#mainly made this as a bg for my phone
astraios-art · 1 month
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Elliott <3
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im-just-a-boy-guys · 2 months
Would you be willing to write something along the lines of a female human getting bred by some minotaurs? The idea of being used like a breeding cow for those massive creatures just sends me in a dizzy (and the size difference *swoons*)
I absolutely love your work and would love to see your take on this ❤️
This is so HOT. ESPECIALLY bc one of my system members has a huge hucow kink. MAKE SURE YOU TURN ON NOTIFICATIONS IF YOU SEND AN ASK. you won't be notified unless it's non anonymous.
(This story is kinda long, but I got excited, and there's lots of sex :3 if you want to scroll down to the juicy bits, the bg changes from pink to green.
If you want part 2 I'd be happy to oblige!
(Psa, I do my nest to correct spelling, but some things may be misspelled. :] )
You had just signed up for a summer job working on a farm. You're relatively strong and have managed to build muscle while you were doing other forms of work and heavy lifting. You'd been trying to bulk up to make this easier and had gained a little but of weight that had mainly gone to your chest.
This made you slightly insecure because it made it harder to shop for good bras, but hopefully that could be changed when you had enough money from this job to do so.
You receive a phone call, the voice heavy and gruff.
"Hello? Is this (y/n)?"
"Yes it is!", you answered in your bubbly work voice, though you were very exited, hoping it was one of the places you'd applied for.
"Wonderful. This is the dairy farm Cali Dairy? I'm looking at your application, and you look like you'd be a perfect fit for what we're looking for."
He sounded so sweet, and both this and the acceptance made your heart race. He was a good sign that the company would probably be good to its employees.
"That's amazing! When and where do I meet you? Is there an interviewing process for information or will that he sent to me?"
He chuckled softly into the phone at your eagerness.
"Yes. The information will be sent to the email attached to your resume."
"Thank you so much! Have a great day!"
"You too."
He replied as you ended the call. You squealed into your pillow and anxiously awaited the email.
A ping sounded on your computer and you clicked on the notification. The email reads,
"Dear applicant,
We are happy to welcome you to the Cali Dairy family!
Please meet with the supervisor, Daniel, at 477 Milky Whey, Sacramento, California. 95872. On Monday, August 5th at 10.30 AM.
(This is not a real place, and I hope you like the pun.)
You will be moving to one of our in-house apartments. You will be shown around and be given ample time to move and adjust.
If you have any questions, please reply to this email and we will get back to you soon.
Sincerely, Cali Dairy.
When you applied, you saw something about comfortability moving for work and had selected yes, but you didn't know the extent of it. You didn't think much about it and figured that anything you needed to know would be explained on Monday when you met the supervisor.
You wondered if the supervisor was the same kind of sounding man on the phone but passed the thought off to the side as you began to plan on packing.
The coming week and a half passed as you began to pack up your own apartment, you wanted to make the move as easy as you possibly could to work sooner and you figured you'd just unpack after your shifts.
You prepared your outfit for the next day excitedly, deciding on a baggy older shirt with a bike design on it and a pair of your straight leg work jeans. You didn't expect to work on the first day, but you wanted to be prepared just in case.
The next morning, you woke to your 8 am alarm, your body vibrating with excitement. You took a 30 minuite shower, making sure to use extra of all of your various coffee scented soaps and scrubs. You topped it off with a heavily scented, "whisky and coffee" lotion and dryed your hair, and put it up in an old soft tee shirt, a trick you'd learned from your mom.
You slipped I your clothes, by now 8:45 and pulled the tee shirt off of your head and list let your hair down, de-tangling it quickly before grabbing your phone, keys, and anything else you'd need.
You shoved the various things into your bag and drove to the address you were given. The further and further out you got from the city. The open roads lead into fields of various crops and trees. Redwoods were tall and towered lightly along the road side and you enjoyed the scenery. If this was where you were going to be, you'd be happy about it. The drive was so peaceful, and much better than the traffic you were used to.
You arrived at a large, farm house- looking building and pulled into a paved driveway full of a few other vehicles. As you looked around, there were various small walking trails to other buildings with various lables and signs scattered almost like a college campus. The sign on the building you pulled up two read, "reception and Managerial office."
You smiled and gathered your things, turning the car engine off and stepping out. You could feel the energy charging through your veins as you walked over to the steps of the quaint building.
As you entered, there was a front desk, no one was there but there was a small paper taped to the front of the desk.
"New hire, the office is down the hallway, the supervisor should be waiting for you."
You meandered down the hallway and gently rapped ( a soft knock, usually with two out of your 4 main fingers) softly on the door.
"Come in." You heard the low voice through the door, deep but still light. You entered and looked around the office before your eyes landed on the bigger -man? Behind the desk.
You'd seen many other species in your day to day but you'd never met a Minotaur, but there one sat. His thin coat was shiny on the parts that weren't covered by the sizable black polo shirt he was wearing. You could see just below his waist to the brown leather belt and blue jeans he wore.
They squeezed lightly around his large thighs, you couldn't help but stare and hadn't noticed you were.
"Hello, y/n?"
You smiled as you were snapped back to reality.
"Yes, that's me!", your face flushed. He looked kind of nice in what he was wearing.
"I hope I'm not under dressed - I sincerely thought I might be doing some lifting today or just starting work, so I wanted to be sure -"
He cut you off and smiled - "It's alright. I don't blame you. I'm just a manager so don't let my atire fool you. I'll show you around if you'd like."
You beamed and nodded, clutching your bag over your shoulder. He stood, and you could hear the wooden floor creak under his weight. He was huge, at least a couple of feet taller than you.
"My name is Daniel, by the way. It's very nice to meet you."He held his big hand out to shake.
You were just now looking at his features, a slightly humanoid bull head sat on strong shoulders, the colors of his fur were so beautiful, deep browns blending into whites around his nose and eyes. His eyes were a deep brown and they shown in the sun as he looked down at you.
You took his hand to shake it, and he gripped your hand very softly and shook once. He held your hand so gently for such a bug creature. He was so beautiful, it was all you could think about. As he passed you, you realized that you were only chest hight, the thought made you blush deeply.
"You coming?" He chuckled as he walked out of the office.
You scrambled to get behind him as he led the way, and you were happy to follow. As you two walked along the path ways. You passed a smaller building that read "Medic" and locked your head.
"First thing, you go into this building. This is where you will have your physical, where our nurse will check you over and make sure you're fit to work."
You nod and walk into the building. He doesn't follow.
It's a one room doctors office. You walk in and see a slender red head turned away from you, facing a counter. She seems to be investigating a sample of some kind.
She must've heard you walk in as she turned around halfway.
"Hey! How can I help you? You need a bandaid or something?"
She didn't recognize you hut was clearly preoccupied.
"I'm a new hire - I'm here for my physical?" You offered this answer shyly. She was very pretty. You saw her fully as she turned around, her face was thin and her nose slightly pointed. She turned to the side to grab something, a Greek nose. She was the most beautiful thing you'd ever seen, even more than the burley man you'd left him outside.
Her eyes were a bright, shining blue. "A physical, huh? It's been a minute since we've gotten a newbie. Alright, sit on the table." She gestured to the doctors table.
You hopped up onto the table, which caused your large chest to bounce and recoil. You blushed and gently put your hand on your chest to hold them still.
She looked to the side at you and smiled.
"Yeah, big chests are so much fun-" she gestured to her own chest, which was actually now that you looked. Almost just as big as yours.
"That being said, we're going to do some measurements and get you a special support bra. The world you do is going to have a lot of moving, so we want you to have the maximum posture assistance and comfort that helps protect your back and chest. This does mean that I'm going to have to touch your chest. Are you alright with that?",
You nodded, and the blush spread from your cheeks to your ears. "Yes, that'll be okay -"
She nodded and pulled out a clip board and readied it. With one hand. She gently felt across your chest, very gently squeezing and prodding in different places. She would ask if you could feel a touch here and asked if it hurt when she pressed in another spot, all of this caused your pussy to scream. Her hands were so gentle, and your chest was so sensitive.
She began to pick up on it and would grab harder here and there. She finally stopped and wrote down a few things on her clipboard.
"Bra size looks to be a double or triple D? Thirty-six, maybe?"
She was right, "yeah, 36 DDD." The woman nodded and waved her hand.
"Alright, we're done. You can go. My name is Dr Sylvia. It's a pleasure to meet you, and you are?"
"(Y/n), nice to meet you too."
"Alright, you can go now."
You thanked her and left the building, finding Daniel leaning against the wall to the side of the door.
"You done already?"
"Alright." He continued to lead you around
To various buildings, one of which reading "Spa" as you passed it.
"Oh there's a spa?", Daniel nodded.
"We take good care of our employees here. We make sure they're all relaxed. Relaxed workers work harder and better. Science fact." He smiled proudly.
He showed you around until about 2:30pm and asked you if you had any questions. You asked about your moving situation and what was paid for and what wasn't. He informed you that in a couple of days or when you were done packing, moving men would come help me move my things if I call him to ask.
Once everything was sorted, you made your way home, through the beautiful fields and trees just kind of talking in your own head.
Your mind and heart raced as you thought about your attractive new coworkers. They were both so incredible looking and both seemed so genuine and sweet.
Once you arrived home, you found your cunt drooling and a light buzzing in your clit, you needed to get off so badly. You wandered over to your drawer, undressing from the waist down with one hand as you fumble with the buttons. Once that gentle hum starts, you practically shove it between your legs, crying out as the vibrations sent pulses through your throbbing cunt.
You fought to get out of your underwear, desperate to shove something inside of yourself. You were just desperate to have something in you - God anything.
You thrust your index and middle finger into your wet hole, moving them around right up against your g spot. Your moans fill the room, not caring much about your neighbors. It was one of your last nights anyway.
This turned into hours and hours of teasing and edging yourself. Rolling around in bed and imagining the two beautiful creatures tossing you between the two of them, choking on the Minotaur's cock while the Dr ate your pussy, this thought alone was enough to make you ruin your sheets with cum, squiriting violently and crying out.
You breathed hard as your orgasm shook you softly as it fizzled out. "Fuck-", you mumbled to yourself and cleaned up, changing the sheets.
You weren't required to come into work until your things were moved so you spent the next week finishing packing and called Daniel. You found yourself giddy to talk with him.
"Hey! It's (y/n) everything is all packed up and I'm ready to move officially whenever."
"Alright. Make sure you mark boxes fragile, then come here in your car and bring a bag for your essentials, I'll show you your apartment and give you your key."
You giggled softly,covering the mouth peace of the phone. "Yep! No problem!", you excitedly grabbed a marker and made absolutely certain that anything you COULD carry you would. Any small things you would need were transported to your car and you drove to the place you had met the larger man the week prior.
Once she arrived, the sun was setting and she walked to where she knew the man's office was and found the door open. He stood, and she once again remembered her size.
"Alright. I'm going to drive my stuck, you follow me in your car and I'll show you where the apartment is."You followed him out and started up your car. You watched him get into his and follow him around the plot of land to a set of nice-looking buildings with balconies.
He parks in front of building number 256. Daniel smiled as he stepped out of His car. He tossed me my key and you cought it, smiling smugly. He raised an eyebrow to you as if to playfully question your ego. Daniel walked foward and you followed him to aparrtment 27,, thankfully one of the upper apartments. this meant you wouldnt hav an upstairs neighbor. when you unlocked the door, you walked in and gasped at how big the space was.
"Do you like it? We'd be happy to change the room if it's not to your liking.", You gasped and shook your head.
"No no no- it's amazing! This is the biggest apartment I've ever seen!"
You walked in to a large, light hardwood floor, that space leading into an open kitchen across the room from the front door. In the far left of the living room, a hallway that probobly lead to the bed and bathroom. You wandered across the room and into the hallway, to the left was the bathroom, showcasing a large walk- in, rain shower. in the corner, a large round bath tub.
You gasped more in awe. These people had to be some sort of loaded - you'd figured being it was 26 dollars an hour, at least that was the most you'd ever been paid.
As you walked through, Daniel watched you carefully, watching your expression and smiling to himself. You walked into the bedroom, which was carpeted and ginormous. On the far side, right-hand side of the room, there was a door to the balcony.
In the middle of the room, there was a mattress up against the wall.
"I've just received a text that the guys are at your place, and I have them grabbing your bed frame in a separate car. We supply the mattress because we like to ensure your comfort. This brand has been proven to be the most comfortable."
You nod absentmindedly, just excited you were at the new place.
"You start Wednesday, I'll leave you to unpack and get as comfortable as you can." He bowed his head lightly as a goodbye and left the apartment.
You were honestly pretty tired from all of the excitement and just fell asleep on the empty mattress, which wad infact the most comfortable one you'd ever laid on.
Over the coming three days, you unpacked and built your bedframe, turning your apartment more and more into your own every day. The movers had brought your things unto the living room area while you were asleep, which only worried you slightly, but nothing had happened, so you brushed it off.
It was now your real first day. You hear a ring at your doorbell and see a package on the ground. You take it inside and unpack what looks to be a new braw, the one the Dr was talking about assumedly.
You slip it on and adjust yourself as needed, finding joy in the comfort and support. There was an adjustable posture corrector built in with small straps to help adjust from under your arms.
You slipped on a tee shirt over the bra, just another one of your old vintage tees you used for work and your work jeans. You receive a text telling you to meet the Dr at the 'stables' in 15 minutes.
You were super excited. You loved form animals and wondered which one you'd be working with, saying stables would probably mean horses or just a holding for cows.
You drove over to the stable section and parked your car in the small lot in front of the building. You could see a pen that stretched around the back side of the building, but you couldn't see what was in the. The Dr Sylvia met you at the door and smiled.
"Well well. So I see the bra came in. Looks good on you if you don't mind me saying. Is jt comfortable?"
You smiled. "Absolutely! I love it."
A sly smirk slipped across her face. "I'm going to be honest, "You're not going to wear it more in your free time to help build posture and, of course, for when you go out. But this job is alittle different from most. "
This confused you, of course, because in that case, why make the bra and say it was for work? Regardless, she followed her into the building as we're met with an incredibly loud wiring and another sound you couldn't quite place because the sound was so overiden by the machine noise.
