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profrenatasbrogio · 2 years ago
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#makerday vem aí com o #fera @digo.maker inscrições em https://www.digomaker.cc/makerday https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf45Ei7uvpM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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zaklabs · 6 years ago
Fun fantasy glowing orbs! #ledlights #glowingorbs #led#lights #makerday #mohai #zaklabs (at Museum of History and Industry (MOHAI))
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elkgrovelibrary · 6 years ago
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Come see what Elk Grove Village residents make and create at the Library's Maker Day! Sunday, April 7 at 1 - 4:30pm, Library wide. Free for all ages. We'll have displays and demos, hands-on activities for all ages, STEM engineering challenges with prizes, 3D printers and high-tech gadgets in action, @Fermilab's Mr. Freeze cryogenics show, and more! #makers #makerday #makerdayegvpl #makermovement #makerfaire #egvpl #elkgrovelibrary #elkgrovevillage #stem #3dprinting (at Elk Grove Village Public Library) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bvw4maoAGz5/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=8xvvrp13v47w
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kipplekipple · 5 years ago
Half of me thinks I should go to bed, and the other half thinks I should stay up and do more painting
But also I have a kids' club to teach tomorrow and then it's makerday, so I should go to bed
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keikkun4-blog · 8 years ago
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Hoy toco en la otra oficina xD ja ja ja día de armar y jugar con pantallas y tinker #makerDay #hackerspacesv #lovemyjob (en Hackerspace San Salvador)
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hellobyeokgo · 3 years ago
[The Economist] Sep 18 - 24
有鑒於我記憶力很差,我決定把看過的經濟學人內容隨手記錄一下。 免責:以下內容可能因為我理解力或是語言能力不足使得其與原意有出入。
封面文章是講述虛擬貨幣與去中心化貨幣 講了比特幣、以太幣、以太交易量近似Visa卡或是六分之一Nasdaq。講了虛擬貨幣旨在解決金融交易的手續費,對照銀行家們的遊艇。賽爾瓦多想靠投資體特幣翻身。講了科技大公司例如蘋果、臉書可能抽稅。講了政府應該提早立法。區塊鏈的不穩定性、被拿來洗錢的危險性。最後說未來是科技公司、政府、去中心金融交織的世界,就像1990s時大家不知道網路會帶給世界什麼樣的改變。
強制接種 文章比較美國與法國強制接種後的接種比例,法國比美國多出20%。癥結點是強制接種有沒有侵犯自由。作者認為強制疫苗是正確的,但是應該減低懲罰,以及提供免費的檢驗當作替代方案。
某文 美國資本市場趨向獨大、寡頭。新公司變少,意指更少創新與機會。
某文 最近物流打結。需求上升,供給被打亂。貨船等著上岸卸貨。比起疫情前,中國到美國運費翻了10倍。這些可能是美國與英國通膨的原因之一。與其說供應鍊失能,不如說它正在適應。 問題始於2020,生產汽車、電器、居家運動器材的公司預期低需求而停止生產。同時有美國發放的刺激券加上疫情使得消費趨向物品而非服務。電腦晶片跟不上這個速度生產。物流業在經歷長榮的船卡住、因為疫情造成部分封港以及Ida龍捲風後,沒有多��的量能。專家預估要花一年以上才能恢復到正常狀態。 不同公司不同做法。例如Walmart包下一整艘船。客機改成貨機。晶片製造商調整出貨順序。暴漲的運費調節了貨物量。運費影響了體積大卻便宜的商品的價格。 Toshiba關了中國廠。一些汽車製造業把產線拉靠近本國。新的小型貨船的訂單反映出製造業更區域化。
去中心世界 描述了一段虛擬世界。metaverse。終極目標是把中介替換掉,例如銀行或是科技公司。使用者能直接使用或是擁有有價值的東西。比起華爾街以自身為目的,去中心追求的是群體控管的理想世界。 去中心化發展的原因在於中心化固有的問題,例如僵化、獨佔。Fed推個支付推了老半天。Visa、Mastercard 毛利率60-80%。大公司利用市場例逃避競爭。例如蘋果在平台上禁止臉書追蹤使用者。臉書修改演算法。Youtube拔掉使用者盈利。 去中心化提供透明開放有效率的系統。說到去中心化,大家要馬讚揚新貨幣或是責怪這會破壞貨幣系統,但很少人看到這底層的基礎技術。分散式共識是這種去中心系統達成信任的方式。這種自動化的智能合約是建立在公開的程式碼之上,當條件達到時會自動執行相對應的行為,這是不能被篡改的。 區塊鏈就像一台運作在網路上的虛擬電腦,可以存取資料或是執行它。比起蘋果透過控制硬體來限制軟體,區塊鏈反而是透過鏈上的軟體來控管硬體來達成任務。 在區塊鏈之上,什麼都是可能。各種股票、借貸、穩定幣或是管理權的代幣。NFT代表獨一無二的資產,可以是圖片或是影片。代幣可以被交換或借貸。交易的規則被群體控制所決定。 進入去中心金融需要一個錢包。中心化錢包是交付給某個資購管理。去中心化錢包則是自己管理。...後面介紹UniSwap和StableCoin,Tether被罰款的事件和makerDai的管理方式。...介紹flash loan。介紹以太鏈上最大的兩個借貸平台Aave和Compound。作者認為去中心化金融目前的難題是如何跨切虛擬與現實。例如與現實生活中��房貸結合。又例如鏈下的法律與執法單位如何確保鏈上沒有詐騙與濫用。 法幣兌換虛擬幣通常需要身份認證,也就是”know your customer“。但是一但進入鏈上,任何人都能隨意的簡單的兌換各種虛擬幣,去中心化金融會不會被洗錢所用?令人擔憂。 文中舉出一些NFT應用。傳統上畫家成名後作品上漲後的收益會被先前買畫的買家全部賺取,或許能製造一個NFT讓畫家賺取未來每次交易10%的收益。又例如模特兒被拍照時能透過NFT保障收益。又例如樂手能透過NFT發行虛擬專輯或是粉絲專屬周邊而不必透過中間商。 這不代表去中心化後都會更好。而是要問為什麼選擇去中心化。有些事是中心化更能做到的。另一個問題是,取得群眾共識很花時間。PoW很花能量。另一個問題是擴充程度,去中心金融需求變高,促使認證費用上升。roll-up是一種解決方式,讓成團的交易同時在鏈上被認證,以此降低認證的成本。 去中心金融充滿不確定性。不僅耗能,潛在的髒錢流入與不願被監管的特色,這些暫緩了被採用的時機。...
