alokastrology1 · 1 year
What if you have Mahabhagya Yoga in your Kundli?
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Have you ever wondered about your future good fortune and good luck in light of the stars? The many yogas or combinations that are present in your birth chart can be understood using astrology, the ancient science of astronomical effects. One such yoga is the Mahabhagya Yoga, an effective combination that indicates prosperity, prosperity, and luck. In this blog, we’ll examine the benefits that Mahabhagya Yoga gives to people as well as its significance in your Kundli. So get ready to dive into the world of astrology and discover this auspicious yoga’s unexplored potential.
Know about Mahabhagya Yoga in your Kundli. Get an online astrology consultation by the world-renowned astrologer Mr. Alok Khandelwal.
Understanding Mahabhagya Yoga:
When Jupiter (Guru) and Venus (Shukra), the benefic planets, are located in your birth chart’s Kendra (quadrant) houses, Mahabhagya Yoga occurs. Venus represents love, beauty, and earthly comforts, whereas Jupiter represents knowledge, growth, and spirituality. When these planets align in the Kendra houses, a potent alignment with positive energies results, bringing rise to Mahabhagya Yoga.
The Blessings of Mahabhagya Yoga:
Financial wealth and material success are likely to be experienced in the lives of those who are blessed with Mahabhagya Yoga. Jupiter and Venus’s combined energies open doors to growth, accumulation of wealth, and financial security. 
Wisdom and knowledge: Mahabhagya Yoga gives learners an in-depth understanding of a wide range of topics as well as increased wisdom and knowledge. The capacity to think logically is improved by this yoga, which enables individuals to succeed in academic and spiritual pursuits as well as research. 
Charisma and Magnetism: People who practice Mahabhagya Yoga have attracting personality that draws people to them. They have the power to motivate and inspire people around them, which is beneficial in both personal and professional settings. 
Mahabhagya Yoga promotes healthy, rewarding relationships in one’s life. Those who are gifted with this yoga frequently find dedicated and supportive partners. They make good friends because they are kind, understanding, and sensitive. 
Spiritual Growth: This auspicious yoga promotes spiritual growth and strengthens one’s ties to higher levels of consciousness. People who have Mahabhagya Yoga frequently show a great preference for spiritual activities, such as meditation and self-realization.
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How to Harness the Power of Mahabhagya Yoga:
It’s important to align oneself with the positive energies associated with Mahabhagya Yoga in order to get the most out of it. Here are some suggestions:
Seek Knowledge: Enrol in astrology classes or online astrology courses to expand your knowledge of this age-old subject and embrace lifelong learning.
Practice Gratitude:  Develop an attitude of thankfulness and express your gratitude for all that you have. More prosperity and happiness are drawn in by this nice energy.
Focus on Self-Development: Putting Self-Development First Make time for your own growth and enhancement. Take part in activities that will improve your abilities, skills, and general well-being.
Embrace Spirituality: Look into spiritual disciplines that speak to you, including mindfulness, yoga, or meditation. Develop your spirituality to find inner tranquility and enlightenment.
A divine gift, Mahabhagya Yoga provides people with a lot, of prosperity, and good fortune. One can realize their entire potential and live a life full of chances and benefits by embracing and using the energies of this yoga. Keep in mind that astrology is an effective tool for reflection and personal development. Take it to heart and go off on a journey of self-discovery and fulfillment.
Read Also:- Astrology and Love: Finding Your Perfect Match Based on the Zodiac
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geeta1726 · 7 months
Which astrology factors indicate a love marriage?
Many planets and yogas have been discussed in astrology to indicate love marriage. The following planets and karaka signs are considered important regarding love marriage:
Venus: Venus symbolizes love and nature and is the ruler of the field of marriage. Therefore, a powerful and auspicious Venus can be a good sign for a love marriage.
Seventh House (7th House): The seventh house is important in relation to marriage and friends. The position of the beautiful seventh house and the combined sign in a horoscope can augur well for a love marriage.
Brihaspati (Brihaspati): Jupiter symbolizes marriage and religious attainments. The influence of auspicious Jupiter can promote love marriage.
Nakshatra Bhava (Nakshatra Placement): Some nakshatras are considered especially auspicious for marriage, such as Rohini, Purva Phalguni, Anuradha, and Uttarphalguni. The planetary lords of these constellations can also support love marriage.
Kamastrikaraka (karaka for romance): Karaka planets of the Lagna and seventh house, such as Venus and Mars, can be important in relation to love and marriage.
Yoga: Some special yogas can also support love marriage, such as Gajakesari Yoga and Mahabhagya Yoga.
