fortunate pt 8
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Mental health day
You spent the rest of the  night searching your heart and crying. By the morning you felt much better and you felt positive about the rest of your day but you weren't sure that it should involve seeing Bucky yet. Since you had been a model employee, Joe didn't give you any shit about calling in. He also wasn't a man of many questions, so you didn't have to say much passed “I wont be in.”
You stretched and put on your gym clothes before making your way outside for an early morning run. You really needed to release some pent up stress and you hoped your sneakers hitting the sidewalk would help. You put your headphones in and started your workout playlist. You had to decide which direction you were going to head, left towards the shop and run the risk of being spotted by Peter or right towards Bucky's apartment? You glanced at the time on your phone. It was late enough for Bucky to be at the shop but early enough for him to not realize you weren't coming in. You took off in the direction of his apartment, not sparing a glance as you passed by. You ran until your heart was pounding and your breaths came in short bursts.
You doubled over to catch your breath and to ease the ache in your side. Your ears filled with the sound of your notification tone through your head phones.
Hey. You feeling alright?
There it was. You glanced at the time again, almost 10. Wow.
I'm fine, Bucky. Needed to take a day for me. See you tomorrow.
You went back to running, pushing yourself harder than before. You didn't slow your steps until you reached the park by Sam's work.
Hey Sammy. Want to grab lunch?
Yeah girly. I'm patient free for the next hour.
Ok. Meet me out front?
“Hey sugar, I'd hug you but you are all sweaty and I can't go back covered in sweat.”
“Oh come on, Sammy. I'm not that bad.” You joked leaning in to kiss his cheek.
You walked to the bagel shop around the corner from his office.
“So how's the head shrinking business going today?” You asked picking at your sandwich.
“Pretty good. Nothing too out of hand today.” He eyed you carefully. “How are you doing? Shouldn't you be at work.”
“Mental health day.”
“And they didn't just shut down the garage? Did Joe finally hire a couple extra guys that I haven't heard about?”
“Nah. Bucket can handle a day by himself, he used to do it all the time.”
“I figured he'd be taking the day off with you.” He prodded.
“I know what you're doing, Sam. Nothing happened the other night.”
“Uh huh. Is that 'Nothing' the reason your avoiding work and Bucky? You know that isn't healthy. You guys should talk about whatever happened.”
“That's just it. Nothing happened.”
“Excuse me?”
“I said 'bullshit'. This is my job. I can tell you're hiding something.” He pressed. “It's fine if you don't want to talk to me about it. But you should talk to the other party.”
“Oh knock it off with  the head trip Mr. IdontTreatMyFriends.”
“Fine then. Clint's been asking about you again.”
You blew a stale breath from your lungs before you commented. “Yeah? What's he want?” You asked even though you were certain that you already knew the answer.
“He wants to know when I'm gonna set you two up.”
“See if he's free tonight. I could go for Sal's pizza. 6pm.”
“I'll tell him to-Wait. What?”
“Oh and give him my number? Please?”
“Where's this coming from? I thought you didn't want to date right now?”
You shrugged lightly. “Figured it was time for a change.”
“You sure?” He asked, raising his eyebrow.
You nodded as he typed out a message to Clint.
“Okay little lady. All set. I even passed your number on for good measure.”
“Thanks Sammy.” You said, taking the last bite of your food. “So, I'm sure you've got to head back now, right?”
“Yep. Duty calls.” Sam replied looking at his phone. “Let me know how it goes tonight, yeah?”
“Of course. Thank you.” You two parted ways and you made your way back to your apartment to grab your laundry and make a shopping list for the week.
You finished running your errands for the week with about 90 minutes before you were supposed to meet Clint for your date. While you took your time to get ready, your mind started spiraling out of control and you realized how very little you knew about the man you were going to meet. He could be a serial killer, after his latest victim. You shook that thought out of your head quickly. Sam wouldn't set you up with someone dangerous. What if he had like a secret family. Or worse maybe he kept a lock of hair from each of his dates. You could never be too sure about people these days. You realized how silly you were being but still made the mental note to share your location in your group chat  just to be safe.
You made it to Sal's at 5:55 and went ahead and grabbed a table for the two of you. The waiter stopped by twice before Clint made his way in to the restaurant at a casually late 6:10.
“Hey, Sorry I'm late had to sneak past the old lady if you know what I mean.”
Your jaw dropped.
“Just kidding, well not entirely. Ms. Jenkins was getting her mail and if she would have spotted me on my way out I might not have made it here until closing.”
You let out a tense laugh, “If only you knew that I was worried about a secret family.” You shook your head.
“Well, I figure that is a pretty big worry for girls now. I'm just glad I didn't go with the 'had to hide a shovel in the basement' version.”
You genuinely laughed at this comment and Clint shot you a crooked grin. “So, pizza?” he asked after a beat.
“Yeah. This place is amazing and probably one of my favorite restaurants to eat at.”
“A girl after my heart.” He said grabbing his chest and leaning back in his chair.
You both ordered and set to the usual small talk.
“So, Clint, Where do you work?”
“I teach archery and occasionally get my ass kicked in a boxing ring.” That explained the bandage across the bridge of his nose, you thought to yourself. “Cool. How did you meet Sam?”
“Old family friend. We lived next door to each other for years when we were kids. Got disconnected when he went to college. Ran back into him here at the gym a few months ago.”
“Oh so you know all of the embarrassing stories that Sam has kept hidden from us?” You ask with a mischievous grin.
“Oh no. not going there yet. Got to save something for our next date.”
“Our next date?” You ask. “ Someone seems confident.”
“That wasn't a 'no'” He said with a smug smile.
“You're right. It wasn't but that means you don't have to hold out on the stories, Mr. Barton.” You folded your hands on the table in front of you.
“Wellllll.... Nah. Sam would kill me and I'm not quite ready to call it quits.”
“Fine.” You relented with a smile.
A couple hours later you were walking home with Clint's hand gripped lightly in yours. By the end of dinner you were definitely feeling something like a spark and Clint wasn't quite ready to end the date so he suggested getting coffee and after that he offered to walk you home and you couldn't find yourself saying no.
When you got to the door of your apartment building you turned to Clint, who had gone pretty quiet since you turned down your street.
“I had a nice time.” You said meeting his eyes briefly.
“Me too. We should do this again. Soon.” He leaned in and kissed you lightly on the cheek. “Have good night.”
