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When you had such a fantastic plan but your boyfriend is still so deep in the closet.
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unidentifiableblue · 6 years
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justapitofemotion · 6 years
It's been long enough
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I heard about #MakeDestielCanon and figured it was as good a day as any to finally get myself a tumblr. I started watching supernatural last year and it quickly became one of my favorite shows. I had never hard core shipped anything before the beauty of Dean and Cas graced my screen. They’re perfect for each other y’all, there’s no reason they shouldn’t be canon.
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I wanted to share some of my meta writing with you. I don't claim to be a great meta writer. I will never compare to the greats, like Tink, naruheart etc. I just like to write. I hope you get some enjoyment from it and maybe even learn something you didnt know along the way. Warning this post may be long.
Last season we had Cas saying "we were a family and I didnt want to lose that"
This season we got Dean saying "He was our kid"
The first one said by Cas was literally directed at Dean. Not Sam...but Dean. Yeah, Sam is his family too, but the big "WE"the "we" that i feel he meant and what the audience was meant to take away from it, is Dean, Cas and Jack are the "we"being referenced.
The second one uttered by Dean when it was Cas and himself in just last weeks episode. There was no Sam to be seen. The "our" we're supposed to take away from this is again, Dean and Cas.
This comes after a slew of episodes last season, where Destiel and Jack are pushed as a separate unit from the rest of them. Kind of like when you get married, and you have kids. Your parents and siblings will always be your family. But there is this other family separate from them...your spouse and child. You're a unit all your own.
This sentiment is especially brought home when you take into consideration that Sam for most of these is not there , or is close by but never really at the forefront during these times.
First one that comes to mind is the "Ouroboros" episode last season.
In the picture above they're all wearing the same colors. Matching and looking looking like they're ready for a fucking family portrait. All in brown, with Jack directly in between them, in plaid and a jacket, looking like a perfect mix of Dean and Cas.
Again, the writers seem to have taken great lengths to separate Sam from this. By having him not on the couch with them, but rather standing up and with Rowena on the opposite side of the room.
Incidentally, and I'm possibly overreaching here. But here is the thing i found really interesting. Theyre wearing brown. And as most of us know, colors are used to represent a thing or an emotion that cant be expressed or shown at the time for whatever reason. Yet, the writers want a certain thing to come across, they use colors. Most common ones that people know are red for anger and black for bad.
I looked up the color brown and this is what I found.
"Relating to the protection and support of the FAMILY UNIT, with a keen sense of duty and responsibility, brown takes its obligations seriously. It encourages a strong need for security and a sense of belonging, with family and friends being of utmost importance"
By having the three of them wearing brown and sat tgether. And now knowing what brown represents. I have no doubt this was the message the writers wanted to give.
Interesting to note that Sam is also wearing brown. However, where destiel and Jack are paired with browns and tans, Sam is wearing a much darker brown and its offset with a bunch of white. Making Sam family but not in quite the same way as the other three.
Later that same episode, we have destiel at a restaurant. They're joined by Jack. Take notice that there is still no Sam in sight, giving it the feel of a married couple taking the kid out to dinner.
In season 14 episode 15 "peace of mind"
Sam is the older kid throwing a fit to go to the mall. But dad (dean) is tired and is like "I just got off work"
This almost feels a married couple the wife is digusted by her husbands eating habit.
So it almost feels like it's mom saying "okay I'll take him to the mall and you stay here and have "the talk" with Jack. Cas is the mom who is like "it's time you talk to jack" and dean is the dad who is like "whys it gotta be me?" And cas is "because you're one he listens to and you know what hes going through" IE dean having no soul. So it's kinda like "because you're a man and you understand" something a wife might say to her husband when the time comes to discuss puberty and sex with their child.
And it totally fits in with 50s vibe of the episode. All American family..... moody older kid.... prepubescent son, a tired dad, and mom who is just done with everyones shit.
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DeanCas: *makes eyesex until Season 1000* CW: how do u say No Homo in Klingon Meanwhile, Rick's cries can be heard across the multiverse.
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C’mon writers!!!!!!! We need this!!!!!