中國板 中國在國際法律爭端更堅持自己的主張 共產黨在一月初發表的五年計劃裡提到中國要形塑國際秩序,促使自己成謂判斷國界的依據。計畫講到目標是推動合理的國際規則,但從過去看來共產黨是指要與世界對抗。在專利、海權、數位安全、經濟制裁、引渡上,中國希望能捍衛自身的利益。這是前所未見的。最明顯的是中國強硬的回應西方國家對於維吾爾議題而做出的制裁。中國回敬報復性制裁,尤其對西方官員與學者。11月政治局會議時,習先生要求在國際智慧財產權的紛爭上堅決對抗。 在專利爭利時,中國法院斷定要賠償多少給專利持有者。雖然2017年英國法院也做出類似的事,但中國更激進。通常中國法院判的賠償比國外判得少。另外中國限制國外公司在中國販賣或製造的產品必須符合規定,否則將重罰。 去年中國法院判給華為跟小米禁訴令(anti-suit injunctions)。通常法外和解會發生。 另一個法院重點是壹帶壹路,中國特別設立一個國際商業法院。”很難想像外國公司在外國做生意,不在中國,卻要接受中國法院的仲裁。除非他們在經濟上或政治上被脅迫。” 外國公司開始���識到中國法院開始聲稱在境外有更多權力。至少韓國三星受益了,12月武漢法院給三星電子禁訴令來解決與Ericsson專利的紛爭。Ericsson的專利被用在三星生產的硬體上,卻無法在其他地方的法院提起訴訟。在德州,Ericsson要求禁訴禁訴令來回絕中國的禁訴令。德州法官說Ericsson應該要在美國法院決定美國市場上因為專利被侵權而求償的金額。五月三星與Ericssion和解,武漢法院加強了三星在斡旋中的地位。 習先生或許會說中國在這場域已經被欺負太久。
茶館[中國吐槽專欄] 眾多臣妾、收集玉石、喜歡題字在古物上,乾隆皇帝不太可能是共產黨理想中的王,尤其是習先生這位苦者者帶領的共產黨。乾隆過人的智力與毅力帶領清朝邁向高峰。 Wang Xudong在官方安排的紫禁城導覽裡,吹捧著乾隆皇帝。茶館(意指專欄作家)問他後面的山丘和小河是否是種迷信。王先生及忙撇清,他說每個人都希望遮風又靠近水。王先生解釋後,在帝國的驚嘆與無神論的政黨間,如釋重負。 自從黨要取代對毛先生的熱烈殷勤,乾隆被改造成建國者,包含外交、戰爭、政令宣導,抵禦叛亂,擴展國土,包含新疆與新疆。清朝在乾隆手上達到頂上,而後衰敗,使中國進入一世紀之久的被外國列強羞辱,並在1912年崩解。喚醒過去的羞辱,有助於吹捧黨讓中國富強。現今黨發現了聲稱自己繼承了5000年文明的可貴之處。王先生說如果沒有5000年的底蘊,沒有今日中國特色的社會主義。 習先生說要中國化信仰,使得他們能更好的順應與服侍社會主義的社會。 茶館幾天後又去參觀了紫禁城。發現清朝統治者是滿洲人,推翻了漢人的明朝。漢人在清朝被視作物品,不能取滿洲女生,時常被限制居住在隔離的城區內。 這種血統分歧複雜化了自吹5000年連續的中國文明。官方史學者聲稱清崇拜漢文化,因此同化成漢,繼承了中國的統治。但是滿文的史料卻不是這樣說的,清保留混合的自我認同。
蘋果與Epic Game的官司贏了,某方面來說
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atelieliterario · 5 years ago
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Hoje é dia de MakerDay na @casathomasjefferson (em Casa Thomas Jefferson - Asa Norte Branch) https://www.instagram.com/p/B29P6OUDDCc/?igshid=se2jmxcrvzvg
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alkeklibrary · 7 years ago
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Alkek Maker Day is next Monday! Get info about our scheduled workshops and explore the library's creative resources: http://guides.library.txstate.edu/makerday
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profrenatasbrogio · 2 years ago
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#makerday vem aí com o #fera @digo.maker inscrições em https://www.digomaker.cc/makerday https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf45Ei7uvpM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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zaklabs · 6 years ago
The insides of our magical fantasy globes! #led #ledlights #mohai #makerday #fantasyglobes #zaklabs (at Museum of History and Industry (MOHAI))
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jamieisboss · 7 years ago
Productive Day
Been I've been to the MakerDay at DoES Liverpool, helped make some Reactive lights for a drum kit and finally broken my music block and made some little tunes Good so far
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theworldebon · 8 years ago
Makerday, Alkabar 19, 10017
