#main reason he and my mom got rid of the joint account is she complained about all the charges she could see and he told her to shut up
elle-chat · 2 years
holy fucking shit my dad is even worse with money then I thought
so we've been over how when we lived in cali he had us on a 15k(our rent took up 10k of that, so 350 a month for "food" aka car insurance/our phones since he didnt pay ours) a year budget which we made work because my mom also had her own job
apparently for at least one year during that time, according to his taxes he was making 200k
what the fuck
I'm so mad, making that much and my mom has to buy a used car for 800 on her kmart wage so we can still have enough in order to even get food for the week
our food budget was a block of cheese and an 8pack of tortillas, spaghetti sauce and noodles, for 3 people
we lost our food stamps because he got that job, and I always feel like I cant get madder each time but somehow he manages to always disappoint and reach a new low
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