#makes me regret going home early yesterday if i didn't leave after a few drinks with him maybe i could've stopped him from i feel so guilty
mx-wayne · 3 years
0 notes
lunarflux · 3 years
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han jisung x reader / femme o/c
genre — fluff
cafe!au pt 2
suggested background music: x
Like clockwork, Jisung switched off the lights to The Rose Room. The quaint little cafe he owned with a friend seemed to have the most solemn atmosphere just before closing, and tonight was no exception. The red glow from the streetlights danced along the freshly polished floor like a night light. It was time to lock up and head home.
Jisung polished off the last of his coffee, forever regretting how much caffeine he continuously consumed just before he had to sleep. All the part-timers had gone home for the night, and the only company left in his coffee house was the sound of flickering lights and a symphony of car horns from down the road.
Jisung had his key in the door, but in his head, he was counting down.
Ten seconds.
With a deep breath, he heard the gears click together, and right on time, there she was.
Hyacinth & Holly - that was the name of the flower shop across the way. Jisung had his routine locked down that by the time the doors had shut, you were about to walk out.
Always carrying a fresh bouquet of blue hydrangeas, there you were. Locking up your own little kingdom of hues and aromas, you turned and gave him a small wave.
This was the routine that Jisung always looked forward to at the end of the day - seeing you even if for a moment. You both always walked in opposite directions, but that simple five seconds of eye contact were enough to make him forget his fatigue.
One day, he'll talk to you.
One day.
But this is not that day.
Jisung turned his heel, knowing you'd easily turn yours away from him. The walk back to his apartment was always quiet, but lately, it was even more solemn.
Hyunjin, your last-minute roommate had moved out last week to live with his girlfriend. It was just one less person he interacted with during the day, and it was only then that he realized, he didn't really talk to that many people.
In his head, he would imagine you walking through the doors of the Rose Room.
Strawberry latte? Iced rose tea? - He would guess your favorite drinks in the hopes that one day, you'd walk in, and he could surprise you.
Hyunjin used to tease him.
"Just go over there on your break. You're never gonna know her name unless you just talk to her."
Jisung scoffed at the thought of that conversation, remembering how it took over a month for Hyunjin to confess his own feelings. Then again, the flower shop opened up a few months ago, and still he hasn't spoken to you.
One day.
Jisung walked into the Rose Room at 2:00pm.
An unfamiliar vase with two massive sunflowers sat on the bar top.
"What's this?" He picked up one of the yellow stalks and prodded it with a small smile on his face.
Jeongin continued to work on his Americano. "The girl from the shop across the street dropped it off this morning. She said someone canceled their order, and she'd already clipped the stems so it'd be a waste not to put them out."
Jisung felt the lump in his throat expand. She had been in here.
"I was gonna bring her a drink to say thanks, but I didn't ask what she liked." Jeongin slipped off his apron. "I figured an Americano would be okay -"
"I'll do it." Jisung interrupted. "But give that to the next customer, I'll make something."
Carrying a small plastic lunch bag, Jisung steadied himself. The strawberries in the sandwich he made had to stay pristine. Paired with the rose tea, he made his way over to the storefront, ready to be either rejected or welcomed.
"Hello!" A part-timer greeted, the name 'Yeji' scribbled on her name tag. "Can I help you?"
"Um -" The familiar lump in his throat was back. "Th-The girl who brought the sunflowers. Is she here?"
Yeji tilted her head, looking over to the sunflowers behind Jisung, not realizing the amount had been altered. "That might have been my boss? But she isn't here."
"Oh." Jisung was almost relieved.
"Is that for her?" Yeji motioned towards the lunch bag.
"No - I mean, yes, but -"
"She'll be back later. She only came in to help prepare an order, but she closes usually." Yeji said with a smile. "Do you want me to leave that in the back -"
"No!" Jisung nearly screamed. "I mean, no, no, I'll come back. If... that's okay?"
The surprised girl nodded quietly.
The strawberries in the sandwich got soggy and the rose tea watered down. Jisung slumped his head over the counter, still cringing from today's interaction with the girl who very well knows his crush and could easily ruin his chances.
Why am I so awkward?
Taking a deep breath, he leaned forward, peering out into the street. He didn't know if you were there. He didn't even know if he could muster up the same courage to go back.
Jisung reached for the door, tempted to just run over if only to catch you before you closed up, but before he could, you emerged.
Holding his breath, he watched as you walked outside - but not alone.
You were with someone. A guy. He patted your head, and you smiled back.
Jisung's grip on the door handle pushed the blood from his knuckles. It was too good to be true. He waited too long.
And just like that, he felt his heart drop into his stomach. He didn't even know you, yet he already felt that familiar pang of sadness and disappointment. It wasn't as if he was craving a relationship, and perhaps, he had built you up too much in his head. He didn't know your name or your favorite color. He didn't know the music you liked to listen to on your way to work or the sound of your laugh. He really didn't know anything, and seeing this solidified that thought.
You were a stranger after all.
Hyunjin and his girlfriend, the day manager left together today, but not before trying to talk Jisung out of his mood.
"You know that might not be her boyfriend," she shook her head. "Don't jump to conclusions."
"What other guy would meet up with her that late at night?" Hyunjin rolled his eyes. "If you were the closing manager, you know I'd show up to walk you home."
Jisung cringed, seeing the couple exchange loving glances.
"We're just saying not to give up. You can't wait forever."
They weren't wrong. It seemed better to try now and get rejected than to wait and wonder.
It seemed automatic now. The counting. Only now, he didn't really know what he was counting down to.
Jisung heaved a heavy sigh as he inserted his key.
"Are you closed?"
Jisung nearly stumbled down from the small ledge of the door.
There you were. Apron and purse in one hand a fresh bouquet of blue hydrangeas in the other.
"Yeah, we closed -" He cleared his throat. "We closed - I mean, we close at 9:30."
"Oh." You almost looked upset. "I'm sorry, I'm just so used to seeing you leave after ten, so I wasn't sure. I always wake up too late to come here before my shift, and you guys are always so busy.
Jisung put his key back in the lock without thinking. Opening the door, he held his breath.
"I can make you something."
You swung your legs under the seat. Jisung quietly steeped the same kind of rose tea he wanted to give to you before. Glancing over, he could see one of the last strawberry sandwiches of the day as if it had been waiting for him to reenter.
"Do you always work late?"
He heard your small voice over the counter. Walking up, you joined him so that the only thing between you was marble. Jisung nodded, setting the glass of tea and sandwich in front of you.
"Yeji told me you stopped by yesterday. I'm sorry, I missed you."
"It's fine." He could feel the cold sweat on the back of his neck. "I would have brought it later, but your boyfriend was there."
"Ex." You smiled, quietly sipping your tea with a blissful sigh he'd never seen before. "Dropping off my spare work key. I'd forgotten it when I moved out last month."
Ex. Her ex boyfriend. Of course.
"Why did you break up?"
Picking at the edges of the sandwich, you shrugged. "You know how it is. Working adults not working the same schedule. I like working the night shifts. I like closing the store. And he hated how many hydrangeas I brought home. Said it made the apartment smell too much."
"I think they're pretty. The blue ones."
As if you'd forgotten the color already, you giggled. "They're my favorite."
"Mine, too." Jisung could feel the air lessen.
"I can bring you some tomorrow if you'd like."
"That'd be nice." He smiled, genuinely for the first time in what seemed like a long time. "If you want, I could -" He caught himself.
You nodded towards him, midway through your sandwich.
Punching his leg, Jisung quietly scolded himself. "If you want... I could walk you to work. I'd like to see you - the flowers, I mean, and everything tomorrow. Y'know. Before it gets dark."
"You'd wake up early for flowers?"
"W-Well, yes, and I need to wake up earlier anyway - I drink too much caffeine at work, and I need to stop sleeping so late, and -"
"I'd like that," you beamed.
Jisung almost choked. "I'm sorry, it's just. Well. I don't even know your name."
"y/n." You poked his cheek. "All you had to do was ask."