The Dr showed you to a small stall that was to your surprise, empty aside from a few things you weren't paying much attention to. The Dr smiled and pulled a small syringe out of her pocket full of a clear liquid.
You cocked your head slightly. "This is an ati-biotic that will help with possible issues with the bulls. Just incase there's anything that we don't catch in time it keeps you from getting sick."
This made sense, so you held out your arm for her, and she shot it into a vein. Within minutes, you felt lightly energetic and then very euphoric. Sylvia smiled as she saw this take effect, and your mind fogged.
She led you into the contraption you hadn't really seen until now, a small bench with arm and leg cuffs. "Undress please", you knew better but couldn't help it. Whatever this was was a truth serum on steroids or something.
Except, instead of telling the truth, you just did everything you were told. You stripped down sheepishly, and she helped you straddle the bench and lock your limbs into place. She adjusted the bench so the back was slightly higher than the front.
Your breasts hung over the front, and a separate arm slipped into place around them, holding your nipples to be aimed down at the ground.
You could feel your chest begin to ache, yout tits felt- full? You were just coming to terms with the possibility of what was about to happen and began to panic internally, though with no real affect to your body, which felt heavily sedated.
You could hear the machine noise start to get quieter, and moans radiated from the stalls around you. Your face flushed as you came to further terms with what was going to happen, then it clicked - bulls. Was there going to be more Minotaurs?
Just then, a door opened up behind you, and you heard huffing as a solution was spread across your entrance, sticking gently between your lips.
"Alright. You are perfectly safe, and all of our bulls know to be gentle with our newcomers. This doesn't mean they won't be exited, but you'll definitely adjust. This Gate behind you will open, and the bulls will be let in."
Sylvia smiled softly and gently ran her fingers through your hair. "You're gorgeous." She winked and left the stall. You heard a latch lock into place, and a buzzer sound as the gate behind you opened
You tried to listen, but it was harder and harder to stay focused. You were feeling less and less sentient by the minute, and God did your tits feel heavy.
You heard scuffing against the hay that coated the wooden floor and tried to listen harder, not knowing what to expect. There sounded like multiple creatures stepping.
The big hulking creatures investigated you, groping softly at your flesh.
"She's perfect," one of them grunted.
"I call first dibs!" You heard what sounded like impact and assumed they were pushing each other around.
Were they fighting over you? The idea made you swoon.
Soon, you felt something wide pressing gently against your entrance.
"Fuck she's so tight!-", one of them moaned out softly as he began to gently tease his tip into your hole. You moaned out softly. You'd had sex a few times, but it was nothing special, but these creatures were so huge. Their tip felt bigger than most toys you'd used if you stacked them onto each other.
He was infact very gentle at first, the other Minotaur walked over infront of you, his cock was room hard and the size of your head, you couldn't help but drool as he gently opened your mouth with his thumb.
"She's pretty too- can't wait to fuck her throat. Her lips are so plush she looks like she gives good head-", He chuckled and rubbed his thumb over your lips, slipping it into your mouth. You sucked softly, you couldn't help it.
Your cunt grew wetter and tried to stretch, gripping desperately at the other creatures' tip. You moaned over the Minotaur in front of you, and he raised his tip to your lips, pulling his thumb out.
You found yourself opening your mouth for him, though not sure if any of it would fit. He chuckled.
"Adam, this one's very eager to please - she might be my new favorite."
"Mine too - fuuck I could do this all day with just my head. I can't wait to feel her pussy when I'm all the way in-"
You blushed softly. You were so watery, but you did feel happy to be used to be useful. He gently pressed his head against your lips, and you tried to greet him with your tongue, licking softly around the exposed head.
You even tried to lean forward slightly to accommodate you. He smiled and stepped forward.
"Oh my god, her tongue is god send-"
"Were gonna have to swap - I wanna try -"
This must've been normal to them. They talked and bickered like this is a daily occurance- favorite? Maybe they'd pick you more- his cock feels so good and it was barely in at all.
As time passed, they began to push themselves further and further into your holes, making themselves fit. Soon enough, adam was keeping a steady rythem and fucking you, his tip alone tickled your cervix without even trying, while the other held your jaw gently while he fucked into your throat.
"Just breathe through your nose and relax your throat, sweetheart. Makes it hurt less."
You found yourself blushing. He was so kind of considering. You listened to his advice, and it made the experience more heavenly. You had been trying to figure out how to do it comfortably for a while. You had a tough oral fixation that you'd been trying to fulfill.
This was everything you never knew you always wanted, your cunt dripped wet around Adam's cock and you drooled on the others, taking them both as far into you as you could.
"How's her mouth feel, Erin?"
"Fucking amazing, she's so good at it!"
You smiled to the best of your ability around him and tried to move your tongue as he thrusted.
Erin's hands moved to the back of your head to steady it as he moved, yiu could feel his cock throbbing in your throat and even swallowed around him to help him finish, moaning lewdly anyway from Adam's roughness with your pussy.
"Fuck I'm so close!", Erin called out and his hips picked up speed, your brain went almost entirely foggy, this was the best thing you'd ever experienced, Adam groaned and he picked up speed aswell, you could feel his knot pressing up against your entranced as he desperately tried to fuck it into you.
Within five minutes he'd managed to shove his knot in your drooling cunt and Erin pushed his knot to your lips as he came harshly down your throat, you choked lightly but tried your best to swallow.
Adam spewed cum what felt like right into your womb and you cried out and coughed slightly against Eric's length. He pulled out of your mouth and you gasped for air.
"You're stuck here for a minute, doll. Gotta make sure you get bred properly."
You nodded and gripped at his shaft with your walls. During the wait period, Erin smiled and petted your head gently, playing with your hair.
"You did such a good job for us. We're gonna swap out and have s'more fun with you, and then you'll get your pretty tits milked." He chuckled and gropped one of your aching breasts. You whined and struggled lightly against your restraints.
"I'd better not. Dr Sylvia gets irritated if we milk you and waste it."
You were confused about the milking, but you truly felt like a breeding cow. It was your favorite thing.
After a moment, finally Adam's knot swelling went down, and he was able to pull out of you. His cum spilled out of you and slipped down your thighs. It was so warm. They swapped places and you finally were eye to eye with the cock that had filled you to your cervix and allyou could think about was getting it into your mouth.
You opened your mouth for him, sticking your togue out. He pressed his head to your tongue and immediately shoved unto your throat. As Adam plunged unto your throat, Erin pushed violently into your stretched, swollen pussy.
They both let go of being gentle, fucking you roughly from both ends, your brain just melted into what you now knew to be affection from the two bulls. If you were turned into a cow for them. So be it.
You were reeling and losing your mind as they used you, your cunt gripped at Eric harshly as you came violently and squirted against the bench you were against.
This caused Eric to shove his knot in you, he cane quicker than he thought he could, he'd never had a pissy so good and he was so sensitive from the first use that it was so easy.
Adam, however, was not satisfied so easily, gripping your head and absentmindedly fucking roughly into your throat, his knot pressing against the your mouth. You did everything you could just like with the other, massaging his coks with your throat as you moaned and swallowed against him. He groaned and gripped your hair as his cock throbbed.
"Fuck- fuck- right there, fuck your tongue is so good!", He grunted as he pushed into your throat as far as he could and came down your throat, you swallowed against him, sucking on him like a straw.
He pulled out of your mouth and chuckled, petting your head softly. Both of the creatures bent down in front of you and littered your face with licks and kisses, both of them groping you softly and affectionately.
"You were wonderful, love. Thank you for your time." They left through the gate. They came in and pressed a button that closed the gate, a soft alarm sounded, and the Dr came in.
"Well, did you have fun on your first day?"
She smiled and carried a machine into the stall, a pump of some kind and attached the sucker's to your breasts.
You nodded haphazardly, and she turned on the machine. Your tits were so sensitive, but them finally being drained from being so heavy was so relieving. Your legs quivered and sme smiled up at you, crouched on the ground.
"Look at you! You took them so well. And you'll do this every day and be driven back to your apartment by an assistant. We'll have someone take your car back to the parking lot, and you can be picked up as well to make it easier. We just have to assign you a caretaker. If you don't mind, I'd like that to be me."
She looked up at you with those beautiful eyes, and how could you say no? Your tits were empty before you knew it, and she detached the sucker's.
"Look at all the milk you made! Wow!"
She sat it down to the side and gathered your clothes for you and wrapped you up in a robe shed briyght, helping you back to the little golf cart she used to get around. She helped you in and handed you your clothes to hold and put your milk container on the back.
She drove you to your apartment, letting you rest quietly. Once you arrived at your building, she helped you up the stairs and into your apartment, which she was given an extra key to. Sylvia helped you into your room and laid you down on the bed.
"You should rest for an hour and then take a bath to help relax your muscles and, of course, clean up. Have a good night."
She left you alone to your dazed thoughts. You sobered up from whatever shot she gave you and cleaned yourself up. You were so excited for tomorrow.
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nnnyxie · 11 months
I‘m inlove with an au I saw- it was bakugo x Popstar!reader so why don’t we Just Switch That and make it Izuku x Popstar!reader??🤭 like Imagine reader being a Popstar since middle/high school so Izu has been a Stan from the start!! And he works his way up to becoming a pro, Reader becoming a fan quickly and appearing on a live stream wearing his merch (I’m thinking an oversized hoodie??) And Deku hears of it- super flustered hehe and also ofc him posting maybe a story with readers music in the bg?? Stuff like that
Does that make sense?? You get what I mean right?? Okay cool
#𖢥 izuku anon
i heart ur brain so bad!!!
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you’ve been a popstar since your first year of high school!!!
you quickly gained popularity because of your unique voice and music style!! i’m thinking smthn along the lines of daoko and jun togawa!!
when you first debuted— he just loved you— he loved your music, voice, and style choices. he’s been your biggest supporter since day one!
now you…. you’ve also been a big supporter of his too!! he was just a sidekick when you first saw him in action. and you were so happy to see how he climbed the ranks!!
you loved how he interacted with his fans and how he treated the younger ones!!
when he started to gain more popularity, merch of him started coming out. you were pretty much the first to get every item. you collected all the posters, figurines, t-shirts, sweatshirts, etc. you were as bad as he was when it came to all might.
though— he was the same with you. he collected your albums in all forms, he had tour shirts and sweatshirts too. (despite never being able to go to a concert.)
now onto the live stream part………
izuku usually isn’t able to watch your livestreams. they’re usually at night and he mainly does night patrol. but!! his schedule’s changed a bit and now he’s doing early noon!! how convenient!!
lucky enough!! as soon as he got home, your stream started. it was labeled:
let’s talk hero!! (aka let’s talk deku!!)
the way his face lit up—
he was definitely quick to join—
though, his ‘username just joined’ notification got drowned by all the other fans so you didn’t see it <//3
but— when you appeared, you were in his newest world heroes era costume— well, it was a sweatshirt design but still!!
he was so surprised that you were a fan of his!!! it made him so happy!!
if homeboy had a tail, it’d be wagging.
“hello everyone!!” you spoke to your phone, laughing at the amount of comments. sometimes it was overwhelming but, you’d do anything for your fans!!
canklebiter: h-h-he-hell-hello🥺
“oh…! hello cankle biter!” you tried not to laugh or outwardly cringe.
cuntryside.living: NAHHHHH THE FUCK???
patricksslutera: ignoring that. LETS TALK ABT DEKU🤭
nana.sei: yes pls 💥 let out ur fangirl side!! we luv it 💥
“alright, alright. we’ll get on with the conversation!” you clasped your hands together in excitement. “did you all see his recent save? he’s such an amazing hero! the way he was able to save all of those residents— it was truly inspiring! and he had the brightest smile on his face when they thanked him.” you smiled fondly, remembering the news report. “it must’ve been so difficult though. having all of that weight on you. all of that expediency. i can’t imagine how difficult it all is for him. he’s strong in many forms. i think that’s why i love him best.” his heart skipped a beat—
“but, he knew what he was getting into, you know? and i don’t mean that in a bad way! i mean it like— he decided to do it, knowing the repercussions. he did it because, he wanted to save people and make them happy.” you sighed, happily. “it’s so admirable.”
“and i’ll be honest— i’d be too scared to ever do that. but, seeing him in action? it’s just… inspiring. i’ve uh… this is a little embarrassing… but, i’ve dedicated quite a few of my songs to him… especially on my recent album…” you held your face in your hands. “you know the songs i’ve never explained the background of? yeah… those were the ones.” you groaned in slight embarrassment. “don’t go spreading that around now though— okay?” you playfully glared at the screen.
koushi.kt: @/mei.mei WHAT DID I SAY
earphone.jack✔︎: the green makes sense now…
pinky✔︎: @/earphone.jack I WAS JUST ABT TO SAY
nana.sei: HELP WHY IS EVERYONE ACTING SO SURPRISED??? this is them we’re talking abt c’mon🧍‍♀️
koushi.kt: wait bc i need to see them tgthr now
izuku feels dizzy and giddy.
he honestly thought that you might’ve had some secret lover due to the nature of the songs— but now that he knows the songs are for him??? he’s just !!!!
(i mean i’d be dying if i were in his shoes /pos)
he watches your live until its end— taking note of when the next will be
he also decides to ‘discreetly’ post on his story about your new album……. tagging you…….
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‘thyme’ was symbolic to courage, strength, power, and sacrifice in ancient greece & rome. which is why i chose it as a song title!!
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happycoincidences · 3 years
Big Kpop question tag
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I was tagged by @myeoning-call thank you!! ♥
•Song That Got You Into K-Pop: Bae Bae by BigBang. I first clicked on Loser, I wasn’t feeling it completely but liked it enough to give them another chance so I clicked on Bae Bae, that one was on repeat for weeks. 