You felt your face heat up. The kiss was sweet and innocent, and you tried to keep it from reminding you of the last kiss you had been a part of. “You too.” You replied with a goofy smile plastered across your face. You opened the door and looked back at Clint, who hadn't left the sidewalk in front of the building yet. “I'm not trying to be creepy, I swear, just wanna make sure you get in safe.” Your heart warmed as he spoke.
“Thank you, night.”
He nodded at you before turning to walk down the sidewalk to catch a cab.
You tossed your keys into the bowl on the table next to your door and slipped your shoes off. Clint was sweet and funny and pretty cute. You curled up on your sofa with a beer and turned on the TV for background noise. You had started to doze off when your phone vibrated in your hand.
CLINT: Hey made it back to my place. Just wanted to say thank you for going out with me again. I had an amazing time. Can't wait to get to know you more.
You smiled at your phone, but before you had a chance to respond it vibrated again,
BUCKY: Where are you? I tried stopping by after work but you were gone?!?
You sighed quietly, brought back to this post date reality where you had to figure out how to deal with Bucky.
You typed out a message to Clint first, letting him know that you had a lovely time as well. And then you set off to let Bucky know that you were okay.
Chill out Buck. Just got home.  Everything is fine.
You threw your phone  on the table and laid your head down on the arm of the sofa. It wasn't long before you had fallen in to a deep, peaceful sleep.
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Fortunate pt 9
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Over reaction of the century
At 5:40 Bucky finally packed it in, the day had gone slower than he would have liked without you there and the thought unsettled him a little. Sure the work took longer without your help but it felt like he was at work for days rather than hours without your laugh filling the silence. He tried talking to Peter to pass the time but eventually Peter got tired of sitting in the shop with him so he had to settle with the radio which reminded him that you weren't there more than anything else. He was so used to hearing your voice hum or sing along with the music that the whole garage felt different. You had missed days before but this definitely felt different, especially after everything that had happened over the last few days.
He rode his bike past your apartment before slowing down and parking a few spaces away. He glanced at his phone. 5:50 he had to hurry to make sure he had time to get dressed for his date with Anna Marie but he wanted to make sure that you were okay.
He took the stairs two at a time until he was on your floor. It didn't take him long to figure out that you were gone. He checked the time again. Damn. He was going to be cutting it close. He hopped on his bike and mad his way to get changed.
He showed up to Anna Marie's apartment at 6:30 exactly. He didn't even have a chance to make it to the door before Anna was skipping through it. She was wearing a dress and Bucky's face fell as she took in his mode of transportation.
“Oh. I um.. I'll go change” She said picking at the hem of her dress.
“No... I'll catch us a cab.” Bucky didn't want to start the date off on the wrong foot.
“So James,  What do you do or work?” Anna asked as the cab made its way through the busy street. Bucky tried to keep the annoyed expression off his face as he thought about his bike parked against the curb and how it would have been much faster.
“I work at my uncle's garage with my best friend.”
“That's nice. Do you like it?”
“Yeah, I mean its what I love to do. The hours are great and I work with the best people in the world. I really can't complain. What about you? Is the diner working for you?”
“I mean, it pays the bills, Ms. Danvers is a lovely woman to work for but I think I'd like to be an actress.”
Bucky nodded as Anna Marie spoke but didn't comment.
“You're a real conversationalist, aren't you? Something wrong?” She asked.
“Not really. Just worried about that friend of mine. Didn't show up to work today.”
“Is that not normal, everyone needs a sick day now and then. Have you tried texting him?”
She hasn't taken a sick day in months and she was perfectly fine yesterday. I did text her but it's still not like her.”
“Is this the friend that texted you the other day?”
“One in the same. Been friends with her and Stevie since we were teenagers.”
“Oh.” Anna bites her lip and readjusted herself to look at Bucky better. “So you guys hang out a lot?”
“Almost every day. Well, not so much with Steve now that hes engaged but we used to do movie nights once a month.”
“So you guys don't now?”
“No, It's just gone from the three musketeers to the two of us. Drink a little. Watch a movie. Eat junk food.”
Anna looked at Bucky with a frown. She tapped on the back of the driver's seat.
“You can stop here.” She handed the driver money and returned her attention back to Bucky who looked at her with confusion.
“I'm sorry James, Walk me home?”
Bucky was at a loss for words so he simply nodded and crawled out of the cab.
“W-What's going on? Did I do something to offend you?” Bucky stammered as he moved to catch up.
“No, honey, no. Not at all. You were a perfect gentleman. It just... This friend of yours, you're in love with her. And I just don't think my hearts in the right place to share.”
Bucky open and closed his mouth like a fish before finally finding the right words for the situation. “I do love her. Very much. She's been my rock for years but she doesn't feel the same way about me no matter what Steve says.” He stuffed his hands in his pocket and stared at his boots. “So I thought maybe give someone a real shot.”
“Sweetheart, now I know I don't have all sides of the story but it sounds like she cares about you a great deal. You'll never  know until you take a chance. Plus I'm not looking to be a rebound, real relationship or not.”
Bucky felt guilt bubble up in his chest as the reached her apartment. Maybe Steve was right, maybe he should sort his shit. He looked up and met Anna's eyes.
“Look James, It's not me it's you,” she let out a hearty laugh, “But we can still be friends. And if the way you wolfed down your milkshake the other day, I'm sure I'll be seeing you around.”
Bucky stayed oddly quiet and she leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. “Good night.” And with that she disappeared into her apartment.
Bucky shook his head and hopped on his bike. He decided to drive around for a while to clear his head. He had a real mess on his hands and he needed time. Time to adjust to what everyone had been telling him. Maybe you did feel the same way. He could imagine how hurt you must have been with him when he came to your apartment with news about his date less than 24 hours after the kiss. Thinking back on it now he could see it all very clearly. You were all dolled up and wanting to talk to him about something important and then he came in babbling about a new woman. He could see your barely concealed hurt and he could kick himself. They always said hind sight was 20/20 but this was ridiculous. He had hurt his best friend and fuck that explains why you weren't at work. His heart felt heavy in his chest.