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herstarburststories · 4 years
Brutal (Dean Winchester x Reader)
✾ A/N: More Dean x reader content, but angst this time! Reposting because I had to edit a few things. Gif's credits on it.  Based on the song ‘from the dining table’.
✾ Summary: Unlike her boyfriend, Dean Winchester, the reader wasn’t raised as a hunter. At first, it seems like a hard but worth it job. Unfortunately, you didn't have in mind how brutal all of it could get.
✾ Words: 3k.
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The discussion over a delicate subject at the dining table was blossoming into something bigger. (Y/N) was on her feet, shouting at her boyfriend with a shaking voice; a manner that was very uncommon. You were used to Dean being stubborn, and you were not behind him in this aspect which caused a few disagreements here and there. That certain argument, though, was definitive in every meaning of the word.
"I HAVE ALWAYS MADE IT FUCKING CLEAR WHAT THIS LIFE WAS, (Y/N)!" Dean snapped back, anger dripping from his words like venom. He was hurt. How could you say that he was becoming a cold-hearted person? You, of all people. "IF I DON'T KILL IT, IT KILLS ME! THIS ISN'T AN APPLE PIE LIFE, AND YOU KNEW IT WHEN YOU DECIDED TO STAY HERE!"
"I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT VAMPIRES OR POLTERGEISTS OR WENDIGOS, DEAN! FUCK!" Your usual efficiency with words was starting to tangle with desperation. Dean didn't even see the problem, for God's shake. How could you keep this up? "I'M TALKING ABOUT THE PEOPLE! I SAW YOU KILL FIVE POSSESSED PEOPLE TODAY!"
"DEMONS!" He groaned and slapped the table. You jumped in surprise, making him regret getting out of control and coaxing a softer, calmer tone from his mouth. "I killed demons, not people."
"The demons were possessing them, and you killed them off without any regret. You didn't even take a minute to consider other options."
"What other options?" he questioned, obviously upset. What the hell were you doing? Becoming the devil's advocate all of sudden?
"Using the demon-killing knife to stab a non-vital part of their bodies? Maybe an exorcism?"
"None of those options would end the problem permanently. Do you have any idea how many sons of a bitch came back from hell to get Sam and me? It's them or us, (Y/N). And I will always choose us." Dean was aware that you weren't raised in this life like him and Sam, but this conversation was becoming frustrating and confusing. You were training to be like them. You went to hunts with them. You... You supported him. At least, you did last time he checked. "The human is long gone when they get possessed. Dying is the best thing that could happen to them after that."
You were supposed to be an easy case that turned out to be more complicated than previously expected, what meant both of them staying a little longer in the city, you catching feelings for Dean and vice-versa. After all you had seen, you knew that normal life was a long lost memory that you didn't wish to visit, leave alone live in. Hauntings, traveling across the country, having no banal responsibilities-- that seemed like the kind of dangerous fun you had been looking for your whole life. Then, you came with them. Killing things had never bothered you-- they weren't actually alive, for starts. Until you saw how cold Dean looked when he killed off possessed people-- the humans that were still in there somehow. And he kept doing it as if it were the only option. Of course, this job and violence walked side by side, but not unnecessary lethal choices. Dean certainly shared his portion of brutality, which wasn't tiny, but you would never picture your boyfriend as uncaring. Not until you watched five bodies piled up together, burning. What about the chance that those people should have gotten?
"Are you even listening to yourself, Dean? What if Sam had thought like that when you became a demon!?" Apprehensive, you tried to make him understand what was wrong.
Dean clenched his jaw before his answer came out, "Those are two different things, (Y/N). You know that."
"I..." You flinched, taking a deep breath and letting it out. You shut your eyes before opening them with a determinate glare, locking your gaze with his green one. "I can't. I said I would stand by you through anything, but I can't let this slide. Not like this."
"Because I killed a few demons?" The older Winchester grinned wryly. He was furious, scared by the possibility of you leaving him, and injured by your words. What else could a wounded animal do besides attacking? "I survived, (Y/N). I've killed many others, and I'm not fucking sorry for it. They had it coming. You knew that was my life, and you chose it. What are you going to do now? Play the coward? It's a dirty, fucked up job, but someone has to do it, and you knew that."
Offering a sad smile, you walked towards him and lifted your hand to claim his cheek only for him to pull away from you. Your heart ached, but you needed to do that. Stick to your morals and beliefs.
"I love you." And you did, you truly did. Unfortunately, blood was as normal as water in his mouth, and you couldn't help but remain nauseous after what you tasted. "But there is a better way. Maybe not perfect, but another decision. And if you can't see that, if you can't see why I find it wrong to just rush around with the knife in every situation--" Your voice almost broke. "Goodbye, Dean."
You turned around, passing away from the man you loved before another speech stopped you.
"I bet you regret leaving your home to run away with me now."
You didn't take two seconds to reply, and you desired that he could understand how hard it was for you too. "I would never regret you."
No ray of sunshine licked Dean's face to wake him up. Fortunately for the Winchesters' disorganized sleeping routine, the bunker prevented the sun from invading the window-- a perk of living almost under the land in a bunker.
Instead of a normal reason to emerge from his rest, Dean's eyes fluttered open from an annoying migraine. Perhaps he went a little too hard on the alcohol yesterday, but that was the last thing that mattered. Besides, even if it was an abnormal sensation, he wouldn't trade it for sake of 'drinking like a normal human being', as (Y/N) had teased him so many times before.
It took two seconds after recovering consciousness to think about you.
“Where are you?” he said in a whisper, playing with himself to the silent walls. Dean laughed with his own brand of self-deprecation-- a learned cruelty to dilute the tug of his emotions before the eldest Winchester had to get up. He knew exactly where you resided and why you were there. He decided against feeding his masochism for once, not glancing at your side of the bed.
To face the light fixtures above him only made his current situation more depressing, just like the hints of paint that (Y/N) had once thrown there. Dean Winchester knew pain like no other; hell, purgatory, an emptied childhood, watching his mother seal a deal with a demon, living with the fact his father had gone to hell to save him, being right in front of Sammy when he died, all the bloody deaths he’d lived through again and again-- the list would go on. He could probably drown in an ocean of his deceased loved ones’ blood and swim there for hours until he reached its edge.
Most of the time, the life of a hunter was synonymous with tragedy.
Therefore, Dean was very experienced when it came to suffering. He even shared a last name with a rifle, for God’s sake. Destruction was stained in his bones. This time, it was a different kind of torment.
His heart had been broken before, sure. He wasn’t in his early twenties, neither was he a saint. Dean was aware that a break in relationships could be devastating.
But again, this time, it was different. (Y/N) had not only broke his heart. You ripped it out and threw it in the trash as you walked out the door without looking back. His trust was in your pockets, and the beliefs clinging to the divine sensation of your touch that left with you.
Dean Winchester was hopeless. Deciding not to mourn for a bit, he closed his eyes from the melancholy. It wasn't a hard job to fall asleep once more. People in his job were always heavy-eyed.
Forty minutes passed by the clock until the Winchester roused again. This moment felt missing without you snuggling up to him or kissing his neck between foolish giggles or even pushing him out of bed when you felt like playing the prankster.
There was no valid reason to remain where he was, glaring at a stupid ceiling that held nothing but an old light you installed together and memories. The yellow and blue paints still held firm where you’d spattered them, jumping in the bed together with your hands drenched in the colors from a gouache paint container just because you’d found the tins somewhere in the bunker. You and Dean became a tangled mess of greens, dirty with paint and kissing. How many sexual encounters happened here, he thought, glaring at this ceiling that looked like three-year-old Sammy’s art project.
The green-eyed man never thought he would feel nostalgic about a stupid ceiling. He had to get out of that room.
Finally raising from the mattress, Dean yawned as he padded towards the kitchen. He didn't mind checking what time it was, knowing he needed an alcoholic getaway. The Winchester sat down, sharing a bottle of Whiskey with his shadow. How distracting it was to make his throat burn when an unpleasant thought attempted to take control of his head.
If he had dared to look through the room, Dean would have noticed the clock's arrow pointing at 10:50 am.
