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Eastern Bluebird by RonG58 Eastern Bluebird At Gilsland Farm Audubon Center, Falmouth https://flic.kr/p/2iJX3gs
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Advice from a honey bee: - create a buzz - sip life’s sweet moments - mind your own beeswax - work together - always find your way to beehive - stick close to your honey - bee yourself Fuzzy buzzy gifts made by truly yours can be found @maineaudubon this season. 🐝 🐝 🐝 Photo credit: @winkylewis #fuzzylovies #bee #bees #beehive #feltedbee #montessori #waldorf #waldorfeducation #beeeducation #beegifts #beegift #nature #naturelovers #naturegifts #naturegift #giftideas #gift #maine #mainebees #maineaudubon #maineaudubonsociety #gilslandfarm #falmouthmaine #christmas2021 #christmas #christmas2021🎄 (at Maine Audubon) https://www.instagram.com/p/CV8cv00LNax/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Annnnnnnd it suddenly looks like fall. #marshes #maineaudubon (at Scarborough Marsh Audubon Center)
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Bird-a-thon 2017 Recap

We few, we happy few, we band of birders.
On the 20th, I had the pleasure of spending 22 hours on the road with the Maine Audubon, completing the biggest “big day” of my life so far. Our team was “The Kylo Wrens” because birding+sleep deprivation=Star Wars-themed bird puns. We identified 146 species of birds, beating the other team by 9 species.
My plans of keeping detailed notes throughout the day were thwarted by the simple task of keep our species count list updated, so the minute details of the day are lost to time. Here’s a quick recap of what I can remember though.
Starting off at 12:00am standing less than three feet from a loudly clacking King Rail that despite our best efforts (and Seth’s night vision goggles) we weren’t able to actually spot. We literally witnessed the grass moving as the rail picked it’s way through, yet weren’t able to spot a single feather of the bird itself. Rails are cool.
Dipping on an Eastern Screech Owl and being mystified by some dubious mammal screeching in the distance.
Gas station Woodcock peent in Farmington.
The boreal forest along Boy Scout Rd in Rangely is cold at dawn. It’s also filled with some great warblers too.
Lena is extremely good at mimicking bird calls.
Seth spotted the same Barred Owl twice, two hours apart, but none of us managed to see it either time.
Day’s Store in Belgrade is one of the best general stores in the history of mankind. It’s got everything.
Never being more excited to be looking at a sandpit than when I discovered there could be Bank Swallows nesting in them.
Sleepy raccoon in the trees at Capisic Pond Park in Portland.
Quick detour when Doug thinks he spotted a White-winged Dove. Our schedule prevents us from picking apart every bush in the nearby area.
Literally hundreds of feeding terns and flying scoters along the rocks at Biddeford Pool, all lit up brilliantly by the setting sun.
Dipping on a Mute Swan but coming up with a Pacific Loon instead.
18 hours in and no one’s seen a damn Hairy Woodpecker.
The almost inaudible chirping of Grasshopper Sparrows at Kennebunk Plains.
Ending the day talking birding stories and eating homemade guac while listening to Whip-poor-wills calling all around us.
Finally turning up two hooting Barred Owls and deciding to call it a night.
For those of you who are just really into lists, here’s one of all the Life List species that this novice birder ticked off on the trip (in reverse order):
Eastern Whip-poor-will - Antrostomus vociferus
Upland Sandpiper - Bartramia longicauda
Grasshopper Sparrow - Ammodramus savannarum
Vesper Sparrow - Pooecetes gramineus
Eastern Meadowlark - Sturnella magna
Pacific Loon - Gavia pacifica
Roseate Tern - Sterna dougallii
Red Knot - Calidris canutus
Short-billed Dowitcher - Limnodromus griseus
Willow Flycatcher - Empidonax traillii
Black Tern - Chlidonias niger
Bank Swallow - Riparia riparia
Tennessee Warbler - Oreothlypis peregrina
King Rail - Rallus elegans
It was an eye-opening trip for me and a privilege to spend time with such great birders. Thanks for everything Doug, Lena, and Seth. I have gained an appreciation for how learning habitat is the gateway to more productive birding. Hopefully I can use that down the road.
