#maizie is. well dare i say it
viilpstick · 6 months
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The Housewarden's pouty expression drew everyone's attention on Royal Sword Academy. Maizie, known for her ever-present smile, had the a solemn face, on her birthday. She glanced at Cordelia, seeking understanding or either reasoning.
"I am sorry, May, if Simeon said you can't go to Night Raven College, you can't. We can't argue against it." Cordelia sighed, then turned her gaze back to Maizie's puppy face once more. "Stop with that look..." Maizie fluttered her eyelashes, hoping for pity from her friend. "Simeon! Do something!"
Simeon facepalmed as he realized the situation was becoming more challenging. Maizie longed to visit her boyfriend in NRC, yet he hadn't contacted her, not even to wish her a happy birthday. Saddened by this, she hoped Azul hadn't forgotten, but she needed confirmation. She turned to Simeon, hoping he would agree to take her to NRC so she could talk to him.
"It's her boyfriend, we should take her there to see him. It's her birthday!" Ponder sided with Maizie, nodding in agreement as she stood with hands on her hips and a proud stance, yet daring. "And what the birthday girl wants the birthday girl gets." The first year boy said.
Maizie could only nod in happiness she had a friend backing her up.
"Well, he should or could write her a message." Simeon fixed his glasses. "Like, a normal merman."
"Azul? A normal merman? Have you even talked with him?" Cordelia side-eyed, glancing at her friend, who wore an expression of frustration. "Fine. I'm with Maizie." She crossed her arms.
"You...!" Simeon's forehead vein bulged, but eventually, he sighed, conceding defeat. "Alright, alright. You may go... Just need an authorization from Ambrose."
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"Okay, so... Without ANY warning, you make a surprise party... TO YOUR GIRLFRIEND. Who stays in the OTHER side of this island? UNSURE, if she will even be able to visit you today. So, instead of sending a normal 'happy birthday', you get the WHOLE Monstro Lounge ready for her Birthday? Detail; we don't know if she is coming." Jeanne expressed her disbelief through her incredulous expression, clearly not convinced by Azul's choice.
"Yes, next question." Azul fixed his glasses. On background, Grace was getting chased by Floyd, as she threaten to scratch his eyeball off. "She is persistent whatsoever, I know she will come. Unless, that minion of her father, gets on the way like a tree... We are save."
"Ne, Sebastian will come?" Floyd enthusiastically ask, after all, he would be more than delighted to annoy a friend.
"His name is Simeon, Leech." Said Grace with tired look on her face, as she was being squeezed by Floyd.
"Same thing, peapuffer!" He squeezed his eyes shut, his smile widening even further.
Azul and Jeanne watched the scene with unamused expressions as poor Grace attempted to push Floyd away, who held decorations in his hand. Azul then turned back to the woman with the hooked hand.
"I need you to give this to her, as soon she arrives."
Azul hands Jeanne the seashell necklace, which she watches with a curious look.
"Heh, I knew love made us blind, never thought made us blind enough to give jewelry to a pirate." Jeanne teasingly said as if threatening to steal, with the hook holding the necklace.
"Remember, your Kalim is friends with Maizie. He wouldn't be that happy to hear his girlfriend stole something from his friend. Would he?"
Jeanne eyes squeezed in annoyance. "Whatever, I was just playing." She puts the necklace in her pocket. "If the necklace makes her speak though, why not give it to her? I don't think you actually-"
"-This is not the best sorcery of magic. It's good, and powerful to make someone curse into never speak, well, speak, talk! But, it may also conflict with other magic objects, such as our wands."
Azul finishes to explain, while Jeanne stood with her arms crossed, analyzing the situation carefully.
"So, what you are saying is, Maizie using it for too long... May cause her to overblot or something similar?" He nods. "Truly a pity, her voice is definitely a treasure."
Azul chuckled. "Indeed."
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The arrival didn't caused the students any alarm. Whatsoever, the recognition the princess held made anyone who saw her in the hallways grant her with loads of happy birthday wishes. Maizie, whatsoever, would only be satisfied once she got to see Azul.