He had to find a way to make this right. He spotted a park and quickly pulled over and shut off his bike. He found an empty swing and planted himself in it. Swinging back and forth helped him settle his anxiety riddled body. His mind drifted back to the end his senior year. You had tried going out with some guy from your English class who managed to stand you up, he left you waiting at the movies for almost 30 minutes before you decided to call Bucky to pick you up. You both ended up at the park near your house, you didn't want your parents to know that this guy didn't show up after they dropped you off. You had been crying so hard that your make up had smeared down your face and all he could think was that you were too beautiful, even with thick black marks trailing down your cheeks, to be stood up. He felt rage bubble up in his chest. How could someone hurt you like this? Didn't he realize how special you were? That your heart was full of love and kindness for almost everyone?
It was probably that night that Bucky realized he loved you and here he was, on his own ruined date, wishing for nothing more than to have you close. Bucky sat on that swing until a police officer walked by with his flashlight.
“Excuse me, Sir. Park's closed for the night. You need to head out.”
Bucky nodded and stood up from the swing. “Sorry officer.”
Bucky was on his way home when he decided to check on you again. When he got to your apartment building he could see that all of the lights were still out, so either you weren't home yet (which worried him) or you were already asleep. He continued on to his apartment setting a mental reminder to text you when he made it home.
He walked in to his apartment and toed off his boots at the door. He walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bear, throwing his keys and wallet on the counter. He sipped on the bottle all the way to his bedroom where he pulled off his shirt and jeans and replaced them with a pair of gray sweats. He pulled his phone out of his jeans and thew them on the chair in the corner.
He quickly typed out a text that conveyed his concern easily.
You replied almost immediately and your reply left him a little puzzled. Just got home? You weren't usually one to stay out past 7 on a work night. He tried to remain cool, even though he was suddenly very nervous.
Girls night out? He texted you.
3 minutes, no response. Maybe you were busy.
10 minutes, no response. Probably in the shower. No reason to worry.
45 minutes, no response. Bucky was throwing on a shirt.
50 minutes, no response. He was flying down the road in the direction of your apartment.
70 minutes, no response. Bucky was knocking on your door. The worry faded from his chest as he heard the TV through the door. You opened the door and he was met with a well dressed, messy haired angel. The relief that washed over him was intoxicating.
“What the hell, Bucky?” You said rubbing your eye and smudging your make up. “Its 10:45 what are you doing here?”
“You didn't answer my text.” He said with a shrug.
“You have got to be kidding me. I fell asleep. I've had a long day.”
“Sorry. I was just worried about you. You know, you didn't come to work which was weird and then you barely talked to me today and then you weren't here when I tried to check on you.” Bucky's words flew out of his mouth at break neck speed.
“Sorry Buck. I didn't mean to worry you. I just... I  needed some me time today and then I had a date this evening.”
Bucky's jaw popped open for a quick second before he snapped it shut. He was too late.
“Sorry I woke you up. See you at work tomorrow?” He asked as he tried to keep a smile on his face'
“Yeah. For sure.” You said with a large yawn.
Bucky tuned to leave. “Buck.” Your sleepy voice came from the still open door.
He turned his head too look back at you. “Yeah.”
“We're okay, right?”
“Yeah, Sweetheart.”
He watched as you stepped through the doorway and wrapped your arms around him. Bucky returned the hug, inhaling deeply as you squeezed his waist. “Good. Sorry you were worried.”
“S'alright doll.” He placed a kiss to the top of your head that you didn't seem to notice. “I didn't mean to wake you. Get some rest.” With that, Bucky left.
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crossed out tags didnt work
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fortunate part 7
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part 7: so very wrong  
“Anna Marie.” Bucky repeated with a smile. “How in the world did you end up all the way here?”
Bucky was now seated at a booth with his waitress from earlier, finishing off his milkshake.
“Born and raised in Mississippi and just got tired of it all. Moved out here with my friend, Raven. Everything was going great for a while and then I was on my own.” She said with a shrug.
Bucky's phone vibrated in his pocket and he read the message with a chuckle and sent back a quick reply.
“Was that your girlfriend, charmer?”
“No, just a friend that likes to send me stupid jokes.”
“Oh. Okay. But that doesn't explain why your face lit up like a Christmas tree but I'll play along.” She flashed him a sparkling grin.
“Look Anna, I would love to take you out sometime but I'm-”
“Gay.” She interjected with a sweet southern twang.
“Tired. I didn't get much sleep last night.”
“Oh. Oh I just thought maybe your friend... Never mind. Would you mind if I gave you my number?”
Bucky passed his phone across the table and Anna Marie added her information. She slid the phone back  and Bucky tapped a quick message to her.
Hey this is Bucky. Dinner tomorrow?
Anna Marie's phone buzzed in her apron and she pulled it out.
“So your not one of those 'three days' guys. I like it. Dinner sounds great.”
“Cool. I'm gonna go crash for a couple of hours. Talk to you later.”
“Count on it, James.” She winked at him as he stood and left the diner.
At the same time Bucky was finally asleep on his bed you were pacing the floor of your apartment trying to find the right words to say to him when he made his way over. You had showered and gotten dressed again to try to calm your nerves. You had done your hair and make up in an attempt to pull some confidence from the ritual but you still felt the nerves from your head to your toes. You thought about chickening out more than once but your traitor mind kept going back to Steve's words.
You ran through the possibilities in your head a few times but nothing prepared you for how your heart rate sped when you heard the door knob turn. You glanced at the clock and saw that you had been pacing for more than two hours. It was crazy how time passed when your mind was playing against you.
“Honey, I'm home.” Bucky called jokingly from the doorway. “Wow. You look... great.”
“Thanks Buccaneer.” You looked down at your hands, trying to decide how to start.
Bucky hopped over the back of your couch and waited for you to sit down. “Come on darlin' What's eating you?”
“Darlin'? Where in the fresh hell did you pick that up from?” You asked chuckling as you sat down next to him.
“I met this sweet little waitress at Harry's this afternoon. We're going out tomorrow.” Your heart dropped to your stomach as the words left his mouth and you felt the sting of rejection in your chest. Shit
“But what did you call me over for?” He asked, a care free smile plastered on his stupid, perfect face.
Abort mission. The alarms were clanging at full volume in your head. You wanted to cry and scream at the same time.
“I... I uh  was thinking about what you said the other night. Maybe it's time that I put myself out there, find someone I mean.”
“That's...” Bucky's smile faltered for a second before lighting up his face again. “a great idea. Maybe I can help you set up a dating profile or something.”
