mtg-cards-hourly · 4 months
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Mahamoti Djinn
Artist: Greg Staples TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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tumblhurgoyf · 2 years
great proxies on the cheap
I’m gonna share something with you if you promise to only ever do it for yourself. Seriously, don’t be a jackass and bring this crashing down by making it too widely known or trying to use it to make some illicit cash.
1. Get MSE2. Choose an unofficial card frame (Wizards/Hasbro owns the rights to their card frames) and unofficial mana and tap symbols (W/H owns the rights to these as well)
2. Make your card file and put in all the cards you want proxies of (optionally, find some cool creative commons non-commercial use art to put on them--or get just one unique image per card type so you can at least more easily reference what you’re looking at)
3. Export the cards as image files (I usually go JPG, not sure if it’s because this is the default/only option or I choose it for whatever reason)
4. Google something like “custom card printing” or “custom playing cards” and find a printer that does more than just custom 52 card poker decks
5. Upload your card images and a non-Magic card back (they typically offer a few generic poker card backs so I go with one of those)
6. Boom! In about a month you’ve got a bunch of professional-looking proxies that probably will hold up pretty well.
Oh, and depending on how many and what sort of options are available through whatever website you find, you want poker size cards which are 63 mm x 88 mm, and S30 standard smooth card stock, with a standard game card finish (as opposed to a gloss finish--I think the standard finish shuffles how you expect and is easier to read). Optionally you could actually choose a better quality card stock if you want and are willing to spend more. The standards I outline above probably run around $50 from most places for nearly 200 cards. Proxy your two favorite commander decks for $50 including ABUR dual lands.
Importantly, don’t be dumb and try to do this and then sell them. Personal use mostly just flat out won’t be noticed. But if you’re trying to sell fakes or even just overpriced proxies for a quick buck it’s gonna come back to bite you (and potentially anyone else trying to proxy cards like this in the long run). Save yourself some money and have some fun. Proxy that power cube you’ve always dreamed of. Have a “set” of Alpha to fool around with. Don’t try to pass these off as anything other than cheap proxies. But also don’t spend a grand on 4 boosters where your four rares are going to be, not Power Nine, but instead Animate Wall, Fungusaur, Mahamoti Djinn, and Savannah Lions.
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kreaten · 6 years
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markrosewater · 3 years
Hi MaRo! Today is my birthday. My first starter deck came from Mirage, and one of the cards I remember playing with a lot was Needletooth Djinn. I was wondering if you had any trivia on it, or assuming not that specific card, any Djinn that came after Mahamoti Djinn? Thanks for all of your hard work!
I believe Nettletooth Djinn was us trying to make a properly costed Juzam Djinn in green. Interestingly, I think Juzam Djinn ended up being properly costed in modern creature costing and Nettletooth Djinn is a bit weak. Also, green doing damage as upkeep isn’t super green.
Happy Birthday!
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thecornwall · 3 years
Cornwall’s Random Card of the Day #103: Mahamoti Djinn
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Another Alpha card here.
Mahamoti Djinn is a 5/6 flier for 6. In Alpha, this made it one of the best creatures in the game. Just getting decent beef for a decent price with no crippling downsides was enough back then. Alpha mostly cribbed from British and Greek mythology, but it also took stuff from other directions if Richard Garfield thought it would be recognisable. Well, I dunno about in the 1990s, but people today can reliably recognise a djinn.
I find it weird this wasn’t an Arabian Nights card, though that did introduce a lot of other djinn. By the look on this guy’s face, the dude with the lamp just asked him to do something he really doesn’t wanna do.
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azoriusfilekeeper · 5 years
Genie Out of the Bottle: Mahamoti Djinn
I started playing Magic at the tender age of fifteen. Like most teenagers, I was a snotty pain in the tuchus, but I was not yet the know-it-all pain in the tuchus that I am today(okay, yes I was, but I’d like to think that I wasn't as snobbish as I am now). But one thing that has not changed from then to the present day is my desire to soak up and learn things unknown to me.
Not only did Magic expand my way of thinking by showing me a new game that had a new way of playing(it engrossed me into the world of CCG’s: from Vampire to Spellfire, Wyvern, Mythos and even the SimCity CCG), but also fully immersed me into the world of fantasy that I had tiptoed around up until that point. “Orc,” “Goblin” and “Merfolk” became regular parts of my vocabulary. I started reading fantasy books that hadn't really interested me before. I even started peaking into D&D sourcebooks, wanting to soak up as much of that knowledge as I could.