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astrologerraman · 2 years
Mahabhagya Yoga I One Minute Astrology I Acharya Raman Kamra
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bejandaruwallaindia · 2 years
How is Mahabhagya yoga formed in the kundali and what are its effects? Know about the benefits of Mahabhagya yoga here, you can find out more about the main yogas in your horoscope. Position of zodiac signs are in odd number then only this yoga will form in the male life.
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kundlilive · 6 years
माँ लक्ष्मी करती है धन की वर्षा : लाखों में से किसी 1 के कुंडली में बनता है महाभाग्य योग : Rajyog
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astrochattalk · 2 years
The Effects of Astrology Yoga’s
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Yoga’s and Doshas, in general, refer to the fortunate forms and illnesses that astrology has in store for different people. As a result, these may provide benefits or cause difficulties of various types and intensities. Though the most of these yoga’s prove to be blessings, there are a few that may not be as beneficial to the locals. Let's have a look at some of the yoga’s in more detail.
Yoga is the most significant aspect of astrology. When a precise planetary position happens in one's horoscope, yoga is formed.
Yoga meditation are divided into six disparate groups. Nakshatra, Rashi, and the Nine Planets are the foundations of Vedic astrology. Yoga’s are based on the Sun, Moon, and other planetary motions in a chart in Vedic astrology. From birth to death, the circumstances of a native's life reflect the outcome. Sun, Moon, Celestial, Raja, Dhana, or Daridra are the most common classifications. The following are some of the most important Yoga’s.
1.     Chandra (Moon)
2.     Surya (Sun),
3.     Nabhasa (Celestial)
4.     Raja yoga
5.     Dhana
6.   Daridra
CHANDRA (MOON) Chandra Mangal Yoga's Importance This moon conjunct mars yoga is a powerful combination of planets that can help the native produce money. When the Moon and Mars align with the individual's birth chart, Chandra Mangal Yoga is created. Mahabhagya yoga is another name for it. BENEFITS: A moon salute (Chandra Namaskar) is a yoga pose sequence that aids the yogi in calming the central nervous system and preparing the body for rest. Mountain posture, star pose, low and lateral lunges, pyramid stance, and triangle pose are among the low-impact asanas (poses) in this sequence.
SURYA (SUN) Surya Namaskar is a morning practice that aims to harness the prana shakti (life force) that is most abundant in the morning. In addition to promoting concentration and stillness of mind, the sequence activates all muscles, organs, systems, and chakras.
NABHASA (Celestial) In Hindu astrology, Nabha’s yoga (Sanskrit) refers to the various configurations of all seven planets in the celestial sphere. The Nabhasa yoga’s are planetary configurations that provide a comprehensive view of a person's life; they represent a person's life pattern, inclinations, strong points and weaknesses, and are independent of planetary lordships, conjunctions, and aspects, among other things.
RAJA YOGA Along with Jnana (knowledge or self-study), Bhakti (devotion), and Karma (activity), Raja yoga is one of the four ancient schools of yoga, each presenting a road to moksha (spiritual emancipation) and self-realization. Raja yoga is a term that has been used to describe both the objective of yoga and the means of achieving it.
DHANA Dhana yoga’s are astrological combinations or yoga’s for riches and prosperity that are more beneficial if both the lagan and its lord are strong, and there are no Arista yoga’s impacting the Dhana yoga - causing planets and the bhavas linked with wealth earning, acquisition, and accumulation.
DARIDRA When the lords of the 2nd and 11th houses are placed in debility or the 6th, 8th, or 12th house, daridra yoga is formed. Personal income, wealth, assets, and financial prospects are all represented by the second house.
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kanewilliiamson · 2 years
What Is The Concept About Parivartan Yoga In Astrology?
Parivartan Yoga is made by the trading of houses working together claimed via planets. This trade makes the two houses vital and applies their effect on these houses. These trade Yogas are seen in the birth graph as it were.The presence of propitious Yogas in the birth outline makes it strong. Other than Raj Yoga and Dhan Yoga, there are other ideal yogas that assist with making the birth diagram strong. At the point when great houses structure an association with the other good houses through positive Yogas, it gives propitious and ideal outcomes. Aside from Trine and Kendra, there are Trik and Upchay houses in which Parivartana Yoga is made.The propitious Yoga which is acted in the birth diagram because of the change set up or sign is Mahabhagya Yoga. These Yogas are shaped because of the difference in status of the Lords of Kendra and Trine house. Because of the association among Kendra and Trine in this Yoga, the individual comes by confident outcomes during the Mahadasha-Antardasha of the Lord of these houses.We can obviously make sense of it through a model by famous astrologer in Bangalore. Parivartan or trade of houses happens when allowed us to say for case Virgo Ascendant's most memorable house Lord, Mercury is set into the fourth house in Sagittarius and fourth house Lord, Jupiter is situated in the primary house. It will be Parivartan or trade Yoga among two Kendra houses. It will give confident outcomes.Parivartan is a Hindi name which signifies "Trade". So at whatever point two planets trades their signs implies Parivartan association between two planets… Parivartan can be named as the most impressive type of association that can exist among two planets (More than combination and Mutual Aspects,). Parivartan yoga expands the energy of both into houses as well as the two planets associated, at the end of the day, assuming that two planets are trading their signs so you can say like the two planets are assembling in one another houses, in short for expectation you can supplant their situation in the horoscope.
