#mainly shes just like 'wow ! my boss and his boyfriend are kinda weird'
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Fine ok I'll post my mlp OCs. IDs under the cut
[Start ID: The first picture is of Solenopsis, a cyan changeling with an orange thorax, red chest, a dark magenta shell with orange and lighter purple highlights, and red eyes. He has orange spots (actually I'm not sure what they're called, they're not exactly spots as they poke out a bit from his chest, but I'm not sure what else to call them) on his chest, and his horn curves up and has two points. His pony form is a tall, skinny unicorn with a red body, orange hooves, and a dark magenta mane and tail with orange and lighter purple highlights (similar to his shell in changeling form). The orange spots on his chest from his changeling form are still there, but now they're flat orange spots on his fur. His eyes are cyan with orange and magenta highlights. His pony form's cutie mark is a cyan ant head, and there's a note underneath it that reads: "he designed it himself but refuses to admit how much thought went into it given how lackluster the final product is." Other notes on the page, listed through bullet points, read: "changeling, but prefers being in his pony form." "Evil little shit (affectionate)." "He/him." "Dating Petri Chord." "Did I mention that he's a little shit."
The second picture is of Petri Chord. In case screen readers read his name wrong, I need you to know that his name is pronounced like "petricord," not Petri as in Petri dish. He hates it when people call him Petri as in Petri dish; however, since he works in a lab, this happens almost daily. He is an average-sized pegasus with a gray body and navy blue hair, tail, and wing feathers. His hair and tail are both curly, and there's a streak of yellow that goes through his tail. His eyes are this same shade of yellow with reddish orange and cream highlights. He wears thick-framed glasses and has dark shadows under his eyes, as though he doesn't get a lot of sleep. His ears are notably small and round. His cutie mark is an erlenmyleyer flask (that's the triangle shaped one, however now that I'm looking at actual pictures of them to make sure I get the name right, I'm realizing that I drew it... kinda bad) filled with a bright green liquid, and there's a yellow lightning bolt behind it. The notes, arranged under bullet points, read: "He/him." "Mad Scientist." "A little evil, Mayhaps, For funsies." "So so tired." "Just, of everything, all the time." "Dating Solenopsis." End ID.]
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atopearth · 4 years
The Legend of Dragoon Part 1 - The Serdian War
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Omggg this is so nostalgic already! Seeing Rose save Dart from the Dragon was a pretty iconic scene haha. I honestly don't remember this game having voice dubs lol, that was a nice surprise. I can't remember why exactly Shana could affect the future of this world or whatever, but I do remember she's the Moon Child or something and Dart needs to go around the world saving her haha. It's sad to see Dart's hometown Seles get burnt to the ground just because Imperial Sandora needed to capture Shana. And omggg I love how unique the battle system is btw, it's honestly the highlight of the game for me hahaha. I used to be pretty bad at it but I usually get the hang of it after a while haha. It's so weird btw. It's probably been more than 10 years since I played this game, but somehow subconsciously I knew that there must be something at the graves in Seles, and there really was stardust there! I can't remember what it's for, but I guess it's good to know that inside me I still remember a lot of things about this game haha. Anyway, Dart and Shana have a pretty common childhood friend relationship where he's always protected her since they were kids, so there's no way he won't go to save her from Hellena Prison. Seriously though, it's a pretty cliche relationship but I don't know why, when I was a kid, I was just really fond of them haha.