��I was actually thinking of going out with that friend Sam keeps trying to set me up with.”
“Clint? Really?”
“Yeah. He seems like a nice guy.”
“You've met him like once.”
“Twice and it's better than random dick pics and hate speech.”
“You're right. I'm taking Anna Marie to dinner tomorrow night, maybe Clint wouldn't mind doubling so I can keep an eye on you two.”
“Bucky. He's come to your poker nights for the last few months. If he was a creep, you'd already know. A first date isn't the best time to do the group thing.”
“You're right. Clint's not a bad guy,”
Your heart had never felt so heavy as it did in the moment Bucky offered to help. Honestly you weren't all that interested in just any relationship, it was the kiss with Bucky that had even made you consider it. So you weren't entirely sure why you had said anything about dating  after hearing about his new fling. Maybe you were hoping to make him jealous. Either way you had no real plans to go out with Clint or anyone really. You just had to buy yourself some time to swallow the lump in your throat.
“Well if that's it... Want to order some pizza or something?” Bucky asked.
“Um. Not tonight. I have dinner plans with Wanda.” You lied.
“Oh. Okay.” Bucky said, disappointment coloring his tone. “I guess I'll see you at work tomorrow.”
“Yeah. Sure.” You answered, not looking up from your hands as Bucky made his way through the door.
When he left you moved to lock the door. Pressing your back against the cool wood you slid to the floor. The stinging feeling in your eyes and the hard to swallow lump made it all too clear what was going to happen next. You pulled out your phone and sent a text to Steve. It was short but somehow held all of the sadness you felt in your body.
You were wrong.
You slid your phone across the floor, not waiting on his reply, and let the flood gates open.
You hadn't move much when the knock came at your door. You didn't move to unlock the door but some how it popped open a few seconds later. Natasha stepped around the door with a set of hair pins in her hand.
“That seemed a little dramatic, Nat.” Steve's voice called from the hall way.
“You're not seeing what I am.” She responded leaning down to stroke your hair. “She wasn't going to open the door. And I'm going to kill that friend of yours.”
“Oh sweetheart. What happened?” He asked leaning down next to Natasha.
“You were wrong Steve. So so so very wrong. There is no  way he felt the same way.”
“How do you know that? What did he say when you told him?”
“I didn't tell him.” You have a hard time choking out the words around your sobs. “He is going out with some girl tomorrow night.”
“I'm going to kick his ass,”
“Just leave it, Steve. I'll recover. It just hurts right now.” You tried to put on your best brave face and smile at your friends. Their concern was heart warming but they quickly saw passed the mask you had put on.
Natasha pulled you until you were huddled in to her lap. “We're going out.”
“I can't I've got work tomorrow and I need to wash my face and clear my head.”
“Fine. But Friday night. No excuses.” She drug he fingers lightly through your hair as you finally calmed.
“I think I need a little time alone.” You said quietly. As much as you appreciated them being there for you , You needed some time to work this out of your system.
“You sure?” Steve asked, worried as usual.
You nodded and stood up to lock the door again. You briefly wondered how long Natasha had been able to pick a lock but the distraction was fleeting and it wasn't long until your heart was aching again. You wished that you had never explored this idea. You could have saved yourself from feeling like this.
Down the street Steve was knocking on the door to Bucky's apartment. He had pacified Natasha enough for her to be willing to sit in the car while he confronted his best friend.
Bucky opened the door, a smile plastered on his face with his phone against his ear. He held a finger up to Steve's face, letting his friend know that he'd just be a moment.
“Yeah. I'll see you tomorrow night. 6:30? Sounds perfect. Bye, Doll.” Bucky  hung up and looked to Steve who was turning more red by the second.
“What the fuck, dude?”  Steve blurted out while trying to keep his tone reasonable.
“What do you mean?”
“You've been pinning after our best friend since you were a teenager and you throw away your shot?” He all but screamed at him. Bucky's face crumpled in confusion.
“What are you talking about?”
“Shut it, you idiot. She told me about the kiss.” Bucky's face went pale.
“Yeah. She took off. I'm not going to chase her away.” Bucky responded. “Plus she is thinking about going out with Clint so it must not have meant much to her anyways.”
Steve pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath to calm the anger in his chest. “You are both idiots you know that?”
Bucky was a little more than lost at what Steve was saying. “Wha-”
“No, I'm out. Let me know when you sort your shit Barnes.”
Steve let himself out of Bucky's apartment and down to his fiancee who was waiting impatiently in the car. “So what happened?” She asked him, smoothing a piece of his hair.
“They are most definitely the biggest idiots that I have ever met. Let's go. They are going to have to figure this out on their own.”
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fortunate pt 4
Fortunate Part 4: What’s a nice place like this doing in a girl like you
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You and your friend get your fortunes told. the fortune teller then tells you that you are destined to be lovers and will soon be brought together by the powers of fate. Of course, you don’t believe her. Fortune teller!AU
master list
90 minutes later you were showered and in your best dress with your make up and hair done to perfection, in your opinion at least.
You grabbed your keys and phone and stuffed it into the small purse you had decided to bring. You stepped out of the apartment building and into the rush of a Saturday night in your favorite city. Your hand shot out to signal one of the passing cabs that you wanted a lift.
You stepped out of the cab and on to the sidewalk. Your phone vibrated in your bag. You pulled it out and slid your finger to unlock it.
You smiled to yourself and made your way into the building.
The group of girls you were there to meet stood out immediately. Nat with her vibrant hair in loose curls with a dress that might have actually been painted on and Wanda looking like sin in a deep red corset dress. You looked down at your own dress and felt like an extra in a movie that your friends were starring in.  Nat looked up and smiled when she saw you in the entryway of the bar. She nodded her head in a way that let you know she wanted you to make your way to the corner of the bar they were leaning on.
“Hey!” Wanda damn near shouted in your ear as she pulled you in for a hug. It was obvious that she had already had a few drinks while waiting on you. You stepped away and leaned in to hug Natasha.
“Glad to see you made it out tonight, Doll” she teased.
You swatted at her arm and ordered your favorite drink from the bartender. He winked at you as he slid the drink your direction. You slid a ten across the smooth surface and turned back to your friends.
“So... How are things with Stevie?” You asked Nat.
She gave you a sly smile and shrugged before flashing her left hand in your face.
“OH MY GOD NAT! WHEN?!?” You screeched.