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10011 Malik El-Shabazz is born in Sankore Mosque, Julaam. The charismatic lead singer for the raid band Audubon Ballroom is best known for his solo albums Doctrine of Self Determination and By Whatever Means Necessary.
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keikkun4-blog · 8 years ago
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Y ahí van saliendo... XD no les puedo contar aun que es... pero no más pueda ahí público #topSecret #LabCT #hackerspacesv #dreamTeam #makerDay #lovemyjob (en LabCT)
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jacobhinkley · 6 years ago
The Daily: Altcoin Panic, Stablecoin Takeover
There’s blood in the streets, the water and everywhere else you may care to look today as the cryptocurrency market plunges below $200 billion with a vengeance. We’ve got the reaction from across the web in today’s Bitcoin in Brief, as well as the latest developments from the realm of stablecoins, which have been an oasis of calm amidst all the blood-letting.
Also read: Bitcoin is a Permissionless, Decentralized Firearm: Cody Wilson is Satoshi Nakamoto
Crypto Capitulation Sets In
The bottom isn’t in until all hope is lost, the aphorism goes. While it would take a brave man to predict that precise point, the end is surely nigh, at which point the market can bounce and begin its painful recovery. We’ll provide a market update later today detailing the losses across the board and suggesting where we may be headed from here. For now, let’s just take a moment to soak up the sentiment from around the web. On Reddit’s r/cryptocurrency board, traders are counting their losses:
…while on 4chan’s /biz/ messageboard, the sentiment is much the same, but with more pink wojaks thrown in to accentuate the despair:
With cryptocurrencies such as IOTA, BNB, and Vechain nursing 20% losses in a single day – 25% in the case of the latter – the market is looking very ugly indeed. It takes a brave soul to to stomach looking at their portfolio today. The total value of the cryptocurrency market has now dropped to $194 billion at the time of publication, with bitcoin dominance reaching 53.5%.
Stablecoins Shine as Makerdai Partners with Wyre
Just three cryptocurrencies in the top 100 are showing signs of green right now, and predictably they’re all stablecoins. Tether is within a whisker of passing cardano to ease into eight place by market cap, while trueusd (86th) and dai (99th) have now sneaked into the top 100. Makerdao, the creators of the dollar-pegged dai, have released details today of a partnership with money transfer service Wyre. As a result, businesses in over 30 countries including the US now have access to the dai stablecoin.
“As part of our mission to level the economic playing field, we’re thrilled to work with Wyre to offer developers a way to build seamless connections to and from a world of fiat currencies and Dai, giving organizations access to a truly decentralized and stable currency pegged to the US dollar,” said Makerdao CEO Rune Christensen. “Expanding the Maker ecosystem, organizations can now benefit from the instant, secure and scalable power of blockchain without having to first buy/sell volatile crypto assets like Ethereum or Bitcoin.”
While we would normally plead a case for the reduced volatility of major crypto assets such as ETH, on a day like today, he’s got a point.