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samdeancaspie · 8 years
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Sorry I haven't been active lately. Been cornered with homework
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destielsuperfanfic · 9 years
Castiel’s dreams get smutty.
#nc-17#destiel this is also posted on https://archiveofourown.org/users/Eviltigger
Let ‘s #makeDestiecanon 
Castiel’s vision of the man was still blurred, he tried to gain his sight back but nothing would work, he gave up on the matter shortly after. The man placed his arm around Castiel's still breathing heavily, he tried to speak to Castiel but he could hear no words nor could he see the man’s mouth moving. Castiel looked around the room, which had changed during their love making, he was no longer in a bed, the floor was cold and wet, then the man vanished, he was alone he could feel metal bars. He blinked  trying to see where the man had gone and why the bed was gone. He could only see himself staring back.
Opening his eyes, he blinks, trying to focus his vision, blurred green eyes stared back at him he could feel the heat from the man’s body hovering over him,  he reached out to touch the face that he knew belonged to, The man’s face was coming into focus, but everything still felt blurry and out of place. He could feel the man staring at him as if was waiting for something then remembering he slept naked, kicked off the blankets that were covering him.  Castiel blinked a few more times then started to pull the face closer to him. He lifted his head  closer to the man’s shoulders to smell him, the man smelt of nickel, whisky, and apple’s.  He felt the man lift his one leg over sliding on top of him with the other leg moving up to his hips, the man ever so slowly started to roll his own hips on top of Castiel with the man’s penis rubbing along side his own. The man seemed to have a rhythm already set it was slow and gentle, he rolled his hips back and forth and up and down. Castiel could not help himself but curse out loud followed by loud moans into the man’s skin.
As this was happening he was not sure if he was dreaming or not, his thoughts were stopped as the man leaned down and pressed his lips on Castiel’s it was sweet and gentle just like he wanted, he moaned into the other man’s lips. wrapping his arms around the man he slowly feels his way down to his waist and pulls the man down so his is laying on top of Castiel. He can feel his naked skin across his own feeling the man backside he takes his hands and feels his ass, cupping the man’s  ass he hears a low moan, hot air comes from his mouth which is invading the inside of his mouth, the man’s tongue licking around his own, sucking  his bottom lip, the man flipped Castiel over so he was on top he looked down at the man still not seeing his face clearly but still knowing who it was.
Castiel now on top of the man, he moved his hands over the front of the man’s body feeling all the scars, from the oldest ones to the newest ones, the ones that were mere scratches, and the ones that left scars he rolled his hips against the man’s penis he started breathing heavier as he did this, Castiel moved his left hand over his skin over his hip  bones, rubbing the man back and forth as he was grinding the man in the same rhythm. Kissing the man down his neck he mouthed over his jawline sucking, nipping and licking his way down with one hand rubbing over the man’s now hard cock, he places his hand at the base and works his way up pumping slowly while still sucking at the man’s neck.
Deep panting, low growel’s  followed by muffled cursing came from the man underneath him, hitched breaths, hips jerking up into his hand. Castiel’s cock was jerking  alongside the man’s cock he took hold of both of their cocks and more huffs and panting came from the man. As he pumped both cock’s together his own sounds of need and want came flying from his mouth. Breathing into the man’s ear he breathed heavily, sucking on his ear  and the man shuddered as he was pumping  their cock’s he could tell he was getting close.  Castiel knew he must have been dreaming. This would never happen not with the one who he wanted it to be with, they would fight and leave, then do it all over again.
Just as Castiel was getting close he could tell the man was close as well more cursing and panting. The smell of sweat and sex filled the air it the mixture of the two men together overpowered the room he let the loudest moan come out of him knowing that the man was enjoying this just as much as he was, the man was not pulling him away he was not yelling or fighting him. The lights in the room started to flicker, looking around the room Castiel could see where he was more clearly than the man underneath he could see the brick covered walls, with shelves had framed photo’s the faces were blurred as well. Flickering lights continued as he was looking around the room, the bed they were in was comfortable, and large the blankets were plain brown and white sheets.  