Her smile lit up her face. “Last night. So glad we put off girls night by the way.”
“How'd he do it?” You asked as you looked at the delicate ring on her finger. It was timeless and absolutely perfect for her.
“Well, we went back to Coney Island and we walked the midway. After a while we ended up on the wonder wheel. It was all so cheesy and wonderful.” You could hear the joy in her voice, it made your heart  swell.
“Why are you here with us then. Shouldn't you be home celebrating with your fiance?”
“Yeah we won't be mad if you ditch us for Steven. You guys should definitely be celebrating.” Wanda added.
Nat gave you both a knowing smile before she pulled out her sleek black cellphone and called her fiancee.
Bucky looked up from his hand when he heard Steve's phone go off. “Come on Punk. I thought it was boys night. Put the phone away.”
“It's Natalia. Might be important.” Steve replied before answering.
Bucky smirked while listening to his best friend's side of the phone call.
“Hey, what's up? Alright babe. No. I'll be right there. Love you too.” A blush  spread violently over Steve's cheeks as soon as he answered the phone.
Bucky couldn't help himself. “You are so whipped.”
“While that may be true... She said yes.” Steve replied with an eye crinkling grin.
“Holy shit man. When were you going to tell us?” Sam shouted clapping Steve on the shoulder.
“I was getting there.”
“I'm happy for you man.” Sam said before Bucky grabbed Steve around the shoulder.
“Good job, man.” He hugged him briefly. “Go get her.”
Steve grabbed his jacket and took off, taking the stairs three at a time.
“So... Steve's out. Clint just texted me. He's not gonna make it.” Bucky furrowed his brow. “I guess we'll have to try again in a few weeks.”
“You sure, man?”
“Yeah, I'll just call and check on the other girls in a bit and chill out for the rest of the night.”
Sam placed his hand on Bucky's forehead, “You feeling alright?”
Bucky smacked his hand away, “I'm fine. Now get out Samantha.”
A few hours later Bucky laid across the couch in his living room as some war documentary played in the background. He had already called and checked in with you and your friend Wanda and now he was just trying to find sleep. He tossed and turned in his bed for a while before he came back in to the living room to try something different. He thought about calling you a few times but decided against it. At one-thirty his phone chirped and the screen lit up with a text.
Hey Buck. Come out. Wanda ditched me for a guy in an ugly ass sweater.
Bucky smiled to himself and hopped up. He was dressed and presentable in less time than it took for you to respond with the address to the bar you were at.
You smiled knowing that Bucky was on his way and ordered another one of your favorite drinks. You had thirty minutes plus the time it would take him to get dressed before he would be there so you made yourself comfortable at one of the tables and watched someone butcher Hit Me With Your Best Shot on  karaoke.
You brought the drink to your lips and drew a sharp breath as the liquor burned your throat. You were turned away from the table watching the stage so you didn't notice when a man walked up to your table. Actually you might have never noticed if the chair hadn't scraped violently across the floor. Your head snapped in the direction of the offensive sound and you were met with a pair of unfamiliar blue eyes.
“What's a pretty girl like you doing here all alone?” The man asked.
You smiled politely at the man. “Waiting on a friend, actually. Should be here any minute.” You added. This guy hadn't done anything rude yet, except steal the seat you were saving for Bucky, but a girl in the city could never be too careful.
“Well that means you have a few minutes to spare, right? Can I get you a drink?”
“Oh, that... That's sweet bu-” The man didn't wait for you to finish before he got up and made his way to the bar. You sighed and blew a loose strand of hair out of your face.
He was back in record time with a frilly looking drink grasped in his right hand. “You have to try this, its amazing.” The man insisted.
You put the straw to your lips and pretended to take a drink. You knew better than to just blindly trust a stranger. “Mmm.” You took a deep breath through your nose and realized it was something mixed with cranberry. “Yum.” You hated cranberries. You sat the drink down on the coaster in front of you. “I still think I prefer this.” You said raising the glass you had already ordered.
The man shrugged. “I'm Nathan, by the way.”
“Y/n. Nice to meet you.” Your attention drifted down to your phone. A message from Bucky was displayed against your lock screen.
Hey doll, just parking be in soon.
You let out a sigh of relief and looked back up at Nathan. “Well, Thanks for the drink but my friend will be in here any second.” Your eyes flickered to the door.
“That's okay. I'd like to meet your friend too.” There was a suggestive tone to his voice that made your stomach twist.
“Well, I'm sure you would but being as this is a table for two, and I  was specifically holding that spot, I think you should go. Have a nice night, Nathan.” You tried to be nice but as you spoke his facial expressions really pissed you off. He went from possible nice guy to assuming asshole in the course of one sentence.
“I think I'll stay.” He said sternly.
“Fine then.” You stood up to move to an empty seat at the bar. Nathan's hand shot out and grabbed your wrist.
“No. Don't go, Sugar. I bought you a drink, and I'll leave when you've finished it.”
You picked up the drink, Standing as straight as possible and poured the drink on his head.
“There, I finished it.” At this point you had caused enough of a scene to have an audience and a couple girls at the table closest to yours started clapping.
Bucky walked in as a very pissed off and wet Nathan made his way out the door. You didn't notice at first, bowing to the table whistling at your behavior. When you straightened back up Bucky gave you a confused look and sat down in the chair Nathan had kicked over in his haste to get away.
“Looks like I missed all the fun. Care to share what happened, Doll?”
“Just some guy being far to pushy.” You shrugged.
“Am I going to have to keep a closer eye on you?”
“No sir. You have your hands full enough with Stevie. I can handle myself.”
Bucky smiled at you. “So what are we drinking, Miss Badass?”
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fortunate pt2
Fortunate part 2: Pizza, Prom, and A Broken heart
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here’s part 2! get ready for some back story.
Warnings: drinking, fluff
Bucky x reader
One week later.
You were elbows deep in lukewarm dish water when your cell phone started ringing. You sighed and dried your hands before looking at the name and answering it.  
“Hey Nat, what's so important that you couldn't text?”
“Nothing important. Just checking in on you. You've been MIA since last weekend.”
“Yeah. I spent a few extra hours at the shop, helping Buck work on his bike after we closed shop this week. Had to help him rebuild the carbs. Basically just work and home.”
“Falling in love yet?” Nat asked, her teasing tone coming through clearly.
