#maiden kikumi
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As Polnareff fully comes to, he sees Kikumi turn to leave and immediately rises to his feet. “W-Wait...!”
The elven royal stopped and gave a heavy sigh. “What?” She didn’t bother to turn his way.
“What was that just now?” Polnareff asked, confused beyond belief. “Tell me the truth. Who exactly are you?” His brows furrowed.
Kikumi turned to him, her lips pursed. She wet them slightly, looking away and showing her frustration with her hands. She then looked at him, her eyes sharp. “You want to know me? I’m Lady Kikumi, Crown Royal - no, Queen - of Salene, the kingdom that’s currently falling into Wrath’s hands. I apologize for keeping secrets, but I had my reasons. Now if you excuse me, your Highness, I need to return home and stop what’s happening back at home.” Her determined look falters, her eyes falling to the floor. “...H-However that... may be, anyway.”
“So you’re the runaway.” Polnareff bluntly put it. His morals and emotions towards the situation were conflicting with one another. He didn’t know whether to be upset that she, a girl of royal blood, chose to abandon her post and leave her kingdom defenseless or to put such a thing aside and let his feelings towards her decide his next response. The prince stayed silent, unsure of what to really do.
“Look,” Kikumi began, “I am sorry for telling half-truths. I... I didn’t mean for things to get this far, and I certainly didn’t expect an attack like this, not this soon after what went on...” She paused, the memory of the last time she saw her mother and father flashing in her mind briefly. “With... what went on with Greed... But my people need me, and I sure as hell owe them quite a bit after leaving the way that I did.”
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“And how do you plan to do that, hm?” Polnareff asked, placing a hand at his hip. “You’re not experienced in regal affairs given you ran from them. What do you expect to do, exactly?”
Kikumi’s brows furrowed, not too happy with him pointing out the obvious.
“Going at this situation without a plan will only get you killed, and seeing as you’re caught up in your emotions and guilt that’s exactly what would happen. Do you really want to leave your kingdom without a ruler permanently?”
Kikumi placed a hand on her hip, frowning. “Okay, and what’s your big idea, wise-guy? Huh? Going in and attempting to not fight what’s attacking my people?!”
Polnareff shook his head, boy this elf was stubborn. “All i’m saying is you need to look at this rationally. You ran off and haven’t been under the crown for almost a year now. You aren’t equipped to deal with this like some all-mighty queen wearing a skirt of armor. This will take caution and given you aren’t in the position to control an army, if you even have one left, you’ll need help.” He paused a moment to see if she’d respond, but the girl never opened her mouth. “And help is something I’m willing to give you.”
Kikumi remained silent for a moment, thinking over the hard truth that she’d just been slapped hard with. She pursed to lips once more, looking away and pondering it more, hesitant to agree despite knowing it was the right thing to do. 
“Alright,” She grumbled. “You’re right, I’m going to need help. But with what I can sense, the unrest that’s traveling throughout the provinces isn’t something easily beaten. It’s possibly stronger than Greed, if I had to compare the two. What do you suggest we do?”
Polnareff thought for a moment. “Well, I did get the King of Stardust to agree to ally with my kingdom. Perhaps we speak to them and ask for their aid?”
“No.” Kikumi was stern and quick to response. “The winds... are warning of that place. Leave tremble at the name. We can’t ask them for help, not for this. They’re the source of the problem, or rather it’s host. We’d be causing more trouble if we went to Stardust.”
“Hm...” Polnareff thought harder. “If they have the brunt of the situation at their doors, then what could they have left behind that’s causing the attack in Salene?”
Kikumi struggled to put her frustration out of mind. What really could have been left behind to ravage her land while the main fight was in another kingdom? “...Perhaps Wrath was looking for the Purity Stone. If he were to seek it out, he’d have to leave a portion of himself behind to do so.”
“So... basically he split himself in two?” Polnareff was dumbfounded.
“Precisely. And in order to stop the chaos in both kingdoms, one or the other has to be taken out. If what I think is true, then we can weaken Wrath himself by defeating the portion of himself left in Salene, giving those in Stardust a better chance to get an upper hand on the main threat.”
The prince gave an approving smile. “Now you’re talking like a queen.”
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Kikumi awoke the next morning and headed out to the town square to await the prince. She sat upon the concrete that surrounded the fountain at the town’s center to ponder what had happened yet again. The prince seemed to show interest in her friendship, but she knew she couldn’t risk getting close. She felt nervous and scared, but she still went through with their promised meeting.
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Soon enough, the prince showed and made his way to her. Kikumi rose to her feet to greet him with a smile.
“I apologize for being late, Miss Kakome. The paperwork regarding the alliance with Stardust took a bit longer than expected. Still, we came to an agreement and our kingdom has another grad ally.”