"Hey, princess." Jeanne says emerging from shadows. On her side, the white haired boy, housewarden of Scarabia. "Lil' gift for ya," She hands the necklace to Maizie. "Happy birthday." The pirate winks with a smirk on her face.
"Maizieee! Happy birthday!" Kalim hugs Maizie warmly, which she replicated the act in seconds. Once they broke the hug, Maizie put the necklace on. "I will get your gift after the-" Jeanne covers his mouth.
"We better get going. If you wonder, Azul is on his dorm."
Maizie smiles brightly. "Thank you, you both. Jeanne and Kalim, you guys are the sweetest."
Jeanne genuine smiles towards the gal. "Don't mention."
In a rush, Maizie sprinted towards the dorms, occasionally getting lost along the way. Luckily, with the help of a fellow student and a talking weasel, she managed to find her destination. As she arrived at Octavinelle, she noticed an unusual quietness enveloping the area. The lights on the first floor were all off, and the atmosphere was eerily quiet compared to its usual lively ambiance.
"He... Not possible." She whispers opening the door. "Hello?" She comes inside, looking around the darkness. Oh, he actually did... The door closes, and she hears a union.
"Happy Birthday, Maizie!"
She covers her mouth with a gasp, delighted by the surprise. The smile on her face each time grew bigger. Kalim and Jeanne found the place sooner than her, that's how they were already there. Not to mention, Jade, Floyd and Grace helding a cake.
"You all..." The soothing voice of Maizie broke, nearly on the brink of tears. She loved surprises, so how could she not be happy? "Thank you so much!"
"Aww, Samuel didn't came..." Pouted Floyd on the crowd.
"Floyd-" Sighed Grace.
Azul took the lead, gently grasping Maizie's hands. "Did you like it?" he asked softly.
"Like it? I love it! But how could you know if I would come?" Maizie inquired.
"He didn't!"
Jeanne interjected with a shout, Maizie's expression shifted from excitement to confusion as she processed the revelation.
"Oh…" She turns to Azul "Worth the risk?"
"For you? Always." he replied with a reassuring smile, kissing her forehead. He clears his throat in embarrassing. "Moving on-"
"Hey! Maizie!" Floyds throws a white jacket into her.
The girls takes the jacket off her face with a confused glance. She looks to others hoping for an explanation.
"And this is for...?" With a confused chuckle, she asks.
"Is boss' jacket! Since you are not from here, but you are having a birthday party here, use it."
"Floyd, she is not- Wait, how did you even get it?!" Azul tries to argue, but there Maizie was, his jacket on her. He sighs in defeat. "Amazing, my pearl."
Maizie's confusion softened into a gentle smile as she absorbed the moment turning to the rest of the group.
"So, who is up for cake?" The birthday girl asks.
After all, what the birthday girl wants the birthday girl gets.
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(Cordelia is owned by @justm3di0cr3, Jeanne is owned by @midnightmah07)
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midnightmah07 · 10 months
are you trying to convince me rewatch and reread Harry Potter? Bc I might.
Also fun time, my ocs houses:
Monique: Ravenclaw, shocking right? Well, bc of homeschooling she studied in double so when she grew up she could be in a good university. Also, her creativity count as a factor for it.
Grace: Gryffindor, I would say she is Slytherin, but girly is courageous enough to confront THE Floyd Leech, the scariest student. Plus, Slytherin x Gryffindor? Enemies to loves shit? Just like Floyce is.