(Idk... I think I might seem like an older kpop fan but I got into kpop in 2015. I’m one of those people who when getting into sth they really dig further until the origin of a thing, especially when it comes to music. So I know a lot about 1st and 2nd gen too, and I am mainly a fan of 2nd and 3rd gen bc I’m more around the same age as late 2nd gen - 3rd gen kpop idols, we grew up around the same time so I relate to them the most. For reference I am 2 years younger than Gikwang (late 2nd gen) and Yongguk (early 3rd gen), same age as Ken (early 3rd gen) and Sunmi (late 2nd gen). I heard about Kpop before 2015 ofc but i was in an industrial/obscure electronic music fase before kpop)
• Song That Gets Stuck In Your Head: The Chaser by Infinite is an earworm
• Fav. Male Group: When it comes to male groups, I make the distinction between ults and mains (ults are the most important, but “main” means I listen to them all the time as well, I just don’t feel as connected to them as people).
Ult: B.A.P, Highlight/Beast, iKON, VIXX
Main: BigBang (they were my first group which is special but I feel less connected to them than with my ults), SHINee, TVXQ/JYJ, H.O.T, SuperM, NCT (WayV mainly), 2PM, Super Junior, Block B 
• Fav. Female Group: Wonder Girls, 2NE1, f(x), Orange Caramel, Brown Eyed Girls, 9Muses, Ladies’ Code, T-Ara, Kara, 3ye
• Fav. Underrated Male Group: “B.A.P we didn’t deserve them”  <- agreed!
• Fav. Underrated Female Group: Spica
• Fav. Male Soloist: Lee Gikwang, Taemin, Bang Yongguk, G-Dragon, Jonghyun, Woodz, Ash Island (last one is actually khh, and Yongguk used to be kpop but I guess he’s more khh now)
• Fav. Female Soloist: Lee Junghyun (her debut album “Let’s go to my Star” is my favourite kpop album actually!), Sunmi, BoA.
• Fav. Male Choreography: Drip Drop by Taemin is a classic for me + So many other Taemin performances.
• Fav. Female Choreography: Paradise Lost by GaIn, another one would be 24 hours by Sunmi.
(-> I generally like solo or pas de deux (duo) more than entire group choreographies, it grabs the heart more imo. Tbh as I’m writing this I have ballet performances in mind when it comes to touching you emotionally through dance. Kpop dance has some impressive tricks but it isn’t particularly emotional, which is what’s most important to me)
• Fav. Subunit: Orange Caramel!! (and WayV if that counts)
• Fav. Senior Male Group: H.O.T if we’re talking about disbanded senior groups, TVXQ/JYJ, Super Junior and Sechskies if we’re talking about still active senior groups.
• Fav. Senior Female Group: Brown Eyed Girls
• Fav. Disbanded Male Group: B.A.P ♥
• Fav. Disbanded Female Group: Wonder Girls and 2NE1 ;;;;
• Fav. Band: N.Flying
• Fav. Male Rookie: Idk.. Oneus maybe? I listen to them casually. (I consider them rookie)
• Fav. Female Rookie: 3ye (They debuted in 2019, to me that’s still rookie)
• Fav. Male Dancer: Highlight/Beast Gikwang, SHINee Taemin, B.A.P Jongup
• Fav. Female Dancer: BoA
• Fav. Male Rapper: B.A.P Bang Yongguk
• Fav. Female Rapper: Brown Eyed Girls Miryo
• Fav. Male Vocalist: iKON Junhoe (he has a very unique and ‘harsh/rock’ voice for kpop, my fav voice in kpop), VIXX Jaehwan (Ken), Highlight Yoseob and Gikwang (Gikwang has a good voice but it’s not the most powerful one, but I just really love hearing him so.. :)) ♥♥)
• Fav. Female Vocalist: 2NE1 Bom
• Fav. Male Debut: Warrior by B.A.P, 7th Sense by NCT U
• Fav. Female Debut: 와 (Wa) by Lee Junghyun
• Fav. Music Video: The Closer by Vixx !! 
Honorable mentions: Yamazaki by Bang Yongguk, We are the future by H.O.T , Mirotic + Rising sun + O -正.反.合. (정반합) by TVXQ, Lies + Haru Haru + Last farewell by BigBang (those MVs bring me back to when I was a teenager, the low rise jeans, the pink Motorola flip phone.. one of my friends had the exact same one at the time), One Shot + Skydive by B.A.P., Mystery by Beast (both the official mv and their self-made mv) + Adrenaline by Beast/Highlight (a very basic mv but I instantly become happy when I watch it)
• Fav. Underrated Song: The Closer by Vixx, again! Also Outside Castle by H.O.T, Copy and Paste by BoA, Dear. Rude by JeA ft. Cheetah, She’s gone by G-Dragon, and Hikikomori by Bang Yongguk(♥)
• Fav. Male B-Side: Obsession + Divina Commedia by G-Dragon, Blind + 주소서 (Pray) by B.A.P, Love me do + Silence + Trigger by VIXX, Sexuality by Taemin...  
• Fav. Female B-Side: Ca teint moi + GX 339-4 by Lee Junghyun (!! the entire Let’s go to my Star album is a no skip for me), Wonder Girls: almost all of the Reboot Album...
• Fav. Comfort Song: (Most comfort songs are either by B.A.P or by Beast/Highlight because they’re the ults of the ults lol)
B.A.P: Save me, Diamond 4 ya, almost the entire Noir album (+ Ya by Bang Yongguk)
Highlight/Beast: Lightless (unplugged version), Sad movie, Curious, Danger, Sleep Tight
Some H.O.T and TVXQ songs
Top 5 BG + Fav. Song/s:
B.A.P: Young, Wild and Free (my very first Bap cb and their very first cb after the hiatus and law suit), the entire One shot EP, Power, Feel so Good, That’s my jam, Warrior, Unbreakable, Badman, Excuse me, 1004, Bang X2, Hands up + the ones I’ve mentioned above (+ many of Bang Yongguk’s solo stuff)
Highlight/Beast: Plz don’t be Sad (<- always makes me happy), Breath, Bad Girl, Mystery, Shock, Special, Fiction, Shadow, Good Luck, Celebrate, Love like this, Not the End, Disconnected + the ones I’ve mentioned above (+ many of Lee Gikwang’s solo stuff)
iKON: Killing me, Rubber Band, Bling Bling, Ah Yeah, Dive, Why Why Why, Dumb & Dumber, B-day, Rhythm Ta, I’m Okay
VIXX: The Closer, On and on, Voodoo, Secret Night, Black Out, Hyde, Light up the Darkness, Love me Do (actually produced by Yongguk and it does sound like it could’ve been a B.A.P song♥), Rock ur body, and almost the entire Eau de Vixx album
BigBang: Blue, Bae Bae, Tell me Goodbye, Lies, Last Farewell, Haru Haru, Café, Fantastic Baby, Bad Boy, Let’s not fall in love, Beautiful hangover, La la la, Last Dance (+ many solo songs by G-Dragon, T.O.P and Taeyang)
Top 5 GG + Fav. Song/s:
Wonder Girls: basically the entirety of the Reboot album, So Hot, Tell me, Why so lonely, Like this, Like money (the version without Akon), and last but certainly not least So Hot + I Feel You (band version♥)
2NE1: Crush, Come back home, Hate You, Can’t Nobody, I love you, I am the Best, Don’t stop the music, Fire, Goodbye (;;;)
f(x): Pinocchio (Danger), Mr. Boogie, Nu Abo, Hot Summer, 4 Walls, Chu, La Cha ta, Electric Shock, Lollipop (ft. SHINee) 
Orange Caramel: Abing Abing, Catallena, My Copycat, Lipstick, Gangnam Avenue, Shanghai Romance, A-ing
Brown Eyed Girls: Kill Bill, Sign, Cleansing Cream, Sixth Sense, Abracadabra, How Come
Groups Planning to Stan:
A.C.E: (I listened to them casually for a couple of years but I want to get to know them better and I’ve been binging a lot of ace videos these past 4-5 months.)
After School: (I LOVE Orange Caramel, but for some reason I never listened to the main group’s songs)
Infinite: (been wanting to for years, I know a good amount of songs and been listening to them for years but yeah)
(These 3 groups feel like they have the potential to become fav groups of mine.)
I tag: @alldayxia @fashionbitchgd @epiphanicwiring @larktrash @novararavis @224-12​ @skyisfull​
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chiptrillino · 4 years
I've read in your Ko Fi that you ask of your art to not be used, and although I'm sure that entails to not use it for making profit -although I wouldn't mind if you started selling prints of your atla art cough cough- could it be used for like, desktop background or cellphone lockscreen? I just really love your art, your coloring and expression is amazing, and I wanted to make sure that it's okay with you -I know that tecnically you couldn't know but I still wanted to ask-
If i recall correctly on my Ko-fi image description on some image says:  “!!!you can use this image as an icon!!! “  so yes sure!  you can use it for desktop bg and cell phone lock screen. i don’t mind and i am happy it can give you a little joy when switching on your pc or phone.  but please... don’t ever sell art that is not yours.  (this counts to people in general not you anon) its kind of you for asking and thank you so much for your sweet words.  there are a few images though, where i ask you to please don’t use these for commercial and personal purpose. because they are pictures of my and friends oc or art i made for a friend (and maybe in future commission) few people asked me for prints but... i can’t with good coincidence sell fanart.  i know on redbubble there is a fanart program that makes the distribution legal.  but sadly, atla isn’t part of this program. my Ko-fi is mainly there so i can organize my art better!
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overthelillies · 4 years
fic recs for my friends
yeah okay so most/all of these are davekat im sorry!! arranged in no particular order also some of them are second person I Am Sorry.
Your Interpersonal, Intergalactic Relationship: A Beginner's Guide (8,400-something words)
A beginner's guide to playing hopscotch, overcoming internalized homophobia, and falling in love with your alien best friend.
friends to lovers! p cute
So It Goes (56,845 words)
They managed to win the game somehow. He's not really sure of the details, but it's not all it's cracked up to be. He's stuck in an unfamiliar body with a thirteen year old little brother who's terrified of him.
Somehow, he is sure this is his fault.
// i have not read this one. but strider angst and davekat yes please
Red Converse (26,648 words)
Due to a seizure, Karkat Vantas now has to learn how to live his life with two speech aphasia. He goes to therapy three times a week, suffers from awful headaches, and tries to avoid people as much as possible.
Due to a traumatic experience, Dave Strider refuses to use his words, preferring to relay his snarky comments and witty banter through sign language and typing on his phone.
They meet in a waiting room.
//THIS IS REALLY GOOD Altho they do have sex just skip it dw i promise it’s worth it
how...did you tell your friends (7,906 words)
Unfortunately, you don't fancy your brother's suggestion on how to break the news to John...
There's no other way out of it, you're going to have to just tell him.
//set after homestuck, dave tries to tell the most oblivious person in the world and also his best friend (john) that he and karkat are dating and it’s literally so good
Dave Strider’s Stupid Fucking Jawline (11,607 words)
Generic high school AU. Dave's jawline is really distracting and Karkat does NOT have a crush on him (shut up, Kanaya).
//high school au. lovely. good eating.
Gray and Red (16,084 words)
In which you only see color once you meet your soulmate, and the first color you see is the same as your soulmate's eyes.
//SOULMATE AU SOULMATE AU this is kinda very Angsty (Karkat do be pining doe) it’s p good
We’re All Friends & Family Here (And Frankly, We’re Sick Of Your Shit) (68,000 somethin words)
It's been about a year since the big Fast Forward, and sure, things on Earth C aren't perfect for everyone. But they're fine. Really. It's fine. Everything is super fuckin' swell, and that's that.
It's not like one night is going to change anything.
//post homestuck GOD THIS. IS SO GOOD okay so this fic is mainly dirkjake being fucking stupid with rosemary and davekat and also a lil roxy/calliope in the bg and it’s long but!!!! so very good
Red Ties (10,705 words)
Dave Strider's eyes never turned the color of his soulmates. With his rare eye-color, there's next to no chance they simply share an eye color.
One day he meets Karkat Vantas.
//another cute soulmate au! again. love the soulmate aus what can i say
i’m at the combination dunkin donuts & urgent care (3,920 words)
Karkat Vantas is convinced beyond a doubt that his neighbor is some variety of murderer, until they actually meet in person. Highlights include blood at the laundromat, Dave's weird obsession with candles, and a box of shitty swords.
//this is SO FUNNY short n sweet i promise
the calculation (2,481 words)
the fic in which Dave gets the flu for the first time since before the game and Karkat takes care of him.
//this fic is really funny and also sweet
Start At The Beginning (9,304)
//post-homestuck, Dave and karkat falling in love. the ending to thsi made me cry
I Love Cheap Thrills (4,773 words)
You’ve been trading memes with an international pop sensation, and your drunk ass had no idea.
//this one is verrie funnie
Locked Up (9,272 words)
Dave had always been the one best prepared for the game. He was able to handle the shit it threw at them and push it down a lot better than everyone else could.
It might have fucked up everything else about him, but that didn't matter.
He was fine.
He was always fucking fine.
//angst. very nice
I’d Tap That (oh fuck i didn’t mean to tap that) (17,041 words)
Karkat finds his old school bully on Grindr. Dave doesn't know how to shut up.
// really funny!! sorry if these are getting redundant i don’t remember the details about some of these
Pale as Bone, Pale as Water (5,305 words)
//another davekat sickfic
Apple Juice, Chips, and Bandages (5,335 words)
Every time he comes in he gets the same three things. A bottle of apple juice, a bag of chips, and bandages.
//really cute!! they’re liddol and they’re friends it’s nice
The Land of Blood and Childhood Trauma (8,242 words)
When two dreambubbles collide, two anti-social assholes are forced to help each other through it.
//not quite as Angsty as it sounds! it’s good
ecdysis (6,077 words)
Karkat goes through his adult molt. Dave does his best to take it in stride.
//so i actually haven’t read this thought I did but Uh have it anyway it looks good
Self Sabotage and Other Symptoms of a Damaged Soul (10,698 words)
//basically dave grapples with his internalized homophobia, etc. very good
turntechGodhead is offline (36,999 words)
//I’ve already ranted to you guys enough about this you know what it’s abt it’s SO FREAKING GOOD
A Ten Step Plan For Wooing Karkat Vantas, Featuring A Multitude Of Illustrations By Your Esteemed Authors, As Well As Tips For The Aforementioned Wooing (11,261 words)
Kanaya, because she's a saint, makes you a list.
