#mail from: heni! 🍎
sungtaro · 1 year
i guess tumblr swallowed my ask since it's been a few days now (if it didn't, ignore this one lol) but it sounds like you got a bunch of things going on in august!! treasure comeback was great of course and it seems like you got fun stuff planned. also, i'm already wishing you all the luck with moving!!!
my july was uneventful but i'm looking forward to august!!! already watched barbie with my childhood bestie on tuesday (thank god he liked it or else the 20-year-friendship would've been on thin ice lol) and i got plans to meet my friends today. highlight of the month is gonna be my trip though :D i'm going to brighton with my sibling for just a bit over a week and i'm so so excited!!! future planning is also going better and overall, i think i've got a nice month in front of me :)
if tumblr didn't eat it the notification definitely got lost for me so thank u for sending again!! thank you for the luck i think i will definitely need it akjdngjhsb i really need to crack down on everything.
that all sounds like fun! i hope you get to enjoy your month without stress <3 i'll look forward to hearing how your trip was in the next checkin hehe
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sungtaro · 1 year
sending you all the best for the next weeks, you got this!!! my update is gonna be short because nothing really happened lol but my answer from film school is expected to arrive sometime in the next few weeks, i'm honestly so nervous. went on a walk with two friends today and i'm meeting my childhood bestie this weekend but that's pretty much it. overall i'm having a good time though :)
ahh please let me know when you hear back, sending all the good vibes your way ... but that sounds nice !! sometimes it's better to feel like not much is going on but you're enjoying yourself. chill moments are needed to balance all the busy!
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sungtaro · 2 years
🖤💜💛❤️ :D (also, i hope you're doing okay eri!!! sadly didn't have the time to send the monthly check up since life is a bit hectic right now, but i'm always thinking about you and i promise i'm gonna be back in march <33)
hi heni bb !!! don't worry about it, i hope you're doing okay <3
🖤 [black] a song i love snooze by lucy !!!
💜 [purple] someone from a group i love who reminds me of you treasure yoshi !!! gentle sweetheart with lots of cool artsy interests and talents
💛 [yellow] something that made me happy today / recently my dad brought home chinese food for dinner hehe
❤️ [red] something i love about you you're so kind and thoughtful, i truly believe it when you say you're always thinking about me and i appreciate the care u have so much !!
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sungtaro · 2 years
beloved bestie!! i'm gonna combine your birthday with my monthly check up, so, first of all, happiest birthday to you eri!!! you're wonderful, talented, fun, and just overall amazing, and i'm so happy i get to call you my friend. i hope you have a great day (month, year, life) and that you get all the love you deserve ♡ and how was your november, anything important that happened?? do you have any plans for december?? hope you're okay and that you and all your loved ones are healthy!! love you ♡♡
hi hi heni !! thank you for the kind birthday wishes 🥹🫶🏻 and i love my monthly checkins ~ november went by so fast honestly jadghjbs and now i'm just preparing for my last 2 weeks of exams before i can take a break for the holidays and get ready for my last semester before i'm a nurse WAAAHHH ... i'm excited bc my older sibling will be home for christmas, and then i'm taking a trip with my bestie over new years (and we'll be meeting up with some of my friends from tumblr :D hehe). so it's going to be a rough couple of weeks but then such a lovely month, i know it'll get me through exams to look forward to the rest. i hope you had a good november and some nice things coming up this month too !! 💖 ily !!!
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sungtaro · 2 years
eri bestie you are so right for having waterparks in your top five
omg I love parx I was kinda surprised though bc I didn’t think I listened to them more than like . a lot of other artists this year lol but so true !
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sungtaro · 2 years
🍓 please because i need some positivity today lol
ur positivity fairy is here 🧚‍♀️ but tbh, that's usually your role ! when i think of you i think of thoughtfulness and kindness that shines in your monthly checkins (and truly how u always remember to do those is amazing). and no matter what may be going on in your own life, you look at the good things and still give encouragement to the people around you. you work hard for what you want out of life but still always take the time to appreciate the moments of joy, which is inspiring !
mutuals send me a 🍓 and ill compliment u !
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sungtaro · 2 years
nothing exciting happening for me in october lol i started my internship last week so it's mostly going to be work. but i truly love what i'm doing and it actually solidified that all i want to do in life is work on and direct movies and/or plays. living situation is sorted too, i now have a room at the house of a family friend. it's around an hour away from my job but that's better than having to quit the internship because i'm homeless lol so, not much going on, but i'm having a good time :D
i think a lot of that sounds exciting !!! i'm glad you're enjoying your internship so far and hope it continues to go well. i know the struggle of a long commute (i drive 1.5 hours to my hospital for my clinical rotations and 45 minutes to my campus for class) but when you're really committed, it's not so hard to do. especially if you can listen to music and stuff, i actually enjoy my commuting time hehe. i'm glad things are working out and you're doing well overall. hoping that this month brings you lots of learning, good experiences, and good health! 💖
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sungtaro · 1 year
looks like tumblr swallowed my ask, again. i'm gonna write it, again. i'm sorry it's gonna be long this time i just have so much to talk about i hope you don't mind
but yeah anyway first of all i'm so happy you had a nice august and enjoyed your time!! i'm also sending you all the luck for the move and that everything goes well!!
