and his voice was filled with lust, “Come. Let go for me.”
When he went back to my clit and quickly finished spelling his name he then slid his tongue inside my needy hole and I instantly came undone on his mouth with a high pitched moan.
As I was breathing heavily from my orgasm, Rafayel pulled away with half of his face dripping in my juices. He smiled and licked his lips, “Perfect stay like that.”
He stood and rushed over to the actual canvas and quickly began trying to immortalize my pleasure in a painting on his canvas.
Needless to say he had to repose his muse with a few more orgasms to ‘get my expression just right.’
The finished product was me covered in paints of blues and purples and completely fucked out of my mind, while his actual portrait depicted a naked woman being swallowed up by the sea. I was too embarrassed to acknowledge that her pleasured face was what Rafayel saw as he expertly pulled out of me over and over again that day.
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irwinsblender · 2 months
hiii could i request a luke x fem reader where reader has pots and its a bad day for her but shes on tour with the boys so she has to do her best to stay well? luke begs her to take breaks but she’s their hair or makeup artist and physically cant take a break until the show is over 😭 so basically just some cute fluff of luke fussing over his sick and dizzy gf :)) i have pots and i never get to read this sort of stuff so it would be great to have some rep written ^^
hi!! thank you so much for sending this in! again apologising for taking so long to get to this request but hopefully this fic turns out okay!
take it easy
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pairing: luke x reader
summary: you’ve been travelling around with your boyfriend, luke, on the bands tour doing their hair and make up here and there while also trying to manage your pots symptoms within their busy schedules
warnings: none?
word count: 3.7k
✩ ✩ ✩
Getting to go on tour with your boyfriend, Luke, and his band had always been one of your favourite things to experience. It was heartwarming to see him and your friends up on that stage, enjoying every second of performing. Living out their dream.
Luke loved you being there, never having to spend a minutes away from you for the long times they tour for. He loved that you got to to watch them every night.
Not only were you there to watch the shows, but you were a qualified hair stylist along with knowing your fair share about make up.
You helped the guys get ready before their shows each night, making sure their hair looked good by using hairspray and sometimes hair gel. If it was a lucky day you wouldn’t have to use either.
Luke was the only one who you did make up for, although you knew he was capable of doing a good job on his own, he always insisted that you do it for him.
One thing that came along with travelling for a tour was busy schedules, late nights and early mornings, rushing around if things didn’t quite run on time or having to suddenly change plans. It was a lot to deal with for you.
Especially with what you have to deal with in your day to day life.
You had been dealing with pots for quite a few years now, the not being able to sleep properly, the headaches, other aches and pains, having to take it easy if you were feeling dizzy to ensure you didn’t pass out. it was difficult.
Luke was always there to make sure you were okay. Sometimes he knew before you did that you would have a bad flare up, making sure you rested properly and didn’t overdo it.
Some days were better than others, you could get up like normal, go about your day with the band, easily do their hair and make up without any issues. Other days, you knew a bad flare up was coming before even starting the day, knowing you’d have to try and compromise to still help out.
Today was one of those days.
You had to sleep on the bus after a show last night to travel to the next tour stop. Sleeping in the tiny bunks where there was hardly enough room to move had never been your idea of a comfortable nights sleep. And so, you didn’t get nearly enough sleep.
As soon as you woke up, you could feel the throbbing pain in your head, a bad headache that would surely last a while. Knowing that would add to any other symptoms you may get.
You could hear the guys on the bus, chatting away to one another, talking about the previous show as well as plans for tonight’s show too.
Having to get out of bed was the hardest part, not knowing exactly how bad things would be. Would you be okay to move around like normal? Or would you need to lay down to take breaks?
Standing up from your bunk felt okay. You didn’t feel too unbalanced apart from your worsening headache. It was only once you stood fully upright that you knew things were bad.
Losing your balance before you could get far, Luke rushed over to you as quick as he could, holding onto you to make sure you didn’t fall.
He brought you over to the front of the bus, getting you to sit down with ashton while he got you a water and painkillers to help with your headache. He sat with you after that, making sure you recovered from being dizzy before letting you get ready for the day.
After you tried to convince him that you felt okay, he let you do what you needed to do. Going into the bathroom and closing the door behind you to freshen up.
You did as you always would do, washing your face, brushing your teeth, everything you usually did before heading to the back of the tour bus to get dressed.
You took longer than normal today, understandably of course. By the time you were ready, things were running slightly behind schedule.
There was still enough time though. You and the guys left the tour bus, heading into the back entrance of the venue away from where any fans were lining up for the show.
Inside, you were lead through a main area, through a backstage door which took you to the dressing rooms and where all of the equipment was.
