#main. you’re looking like you fell in love tonight. | (ofmccartney)
makochosena · 5 years
❝ happy mother's day . ❞ / he reaches across the bed , careful not to disturb the tiny koala - onesie - clad body sleeping soundly between them , & brushes his thumb across her cheekbone . lewis smiles at her , sleepy & soft & far happier than he believed he ever deserved to be . / ❝ we love you . ❞
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Their newborn (and firstborn) son had a tendency to wake atthe most UNGODLY of hours. But it wasn’t his fault—Michael was colic. Hefinally settled and fell asleep just before the early morning rays of sunlightemerged. Rikki was tired to the bone as her eyes drooped shut  —and she knew Lewis must be too.
It’s been a very long time since Rikki celebrated Mother’sDay. She would celebrate it with Cara and Lewis every year, but growing upwithout a mother, the holiday was not something that had a lot of   m e a n i n g   forRikki. So when Lewis softly said those three little words, her eyes flutteredopen in surprise, for she had forgotten today was the day.
Rikki leaned slightly into Lewis’s gentle touch. A smiletugged on the corner of her lips. She washappy. In fact, she felt HAPPIER than she has these past few weeks sinceMichael’s birth. She just didn’t have the energy for it—maybe she might after sunrise.
❝Thank you,❞ she whispered. She glanced down at the infant sleepingpeacefully between them and her heart swelled before lifting her gaze to herhusband’s once more. ❝I love you both so much.❞ More than anyone could everimagine.
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makochosena · 5 years
* a moment of weakness
Send ‘a moment of weakness’ | @ofmccartney
iv. My muse is completely drunk and incoherent.
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Lewis McCartney’s FIRST MISTAKE was opening the door forRikki Chadwick at two in the morning. They’ve been here before. There have beenplenty of times where Lewis and Rikki have opened the door for each other atthis hour. But this time, Rikki was there for an entirely different reason, andthe evidence was on her flushed cheeks and in her puffy eyes.
❝We’re not through yet.❞ Rikki pushed past Lewis and rootedherself to his house. ❝We are not through yet,❞ she repeated, more slowly, as ifto prevent herself from slurring her words. She placed her hands on her hips,eyes ablaze.
❝It’s been, what, a month? And you never gave me a realreason why you didn’t want to be with me anymore. A real, honest reason. Don’t I deserve at leastthat?❞ Rikki demanded, her voice gradually getting louder. If Cara was there,sleeping, Rikki didn’t care. All she cared about was Lewis.
❝What is about me?❞ She took a step closer to Lewis. ❝Huh? Whatwas it?❞ Another step. Louder. ❝What’s about me that’s so UNLOVABLE?❞ Anotherstep. Louder.❝Why did you want to break things off with me?❞ She closed thespace between her and him. Loudest. ❝Was I not good enough? Why was I not goodenough for ya? Did I do something wrong? Is there something   w r o n g   with me? Is there something fundamentally wrong with me? WasI not NORMAL enough for you?❞
The fury in her features melted into despair. Tears welledin her eyes and she swallowed thickly, feeling her throat dry up.
❝Was I just somebody to fuck until somebody better camealong? Someone normal? Someone   h u m a n ?  ❞ Her voice was cracking. She wasbreaking. ❝What was I to you? Did I mean nothing to you? Because you meantsomething to me! I didn’t want it to end! ❞
Very swiftly, she collapsed into shaking sobs. For the firsttime since she was a child, she was sobbing, and it was the first time it wasin front of someone.
❝I didn’t want it to end, Lewis. Not now, not ever. I wantedto be good enough for you. I didn’t want you to fall in love with someone else.I wanted you to love me.❞
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makochosena · 6 years
"you’re the best wife ever.” / from our mako mermaids era verse !
There was a time when Rikki would never have been caught saying the word “wife.” There was a time where she believed that marriage was an institution for   i d e a l i s t s—and for the government to keep tabs on people.
AND NOW here she was, able to say with pride that she was   h a p p i l y   married, and smile at being referred to as a wife. She even celebrated Valentine’s Day, the holiday that was invented by Hallmark. Will she ever purchase a card for this commercialized holiday? Absolutely not.
But she did cook dinner. This was their first Valentine’s Day as a married couple. While they’ve spent February 14th together before, there was something SPECIAL about it now that they were married. And what made this night even better was that this was the first meal that Rikki had   s u c c e s s f u l l y   made without getting the recipe wrong, burning it, or setting off the fire alarm. There was no need to order a pizza this time. And it all happened before Lewis even arrived home. It was simple but it was special.
