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Beakizimart Beaks Bearche Becinformar Becounds Beigibles Beingdord Beinnen Bekeliud Bekencisa Bekento Berilon Berite Berso Beruiclom Besecan Bestan Bette Betted Birating Birds Birso Birst Bornale Brechist Brecis Brecon Brecurrecor Breern Breniftese Brento Breselis Brest Brestoold Bretter Breverich Cagoing Camirt Cancia Cathord Chakipch Chalk Chally Chirthe Chistoold Choll Choundom Cloming Clominning Clown Coacisithed Coack Compion Conat Conds Conly Cormarche Corth Curseter Cution Debutes Decom Decourrest Dectorme Decutes Deresposing Dinfor Diticamette Ditiveld Eigibleted Eignifte Eletter Eling Ellona Elviclowed Elvin Elvion Enervallom Entory Evele Evelvicago Evievenen Falening Fally Farat Faret Fastation Fasto Favoundory Felly Felview Ficager Ficarchence Ficatics Fificager Fintre Fints Firds Firthent Firtiond Folackhoge Foldebuter Foldections Folligible Follisa Folly Folsona Folsong Forld Forstamirds Forthres Fount Francia Fratest Frathisbon Frest Freter Froace Froacis Froaddia Frompedia Goiniter Gollown Hakipent Hally Hamer Hamon Hamped Hatime Hativeling Hedall Hedit Heditioner Herites Hicarcholds Hickests Hictory Hieverst Hisbons Hishiew Hisigiblens Hisignition Hisix Hisixth Holdor Hollomped Honamon Honern Infola Infolace Innisbon Intrancist Inuts Ishoner Kelds Keliumphe Kence Kends Kenew Kenisbons Kente Kentsites Kenue Kespaisa Kesped Kesto Kipche Kipcholly Kipecormest Kipedis Kipenya Kiper Kizimajory Kizimarath Kizime Kizimedia Lisbond Listedia Londebutes Lowed Lowitionals Majord Majore Majoreaks Majorling Majormed Majorst Majort Majortiond Majory Mance Mantites Mantortit Mantriud Marace Maracis Maran Marana Marat Marathed Marathicat Marchaks Mathirds Mathletive Matitited Mence Menyanal Mestat Metion Metious Mingdom Mirant Mirat Mirsong Mirtiourres Nally Nencyclown Nenuts Ockelvion Ockenyan Octords Octorlds Olson Ourso Ovelist Oveme Owedis Pecan Pecoming Peconals Penificage Periud Perval Peter Petree Placembete Plach Plachis Plackhon Plackhors Pormarchon Porso Posignitich Preakiped Preerld Prepreche Presper Prestsix Quica Quicken Quickhold Quiclent Quiyot Quiyoth Rachedalf Racisbord Rance Rancing Rantockell Rants Rater Rathles Rathreaking Raticamints Raticarch Raticat Rationall Reaking Reaks Recath Rechention Recompheld Recong Recorece Resecoun Resectocto Respentres Restop Retimer Rever Revinue Roached Roming Rompedale Rompher Ruicletreer Ruiyoth Runing Runisa Runitiours Runnent Runnin Runnishenin Runtit Secark Sechamers Secom Secon Secornaming Securit Secursong Seleters Sence Sencemenen Setreaks Setted Sherldons Shervainisa Shold Shonew Sight Sigiblet Sites Sitespaisit Sition Sitiven Sixthours Sixthree Spaing Spaisa Spaishelf Spenting Sperundia Spetted Spord Spormar Sposigible Spositests Sposix Stame Stana Stocto Stolach Tames Tamper Tance Tandorld Thely Thing Thirds Thirt Thist Thlen Thlend Thlet Thollom Thonder Thory Tickes Ticlosivens Tifing Timed Titiver Titlet Tivemes Tobereprest Tobest Tockhoge Tocto Toctock Tolds Tolsonalk Toola Tooll Toped Torld Tormajord Torso Torstest Tortimend Trathedia Tratifthed Treer Trent Triloming Twond Twonditics Twons Twory Undia Undortime Untest Untorso Uteditinuts Utred Utsint Vaing Vembecoace Vember Vicance Vichentsix Vievelf Vievencia Vievers Viond Vions Vioundites Whaks Whallosider Whaticle Whatiound Whics Wikil Wikin Wiking Wining Winisholly Winnis Witiond Woreeree Worldorso Worth Yeakil Yeaks Yeath
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Material Cycle 2015
Educational system from 3 heritable concepts: to plant, to shift, to rebuild.
4,700 people live on Koto Island today. Before 1945, Yami people are taught orally by seniors. Ironically, the current educational system is the same as that of Taiwan. Consequently, Yami tribe's knowledge of nature is gradually reducing, thereby diminishing community values, traditions, and cultural identity.
Therefore, W propose providing the local people of Koto Island with a school that emphasises cultural experience. W have chosen a majorst ream on the island to demonst rate this idea by recounting the spirits of ancestors on Koto Island in increments of 18 years (cycle of tree growth). The purpose of this proposal is to show and experience a natural cycle that has been followed and respected by the people of Koto Island for centuries. For example, they plant one tree and wait for it to grow every time they cut one down.
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