By noon he was already drunk, which took a lot of effort since his tolerance to drinks was a bar high set. Dean groaned, displeased. The buzzy feeling of befuddlement hitting him certainly helped, but he could still affirm that he had never felt less cool. His body was starving for something that wasn't there anymore. Dean's feelings were all over the place, and he didn't have the energy to pick them up at this point.
"I can't believe you are drinking already." Sam sighed, making himself known by Dean in the kitchen. In response, all he got was his brother holding the glass up and drinking all of its bronze liquid. "It's barely noon, Dean. You-- Wait. Are you drunk?"
"Don't start, Sam." He groaned, holding his own cheeks with fingers as his hands slid down to his chin. The gesture was a habit of Dean's when he was fed up with something.
The younger one offered him an indignant glare, which was soon replaced by empathy and sorrow as he watched Dean. His brother was broken. (Y/N) running away from them had really taken him down. Part of Sam was hurt as well-- after all, you were his friend and confidant. But, in all ruthless honesty, he couldn't speak out and point fingers at you on that. Not about the whole situation, at all.
Yet, if Sam was feeling abandoned by his friend, he could only imagine what Dean would be experiencing. You had been a hint of happiness in the middle of misery and combat for Dean. It had been so long since Sammy saw his brother like that, so very long. Suddenly, it disappeared like smoke. And the worst part was that he understood your side. Deep down, the long-haired man knew Dean did, too.
Trying to knock sense back into his brother, or at least a bit of normality, Sam spoke, "You can go out and buy some whiskey. Your bottle was the last one."
"Yeah, right." His voice was impassive, almost serious for such casual conversation. He got up, going to the table to grab Baby's keys.
"Hey, Dean..." Dean turned around to face his brother. Sam’s expression was cautious, voice soft when he continued: "If you want to talk about it, I'm here. It could help."
"I'm pretty sure you heard the screaming yesterday, Sam," Dean replied dryly, an unsettlingly wry smile surfacing. His walls were up. It was an old defense mechanism. "There is nothing to talk about. She left. The sooner we can accept it, the sooner we can move on."
"Move on? You want to move on?" he questioned suspiciously, eyebrows arching to match his inquiry.
Dean didn't answer. He only picked up the keys.
"Yeah, I think we are out of eggs, too," Dean interrupted. He didn't need to talk about it. Not now. "Whiskey and eggs, got it."
Any other remarks from Sam were ignored as he walked through the door, trotting in direction of his beloved Impala. An old song on one of his cassettes was the soundtrack to his five-minute ride to the nearest store.
Dean went searching for eggs and whiskey, adding a lemon pie that smelled better than himself-- not that it was difficult considering he hadn’t showered since yesterday. The store’s cashier swiped his credit card and offered a polite farewell that was replied with a nod. Everything seemed so normal in the most boring ways.
In the parking lot, a familiar face appeared for the first time in a year. It was Thomas-- a hunter that Dean, you, and Sam had come across during a job in New Mexico.
"Winchester!" The blue-eyed man smiled, making the scar near his lips more evident. Being thrown out of a window left marks sometimes. "It's been too long, dude."
"Cavill." His lips curved into a small smile as he greeted his friend. Laying his green eyes on him, Dean couldn't avoid noticing a familiar shirt. Fuck, he must be hallucinating or thinking too hard about foolish subjects. "Where have you been?"
"Burning bones, decapitating vamps. Same old, same old." Thomas waved his hand, banalizing the supernatural routine as if it were nothing but another Sunday. For them, this was true. "I saw (Y/N) yesterday. She seemed fine. Separate hunts to take different cases?"
His blood burned through an emotional fever in realization. It felt like the boil was intense enough to melt his bones if he remained in front of the other men for too long. Thomas had never been subtle about finding you attractive, and neither was his constant flirting when your cases collided. It didn't help that you and Dean weren't together back then, even though the tension was obvious for anyone. The Winchester gripped his grocery plastic bag harder, offering him a sarcastic smirk.
"Something like that." He reached the car door and pulled out his keys. The familiar red flannel, your meeting with him-- it was so obvious it was basically written all over his face, and sadly, Dean could read it well. Fuck, he wanted to drop his purchases and punch that smile off Thomas’ face. That man probably had more of what was once his. “Gotta go. See you around.”
Sliding in the car to leave this conversation before his treacherous mind could reach more detestable conclusions, Cavill answered, "If you need help, give me a call.''
Dean mumbled something but didn't care enough to give him anything beyond a nod while the Impala finally drove away from Thomas.
At that moment, he wished a bit harder that Ellen was still alive or that another bar like hers existed. The hunters’ bar was full of people who understood that death was a part of the job. Somewhere he could swallow barrels of alcohol, play darts and tell bloody stories about his world-- about the quintessential things he did to get despair out of his system to the point that he felt comfortable on his own skin again.
So, that was it? You didn't just leave him and Sam, but you also accused him with all certainty you had of being a cold killer, and then you slept with the first man who showed up? Who was also a fucking hunter? Why the fuck didn't you tell him how you felt sooner? He wasn't an angel-- he would be even more of an arrogant asshole than he already was if that was the case, but you knew it all along. He didn't deserve anything good in his life. He should've seen it coming.
Dean pursed his lips, deciding for another ride to a normal bar. Home and all the beautiful, tragic ghosts inside could haunt him later.
It didn't take him long to park near an establishment. For once, he noticed the strong grip he held on the steering wheel, knuckles strained whiter than usual. He let out a tired sigh, glaring at the entrance of the place before grabbing his phone.
No calls from you. No text messages from you. Just the feeling of being a thirteen-year-old boy again, just like when he was waiting for Mary to send him a sign that she was all right.
Shaking his head in disbelief, Dean put it back in his pocket and made his way to the bar. No 'welcome' board light was shining yet, and he doubts anyone but he and the owner would be there. Once he got in, two guys were sitting in a table far away, and a girl was entering the bathroom. The bartender stood behind the bar, watching some game on the small television the place provided.
"Whiskey. No ice." His words came out harsher than he expected. The guy didn't seem to notice or care, simply nodding his head and turning around go get his client's order. One more time, Dean took his phone and stared at it. There was nothing but a text from Sammy that he quickly replied to, frowning in disappointment. It was rare for you to be the first one to break after a fight, but that was more than a stupid argument. You had left. You had fucking left. And he was the only one to blame.
Such a miserable routine kept its course. Dean would drink, check his phone, and hurt himself with his own thoughts. The night came with lurking shadows, and he couldn't care less. It seemed like the ghosts had replaced the bunker for his company. He didn't want to believe you would come back because hoping and being destroyed again was too much to bear with right now. Dean couldn't even breathe properly at the thought that he would never, ever see touch you, tease you, or be with you again. You had him wrapped around your finger since the very first day until you cut your hand off and left him. You left. How could you have left? But then, how could you had stayed if you had it all in your mind before?
Someone sat beside him. Still, it didn't catch the Winchester's attention until he heard her voice. For a flash of a second, he thought it was you. Dean looked up instantly, only to find himself incredulous.
The woman in front of him looked so much like you. She could easily be mistaken for your sister. Hair, eyes, voice. Everything but the lips were so similar. The unknown girl kept her gaze on Dean despite his strange reaction to her. Repeating her former words, she asked, "What are you drinking? Seems good."
Yeah, she wasn't (Y/N). You could tell what he was drinking from miles away, just because you knew exactly what he enjoyed. In addition, you’d seen his preferences so much that you’d memorized it all without even trying.
She looked like you, though. A lot. The earlier jealousy mixed with a dangerous quantity of alcohol and anguish made his decision. Move on, just like he told Sam. You didn't call him. You weren't coming back. That was your choice. He had to shut up the little hopes in his mind.
Putting up his best sultry smirk, Dean pushed the glass on the table towards her as he answered: "You tell me."
Two hours later, he was tilting his head to the side, watching the woman in his sheets peacefully taking a nap after a long run. Her hand covered most of her face, pillow carpeted with her messy hair.