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Meeting Lavitz here for Dart is a blessing since he'll be able to help him get through all the soldiers, but I guess that's likewise for Lavitz. Still better for Dart though since he'll be constantly trying to protect Shana haha. Anyway, I always found it saddening that Lavitz wanted to protect his fellow Knights of Basil that were captured as well, and about to be fed to Fruegel's pet but in the end, they still ended up dying🥺 I didn't realise that Dart actually hadn't been back to Seles for 5 years! No wonder why the others in town took a while to realise it was him, I just thought they were all groggy after their injuries. I guess that's why they believed that if he was there, Seles might have been okay, but still though, one more Dart can't really go against an army lol. Anyway, playing with Lavitz is so nostalgic! Hearing Dart say Double Slash and Lavitz say Harpoon is just so crazy hahaha. I can't wait to get Rose etc~ I still suck at the Additions though lmao, every time I'm like, I'm to good at this, I fail hahahaha, and I'm still just doing Double Slash, I literally only need to press one button when it goes close to the square lol! Fruegel wasn't that hard of a boss at all! I actually really enjoyed being able to use my Addition skills more because the soldiers kept dying in one hit lol. Ohh yeah, Dart's first hometown (where he and his parents lived) was called Neet and was attacked by the Black Monster! I think it was pretty saddening that his family escaped, but his father decided to return to help others, and his mother followed after him, like, what about your child?! It must have hurt for Dart to see something similar happen to Seles though... I can't believe Dart went on a journey to find the Black Monster when he was 13 though, like dang! But I guess a kid like him who had to learn to survive by himself would be resilient enough by that age... Hmmmm, as I gathered, the Kingdom of Basil is at war with Imperial Sandora and the war is widespread over Serdio itself. Can Emperor Doel of Imperial Sandora control the Dragon enough that he thinks he can take over Albert's kingdom instead of keeping the truce?? Gotta love how conveniently that log we chopped allowed us to cross the river hahahaha. Lavitz is such a kind soul though. He doesn't even know these random people on the road, and they're even from Sandora but he just invites them to Bale and even his house because they have nowhere else to go. I guess his kindness is a reflection of the type of country Albert runs.
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Lmao, I love how Dart and Lavitz are such bros that even Shana can't butt in🤣 It was pretty scary when Lavitz slipped on the rock and nearly fell off the waterfall though, I felt so nervous for him lol. So cute how the guys are so fond of each other already though lol. Not sure what exactly Shana's powers do, but it instantly decimated that snake when her life was in danger so....hmm. It's so sweet how respected Lavitz is that the artist girl in Bale painted a portrait of him, and Dart said it was too handsome hahaha. Omg! I feel so sorry for the NPC in the inn! His child and his grandchild died due to the war so he thinks there's no meaning to his life anymore... That's so saddening... The lady that has been waiting for her boyfriend to come back even after 10 years is so faithful, it's heartbreaking. It's so cool to see how much the people love Lavitz in Bale, I guess it's understandable though, not only is he a good boy and knight, his dad is also a revered knight, so he's probably doing well succeeding him. Not surprised Dart wanted to leave Shana here to protect her lol. I loved how she practically immediately told him her feelings about it and him, like wow, she's so bold to say she wants to stay beside him forever in front of the king and everyone lol. Albert is right though, with a dragon on their side, no place is really safe in Serdio anymore... Hmmmm Winglies used to rule at the top until the Dragon campaign where they fought against Emperor Diaz and the seven dragons, and it was then that humans acquired their freedom after their slavery by the Winglies? And it was then that the Black Monster appeared.. I think it's really cool of Dart to see that him chasing after the Black Monster all this time has been selfish of him, and it caused him to nearly lose his hometown again, so now he wants to join alongside Lavitz to end this war before it creates more people like him who have lost their homes. No wonder why Hoax sounds familiar huh, that's where the current line of defence has been pushed to, and it's most likely where they'll use the dragon! HAHAHA, why does Albert have a slide that goes back to the entrance of the castle in his bed chambers?! Not complaining though because that was pretty fun and cool lmao. LOL at Shana saying she's Dart's girlfriend and not Lavitz's when the mum misunderstood, even Dart didn't know she was hahahaha. Lmao at Dart saying he can cook aka he can cook a large piece of meat hahaha, is that how he survived by himself for 5 years?! Even Lavitz was like forget it, leave the cooking to his mum and Shana loll. The answers are all so hilarious, imagining Dart trying to practise with his sword in Lavitz's house is so cute loll, he'll destroy the place. It was even more funny when you choose the option to take a nap because Dart says every young lady knows that lack of sleep is bad for your skin, and Lavitz is just speechless at it hahahaha. Looking around the house, it honestly feels kinda lonely that Lavitz's mum lives in this big house by herself considering Lavitz is away most of the time. I've always enjoyed the rooftop scene, you get to see a nice view of Indels Castle and you can see that Lavitz's passion towards protecting his country stems from watching his father, but it's become his dream now too. This is similar to Dart, where his passion lies in protecting Shana because he's the only one that can do that right now, he might still consider her a baby sister for now, but we'll see how it all goes! I think it's really cute how in the end, Lavitz ended up spending the night and even took his mum's handmade jerky haha, he's a soft boy at heart. I mean, the country and the war is important, but who knows how many times he can bond with his mother, so I'm glad he decided to spend some proper time with her instead of just lunch. I find it funny how you can jump from Lavitz's house's rooftop to the stables hahaha, imagine doing that in real life!