Kikumi chuckled. “There’s no need to apologize, it’s business. Yo’re here now, and so in my eyes you still kept your promise.”
The two began to walk about the town, getting to know more about each other. Kikumi was astonished to hear of the atrocious murder that befell his sister, a loss that she could sympathize with on some levels. She told of how she lost her parents very young, of which was a half-truth. She did lose them, but not in the way she was telling him. While Polnareff was told that they were the victims of a carriage ride gone wrong during a storm, the reality was they were killed by Seeds of Greed but a year ago.
“Ah, Kikumi,” the prince began, “I would like it if you kept an eye out when alone. I’ve heard there’s been some tension in the other kingdoms.”
“Oh?” Kikumi looked at him, surprised to hear of such a thing during this time of peace. “What sort of tension?”
Lord Jean let out a heavy, distressed sigh. “A neighboring kingdom was attacked. While we may not be able to see the smoke from our kingdom, it’s clearly visible from Stardust Kingdom. Most of the continent was caught of guard by it, as King Kujo told me. Nobody thought that Salene truly existed, even with him confirming they had a mutual respect between their kingdoms. From what he told me, the kingdom is being ravaged by these sort of shadow beings and many villages within their borders have been set aflame... All access in or out has been shut off until they can get a handle on the situation.”
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Kikumi’s happy expression quickly turned to one of horror and worry. “...I have to go...”
Polnareff, who she hadn’t expected to hear her, gave her a look of confusion. “W-What?”
She shook her had and turned to leave. “I-I have to go, I do apologize, your Highness.”
The prince quickly grabbed her wrist before she could get more than a few steps again, causing her to turn and look at him in surprise. “What do you mean? What’s wrong?”
“I can’t...” Kikumi looked away. “I have to go, I never should have...”
“You never should have what? I don’t... I don’t understand-”
“I never should have left!!” Her outburst caused the prince’s eyes to widen. “I... I never should have left, now please left me go!”
Lord Jean slightly loosened his grip, but did not release her from it. “What... are you talking about...?”
Kikumi began to shake, knowing she no longer would be able to stay in hiding, not in this kingdom, at least. “I... ran. From everything. I’ve lied to everyone I’ve met along the way, including you.” She hesitantly turned to him, fearful tears forming at the corners of her eyes. “Your Highness, I’m their Queen. The one who they have been searching for all this time. And now they’re being attacked... It’s all my fault... Please, let me go... I have to leave...”
Polnareff froze, allowing her to remove her wrist from his hand. He had no words for what he’d just been told and all he could do was watch as she quickly left his presence.
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The Prince returned from his business trip to the Stardust Kingom, and due to it being brought up in their conversation, Polnareff decides to enter La Fwey, the small bakery in town.
Kikumi tries to compose herself as best she can, turning to face the prince. “You’re highness, I- I never expected to see you... i-in my shop!”
“Ah... well, it occurred to me that out of all the little shops in town, your’s was the one I’ve never been in yet. It feels quite welcoming-... er...”
“K-Kikumi. Kikumi Kakome, sire.” she introduced, “And thank you, that was the feel I was going for when designing it. I tried to bring in as many natural, home inspired tones into the place.”
Polnareff looked around, taking note that the establishment isn’t too busy at the moment. “So, Kikumi... were you born here in the kingdom? I feel like I haven’t seen your face in town until recently.”
“A-Ah, no. I wasn’t born in the kingdom, but my parents brought me here with them shortly after my birth. I’ve lived here all my life.”
The two conversed for what seemed like a while. Kikumi could feel that her cheeks were red, but had no way of hiding it. It was just so easy to talk to the royal before her. He didn’t act high and mighty, instead he was rather polite and very engaging. He seemed like any normal guy, and yet... he was the prince.
Before long, Polnareff began to notice the setting sun outside the building’s walls. “Ah... My apologies, Kikumi. It’s getting late and I do need to return home. It was wonderful to finally see what this place was all about, and those danishes? Lovely!”
The elven woman felt her cheeks grow redder, a shy smile forming. “T-Thank you, sire. You’re welcome here anytime, though I do close the shop on Sundays.”
“Sundays? That’s tomorrow...” Polnareff let out a sigh. “I was hoping to come for more of those danishes, but... I guess it’ll wait until Monday.”
Before she knew it, Kikumi’s mouth went faster than her brain could process. “I-I’m usually in the park on Sundays if you wanted to chat, though! I can bring some danishes with me, too!”
Now, what was she doing? He can’t know her! She has a secret to keep!
“Oh? That sounds wonderful! I usually make my rounds just before noon, so I”ll keep an eye out for you. I look forward to it.” He gave her a warm smile before bidding her farewell, leaving the small bake shop for the night.