Adeline: Ravenclaw or Slytherin, she is quite ambitious yet the second best of her class. So it’s between one of those (plus she is literally if draco and luna had a daughter)
Maizie: Gryffindor, although yes she could be a Hufflepuff because of her kindness. She is just like Ariel, curious and adventurous. So it makes more sense to put her in Gryffindor than Hufflepuff at the end of the die tbh
btw, I don’t recall asking ur ocs house- I just know Daisy’s—
Oh my Gosh yes?? I love these sm it fits your characters' personalities so well💙
Like u said I already said that Daisy's house is Hufflepuff, though the sorting hat was a bit torn because she's really studious, but ultimately her Hufflepuff traits won
Perse is def a Ravenclaw, tho she wants to be a model/actress bc she's inspired by Vil, Perse still holds knowledge, wit and creativity at a high degree, she's often regarded as the smartest person in her class together with Idia and Leona — when he feels like trying bc we all know that boo is extremely intelligent
Just like with Harry I feel like the sorting hat was torn between Gryffindor and Slytherin for Jeanne bc she has traits of both houses, but I think ultimately she stays in Gryffindor. She's very daring and brave to I believe that fits her quite well
Isabelle is such a tough one bc as you know Rosantée is a dorm representing the bravery and intelligence of Belle, but I THINK my girl would be sorted into Ravenclaw. She's kinda already similar to Luna Lovegood, and I thought the whole situation of people stealing Luna's shoes would also happen with Isabelle--
Adding here what I think some canon characters's houses would be (tho they're up for debate ofc!): Kalim is UNDOUBTEDLY a Hufflepuff, actually screw it I said it's up for debate but Kalim's is NOT. I'm a certified Hufflepuff I know one when I see one /j; Ruggie and Leona would be placed in Slytherin without a shadow of a doubt and Idia is immediately in Ravenclaw as well, no questions there! Jamil would be in Slytherin especially bc he actually has a whole snake theme going on haha
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hazbinextgeneration · 2 years
Hazbin Worlds Collide Ch33
(Mako/Velvet/Francis - Palettepainter)
The tention was so think you'd have to cut a chainsaw to get through it all. But what seemed suprising was that Queeny didn't react at first to Maizy's call or when she shook her shoulder lightly. Maizy rose a brow before looking over her shoulder at their brother, she hasn't seen this since-..Cheshire cleared his throat before subconciously rubbing his arm. But they didn't have to wait long. It started with a small chuckle, before a few more low chuckles waved their way out of her. Her eyes shifted up and over to her sister with a grin.
"Interesting." She looked up. "You're friend is very interesting....but if she wouldn't have been so rude to interrupt I would've told her my true intentions."
"And-..that would be what?"Mako tilted his head to meet the crazy loon eye to eye, but she still smiled.
"I had absolutely full intention of sending you all back to your own home. I just love seeing those expressions of yours.~”
Mako cursed something under his breath and the tention seemed to lighten up somewhat. The faces of the surrounding demons turned from shocked n terrified or annoyed or slightly releived. Maizy rolled her eyes, but really what was she to expect less from her. "Why didn't you just say it then? Would've saved us that little fiasco." Queeny just shrugged as an answer. Well what would she have expected? n of it was quite ingenius..But the power source was quite the hassle." She leaned over to put her head in her hands. "A miniture nuclear r "That's great and all, but..Exactly how do you plan on sending them all back?"
Queeny turned her attention to the blue wolf who honestly looked as done as everyone else with the situation, and giggled. "With your machine of course, the overall desigeactor n of it was quite ingenius..But the power source was quite the hassle." She leaned over to put her head in her hands. "A minature nuclear reactor isn't the most ideal to power an interstellar portal device. Maybe use contained black matter next time, hmm?"
"...You used a nuke to power that thing?!" A flurry questionable looks turned to the wolf who hunkered down under all the stares, "Are you f*cking kidding me?! We could've been killed any moment!"
"Mako please-"
"Im perfectly capable of powering that thing myself," Queeny rolled her eyes at the situation. Honestly did dogs always go for fight instinct first? Her tongue clicked in thought as she entertained the thought for a moment. "I cannot send you one by one. That would be too tiring to my being, but with the whatyoumucallit thingy It'd be easy to transport you all back."
What followed was even more releived faces and smiles much to everyone's delight, though that did beg another question- Maizy put her hand back on Queeny's shoulder as the loon turned to give her a 'Yes?' look with a raised brow. With the most serious tone she could muster, she asked the question that must've been on everyone's minds by now. "How long until they get on their way?"
Queeny was all too happy to reply with, "In just a few short hours. I have to let myself rest after cleaning up the boys bumbling job." The two boys gave her annoyed looks but didn't dare argue with the look Maizy through them.
"That's absolutely wonderful!"