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Lmaoo at Dart, Lavitz and even Kaiser (the Eighth Knighthood leader taking care of Hoax) saying that as long as Shana's food is edible, it's good enough🤣 To be fair, when you're a knight or a wanderer like Dart, I doubt you'll have much complaints about food haha. Omgg so King Doel is actually Albert's uncle?! Since Doel is apparently Carlo/Albert's father's brother! I wonder why their relationship soured, was it because Doel wanted to be king instead? Lmao at the midwife asking if they came to talk to her because Dart and Shana wanted babies hahahaha. War is always a saddening thing though. When I think about the soldiers such as the one holding the amulet from his daughter believing that he can go back home to her, the people fortifying their houses to protect against the raid and everything, it's just so saddening to see these soldiers fall by enemy arrows and everything... Man, the fight against Kongol is so unforgiving lol! If you fail your addition, he counterattacks you! I missed it once and was like whoa! Otherwise, I always love Rose swooping down in her dragoon form and saving Dart from Kongol~ hmm, so the Dragoon Spirit (the stone Dart's father left behind) means that you "deserve" to rule Dragons and for him, it's the Red-Eye Dragon? Nice that it's clarified that Dragoons were the ones who led humans to victory in the Dragon campaign, the pictures just kinda showed humans riding on dragons so I wasn't sure haha. It was so cute how Dart piggy backed Shana and told her that even if she may not be as strong as Rose, she's good for other stuff and doesn't need to compare herself. Oooh so Winglies used Virages in the Dragon Campaign, this one was pretty weak though! Greham's story is a pretty common one, but I always find it terrible, mainly because people like him driven by jealousy and power in order to get stronger than their best friend that they essentially admire, but then kill them in that quest is just..sad. People like Lavitz's father Servi trusted him, but in the end because of their desire to be stronger, they sacrifice their friend and end up pretty much regretting it in their death. I'm not sure if Emperor Diaz from the Dragon Campaign is alive or whatever as he says, but it's nice that Greham ended up leading Lavitz to inherit the Jade Dragoon Spirit.
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I remember Lohan! It's such a crazy city because of how huge it is, yet all the houses and stores are so tiny and in like a maze lol! No idea how Dabas (the antique seller that tells us we can get Dragoni plant to save Shana from dragon poison north of the nest or something) affords his gigantic store lol. Lmaoo at the man staring across the street at a lady thinking she's interested in him, but she's actually just staring at him because he reminds her of her dog hahahah. I love the rollercoaster kinda ride you do at Shirley's Shrine to get the numbers to go to the boss lol, it's pretty fun hahaha. I thought Drake the bandit was aiming for treasure here, but it seems that he was protecting Shirley all along! I feel bad that Shirley's gone now, but I guess this is how it should be, and at least the White Silver Dragoon Spirit is in good hands and will only be used to heal people. It's kinda cute how apparently Haschel and Dart journeyed together before! Now they've reunited in the Hero Competition! Anyway, I've always loved this tournament part because it's really cool to see how Dart himself fares against others without the party. On another note, I'm not sure why I love Lloyd since I've kinda forgotten his character, but to this day, I love the name Lloyd enough that if it wasn't weird, I would totally call my future kid Lloyd, and it's probably the only reason I would prefer a boy than a girl LOL. I think I always found it really cool how overwhelmingly strong he was compared to Dart probably. Lmao at Lavitz trying to drag Rose away so Dart could play games around the arena with Shana alone, but she punches him instead hahahha. Okay lmao, totally cannot do that obstacle course lolll. I'd rather do what's wrong with the room one, it's so easy after you do it a few times hahah, also helps if you cheat by taking a photo with your phone LOL. But otherwise, it's the same scene every time so it's pretty easy. The pink bird in the hat moving around is too hard with the pixels merging together imo lol! And the monkeys throwing balls at Dart is pretty hilarious hahahah.
