#mainly i was con crunching. i had cosplays to finish
coolcataetheryte · 18 days
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*sigh* so i missed the entirety of Auraugust. I really wanted to do some of them, but i ended up unable to get on much.. here's a previously unposted pic Phini anyway
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worldoftherandom · 6 years
Power Morphicon 2018
Now that I’ve had time to rest and recover somewhat from both the con and the trip back, I’m guessing I should just post my ramblings and thoughts.
Fiance and I drove down a day before the con started, mainly so we could unwind after the drive and just relax. The drive down wasn’t too bad, left at around 3 am so to avoid traffic and make it easier on the fiance when he took over driving duties (he gets nervous when there’s lots of drivers on the road) and ended up getting to the hotel super early so they didn’t have any rooms ready yet so we just waited around for a bit, resting until they were finished.
Went to the Pirate’s Dinner Adventure since it happened to be pretty close by and had a blast. The food was good and the show was a lot of fun.
The next day was the start of PMC and was a pretty big mess. From what I heard, 2 big things really derailed the start of the con. First off, the fire marshal and Scott (the guy who runs PMC) got into it because Scott wanted to start letting the Platinum members in but there was still some equipment being set up so the fire marshal vetoed that. The second was that the system they were using to check people in crashed and they were unable to bring it back up, forcing like 4/5 people to check in everyone in by hand. I kept finding myself telling first time PMC goers that it has never been that bad in previous years, maybe so they wouldn’t be turned off attending next time if they thought this was the norm because I think pretty much every Power Ranger fan should attend this convention at least once.
After finally getting our passes, fiance and I went to get something to eat since by that point we had been standing in line for hours so we went to a Sbarro’s (neither of us had eaten at one in years!) where we ran into Jordi Webber! Told him it was awesome to run into him and that I had a surprise for Peter when I would meet him during their signing the next day.
We went back to the con to wander around and I ended where the Dino Charge cast was set up: Brennan, Davi, and Claire. Camille was supposed to come but she never showed up :(. It was there that Brennan told me that Ryan Carter, Heckyl’s actor was planning on dropping in the next day and that they had told him about me (that I cosplay as his character). I was ecstatic and my fiance teased me a bit about how I was practically bouncing off the walls. I also grabbed autographs for my coworker and her son, but was unable to get JDF for any of us because the line for him the next day was too damn long!
Day two, I went around getting autographs and pictures from Linkara and Kelson Henderson and kept running into a kid that was also dressed as Heckyl. Funny enough, while I was going as evil Heckyl he went with the good version. 
But the highlight for me was meeting Ryan Carter! I had been wandering past where the DC cast was set up, since they didn’t know when he would show up when I was tapped on the shoulder. I turned around and there he was! I immediately hugged him and hurt myself a bit when my goggles jammed into my chest XD. Ryan was excited to meet me too and told me that Davi had given him some of the temporary tattoos I had made up of Heckyl’s mark. I ramble-talked at him for about 10-20 minutes before remembering to get a picture for him and I had Ryan record a message saying “hi” to @bookmawkish. 
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The panel for Ninja Steel was fun, Kelson joined the panel about 10 mins into it and we got bloopers, a trailer for the anniversary episode and of course, the reveal of the cast of Beast Morphers.
The signing for Ninja Steel was a mess, I think that they were letting people chat for far too long which held up the line. I was almost to the front when Peter had to leave and then they cut the line off right in front of me. At least I was able to get a poster that had all the Ranger’s signatures on it. 
I then went to the panel for the Shattered Grid live read and saw that Peter was there. The event itself was a lot of fun: many people reprising their characters by providing voices like Rita or Zordon (who actually had the effect done to his voice), and people filling for characters like Jason Faunt voicing Tommy. When the panel was over, I rushed to the front to get Peter’s attention, I knew I got it when his face lit up since I was dressed as his character. He was delighted to see me, especially when I showed him that I even made the bracelet his character wears that only showed up in a brief scene in one episode XD and I was able to get that picture after all! (that’s a puppet sea serpent standing in for a dragon because blue dragons are impossible to find!)
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I ended up attending the prom and had a bit of fun, made friends with this nice couple and ended taking pictures with them in the photo booth. Not too sure how long I stuck around for (maybe an hour?) before JDF showed up to greet everyone before he had to fly out that night. Not long after that, I decided to call it a night.
Day three, attended the Ranger breakfast and Brennan ended up at the same table as me and a friend. Got a pic of Merrick and Princess Shayla’s actors and a selfie with TJ’s actor too.
Ran into kid!Heckyl again and we both took a picture with Ryan together before heading off to the Dino Charge panel, I also gifted Ryan a box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal because of an in joke that his character is addicted to cinnamon. Had to duck out of the panel early to go to the RJ Cyler photo op and after that I decided to get it signed too, and was in line for so long I ended up missing the Beyond the Grid panel where it was announced that the Dark Ranger was indeed Heckyl, which a lot of people had predicted, and I had a minor freak out while standing in line. Ryan ended up walking pass not long after this news broke on Twitter and I also had him sign my own box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch XD.
Ended up wandering around a bit more before running into Jacob Brode aka Database Ranger and we found his wife and I gave them hugs since I hadn’t seen him since the last PMC and her the one before that. 
Eventually went back to the hotel and packed up my bag, fiance had already taken care of everything else, and we started the drive home. Along the way, ran into some serious construction that delayed us by about 2 hours and an hour before we got home, I had to switch driving duties because I could barely keep my eyes open anymore. 
It’s always fun to attend Power Morphicon and I’m looking forward to the next one in 2020... I better start saving up now! XD
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