But it didn't stop there. Early on, Magic cards would have snippets of literature as their flavor text. It is proof of Richard Garfield’s intelligence, as well as of the many people who got a hold of the game at Wizards, that you could read the names, Chaucer, Tennyson and Shakespeare on a Magic card. It is my sincere hope that someone read a piece of flavor text from an author unknown to them which led them to discover the works of that author and expanded their love of reading.
And the reason I say this is because I fell down a rabbit hole with a story introduced to me by Magic cards and flavor text. I had heard about The Arabian Nights, and of course, seen Aladdin(I also played a piece of “Scherazade” for cello in eighth grade); I was vaguely aware of the stories, but had never read any of them. But suddenly I had Ali Baba, the Bird Maiden, City of Brass; all these cards exciting my Vorthos and referencing a classic piece of literature. I went out and purchased said book, devouring the stories. And my Vorthos self ended up focusing on beings referenced in some of these stories.
And being a blue player, I had one already in my possession. Sure, it was a mid to late game card; but if you still were alive and had enough life left to make it, casting a 5/6 flyer was a pretty good sign that your opponent was in trouble.
Yes, I am talking about the Mahamoti Djinn.
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We know them more commonly as “genies,” but they are referred to as djinns in more recent translations. These creatures are spirits; neither good, like angels, but neither bad, like demons. They are powerful yet independent, as capable of enslaving humans as much as they could be called to serve a master. And they can represent many different elements, which is why they come in all five colors in Magic.
The bad thing is that, in Magic, they mostly come from the plane of Dominaria, so djinns are few and far between in card sets from other planes. I can only hope that Magic will do for djinns(and ifrits) what they have recently done for elementals in the game. Maybe a visit to the plane of Rabiah, where the Arabian Nights expansion was set, is in order.
Thank you for coming to read my article. It is greatly appreciated. I will see you all again next week. Until then, may Svyelun and her tides favor you.
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mtgbracket · 7 years
Round of 4096 - Batch 17
You can now vote in Batch 17.
Feature match: Suspend sovereign Greater Gargadon vs Convoke king Chord of Calling.
Currently open batches:
Batch 17 Batch 16 Batch 15 Batch 14 Batch 13 Batch 12 Batch 11
Batch 10 results will be up shortly.
Full list of matchups:
Quicksilver Gargantuan vs Mind Stone Mirrorweave vs Falkenrath Aristocrat Sinew Sliver vs Mahamoti Djinn Glissa Sunseeker vs Forbidden Alchemy Tahngarth, Talruum Hero vs Skred Master Biomancer vs Grim Flayer Reality Smasher vs Ertai, the Corrupted Mistmeadow Witch vs Man-o'-War Tainted Remedy vs Arcane Melee Kjeldoran Home Guard vs Celestial Purge Soul Ransom vs Rakdos Pit Dragon Braid of Fire vs Myr Reservoir Pathbreaker Wurm vs Grizzly Fate Polluted Delta vs Day's Undoing Umezawa's Jitte vs Meren of Clan Nel Toth Magmaw vs Putrid Leech Enter the Infinite vs Polis Crusher Inventor's Apprentice vs Simic Sky Swallower Plaguemaw Beast vs Surveyor's Scope Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle vs Ezuri's Predation Jet Medallion vs Rafiq of the Many Greater Gargadon vs Chord of Calling Inaction Injunction vs Bastion Protector Rootborn Defenses vs Ongoing Investigation Genesis Hydra vs Punishing Fire Planar Outburst vs Wring Flesh Ride Down vs Swords to Plowshares Akuta, Born of Ash vs Mana Maze Thalia, Guardian of Thraben vs Martyr's Cause Mind Bomb vs Precinct Captain Stonehewer Giant vs Bestial Menace Hesitation vs Disfigure
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loreleywrites · 7 years
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My sealed deck from my first flight of Iconic Masters! 1 Monastery Swiftspear 2 Elusive Spellfist 2 Kiln Fiend 1 Jhessian Thief 1 Splatter Thug 1 Phantom Monster 1 Furnace Whelp 2 Battle-Rattle Shaman 1 Rosheen Meanderer 1 Mnemonic Wall 2 Mahamoti Djinn 1 Repeal 1 Heat Ray 1 Hammerhand 2 Mana Leak 1 Draconic Roar 1 Electrolyze 1 Rift Bolt 1 Evolving Wilds 8 Island 8 Mountain I also got a Horizon Canopy!
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mikheael · 5 years
Report z druhého ročníka Thrash Draftu
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Minulý utorok sa v Belly uskutočnil Thrash draft a rád by som sa s vami podelil o zážitky. Nebude to síce report s imperatívom zahraničia a ani tu o nič výnimočné nešlo, avšak to mi predsa nemôže zabrániť oprášiť staré metafory a dať dokopy zopár zmysluplných viet.