"Wake up, (Y--)" Dean restrained himself from finishing that sentence. He almost said your name. It was hard enough to keep the woman's name, which he had forgotten by now, on his tongue during sex-- he wasn't going to give in at the end of it. Clearing his throat, the hunter started waking her up again. He needed to go.
In any other point of his life, he would've considered that night a success. A hot girl was sleeping beside him after he had a great amount of old whiskey. Sammy sent a text about a new case, and he had pie waiting for him in the car. At any other moment, that would be enough to put him in a good mood all day. In any other age, that would be considered a good day. No one died, he had sex and food and was about to hunt a thing and blow whatever it was up.
But you hadn't called.
It was probably a good thing in a messed up way. It was tranquil. There was no arguing, no fighting, no hurting from either side. That kind of hurt was quite similar to being comfortable, in a tremendously distorted way that he didn't wish to feel, like not putting medicine on the wound and just allowing it to heal by itself-- yet, occasionally scratching it. The idea of a comfortable silence was so overrated. Dean would rather be screamed at by (Y/N) by now than whatever this option was.
The woman woke up and left a note with her phone as she abandoned the room. Crumbling the paper, he threw it away and touched his face. A deep breath was taken.
He had work to do.
Maybe one day you'll call me
and tell me that you’re sorry too 
But you never do
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lovemalecforever · 3 years
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Chapter 9
A Little bit of Happiness and Little bit of Chaos
The warmth of the afternoon sun fell on Magnus' face breaking his beauty sleep. He stirred then woke up and sat on his bed. He looked around and saw the time on his ancient yet still working alarm clock, it was around 12 in the afternoon. 'Shit! How did I... ' then he remembered his morning patch up session with Alec and falling asleep in his arms. He sighed then looked down at his wedding ring, played with it a little, going deep in thoughts for some time. He was about to get out of the bed when his eyes fell upon a note kept under the alarm clock. He picked it up and quickly opened it, it was Alec's handwriting.
Morning sleepyhead, I hope you didn't wake up with the stupid nightmare again, if you did, remember I'm just a phone call away, you can portal me home whenever you want. I made breakfast for you before leaving, I know you didn't have dinner last night. Eat and inform me that you did. I'll be waiting for your call. I love you, Magnus Lightwood Bane.
Magnus looked at the note, his fingers gently stroking over the words written on them, feeling the texture of the paper. A tiny smile formed on his lips. He kept the note in the drawer of the side table and went to the bathroom to get freshen up.
After taking a quick shower and getting freshen up, he went to the kitchen. When he reached there, he saw a plate which had scrambled eggs, two sliced bacon, butter toast, a bowl of few diced fruits and a glass of orange juice placed near it. He sighed softly, his heart melted over this small gesture. Just as he was about to eat it, his phone buzzed loudly. He saw the caller ID, it was Alec, he picked it up quickly.
"Hey Alexander, I saw what you did. I appreciate it, but it wasn't needed!"
Alec sighed in relief, which Magnus clearly heard, confused as to why he was stressed.
"I swear Magnus Lightwood Bane, you scared the hell out of me! I thought you had the nightmare again and wasn't telling me, I was about to head back home! Why didn't you call me when I asked you to!?"
Magnus was confused at first but then he remembered the note. He sighed.
"Oh! I.. just woke up and saw the note and the breakfast. I.. didn't eat it yet!" He confessed, then continued. "But.. what got you so scared? I'm completely fine. Relax!"
"Are you kidding me! Magnus, check your damn phone!"
Magnus checked his phone, he had 5 missed calls from Alec and some texts asking if he had breakfast or if he was fine, or if he needed him home. He gulped nervously.
"I'm sorry for scaring you, Alexander. I just woke up and I'm fine, don't worry."
"Don't worry? Mags, it's afternoon. You slept for that long when you hate oversleeping! Are you okay? did you-"
"Hey, calm down, Alexander! I'm fine. On the contrary, I slept peacefully as I didn't do much sleeping last nig-" He regretted immediately what he just said, mentally cursing himself.
Alec wasn't shocked or surprised by this as he himself didn't. He was worried about him the whole time. He knew that this needed to be fixed and he knew exactly how.
"Meet me in my office immediately!" He said in his all authoritative tone.
"A.. Alexander!?" Magnus was now nervous and guilty that he has him all worried and upset while he's working.
"In my office! Now! And I'm not saying it again!" With that, he hung up the call.
Magnus gulped, he quickly stored all the breakfast in the fridge with the help of his magic, then went to the bedroom.
When Alec hung up the call, he quickly cleared his table which was covered with books related to Kasper Windermere he was researching about, and shoved them into the lower compartment of his desk, aware that Magnus can come at any moment.
Within a minute a portal opened up in the center of his office and Magnus stepped out of it, looking all scared and guilty. Alec stood from his chair, walked towards his husband, and looked at him sternly.
"Alexander! Hey, I didn't mean to scare you, look I'm completely fine, you don't have to be worr-" he was cut by Alec's soft lips around his own. He was surprised at first, but then kissed him back making it more passionate.
Alec broke the kiss after some time. "Shut up!"
"You already made me!"
Alec glared at him. Magnus gulped, then looked away.
"W..Why did you call? Something important?"
"Yes, it is. I want you to go on a lunch date with me!" He said in a flat tone.
Magnus looked at him jaw-dropped, unable to say anything.
Alec suppressed his smile, wanting to play it for a longer time but then decided against it.
"Magnus, I'm free for an hour so I thought we could have lunch together, I know a good restaurant which Izzy told me about and I'm aware you're all stressed up, and to be honest so am I. With what happened yesterday... I think we both need to spend some time together." He looked at him with a soft smile.
Magnus sighed. "You had me scared Alexander!"
"Payback for scaring me like that!" Alec smirked.
Magnus shook his head at him. "I have no words... "
Alec then offered his hands to him. "I'm free for an hour only, so shall we?"
Magnus took his hands and kissed him softly. "Okay!"
They reached the restaurant within a few minutes. The restaurant was constructed beautifully; it had themed interiors and was cold and cozy.
"It's beautiful!" Magnus confessed.
"Wait till you eat the food!" Alec said with an excited tone.
Magnus looked at him with a soft smile. They then walked towards the corner end of the restaurant away from all the crowd, took their seat, and ordered their lunch. Within ten minutes their food arrived.
"The food is really good!" Magnus said with a mouthful of his food.
"I knew you'd like it!"
Magnus looked at him then moved his hand towards his and intertwined their fingers, Alec rubbed his thumb over the back of his hand gently. They sat in comfortable silence eating their food when Magnus decided to speak up.
"Alexander, I'm really sorry about yesterday, I shouldn't have-"
"Magnus! It's not about what happened, it's about you, seeing you like that.. it reminded me of when you lost your magic and it concerns me. If there's something bothering you, please talk to me. I'm not forcing you to, but please, know that I'm here for you, I'm here to listen, whenever you want."
Magnus looked at him teary-eyed. 'I don't think I can Alexander. With what I was going to do, breaking our marriage, the thought coming to my mind, again and again, I don't think I can ever tell you about it and it's better that I keep it to myself.' he thought to himself, then nodded at him.
"I know Alexander, but I'm fine. Please, don't worry about me. I.. I know those nightmares are getting the best of me, but I'm trying not to get affected by them and-"
"And failing! Right?"
Magnus sighed and looked away.
"Hey, look at me!" Alec said softly.
Magnus looked at him, tears pooling on the edge of his eyes. Alec squeezed his hand gently.
"Magnus, I know what happened had scared you, it left bitter memories for me as well but know that I'm not planning on leaving you anytime soon. I'm here with you and I'm going to be. I love you, Magnus."
"I love you too, Alexander. And thank you, I know you're saying it to comfort me and well, it worked a little but I know I need to be prepared, my husband is a Shadowhunter and I'm immortal. It's never going to.." he trailed off.
Alec squeezed his hands gently and rubbed his thumb over the back of his hand. 'That's where you're wrong, Mags. I can see the pain in your eyes right now, just a few more days then we can be together forever.' he thought to himself.