"OOOOOOHH!!!" Beauty gasped suddenly slapping her cheeks against her face. Her eye sparkled with a newfound glee. "I can throw you guys a quick far well party! It's going to be so much FUN!! I can make a giant cake, and get everyone together, and....But first I think we better clean up the kitchen before someone sees. "
The cyclops began to babble on about parties and cleaning but right now she thought she should take care of something, so calmly removing Maizy's hand from her shoulder before standing up and stretching out her slim body. Turning, she walked her way over to the doorway that lead into the kitchen. Some chatter came from within the small cooking area, when she appeared in the doorway the first thing she saw was the infamous little doe girl chatting up that interesting little fawn boy and the reverse world's Hannibal. In fact he was the first to notice her, oh the fear on his face was a bit funny. He dove right behind the girl who looked ready to throw down when she saw the other deer standing in the doorway. But Hannibal was delighted to see her. The small boi ran up to her with open arms, instantly the two molded into what was a hug. She stood there a moment just embracing him, eyes glancing at the others for a silent moment.
"....Have you packed yet?"
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flabmum-blog · 7 years
Dare I say it? “New Year, New Me”
This is a phrase my fiancé despises every year (I think years in the fitness industry had that effect), yet that phrase keeps playing over in my head as if it is the motivation I need to get myself back! But then the realist part of me says "you've failed before, why does it being the 1st January make any difference?". Well, because it has to this year.
2017 was possibly one of the most testing and stressful years for me and my little family unit. I was juggling so many things and the one thing I had never thought would happen, did! So here's a little background in how my life got flipped, well and truly, on it's head.
In June 2016 I became a Mum to a beautiful little girl, whom I adore, want the best for and love to spend time with, but wow is it hard work. At the same time I was a final year chiropractic student completing an internship masters degree in Bournemouth. Trying to balance my time between two of the most challenging tasks I've had to face in my straight forward 26 years was stressful to say the least. Now to some people they would thrive on that, but being a perfectionist, I lose faith if I can't get everything 'just right'.
Now before everything went tits up, we had a calm before the storm, in fact it was paradise. I'd found the perfect job in the ideal location to raise our family. So, as we packed up and moved to North Devon, to our ideal new house, things were looking almost perfect. I say almost perfect as I had the lingering doubt of "what if I haven't passed". Close friends and family kept saying "you'll be fine" as they know I always worry and hadn't failed one exam to date.
Judgment day loomed and I was getting more and more tense, tainted with doubt. Then at about 10am on results day I get messages from friends saying "results are out, I passed", so I check mine to see "resit" for the one exam I had the doubt about. My instinct was correct, but I also felt proud as I had taken two years worth of exams in one single hit. I thought well, I have the resit, I could never fail again. How wrong was I!
I was a complete mess, a cocktail of emotions and questions. I was embarrassed, a failure, a let down, distraught, how could I let this happen? Why has this happened? How are we going to survive now? Everything rode on me passing and working to get our family a good income, now we have nothing. This is when things got complicated. We'd committed ourselves to a house in North Devon, Steve (my fiancé) had given up his job to move, but I was now needed in Bournemouth to do another year and retake the exam in June 2018. My family unit was going to be tore apart.
So, as it stands now I am staying at my Mum's, with Maizie, whilst I attend university and continue to treat patients at the intern clinic. Steve is in North Devon, working full time to help us financially as much as he can. But it is tough not seeing him and seeing how much it upsets us to say goodbye each time; it's a constant reminder that it's all my fault!
That is why this year has to be different, I have to be different. I need to get back on track with how I was before having Maizie. Obviously I will never be the person I was before becoming a Mum, and I wouldn't change that for the world, but it has had a huge impact on my confidence. Yes it is vain, but the loss of my confidence is mainly due to being a couple of stone heavier. I can't see the phrase some Mum's use along the lines of "my body may be bigger and scarred but it is beautiful because of carrying a baby"; it may work for some people's confidence and that is amazing, but for me it is just a cop out.
So, this is my journey, my "New Year, New Me" beginning. I will be writing blogs as a focus to track progress, I hope readers will find them interesting and gain something from them. Whether it be a mutual understanding, humour, or even controversy as everyone has different views and that is fine. I will cover a range of topics including exercise, food, toddler life, being a Mum, relationships, student life etc. Thank you for reading my first ever blog and please keep an eye out for more if you're interested in my journey!