my august was really fun, bunch of meet ups with friends and little outings with my family :) though my trip was the highlight, as expected lol i loved brighton so so so much. i'm usually someone who gets pretty homesick the first day/evening away but this time??? nothing. i instantly felt so happy and at home in that city and i had an amazing week there. my sibling and i already got plans to visit again next year lol
i'm really excited for september too!! i got movie night plans with my friends, we want to watch all the animated barbie movies, there are plans with my sibling and the childhood bestie, and things in my family are looking up too!! my mum is starting her new job soon, my brother's just started his last year of school, i have some plans and ideas for the future... things are looking up :)
though there are two things i'm most looking forward to: one is meeting my internet bestie (who's german too and lives only around three hours away but we never had the time to actually meet until now) and two is seeing 5sos live at the end of the month!!! it might sound sappy but i've been a fan of them for almost nine years now and them and their music have been with me through some of the toughest times of my life. to finally see them in concert is probably gonna be a life-changing night. i am so so excited for it.
naur i'm sorry what happens is i lose the notification 😭 i always try to leave it so i remember to come back and answer but i end up checking my inbox when i get other asks, it gets buried and then i just have nothing reminding me that i have messages to answer and then i wake up in a cold sweat when randomly my brain is like ERI U FORGOT TO GO BACK TO THAT ASK so i'm sorry adkjsgnsfjgb but thank you for sending again feel free to like . send me a DM if i keep you waiting in the future so you don't have to rewrite your messages !
aw i'm so happy you had such a good experience on your trip, and your september plans sound so fun !! i hope you and your bestie have a great time when you meet, it's the best when you can finally take a friendship offline. and aw i'm jealous you're seeing 5sos !! i saw them literalllyyyy opening for one direction in 2014 (😭) but their music has only gotten better and cooler since then, i bet the show will be awesome.
i'm glad to hear you and your loved ones are all doing well and have so much good stuff on the horizon ! hoping for a lucky and lovely month for all of us 💗
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sungtaro · 1 year
eri, hello hello, how are you??? you had a busy month if i remember correctly, camp, a concert... how was it, did you enjoy it??? also, isn't moving coming closer and closer??? i hope you're handling things alright!!! anything big coming up in september??? as always, i hope you and your loved ones are well and i'm sending you the biggest hug ♡♡♡
hi heni ! august was busy and super super fun, i had such a great week at camp and a lovely concert weekend. i cannot believe it's september already 🥲 my move is officially ... next week ! aahhhh haha i have a lot to do still but now i am actually done with work (i was still taking babysitting shifts the last couple weeks) and focusing on getting things done and spending time with my family, going to all my favorite restaurants one last time and trying the ones i never got around to, etc. other than the big move and all the fun logistical stuff i'll have to do once i get there, i have a big destination wedding at the end of this month so i'm excited to be on a fun little vacation with my friends then! how about you how was august??
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sungtaro · 1 year
hello eri!!! :D how are you doing, how was july, anything big happen you wanna talk about??? and how are things for august, do you have plans you're looking forward to??? i know your moving date is getting closer and closer and i'm already wishing you all the luck in the world!!! and as always, i hope you and your loved ones are happy and healthy, i'm sending you the biggest hug ♡♡♡
hi heni !! july was like. the slowest fastest month ever lol i hadn't planned much after a marathon june, so i mostly worked and had visits with family on the weekends, it wasn't much going on but it felt busy. but i also got to meet my beloved friend millie from here and took care of a lot of things i needed to, like booking my flight to move! and new treasure content makes for a happy eri so of course there was that too. some of the month felt like a drag tbh but that made me kick myself into a mindset shift where i think i really have worked on being more present and energized in my day to day activities and have been able to find more joy and fulfillment in my routine. i've also been working on getting to bed and getting up earlier lately. august is going to be a big month for me ... it's my last one here before i move, so i'm wrapping things up with work to focus on packing and spending time with my parents, but i'm also taking a trip! i volunteer at a summer camp out of state so i'll be gone for 10 days starting late next week. super looking forward to seeing my camp fam, immersing myself in being offline and outside for a full week, and just having fun with our kiddos! and i also have concert plans at the end of the month :D how about you?? how was your july and what's on tap for august??
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sungtaro · 1 year
wow, sounds like you got a bunch to do this month!!! but i'm happy that the concert was so great. also that you met hyeongjun because omg i think i remember the pic and it was so so cute :') my june was pretty uneventful but nice nonetheless. the amusement park trip i think i mentioned last time was really fun and one of my friends also celebrated her birthday so some of us met up and it was so nice. also went to career counseling to help with my future and even though nothing super big came out of it, the woman i talked to gave me some ideas and options i will definitely look into. for july, i have nothing big planned yet but it already started nicely with meeting the childhood bestie yesterday and going to a super interesting exhibition with my mum today. so yeah, just taking things slowly right now and enjoying what comes my way :)
definitely lots to do but trying to take it one day at a time and not get too ahead of myself on stressing out 😅 and i'm actually going to get to see vity again in august + ab6ix and ive so i'm super excited !!
it sounds like you got a nice balance of fun and productivity, it's good to think about the future and definitely smart to lean on your resources, but i'm also glad to hear that you're focusing on the now and enjoying your summer. i'm definitely trying to remember that the time will pass no matter how i spend it, so there's no need to rush and i can do a little bit at a time while making sure i also just do things that bring me happiness. i hope the rest of the month is good for you and will look forward to hearing what you end up doing !!