“Not a chance. Me and Bucky have been friends for years, if something was going to happen it would have already.”
“I know you think that but look at me and Steven. It took us two years to realize our feelings.”
“Okay, but we've been friends for like seven years. It's not like that with us, plus Bucky isn't the soulmate type.”
“Sure. Whatever you say. What are you doing tonight? I was thinking about getting the girls together for a night out?”
“Can't tonight. Buck's coming over for our monthly pizza and movie marathon. How about tomorrow night?”
“Sounds great. Enjoy your night with Barnes.” You could tell she wanted to say more but Natasha knew when she was fighting a losing battle.
You hung up and finished your dishes before tidying up the living room. You grabbed a couple of little blankets from the top of your closet and ordered the pizzas while you waited for Bucky to show up.
At six he walked through the door, like he owned the place with a brown paper bag in his arms.
“Jesus, Buck.” You said pretending to be startled. “One time your gonna do that and end up with pepper spray in your eyes.”
“Darlin' who else would it be?” He asked as he sat the bag on the table and started pulling out the stuff to make strawberry daiquiris.
“You're right.” You said as the doorbell rang. You got up to grab the pizza while Bucky got to work on the drinks.
“So what movie were you thinking?” You asked sitting the pizza down and grabbing one of the drinks.
“Um... how about Star Wars?”
“Sounds good. Grab the plates and I'll get it started.”
Half way through the first movie you got a little bored and started talking more than watching the movie. It still shocked you that you could always find something to talk about.
Bucky told you about his last date that he went on and how it ended with the girls boyfriend showing up. He barely made it out unscathed. You silently thanked Bucky's silver tongue for keeping him out of trouble. From the sound of it, the story could have went from funny to horrific very quickly.
You hopped up to grab another drink from the kitchen.
“Hey, Y/N,” Bucky called over the back of the couch.
“Yeah Buck?”
“How come you never tell me about any of your dates?”
“Oh.” So respond, heat flooding your face. “I don't really date, you know that.”
“Why not? You're quite a catch.” You felt Bucky's eyes on you and you ducked your head slightly.
“I still haven't found anyone worth adding to our little little band of misfits.” You sat back down on the couch next to Bucky and sipped your drink. It wasn't too much longer before you started dozing off. You curled in to Bucky's side like you had many times before and fell in to a deep sleep.
Bucky looked at your sleeping form and smiled softly, brushing the hair out of your face. You had gone from dozing lightly on his shoulder to lightly snoring on his lap. His heart swelled with the happiness of your easy friendship. You had always been like this and he couldn't be more grateful for your presence in his life.
You had always been there for him.
His mind wandered over the memories you two had made over the course of your friendship.
He would have never guessed that you two would be as close as you were now when the moving truck came down the street. At fifteen and a half years old he only hoped that you would be hot. A hope that he expressed several times to Steve who was draped lazily across his bed when you stepped out of your mom's car.
“Well Buck, looks like you got your wish.” He chuckled as he stared out the window. Bucky rushed to look out it as well. You were all legs and wild, static filled hair as you climbed out of the car with a small cardboard box in your hand.
Bucky smiled as he ran from his house to introduce himself.
Through the summer you spent most of your time huddled up with the two of them, making trouble, working on Bucky's first car, and reading comics. When the fall came and school started back up you stayed just as close. You helped Bucky study for his English finals and stayed late at the library to help keep Steve on track for his art history essay. You three were mostly inseparable all the way up until senior year when Bucky found himself in his first real relationship. He had been on many dates but nothing to serious until he had met Ally.
Ally wanted all of Bucky's attention and the feelings of first love blossomed in a way that he was happy to give it to her. He knew that he was putting you and Steve off to the side, not speaking to you for days at a time, but wasn't there a period of adjustment that came with relationships?
After a while you and Steve stopped waiting on Bucky to make your weekly runs to the comic book store and you stopped holding his seat at lunch. He missed you but Ally was a tad bit jealous of your relationship. He had tried to have you spend some time together to ease the tension but you two were like oil and water.
It was hard to say the least.
When prom came he went all out, saving to buy her dress as well as take her out to dinner and arranged for a service to pick them up. He had worked for months to make sure she felt special and four days before prom she crushed his  heart in her hands. Bucky was devastated.
He tried to call Steve but hung up before anyone could pick up and he dialed your phone number.
You sat on the line for hours as he cried into the receiver. She had cheated on him for weeks, maybe even months. She didn't love him. He wouldn't be able to go on with out her. The whole melodramatic teenage heartbreak sob story.
He snorted to himself as he thought about it. He was a dramatic punk sometimes.
You didn't let him miss his senior prom though. You and Steve were already going together just for the experience and you weren't about to let him miss out.
The next day you drug him, red rimmed eyes and all, to the tux shop to change out the color of his accessories from bubble gum pink to a dark silver. You said that he didn't need to look like he was hung up on her when he got there, even though Bucky insisted that he didn't feel up to it. You smiled softly at him and told him to suck it up. Bucky had chuckled at that, knowing that even if he did chicken out he wouldn't be alone. He could almost see it in his mind, You, him, and Steve in fancy clothes. The three of you sitting on the floor of the hotel room he rented, eating burgers when you should be out dancing with the rest of your class. The image was enough to relax him for the time being. It was good to know someone was there for him.
The day of prom he spent most of his waking hours pacing the floor in his bedroom. He spared a few nervous glances to the suit hanging on the back of his closet door before settling down on the edge of his bed with his head in his hands. Prom would be starting in roughly 90 minutes, You and Steve would be here in less than an hour and his nerves were screaming at him to call the whole thing off.
About the time Bucky gathered the nerve to call you his mom yelled at him from the kitchen.
“James, You have visitors. Very well dressed visitors.” She called, He could hear the smile in her voice along with the sounds of heels on hardwood stairs. The steps grew faster the closer you got and he could imagine you muttering under your breath about having a bedroom on the second floor.
He opened his bedroom door as soon as he heard the foot steps come to a full stop and his breath caught in his throat. You were standing in his door way looking like an angel but grinning like a little devil. Behind you Steve stood tall and proud in his suit. In the last few months he had hit a bit of a growth spurt and he honestly looked 23 rather than 18. Bucky shook his head as his attention snapped back to you. You were wearing a  strapless black dress and you looked amazing. You cracked a half smile before pushing Bucky back into his room to get ready.