Today’s top performers are all stablecoins
Crypto Conference Season is Coming
The second wave of 2018’s cryptocurrency conferences, following the flurry of events surrounding Consensus New York that occurred in springtime is looming. While the prospect of mingling with thousands of like-minded souls, each feeling equally despondent about their portfolio, may seem bleak, there’s ample time for the markets to buck up. By the time Coinsbank’s crypto cruise departs Barcelona on September 7, bound for Monte Carlo, spirits should have lifted. Landlubbers unable to make the boat can attend the onshore Futurama Blockchain Innovators Summit, a sister event in Ibiza running from September 10-13, culminating with the cruise ship docking for a climactic sunset BBQ party.
Later that month, Lyon in France hosts the Blockchain Game Summit, scheduled for September 25-26. Representatives from Cryptokitties, Decentraland, and Consensys will all be speaking at the event. Finally, if ethereum is still alive by October, developers will be congregating in Prague for Devcon4, which kicks off on the 30th in the Czech capital. The markets might be in turmoil right now, but there are better times ahead. That much can be said for certain.
Do you think ethereum and the rest of the cryptocurrency market has reached the bottom yet? Let us know in the comments section below.
Images courtesy of Shutterstock, and Pixabay.
Need to calculate your bitcoin holdings? Check our tools section.
The post The Daily: Altcoin Panic, Stablecoin Takeover appeared first on Bitcoin News.
The Daily: Altcoin Panic, Stablecoin Takeover published first on https://medium.com/@smartoptions
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lokaleblickecom · 5 years ago
zdi-Roboterwettbewerb: Galaktisch gute Stimmung beim spannenden lokalen Vorentscheid
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Duisburg. Gemeinsam mit dem zdi-Netzwerk DU.MINT Duisburg-Niederrhein, getragen von der Universität Duisburg-Essen, organisiert die Gesellschaft für Wirtschaftsförderung Duisburg mbH (GFW Duisburg) den lokalen Vorentscheid des zdi -Roboterwettbewerbs. Das Kürzel „zdi“ steht dabei für die Gemeinschaftsoffensive „Zukunft durch Innovation“. Deren Aktivitäten zielen darauf ab, möglichst viele junge Leute für eine Ausbildung und/oder ein Studium im MINT-Bereich, also in Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaften und Technik, zu begeistern und aufzuzeigen, welche verschiedenen Möglichkeiten und Angebote dorthin führen. Jetzt war es wieder soweit. Austragungsort des Contests war diesmal das Stadtfenster der Volkshochschule Duisburg, die ebenfalls mit vielfältigen Angeboten rund um den MINT-Bereich wie den „Makerday“ aufwartet. Sieben Teams aus vier Schulen gingen mit ihren selbstgebauten und -programmierten Robotern an den Start, um knifflige Aufgaben rund um das Thema "Raumfahrt- und Satellitentechnik" zu lösen. Die meisten Pluspunkte fuhr dabei das Team der „MMG-Robots 6" des städtischen Reinhard-und-Max-Mannesmann-Gymnasiums ein, gefolgt von den Teams "Horki 2" und "Horki 1" des Gymnasiums Horkesgath Krefeld. Für die beiden Erstplatzierten geht´s jetzt zum Regionalentscheid nach Neuss. Wer dort die Nase vorn hat, der darf beim großen NRW-Finale am 25. April 2020 in Mülheim an der Ruhr antreten. „Wir drücken die Daumen und wünschen weiterhin viel Erfolg!“, so Ralf Meurer, Geschäftsführer der Gesellschaft für Wirtschaftsförderung Duisburg mbH. Gemeinsam mit Wirtschaftsdezernent Andree Haack, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. Andrés Kecskeméthy vom Lehrstuhl „Mechanik und Robotik“ der Fakultät für Ingenieurswissenschaften an der Universität Duisburg-Essen, Dr. Kirsten Dunkhorst, zdi-Koordinatorin, und Volker Heckner, Leiter der Volkshochschule Duisburg überreichten diese den engagierten Nachwuchstalenten Urkunden, Medaillen und Pokale. Prof. Kecskeméthy betonte auch noch einmal den Stellenwert der Naturwissenschaften. Nur unter deren Zuhilfenahme könnten beispielsweise die Herausforderungen des Klimawandels wirkungsvoll angegangen werden. Foto: Die Erstplatzierten des Teams „MMG-Robots 6“ vom städtischen Reinhard-und-Max-Mannesmann-Gymnasium mit Laudatoren und Organisatoren des lokalen Vorentscheids zum zdi-Roboterwettbewerb, Urheber: Josip Sosic, Nutzungsrechte: VHS Duisburg Read the full article
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atelieliterario · 5 years ago
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Sabadaremos?! Claro! Sábado tem MakerDay na @casathomasjefferson da asa norte! (em Casa Thomas Jefferson) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2zo1CVHDB6/?igshid=slmaklalf3f2
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