In the first dressing room, you all got settled. The guys spreading themselves out around the room, taking drinks from the mini fridge, talking about things for the show tonight, discussing what songs to sing for soundcheck after their own.
It didn’t take long for them to have to go and do their private soundcheck. Which you opted to stay behind for.
It was the same once the time came around for the vip soundcheck, you stayed behind in the dressing room.
You told Luke it was purely to rest up, try and re settle yourself before having to be standing up for a while doing all of their hair and make up. He believed you, but in reality you still weren’t feeling quite like yourself.
While you could hear the soundcheck happening, you moved yourself to the counter where the mirror was. Setting up your hair products and any make up Luke might want to choose from.
Doing all of this, you were sitting on a chair in front of the counter and mirrors. Hair spray bottle and gel pot to the left, along with a hair brush and comb. Your make up was in a box, some concealer, beauty blenders, brushes along with a few palettes of eyeshadow and finally eyeliner.
It was easy to know when the band was done with soundcheck, their loud voices and laughs echoing through the hall.
They burst into the room, seeing you had moved. Calum plopped himself down on the sofa, resting his feet on the coffee table. Michael joined him, scrolling on his phone. Ashton let everyone know he was going to the bathroom, which left Luke who came over to you.
“Hi, lovie,” he wrapped his arms around the top of your shoulders, leaning his head atop yours as he looked at you though the mirror.
“Hey, rockstar,” you shuffled slightly, leaning to look up at luke. “How’d it go?”
“Went great,” Luke smiled excitedly. “We played an extra song that the fans were chanting for, just about remembered the lyrics. right, Cal?”
“Hey!” calum complained from his comfortable position on the couch. “I’m not the one who forgot the fuckin’ guitar chords.”
“We haven’t played the song since, I don’t know, four tours ago?” Michael smacked calum’s arm.
“Well I’m sure they loved it anyway,” you shook your head at the bickering pair.
Luke stepped back from you, knowing this was about time to start sorting things out. You stood from your chair, maybe slightly too quickly.
You had been sitting down for a while and should’ve taken more time to be up right again. You gripped onto the counter, keeping yourself balanced.
“I’m fine,” you held one hand out to stop him. “Just give me a second.”
It was quiet in the room then. Michael and Calum paying attention to what was going on.
You needed to get yourself together, you had a show to prepare for. Four band members sort out. You could last a few more hours.
You turned towards the two on the couch, leaning back against the counter, “Who’s first?” You pointed to the chair beside you. “Hair first, any make up last.”
“Are you sure you’re up for doing this?” Luke quietly spoke, letting Michael and Calum decide who would go first. “You can take a night off, it’s alright.”
“You’ve got a show to be ready for,” you stepped back, Luke following to let Calum have space to take a seat. “This is my job here, gotta make sure you four are looking your best for the fans.”
“And you offered to do this job for us, it’s okay if you’re having a flare up and need to take a break for tonight.”
You moved to stand behind calum, fluffing his hair from side to side, “Don’t think you’d be able to tame this mop without me,” you laughed, covering up how groggy you were feeling. “Go change into whatever you’re gonna wear for the show, I’ll be okay.”
“I don’t—“
“Baby, i’ll be okay.”
He reluctantly nodded. Wanting to pull you in for a hug before letting you get to work on Calum’s hair. You let him, wrapping your arms around his back as you felt him rubbing his hands up and down yours.
“Don’t rush anything,” he pressed a feather light kiss to your cheek. “Take your time.”
“I will,” you smiled softly, understanding his worry for you. “Now you should rest until your show, don’t need you getting tired out on stage.”
“Here you are not feeling good and you’re still worrying about little ol’ me,” Luke stepped back from you, making his way over to the snack bar.
“Doesn’t mean I can’t worry about you at the same time, Lu,” you raised your eyebrows at him.
He picked up a packet of chips, sitting down next to Michael on the black fabric sofa. You turned your focus to Calum, picking up the hair spray and a comb.
You started fixing up his hair so it looked more tamed than his usual messy, curly hair. Not that his hair didn’t look great, it’s just easier to handle on stage with some spray in.
After a little bit of time, it was finished, “How’s that?” You asked him, making sure there wasn’t anything else he wanted you to do.
“Looks perfect to me,” he smiled at you in the mirror.
At the same time, Ashton walked back into the dressing room, seeing where they were at with things. Noticing Calum getting up, he took it upon himself to decide it was his turn.
“Hey,” you placed your hands on his shoulders. “What are we doing today?”
“Getting you a fuckin’ chair, that’s what,” Ashton turned to look around the room. “Why is there only one chair?”