The list is entitled "A Ten Step Plan For Wooing Karkat Vantas" and features a multitude of illustrations in purple pen.
"So we're doing this," you say. Your mouth threatens to twitch into something dangerously smile-shaped.
"Yes," says Kanaya. "We are making this happen."
"Hell yes."
//dave n karkat! they go on a date. stuff happens. it’s really good
Catching Colds on a Rock in the Middle of Space (15,887)
Rose catches a bad cold and it slowly spreads to the rest of the meteor crew. None of them are particularly good at admitting they're sick, let alone looking after themselves, but at least they're decent at caring for each other.
//rosemary and davekat! VERY sweet
Dave’s Girl (2,527 words)
The thing is no one knew anything more about "Kitty" other than her delicious cooking (Dave obviously doesn't want to share – ever) but the guys are more or less already in love with her. Drew insists she's probably this blond bombshell with big, blue eyes, all curves with legs that go on forever and a great rack... Practically everyone in the team has their own opinion.
//this is so funny and also im a sucker for these kinds of tropes so it’s great
Songs Made on the Meteor (27,762 words)
Dave makes music and they fall in love.
//on my to-read list! it looks good
Looks Just Like The Sun (12,231 words)
“Holy shit,” you whisper. Dave joins you at the window.
There are no stars left in the sky. Nothing but blackness and a faint soap bubble sheen.
“Is that a dream bubble?” Dave says.
And then it swallows you.
//okay. does this have explicit sex? yes. does it have a very explicit image? yes. HOWEVER (hear me out here) I firmly believe that if you whizz pass those parts, this is a very good fic with great characterization and fun banter. send tweet
aight happy reading
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r1ku · 5 years
@notchy tagged me! 🤗
🎂: May 28 !
Zodiac: Gemini ♊
Height: 5'3
Last Song I listened to: Gurenge - LiSA
I woke up thinking of this song today lol, because I'm still shocked Brendan Urie from Panic! At the Disco sang to it and watches the show lmao
Hobbies: talking to gaming pals on discord, playing mobile games, working on that webtoon recommendation document on Google doc, playing toontown rewritten, day dreaming, always typing down ideas and dreams to write or draw ONE DAY, in Google notes on my phone.
Favorite color: Purple ! 💜
Favorite Book: Coraline by Neil Gaiman
Tis the only book I have read a few times for sure. You know, I often thought I'd love to be a bookworm and wholeheartedly have several favorite books, but I'm not. I like the idea of it tho, I haven't read books in a long time. I mainly read manga and webtoons.
Last film I watched: The Grand Budapest Hotel by Wes Anderson
My friend and I have a lot of movies to check out, mainly horror flicks of korean or japanese films or martial arts films to watch. But that day he dropped this film to watch and I was able to and had never watched before actually. And we enjoyed it, it's very whimsical and comical.
I almost debated putting the last episode of kanata no astra, since it was like an hour long finale and One can watched several hours of 30 min episodes and not think of it as a movie, but when u think of an episode longer than 23 or 27 minutes, it FEELS like a movie lol even if its not 2 hours long. But nah lol
Dream Job: I haven't really, really thought about it. I've seen a few inspirational, thought provoking posts and tweet threads.
About how for some people you shouldn't make your passion your job, cuz you might end up hating your passion.
Or the one post that said they admired the character, Garry Gergich from Parks and Rec, for choosing a job that's decent pay and few but full hours, that allows him to spend time with his family.
Or the one tweet that talked about you should have several passions to look forward to like boxing or some other activity so you can spread out your feels and not be in a pit of negativity.
That said, I find myself to be a jack of all trades kind of person, I adapt well and if taught well, learn quickly to do just about anything right.
If anything, I will not think of the chains of reality and honestly answer this question focusing on dream part of dream job.
And thats to be a CEO of my own company that I made and create an animatiom company that can revolutionize the animation industry and crack the hammer of justice in various places that mistreat and mismanage and poorly pay hardworking animators and give them the lifestyle they deserve and lift people up and support them and not become a gate keeper. Da Drem *drops mic*
Meaning behind my url: I've had various urls, this url came from my bestfriend cat, who wanted the namine url, when i got her into kingdom hearts, but it's in limbo hell, I remember she waited 9 months for its release but its still like unavailable to obtain, idk now tho, that was a year ago.
I forgot what my url was before, maybe it was hong-seol and I finally, after 8 years, moved on from the spiel I had in firmly loving the character Sul, I still and always will even tho I dislike the comic's last season and how heavily the author suddenly gave us flashbacks all at once.
I told cat that KINGDOM HEARTS IS LIFE, I LOVE RIKU SO MUCH and she said "oh i was typing around and found r1ku is available" and i was like WHAT and i typed it and surely enough, it was available to my great surprise. And I am forever grateful for her and her mind. I ain't letting this go, as such its a personal blog and riku appreciation blog, I'll reblog all that I see and like.
I recently updated the mobile look, desktop look is perfect so i wont change that, but i had destiny islands gif from khnyctophiliac and that riku icon, that I have sources for in my about l sadly dont have time to update my about pages.
But I updated the icon to this destiny islands trio that has amano's kh3 manga art since it has riku in it and i love trios, from the khinsider website that posted icons ro choose from.
The bg is Phoenix Ikki from the Netflix Saint Seiya adaptation's ending, I love how dramatic that shot was with the song. I wish it could be longer, but I have no idea how people edit out credits for gif segments. I only used a quick gif making website that requires the video and can make cuts and speeds.
As for my sideblog, pink4walls, I am still, to this day enamored by f(x)'s - 4walls and especially their pink outfits in their live performance. This blog ia dedicated to hopefully making a thorough navigation system to find specific posts that inspire me to create. A creativity blog, if you will with things that caught my eye and references I want to use.
Thank you Notchy! A well deserved break from routine, helped me try to get more reblogs put there from my enormous 22k drafts, and gives people an update of sorts of me.
I tag @antheiafemme @ughliegirl @alfiethesnip
You may if you choose to, and its okay if you don't ! But first three mutuals to tag off the top of my head.
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yoonminist · 6 years
speaking of summer packages tho. I'm kinda a casual bts fan so I have yet to watch a lot of dvds and stuff. Which ones (including now series and memories, etc) are best for ym and which are most fun to watch in general? :D
this is a fun question!! here’s what i think of the dvds excluding the ones i haven’t seen fully (which are mainly the tour/muster dvds) + bon voyage because why not
memories of 2014: okay i don’t think i’ve fully seen this one, it’s mainly focused on concert/prep ?? BUT there’s a lot of baby bangtan playing around which is precious ,, the part where jungkook chases taehyung for kicking that huge ball at him where his phone goes FLYING is the Highlight in my eyes
memories of 2015: i LOVE all of the behinds for the hyyh shootings they did ,, like that’s all i can say to sell it lmao there’s a lot in this one and they have so much fun wherever they go so i adore this one 
memories of 2016: SO much ym in this one ,, it’s legendary because we have ‘i spent all night talking with jiminie’ and them playing around during the epilogue shoot and THEN the wings shoots during which they spent a LOT of time together ,,,,, and then there’s 2016 generally being That year for bts because of agust d and everything else they did that year 
memories of 2017: i LOVE this one lmao it’s so recent but i mainly remember that jin is the highlight of the whole thing ,,,, there’s so much content in this one so you’ll have a lot of fun watching it i guarantee you
now 1 in thailand (2014): baby bangtan :’’( fun because they have so many group shots and the legendary taekookmin pretty beggar concept
now 2 in europe and america (2015): so much ym because of the legendary yoonminseok unit!! yoongi pestering jimin about choosing him to be on a team with!! jimin being all starry eyed whenever he was around yoongi and don’t forget the legendary shoot in sweden that ended up being jimin’s phone bg
now 3 in chicago (2016): i mostly remember hoseok’s eyebrows lmao but you HAVE to watch their movie remakes ESPECIALLY taekook’s pokemon shoot and the legendary jinjihope unit (and everyone dragging jin for it)
summer package in kota kinabalu (2015): legendary because of ym lowkey spending the whole trip together but also because the pool time was so fun and they all had the best time :’’( hoseok vs. that snake
summer package in dubai (2016): in terms of aesthetics this one’s my all time favourite and the first one i bought!! the dvd is super fun because of the way they immerse themselves in the culture for their little mission,,, my guys ,,,,, also the ot7 games in the pool and them getting to see the burj khalifa was so cute
summer package in palawan (2017): okay so i haven’t seen this one rip me BUT all i’ve seen from this is ym being dicks to tae’s (??) sandcastle lmao i love asshole bfs 
summer package in saipan (2018): i mean this one literally just came out lmao it’s so nice getting to see them relaxing and having a good time :’’) the games were super fun this time
bon voyage in europe (2016): The Superior,, this is the first time they’ve done anything like this so they’re clumsy and confused but they chose who they hung out with and it’s so so fun to watch over and over again lmao there are some Legendary Soft And Casual ym (and 2s) moments in this one
bon voyage in hawaii (2017): this was basically all about the friendship trips but it’s still really fun!! they did all kinds of things together which is nice and there are a lot of games/challenges and i mean ,,,,,, ym sharing a bed,,, domestic 2seok,,,, which reminds me that lua @softeyoongi and i made a bingo just for this as it aired and we KILLED it ,, that’s how good it was 
and a shout out to the 3rd muster dvd because of the house of bts shooting and tony montana / other unit content,, GOOD content 
AND the seasons greetings are really nice because of the ot7 games as well as the modelling ,, i remember 2016 had a really funny game but the outfits were the highlight of that one for sure because it was Foreheads Galore,, 2017 had sports and flirty wings era ym (of course) and 2018 i haven’t seen fully but it had the mafia game so i love it
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eris0330 · 7 years
Undisclosed (Stigma S. 2) | One
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☽Pairing☾ ; Jin | Reader
☽Genre☾ ; Angst | Fluff 
☽Word Count☾ ; 1.9k
☽Summary☾ ; You and Jin decided to flee from your controlling lives, to live in freedom and start fresh. Even though you got to travel around and explore new things together, old habits never seem to disappear. 
☽AU☾ ; Escort | Mafia 
☽Notes☾ ; Part Two (Soon)
“Sir, the stats for the co-operation with EVR has been increasing, after your plea for the first deal.” A tall young man, with rounded silver glasses and a perfect black suit. Standing by the entrance, for the only biggest office in the building. Platinum and gold, displayed on walls and desk, while the logo of LV taking all the attention on the wall. Holding onto his notepad of various tasks and important information, he waited to be left off to do the rest while Taehyung stood by the windows, taking in the view of the active city.
“Good, make sure they only have this offer or LV won’t be a part of the ‘Diamond project. Oh… and also mention that they won’t be able to get the same quality elsewhere, than here.” Taehyung sounded determent, knowing exactly how the business world works. Being in the CEO position for more than a year, he knew what to say and do, when it came to manipulation. Even though, it was more or less just regular business meetings.
“Is there anything else I can help with, before I continue my tasks, Sir?” The young manager questioned, ready with his red pen to note down his extra tasks. Taehyung didn’t seem faced by it but did acknowledge his hard work from time to time. Knowing what it’s like, to follow around someone for more than twelve hours a day, it felt only right to give the young worker some free time.
“No, not for now. I’ll be out of reach the next few hours, I’m expecting a call from someone.” He replied, rubbing his chin as if it helped on his messy thoughts.
“Did they arrive today from their trip?” The manager questioned in curiosity, knowing the friendship between the previous ‘CEO’. Taehyung could only manage a chuckle, with the greatest boxy smile to add onto his facial expression. “Hah no, they arrived a few days ago. But today, I have a feeling I will hear from him.” He whispered, turning around to face the younger man.
“why is that?” It wasn’t a surprise, that his manager asked these types of questions. In fact, it felt like talking to himself. It was the small conversations that kept Taehyung’s mind on a clear path, to hold onto something that showed what’s outside of the building. Tugging his hands into his pockets, he took a deep breath before another smile ravished his expression.
“Because today, they are officially moving into a house together”
“Be careful now, it’s heavy!” Jin yelled from downstairs with his head peeking in from the entrance, as you stood halfway towards the second floor. Holding tightly onto the biggest vase you could find in the shop, for your beloved plant to stay in. There was nothing holding you back, getting the vase that is just the same size as you. Though, Jin wasn’t fond of the idea getting it and told you that he wouldn’t help moving it, if you got it. But as for now, he’s the only one biting nails if you were going to get hurt in the process of moving it. His pride nagging at him, as he unconsciously checked up on you.
“Stop worrying about me! I’m-an-independent-woman-for-christ-sake” Each words spoken as every step surpassed under your feet, with tiny sweat drops ready to fall, knowing it will sting if it got in your eyes. You didn’t want to admit, that letting this vase fall on the ground was almost worth it but knowing that Jin would never stop pestering, if you did so, you decided to stick with it.
“Seriously Y/N, did you really need that big vase?” He questioned, watching you settle yourself on the double bed in the room, to accomplish the task of moving one vase. His obnoxious smirk getting you, as he leaned against the door frame with folded arms. A decisive eyebrow rises, making it official that he’s ready to fight.
“Seriously Jin, did you really need that big mirror?” You remarked, pointing towards the golden framed mirror by the other side of the room, facing the bed. Knowing that only a few minutes ago, you helped him move it and set it up. It was bigger than Jin, actually it could barely fit into the entrance. His expression faltering, but still kept his teasing smile, he swayed his arms into the air as if he gave up.