The man underneath him broke his train of thought with a loud growl pulling Castiel to his mouth and pressing his lips onto  Castiel’s licking the man’s lips he let go of there cocks, his  fingers in the man’s mouth and sucking on them, while doing so the man huffed Castiel’s name
“ Cas… ppleeasee.” The man panted still with Castiel’s fingers in his mouth. Castiel moved down the bed slightly giving the man room to lift his legs up, he pulled himself up to allow more room. Castiel placed one finger to the man’s hole which was already stretched from his angle he did not need to use his finger.  He rubbed the man’s saliva over his cock and pushed in, as he was pushing into the man’s hole he heard the most wonderful whimpers from him.
Castiel pushed slow and gentle to start, feeling the inside of the man was something he could have never felt before it was warm and tight. Pushing deeper into the man he found the right spot, he picked his pace moving faster, as he moved faster the man began to scream his name. He was loud and overpowering, Castiel could not tell if he was moaning or screaming all the sounds muffled into noise just  joyful noise mixed with Castiel’s own growling . He lended down to the man and planted more kisses to his mouth, As he kissed him harder he pounded him even harder  hitting his prostate each time.
Castiel could feel himself hitting his climax, he knew he would not last long not like this, he could feel the man tightening around him, he looked down at the man’s cock it was leaking with pre cum, he knew he was as well hitting his climax at the same time as Castiel. A few more thrusts into the man he could see sticky white cum slowly leaking out of the man’s cock.
“I’m, I’m cuumm..ing” They both shouted. He felt hot sticky liquid on him, as he felt his release he panted, huffed and moaned as he came,  Castiel’s eyes closed so tight he was seeing stars, the world was spinning, he looked down at the man underneath him who was staring right at him with his eye’s rolling back he could feel him thrusting upward at Castiel as more liquid came out of him, he trusted a few more times until everything was gone,. He was no longer hard, he slowly pulled out of the man and flopped beside him he wished he could stand so he could clean himself and the man up but his legs were too weak to stand.
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I actually feel like Crowley was in love with dean. When Dean goes back to Cas and Sammy after no longer being a demon, he begins acting as though he just went through a break up.
We have it heavily implied that both of them engaged in intercourse with the triplets Cowley mentions. And it is also implied that those triplets were male, when a set of MALE triplets walk into the bar during this
Which incidently for me, puts Dean's bisexuality as canon. They flat out mentioned sex with the triplets. It's not a coincidence that they show male triplets during that. The writers intentionally did this. They meant to imply this.
Look at how many times he could have killed Dean, and he didnt. Look at how hurt he was when he found out dean lied to him about being on Cains list. How hurt he was when Dean left him. He knew of crowley affection and used it (although sparingly) to his advantage sometimes. But for Dean, it wasnt love on his part. I don't doubt there was some warmth for crowley, he may have begun to consider him a friend and not just an ally or another set of powers he needs when times got rough. But he was never "in love" with Crowley.
I would also like to mention that before Dean succumbed to the mark, Rowena was bitchin and pushing for Crowley to get rid Dean. To which Crowley refused. She viewed Dean as the source of Crowley humanity AKA his weakness. Which takes me back to Uriels line to Dean "he has this weakness he. He likes you".
Dean has this endearing habit of inspiring loyalty and bringing out the humanity in others. We can go so far as to say for them,Dean is the very representation of humanity. He IS humanity. Taking me back to metatrons "hes in love with humanity"
So while though admittedly, a bit of stretch, but If those lines were used to indicate Cas feelings for Dean. why not for Crowley? He has inspired the very same changes and feelings in Crowley that we all acknowledge he has in Cas. Again I know those lines were for us to understand Cas' love for our green eyed hunter. However, we do have to at least acknowledge that the changes and emotions that metatron and uriel have noticed in Cas can be found in Crowley as well. All of those changes and emotions brought about because of one man...Dean.