To see the HAPPINESS on Lewis’s features made it all worth it. And to hear him say those words? The icing on the cake. Rikki turned her grin into a smirk, her expression becoming mischievously smug to mask the blush appearing on her cheeks. 
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❝ I know. ❞
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makochosena · 6 years
💋 + the high rise of her cheekbone, the corner of her lips, her mouth / in soft, somber succession
BODY MEME | @ofmccartney
Send “💋 ” + a body part to KISS it.
THE OTHER SIDE of their relationship was a tightly kept secret. Despite the fact that they had to keep up appearances during the day, there were still little moments where the two of them couldn’t resist an extra touch or two. Sometimes, it came from the tension that would build between them. Other times, it came from the most innocent of places; a goodbye.
Just as Rikki and Lewis were going to go their separate ways, Rikki to one class and Lewis to another, Lewis had to sneak a kiss. And this would occasionally happen, something so fleeting in empty hallways. They were protected by space and yet if someone were to have turned the corner, they would’ve caught a glimpse of it.
Especially today, when a kiss on Rikki’s cheekbone led to   a n o t h e r   kiss at the corner of her mouth. And then finally, their lips met very slowly in a languid kiss. Neither of them would’ve been satisfied with just ONE kiss. One kiss would just be cruel. But then again, with the state of their relationship, one kiss should be considered generous and the two of them were just selfish to only want each other.
It wasn’t clear who was the first to REMEMBER what they were doing and where they were but Rikki was the one who first broke. She longed to lean into his warmth and tenderness but instead had to pull away.
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❝I’ll see you later.❞
But not without a promise.
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makochosena · 6 years
“ you promised me! ”
HURT ME | @ofmccartney
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❝ And I   t r i e d ! ❞
Yes, it was true. Rikki promised Lewis she was going to be cool around Ethan. The tension between the three of them was UNDENIABLE and yet that’s what persisted, Rikki worst of them all.
She didn’t like Ethan. She used to like Ethan, back when Ethan was JUST one of Zane’s friends, and just that. Ethan was a nice guy, a real swell fella. But then Ethan became Lewis’s Ethan. Every time Rikki saw Lewis and Ethan together, they look so   s t u p i d l y   happy that it felt as though a knife pierced her chest and someone was twisting it. Their stupid lovey-dovey happiness made Rikki want to barf. It was disgusting and it only worsened each and every time after.
He was a reminder to Rikki that Lewis would be—and is—h a p p i e r   with someone else, someone other than her. Someone made Lewis happier than she could’ve. Sure, their relationship was supposed to be just private and casual, but it was still FUN. She still LIKED it. She liked it a lot.
But then Ethan happened. And yeah, Rikki DID encourage Lewis to go out with him and she DID promise him that she would try to be cool. But it got too hard. She longed to be Ethan’s place; as the one who holds Lewis’s hands, the one who strokes his hair, the one he puts his arm around. How could she say that to him? Lewis was furious with her because of one measly comment and she couldn’t even begin to explain these   f e e l i n g s   about him that she wasn’t supposed to have in the first place.
❝ I promised you that I would   t r y   to be cool and I did try, Lewis! I AM trying! Jesus Christ. Would you get off my back? ❞
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makochosena · 6 years
new tags ! (2/4)
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makochosena · 5 years
anonymous asked: “ @ofmccartney ! ”
send a url for the following !
Do I Follow Them?: yee
Why Did I Follow Them?: it’s a tiny fandom i didn’t have a choice 
Do We Role Play?: yee
Do I Want To Role Play With Them: no it’s a tiny fandom i don’t have a choice JKJKJKJKJK OF COURSE I DO ! ! !   THEY’RE A FABULOUS WRITER WITH A FABULOUS MUSE
A Song For Our Muses: never let me go by florence + the machine
Do I Ship Our Muses?: yee
What I Think About The Mun: mak is a pain in the ass but she’s MY PAIN !!! she tortures me. breaks my heart. rips it out. stomps on it. and i love her for it. mak is a very talented writer. she has an amazing imagination. i feel like we’ve come up with a million plots and i know we can come up with at least a million more. 
Overall Opinion: in conclusion, mak is the worst™
Blog Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 1000000000
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