“Well, sorry for giving my ‘girlfriend’ the opportunity to see her gorgeous self on an everyday basis, in a 250x210 cm sized mirror” He chuckled, walking over to lay on the bed beside you. Shoulders touching and the same ceiling looking down, while you both took a break together. Being around him for so long, meant that you two were almost like two peas in a pod. Every day, there were always one of you that started to tease each other about something. It was like medicine and sometimes, it felt competitive to know who would back down first. To some people, you both seemed like a new-born couple and according to the papers on the house, you’re basically stated as one. But in reality, you’re nothing more than friends. The landlord only rented the house out to couples and to get less gossip around the new town, you decided to play it off well. Though, it also meant to act like one in public, that sometimes were taken home without knowing. None of you went over the barrier of close friends, because timing was never right and the fear of making everything awkward after what you both have been building the past year. Fishing out your phone, you checked for new messages and thankfully, to not put it down in shame, there was a notification right in front of your eyes.
“Is it him?” Jin questioned, rolling onto his side as he leaned on his elbow to settle himself comfortably, watching you reply in lighting speed.
“Yeah, he’s bored, again” You smiled fondly, remembering the way he would text you when everything became dull. It’s been too long after you left with Jin, but it never stopped you from keeping contact, for security reasons.
“While you’re at it, tell him that you lost his precious snapback on the Maldives.” Jin spoke softly, with a hint of playfulness behind it. Eyeing his expression, you just huffed while pausing to think about if it were really worth it.
“I didn’t exactly lose it on purpose, you know” You sighed, remembering the heat beating the crap out of you and the only thing holding you in the sun, was Yoongi’s precious snapback.
“You could have hold onto it tighter when we went into the cave” Another teasing comment, making you puff your cheeks that you knew he ‘adored’ so much. The way you reacted to his words, was the greatest thing he knew. That’s why, he couldn’t stop teasing you.
“Well, too late to tell me that now Mr. lost-my-swim-shorts-in-the-cliff-dive” You chuckled as you sent your reply, with an added message of the forever lost snapback and seeing his cheeks flush like a cherry blossom. Eyes showing regret and shame, remembering the awful news of his dark blue shorts in the ocean.
“ONE. TIME. LET. ME. LIVE.” Falling into a fit of laughter, he facepalmed further into despair. And so, you loved his reactions to your teasing comments. It was like a match made in heaven, if it wasn’t for the deep secret you held from each other.
“In the Maldives???” Merely shocked, Yoongi couldn’t understand why you had his snapback in the first place, but losing it…on the Maldives? That was a whole another thing.
“Suga, the AKL, SWL, OPM, LUV and BG has been accepting the idea of a trade for MDMO™” A man in his ripped jeans and black tee, he scribbled down the newcomer groups and the trade for the next few weeks, that were going to be worldwide. As a man who was a leader, for the biggest international trading group, or for some people, a mafia group, he was the one to decide what is going to happen, with the consequences incoming.
“MDMO™ is not the easiest to get my hands on, but let’s see if they will give the right price for it to circle around. 200 G/200 Pills, $8000. No less.” Yoongi stated, putting his phone back into his pocket, where it should have been all day but the business going around, were not interesting enough to pay attention to. The younger man nodded to get the right price noted down, not even flinching of the idea. MDMO™ is the most popular sex drug around and it was mainly used by Mafia groups with Hookers, Escorts, Trafficking girls and Masseuses. For good causes, was never the case, which is why it had to be done underground. That’s where UWT (Underground world trader) stands in and knows the right contacts, to make the trade happen without the fuss of jail time. Yoongi hated the idea of owning a mafia group at first but being in the top ten, changed his mind.
“Yoongi. C-1 hasn’t responded their second threat. They have 25 days left, to pay $30.000. If not, the last and third threat will be delivered.” A taller silhouette, dark brown hair and perfect hazel eyes with the right scent of a man. His brows narrowing of the idea, that his job consisted of being a huge threat due to his strength and aura, but that’s what kept him going to see you once in a while.
“Third time’s a charm, Jungkook.” Yoongi muttered while massaging his temples, getting the list of people that hasn’t paid off their loan. It was to no surprise, that Jungkook would come back with either a light blood stain on his clothes. The amount of deep threats with punches was sometimes necessary, making the reminder of a due date clear as ice. He didn’t like it, but it also gave him the power of being in control.
“I hope so. I’d hate to not let his daughter grow up with a father, if he hasn’t already succeded that with his gambling problem.” Jungkook spat, feeling the anger build in his veins that were once calm. He has probably seen more fallen men get into the despair of gambling, sex, violence and drugs, that he didn’t need any of it. He stood by, watching the family fall apart.
“Don’t get attached, Jungkook. That’s not why I let you be a part of UWT” Yoongi replied firmly, putting down the notepad of names that were going to get threats, just for that day. Giving each other a sharp eye, Jungkook sighed in annoyance. Out of all people, Yoongi were there to help Jungkook get an education in sports therapy, specifically of the human body, to know what hurts and what wouldn’t cause the biggest damage of the surface. At first, working for Yoongi, it was nothing more than a gesture of thanks. But after a while, Jungkook grew to like being a part of what’s hidden from the public, especially if he gets to see you too. It was the thrill and treats, he grew to love.
“I know. Did you hear from her yet?” Pursing his lips into a thin line, expecting good news with a bit of eagerness in his vocals. Curious, as always, he asked about you. It didn’t surprise Yoongi, in fact, a lot of things doesn’t surprise him anymore. Giving the youngest a playful smile, while holding up the phone screen to display in front of the delightful hazel eyes. With hint of shock to Jungkook’s expression, he raised a brow reading the message you had sent.
“I have a task for you, again.” Yoongi whispered. Yet, it was clear to Jungkook’s ears and his interest was peaked.
89 notes · View notes
the-mf-bread-babies · 4 years
Dennis, Aaron, Damon, Sawblade
It was a normal (or was it?) day. The alarm on the boy's phone rang loudly, and he woke up.
Two hours late. It was a Monday.
Too tired to care, he fell back down to his bed and went on his phone. He opened Twitter and was shocked to spot the #1 trending hashtag:
He rejoiced, opening it to find millions of tweets without any context. After ignoring various fancams that made him lose hope in the current situation, he stumbled upon a thread explaining the current situation.
“#DojaCatIsOkAgainParty : A THREAD <3” The first tweet twote, accompanied with four pictures: One of Doja Cat herself, one of Nicki Minaj, another of whoever becomes the next US president, and Lana Del Rey. What the hell is going on?
“As we all know, Doja Cat, Beyoncé, and many other artists have somehow been cancelled by Lana Del Rey within a week in May of 2020,” Okay… “This is due to Lana's satanic powers.” Oh, okay. Yeah, this was the same account who said that Avril Lavigne has a clone. Who was part of the CIA. Sure, man, whatever.
“At 3:56 AM today, Doja Cat had kidnapped [insert 46th president here] and escorted him to a secondary location. Then, Nicki stabbed the shit outta him. This has caused the America fandom to go insane.” what. “Lana was behind this. As we all know, she and Jessie J had hacked into The Pentagon and made Beyonce Knowles president, for clout.” what.
He put down his phone, questioning what the hell Stan Twitter was on now. The boy approached his cat, Sawblade, who was sleeping on the floor. Sawblade yawned dramatically and circled the boy's legs. He picked her up and laid her onto his bed.
“kwjdkwjjrjrjrkjwkjwjrkj” The cat purred. His phone buzzed. It was a notification from PlayStation Messages. He opened it, eager to know if one of his friends finally wanted to play multiplayer with him.
“#0.00 NULL$$ - Hello PLAYSTATION user! We at NULL HQ politely invite you to join us in making the world a better place one job at a time. Kindly go to this location and sign up for one of our many job offers! No résumé needed, only experience, hard work, and an interview and a fitness test! We hope to see you soon!”
Oh, a scam. He took a screenshot of the text, and then immediately blocked and reported the user, NULL000000. Huh, odd username. Whatever, he's not gonna reply–
One DM from Twitter.
“#0.00 NULL$$ - Hello TWITTER user! We at NULL HQ politely invite you to join us in making the world a better place one job at a time. Kindly go to this location and sign up for one of our many job offers! No résumé needed, only experience, hard work, and an interview and a fitness test! We hope to see you soon!”
The same thing, huh? This NULL guy really wants his money, he guesses. First Nicki commits manslaughter and now he keeps getting the same scam messages? It's only been not even an hour today and yet so much has happened. What next, Enya comes out of hiding?
“BuzzFeed News: Famous singer Enya comes out of her big-ass castle to collaborate with Nyan Neko Sugar Girls creators for new Apple TV miniseries”
Damn, okay, this is a dream. The boy wrapped himself in a blanket, hugged his bolster and wriggled around, trying to sleep. He couldn't, so he went back on Twitter.
jimin is fr**kin DEAD (@bangtanctwice):
“dont s-word me but like why is l/*n//a out of prison again. i thought she had the electric chair already ://”
illumi killed silva <3 (@hxhoverwatcch)
“ITSSB ACK !!!!!!!!! HXH IS BAAAACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEEEEAAHAJAHAHAAAAA DJDJJDJDJSNDNFJDDJ”, followed by an edit of Hisoka Morow.
oikawa⁷ (@HAIKYUUUUS)
“man how the hell did furudate think a crossover w yu yu hakusho mp100 bnha kny gintama n hgtv could save haikyuu. it practically ended the moment they all ate that volcano w departure in the bg”
Kerry Washington ✓ (@kerrywashington)
“LITTLE FIRES 6 OUT NOW!!!! I'm gonna EXPLODE Earth in this one!!! I'm going back to the Early Cambrian stage!!!! Bye Pearl!!”
Internet Explorer Anitwt (@iloveboruto)
“Y’all Kurapika brought A SHOVEL to that fight with Uvogin!!! A Whole SHOVEL!!! 😂😂😂”
knas is canon !! (@moiiiraclones)
“guys i think bakugos a kurta..... think abt it.... red eyes... always stressed......”
vic (NOT SPOILER FREE!!!) (@myname_jeff)
“why is no one addressing the fact that jfk 2 is happening and like everyone involved has stans”
ray is ia rn (@cryptodorito)
“my dog just ate my dad ....... stan list !”
give moxxi another dlc (@TORGUEEEE)
“hey does anybody find it weird that gearbox just released borderlands 4 w no buildup At All. seems p fishy :(”
gerard's hand sanitizer (@raytowo)
“did mcr just do twelve concerts in three days. legends”
ceo of tanjirou (@hiskoamorron)
“pls stream jessie j now ;) or die <\3”
ceowo owof bakuwugowouwu (@bakubaby)
“yes, what i did was wrong. there are dogs everywhere starving and eating dog treats is not morally right. that said, (1/67)”
Okay, enough of that. No more. Please. Three hours have passed, and he's still very confused, if not even more confused than before. Is there some sort of event today that he missed? Why is every single tweet weird? Is all this real? Is he in a parallel universe? Is he dead?
The boy zoned out into the bedroom wall, thinking of all the possibilities of this happening. He was lost in his imagination, his train of thought splitting and exploding due to all the unusual occurrences. That was, until Sawblade voiced out her needs.
“YEEEEEEHEHEA” she yelled. She was starving, mainly because the last time she ate was like, a whole hour ago. Sad.
“Ye lah,” “Mew,” “Meow meow mew mew mew,” The boy meowed as he dragged himself to fill up his cat's bowl. “chyouooyoymeeeiielll,” he complimented, ruffling the cat's face.
The boy tripped over his Form 3 activity book as he was walking, a reminder that he should probably do his homework soon. He turned the doorknob and opened the door and he was shocked to find that his house…
Had been ripped in half.
He pushed his back against the wall and slowly inched along the wall towards the kitchen, staring down into the abyss below the house. The living room had a sofa missing, and the television looked like it was going to fall down any second. Furniture floated in the void below the floorboards, which was bent, with plumbing pipes exposed, as well as the metal rods holding the house together.
It reminded him of what Sanctuary looked like when it was floating in space in Borderlands 2. But instead of a city, it was a condominium unit. And instead of Lilith lifting it up, it was… unknown. If only he could gunzerk, or have siren powers, or be a ninja sniper assassin, or have a turret, or have a giant mech, or be super tall and have a buzz-axe. If only. But thank God there's no Mordecai. To hell with Mordecai. I hate Mordecai. He's the most straightest man. Ever. Claptrap is less straight than him. HANDSOME JACK is less straight than him. R O L A N D is CLEARLY less straight than him. Mordecai is the epitome of heterosexuality.
Thankfully, the boy reached the kitchen safely, but still very full of anxiety, and poured the cat food into a flat container, since Sawblade is so fluffy, her face can't fit in cat bowls. He emptied the water bowl, cleaned it, and filled it with filtered water, making sure it's slightly cooled. Sawblade likes it that way. As she cronched on the kibbles, he stared into the distance, wondering what his apocalypse name would be.
He grabbed a glass of water and a packet of muffins for his breakfast. As he ate it, he scrolled through his timeline as if it was the morning paper. Oh, Katy Perry gave birth to twelve kids. And Gowon killed X Æ A-Xii. With a machete. Ok. That's cool, I guess. Capitalism, y’know?
“my house got sliced in half. im just chillin here w my cat sawblade. considering eating cat food. not influenced by any recent drama ok”
Send Tweet.
As the boy was eating, he noticed the front door to the house was missing. The entrance lead to what seemed like the side of the street. In a foreign place. The lamppost was unfamiliar, and so was the pavement design. It seemed rather American.
He peeked his head out, and lo and behold, he spotted a pet shop just a couple of feet away. The sudden shock of all this made him forget about his cat, an indoor cat, a curious one. Sawblade stepped slowly outside, and as she went into the boy's view, he stormed to catch her, panicking and swearing profusely.
Of course, this made her way more terrified, and she ran faster, and… into the ajar door of the pet shop. “SAWBLADE!!! DON'T!!” he yelled loudly as he stopped in front of the building. The boy paused, unsure whether to proceed or retreat.
“Russell Family Pet Store, since 1965” wrote a large sign on the front. It looked rustic, but well-kept. The blinds were drawn, so the boy couldn't see what was inside. The building occupied two lots, and seemed to be two storeys tall. A nice rooftop garden was situated on top of it, and there were painted-over remnants of many posters plastered onto the walls. The walls were now coated with light brown paint. This building was surely cared for by a variety of owners.