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sungtaro · 1 year
hey eri!!! :D monthly check in here, how are you??? hope you had a good time this june, how was the cravity concert???? and any plans you're looking forward to this next month??? as always, i hope you and your loved ones are happy and healthy :) sending you the biggest hug, love you ♡♡♡
hi heni !! whew i am tired haha. june was amazing; i passed my boards, had SO much fun at the concert (and still can't believe i met hyeongjun !! 🥹), and watched 2 of my friends get married after seeing them literally get together a decade ago. after all of that, it really feels like this month is going to be way less exciting in comparison. i will be working on job applications, cracking down on my moving plan, sorting through some logistics for the upcoming school year, and trying to meet with friends around my work schedule since i'm also still trying to save up money. but i think treasure's comeback rollout is really going to get me through hahaha i'm really happy that they are active again although it's not going to do much to help my money saving 😂
how are you?? did you enjoy your june? what's coming up next?
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sungtaro · 1 year
omg you really got a lot going on!!! again, congrats on graduating, and i wish you all the luck on your exam ♡ but it also sounds like there are some great moments ahead of you this month and i hope you have fun!!! my may was nice, i think i mentioned all my plans last time and they all worked out great, thankfully. saw one of my favorite bands (and also fell in love with their support act lol), had a nice little vacation with my mum and my sibling, met up with friends :) only thing casting a shadow was my official rejection from film school. the next month(s) are definitely going to be about deciding if i want to try again and/or how to make money in the near future, so that's stressing me out a little. i am fully determined to enjoy the summer tho (as good as someone who hates the heat can lol)
i'm so glad your fun plans worked out and that you enjoyed your time with your friends and fam !! nothing like a live show to give you energy too 🤩 i'm sorry to hear about film school - rejection sucks big time, i remember when i was applying to nursing schools the first one i heard back from rejected me and i was SO upset even though that one wasn't even really my first choice. i think what is so hard about it is feeling like you have control taken away from your own decision. but, that's not really true after all - like you said, you can decide to try again or figure something else out, it's all up to you! i strongly believe that what is meant for us finds its way and when it does, it will show you why this wasn't meant for you at this time. you're gonna be great, and your summer is gonna be great bc you have the mindset to make it that way !! 💖
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sungtaro · 1 year
hello hello eri, how has the month been??? what were you up to, anything exciting you wanna talk about??? and what about june, any big things coming up that you're looking forward to??? as always, i hope you and all your loved ones are happy and healthy and that you're doing okay!! :) sending you the biggest hug ♡♡♡
hii heni happy june ! may was quite a month, i graduated and then immediately started studying for the boards, got super duper sick bc i don't know how to take breaks, and ended the month in a better more balanced place lol. i'm super excited for june ... i'm taking my big exam on tuesday and i'm trying to be confident but of course i'm pretty nervous and revising every single day. but this month i also get to see cravity, my bestie is coming, i have some fun family events, and all my college friends will be together to celebrate 2 of our friends getting married 🥹 so a lot to look forward to and fingers super crossed that i'll finally get to fully relax after all this time studying and stressing. summer is my favorite time of year hehe. how about you what's going on lately??? what do you have planned for your month?
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sungtaro · 1 year
okay best friend, let me hear your opinion: bts yoongi, stray kids chan, p1harmony intak
hmmm honestly lookswise yoongi doesn't rly fit in with the other 2 for me and i can't evaluate much else bc i know next to nothing about skz or p1h lol but i feel like they all have like a broody vibe that can be switched into Babie™️ mode maybe ??? they all have cute noses to me too . JBDJSHB that's all i got for u 😭
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sungtaro · 1 year
you definitely got all my love and support for the future ♡ my april was nice, not many things happened lol my application took longer than they said it would, but from the information given on the website it's officially done now and i'm getting my answer probably this week. i'm super nervous, but it helps that i'm excited for may :D i'm seeing one of my favorite bands live today, and i connected that trip with visiting one of my siblings (which is where i am right now lol) another band i adore is also releasing new music this month and in a few weeks, i'm going on an extended weekend trip with my mum and my sibling :) we're going to a city i lived in for over two years and that i really love and we also got tickets to see the rocky horror picture show while we're there!! so yeah, may is gonna be a pretty eventful month for me, but i'm looking forward to it :D
ahhhh hoping all of the good energy being around your family and music that you love channels into some good news on your application soon, i'm rooting for you! that sounds like so much fun and really like. healing??? live music and being around people who love you is just so good for the soul, i'm so happy for you and hope you have an amazing time 🥹 busy with all good things is the best kind of busy <3 keep me posted on everything and enjoy yourself !!!
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