30 minutes later he was fully dressed and downstairs where his mother was fretting over how handsome the three of you were. She snapped several photos before you guys made you escape.
You made sure Bucky had the time of his life and actually, he didn't see Ally once. He wasn't sure if he should chalk it up to dumb luck or your amazing ability to distract him.
Your phone vibrating on the table brought him back to the present and he shook you slightly to wake you.
“Hey, Drooly, Natasha is calling you.”
“I don't drool and tell her I'm sleeping.” You said flipping over to lay with your feet in Bucky's lap.
Bucky picked up your cell and slid his finger across the screen.
“Hey Nat. She's sleeping. Anything I can help you with?”
“Nope. Guess I'll just talk to her tomorrow. You guys totally in love now, Barnes?”
“Oh, yeah Nat. Head over heels.” He deadpanned. Nat detected  a hint of truth in his voice but she let it go.
“Alright, night Barnes.”
“Remind the little punk that tomorrow is poker night.”
With that Natasha hung up the phone and Bucky put yours back on the table.
He stood up, pushing you in the direction of your bedroom before letting himself out the front door. He set the alarm before he left and made his way down the steps to his apartment.
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Fortunate part 6
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A/N: this chapter is quite slow and honestly a bit of filler. don’t hate me yet
wanna be tagged
Fortunate pt 5 lunch is for lovers
Bucky had been laying on the grease stained floor of the garage for hours, So long that he'd been able to watch the sun creep higher in the sky over the city, and his head still wasn't where it should be. He'd tried working on the car on the lift for a while before he'd given up knowing he wasn't doing his best work. He reorganized both work stations and Peter's desk before turning on the radio and laying on the cool cement floor. The station playing was one of your favorites and he recognized several songs that you would hum when things got too quiet.
Sometime after the sun had made its way over the buildings Bucky had finally put his mind to rest.
You felt like last night was a mistake and even though he couldn't agree he would respect that you wanted to be friends. He'd put his feelings on the back burner for years now, it shouldn't be that hard to put them back. Except when the bell over the shop's front door rang and he saw your face all he could think about was how soft your lips felt on his. It wasn't like a day dream that he could put off because imagining was usually better than the real thing, no. This time he knew for a fact that after two soft kisses your lips your lips would part and pull his bottom lip between your teeth. He knew how your skin felt under his fingers and how your hands felt tangled in his hair.
Your voice broke him out of his thoughts. “I'm sorry. Didn't know you'd be here. I'll- I can go.” You stuttered out. It was clear on your face that the situation was uncomfortable for you and he watched as you shifted to turn for the door. He noticed for the first time, that you hadn't changed out of your pajamas. It was no real shock that you were here. You both were the kind of people who thought better when you had your hands dirty. He shook his head.
“No worries. I couldn't sleep so I decided to try to finish up here.” He said, plastering a smile on his face. It hurt him to be so fake with you but he knew what you wanted so that is what he would be. Being friends with you made the heartache that he was sure to feel when you finally found someone worth it. “Wanna help out?” He offered.
You shifted back and forth, staring at your feet. It was obvious that you were weighing your options. “Or I can go...” He offered.
You offered a small smile and stepped towards him. You extended a hand to help him off of his spot on the ground. “Let's get to work.”
You both fell into a pattern of working around each other that you had perfected years ago. It was quiet except for the radio and the sounds that came with turning wrenches. It was an awkward silence at first but you eventually started humming with the radio and it was as if nothing had happened.
At lunch time Bucky called it quits and went to get food and some sleep.
Bucky pushed the door to the diner open and sat at the bar.
“Rough night, Sugar?” The waitress asked.
“You could say that. Can I get a cheeseburger and a chocolate shake?” He asked without looking up from the counter top.
“Depends, can I get a smile if I put an extra cherry on it?” She was obviously flirting an Bucky looked up and flashed her a bit of the Barnes signature charm. The woman in front of him flashed a smile of her own and went to place his order.
She came back a few moments later with his shake with two cherries as promised. “Look, I don't usually do this but my shift is almost over... Would you mind if I had lunch with you?”
You stood in front of the car you and Bucky had just been working on. He hadn't seemed any different but maybe a little more withdrawn. You shook your head, all you wanted to do was clear your head but with Bucky here you were reminded of the night before. You desperately needed to sort out you feelings
You sat on the concrete shop floor and put your head in your hands. Bucky was the only person you could be around for days at a time without getting bored. He knew everything about you and if Steve was right, he still loved you. Flaws and all. Your heart ached at the thought of possibly screwing up what you had but there was a part of you that knew that this was the first step in a new adventure. All you would have to do is take it.
Your nerves gnawed at your stomach as you made up your mind. You sent Steve a text and asked  him if he would meet you for lunch and made your way back home to change out of your pajamas.
Twenty minutes later, you were dressed and making your way to the restaurant that Steve had suggested. Your nerves were shot and you couldn't stop picking at the tiny hangnail on your thumb. You looked out of the cab window as the city crept by. Your heart rate sped faster than you had ever felt before and you gasped to fill your lungs with as much air as possible.
Steve was already at the restaurant when you got there and he had ordered for both of you.
“So..?” He prompted. “What did you figure out?”
“I don't know, Steve. I love him. But is it in that way?” You cringed at how childish it sounded. “What if I feel like I'm dating my brother? What if it doesn't work out?”
“Okay, first you guys are basically dating anyways. Any time you're around Bucky isn't far behind. Second, Did it feel like kissing your brother last night?”
“No but-”
“And as far as you to working out, you are worrying over nothing. You and Bucky are like opposite puzzle pieces. You just fit together.” He interrupted.
You opened your mouth to argue but all of your worries fell flat.
“So, like I was saying, What did you figure out?” Steve raised an eyebrow and folded his hands in front of him.
  “I love Bucky. He's handsome and my best friend and knows me better than I know myself. And I am absolutely terrified of starting a relationship.”
“You know, he's scared too but if you guys don't want to lose each other- you wont.” He said with a satisfied smirk. “Maybe it's time to talk to him.”
You pulled your cell phone out of your bag and sent Bucky a text.
Hey Buckling where are you? Can we talk?
“A Text? Really?” Steve rolled his eyes.
“I don't think he slept last night. Just eat your food.”
Your phone vibrated on the table and you flipped it over.