Although hesitant, the boy stepped into the store, his hands shaking. He could've probably pass out right then and there if he wasn't searching for Sawblade. He sneaked into the building quietly, determined to get his cat and run like hell right after. However, his ideal plan was quickly foiled after he stepped on a squeaky toy.
“Shit, who's there?” A deep voice asked. It seemed like it belonged to someone tall, depressed, and very angry about capitalism. The boy was stuttering, both from the panic of being caught, and also because he had to speak to a native English speaker. “Probably just the delivery guy,” A second voice assured. This voice seemed quite hard to guess, but it was surely a kind one. Very trustworthy. “Jed, is that you?” The kind voice added. Yeah, these two are totally friendly. Probably. Don't take any chances, though.
A figure approached the boy, and it towered above him. The 5'9" hulking beast stopped. “Oh, sorry, we're closed. It's Judgment Day,” the kind man said. Well, of course it's judgement day. Why wouldn't it be judgement day? “Wait, no, I'm an idiot. Martin Luther King Jr’s day.” The man corrected. “How the hell do those two even remotely sound like each other?” The first voice said, the owner sitting behind the counter, shadowed.
“M-My cat's here.” “Have y-you sa-see-sawn her?” The boy was actually very fluent in English, even more than Malay, but the panic he was experiencing kind of absolutely extirpated any knowledge of it from his brain. Really, dude? “Sawn”? What is this, Texas?
Fortunately the two were understanding. The man behind the slau– counter stood up suddenly. “Holy shit, do you speak Spanish? Habla español?!” He asked excitedly. “No, why would I–? I'm Malay, dumbass,” the boy retorted, then realising that he just insulted someone much older than he was and that was… kinda rude. “WAIT SORRY” he blurted out, sending him back into the panic that he was under when he entered the store.
“HUH?! No, I’M sorry, I just assumed you were South American just because you couldn't speak English!” The man yelled, apologizing loudly. Yeah, this dude's sure as hell white. “I CAN!!! WHERE'S MY CAT!!!” The boy shouted back, very confused at where his priorities should be right now. “Oh!” said the man in front of him.
“IS THIS HIM– SORRY, HER?!” The man asked, reaching towards the corner. “We, uh, found her just straight-up running into here. Which is really weird, since cats, like, don't do that,” he said, holding Sawblade. Senang cita. “YES!! THANK YOU!!” The boy yelled. Why is everyone yelling?
Sawblade looked comfy all snuggled up in the man's arms. “He… seems to like you,” The boy said jealously. Usually, he was the one Sawblade loved most. “I have ten cats, so,” The man replied casually. “…How? Even?” he questioned as he carefully took Sawblade from the stranger. “I just do?”
The boy still remained very confused. “Name's Aaron, by the way. Please don't call me Ay-Ay-ron. Just… please,” the kind man said. “Ok” the boy replied. “Mine's. Um. Uh.” “…” The boy thought whether to say his real, legal one, or the one he went with online, which he seemed to prefer way more than his real one. “THE NAME'S DENNIS RUSSELL. I SHARE MY INITIALS WITH A VIDEO GAME.” The white guy said, interrupting the boy's statement. “Oh. Good to know. Hi, Mr. Danganronpa,” The boy politely said. “Fuck yeah,” replied Dennis.
“And if you're wondering which one of us is part of the Russell family that's running this shop,” Dennis began, “Den, don't,” Aaron interrupted. “It's my family. But, my dad became a magician, and my dad's choosing to indulge in his gardening hobby here, so the job's passed down to me now,” Aaron said.
“G//ay Ass!” Dennis shouted. “Okay, fine, Dennis, since we got married last month, you're part of the Russell family, too, honey,” Aaron said. “Just don't–” “YEEEEEHAAWWEE PARDNER WELCOME TO YE OLDE RYUSSELL PEYT SHYOP–” Dennis yelled loudly enough to give the boy a heart attack. However, this was probably the tenth time this week he did this, so Aaron was just very tired. “Jesus.”
“Um, what is this place?” The boy was still very much confused on why there was a pet shop sitting in front of his house, which was ripped in half. “I just told you…” Dennis said disappointedly. “No, like, where am I? Why are you guys American? I'm assuming? I'm not?” The boy said. “Well, our pet shop's in Toledo; Toledo, Ohio,” Aaron stated, gesturing towards a pile of papers. “If you're lost, we have some maps, some phone books…” he continued, unaware of the current situation.
“No, I live in Selangor, so– Selangor, Malaysia, not Ohio, out of all places, God, no, and my house is right over there,” the boy argued, pointing outside. “Well, half of it,” The two pet shop workers stood at their places, trying to process what the hell this kid just said. “Like? There? Outside this gracious state that occupies the #2 spot for most arson cases in the US? That's Malaysia?” Dennis shot back, also unaware. The boy was a bit excited after hearing him mention the name of his country, but shook it off to further develop the conversation. “Yes. Somehow. Also, I really don't think this is Ohio. Too many buildings and I haven't seen any corn fields,”
“Didja know there's over 75,000 farms in this 14-million acre state? There are, ya just gonna know where to look :)” Dennis stated. “What the hell? That's way too many farms. How does… what…” The boy replied in shock, almost dropping Sawblade. “I'm sorry, what?” Aaron asked. “Yup! Lotta farms in the buckeye state!” Dennis replied excitedly.
“HALF?!” “Of it??” It seemed like Aaron was the only one there actually concerned about the task at hand. “Huh? Oh yeah. Not really that big of a deal, though, honestly; enough food here for thirteen weeks,” How the boy calculated that, and how accurate it is remains a mystery. “Anyway, how do state fairs work? Like, do corn dogs taste good? I've had deep-fried Oreos once, they tasted really good. Really love 'em,”
Aaron ignored the exchange by the two very excited individuals and opted to step out to see if the boy was right or not. In his head, he was honestly convinced he wasn't, but that was up for change. Hell, he didn't even look at his phone or the TV today, so maybe the kid's right, his house is snapped in half.
Oh, it is.
“Holy shit, Denny, come look,” he yelled, gesturing to his husband. “Okay! I hope the aliens aren't homophobic or anything! :)” Dennis replied, running eagerly to the door. “HOT DAMN!” Dennis shouted. Now the boy could see how they both looked like, especially Dennis.
Dennis was definitely over six feet tall, he had balding, spiky red hair, and his eyes were big and sunken, and had bags under them. Aaron, on the other hand, had only seemed tall because of his hair. Aaron was missing a tooth for some reason. His lower-left fang. That's weird. They were both sporting uniforms; an orange shirt covered by a green vest with the logo of the pet shop sewn near the… like the… the end of it but like in the front? Like the middle? But like the logo was on the side. Yeah
“I don't think aliens are homophobic. Have you played Borderlands? Lots of g/ay people, and they're all technically aliens. I think the aliens are g//ay,” the boy explained thoughtfully. “I have, at my friend's house this one time, but then I died and I had to, like, pay, so then I just left his house, man,” Aaron replied. “Yeah, that's fair, usually I just save and quit whenever I die,” the boy added.
“Wait, what's your name, again? This whole time, you're being referred to as ‘the boy,’” Dennis asked, breaking the fourth wall. “Shrek,” the boy replied. The two men nodded in solidarity. “Good name,” Aaron complimented. “It reminds me of my childhood, and good times, and Shrek-flavored Oreos,” he added.
Shrek paused for a bit, hesitant to tell them his preferred name, but saying it anyway because they both seem quite nice and understanding, also, his family's not there. “I'm kidding. Shrek is but only my middle name,” Shrek explained, “Please, call me…”
Gender euphoria ran through his veins like that one time Thanos put on the infinity gauntlet and he was AAAAAGH, P O W E R,,, HNGGH, that but Yeah. “Cool! Hi, Damon!” Dennis said, watching Damon's eyes burn with joy. Oh, just saying, like in some more volumes, this little kid turns into a pyromaniac, so. Yeah. Watch out for that. This is Foreshadowing.
Aaron scanned the horizon, unknowing what the hell was happening. “Hey, guys, should we… go investigate or something?” Damon thought for a bit, but not too much because this thing going on seemed too random to properly scan and plan. “Um, I don't know,” he said wisely, “Did you guys hear about that thing with, like, Nicki Minaj and the president? Were you guys affected or whatever?”
“With who and what? Nick– NICKI?? THE PRESIDENT?? OF HERE?? WHATEVER THIS THING IS???” Dennis struggled to figure out what Damon was saying. “Yeah, she stabbed him or something. Doja Cat helped too :)” Damon explained, confusing the two even more. “Why?” Aaron tried. “I dunno. Drama?” “Heard Lana's involved too… but you didn't hear it from me, yeah?” Damon added.. “THE COW GIRL. HELPED NICKI. AND LANA. ASSASSINATE THE PRESIDENT. DAMON.”
- * Special Thanks * -
Gon Freecss
Killua Zoldyck
Leorio Paladinight
Kurapika Lastname
Hisoka Morow
(is that the correct spelling?)
Illumi Zoldyck
Kikyo Zoldyck (shes pretty, ok)
Kanamori Sayaka
Mizusaki Tsubame
Asakusa Midori
Machi Komacine
Moira O'Deorain
Freddy Krueger
Sideshow Bob
Spy TF2, Pyro TF2, Scout TF2, Leia Organa, Han Solo, Yoda, Darth Vader, he's cool, Sheev Palpatine, Developers of the video game “Tiny Thief”, Mad Moxxi, Ellie Kurta (shes a spiderant. my theory), Handsome Jack (Not Really, Burn In Hell) (during the period of time between me writing this and me copying and pasting this, i have developed a crush on not only jack, but his doppelgangers too. help)
Angel :)), Claptrap, Dr. Zed, NOT Marcus Kincaid, Dr. Patricia Tannis, Roland, Lilith, Brick (ga/y rights), Zer0, Krieg, Tiny Tina, Tiny Tuna, Louise Bob's Burgers, Mabel Pines, Stanley Pines, Lazy Susan, Sheriff Daryl Blubs, Deputy Durland, Officer Spectre :)), Yoda Again, 2003 Honda Civic, Ray Toro, Lynz Way, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Frank Iero, Linda Bob's Burgers, Bob's Burgers Bob's Burgers, Sans Undertale, Komaeda, Sombra // Olivia Colomar, Actually All Of Talon Bc They're Hot Af, Except For That French Guy Max, Torbjörn Lindholm, Torbjörn Lindholm, Torbjörn Lindholm, Spider-Man PS4, Miles Edgeworth, Phoenix Wright, The Lil Psychic Girl, Uhhhh Mario Brothers
part 2 incoming.
0 notes
bigyack-com · 5 years
Can Bergdorf Goodman Win the Barneys Race?