"Then let's make the most of it instead of fighting or.." he cleared his throat. Magnus understood what he meant.
"I agree, and I'm trying. It's just.."
"You don't need to stress on it, Magnus. Just remember that I'm there for you."
Magnus sighed, then nodded. "Alexander?"
"I.. I don't feel like working today, can.. can't you take your day off and we can spend the day together!" Magnus looked at him pleadingly.
Alec was about to respond when his phone buzzed. He quickly checked it.
• Found the spell. But it's complicated. Are you sure about it, Alec? -Cat •
• With Magnus. Will be at your apartment at 4. -Alec •
"Alexander!? What is it?"
Alec sighed. He was happy about the fact that they finally found the complete spell but he couldn't show it when Magnus was sitting right in front of him.
"Work!" He said trying to sound disappointed.
"Oh!" Magnus said flatly. The look of disappointment clearly visible in his eyes.
"Mags, you know I would love to spend the day with you but this can't be avoided, it's important."
"I understand, go do your work." He said in a sad tone.
"Hey, I'm sorry but I'll try to come home early."
Magnus just nodded at him.
"Let's finish our lunch then, I still have some free time left." He said trying to lighten the mood.
They finished their food, paid the bill, and left the restaurant. They walked their way towards the Institute. When they finally reached there, Magnus created a portal to head back home.
"Hey, Mags!"
Alec walked towards him and kissed him passionately. "No drinking behind my back, if I see you like that ever again, I swear it won't be good for you!"
Magnus gulped. "Noted! Now go do work, I'll wait for you at home."
With that Magnus left for home and Alec went to the institute, waiting for the time to pass sooner so he can reach Catarina's apartment and know the findings.
Catarina was standing next to her coffee table, the book kept open on the table waiting for Alec to come when the doorbell ranged. She waved her hands and opened the door with her magic.
Alec walked in and went towards the coffee table where Catarina was standing.
"Hey Cat!" He gave her a side hug.
"Hey! What's with you? You don't look good."
"It's not me, it's Magnus! He's.. " he trailed off, then looked at her.
She looked at him wide-eyed. "Magnus? Now, what is it?"
Alec sighed then told her about everything that happened since last night till their lunch date of the present day.
"He's not doing well and I can clearly see it, I just want the days to pass by sooner so I can tell him everything and see happiness in those eyes again."
"I can't believe this! He's not even telling me anything. Once everything will be out in the open, I'm gonna kick Bane's ass badly and you're not stopping me from doing it!" She said in a warning tone.
Alec laughed slightly at her remark. "I won't, don't worry, instead I'll enjoy it, he deserves that much! So, what did you find?"
Catarina looked at him then sighed and shook her head. "Look for yourself."
She waved her hands towards the open book kept on the table. Alec turned the book towards him then started reading.
The spell that turned Kasper into a literal angel is known as an immortality spell; the rarest spell ever known but it's not easy to find that spell as it's provided by an angel her/himself.
"You're kidding me! Right!? There has to be a way to find that spell!" Alec said in an irritated voice.
Catarina looked at him with disbelief. "You're really stubborn Alec Lightwood Bane! Well, no and yes both. As I've already told you, it's really complicated."
She turned a few pages of the book searching for something when she finally found it, she turned the book towards Alec. "Read for yourself!"
Alec gave her a confusing look then started reading.
*The means to get immortality spell-
To obtain the immortality spell the person needs to go under a procedure.
"A procedure?" Alec asked, confused.
"Alec! First, read it completely, then ask your questions!" She said with an annoyed voice.
"Okay! Okay! Sorry."
First, they need to find someone who has a direct connection to an angel meaning a person who has pure angel blood running in their veins. Once they find the person they have to tell them about their wish to become an angel/immortal, and request them to communicate with the angel and let the angel know his/her intentions for becoming immortal. Once the angel is convinced that the person is pure and can handle being an immortal, the angel will provide the immortality spell to the person who has their blood running in their veins.
Once this procedure is completed go to the extract where the next procedure is mentioned.
"Where is the further procedure?" Alec said, turning the pages.
"Woah! Hey, slow down! How are you going to find a person who has pu-"
"Clary!" He said in a rushed tone.
"What!? Clarissa Fairchild? She has-"
"Yes, of Angel Ithuriel's!"
[A/N: for this story pretend that angel Ithuriel never died, instead, he just got hurt badly but healed afterward.]
Catarina sighed and looked at him with utter disbelief.
"Cat! Please help me with this!" Alec waved his hand towards the book.
She waved her fingers and opened the page where the next procedure was written. "Go ahead!"
Alec looked at the book where the next procedure was written.
Once the immortality spell is provided by the angel, the angel will provide another spell which will be needed to be performed on his blood, meaning the blood of the person who has his blood in their veins. The person having the angel blood has to pour their blood in a pure copper glass, then the spell provided by the angel has to be performed on it and it should be kept under the moonlight until it turns golden white. The person who wishes to turn immortal has to drink this blood at an early stage of dawn and has to be in-between nature. The immortality spell has to be performed simultaneously when the person is drinking the blood, and an immortality rune is engraved right above the heart of the person. The warlock performing the spell has to be trustworthy to the person, powerful, and of the opposite gender to the person becoming immortal. Once the person becomes immortal there are few precautions which have to be taken. >After performing the spell, the person has to stay away from everyone; at least for a day and be around nature until their powers are completely awakened. > The person can't get physical/intimate with anyone till the full moon; especially with a downworlder.
Alec sighed with relief, a wide smile on his face but also of slight disappointment. "So, I can't get intimate with Magnus! Really!"
Cat shot a look at him. "Is that all you're concerned about? Really Alec!? Can you do everything that's mentioned here? Plus-"
"Cat! I already told you I want this, not just for Magnus but for myself as well; and I don't find any obstacle with the procedure. It's Clary who can help me with this, I know I have to drink her blood, but that's fine, I'll do it. And the warlock is standing right in front of me! Please Cat!" He looked at her pleadingly.
Cat sighed. She was so awestruck by the man's determination standing in front of her.
"Fine! But we need to leave for New York then if you wish to do it."
Alec nodded. "I'll inform Izzy then and.. " he trailed off, something dawned over him, changing his expressions completely.
"Now what happened?"
Alec looked at her. "Magnus! We will both be gone for a few days. If something.. " he closed his eyes. The thought of leaving Magnus in the condition he is right now scaring him to his core.
Catarina understood what he meant. "Alec! He'll be fine, don't worry. When we have everything we need for the spell I don't think it's gonna be more than two days. He's Magnus, he'll be fine."
Alec looked at her with slight relief and nodded. "Then let's head to New York tomorrow morning itself!"
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alexhogh7137 · 4 years
Rule The World with Me-
Ivar the Boneless × Reader
Story Summary: Ivar travel's to Kiev to escape his brothers, where he meets you and hopes that you will be his queen.
Chapter Twenty-Three: A Relaxing Day in Kiev
Chapter Summary: You and Ivar spend most of your day in bed. Ubbe and Torvi head back to Kattegat.
Word Count 2,035
Warnings: Fluff, a little bit of angst (not really)
The sun is shining bright on this day. No clouds are in the sky, just the most beautiful blue to ever be seen. The birds are singing their tunes and the animals are dancing in the trees. You roll over to see your husband laying flat on his back. His arm is above his head and his chest rises and falls so beautifully and calmly.
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You smile and ask yourself, how did I get so lucky? You use your hand to move away a piece of hair that has fallen on his face. You move your body to lay on top of his. Once you are comfortable, you squeeze him a little tighter and nuzzle your face in his chest. You feel his arm wrap around your waist and he moans. You smile and place a kiss on his chest, to which he tightens his grip. 
Ivar "Mmm, good morning princess." 
"Nope, we aren't getting up yet."
Ivar chuckles, "Oh we aren't?"
"Uh uh..just wanted to get closer to you."
Ivar squeezes both of his arms around you and nuzzles his hand into yours. "How is this?"
"Mmm much better."
Ivar "okay, kitten. Sleep tight."