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hazbinextgeneration · 2 years
Hazbin Worlds Collide Ch30
(Mako/Velvet/Tristan and part by Palettepainter101 Maizy/Wild-Card/Angel-Cake/Gemstone/Hannibal/Queeny -me)
It was in that second Mako wished a black hole would swallow him.
The putrid smell hit him harder then a fucking truck! His nose and snout wrinkled in disgust at the vile new smell, brows furrowing in displeasure. God it smelt awful! Dare he say more bad then the last time Basil tried ‘cooking’ - if Mako could even call it that. What Basil has done was make some indescribable black burnt mess that tasted as if it was made of dirt and week old chicken!
In fact, at this new scent, Mako suddenly realised just how much he loved Coal’s cooking, and how much he missed it. Mako had never really given much gratitude for Coal’s cooking, often just giving a ‘thanks’ or ‘nice meal’. Mako wasn’t much of a picky eater, but he often found Coal’s hobby of baking sugary treats a bit silly (especially since he was working in the mafia with them for fuck sake)
But sweet Satan himself what Mako wouldn’t give to have one of his bloody honey glaze cinnamon rolls!
The large pot of doom was plonked down on the middle of the table with a heavy sigh form the little chef, before he shyly peered back to the others. Tristan, trying his best not to inhale through his nose, gestured stiffly to said pot “Everyone! Hannibal has made us a..” he regarded the pot “..Meal..”
Silence fell through the room, and everyone began to exchange discreet side ways glances, although no one needed to speak a work it was clear that their stomaches, where about it be thrown into a very awkward and bad situation.
“O-Oh!” Brinda, attempting to break the silence, let out a merry chuckle “I-Isn’t that just sweet! Eheh, right Velvet?” The orange cat gave her petrified looking friend a hearty nudge on her arm with her elbow. Velvet did nothing but let out a very light ‘uuh’ under her breath.
Brinda‘s large grin twitched, and she kicked Velvet under the table “RIGHT?” Velvet bit her lip, arms reaching to hold her shin, before she pulled a nervous grin and tried her best to look excited “Uh, Of course! Just wonderful!” Everyone in the room began to agree, nodding their heads in faked enthusiasm - perhaps a little too much enthusiasm
Thank whatever kind of guardian angels where watching over them (if demons even had guardian angels) but Hannibal seemed blissfully unaware, and beamed a bright grin - not the largest grin, but it was now more noticeable. “That’s great!” Before anyone could even begin to prepare themselves for this torture they’d have to endure, Hannibal has speedily placed a heaping portion of food in front of each of them “I-It’s Uh, a new recipe Ive been practising!” He beamed another bright smile, before sitting himself down at the table.
Everyone looked down at their food in pure fear, like at any given moment it would burst to life and eat their faces off! They felt kinda stupid, it was just food!..Very, VERY bad smelling food, but still!
And Mako, in his infinite wisdom, knew exactly what to do: “..I’m not eating this gar-“
Everything on the table jumped, as Velvet swiftly kicked her foot hard onto Mako’s leg, Mako was able to hold back the majority of his yelp. Biting his lip his hackles raised, and he leaned forward, resting his head on the table, before he began to bash his forehead into it. Everyone at the table blinked and looked around uneasily, all of course, except for Velvet and the young prince Wild-Card.
Velvet, had her sharp toothed Cheshire grin plastered across her face, sweating nervously and seeming to not notice Mako’s head bashing in the slightest - clearly she was guilty for the kick. And the young prince, well...he was trying his best to hold back his not so quite snickering, which was quickly silenced from a quick scowl from his lover.
“What Mako was GOING to say was that he would just LOVE-“ Velvet used her magic to push Mako’s bowl of food closer to him “To have first try of your delightful food!” She shot Mako her most smuggest grin, evil glint in her eye “Right?” Mako’s eye twitched, his face flushed red from anger as he let out a small growl, glaring daggers at the deer across from him.