Also let me point out the fact that when Rowena couldnt succeed in convincing Crowley to kill Dean. She tries to do it herself. She views Dean as the reasons for crowleys trouble. Not Cas who aids Dean in thwarting Crowley. Not Sammy, who technically started this whole thing when he used his blood and it began to "humanize" Crowley, but Dean. Angels and demons, these are beings who are not known to have emotions or be easily changed. So before anyone goes spouting how those lines are sacred to destiel. Yes, I know, I'm just using it to parallel. Destiel is and will always be my OTP. I will never pair Dean and Cas with anyone but each other. But I just wanted to reiterate those lines fit Crowley and how demons have also noticed he has changed.
Lets go back to Rowena. We have a case mother knows best. A mother knows her child. She didn't make it as long as she has my being stupid and unobservant. She knew that getting rid of Dean would bring back the old, unfeeling Crowley. When she couldn't kill Dean, she faked that she was brutally beaten up by him. Hoping a sons love for his mother would overcome any feelings he has for Dean. And as we know, it did not.
Let's talk about Crowleys actions when it comes to Dean.
Sam was possessed.... he didnt care about Sam. He did that because dean needed him to
Same when Cas was possessed by Lucifer. He doesnt care for cas in the least. He went into Cas mind to get him to expell Lucifer and in the process, takes a pretty decent beating from him. Again, he did that because Dean needed him to. Knowing full well Lucifer is more than capable of killing him.
Amara: he could have died during that but yet he did it. Why? Because Dean needed him to.
We have when Cas gets hurt by the spear. He had nothing to gain by letting Cas live. But he knows how in love dean is with Cas. He's made jokes about it. He knows how much it would hurt Dean to lose Cas. If you love someone you're going to do anything in your power to save them any kind of pain if you can. Even at your expense. So he broke the spear. The old adage “If you love something set it free. If it comes back it’s yours. If not, it was never meant to be.”
I think when he saw Deans reaction to Cas being injured by the spear, and heard Cas confession of love...he knew he didnt hava a chance. So he chose Dean's happiness above his own.
I actually think he really didnt fall in love with Dean until Sammy injected Crowley with blood, making him more human like. Which is kind of the same with Cas. It was Cas being more human that made him realize he was in love with Dean. So I'm really digging the parallel of both being more human like and falling for Dean.
He died saving Dean. You could say to save Dean AND Sam. But who was getting the ever loving shit beat out of them? Dean!! Dean was being beaten and the only thing that could stop Lucifer was a spell that requires a sacrifice. Crowley literally sacrificed himself for love.
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So even though I haven't seen the episode yet, if in future episodes, Sam doesn't bring this up to Dean and/or Cas whenever he can, it may all be for nothing.
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I was rewatching season 14. They're talking about Kia's spear and how Michael must have wanted it because he was afraid of it. I started thinking, what if he wanted it for more than just because he was scared of it? Sure, he was injured by it, so he had a healthy respect for it. But to actually kill an ArchAngel, let alone the most powerful ArchAngel in any universe, it would take a lot of stealth and skill. More than most people have. So he probably wasn't too worried in that aspect.
My opinion is that Michael wasnt creating hybrids to be his lackies or to end the world. He was creating an army to stop Chuck. He even states his distaste for Chuck. What if he wanted it because it could kill Chuck?
However, I remembered that Kia's spear was broken. So i started thinking of what other spear like things or weapons I've seen throughout the show that could fit. Then I realized!! Billies Scythe!!
We rarely see it with her. But we sure as heck did last episode. And chuck specifically mentions his hate of Billie AND her scythe.
I looked up Billie and her Scythe. And this is what I found.
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It's a completely new scythe. New and improved? Billie knows how everyone dies. What is to say she doesnt know Chucks ending. And just like you can't really kill death....you can only kill the thing death has embodied. That must be what they mean by "attributes"
For me, I'm hoping that the scene in Ouroboros where Jack decapitated the demon, is a foreshadowing of what happens to Chuck. That Jack beheads Chuck with the scythe.
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Before we begin, I have to point out something. Years ago my friend came across this quote and reblogged it. To this day, it still resonates with me. I dont remember the original source. If someone can link me or tell me...I shall give proper credit. But just know, the quote is not mine. I just love it.
To me this is absolutely something Dean would say to Cas. So I made a thing. I hope you like it 🙂
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