It is early afternoon by the time you and Ivar wake back up. You probably would've stayed in bed all day if you didn't have to feed two people (you and your child). Ivar uses the chains above the bed to help lift him up in the mornings. He puts on clothing and you do the same. You decide to go with a blue and white dress for this day, you haven't worn it in the longest time. Ivar gets up using his crutch and looks up at his beautiful wife.
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Ivar "So perfect." You turn around and smile at your beloved. You never get tired of how much he compliments you, given that your late husband never did.
"Thank you, babe. Do you think Ubbe and Torvi have left already?"
Ivar "No, I don't think so. Kiss?"
You walk up to him, wrap your arms around his neck and lean up to kiss him. He smiles into the kiss and pulls you closer by your waist. 
Ivar "Can I kiss you forever? Hmm?"
You kiss him again, "Yes. I would love to kiss you forever, my love." He kisses you once more and then drags you out of the bedroom doors. You walk out to see Hvitserk, Ubbe, Torvi and Igor sitting around the dining table talking and laughing. It is such a beautiful sight to see your family happy given yesterday's circumstances.
Ivar "Eating without us, are we?"
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Hvitserk "Well good morning Ivar, it's almost three." You burst out laughing and lean into Ivar's side.
"Hey, you told us to sleep in! We simply took your advice." You say and take a seat at the head of the table.
Hvitserk "I'm only kidding, little sis."
Ivar "When are you leaving, brother?"
Ubbe "Before night fall. I want to spend some more time with you all before we head back to Kattegat."
Hvitserk "How is Thora?"
Ubbe "She is doing well, brother. Why don't you just come home, and see her?"
Hvitserk "No. No. I must stay here to see the birth of my godchild."
Ivar "You can go home, Hvitserk. We will send news when we think Y/n is close to delivering."
Hvitserk "But I promised Y/n-"
"It's okay, Hvitserk. Go home to your beloved."
Hvitserk grabs your hand and gives it a little squeeze. "I'm not leaving you."
Ivar "Well what about you bringing her here then, huh?"
Hvitserk "That's not a bad idea.."
Torvi "When I get back to Kattegat, I can tell her you wish to see her."
Ubbe "I'll have a few guards be with her on her travels, if you would like."
Hvitserk "Okay, let's do that. Are you sure Ivar?"
Ivar "Of course. I want you to be happy here in Kiev, not sad because you are missing your woman."
Hvitserk "Thank you, brother."
Igor "I can't wait for the day I get married.."
Ubbe "Oh yeah?"
Igor "Yes. You are all happy with your special someone's...I want to be happy too."
"Well we all have been through a lot of heartache to get to where we are today, dear boy. I was with your uncle before I met Ivar, Hvitserk was with a slave before he met Thora, and Ubbe was once married before he was with Torvi. It's not always perfect love the first time around."
Ivar "Y/n is right. You are still young, dear Igor. You will find love one day, but for right now...focus on being a kid. Because once you aren't a kid anymore, you have bigger responsibilities."
Igor "Yes, my king."
Ubbe "I remember when we were kids, brothers."
Hvitserk "Oh no.."
Ivar "So do I, it was horrible.."
Ubbe "Not every memory is horrible, Ivar."
Ivar "No but many are. You aren't a cripple are you, Ubbe...huh?"
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Ubbe "No but we have some fun memories!"
Ivar "Like what? Hmm? Tell me..because what I remember is being pitied by everyone, Sigurd being mean to me every chance he got, watching father die before my very eyes and losing mother to that bitch Lagertha.. so tell me Ubbe. What is a good memory?" Hvitserk hung his head down because he knew that Ivar was right. Ivar's childhood was much different than theirs. He couldn't fight like they could, he couldn't do a lot of things that they did. 
Ubbe "I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have even said anything."
Hvitserk "We might not have good memories as kids but we have these past few days. These will be good memories to look back on. We won a battle together as brothers!" 
Ivar "That is true, Hvitserk. I am glad that you are all here right now. But don't tell me that I had a fun childhood Ubbe, because it was no such thing." Ubbe didn't say another word. You could see the pain in Ivar's eyes. He was probably having horrific flashbacks come into his mind because he was breathing heavily and his eyes were glassy.
"Ivar, look at me. You might have had a rough childhood but look at your life now-"
Ivar "I am going to be a father." 
You smile, "Yes you are. You have also ruled Kattegat, a Christian village and now you are ruling Novgorod with me!"
Ivar "You are right, my love. I am so happy."
Hvitserk smiles, "I have never seen you this happy, brother. And that makes me happy. I love you."
Ivar "You do?"
Hvitserk "Yes, I do Ivar. We have had our rough patches but the gods put me back into your life for a reason and ever since I have been here, I have grown closer to you every single day."
Ivar "I love you too, brother."
Ubbe and Torvi are preparing to head back to Kattegat. You will be sad to see them leave but you understand why they can't stay any longer. Ivar has been mostly silent for the remainder of Ubbe's time here and it broke your heart. 
"My love, will you talk to me. What is going through your mind right now." You walk up to where he is sitting, and pull his face into your torso, unbraiding his hair.
He sighs, "My childhood. It was terrible, princess."
"From what I heard earlier, I can only imagine how hard that all was for you. And I am sorry."
Ivar "But if none of that would have happened, I probably wouldn't be here with you right now. I wouldn't be in the happiest place in my life."
"Everything does happen for a reason Ivar, good and bad. The gods always make things happen for the greater good."
Ivar "Yes, they do-"
Ubbe "Ivar, Y/n..we are leaving!" You and Ivar walk over to say goodbye to Ubbe and Torvi.
Torvi "It was so nice to meet you, beautiful! Send me news of your baby, will you?"
"Yes, of course! You as well, I can't wait to meet the little guy." Torvi agrees and pulls you into a hug. She has become one of your closest friends during this period of time. You and her talked the days away while your husband's planned the battle. You are going to miss her company.
Ivar "Goodbye Ubbe, thank you for coming to help my wife and I."
Ubbe "You are very welcome. Anytime, I will always be here for you and Y/n. You believe that, yes?"
Ivar "Yes. Safe travels home, brother."
Hvitserk walks over to Ubbe and they give each other big bear hugs.
Hvitserk "See you soon, brother." They bud heads and they walked out the door.
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Your back started to ache, so you decide to take a bath to calm your senses. Ivar and Hvitserk sit down in the formal room and chat for a bit. 
Hvitserk "It's going to be nice to have Thora here."
Ivar "Yes, I think so too. Y/n will get along with her very well."
Hvitserk "Oh they will love each other!" They both giggle and take a drink of ale. 
Hvitserk "I want to apologize, Ivar."
Ivar looks up at his brother, "What?"
Hvitserk "You heard me. I want to apologize for fighting against you, choosing Bjorn's side..I regret it immensely."
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Ivar "I know you do, brother."
Hvitserk "I really do. I was angry and acted on those feelings. I was blind to his schemes and I am so sorry for fighting against you, Ivar."
Ivar "Thank you. I forgive you. I don't want to think about the past anymore, Hvitserk. I just want to focus on the here and now and my future with my family."
Hvitserk "I agree completely. I just had to say it because it was bothering me. I love you, you are my brother and I want to stay in your life."
Ivar "You will. I love you too, dear brother. I am glad that you decided to stay...I would have been sad to see you leave."
Hvitserk "Yeah well, I'm not leaving anytime soon."
Ivar "Good."
You were on the verge of dozing off in the tub when Ivar came in. 
Ivar "Awe kitten, come on. The water must be cold by now. Let's get you to bed." You reach down to drain the tub before he takes your hand to help you out of the tub. He raps you in clean fur and takes you to bed. You are so relaxed and your muscles feel so good. Once your body hits the warm mattress, you melt into it like butter. Ivar joins you after a few seconds and giggles seeing his wife so sleepy after sleeping most of the day away.
Ivar "So sleepy, huh?"
Ivar "This baby is sucking the life out of you tonight!"
"Mm I'm just so relaxed from the bath."
Ivar "I am glad. Your back was bothering you earlier, I am pleased to see that the bath helped you."