“Really!!” Hannibal questioned excitedly, practically standing up in his seat as he looked to Mako with child like glee. Mako felt a pit in his stomach, that sneaky little tyrant spawn! She KNEW she had put him in a difficult spot! That sly little!- Mako wanted to say no, god he wanted too! Either he eats the food and suffers possibly never tasting food again, or having to suffer the wrath of everyone in the room for upsetting a stupid kid..the decision was harder then he thought.
...Grumbling Mako grabbed his bowl and yanked it towards him, all the while making dead eye contact with the deer across from him who was still smiling away. He’d show her! He’d proove to her he wasn’t some coward! Then SHE’D have to suffer just like him! Picking up his utensil Mako picked up some food..was it too late to back out?
Mako peered to his left, still seeing that Hannibal was looking at him, he could practically feel the excitement radiating off him...Mako looked back to the food and gave an uncomfortable grumble, he was missing Coal’s cooking more and more now
He suddenly lowered his untensil and quickly went to stand, sweat gathering at his brow “I need the bathroom-HRCK?!” A red magical hold surrounded the end of the fork, and before Mako could blink the fork and the horribly vile substance it held on the end was shoved into his mouth, throwing him off guard.
Mako felt like he was going to self implode, as the colour drained from his face
Everyone. Fell. Silent
“Here, PAL, let me help you with that.” Everyone of course, except Wild-Card.
Maizy face palmed and then sighed through her nose, before giving Wild-Card her most blankest, irritated, and most unamused face she could muster. Mako’s eyes where as wide as plates..and there was maybe a small tear forming in his eye, he felt like throwing up, god what in the ever loving fuck did this kid put in this food?!
“Uh...” Angel cake clapped a set of hands together, while the other pair gently patted Mako’s back, as if to say ‘your sacrifice shall always be remembered’ and ‘I’m so sorry for you’ “He loves it!” Angel-cake quickly blurred out, nudging Tristan besides her who quickly nodded along. Once again, their obvious lies were not seen by the young moth and even gave a small squeal of excitement “That’s great! I even made a dessert to go along with the meal!!” He looked around at everyone “Shall I go and-“
Everyone yelled in unison, making Hannibal flinch.
“..What we meant to say was-“ Maizy tapped her staff three times on the floor, and in a poof, she was standing next to Hannibal. Leaning down to his height she smiled and gestured to the door “Why don’t you go and fetch Queeny to try some food! She’s been at that machine for quite a while now has she not?” Hannibal soon left the room, and once he had gone, Mako ripped the spoon from his mouth and starting coughing and wheezing - which Wild-Card obviously found very amusing.
Mako tore his small whiskey bottle out of his coat and downed the drink in less then 2 minutes, he gasped greedily for air, before he made a mad dash to the kitchen. “Oh dear..” Angel-Cake stood, and peered inside the kitchen cautiously, where Mako was leaning over the sink and drinking the tap water like he was about to keel over and faint from dehydration at any moment.
“BWAHAHAHA! THAT WAS HILARIOUS! PURE GOLD!!” The prince bashed his paw against the table, cracking up with laughter, despite everyone’s blank faces and cocked brows. The only other that seemed amused by the situation was Velvet, Who was giggling away behind her hand. “You two shouldn’t have done that..” Brinda pointed out, arms crossed and ears folded back to show her disapproval.
“Oh come now dear! You must admit that Mako deserved that!”
Brinda cocked her brow
“...Oh come now! Don’t tell me a teenie weenie part of you didn’t find that funny!”
Brinda sighed, shaking her head.
“Easy there Mak!” Angel-Cake patted the wolf’s back as he continued to chug down the tap water, he gasped and heaved over the sink, giving a sickly groan “Uh..you Okay?” The spider asked sheepishly, while at the same time preparing herself if Mako was going to suddenly try and leap at Wild-Card.
Mako gagged “I think I’m gonna be sick..”