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Although I can understand why Dart is so adamant on continuing his journey looking for the Black Monster after the war, Lavitz is kinda right that maybe he should focus on the present instead of chasing after the past, otherwise he's going to lose his chance at happiness with Shana. Omgg, Albert offering up himself at Hellena Prison to protect the people of Bale from Imperial Sandora?? This is when Lavitz dies...isn't it?😭 Well, I obviously didn't farm enough to get Flower Storm for Lavitz and I honestly cbb, but I did Google to see it, and apparently when Lavitz does it, he says Rose Storm (because he likes roses the most apparently) and Albert says Blossom Storm because his favourite is cherry blossoms! The even cooler thing is that this is changed in their Dragoon forms! Lavitz's second magic skill is called Blossom Storm with cherry blossoms all around, and Albert's is Rose Storm so they kinda swap around in Dragoon form to show their love and camaraderie with each other, it's so cool! Honestly though, I nearly cried when Lavitz died. I feel like when I was a kid, I never really saw how cool, loyal and kind Lavitz was because the Additions were too fascinating lol, so now seeing how friendly he was, how considerate he was towards Shana's feelings for Dart, how he gave advice to Dart on what he should cherish most, and how we was always willing to give his life to his king and his country, it really broke my heart to see him die like that. Especially in Lloyd's hands, someone who we thought was an admirable swordsman turned out to be the guy who would kill Lavitz when they actually fought against each other. I'm not sure what kinda sword he has but it seemed really beam-y lol. And what is the Moon Gem that he needed from Albert's body? I think the pain really hit me when Lavitz entrusted everything to Dart, and then the Jade Dragoon Spirit flew out of him😭😭 Ohh, the reason why Lloyd could so easily pierce through Lavitz's Dragoon armour was because his sword was the Dragon Buster, a weapon from the old world made to kill Dragons! It's really nice of Haschel to have come along with them btw, especially since he's on a journey to find his daughter. Although I guess it's not much of a deterrence considering he's been looking for 20 years, but still. I guess he'll find her along the way... Hopefully. So, the Moon Gem was one of the magical artifacts scattered across the world made from the Winglies after their defeat, but only they can use them? It's been hidden in each crown heir every generation in fear of the powers of destruction it could bring when put in the wrong hands hmm, I'm kinda amazed they found a way to put it in the body like that though. I guess now that Albert's kingdom is "gone", he's got a reason to go along with us to end this war with the few people and Dragoons he has. I mean, if the Dragoons ended the Dragon Campaign, I'm sure they're better than an army anyway lol. It's kinda nice that the one who taught Albert his lance skills was Lavitz himself, so it's understandable that he would use the same moves. Anyway, onwards to the Black Castle where Emperor Doel resides! Straight to the end of the war hopefully!
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Lmao at the guy registering to be a mercenary with Imperial Sandora trying to revoke it after his friend told him about the Dragon being defeated and Hellena Prison having fallen. Wow, I restarted because I accidentally sold something but omg when you say you want to register, the guy taking registrations advises you to not and even gives you money if you have money problems because he doesn't want you to risk your life! He's so nice... Aww the people at the inn! When the lady begged for us to stay and treat it like charity, I felt like I couldn't be stingy lol, it's only 20G anyway. LOL at the guy trying to con people for their money by claiming he killed Feyrbrand (Jade Dragon) and then he gets arrested hahahah. The variety of researchers in the Black Castle are hilarious, especially Mr Magi who turned himself into "Cerberus" but really turned into a dog lol. But the research of Dragons and magic? This sounds suspicious and bad... The battle against Kongol was so annoying! His skills take so long lol! Defeating Doel felt like...bringing someone back to their sanity? I wonder why he had to kill Albert's father back then, was it really just to be king? Anyway, it's not nice to be happy about someone's death, but honestly, with Emperor Doel's death, the 20 year war finally ends... But our journey has not, because as Dart said, this journey began because people captured Shana, and after that too many things have happened to just go home and live peacefully, we need to see what Lloyd wants and whether Emperor Diaz really is alive.