“Ash, I’m all good,” you moved beside him, placing the hairspray and gel there. “Which one.”
He looked up at you, taking a breath. Pointing to the gel. You opened up the pot, reaching for the spray bottle before doing anything.
“Gonna go fill this up,” you started walking towards the door of the dressing room when a wave of dizziness washed over you.
You took a few oddly placed steps as you stumbled to the side, squeezing your eyes shut as you braced yourself against the wall nearest to you.
Luke stood abruptly, heavy footsteps pacing over to you. He stepped behind you, arms wrapped around your front to help you stay standing without having to hold yourself up using the wall.
You leaned your head back against Luke’s chest, taking a deep breath to try and settle your vision and your heart that seemed to be starting to race.
“I’ve got you, baby,” Luke soothed, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “You need to take it easy, come and sit down, just relax for a bit.”
“But, I’ve only done Calum’s hair,” you weakly replied.
“It’s okay, we can handle things for tonight,” Luke reassured you, starting to slowly walk you over to the sofa.
You made sure to open your eyes again once you felt where he was taking you, grasping onto his arms around you to keep yourself steady.
He cautiously lowered you to sit down before he sat too, placing his hands on your shoulders to guide you to lay with your head in his lap.
Luke took hold of your right hand, placing two fingers against the pulse point in your wrist. You stayed quiet while he did so, allowing him to do as he always did when he wanted to make sure you would be okay.
“Can someone get me some ice water?” Luke asked, looking to ashton who had been standing since you became dizzy, Michael was with Calum behind the couch.
“I’ll go find some ice,” Michael walked to the door, leaving right away.
Luke was still feeling your pulse, so you shuffled, laying so you could look up at him from a better angle. He gave a sympathetic smile which you returned.
“Feel any better now you’re lying down?” He asked.
“Kinda,” you said as Ashton appeared in your sight. “Ash, I could probably do your hair if you sit down—“
“I think you’re done for the night,” Luke interrupted. “I’m putting you on strict bed rest.”
You chuckled at his phrasing. Only talking like that because you’re meant to follow doctors orders. You knew he was just worried and trying to look out for you.
“You know too much bed rest will make things worse, Lu,” you reminded, trying to sit yourself up slightly. “Seriously, I can do more from here.”
Calum chuckled from across the room, “you know she won’t rest for a second until we’re all ready, mate,” he stuffed a piece of chocolate from the counter into his mouth. “How about a compromise.”
You squinted your eyes at him, now leaning against Luke’s shoulder to sit more straight. Moving slowly of course.
“I’m listening.”
He walked over, stopping short of the table in front of the couch, “If you keep doing our hair and make up now,” he started. “You have to take the day off tomorrow, get some extra rest.”
“There’s a show tomorrow night though, Cal.”
“But we’re up in a hotel tonight,” he widened his eyes. “Means comfier sleep, a nice bed to get a lay in that you probably haven’t had for at least a week.”
He did have a point. You loved doing this for the guys, you’ve practically done it since Luke introduced you to them; they all see what flare ups are like and know when to you should stop pushing your limits.
“He has a point,” Michael appeared from the hall, ice water in hand.
“We could all use more rest tomorrow,” Ashton agreed too. “Some more than others.”
Referring to you as he finished talking. Luke reached to brush your hair behind your ears, knowing by the look on your face you were considering this.
“I think you should, lovie,” Luke holds your hand in his, linking your fingers together softly. “We still have a lot of shows to come so you need to get all the rest you can.”
“Okay…” you sighed in defeat. “I’ll take the night off tomorrow.”
“I know you don’t want to,” Luke could sense you didn’t really want to. “But you especially need it, alright?”
You nodded at him. Managing to lean over towards him to peck his lips softly in thanks for looking out for you so well.
Next you were looking at Ashton, pointing to the floor in front of you for him to sit down. You would finish his hair like this, then Michael’s and Luke’s. You would make this work for them, not wanting to let them down.
Before doing anything, you took the ice water from Michael, taking a few slow sips. Feeling the cool liquid was a refreshing feeling, hopefully it would help.
You got to work on Ashton’s hair, using the spray bottle of water along with a little bit of hair gel after to really form the curls on his head. It turned out pretty well.
Next Michael sat in front of you, not a lot needed doing to his. Just a little hair spray here and there before he was completely happy with it.
Luke was last, although you didn’t waste a second to tell him his hair always looked perfect anyways. The fluffy curls, hair grown longer down the back to almost form a mullet style was definitely something you loved.
“What do you want me to do?” You asked while Luke stayed beside you on the couch. “Hair spray? Gel?”
“Whatever you think is best.”
