shieldagentcoulson · 1 year
❤️+ Clint, Nat and Bucky
Phil's relationship with Clint varies depending on the verse, but they're always very close. In the main verse (where Clint is my Clint), Phil and Clint are like brothers. In other verses, like the one with @prplhawk, the two are romantically involved.
Whatever the nature of their relationship though, Phil always has reason to blame Clint for his grey hairs.
One of the most infamous times Clint gave Phil grey hairs was the time he brought home the target he was supposed to kill--the Black Widow, Natasha Romanoff.
Phil was very upset with Clint for that, because the archer acted without giving him a heads up or even much of an explanation for why he disobeyed orders.
Phil may have been a bit hostile and distrustful of Natasha for longer than necessary in part because of his hurt feelings over Clint's actions, which was very unfair of him.
At least he believed her when she claimed to have been shot by the Winter Soldier in Odesa.
Speaking of the Winter Soldier, Phil was utterly unsurprised to find out Clint had been involved with bringing him in and breaking him free of his programming. In fact that had been something of a running joke between him and Clint after Odesa, that Clint would bring him in like he did Natasha.
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deafarcher · 1 year
Does Lukas prank like you? Or any of the kids.
Yes he does on occasion. So does Roe (@official-roe-barton) and Scarlett (@redheadarcher) and Hope (my oc)...if there's any others, I haven't caught them at it.
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mxckingbxrd · 6 months
ooc: verses
last updated: march 17, 2024
Divorced Verse (#divhc)
Bobbi and Clint were young shield agents who fell in love and got married. Unfortunately they were better off as friends than lovers and their marriage ended in a divorce. There's still angst over the ending of their marriage (Bobbi blames Clint for not trying hard enough to save it), but she's otherwise friendly with her ex. Aligns with comics
Just Friends (#mainhc)
Bobbi and Clint never pursued a romantic relationship together, but remained close friends. aligns with @deafarcher main verse
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deafarcher · 1 year
(The broken heart is for an ex that Clint still loves)
🍼 - A Child (Theirs or Not) Natasha and I sort of wanted kids but we weren't exactly actively looking to be parents, especially after SHIELD fell, but sort of friends of ours, who got killed standing up to HYDRA, left behind a child, Hope. For some reason, they named us as the child's guardians in case of their deaths and so we ended up adopting her. People are surprised to find out she's adopted, as if Nat's the only person in the world with red hair.
🌷 - Their Mother My mom was a wonderful person in spite of the horrors of living with my dad. She died when I was young, I don't remember her very well at all, unfortunately.
👻  - Someone They Don’t See Often Tony Stark. He really lets his ego blind him to the fact that he's usually the smartest person in the room, therefore he needs to actually explain his thoughts more than he does and that we will still be able to understand him.
💀 - Someone Deceased Can I say someone who almost died? Cause Phil's a very important person in my life, I want to talk about the man who became like a father figure to me and gave me a second chance at life for like two seconds. He was my closest friend before Nat came into my life and I still feel very guilty about him almost dying on the helicarrier.
💘 - A Love Interest Ah, Bucky. I had a crush on him from the day I first saw a picture of him in my history textbook. I actually ripped the page out of it to hang it over my bed, much to my brother's amusement. And then he turned out to still be alive. Natasha on the other hand, I didn't love romantically until after I'd gotten to really know her. It wasn't love at first sight with her.
💔 - An Ex I still love Bobbi. Maybe if we had gotten together under different circumstances, we would still be together. I still love her, and if she wanted to get back together...well, if Nat weren't in the picture, I would probably say yes.
🐶 - A Pet Lucky is the best dog in the world, possibly in the entire universe. You can quote me on that.
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