Anyway, that's the end of chapter 1! Kinda crazy that it was only one chapter tbh, I felt like I finished a story but really, it's just the beginning. So many things happened... Especially Lavitz's death. Anyway, I'm hyped to continue the journey! Btw the battle against Emperor Doel was pretty hard, he deals so much damage lol! But then again, I'm always cheap with my healing potions hahaha. Didn't think he'd be a Dragoon though, but I guess it was to be expected lol. Yay for everyone having a Dragoon Spirit now though lol. Honestly though, I really enjoy the variety of battles and how engaging the story and characters are. I really like how there are battles that are more as a symbolism than an actual battle such as Shirley’s where you’re supposed to give her the correct answers rather than defeating her, I think it really makes you think about everyone’s motivations and how they deal with it all in order to continue on their path. I just love it. The towns are also so different and fun! Like, Lohan is just a bumble of shops and everything, gotta love the guy that shouts at you for running around the rooftop lol, and Bale is just so Albert and Lavitz centred that it has such a warm feeling when you’re there. Tournaments are always my thing, so I’m glad this game has it too haha~ I can’t wait to see the rest!
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marriedtothewriting · 5 years
Lipstick Love
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(Not my gif!)
Choi Minho x Reader | Fluff | Requested
Summary: You’re a makeup artist, finding your client very charismatic and handsome. You would’ve never imagined him to flirt with you.
Word Count: 1522
A/N: Wow this is pretty confusing, but I hope you, who requested this, like it. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
”Do Choi Minho’s makeup.” Those were the words of your boss. You didn’t know if you should’ve thanked him or curse him. But a job was a job and you wouldn’t let one man ruin it, even if you found him irresistible.
   You’ve had a little crush on that SHINee’s visual for quite some time, but never thought of working directly with him. You mainly thought it would be impossible, but then you thought how you would just die if you ever met him. Choi Minho was a very beautiful man, and any woman or man would be in awe in his presence.
   But, as you had told yourself already; a job was a job. You would make Choi Minho look more stunning if that was even possible.
   As you had got all your makeup ready and then quickly greet Minho, you could feel your cheeks warm already. Minho was sitting still, ready for his face to be prepared with makeup. You took a deep breath and then began to put on a little foundation, his eyebrows and then his eye makeup.
   He looked pretty calm, his eyes closed, but oh he was so handsome. You could’ve stared at his face for hours on end. But you tried not to get side-tracked while you applied some eyeliner. It all seemed to go fine.
   Then lastly, you took some powder and put it in all the places his skin was shining too much, one of those places being his nose. You powdered his nose and then tapped the tip with your fingers to blend it better to everything else.
   Minho had dozed off for a moment, but then suddenly he raised his eyes to look at you. He squinted his eyes a little, and you simply stopped on your tracks.
   You stared at him for a bit, no, for a long while it seemed. You knew as Minho’s lips formed into a smirk and he spoke:
   “Take a picture, it’ll last longer.”
You shook your head as you walked towards SHINee’s makeup room. The last time you had to do makeup, you were left with a face all dark red. But this time you’d be strong!
   You lifted your eyes to the man you were supposed to make pretty, but you thought it was useless since he was already very beautiful. Minho looked at you and he smiled. Wait... he... smiled??
   You swallowed your nervousness and looked down like you didn’t even see him. You placed your makeup bag on the counter and took all the right tools.
  Then you took some foundation and put that on him, and then you did his eyebrows and then his eyes. He didn't seem to do anything weird this time. So you sighed in relief. You didn’t know if you could take another flirty comment.
   You tried to concentrate on doing his makeup as well as possible. He was all silent, all calm. You were thankful. You weren’t sure how you could handle his flaming charisma this time.
   But then your moment was cut off as Minho looked at you right into your eyes, faintly smirking. You could feel your cheeks heating up. And for whatever reason, you couldn’t stop staring at him, your heart pounding.
    Minho smirked more clearly, then shook his head and looked down. You could almost feel your blush fade. You harshly shook your head, telling yourself it was just a very handsome client you had to take care of, nothing else.