“Okay um…” you thought for a moment. “Can i do what i did to ash’s hair?”
Luke nodded, wanting to give you free range with this for once. He hoped it might cheer you up if he let you do your own thing.
He sat down on the floor in front of you, settling back against the couch. You ran your hands through his hair, it was just to untangle it, however, you did like running your fingers through his blonde curls.
You reached for the spray bottle, gathered a tiny amount of hair gel. Luke’s curls were one of your favourite things, especially making sure a few small ones hung around the front of his face.
“You can go check it looks okay,” you told him.
He got up, walking to the mirror, he looked around at it, quickly walking back to you.
“Looks great, baby,” he smiled, sitting with you again. “Make up now?”
“Yea, let me just get my palettes.”
You sat on the edge of the sofa, wanting to do this yourself. Luke placed his hand on your knee, giving you a look. Knowing this was always hard for you, you liked doing things for yourself. Not having your friends waiting hand and foot on what you needed.
Luke stood up, holding his hands out for you to take, “Gonna walk you over,” he explained. “If you get dizzy just tell me.”
You took his hands, your feet slowly padding across the carpet. Luke walked backwards, taking you over to the counter to collect your makeup supplies.
It was only when you were going back to where you had just been sat that you could feel your heart rate picking up again. A small pain forming in your chest.
“Need to sit back down,” you rushed, an uncomfortable but familiar look on your face.
“Ash, can you grab the make up from her?” Luke asked as he was the closest.
He took everything from your hands, letting luke quickly get you back on the couch to sit down. He watched as you took a breath, thinking about the show ahead of them.
You loved watching them perform, especially Luke. but he had to do the difficult thing, only looking out for your health. Knowing you might not be able to watch the show the same as you did most nights.
“Feel up to doing some make up?” He double checked, you responded with a nod. “Do something simple, maybe some inner corner glitter.”
Ashton handed you the concealer and eyeshadow along with a couple of brushes. Luke sat down next to you, facing you so you could get this make up on him. It appeared harder than you though at this angle.
“Here— just—“ Luke pulled you gently onto his lap, legs either side of his. His hands rested on your hips. “Gonna keep my hands on you in case you get dizzy again.”
“Yea, this is better.”
You leaned closer, placing a small amount of concealer around his eyes. Blending it into his natural skin tone before reaching for the eyeshadow.
You put some blueish glittery eyeshadow on your pinky finger, holding his chin with your thumb and index finger to keep his head steady.
As you started putting the make up on him, he couldn’t help but look at you. Admiring your features, the light freckles covering your cheeks, the pure concentration in your eyes as you tried to get this make up to look perfect.
He loved that you were here on tour with him, you got to experience each city together. Plus he could take care of you if you did have any trouble with your pots.
“I can feel you staring,” you leaned back to gather some more glitter for his other eye.
“Sorry,” he whispered, not wanting to distract from your concentration. “You’re just beautiful.”
You stopped what you were doing, smiling softly, “I appreciate you caring about me so much while we’re here,” you placed your hands on his face, caressing your thumbs back and forth. “I know I can be stubborn at times but it’s good to have you to tell me to just chill for a while.”
“Well, it’s something that stops you doing the things you wanna do, I get that you don’t wanna put things on hold all the time,” Luke sympathised with you. “But I love you a lot, and want what’s best for you.”
“I love you too, bubba,” you leaned forwards for a hug, wrapping your arms around his shoulders.
You’d stayed like that for a couple of minutes too long, hearing someone clearing their throat. You both looked over to your left, Calum holding a shirt and pants in his hands.
“I hate to ruin this nice moment,” he nodded over to Ashton who had apparently left the room to change into his stage outfit. “We don’t have long until we need to be ready.”
“Got it,” you understood. Quickly finishing up Luke’s make up so he could change too.
It wasn’t long after that before all of the guys had changed into their various stage outfits, earpieces attached carefully so to not get disconnected. Opener up on stage who would be done 30 minutes before their set.
While waiting for the guys, you’d been sitting and resting, deciding you could give standing up a try. You managed to follow your friends to the stage area, Luke slipping his hand into yours as you took your time with walking.
“We’ll be off in about an hour and thirty minutes,” luke told you, hands in his as you heard the final preshow song playing. “And there’s a chair out there if you wanna watch and feel dizzy at all, or it’s totally fine if you hang back in the dressing room.”
“You know i’ll be out there watching,” you stood on your tiptoes, kissing his cheek softly before they all got given the word to get ready. “Maybe not dancing as much this time but I’ll be out there.”
“You’ll be okay?” Luke asked once more as he had to step away to get his guitar adjusted.