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Working on new pieces for my solo show at the @maineaudubon in Falmouth, ME next month. I’ve been having so much fun painting. Opening reception: Thur . Nov 29 . 5 - 7 pm . . . #alyssawatters #originalart #art #paintings #putabirdonit #birds #birdart #audubon #maineaudubon #gislandfarm #artistsoninstagram (at Maine Audubon) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo0R_ydBf97/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1bvmjntkgazbv
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Piping Plover bandana design I did for @maineaudubon So happy to hear there are lots of baby plovers around Maine beaches right now. Remember to keep your dogs on a leash, and help protect one of the cutest birds around! #pets4plovers #ploverlover
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#Potoutside @maineaudubon's Hamiliton Sanctuary, West Bath Maine #naturephotography #naturepics (at Hamilton Audubon Sanctuary)
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Though I have a studio with plenty of daylight, I often felt on a dining table. The reason - #birds Our small dining room is surrounded by windows that provide a panoramic view of trees and birds, who often find refuge in the lush rhododendron leaves. Хотя у меня есть хорошо освещённая (дневным светом) студия, я часто валяю войлок на обеденном столе. Из-за птиц. Наша маленькая столовая окружена окнами, где я наблюдаю за перистыми гостями, которые заливаются трелью прячась в зелёных листьях рододендронов (даже зимой большинство листьев остается зелёными 😳), или летают на перегонки (да, птенцы часто соперничают друг перед другом). #fuzzylovies #birdsofinstagram #maine #mainebirds #birdsofmaine #audubonsociety #maineaudubon @maineaudubon #птицы #птицыинстаграма #gifts #mainegift #mainemadegifts #mainegifts #mainegiftshop #mainegiftguide2019 #mainegiftguide https://www.instagram.com/p/B5gEQ_Egb5I/?igshid=1ugxwyulekpl4
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Super quick stop at the marshes on the way home from grocery shopping. #scarborough #marshes #maine #maineaudubon (at Scarborough Marsh Nature Center)
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Wrapped up this large (18 x 24”) painting before leaving for CO for most of the month. Haven’t done a painting this size since college. There are 7 birds in it total and the full image will be revealed at my solo show at the @maineaudubon at Gilsland Farm - just above Portland, ME, this coming November. I’m very excited to have the opportunity to show at such a beautiful and inspiring place. Details on the 11/29 opening to come. . . . #maineaudubon #audubon @audubonsociety #maine #birds #bird #painting #alyssawatters #birdart #oilpaint #artistsofinstagram #falmouthme #gilslandfarmaudubon
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Here is the yellow swirl (from yesterday’s post), transformed into a bee hive. Hope the new week is off to a buzzzy start@for all@of you! 🐝 🐝 🐝 #FuzzyLovies #buzzy #bee #beehive #naturaltoys #needlefelting #handmadetoys #fiberart #beelove #beelover #beemobile #bumblebee #montessori #montessoritoys #waldorftoys #waldorfeducation @maineaudubon #maineaudubon #nature #naturetoy #naturetoys #buzzybee #lovefelting #finecraft #beekeeper https://www.instagram.com/p/BxaHYLNHazR/?igshid=13759mkmu9kze
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I have a love-hate relationship with seagulls. I’ve seen them steal food and rip a live pigeon apart 😡😰, though I often watch their hierarchy life play out on the Wharf during my breaks at work. When time came to change a winter display in the office, it’s only natural I chose seagulls. This one is of a real size. I will be making smaller ones too as part of a costal theme display. 🌊 #fuzzylovies #seagull #seagul #maineseagulls #handmade #handmadeseagull #fiberart #floraandfauna #birds #birdsofprey #birdsofinstagram #feltedbirds #montessorimom #waldorfmom #waldorfeducation #montessorieducation #homeschool #coastalliving #maine #portlandmaine #portlandme @themainemag #audubonsociety @maineaudubon #audubon #nature (at Custom House Wharf) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwA0TPxHRBA/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=16zyuabhua5h9
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One of those RARE days as a business owner where an astonishing amount got done. Worked all morning on the painting in the background, then to the studio for the afternoon to fill orders, made an 👌🏻 dinner, spent time with Andy, back to working on the painting from the morning, break for #thisisus 😂, and then felt the need to try to do a super quick mini painting. #raredays #sohappy . . . #art #makerlife #handmade #bird #paint #oilpaint #bluebird #putabirdonit #oilpaint #audubon @maineaudubon https://www.instagram.com/p/BodIErwBxy-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19d3ygmsqm93x
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Wrapped up this large (18 x 24”) painting before leaving for CO for most of the month. Haven’t done a painting this size since college. There are 7 birds in it total and the full image will be revealed at my solo show at the @maineaudubon at Gilsland Farm - just above Portland, ME, this coming November. I’m very excited to have the opportunity to show at such a beautiful and inspiring place. Details on the 11/29 opening to come. . . . #maineaudubon #audubon @audubonsociety #maine #birds #bird #painting #alyssawatters #birdart #oilpaint #artistsofinstagram #falmouthme #gilslandfarmaudubon
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