Najprv ale kontext. Kedysi dávno sme s jedným iným Michalom a pár ďalšími ľuďmi zozbierali hromadu starých nepoužiteľných kariet, dali ich do oprášenej škatule a používali ju na draftovanie. Síce asi len raz, ale aj to sa počíta. Po asi desiatich rokoch mi inkriminovaná škatuľa pristála v rukách, a tak som ju vytriedil (aby v nej každá karta bola len raz), prihodil zopár ďalších rovnako slabých kariet, náhodným spôsobom vytvoril draftovacie boostre (jedno Rko, po dve karty z každej farby, artefaktov a multicolored = 15 kariet) a následne ostalo už len nájsť spoluhráčov. Naprotiveň našim rušným životom prišiel kuchynkový elév Danko, vegetariánsky komandér Vladimír, koka-kolu milujúci brat od inej matky Róbert. Plus ja.
Mnoho ale nechýbalo a k draftu by ani nedošlo. Neočakávaná návšteva veľvyslanca a prítomnosť bezplatných chlebíčkov nášho Danka tak poznačila, že až takmer zabudol prísť. Keď už to vyzeralo zle najhoršie, vtedy ako lesk z jasného neba dorazil Zsolo, ktorý za Danka nadraftil takmer víťazný deck. Ale nepredbiehajme. Hrali sme systémom každý s každým a víťazovi som sľúbil booster nového Therosu, ktorý som svojim deťom doslova od úst odtrhol.
Prvé kolo  2:0 vs Robov YOLO 5 color bogles? Deck
Moja nadraftená jednofarba čierneho nasadenia si vskutku verila. Avšak Robo vyzeral veľmi sebavedomo, aj keď proklamoval, že jeho deck toho veľa nedokáže. O nejakých dvadsať minút sa ukázalo, že mal naozaj pravdu. Bone Shredder, Befoul a Consumptive Goo (ktorú ako neskôr vyšlo najavo, som hral úplne zle) sa postarali o všetko živé na druhej strane, čo malo za následok prvé víťazstvo. Dostal ma síce na nejaké tri životy, avšak na to sa chvalabohu v Magicu nehrá. Druhú hru rozlúštil topdecknutý Corrupt. Veľké plus má u mňa za nadraftenie komba Freed From The Real a Rakdos Ickspitter, preto tieto dve karty označujem ako tie naj z jeho decku. Taktiež dokázal nadraftiť až troch rozličných Myrov, za čo mu pripadá pochvala pred naštartovanou 1203jkou.
Druhé kolo  2:0 vs Zsolov Dankov UW Flier Deck
Všetko lietalo. Vždy a všade. Zsolov rukopis nadraftované karty rozhodne nepopreli a v rukách šikovného a rozličnými kuchynkami ošľahaného pilota Danka budili väčší strach ako štyri dni meškajúca menštruácia. Chvíľami to vyzeralo na prehru, lebo zabíjania bolo iba limitované množstvo a tí griffini len prichádzali a prichádzali. Prvú hru nakoniec rozlúštil top decknutý Phthisis. V druhej kraľovalo trojkombo Carnophage, Hollow Dogs, Pentavus a zariadili víťazstvo, ale bol to asi najvyrovnanejší zápas večera. Fungovali u neho najmä Equipmenty, Fact or Fiction a samozrejme asi najlepší anjel k škatuli – Voice of All. Cenu za naj nadraftovanú kartu ale rozhodne udeľujem Vulshok Gauntlets.
Tretie kolo 0:2 vs Vladkova rampa a mocné Rka Deck
Patril mi celý svet. Ženy, drogy, alkohol, teplé polievočky. Nič ma nemohlo zastaviť. Ako sa ale onedlho ukázalo, jedna vec to predsa dokázala. Vladkov nadraftený deck. Čo on mal v decku za karty, to by sa jednému zastavilo chodenie. Mahamoti Djinn, Uktabi Efreet, či Explosive Vegetation, aby som spomenul aspoň zopár. Mne nedošlo zabíjanie a úplne zaslúžene vyhral. Nedá mi nespomenúť kombo Aboroth a Otherworldly Journey, o ktorom sa mi ešte aj dnes podchvíľou snívava. Naj kartu si ale zaslúži Tel-Jilad Chosen, pretože ho mal v hre v KAŽDOM jednom zápase.