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The bankruptcy and liquidation of Barneys New York, the cutting-edge department store critical to the career starts of many designers, and that was adored by a set of young, fashionable Manhattanites, has spurred hand-wringing throughout the shopping world.It has also unleashed a wave of high-stakes competition in Manhattan, now playing out against a backdrop of festooned holiday windows and the annual influx of tourists.“There will be a battle for that consumer,” said Terry Lundgren, the former chief executive of Macy’s and the Neiman Marcus Group. “Bergdorf’s, Bloomingdale’s, Saks, the new Neiman Marcus and the new Nordstrom are all going to be after that business,” especially given the younger profile of Barneys shoppers.The winner in that tussle could very well be Bergdorf Goodman.“It’s an opportunity for Bergdorf’s to put their foot on the accelerator and really go after this consumer because of their uniqueness of only having one store,” Mr. Lundgren said.Whether it succeeds or not will be largely the responsibility of a new driver: Darcy Penick, who became president in September 2018. Along with Yumi Shin, the brand’s chief merchant since last year, and Linda Fargo, its fashion director, she completes a troika of power women at the helm of the heritage store.Previously the chief executive of Shopbop, an online retailer owned by Amazon, Ms. Penick, 41, has been charged with shepherding Bergdorf’s, which is owned by the Neiman Marcus Group, into the digital age in the midst of a radically changing landscape for New York department stores. Just this year, Nordstrom and Neiman Marcus opened enormous splashy emporiums, while historic stores have vanished. Lord & Taylor closed its flagship Fifth Avenue store after more than 100 years; Henri Bendel shuttered in January. While Ms. Penick, who speaks in measured tones and has a blond pixie cut, aims to propel Bergdorf’s forward, her office is steeped in reminders of the store’s legacy. There is a letter from Jacqueline Kennedy to a Bergdorf’s associate about hats, and a photo of a young Michael Kors, who got his start at the store. Bobbi Brown’s 10 original lipstick shades are displayed in a frame. The walls are their own exhibit, papered in vibrant photographs of Bergdorf’s famous windows.“I appreciate that it’s complete sensory overload,” Ms. Penick, clad in a more serene black-and-white floral Prada dress, said of the décor. “For me, it’s thinking about digital translations of this.”Ms. Penick is part of a wave of new talent hired by Geoffroy van Raemdonck, the chief executive of Neiman Marcus since February 2018, who has been beating the drum of “transformation” and “modernization” for his company’s luxury retailers (Neiman’s, MyTheresa and Bergdorf’s).Among those, Bergdorf’s is “really at the tip of the pyramid in terms of luxury,” he said in a phone interview, pointing to its customers, sales associates, location (two facing stores next to the Plaza Hotel) and brands.“I was looking for a team that understands fashion, but beyond fashion — taste, and a taste for life and luxury,” Mr. van Raemdonck said. “And then it was very important to me that we expand beyond the world of the store on Fifth Avenue.”Under Ms. Penick, the brand just introduced its first real app (it tested a shoe-centric app long ago) and its website is undergoing an overhaul that will make it look more like a magazine, with new bells and whistles for viewing merchandise and a better reflection of its in-store selection. In fact, Bergdorf’s just started building its first team to “live and breathe” the dot.com, Ms. Penick said, after relying mainly on shared services with the broader Neiman Marcus Group.Some of those changes may seem elementary, for a retailer in 2019, but Ms. Penick pointed out, diplomatically, the internet isn’t that old compared to Bergdorf’s. “The reality is we have a brand, a store, a history that is 120 years old,” she said. “That is, what, six times how long the online environment has been around? And so it’s still in a nascent form.”Words like “modernization” and “transformation” can strike fear into the hearts of Bergdorf’s devotees, from consumers to designers to employees, whose loyalty has been cataloged in documentaries like “Scatter My Ashes at Bergdorf’s.” (The title was based on a New Yorker cartoon, but the phrase was supposedly overheard at the store at least once.) Doormen, gilded revolving doors and chandeliers line the path to Bergdorf’s nine floors — six, if you exclude the ornate BG restaurant on No. 7, the event space on No. 8 and salon on No. 9. Handbags are displayed and often priced like museum pieces, “fur services” remain on offer, and the occasional penguin statue suddenly pops up next an artfully posed mannequin to take some of the stuffing out.Ron Frasch, chief executive of a namesake consulting firm and a former head of Bergdorf’s, has likened it to “the Willy Wonka of retail.” It was singular, he said, in that the chief executive could walk around the store daily and talk to its top customers and top sales associates. Clients were catered to in multiple ways: flown to fashion shows in Europe; allowed into the store at night so they didn’t have to be trailed by bodyguards during the day. “The challenge with Darcy and her team is how you respect that uniqueness and maintain it,” Mr. Frasch said. “The biggest challenge for anyone running Bergdorf’s is to not screw up the value of what Bergdorf’s means to its customer.”Despite her digital pedigree, however, Ms. Penick understands the allure of bricks and mortar.She began her career in Neiman’s training program in Dallas, after college at Wellesley, where she majored in peace and justice studies. While she is from St. Louis, she has been an East Coaster since her college days and currently lives in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn. (Surely that adds a dose of hipness to the store?)She went on to become one of two buyers for Bergdorf’s fifth floor, responsible for contemporary women’s clothing brands like Vince, Joie and Juicy Couture. She repeatedly referred to a reaction she calls “the ‘Ooh, Bergdorf’s,’ which flies from people’s mouths when you say the brand.” Next came a short-lived clothing start-up focused on 30-to 50-year-old women, five years at Saks Fifth Avenue working on designer footwear, and Shopbop, where she entered Amazon’s orbit. (No, she never met Jeff Bezos, despite ample time in Seattle and at Shopbop’s headquarters in Madison, Wis.)Now, Ms. Penick said, she is merging the two “underpinnings” of her career in luxury stores and digital shopping.She is overseeing a staff of about 900, including some of retail’s best store associates: More than 60 percent of the salespeople bring in at least $1 million in annual revenue each, the company said. And the new app has a Wishlist tab that will eventually allow associates to build assortments for customers, which can be pulled into fitting rooms on visits or shopped for online. “We really liked the idea of building an environment that supported that exact same type of work online that we’re doing in store,” Ms. Penick said. “It isn’t technology for technology’s sake.”Some technology can be lighter fare, though. Bergdorf’s is creating a separate app tied to a new bar and restaurant — Goodman’s Bar — that is set to open in mid-December in the men’s store, across the street from the flagship. On a recent October morning, Ms. Penick shared a sampling from the restaurant, including avocado toast topped with Russ & Daughters lox, and pastries from Mah-Ze-Dahr Bakery in the West Village.“If you’re shopping for a Kiton suit down away from the bar, we’ll give you the experience of ordering your favorite cocktail or learning about a new spirit,” Ms. Penick said. “We’ll bring that to you in your fitting room.”Bergdorf’s also started a series this spring called Designers Off Duty, which invited customers to spend time with designers in unusual settings. Phillip Lim, who recently published a cookbook, taught a cooking class for one event where clients made one of his mother’s recipes and then shared a meal with him. At another event, Jason Wu held a private sketching class with models wearing pieces from an upcoming collection. Then there’s the new initiative known as BG Radar, which showcases emerging designers in stores and online — just as Barneys used to do. Coincidence?While Mr. van Raemdonck acknowledged that “it’s never something great for anyone in the industry to see an established household name like Barneys be challenged and go through liquidation,” he said that he believed that Bergdorf’s would benefit from its exit.While Bergdorf’s does not disclose its sales, Mr. van Raemdonck said he expected that its business could increase significantly in coming years, noting that its digital revenue is not yet at the level of the Neiman’s chain, where online sales exceed 30 percent of total sales.“I do think that the growth of Bergdorf from a fashion standpoint is going to continue to accelerate,” he said. “We are at the beginning of our journey.” Read the full article
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kp0pjunkie · 7 years
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Hi reader!  Kpopjunkie here! I'm creating a MLP: EQG audio drama that focuses on the five Crystal Prep Shadowbolts, Sour Sweet, Lemon Zest, Sugarcoat, Sunny Flare, and Indigo Zap ( Yaaaasss Zappy is going to be in this!!!). There's going to be all types of stuff going on. I already got the script for episode one planned out and is currently being revised. Trust me, this is going to be way more than some cheesy, generic high school drama. This drama will be full of happy moments, sad moments, shipping moments, and soul-tearing-heart-crushing moments. Smiles will be made, tears will be shed, love will fill the air, hearts will be broken, and wounds will bleed(mentally).   I'm currently looking for artists who'll be interested in joining me on this project (that's mainly why I posted this journal. I'm a really shy person, even on the internet, and I'm too shy to ask people.) I'm also currently looking for VA’s for the Shadow Five and a male love interest at the moment. (There will be other characters and BG, but I'm focused on them). Everything you need to know is in the document below: PLEASE CLICK HERE! PLEASE CLICK HERE FOR CASTING CALL CLUB
If you're interested, feel free to contact me in anyway you’d like. I got my phone on me and all my notifications are on!  Note me on  My DeviantART, PM me on here (tumblr), email or any other platform I’m on!
I really hope you are able to join me on the quest to make this happen. I'm so excited thinking about this and I hope you are too! (I know I may seem unpopular but that because I'm just now becoming more active. People are attracted to my super cute personality:-3 ) If you're interested in this project but can't participate in anyway. It would be very nice if you would spread the word about this project. ~Kpopjunkie
image credits: Cover arranged by Kpopjunkie,  Lemon Zest by SketchMCreations, Sour Sweet by aqua-pony, Sunny Flare by Diegator007, And Sugarcoat/Indigo Zap by xebck (i think)
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phlebotypist · 7 years
Moscow Pt. 1
Friday night (around 1am) as Bg and I are walking around Central Park with BR, I get a text from an unknown number. 
J do you know Jt's Apple ID password or his Facebook one? Emergency J please text me
I show Bg the text, thinking it must be one of Jt’s friends, and then receive a call from the same number and find out it’s his mother. Now, I love his mother. Love his parents – his whole family really. Well, at least the immediate family that I’ve met. But I really adore them, and it sucked because losing Jt last year meant losing my potential future family. Anyways, I can tell by how quiet and soft her voice is that something is wrong. 
J, Jt is missing. They can’t find him anywhere. Please help us.
Honest to God I don’t remember most of the conversation. We talked for maybe 5 minutes, and I sputtered out what I remembered from when we were dating; his Facebook password which I used to log-in for him once and several times to do his French homework for him (not my proudest moment, but what can I say I was desperate for him to love me back). The phone is on speaker so Bg could hear everything, and she just stared at me while tears streamed down my face. The last thing his mother said to me was: Please, J, pray for my son. Then I collapsed. 
It’s funny because we were talking about Jt on our walk, just moments before I got this call. About how I was feeling, how I feel like I’m constantly unsure of what he feels about me, which was something also very present in our relationship (ex: I would ask him: “do you love me?”, or say “I love you” to him all the time, to reaffirm he was in that place too. Whereas with Lh, I hardly ever did this, not because I didn’t feel that way but because I wasn’t insecure about how he felt. This probably stemmed from a couple different things that I could honestly write a whole other post about, but I think it mainly came from 1.) his lack of continuity in showing affection towards me or being loving 2.) his general difficulty in navigating and displaying empathy. The first point also speaks to another important post I have yet to write, but the reason why we never made love. Funny how everything becomes clear with time!) We also were talking about depressed I’ve been lately, which Bg knows some of, but of course she doesn’t know the full extent – certainly not that I’ve planned to end my life – and then, in a weird sort of cosmic collision of fate and poor timing, I’m confronted with the very real possibility that Jt might be dead. Or worse. Yes worse, as I know better than most, there are worse things than being dead. 
Hearing his mother say that, thinking about someone hurting him drove me over the edge. The only thing that held me together in that moment was Bg reminding me I needed to stay composed if I was going to be of any help to his family. She helped me up from the ground and clutched my arm as we walked side by side, me bawling and her trying to wrangle BR. 
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biofunmy · 5 years
Can Bergdorf Goodman Win the Barneys Race?
The bankruptcy and liquidation of Barneys New York, the cutting-edge department store critical to the career starts of many designers, and that was adored by a set of young, fashionable Manhattanites, has spurred hand-wringing throughout the shopping world.
It has also unleashed a wave of high-stakes competition in Manhattan, now playing out against a backdrop of festooned holiday windows and the annual influx of tourists.
“There will be a battle for that consumer,” said Terry Lundgren, the former chief executive of Macy’s and the Neiman Marcus Group. “Bergdorf’s, Bloomingdale’s, Saks, the new Neiman Marcus and the new Nordstrom are all going to be after that business,” especially given the younger profile of Barneys shoppers.
The winner in that tussle could very well be Bergdorf Goodman.
“It’s an opportunity for Bergdorf’s to put their foot on the accelerator and really go after this consumer because of their uniqueness of only having one store,” Mr. Lundgren said.
Whether it succeeds or not will be largely the responsibility of a new driver: Darcy Penick, who became president in September 2018. Along with Yumi Shin, the brand’s chief merchant since last year, and Linda Fargo, its fashion director, she completes a troika of power women at the helm of the heritage store.
Previously the chief executive of Shopbop, an online retailer owned by Amazon, Ms. Penick, 41, has been charged with shepherding Bergdorf’s, which is owned by the Neiman Marcus Group, into the digital age in the midst of a radically changing landscape for New York department stores.
Just this year, Nordstrom and Neiman Marcus opened enormous splashy emporiums, while historic stores have vanished. Lord & Taylor closed its flagship Fifth Avenue store after more than 100 years; Henri Bendel shuttered in January.
While Ms. Penick, who speaks in measured tones and has a blond pixie cut, aims to propel Bergdorf’s forward, her office is steeped in reminders of the store’s legacy. There is a letter from Jacqueline Kennedy to a Bergdorf’s associate about hats, and a photo of a young Michael Kors, who got his start at the store.
Bobbi Brown’s 10 original lipstick shades are displayed in a frame. The walls are their own exhibit, papered in vibrant photographs of Bergdorf’s famous windows.
“I appreciate that it’s complete sensory overload,” Ms. Penick, clad in a more serene black-and-white floral Prada dress, said of the décor. “For me, it’s thinking about digital translations of this.”
Ms. Penick is part of a wave of new talent hired by Geoffroy van Raemdonck, the chief executive of Neiman Marcus since February 2018, who has been beating the drum of “transformation” and “modernization” for his company’s luxury retailers (Neiman’s, MyTheresa and Bergdorf’s).
Among those, Bergdorf’s is “really at the tip of the pyramid in terms of luxury,” he said in a phone interview, pointing to its customers, sales associates, location (two facing stores next to the Plaza Hotel) and brands.
“I was looking for a team that understands fashion, but beyond fashion — taste, and a taste for life and luxury,” Mr. van Raemdonck said. “And then it was very important to me that we expand beyond the world of the store on Fifth Avenue.”
Under Ms. Penick, the brand just introduced its first real app (it tested a shoe-centric app long ago) and its website is undergoing an overhaul that will make it look more like a magazine, with new bells and whistles for viewing merchandise and a better reflection of its in-store selection.
In fact, Bergdorf’s just started building its first team to “live and breathe” the dot.com, Ms. Penick said, after relying mainly on shared services with the broader Neiman Marcus Group.
Some of those changes may seem elementary, for a retailer in 2019, but Ms. Penick pointed out, diplomatically, the internet isn’t that old compared to Bergdorf’s. “The reality is we have a brand, a store, a history that is 120 years old,” she said. “That is, what, six times how long the online environment has been around? And so it’s still in a nascent form.”
Words like “modernization” and “transformation” can strike fear into the hearts of Bergdorf’s devotees, from consumers to designers to employees, whose loyalty has been cataloged in documentaries like “Scatter My Ashes at Bergdorf’s.” (The title was based on a New Yorker cartoon, but the phrase was supposedly overheard at the store at least once.)
Doormen, gilded revolving doors and chandeliers line the path to Bergdorf’s nine floors — six, if you exclude the ornate BG restaurant on No. 7, the event space on No. 8 and salon on No. 9. Handbags are displayed and often priced like museum pieces, “fur services” remain on offer, and the occasional penguin statue suddenly pops up next an artfully posed mannequin to take some of the stuffing out.
Ron Frasch, chief executive of a namesake consulting firm and a former head of Bergdorf’s, has likened it to “the Willy Wonka of retail.”
It was singular, he said, in that the chief executive could walk around the store daily and talk to its top customers and top sales associates. Clients were catered to in multiple ways: flown to fashion shows in Europe; allowed into the store at night so they didn’t have to be trailed by bodyguards during the day.
“The challenge with Darcy and her team is how you respect that uniqueness and maintain it,” Mr. Frasch said. “The biggest challenge for anyone running Bergdorf’s is to not screw up the value of what Bergdorf’s means to its customer.”
Despite her digital pedigree, however, Ms. Penick understands the allure of bricks and mortar.
She began her career in Neiman’s training program in Dallas, after college at Wellesley, where she majored in peace and justice studies. While she is from St. Louis, she has been an East Coaster since her college days and currently lives in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn. (Surely that adds a dose of hipness to the store?)
She went on to become one of two buyers for Bergdorf’s fifth floor, responsible for contemporary women’s clothing brands like Vince, Joie and Juicy Couture. She repeatedly referred to a reaction she calls “the ‘Ooh, Bergdorf’s,’ which flies from people’s mouths when you say the brand.”
