gijoe365 · 7 years
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150: “Starduster.” G.I. Joe “Real American Hero” Series 6, 1987.
We’ve had several figures already that were initially only available via mail-in, and we are gonna cap off 1987 with three, in fact. Starduster here is the first of those three.
Starduster was first available through the G.I. Joe Action Stars cereal. Later,  Starduster was available via other mail order offers through Hasbro.
One recurring element that we’ve seen as I’ve been pushing through this project is the idea of “repaints” of some figures, or parts of certain figures used for other figures. What this means is that the molds from a previous figure are used to create parts for a “new” figure. Starduster is one HECK of a Frankenstein’s Monster in this regard and in fact has several variations that were issued. I won’t bother to go over all those versions, as there are archival sites like yojoe.com and 3Djoes.com that do an amazing job detailing all that. However, I will say that the version I have chosen to draw has the Duke torso/chest, Flint arms, Recondo Waist, and Roadblock v1 legs. The head is supposedly not a recycled part but it looks VERY similar to Flash v1 to me.
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