So 6 bodmi sme skončili traja, ale vďaka pomocným bodom som vyhral. Potešilo ma to najmä s prihliadnutím na fakt, že nemusím nikomu kupovať booster a to sa predsa oplatí. Ak by vás zaujímal môj decklist, kliknite semka.
Toľko historicky druhý ročník nášho smetiarskeho draftu. Nabudúce by som rád vyskúšal formát 8 hráčov, len si nie som istý, či by sme našli dosť ľudí, ktorí si chcú zadraftiť so starými kartami, ktoré ani v časoch svojej najväčšej slávy nestáli za nič. Kto by mal záujem, nech mi dá vedieť a istotne niečo vymyslíme. Magická škatuľa totiž ešte nepovedala posledné slovo. Všetci sme totiž chceli zmeniť škatuľu, zatiaľ čo medzitým škatuľa zmenila nás. Športu zdar a Magicu zvlášť!
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mtg-cards-hourly · 3 years
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Mahamoti Djinn
Of royal blood among the spirits of the air, the Mahamoti Djinn rides on the wings of the winds. As dangerous in the gambling hall as he is in battle, he is a master of trickery and misdirection.
Artist: Dan Frazier TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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talinthas · 8 years
On collectors, the forgotten axis of magic the gathering fandom
Prep for a wall of text, friends
Fifteen years ago, @markrosewater created the player psychographic notion of Johnny/Jenny, Timmy/Tammy, and Spike, representing what drove players to play. J was the player seeking to express creativity, quirkiness, and complexity through their play. T sought out the flashiest and most exciting ways, and S was looking to assert their dominance over the game however possible. This concept of splitting the players into their desires was a groundbreaking idea, allowing the designers to aim cards and products specifically at certain slices of the player base, thus ensuring that no one ever felt neglected.
Yes, not every card was a tournament card, but not every player was a tournament player either. Matt Cavotta saw this when he created the idea of Vorthos, the player concerned far more with the story and flavor than the mechanics. Rosewater rightly saw that this was orthogonal to the JTS spectrum, and he anchored Vorthos to Mel, the player who cares more about the nuts and bolts mechanics of the cards.  Later this was revised to be more independent, where players had varying amounts of Vorthos and Mel in them, not necessarily in opposition to each other, but more like an old radio with sliders for bass and treble and mids. The VM sliders were modified by the JTS spectrum so that a person could be a Spiky Vorthos, for instance, concerned with knowing the story in and out.
(Before I go on, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the amazing article Ant Tessitore wrote further subdividing Vorthos into five archtypes. Click here to check it out- http://www.gatheringmagic.com/anttessitore-042215-vorthos-2015/)
I’d like to posit that there’s another scale here that has been ignored, the Collector. Another slider like VM are now, The Collector represents the desire to have it all, or a subset of it all, or none at all, and like the VM scale, the JTS spectrum can be applied here too.
First, the baseline. A player with their Collector slider all the way at zero is the person who sells their cards back at the end of a tournament, leaves their draft chaff on the table at the end of the night, if not their deck as well. The player who is only here to play, and cycles through their cards to fund more play, or just to free themselves of clutter. On the maxed out side of the slider is the player who doesn’t just have every print of every card (psh, that’s level one stuff, they say), but has a full set of Richard Garfield’s hand cut cards from the original playtests. Most of us, I’d wager, fall somewhere in between. And its important to note that the scope of the collection isn’t important here- a person deeply dedicated to getting each planeswalker in a set is just as high as a person deeply dedicated to getting each card in that set. It’s the amount of desire and drive that matters.
So lets break down the JTS as applied to the Collector!
The TimTam Collector - This person is into the flashiest, fanciest, coolest stuff around. Their commander deck is fully foiled out, and they make it a point to get the most expensive cards they can find. Masterpieces make their eyes pop, but not as much as the full set of Beta Power in their cube.
The JoJen Collector - Collecting everything isn’t fun, because there’s no direction there. This collector is hunting out specifics of amazing. Every land in their draft deck is by the same artist. They delight in having every card in Korean because the printing paper is different. Masterpieces? Sure, as long as they’re the European mis-foiled versions that only did the borders. And your eyes aren’t deceiving you- those plains in their Titania deck are actually the misprinted German revised Forests.
The Spike Collector - All the cards? Psh, been there done that. Spike has full draft sets of lands from every set just to ensure they properly match and fit the set being played, assuming they’re not just using pack fresh beta lands. This player’s edh deck is a wonder to behold. Every land, every spell, is absolutely on point thematically. Their collection is arranged in hyper meticulous order, in a custom card file cabinet imported from a now defunct college library. And their tokens? Hand drawn by artists and members of R&D. The Spike isn’t looking to collect things anyone can collect. No, Spike collects the things only they can. After all, anyone can have a masterpiece Ornithopter- how many have a fully 3d diorama masterpiece ornithopter made out of 15 layers of cards?