"Me too, I should start to feel the baby kick very soon!"
Ivar "How exciting!" He grabs your belly, one of his favorite things to do, "I had a vision this morning about our child, my love."
Ivar "mmhmm. It is a boy, and he has your beautiful blue eyes and my smile. He is strong and whole." He watches your smile grow bigger and bigger across your face, "and wanna know the last part of the vision?"
"What is it?"
Ivar "....Hvitserk cried." You started to laugh, making Ivar laugh with you. 
"He definitely will. He already loves it just as much as we do."
Ivar "I know he does. I can't wait to see that vision become our realities."
"It will soon enough, just a few more months, my love."
Ivar "I love you so much," he looks down, "and I love you so much little one." 
"We love you, Ivar." He kisses you and you melt into the kiss. You swear that you fall more and more in love with him everyday. You feel so blessed.
@hvitserkmarcosource @youbloodymadgenius @ivaraddict @ivarthebonelessvk @ivar-andersen @ivarthebonelesspage @ivarthebloodyking @desiredposion
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hisgirlfriday22 · 5 years
Untangle Me
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Chapter Three- Late Night Conversations
Monday morning rolled around much quicker than Molly had anticipated and soon she found herself driving to work in an early morning rainstorm. She'd spent the rest of the weekend very much the same way she usually did, which included a little bit of lesson planning, grocery shopping, and a whole lot of Netflix. She'd like to say she didn't check her phone ever so often, but that'd be a lie.She was anticipating a text from the man she'd gotten along so well with on Friday night, but it seemed she wouldn't hear from him the rest of the weekend
Molly arrived at the preschool 30 minutes before her shift, which gave her plenty of time before the children arrived to prep anything she needed for the day and to make sure her classroom was in correct order. It was also the time she spent talking to Hannah and Sophia, but this morning, she decided she would keep to herself. Of course she wouldn't be so lucky. Hannah apparently noticed her absence and decided to come to her.
"Well, I'm sure glad you're not dead. What happened to texting me when you got home?"
Molly's eyes widened as she paused her task of filling the toddlers' sippy cups with milk. She looked up at Hannah, her expression apologetic. "Oh, I forgot! I'm so sorry, I didn't get home until 3:00 or so...I guess I just crashed once I got home."
Hannah raised a brow. "3:00? You were out until 3:00?! Molly Grace!"
"What? I was having a good time..." Molly mumbled as she suddenly found interest in organizing the cups by color.
"Mhmm,I'm sure you were..." Hannah muttered.
"Oh it wasn't like that and you know it. Lachy and I just talked and got to know each other. We took a walk on the beach and completely lost track of time..."
Hannah snorted in a poor attempt to hide her laugh. "I can't believe you spent the afternoon with the Purple Wiggle..."
Molly raised a brow as she turned to place the cups in the fridge. "And what does that matter? If I remember correctly, that's the whole reason we went to the pub in the first place, to see them? Which, by the way, you failed to mention when you begged me to go."
"We didn't think you'd go if we told you.  But really Molly, you needed a night out with your friends. And I'm glad you had fun, but you kinda flaked on us. We didn't see you all night. And when we did you were with that man. We wanted to spend time with you, and you blew us off to hang out with a guy you don't even know...That's not like you."
Molly bit her lip. "At least he paid attention." She mumbled.
"Excuse me?" Hannah's voice was edged with anger.
Molly was tempted to not answer and to just let it go, but she just couldn't. "I said at least he paid attention..." She turned to look at Hannah, who appeared shocked to say the least . "You and Sophie were so busy drinking and talking to each other that you didn't even notice when I left the table. I wasn't having fun, not even remotely until I met Lachy. So please, stop going on about it! If you had wanted to spend time with me so  badly then you would have done it..." Molly couldn't believe she'd just said that. A part of her regretted her words and was about to apologize, but the other part of her knew she was right, and from the look on Hannah's face, she did too.
Hannah started to speak, but she seemed to have thought better of it, deciding instead to turn and walk out of the classroom without another word. Molly knew Hannah was pissed, but she wasn't about to apologize for something she really wasn't sorry for. So instead, she went about her day attempting to push the conversation from her mind which was rather easy to do with eight adorable distractions running amok in her classroom.
As it turned out, the rain continued to pour in Folly Beach, South Carolina, which meant the littles were once again cooped up inside. Thankfully, Molly had quite a few activities at her disposal to keep the toddlers busy. Of course, they got their 30 minutes of Wiggle Time before nap, which Molly found quite awkward to get through, if she was honest.But she kept herself busy with her plan book while the children sang along to their favorite songs.
Before she knew it, all the children had gone home, her classroom was back in order from the whirlwind that is eight toddlers, and she was on her way out the door and heading toward her car, completely ready to go home. Thankfully, she only had a fifteen minute drive from the school to her apartment complex, so she didn't have to wait long.
At around 6:30, Molly stepped through the door of her 4th floor apartment with a tired sigh. She didn't waste any time in locking her door and double checking it before she headed to her room for a change of clothes. After spending the work day in jeans, she was more than ready for the comfort of leggings and her favorite sweatshirt.
The air in South Carolina had grown a bit chilly over the last week with the arrival of autumn, thus her apartment had been cooler than usual. She hesitated to turn the heating unit on, what with how unpredictable southern weather could be, so she stayed warm with her cozy sweatshirts, fuzzy socks, and throw blankets she kept near her couch. Perfect for an evening in binge watching The Office, which is exactly what she'd planned on doing. She had no lesson plans to do, so the young woman didn't feel the least bit guilty crashing on the couch.
As Molly settled on the couch, wrapped in her favorite quilt, she reached for the remote and launched Netflix. Though she'd watched the entire series through on more than one occasion, The Office  has always been a favorite that she'd go back to again and again.It was the kind of silly comedy that was easy to get lost in. She tried to tell herself she wasn't watching it as a distraction, but that would be a lie. She was definitely distracting herself from glancing at her phone over and over, or even sending Lachy a message on Instagram.
"You're being stupid, Molly." She chided herself as she flipped her phone screen down on the coffee table. "You won't hear from him again and you know it. If he'd been the least bit interested in texting you, he'd have done it by now." She had expected this, it didn't mean she was any less disappointed...
Soon enough, Molly was completely immersed in the show, laughing as Jim and Dwight got up to their usual antics. She had forgotten all about her phone and Lachy, at least for the time being. That is, until her phone began to buzz with an incoming call.
Molly quickly reached for her phone, figuring it was her boss or Hannah wanting to talk to her about something work related. However, when she looked at the screen she was surprised to see a number she didn't recognize. Her eyes widened and her heart began to heat a little faster "I wonder...." she murmured as her thumb hovered over the accept button. But it couldn't be, could it? "No, it's probably just a telemarketer." 
Molly let the call go to voicemail, but almost immediately her phone began to ring again. It was the same number. "If that's a telemarketer, he's certainly persistent..." Still yet, Molly let the call go to voicemail once more. If it was Lachy he'd call another time, right? She could have kicked herself for not getting his number when she gave him her's.
"I could call the number back..." She mumbled to herself. What could it hurt? If it was a telemarketer, all she had to do was block the number and forget about it. Or she could leave it alone. But what if it was him?
While Molly was warring with herself, her phone began to buzz, this time signaling the arrival of a text. Molly knew it was ridiculous, but she had never clicked a notification so quickly in her life, especially when she realized the text was from the same exact number that called. She couldn't stop the smile that tugged at her lips as she read the text.
"Hello,is this Molly? This is Lachy from the other night."
Molly grinned as she read the message. So it WAS him. She wondered if she should reply or just call him. Knowing her and her general shyness, she knew a voice conversation could be potentially awkward despite the fact that there hadn't really been a moment of awkwardness between them the other day. It was still surprising to her how comfortable she had felt with him, and a bit scary if she was honest. She hadn't felt that comfortable around a guy since Asher.
"No, I'm not thinking about him." She said firmly, shaking her head as she began to type out a reply to the text.