   As you got closer to his face, making sure everything was good, Minho turned his head lightly, getting closer to you, so that his mouth was close to your ear. You couldn’t move as you froze. He took a deep breath and then you heard him whisper with the sweetest voice ever:
   “I don’t think I’ll ever get a better opportunity than this so... would you go on a date with me?”
You stared at your date in disbelief. Minho had just asked you to make him look “pretty”. You couldn’t believe that the man you thought was so masculine and charismatic, would ask you to make him look “pretty”.
   “Pretty like Taemin?” you asked.
   Minho shook his head. “No. Pretty, like you.” He smirked smugly.
   You rolled your eyes. He was just flirting.
   You shook your head, but then, you were filled with determination. You were going to make Choi Minho even prettier than he already was!
   You took all your makeup, and like always, you took the foundation first. Then after that, you did his eyebrows, then you applied pink eye shadow. And unlike other times, this time you made a very clear winged eyeliner, nodding in approval.
   Lastly, you added some faint pink lipstick and some pink blush. Minho opened his eyes, looking up at you. You were very satisfied with the look. All the makeup combined, made him look like a girl, and that was what you were aiming for.
   You were grinning at your creation. Minho raised his brow and then stood up, going to your bathroom to see himself.
   You followed him, waiting for him to be upset, or at least horrified. However, to your surprise, it seemed Minho was checking himself out.
   “Whoa... I look so pretty...” he said in amazement.
   You tilted your head and then walked next to him so you saw both of you in the mirror. You looked at his face carefully. Then, your eyes met in the mirror. He grinned lightly. You noticed your cheeks getting darker.
   Then Minho suddenly pouted his lips, looking like he was sad. And he spoke:
   “This is not fair. You still look ten times prettier than me!”
“Hello?” you were startled by some light snapping of fingers. You looked at who it was, but you should’ve remembered it was your now boyfriend, Minho.
   He showed that same smirk he had the first time you met him. You narrowed your eyes and pouted at him. It was like your game to be a cute couple in secret while you were doing his makeup. His smirk turned into a smile, and then finally into a relaxed mode so you could do his makeup.
   You closed your eyes and remembered all the times you had been with him, from that time you first did his makeup, to the last time you quickly had to apply some powder while he was on a concert. Every time you were with him, you wanted to hug him, or even kiss him. But you promised yourself you wouldn’t let your relationship be on the way of your dream job, so you and Minho agreed to keep your relationship a secret.
   “You look really pretty”, Minho said quickly, and so silently so other members or staff couldn’t hear. You took a deep breath and prayed for the gods your cheeks wouldn’t be red.
   You put some powder on his nose and then blend it in, trying to focus so hard on the tip of his nose, but it seemed to be in vain. You glanced at his eyes for a second, but at that moment he looked right at you and so your eyes went back to his.
   You two stared at each other for a minute. It was intense, and you knew if you two were alone, this moment would’ve escalated so quickly. But for now, you two just stared at each other. Even if he couldn’t touch you, you could feel his love through his eyes and from the smile he was giving you. Minho surely was something else.
   Suddenly Minho quickly looked at every possible way with his eyes. You raised your eyebrow at his weird action. But before you could do or say anything, he fast locked his and your lisp together for a quick kiss. The kiss lasted for two seconds, but it felt like a minute to you at least. Minho grinned after it, and your eyes opened wide in surprise. Your face must’ve looked very dark at the time.
   Minho wiped the red residue that came off of your lipstick, grinning that grin you so much hated and loved at the same time.
   “Hey!” Someone raised their voice. You two looked at the source of the voice. It was none other than Key, grinning faintly. “I swear I saw you two kissing.”
   “You must be seeing things then”, Minho said casually. You remained silent, swallowing your flustered feeling.
   “Kiss??” you heard another voice. “Who kissed??” Taemin looked at Key with wide eyes.
   And before Key could say anything, you quickly yelled: “No one!! Don’t mind it, ok?”
   You looked at Minho with your eyes narrowed as you glared at him playfully, fixing his makeup as you did so. Minho smiled, pretending like he didn’t do anything.