Next came a short-lived clothing start-up focused on 30-to 50-year-old women, five years at Saks Fifth Avenue working on designer footwear, and Shopbop, where she entered Amazon’s orbit. (No, she never met Jeff Bezos, despite ample time in Seattle and at Shopbop’s headquarters in Madison, Wis.)
Now, Ms. Penick said, she is merging the two “underpinnings” of her career in luxury stores and digital shopping.
She is overseeing a staff of about 900, including some of retail’s best store associates: More than 60 percent of the salespeople bring in at least $1 million in annual revenue each, the company said. And the new app has a Wishlist tab that will eventually allow associates to build assortments for customers, which can be pulled into fitting rooms on visits or shopped for online.
“We really liked the idea of building an environment that supported that exact same type of work online that we’re doing in store,” Ms. Penick said. “It isn’t technology for technology’s sake.”
Some technology can be lighter fare, though. Bergdorf’s is creating a separate app tied to a new bar and restaurant — Goodman’s Bar — that is set to open in mid-December in the men’s store, across the street from the flagship.
On a recent October morning, Ms. Penick shared a sampling from the restaurant, including avocado toast topped with Russ & Daughters lox, and pastries from Mah-Ze-Dahr Bakery in the West Village.
“If you’re shopping for a Kiton suit down away from the bar, we’ll give you the experience of ordering your favorite cocktail or learning about a new spirit,” Ms. Penick said. “We’ll bring that to you in your fitting room.”
Bergdorf’s also started a series this spring called Designers Off Duty, which invited customers to spend time with designers in unusual settings. Phillip Lim, who recently published a cookbook, taught a cooking class for one event where clients made one of his mother’s recipes and then shared a meal with him.
At another event, Jason Wu held a private sketching class with models wearing pieces from an upcoming collection.
Then there’s the new initiative known as BG Radar, which showcases emerging designers in stores and online — just as Barneys used to do. Coincidence?
While Mr. van Raemdonck acknowledged that “it’s never something great for anyone in the industry to see an established household name like Barneys be challenged and go through liquidation,” he said that he believed that Bergdorf’s would benefit from its exit.
While Bergdorf’s does not disclose its sales, Mr. van Raemdonck said he expected that its business could increase significantly in coming years, noting that its digital revenue is not yet at the level of the Neiman’s chain, where online sales exceed 30 percent of total sales.
“I do think that the growth of Bergdorf from a fashion standpoint is going to continue to accelerate,” he said.
“We are at the beginning of our journey.”
Sahred From Source link Fashion and Style
from WordPress http://bit.ly/2rFYACB via IFTTT
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rowbeana · 7 years
sometimes i have dreams and then remember them post #16
hoo boy...
so i think the very start, the original premise, was that my dad and i and my uncle and someone(s) else were taking evan back to school basically? but as always, he went to a diff made up uni in my dream. one of the other people with us was a former (again, probs fictional) snl cast member bc....ok
anyways along the way we stop because my dad has to go get something?? idk, he’s acting weird, but whatever. there’s this fancy little gelato shop where we parked and my uncle is like well i’m going to go get some gelato and i was like ME TOO THEN?? so me, him and evan go and i’m looking at cones and fsr chris parnell is there? i know it’s bc my mom and i were just talking about him before i went to sleep but still
i say something really weird to him as he’s leaving, like “good work, parnell!” and he stops bc that was weird and i get all stressed i’m like sorry that was-- it’s just like i know someone-- i’m unable to form a sentence but it’s okay bc the snl cast member who is either in my fam or a family friend comes in and suddenly there’s a big snl reunion bc there are all these other cast members there?? makes no sense ur right
this is important to note: this town is fuckin weird ok
then, and idk how at all, but our car is just a bunch of people, mainly muscly type guys, hanging out waiting for my dad. suddenly it’s a convertible so this is somewhat feasible. but eventually like two hours pass so i’m concerned and we gotta go.
i call my dad and i don’t really hear anything so i’m like dad?? dAD????? and i’m stressed. suddenly i can hear like. sketchy sex noises and i’m like wtf but i can tell something is super wrong so i’m not like grossed out i’m just scared. then i can hear my dad way way in the bg like someone else answered his phone to creep me out bc he’s being held captive!! and i’m like DAD...WHERE ARE YOU. and i hear him say something but it’s so quiet i dont really make it out then the person hangs up. in the dream this took a lot longer which was stressful.
so omfg i literally call back LOL so i can hear the name again then i hang up. i still only remembered the last name and i knew what it meant but i was hella stressed so i forgot. i end up asking someone in the town like “idk where my dad was all i heard was the last name newman” or s/t and she’s like. oh he lives at the horne mansion
and yes, the horne mansion is literally where benjamin horne from twin peaks and his fam live and he is as sketchy and bad as in the original run. there are a lot of villains in twin peaks but he’s the one who owns the hotel/lodge and the sketchy strip club with underage girls. so i’m like. fuck! i’m really dumb bc this house is literally across from where we are parked. i gather my new muscly male pals and tell them we gotta save my dad.
BUT THEN, ELSEWHERE, I HAVE A SIMULTANEOUS DREAM. where, while we were still innocently waiting in the car, this guy i used to have a crush on and is kind of like a family friend comes by to say hello and i learn he’s recently married and he has a daughter but i think she’s his step daughter bc she’s like four or five. and i’m like (: that’s great
idk how but now jacqui has a crush on him and i was supposedly over him so i’m like hey whatever + he’s married anyways + jac has a bf lol. and, again, this bf is fictional. can’t really remember but i think he had dark curly hair and a beard? he was like a young oscar isaac maybe.
anyways, fsr we are just pretty sure his marriage won’t last so we don’t really care. idk if jac said something to him at some point but we are at this comically large department store and i see him at the register so i tell jac and she runs away and it’s my job to keep tabs on him, although he is literally just gonna buy his thing and leave. also jac’s bf was in line for the register too which i suspect was the real issue of running away but it was still weird
so i gotta go track down jac and tell her he’s left now. not sure when other than car, but i guess i talk to the guy at some point bc cut forward to me receiving a letter from him. it’s like three pages front and back but in my dream i only have time to read the first page. i remember the beginning of the letter kind of but um it’s embarrassing lol so.
i don’t read any farther bc i only notice the other pages after, like they weren’t originally meant to be part of the letter? i don’t read them bc jac walks up and i’m like oh i got this letter from him it’s super long and jac is like oh (: i think i said his marriage seemed rocky or maybe i kept that to myself bc suddenly we were walking down some stairs and i could tell jac was annoyed/upset and i was like. well, just as a reminder, this dude kissed me ages ago while i was dating someone else which i think we can all agree is bad. so he’s not like That great
but by this point i’m ofc like well i’m single NOW lol so boy should date me. i guess that’s the more complicated backstory we had, like we mutually were interested but at the time i also loved the bf i had so????
anyways, somehow i think this is where the other storyline converges. i go to the creepy big ass horne estate and there’s some kind of party happening but i’m just here to rescue my dad. as i only vaguely know, my dad and mr. horne have some kind of beef or shady history together. i guess he came here willingly to talk about something but then he was taken prisoner pm
there’s kind of a reception area at this place lmao but i ask a lady who seems to be a nanny or a maid if audrey is home and she says yes. and i’m like well i’m a friend (this is true. how did i become friends with benjamin horne’s daughter if he hates my dad? idk!!) and i want to see her so nanny lady goes up the stairs but when she comes back she says audrey wasn’t in her room or she’s not coming down or w/e and i’m like. fuck bc she could help me the most but. i just smile and i’m like well that’s okay i’ll wait for her. at this point she’s def my best bet for a) finding my dad and b) successfully helping his escape
meanwhile, darren criss (why not) walks out from between these curtains that lead to a theatre bc in my dream the hornes own a theatre that actual famous people perform at sometimes. and rn darren is there for a few weeks but he doesn’t seem to love it (bc this place is sketchy as hell) bc he walks out looking at the ground with like his face covered maybe people are always wanting to get his autograph or whatever.
so i’m like. “darren. Darren. daRREN” bc off camera we have met and we have a past where we get along and are pals so i’m like. practically forced to body slam him so he looks at me and i’m like “great i need your help” and i loop my arm through his and pull him towards, somehow, a little gift shop type store that exists at the front of the house. previously, when i stormed in i didn’t have my muscly guy but some gals my age and i had a sweater and something else i was looking at and they hid them??? they’re bitches as if i need this rn when i’m just trying to save my damn dad. idk, it was weird, darren was helping me look although this was clearly not the priority of the moment. i’m also like forgetting about that other guy bc darren is right there and would be much easier to date
anyways, did we find the sweater? did we save my dad???? who knows bc it was 3pm so i woke tf up.
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gemmabetes-blog · 7 years
Diabetes & Travel
One of my goals in life is to do some solo travelling, I’d love to visit New Zealand next year for a couple weeks. However, one of the things that has always worried me about travelling (especially alone) is how to handle my diabetes: What if I get sick? If I’m backpacking, how will I keep my insulin? What if I run out of insulin? What if I have a bad hypo? How easy are snacks to come by in case of a hypo? How difficult will it be in non-English-speaking countries?
I am an anxious soul as it is, so to combine solo-travel worries with diabetes worries leads to a very stressful Gems. The thought of something happening so far from home and from the NHS, alone and not sure what to do stresses me out a lot. Mainly this stems from the thought of backpacking, which I would love to do but it would require a lot more confidence. I’m building up slowly, and last week I went away with two friends to Edinburgh, Scotland. This wasn’t too far from home, and I wasn’t alone but it was very active and in terms of my diabetes I found it very challenging, so I’m here to detail it all to you, rants and all!
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Our first morning in windy Scotland, I met my first (and probably biggest) challenge whilst away, we climbed Arthur’s Seat. Now this isn’t a particularly challenging hike (completed it in dungarees and vans) but as someone whose idea of strenuous physical activity is climbing back upstairs because I left my phone on my bed, I was certainly challenged to say the least. So, following the DAfNE rules on exercise, I took 1 unit less Levimir on Tuesday night. To break this down:
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BG: 14.9, CP: 2, QA: 2, LA: 4
I was 14.9 at breakfast I didn’t correct, I also reduced my NovoRapid to a 1:1 ratio, where at breakfast it is usually 1.5:1
(For the non-D’s, BG is Blood Glucose, QA is Quick Acting insulin, mine is NovoRapid, LA is Long Acting, mine is Levimir and CP is Carb Portion which is 10g of carbs. The ratio is QA:CP)
BG: 23.3 (going up)
So off we head, to kill my legs up a bit ol’ mountain (technically a hill, but my muscles will say otherwise) and needless to say, between aching limbs and a shortness of breath I was feeling pretty rough and was also concerned about being so far up a hill if I was to hypo. So I did a bit of good old curiosity checking (which is definitely allowed in such conditions… just in case any of my nurses are reading this) and the very high reading was a bit worrying, as exercise with high sugars isn’t exactly recommended, and also because I felt like shite. However, I still had my NovoRapid in my system and I just needed to trust in the DAfNE guidelines, so we continued onwards (and upwards).
BG: 20.1, CP: 4.2, QA: 5
We reached the top, took some standard “we made it” pictures and headed back down (by far the best part for me and my little legs). Off we headed to Princes Street for some lunch. My sugar was after coming down a little but not by much and so I rounded my insulin up to 5 to give a little boost without correcting (in hindsight, 4 would’ve been fine). The rest of the day consists of more walking, and Edinburgh is very, very hilly…
BG: 3.6, CP: 2
BG: 4.1, CP: ???, QA: 5
I felt this one, it was right as we were waiting for our table at Civerinos and so I had one orange juice to set me right before my dinner. I ate less than half of a gorgeous, albeit spicy, pizza and had to take a bit of a stab in the dark as I could not for the life of me find the CPs in less than half of a sourdough based pizza. The waitress was so lovely and tried to give me a lot information about the pizza when she found out they didn’t have a nutrition menu (just had to add this in because it’s excellent service and food if anyone fancies a visit!)
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BG: 11.9, LA: 4
Off to bed, and again took 1 unit less Levimir ahead of more traipsing around the city for the next day.
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My sugars over Wednesday and Thursday were ridiculous, I was pretty much consistently high throughout the day and had a couple hypos in there just for that special yoyo effect. Unfortunately this affected my mood and my energy too, I was in bed early Wednesday and Thursday night and the entire time I was away I was constantly worrying about my sugars and feeling like an absolute failure. But I think this was a very good lesson for me, because looking back over my sugars now I can see the trend that they’re high throughout the day (in which I’m quite active) as can sometimes be expected, and they drop in the evenings (a delayed hypo). So I don’t think it was quite as bad as I was imagining it, but it did feel pretty horrendous to be consistently high when you’re meant to be enjoying yourself!
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Not quite in range...
I’m about to start my new job on Monday and it’s a weekday, 9-5 deal so I feel as though this will be an excellent opportunity to get into a good routine and I’m thinking for the first week or two I’ll keep my meals the same or very similar so that I can see patterns more clearly and make sure my background is correct, and my ratios are working. Currently, since splitting my basal insulin, I’m struggling to see where the issues lie - whether it’s miscalculated carbs, my background isn’t correct or whether it’s something else entirely, so I’m looking forward to hopefully figuring some of that out. I’ve just upped my basal to 6 units tonight, as my sugars seem to be rising from 6/7am and by the time I’m awake, they’re already above 16 mmoL/l. So we’ll see how that goes and I’ll continue on 5 units in the morning.
To be a diabetic is more than to inject and to plan meals, you become a mathematician and a self-counsellor. You become a scientist, you experiment and find patterns and record your findings and adjust accordingly. Except this experiment is not controlled, it’s constantly changing and throwing obstacles at you, and that’s because you are the experiment and life isn’t a stable and controlled environment. So my plan for now is to attempt to get my basal and my ratios correct whilst I’m in a routine, and once I have that figured out, adjusting for exercise and holidays will be much easier - New Zealand here I come!
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