Added to your awful nickname list but yeah
You smiled at your phone and tapped out a reply to meet you at your place after he got a nap in.
“You brought me in to this, it's only fair that I know how it's going.”
You huffed and gave in. “ He's going to come over after he gets some sleep.”
“Okay. Now back to lunch.” He said pointing at your plate with his french fry.
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Part 1: What the Future holds
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A/N: this is for Maisie’s 6k writing challenge (congrats bebe you deserve it!) The prompt took on a life of its own so it will definitely have to be a series. I’m on part 5 but need the motivation to keep it up 
prompt: You and your friend get your fortunes told. the fortune teller then tells you that you are destined to be lovers and will soon be brought together by the powers of fate. Of course, you dont believe her. Fortune teller AU!
2617 words (Yikes)
Warnings: Cursing, drinking, fluff, eventual smut, friends to lovers trope 
Bucky x reader 
The air was mostly warm as you and Bucky wandered the midway. It was sunset and your friends had all wandered off as you passed the stalls packed with food. The smells were tempting but Bucky wanted to ride The Chaos and if you wanted to keep your food down, you needed to wait until after to eat. You felt the muscles in your face cramp due to smiling as much as you had. Bucky was your absolute best friend. You had known each other since you were fifteen and now at the ripe age of twenty-two you couldn't imagine being apart for your adventures.
Bucky bumped your hip as the ride came in to view. Your eyes followed the coaster from where it was planted on the asphalt to the cars which were flipping like crazy. Your stomach dropped to your feet but you kept the smile on your face. Bucky knew that roller coasters scared the crap  out of you but promised you could pick the next stop if you road this one with him. He threw his arm over your shoulders and helped guide you toward the line.
“I'm not entirely sure about this, Buck.” You complained. Your stomach flipped in time with the ride.
“Of course you aren't, you're just a big scaredy cat.” He stuck his tongue out at you. You snapped your teeth at him like you meant to bite it and he let out a high pitched wail.
Your heart sunk as you took another step closer to the ride. Your turn was next and you could feel your pulse quicken. The light blue car meant for you made its way down to you and you almost bolted. Bucky's grip tightened before you both stepped on to the ride.
The ride up wasn't too bad, that is until Bucky stared rocking your cart. You grabbed his hand as the ride flipped and spun quickly.  You felt the air leave your lungs in a loud scream.
In just a few moments the ride was over and you were stepping out of the metal cart with shaky legs. The air around you had turned cold while you were on the ride. Bucky shrugged off his coat with out seeming to think and put it over your shoulders.
“So, food then?” He asked. You nodded as you steadied yourself.
According to your deal with Bucky you got to pick the next activity and you could smell your choice calling you. You pulled  Bucky through the crowd and a neon sign came in to view.
“What are you doing?” He asked as you pulled him towards the doorway.
“I've always wanted to do this.” You said with a smile coloring your tone.
“Ahh... Welcome to Madame Destiny's den of the past, present, and future. Please have a seat.” A female voice called from behind a wall of beads.
“This is super corny, kiddo.” Bucky joked, leaning in to whisper in your ear.
“Just give it a shot.” You replied, elbowing him in the ribs.
He mouthed an ow in your direction before sitting in one of the chairs that was placed under the table in front of you. There was a thick purple velvet piece of fabric over the table with a crystal ball in the middle. It was cheesy but you were still excited. You took a seat.
An older lady with blue and gold scarves wound through her gray hair sat down in front of the two of you. Her eyes were a milky shade of blue that told you her eye sight wasn't entirely there.
“Let me see your right palm young man.”
Bucky blew a strand of loose hair out of his face before rolling his eyes and extending his hand. The woman grabbed it, running her index finger over the lines and callouses.
“Ah, you have a strong life line. I see you living a full and prosperous life. And here. Your love line has the markings of a soulmate met early in life. You are a very lucky man.”
Bucky rolled his eyes. You knew Bucky was a flirt. A new girl every week type of guy. He was between girls at the moment but you were sure that wouldn't last. You let out a soft snort at her assessment and her head whipped your direction.
“Something funny, my dear?”
“No ma'am.” You answered automatically.
“Then give me your hand darling.” You laid your palm on the table in front of her. Her cold finger grazed against different lines on your hand.
“I see many of the same things in your lines darling. Actually, let me have your hand back.” She directed your friend.
“Your lines are almost identical. Your love lines are eerie.” She looked between the two of you before throwing her hands on the crystal in front of her. “Close your eyes, children. Take each others hands and concentrate on your future.”
Bucky grabbed your hand and threaded his fingers through yours.
“Destiny has plans for the two of you. Together.”
“Well, Buck here is my best friend.” You explained. “We tend to adventure together.”
“No, you will be more than friends. I see a great love in your future.”
“Okay. Sure.” You roll your eyes hard and stand up. “Thanks.” You toss a twenty on her table and walk out in to the night. The rides were lighting up the summer night sky and you felt the full weight of Bucky's leather jacket on your shoulders. Bucky made it out a few seconds after you did and you shrugged off his jacket.
“No, keep it on. Its chilly out here and you get cold quicker than I do.” Bucky said, confusion and concern coloring his tone. You knew he was right but it felt too intimate after what the old woman just said.
You didn't say much as you made your way towards the food vendors. Bucky chattered happily by your side and you only paid enough attention to nod at the right times. Your mind, honestly, was in other places. Like how you had never thought of Bucky in any other way than just your best friend. Sure he was handsome and charming but you had never felt the jealousy that came with a crush when he was with another girl. You were just happy that he was happy.
You examined your feelings thoroughly on your walk, you finally were able to push the whole fortune teller bit out of your mind by the time you spotted Steve, Nat, and Sam at a picnic table.
“Hey guys. What's everyone eating?” You said as you sandwiched yourself between Natasha and Sam. There was already a ton of food spread out on the table in front of you and you snatched up a piece of funnel cake.
“Why bother asking if you're just gonna grab what ever you want any way?” Sam asked around the straw of his lemonade. You bumped him with your shoulder.
“So what took you so long?” Natasha asked.
“Went on the Chaos, stopped in the fortune teller shop. Apparently me and Y/N are gonna fall in love.” Bucky said nonchalantly.
“Bout time.” Steve commented between french fries. “Ow. Hey.” He exclaimed, eyeing Natasha meaningfully.
You shook your head and grabbed another bite of funnel cake.
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