"Hey, Stranger. :)"
Molly couldn't explain the butterflies fluttering in her stomach as she waited for a reply. She shouldn't be this nervous. It was a few moments before another text came through.
"Oh, good! I thought you'd typed the wrong number in when you weren't answering. And I realize I didn't even think to give you my number or any of my social media handles before you left, which was stupid on my part...Wait..This is Molly, right? You're not messing with me?"
Molly giggled a bit as she read the text. She could almost hear him rambling as she read and reread the words.. For a moment she considered calling him rather than continuing their text conversation, just to hear his voice, but she thought better of it. "You're getting ahead of yourself, Molly. You don't really know this guy..." But she did know him. At least, she felt like she did, however impossible that was after only a few hours of conversation.
"Relax, it's me. How have you been?" She questioned in another text.
A few moments passed with no reply, so Molly decided to step into the kitchen to get something to drink and see what she could make for dinner. Not that she really felt like cooking. Maybe she'd order something instead. Yeah, Chinese sounded good anyway.
Just as she finished placing an online order for delivery from her favorite Chinese place, another text from Lachy came through.
"I'd say busy, but that'd be an understatement. We had three shows yesterday. And I managed to lose my phone somewhere between Folly Beach and Greenville, which is why I didn't text before now. I'm sorry about that."
Molly frowned a bit. Losing a phone was always a hassle, she couldn't even begin to imagine doing so in a different country. She wondered how difficult it had been for him to get another phone. Do they even have the same service carriers in Australia as they did here?
"Oh, that sucks! Did you get a new one?"
Molly knew that was a silly question. Of course he got a new phone, how else was he texting her? She bit her lip somewhat nervously as she turned her attention back to the tv while she waited for a response, though she was no longer interested in the show in the least. It wasn't long before Lachy texted back.
"It was a nightmare, but yes. And I thankfully got all my contacts back. But other than that, it hasn't been too bad. And what about you? How have you been?"
"Oh, I can only imagine. I'm glad you got it sorted." Molly replied. "I've been good. I spent the rest of the weekend lesson planning and watching Netflix, so nothing too interesting."
"Netflix?" Was Lachy's reply, which was quickly followed by another. "Anything interesting?"
Just as Molly was about to type out a response to Lachy, her doorbell rang, signalling the arrival of the Chinese she'd ordered and nearly forgotten about. So, with a small sigh, she set her phone down on the coffee table and went to answer the door. After paying the delivery guy, she shut and locked her door before heading to the kitchen. Realizing that she was anxious to continue her conversation with Lachy, she quickly grabbed a fork and her container of lo mein before hurrying back to her couch.
"I watched the second season of The Crown over the weekend. Before you judge, it was only 10 episodes, so not too many."
"No judgments here." Was Lachy's quick reply, "Sometimes lazy sofa weekends with Netflix and comfy clothes are the best weekends. I look forward to having a few of those myself once we're back home. So, what are some other shows you find binge worthy? I could do to add a few new titles to my watch list."
With her dinner completely forgotten, Molly dove into a conversation with Lachy over their favorite Netflix shows, finding that they shared quite a few favorites, including a mutual love for Friends. The discussion moved to movies and books they enjoyed, and then on to details about their personal lives like where they grew up and how many siblings they had.
Molly learned that Lachy was 33, almost 34 and was born in Brisbane, Australia where he still lived, and that he was the middle of three boys. In light of his love for musical theatre, Lachy had attended Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts where he received a bachelors in musical theatre before he was given a job with the Wiggles. He mentioned briefly that he was divorced, but he didn't go into any detail about that, which Molly was grateful for. She didn't feel they knew each other nearly well enough to go into details of past relationships. And she sure wasn't comfortable enough to share any details about Asher with her new friend.
Likewise, Molly revealed that she'd been born in Northern California, but moved to Folly Beach with her parents at the age of two. She was an only child and she grew up helping her parents run their seaside inn after school and during the summer holidays. She attended college in Nashville, Tennessee, where she received her degree in early childhood before she returned to Folly Beach to work as a toddler teacher in the local preschool. She enjoyed her job, but the 29 year old seemed to feel stuck at times, and she admitted to Lachy that she felt a change would do her some good.
The two continued to text back and forth for hours, though it only felt like minutes to them. In fact. Molly hadn't even realized just how late it had gotten until her phone chimed at midnight to remind her to set her alarm for her usual 5:30 am wake up. She couldn't help but feel disappointed when she realized that she'd have to call it a night if she had any hope of getting a half decent night of sleep. After all, a classroom full of wild toddlers was a challenge on a full eight hours, but on less than six? She knew she'd regret it if she didn't sleep soon.
Reluctantly, Molly moved to her bedroom where she settled in her bed, but she didn't put her phone away. She instead began to type out a text to bring the conversation to an end for the night.
"I can't believe it's so late. Unfortunately I have to work early tomorrow, so I should get some sleep." She texted. It was now going on 12:30, and she still couldn't figure out how it'd gotten so late so fast. "I guess losing track of time is easy when you're having fun." She murmured to herself as a smile tugged at her lips.
Molly was expecting a response in the form of a text, but she was quite surprised when it came in the form of a phone call. This time she didn't hesitate to answer the phone.
"Hello...Lachy?" She questioned, her voice filled with slight confusion. Why was he calling her? She'd just mentioned that she needed sleep, and she was certain he needed it as well.
"Molly? Hey.." Lachy replied. He sounded a bit awkward as he spoke in a hushed tone. Molly would have almost thought he was trying to keep from waking someone up, but she could hear laughter and conversation in the background.
"Hey..." She repeated, still sounding as confused as ever. "Is everything alright? Why are you talking so quietly?"
"Huh? Oh yes, everything's fine. We're on the bus headed to Charlotte and everyone's just having a bit of a laugh.  I just, well, I wanted to tell you goodnight." He admitted. 
"You just wanted to hear her voice, Lach! Don't lie to yourself, mate!"
Molly giggled a bit as she recognized the voice of Anthony calling out in the background. She could almost imagine a blush on Lachy's cheeks as she heard him curse under his breath. "I take it he's a bit tipsy?"
"Who, Anto? Nah, the cheeky bastard hasn't had a drop. He doesn't drink, he just likes to tease people." Lachy replied, chuckling a bit.
"I see," Molly murmured sleepily. "There must never be a dull moment with him."
Lachy chuckled again at her words. "Not for a second." He said, his voice once again hushed. "You sound sleepy, I'm sorry to have kept you up so late." Lachy sounded apologetic, though Molly wasn't sorry in the least.
"No, don't be sorry. It wasn't just you. I was enjoying our conversation and I guess I lost track of time." She admitted. "But I really do need to sleep, 5:30 comes rather early. And besides, isn't it passed your bedtime? I mean, I'm surprised you're still awake now." She teased. After all, Lachy's character was well known for falling asleep often and at the drop of a hat.
There was silence for a second before Molly heard Lachy's laughter carrying over the phone. "Probably so." He mused. "I know with a class of toddlers to take care of, it's most definitely passed your's. We should be arriving at the hotel soon anyway. I'll let you get some sleep now. Can I call you tomorrow?"
Molly felt her cheeks heat up in a blush. She could hear a hint of timidness in his voice when he'd asked to call again and should couldn't help but smile a bit brighter. "Of course you can." She answered as she attempted to hide a yawn. She was certain he'd heard it, though, as she heard him chuckling again. She was sleepier than she thought.
"You really are sleepy, aren't you?"
"Well, I mean, I'm typically asleep before 10:00 on school nights. I know, I know, it's a little ridiculous, but that's the exciting life of a teacher." Molly murmured. If the yawn didn't betray how tired she was, her voice sure did.
"No, I can't blame you really. Well, I won't keep you awake any longer, then. Goodnight, Molly." Lachy's voice was almost in a whisper now, bringing a smile to Molly's lips.
"Goodnight, Lachy." She replied. She hesitated a moment before she ended the call and placed her phone on the nightstand. With a final sleepy sigh, she settled under the covers and closed her eyes, allowing herself to fall asleep yet again with thoughts of Lachy on her mind.
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