Kikumi watched as he left, trying to process what had just happened. Did she... did she really just make plans to see the prince tomorrow? And eat in the park, at that?! What was she thinking!! But she can’t go back on her word, now... he seemed so happy to know he would see her again. 
Hopefully she doesn’t make a fool of herself...
Maiden Kikumi (c) Myself
Prince Polnareff (c) Magu // edit made by @kazekothestrange
Lima Bean Stage (c) xxMinisaxx on deviantART
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Kikumi sighed as she reached for the dresser drawers. She had to leave this place she slowly had grown to love. Another attack was beginning and her homeland was the first to be devastated by it. She was lost in though, her heart heavy and head spinning.
The only thing to break her from her clouded mind was the sound of footsteps and a devilish, almost inhuman chuckle.
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“Tsk Tsk Tsk...”
“Oh, sweetheart... don’t you know how dishonorable it is to desert your post?”
Kikumi spun around to find Polnareff standing near the entrance to the building. There was something different about his eyes as well as his demeanor...
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“You know, for being royalty, yourself, you should know that that’s not how you speak to another of regal status.”
Polnareff rolled his eyes, huffing. “Look, princess.” The tone in his voice went from the sarcastic, sappy romantic to that of a harsh annoyance. “What you choose to do isn’t my business. Wanna give up your throne and the wealth? Go for it, I could care less. All I’m here for is the stone. Give it to me and you can be on your merry little way, headed to wherever in this blasted continent you wish.”
Kikumi’s brows furrowed. How did he know about the stone? Nobody knew Salene’s royal family were the holders of a Power Stone. “What are you going on about?”
“Does it really matter?” Polnareff frowned. “Just hand over the stone.”
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Kikumi took a step back. “Whoever you are, I’m not giving it to you.”
The prince took a menacing step forward, his hand held out while the other formed a fist. “Give it to me!!”
Polnareff gritted his teeth in anger and frustration. “You stubborn brat...! Hand over the Purity Stone!!”
The princess locked her feet in place, digging her heels into the stone under them as she got into a fighting stance. “If you want it... then you’ll have to pry if from my cold and mangled corpse.”
“...That can be arranged.”
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What's it like being outside of your kingdom for the first time?
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Kikumi pondered the question momentarily, trying to choose her words carfully. “It’s… different. N-Now I wouldnt… say that… it why my kingdom, now. I uhm… I didn’t…” Her words fumbled a bit. “I wasn’t of too much i-importance, really. This town, though, has a wonderful feel to it.”
Her eyes drifted towards a pair of birds picking through the leaves. “This kingdom has quite a lot of nature despite being a bustling place. It can give one a real home-y feel if you stay long enough.”
Maiden Kikumi © Myself
Old Town Square © DiemDo-Shiruhane on deviantART
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Kikumi, why did you run away?
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“I… I don’t think I quite understand. I’ve never run away from home.” The girl nervously stated, gently rubbing at her elbow. “I’ve lived here all of… why, all of my life.”
By the look in her eye, one could tell that she was hiding something. The way she wouldn’t directly look towards you as she spoke, the odd fidgeting. Something was up, but Kikumi wouldn’t say a word.
Maiden Kikumi © Myself
Old Town Square © DiemDo-Shiruhane on deviatnART
Diffusion 7
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Can I have some bread? :3
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“Of course you can! I baked these this morning. They’re called Melonpan, or melon bread. They are made from an enriched dough covered in a thin layer of crisp cookie dough. Their appearance resembles a melon, such as a rock melon.”
Maiden Kikumi © Myself
Melonpan © OniMau619 on deviantART
Strolling on Sunday Stage © amiamy111 on deviantART
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hey look out, he's in town again. Invite him to try your bread!
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“Eh?!” Kikumi whipped herself around to look towards the windows. H-He’s back?!” Her eyes widened in shock. “Oh no, he’s coming to the shop!!”
Maiden Kikumi © Myself
Lima Bean Stage © xxMinishaxx on deviantART
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perhaps you could explain to him why you don't want to go back! i'm sure he'll understand somewhat!
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“Hm..” She was quiet for a moment. “I guess I could, but then it brings in the question of would he really understand… I guess I could sleep on the idea and figure out what I want to do…”
Maiden Kikumi © Myself
Green Bedroom Stage © xxfrenchtoastxx on deviantART
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ur not the only one who is scared and not ready to rule. princess Masumi of Moonrose is scared too, and her father is greatly ill. princess Jolyne of stardust is being trained to rule the skies by her parents, and shes even younger than u. maybe u could try asking them for help or advice? or just confide in them. it might help u feel better.