   “I hate you, Choi Minho”, you finally hissed while you fixed his brow makeup.
   “I know”, Minho replied, smiling.
   You pouted for a few seconds, trying to seem like you were mad. But then let out a silent chuckle and simply shook your head. You couldn’t believe you had to fall for this man.
Request: ” hi can you maybe write a thing where reader is shinee’s makeup artist and she has a crush on minho and he notices and constantly flirts with her >_> and could it be kinda very fluffy <_< maybe they kiss at some point >_< asking for a friend “ - Anonymous
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iheartsurveys · 8 years
What’s your favorite cereal? None I hate cereal Is there a bus stop near your house? The grade school bus stop is around the corner but otherwise, no Do you prefer red wine or white wine? White, though I do love me some red moscato. But I definitely drink more of a variety of white What’s the last airport you were at? Why were you there? Dulles, dropping off my stepdad's mom and boyfriend like the helpful little gal I am Who do you live with? Mom and stepdad and the pets Do you read reddit? If so, how often and what subreddits do you like? Nah not regularly. Every once in a while if I google something and it takes me to Reddit I'll read that but I don't go out of my way to read it Have you recently broken up with a significant other or even just a friend? No What’s the weather like today? Is it nice enough to go outside? It snowed about an inch this morning and then it was chilly the rest of the day. I went out to scrape off the car but had to bundle since the high was like 20 something. Then on Friday its going to be in the 60s....oh Virginia weather. Oh global warming. Do you know anyone who’s had a baby recently? Stepsister had baby #3 a few days ago Have you used a pen or pencil today? What did you write down? No What does your last text message say and who is from? Nite, from my mother, one room away from me. She had to vent real quick lol Can you count how many times you’ve seen your favourite film? Not an extreme amount for it being my favorite movie. Maybe 4 or 5? When was the last time you ate marshmallows? I never eat them on their own. Probably had a smore sometime over the summer Do you listen to any podcasts? How do you listen to them? Nah not really. Sophomore of college my roomie and I got into nightvale but then we kinda fell off the wagon. How old will you be in the year 2030? 36...... Wow. 2030 sounds like a while away so I won't get too worried just yet. But also damn. Does your skin bruise easily? Do you have any bruises right now? What from? Yes anytime I accidentally bang into things I'll get a bruise. Or if the dogs stand on me which Daisy loves to do because she has no concept of personal space and just sits/stands in my lap. And she's not even small like she's a decently sized lab. Dogs are funny. Buuuut I don't have any currently actually, at least not that I know of What was the last thing you spent $150 or more on? Loans woo Do you prefer yes or no questions or more open-ended questions? Open-ended, for surveys at least What brand of toilet paper do you usually buy? My parents buy Scott and have forever but when I lived by campus I think I bought charmin If I knocked on your door right now, would you be acceptable dressed? Not wearing pants so no, not a good look for answering the door to a stranger, or anyone at all really lol Why did you leave your last job? At first I was just going to do it in the summer but then I tried to maintain it while doing my last year of college and I only lasted about 2 months until I decided I couldn't do both and school/having time to study/just time to myself was more important than a job that was just to fill the time/make some extra money What colour were the last socks you wore? Blue green and pink Are you studying currently? What level of education and what do you study? Just graduated, I have a BS in criminology Have you ever eaten at a restaurant and left without paying? No What was the last thing that made you laugh out loud? The text from my mom What’s your favourite scent of air freshener? I use candles more than I use air fresheners... I buy my candles based off the seasons/what I like at bath and body. I like fruity/floral scents but like not too too sweet. Like I'll never buy sugar cookie or anything like that How many weddings have you ever been to? At least 4... I haven't been to a wedding in like 10 years. I have a bunch of older cousins so that's where most came from. Oh jk 5 my mom got remarried duh Do you know anyone named Nora? No Are your hands and feet in good condition or could you do with a mani-pedi? Definitely could use a pedi though I hate going to the nail salon. And my nails could be repainted When was the last time you played a board game? What did you play? Christmas Eve we played scrabble How old were you when you first became sexually active? 