Of course, Vorthos and Mel apply here as well. Vorthos Collector loves the new story spotlight cards, and has the full weatherlight saga in a binder in story order so that it can be read like a comic book. Mel, on the other hand, revels in having near mint playsets of everything, one for display and one for play, double sleeved and in exact collector number order.
I myself am a Collector, which is why I spent many hundred words on this. Most of my enjoyment of the game comes from opening packs and getting cards and then putting them in boxes and binders and going out to get more cards to also put into boxes and binders. It makes me happy to flip through my collection and remember when and how i got these, and it fills me with great joy to make incredibly sub-par decks that are stocked with cards I’ve gone out of my way to hunt down. Is there a better play I can do than tapping an unlimted Sol Ring to play a Japanese Black Bordered and signed Revised Mahamoti Djinn? Probably. But is there one that gives me more enjoyment? You know the answer =)
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overseer2020 · 3 years
Weekend Wrapup (L1S1O)
I don't remember if I mentioned it before, but on the cards themselves, I have my own expansion symbol. A plain pentagon with a dot at the apex to signify Level 1 and no dot at all for my Level 0 cards. If we ever get as far as Level 6, we'll talk about what happens next.
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Also, Omega cards have the set designation (x) because MSE doesn't recognize the Alt-codes for the alpha and omega symbols (I did try) and because a and o are too similar-looking at that size. I do try to think of everything.
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Some Omega cards are extremely efficient, like I said before. And some are nostalgic staples from a simpler time. Level 1 is a simpler time, so they fit and may serve to someday spark similar nostalgic feelings in Cadets of the future. (I fixed the flavor text runover in the design file on Mahamoti Djinn. There were other images available for these two blue cards, but I went with the oldest, most nostalgic images despite the fact that the Djinn in the image does not come across as a "master of trickery and misdirection", though I suppose that would make sense.)
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I figure cards like Daggerclaw Imp and Rotting Fensnake might prove to be too much for a Cadet that hasn't had time to familiarize themselves with their arsenal.
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There are a series of creatures that can't block alone that will be "featured" in a future Semester, but for now, I filled the "cheap red creature" gap with an even worse expression of the "needs friends" drawback in Orcish Conscripts which requires TWO other creatures to get anything done started. I very nearly found myself forced to either break up the "alone" cycle or use my custom one-mana 1/1 red menace creature, but I figure Orcish will get the point across (Red can have over-efficiency with a price).
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Terrain Elemental makes Grizzly Bears totally obsolete, but I didn't want to leave the original 2/2 for 2 out of my learning institution, so the Bears got prime treatment while Terrain Elemental lurks in Omega waiting to be discovered.
Plated Spider represents a pretty large roadblock for the flying creatures available in Semester 1. Fortunately, it can become outnumbered and balance can be restored.
Tomorrow: The last five Omega spells and a few words about Omega sorceries and their inclusion that I glossed over earlier.
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worldmets · 6 years
Ashok Charit by Dr. Amulya Chandra Sen ebook pdf
Ashok Charit by Dr. Amulya Chandra Sen ebook pdf
Ashok Charit by Dr. Amulya Chandra Sen ebook pdf.
Book Format- PDF.
Ashok Charit was written by Dr. Amulya Chandra Sen.
Ashok Charit has been written by Doctor Amulya Chandra Sen. It was published from Kolkata, India. Mahamoti Ashok is one of the most famous names in Indian history. There is no parallel in the history like this, which has been set up in the efforts of the people of this unique…
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jermdaddy · 6 years
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Pic1: Turn 2 eureka into double berserk Mahamoti one shot kill. Pic2: start the game with 5 BoPs??? I like. #93/94oldschool #eternalweekend (at Allegheny Elks Lodge #339) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpxzqDogM7u/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=dvnu7a22vb4u
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mtg-cards-hourly · 3 years
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Mahamoti Djinn
Of royal blood among the spirits of the air, the Mahamoti djinn rides on the wings of the winds. As dangerous in the gambling hall as he is in battle, he is a master of trickery and misdirection.
Artist: Eric Peterson TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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mtg-cards-hourly · 4 years
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Mahamoti Djinn
Of royal blood among the spirits of the air, the Mahamoti djinn rides on the wings of the winds. As dangerous in the gambling hall as he is in battle, he is a master of trickery and misdirection.
Artist: Greg Staples TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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