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“I may not be the only one who is scared, but… they have a different governing and ruler system than back in Salene. We don’t normally deal in the affairs of other kingdoms, and… I’m not entirely sure if its a good thing or not, but everyone is so stuck in tradition.”
Maiden Kikumi © Myself
Red Piano Room © xxfrenchtoastxx on deviantART
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Ok, just, maybe say hi when the chance presents itself
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“I’m not entirely sure, but I guess… it wouldn’t hurt to try,”
Maiden Kikumi © Myself
Lima Bean Stage © xxMinishaxx on deviantART
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hey pol!
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“Good afternoon, Anon. I hope your day has been well.” Polnareff gave a warm smile, unaware of the young lady walking in the town square.
Jean Pierre Polnareff, Prince of this Kingdom, was always a gentle soul with a big heart and robust loyalty. He often would walk throughout his kingdom not for attention but just to see how things were going outside of the palace walls. Should someone be in need while he’s out and he happens to be nearby, he often will step in and offer his assistance.
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Kikumi was simply taking a walk during the evening, taking in it’s crisp spring air. Amidst the chatter, she heard a name she wasn’t too sure she heard correctly. Looking over towards the park gates she saw a tall man with silver locks engaging in idle conversation with the locals.
For the first time since she settled in Beuvron-en-Auge time seemed to slow ever so slightly. As she looked on, she began to realize who this man actually was. He was the crown prince, a man of royal blood. Her cheeks turned a soft pink, both out of frustration that it reminded her of her true identity as well as something else entirely. She quickly turned away and quickened her pace, hoping he didn’t catch her staring.
Maiden Kikumi (c) Myself
Lord Jean Pierre Polnareff (c) まぐ (Magu) and @kazekothestrange for the edit
Strolling on Sunday Stage (c) amiamy111 on deviantART
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It's said that there was a kingdom hidden high into the mountains, cloaked in cloud and fog. Not many are capable of travelling to such a place, for it's doorway is hidden and only reached by those deemed worthy. Reigning at the top for many decades were two individuals of elven blood, their daughter the sole heir to the throne upon their demise.
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Time stretched on in Salene, and the King and Queen’s daughter grew into a fine princess with a pure heart. It wasn't until the day of her coronation that such a peaceful kingdom began to understand the cold hardships that those outside their borders succumb to. Lady Kikumi of Salene, the kingdom's soon-to-be queen, slipped out in the silence of nightfall to escape her fate. Panic would engulf her people the following morning, the kingdom entering a period of weakness for the first time...
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All the while, the princess disguised herself as a village maiden and took refuge in one of the neighboring kingdoms. She took up employment in a small bake shop that sold bread to the tiny village it belonged to, giving it's daily leftovers to the church. It is here that she meets a peculiar man as he visits the town of warm afternoon...
Castled and Castes Event START!
(( Admin here! For this event, both Kikumi and Polnareff will be my muses, as its part of the story I had in mind for Kikumi, so stay tuned! Interactions are very much encouraged! ))
Kikumi (Queen) Model (c) myself
Kikumi (Maiden) Model (c) myself
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why dont u try talking to the prince o:
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Kikumi leaned against the wall after returning to her bake shop for the evening, a heavy sigh leaving her chest.
“He’s the Prince, that’s why… I’m trying to go unnoticed, really. I’m… I’m not even from here! They don’t need to know that, they-” She let out a frustrated grunt. “I’m a runaway royal, for crying out loud… I can’t have the ruler of this kingdom know that, I’ll most likely be sent back home to where I have no one to really guide me on how to rule Salene, just a royal court who always agree and proclaim that I’ll get the hang of it in time… but I don’t have HAVE time… I’ve been crowned, I’ve taken the position, but I’ve had no real help in knowing what to do regarding political decisions on account of last years events taking both my parents from me before I could even start those lessons. I’m not ready to rule!”
She took a deep breath in attempt to regain her composure. “He’s a prince… and for all he knows, I’m just a baker… As much as I would like to get to know him, I just… can’t.”
Maiden Kikumi (c) Myself
Lima Bean Stage (c) xxMinishaxx on deviantART
(( Admin here, sorry that she got a bit flustered. I saw the opportunity to have her deal with a moment of inner conflict and had to take it. I hope you still liked the response! ))
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Maybe, but he seems like a kind, understanding guy. I doubt he'd drag you home if he knew you weren't ready to go.
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“Perhaps he is nice… but it’s more than just being sent back that scares me. Its what I”ll be going back to…” She shook her head. “I left. I ran. I can’t go back. This is my home, this is where I stay… If the prince comes into my bake shop, I’ll converse and be cordial… maybe even make friends, but the winds forbid I mention where I’m from… I can’t go back.”
Maiden Kikumi © Myself
Lima Bean Stage © xxMinishaxx on deviantART
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