#mais my makeup looks terrible and I'm not able to dye my hair so like half of it is chunky and blue
gayboyrocklee · 2 years
Did my makeup for Halloween and yes I do look like a muppet!
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cutiesaeran · 8 years
Do you think you could add V and Saeran's reactions to meeting MC that looks like Rika? I'm soooooooo very curious as to what would happen with those two...
Okay, so these two guys… I don’t think I can easily put a positive twist on their reactions. I’ll try my best, but since they’d both have very negative associations with Rika after the fact, I just… don’t know. So apologies to anyone who wanted fluff here.
Edit: I can make V’s ‘happy,’ actually, but I’d already mostly finished the angst one, so V will actually have two different “routes” here. It’s all depending on how one decides to interpret his declining eyesight.
Disclaimer for V: *it’s rare for people to literally lose all of their eyesight, to the point where they see nothing - but canonically, he says he’ll lose the rest of what he has eventually, so it’s up to interpretation. Most times that just means they’ll see less. So I’m doing one for each - one where he can still make out colors etc, and one where he can’t see at all
V (angst)
The first time he sees you, he’s still chasing after her. The girl you’ve been compared to ever since you joined the RFA, whether it was because you were taking her position or because someone (Seven) knew how you looked. At first he thinks that maybe you’re actually her, and you don’t really care enough to find out whether it’s from a misplaced sense of hope or the fact that he cant really see well enough to note the things that physically mark you as different.
This angers you, but you still push forward in your mission to help him. You won’t let yourself be deterred by something you already knew was a potential problem.
When everything blows over, you keep your distance while he’s in recovery/mourning (whatever your hc is about this), wanting desperately to be there to comfort him but knowing that seeing you would probably not help.
But it’s not that simple.
Eventually you two run into each other at a RFA event, and you light up when you see his brightly-colored hair, excited to finally see him again.
It’s been a long time and Jumin’s assured you that he seems to be (at least) mostly over Rika. You’ve also cut your hair since then; not because of the association with her, but just to try something different.
You smile up at him and say hello, hoping for the return of the man you used to talk to as much as possible, the one you’d fallen in love with.
Your heart skips a beat when he returns the smile, only to shatter when you see the pain in his eyes that leads to him quickly dismissing himself.
He ends up leaving the event early and returning home to his empty apartment, feeling like all the progress he made as been undone by seeing your face, the one that resembles the woman he had literally lost most of his eyesight for.
He feels bad, because he knows you’re not her, but he can’t see clearly enough to distinguish it at first glance - all he sees are the right shapes and colors and he nearly panics every time.
It’s not fair to you, either, that he always thinks of her when he sees you. And until you talk, he just kind of freezes, assuming it’s her because she’s out there somewhere
He doesn’t know if he’ll ever be able to work past that- or, at least, not in a timely manner
So… he’s going to make every effort possible to avoid you without hurting you. If that’s even possible.
V (not angsty)
His sight is waning quickly, and in the time that it takes for him to recover from the Mess that happened at Mint Eye, he loses what little he had left
So by the time you next see him, he’s unable to see anything, including what you look like. Of course, he knows you resemble her but it’s easy to forget when he’s not faced with actually staring at it.
Which means you can actually spend time with him and not worry about the comparison, and it’s nice… for both of you.
He has his highs and lows and it certainly is a struggle when people feel the need to remind him how much you look like her
It’s a reminder of her that he doesnt need
Those days are tough
But you work through it :)
He knows from the get-go that you look like Rika. That was(most likely) a large part of the reason you were chosen - to mess with the RFA in another way.
But this becomes a problem when he’s in recovery.
You look like her, the one who brainwashed him, the one who abused him and fed him drugs. Just seeing you is enough to make him go rigid and have flashbacks.
You have to stop visiting for a while because it seems like anytime you’re around he takes at least three steps back for every step forward he made.
Occasionally Saeyoung will ask you to come - with Saeran’s permission - to see if it’s safe yet, but every time the answer is a firm no. Even if he manages to not flashback or have a panic attack, it’s obviously uncomfortable for him.
So the options left before you are: do you want to cut/dye your hair and maybe change the way you wear makeup/wear glasses or something similar to try to look different? Or accept there’s a chance you’ll always have the issue?
If you do the former, then it helps, a bit. But you’ll have to accept that is possibly a life-long commitment. Saeran may not even let you, because who knows if he’ll let you get close to him?
The situation is not really fair to either of you. And honestly, there’s a good chance that nothing would even be able to come from it just because of your resemblance to her. It’s not fair, not at all. And it certainly isn’t your fault. Just fate dealing the two of you terrible cards.
This person can’t figure out a way that this would work, and I’m sorry for that :( :(
Rest of the RFA
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