“I’ll be okay,” you reassured. watching as the guys started heading towards the stage. “Go have a good show, rockstar.”
✩ ✩ ✩
taglist: @hexsdexs @conspiracy-ash @oliviah-25 @superbloomrry @jake-and-johnnies-slut | if you would like to join my taglist, please comment here or see this post
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kamotecue · 1 year
enchanted ★ k. mccabe
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pairing: katie mccabe x reader
summary: you met katie in the middle of a bar in north london, let’s just say you were enchanted to meet her.
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you sat on your bed watching as your best friend rummaged through your closet picking an outfit for you to wear at the bar tonight.
she literally persuaded you to come out, as you kept yourself busy with work. you were the only workaholic she known, buried in the cases you had. you were a lawyer, a darn good one at that.
you’ve only lost one case, in your three years of working as a lawyer. your thoughts were cut off as she waved a dark green satin high waist summer dress in front of your face.
“it looks nice.” you commented as she nodded, groaning as you weren’t paying attention.
“go shower and get changed, you’ll be dropping jaws.” elena, your best friend since childhood said, as you laughed.
as she handed you the dress, you went into the bathroom to shower. when you were done, you wore the dress as you fixed your appearance, brushing your hair pulling it in a nice braided bun. you only wore light makeup, as you weren’t a fan.
“let’s go?” elena asked as you gave her a nod, tossing her your car keys to which she perfectly caught. you both walked to the car, as she unlocked it you swiftly took a seat in the passenger’s side.
“i can’t believe you’re making me drive.” elena said, as you shrugged. you didn’t feel like driving, plus it’s the least she could do as she interrupted your plans on having a movie marathon as you didn’t have work the next day.
as elena pulled up to the bar, you were first to leave the car, followed by elena who just gave you a pointed look before putting your car keys in her pocket.
“honestly mate, you look a bit more excited than me.” she said, as you laughed.
“i don’t want to stay in a deadly vehicle.” you said, as elena snickered. she interlocked her arms with yours, as you both made your way inside the bar.
the moment you entered, you were greeted with a strong smell of alcohol. there were quite a few people, some were dancing, some were having a few glasses of beers/wine with their mates and some were just talking.
elena had pulled you to the front bar, ordering herself a margarita. as you looked at the bartender who gave you a soft smile waiting for your order.
“you look like you didn’t want to be dragged here.” she said, as you gave her a nod.
“my best friend wanted me to go out more, so here i am. can i have a strawberry daiquiri?” you asked, to which she nodded to.
“i’ll dance.” elena said, as you looked around the place, appreciating the architectural design and accidentally locking eyes with the irish full-back.
your eyes whispered, “have we met?”
her long-standing gaze met yours, and her eyes had this glint, wondering if you’ve met before or haven’t.
cross’ the room your silhouette
she stood there, her silhouette was reflected on the wall, laughing with her friends.
starts to make its way to me
katie, who’s name you haven’t learned yet decided enough and that it was time to approach you. so, at a leisurely place she made her way to you.
the playful conversation starts
“hi, i’m katie.” she said, as she stuck out her hand to which you gladly accepted.
“y/n” you said, as you removed your hand from hers.
“are you an artist, perhaps?” katie asked, as you shook your head, tilting it.
“could’ve sworn you were as you are so good at drawing me in.” she said, as you chuckled. the pick-up line was cute.
counter all your quick remarks
“could’ve sworn this was a bar.” you said, as katie furrowed her eyebrows.
“however, this must be a museum because you’re really a piece of art.” you continued, as katie laughed. her eyes shining, which made you softly smile.
like passing notes in secrecy
the whole time you two were together talking, it was like passing notes in secrecy, as it was only meant for you two. the cheesy pick-up lines, the getting to know each other, a few facts and things you both like and dislike. the skin ship you shared, as your shoulder brushed against hers, or the way you played with her hands, as you were quite introverted.
and it was enchanting to meet you.
sadly, it came to an end. as elena made her way to you, hammered enough that she staggered and landed on your lap.
“el, you’re absolutely hammered.” you said, as you tried fixing her posture. katie looked at you with a soft smile, in the time she’d known you, she found out you were a caring person.
“i’m sorry, katie but i’m afraid we have to end this here.” she nodded, but tapped you on the shoulder making you look at her.
“can i have your number?” she asked, as she pulled out her phone, and you agreed jotting your number down.
“see you again, y/n.” katie said, as you gave her a soft smile, nodding at her.
“however, can i kiss you before you go?” katie asked, leaving you stumbled to which you slowly nodded to. she grinned, as she gently pressed her lips against yours, and boy did it take your breath away.
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