As Mako’s stomach continued to suffer, Wild-Card has finally began to calm down. Velvet clapped her hands together, smiling at the prince “Splendid job deary! Such expert accuracy and devilish ness!” She held a hand to her chest, smiling smugly “Id say it could even rival my own chaotic-ness~”
Wild-Card, snickering a bit, pretended to give a bow and tipped an imaginary hat “Why thank you my lady!~”
The two snickered, while Maizy and Brinda exchanges unamused looks. Maizy made an ‘ahem’ noise, before she spoke “That wasn’t very wise of you.” Wild-cats made a ‘psh!’ noise paired with an eye roll “Oh come awn babe!” He jabbed a claw in the direction of the kitchen, where Mako made a sickly groan noise “It’s not like that bozo had it comin’! Sides..I coulda done worse.”
Maizy continued to look unimpressed “What would Aunt Charlie say?” She questioned, titling her head
“Oh Maizy dear-“ Velvet leaned over the table a bit, crossing her arms and raising a brow “It’s all harmless fun and games! Its not like Wild-Card tried to murder him!..And let’s face it dear, Mako was going to blankly walk out if Wild-Card hadn’t intervened.” She gave Wild-Cars a playful nudge, earning a chuckle
“That doesn’t mean what you did was right.” Brinda added, a rare tone of authority had grown in her voice and her face held a nasty scowl, the likes of which only Husk could love. Velvet, realising Brinda nor Maizy where amused, backed down, giving off a small huff as she leaned back in her chair.
“...I’m not apologising.” Wild-Card stated
“Agreed.” Velvet replied
Maizy face palmed and groaned “Remind me again how old you two are? Because you’re acting like k-“
Cream splattered everywhere, as a three layer dessert went flying across the room and landed dead in Wild-Card’s face. The prince blinked, face caked in frosting as heavy lumps dropped onto the table and floor. Maizy blinked, as did Brinda, clearly just as shocked
“HA! Take that that princey!” Mako said as he flipped him off with a middle fringed, still looking like he was about to faint at any moment. Wild-Card gave off a low growl, and before Maizy could intervene, Wild-Card grabbed his bowl of food and flung it at him. But Mako was faster, and he ducked before it could hit him
Sadly, that wasn’t the same for Angel-Cake. The horrid stew splattered all over her face and top of her dress, she peered down at her dress as thick blotchy mascara began to run down her cheeks...Her fists slowly clenched as she snapped her gaze to Wild-Card, her mothers famous glare adorning her face.
The prince gulped “...Oops.”
Angel cake growled, and without looking, grabbed the nearest plate of food from the counter and threw it at Wild-Card.
Only for it too land on Gemstone
“HEY!” She growled, whipping off the sticky food from her face and letting it fall to the floor with a heavy squelch sound “Uh, baby! Maybe you shouldn’t-“ too late, Gemstone hurled her drink at Angel-Cake, but with the food on her face her vision was affected, and it ended up colliding with Velvet.
“Ow!” Velvet rubbed her head where the glass had hit her, and gasped at the sight of the drink dripping and soaking her favourite suit. Her eye twitched, Static quickly growing round her, as the nearby ham radio began to randomly play.
In little time at all, a huge food fight had began, food flying from all directions as it decorated the floor and everyone in the room. All that is, except for Brinda and Maizy and Tristan, who where taking cover under the table. Tristan flicked some stew off his shoulder “Well..THIS isn’t how I expected this to go!” He said while gesturing to the chaos.
Maizy sighed “Agreed.”
“Well..” Brinda peered to Maizy “Can’t you do something? You’re the one with magic here!” Maizy hummed, tapping her chin “..Yes” she answered, before adding “But I need to concentrate! I can’t cast magic with all this ruckus! I’m not as powerful as my daddy just yet! I need to be able to focus-“
With a final clang of a plate dropping to the floor, the whole room fell silent once more. Brinda, Tristan and Maizy, all slowly emerged from under the table once they thought it was safe, and immediately, their eyes fell to the door, where everyone was looking...and they quickly understand why.
There, in the doorway, was Queeny. Face covered in a serving of Hannibal’s stew. She opened her eyes and blinked, and then observed the scene before her: with everyone looking dead at her with wide eyes, everyone either had their arm outstretched for throwing something, or had one arm over their shoulder as they prepared the throw something.
She hummed
“...Not quite what I expected to see.”
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