18 Have you ever been to a festival for beer or other type of alcohol? Yessss I've been to a cider fest which was awesome. And then another festival that had a mix of beer cider and wine Do you own a record player and/or vinyls? Nooo I wanted a record player for Christmas but then I rethought it because I don't really have room for it currently, so maybe some day when I have my own place/feel like spending money on that When was the last time you went out for drinks? Like two weeks ago Have you ever been to a strip club? No Do you know anyone with a ‘virtue name’? I know a Faith and a Grace Would you ever wear real authentic leather? I have a leather purse from Italy so yes Have you taken out the trash today? No How often do you wear make-up? I don't really have a schedule for wearing makeup. I'll wear it if I'm going out or doing something fun with friends where I know we'll take pictures. And I'll wear it to work. But a lot of times at home I don't, even if we go out to dinner or run errands or something I don't. And yet my skin is still kinda meh, go figure What’s your opinion on The Simpsons? Never really watched it Do you prefer horizontal or vertical stripes? Horizontal Do you know anyone who has been through a divorce? Yes If you had the money, would you take taxis everywhere instead of driving? Nope I like to drive tbh Have you ever done a juice cleanse? Nah not for me Do you have any friends who you can’t decide if they’re attractive or not? Omg what a weird and kinda mean thing to think about friends...wondering if they're attractive or not like wtf who does that. No Is the inside of your fridge clean right now or does it need a clean out? It could probably use a clean out When was the last time you washed the dishes? Earlier today Are there any magazines that you read on a regular basis? We just started getting hgtv magazine which comes monthly so that Do you have to pay for parking in most places in the town/city you live in? No What’s the first thing you tend to do when you have a headache? I swear I never get regular headaches anymore they're almost always migraines. I take medicine daily for migraines but I also have medicine to take when I get one because Advil/excedrin doesn't do shit for me Tell me about your responsibilities at work. Ask me laterrrrr Can you hear lots of traffic from your house? Does it bother you? We live a little ways off a main road, sometimes if people drive like assholes and speed or if an ambulance goes by on the main road you can hear it here. We're in a cul-de-sac so there's no real traffic on our road, but what is annoying is the guy diagonally across the street has a motorcycle and its loud and obnoxious Have you ever had proper Canadian poutine with the squeaky cheese? I have not. I've even been to Canada but we didn't get poutine Do your parents know how to operate smartphones and/or computers? They're decent. They definitely ask me for assistance with things How old are your parents, anyway? Both 51. And my stepdad is like 49 I wanna say Are you allergic to anything? What do you have to do to prevent them? Allergies. I'll take an Allegra or something if they're really bad but I mainly just deal What song is stuck in your head at the moment? This is mildly embarrassing...So you know the episode of spongebob where he has the pet jellyfish that likes to dance and then the speakers get fucked up after some things happen so all the jellyfish are pissed and then Gary starts hitting his eyeballs together and then they make a song out of random sounds? That song of random sounds is stuck in my head lolololllll. Since today was snowy and blah I napped and my fav thing to nap to is spongebob and that episode was on and yeah. It's stuck in my head What’s your boss’ first name? Do you call him/her by that name? My work has different divisions and teams and I'm not sure yet what specific team I'll be on so tbd When was the last time you wore a uniform of any kind? What colour was it? When I worked at a restaurant early in college we wore black shirts jeans and black shoes. Or a red shirt if I was hosting Did you complete a survey before taking this one? Will you take one after? No and no Have you ever lost enough weight to drop a dress size? Maybe? Idk I don't wear a lot of dresses. I've dropped pant sizes so maybe I'm not sure What’s your favourite kind of bread? Every kind I love bread When was the last time you got pizza? What toppings did you get? We had pizza a few days ago, just cheese Do you own Monopoly? Is it the original or a special version? I don't actually What was the last thing you said out loud? Goodnight You have to choose one: cats or dogs? Dogs How do you travel to and from work? I'll be driving Do you primarily use cash or card for your purchases? Why? Card because I don't carry cash unless I got some for a holiday. Or sometimes I'll take out a 20 for when I go out Have you ever been to a stadium concert? Yes, the last two times I saw one direction were at stadiums. And I've seen a bunch of other artists at indoor arena/stadium things like Ed Sheeran, fall out boy, backstreet boys, etc
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