In Vedic astrology, any planetary position gets involved by one yoga subsequently such a condition is known as Rashi Parivartan Raja Yoga in Vedic astrology. Or then again as such, the exchange of two Rashi rulers makes an exceptional planetary mix called Parivartan yoga in Vedic Astrology.Parivartan implies not just the trading of signs - it implies trade of solidarity, trade of energy, trade of nature of one another even substitution of everything... So at whatever point two planets trades their signs in any horoscope it just implies that they are ordinarily associated with each another and will work regularly in future under one anotherRuler of Ascendant is placed in a sign whose investor is in its home or in magnification sign and that too in a protractor or ternary then Kahal Yoga is made.In short contributor of the sign where Lord of the sign involved by raising sign is put, on the off chance that it is in its own sign or indication of praise and next to each other which is likewise a point or a ternary, then, at that point, the Kahal Yoga is made.One who is brought into the world in Kahal Yoga is invested with immaculateness and information on higher-request, satisfaction. He/she will accomplish something beneficial to other people. He/she will be perceived and respected by the majority.
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The meaning of the word “Maha Bhagya” explains the importance of this yoga. Where “maha” means Great and “bhagya” means Luck or another word which can be used to best described this yoga is  “great fortune” This yogas have two kind of variation where for Male it applies to them when birth is in day time whereas for females it applies when birth is in the night. Let’s look into the technicalities…
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drsohinisastri · 3 years
What is the Concept About Parivartan Yoga in Astrology?
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 Parivartan Yoga is generated by the reciprocal interchange of planets' homes by the best astrologer in Kolkata.
This trade gives both houses a lot of power and allows them to influence the other houses.
Only the birth chart shows these exchange Yogas.
 The birth chart is made more strong by the presence of fortunate Yogas. Other auspicious yogas, in addition to Raj and Dhan Yoga, aid in the strengthening of the birth chart by the best astrologer in Kolkata. It produces fortunate and favorable consequences when auspicious houses develop a partnership with other auspicious houses through auspicious Yogas. Parivartana Yoga is established in Trik and Upchay homes, in addition to Trine and Kendra.
 Mahabhagya Yoga is an auspicious Yoga that is generated in the birth chart as a result of a shift in position or sign. These Yogas are the result of the Lords of Kendra and Trine House shifting positions. The individual has fortunate outcomes during the Mahadasha-Antardasha of the Lord of these houses due to the connection of Kendra and Trine in this Yoga.
 An example will help us grasp it better: When the Virgo Ascendant's first house Lord, Mercury, is put in the fourth house in Sagittarius, and the fourth house Lord, Jupiter, is placed in the first house, parivartan or house exchange occurs. Parivartan, or yoga exchange, will take place between two Kendra homes.
 Following Yogas are created with a change in position of Lords (Sthan Parivartan):
 Analyzing the Parivartan Yoga through the transit of planets.
 Rashi Parivartan Yoga inauspicious or inauspicious planets.
 Rashi Parivartan Yoga in both the auspicious Yogas.
 Parivartan Yoga in exalted or debilitated planets.
 Parivartan Yoga in friendly or enemy sign.
 Parivartan Yoga in the Karak planets of Raj Yoga.
 Parivartan Yoga in debilitated and retrograde planets.
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There are three kinds of Parivartana Yogas:
Mahabhagya Yoga or Maha Yoga: There are twenty-eight Maha Yogas. These are auspicious Yogas and give very good results to the native.
 One who is born in Maha Yoga is wealthy and blessed by Goddess Lakshmi. He has kingly disposition and wears good clothes and invests in expensive accessories.
 He has an honorable status among authorities. He occupies a high position of responsibilities. He enjoys happiness from sons and is prosperous. He is blessed with a lot of material comforts.
 Maha-yoga is formed with a mutual exchange between the following houses:
 First and Second, First and Fourth, First and Fifth, First and Seventh, First and Ninth, First and Tenth, First and Eleventh.
 Second and Fourth, Second and Fifth, Second and Seventh, Second and Ninth, Second and Tenth, Second and Eleventh.
 Fourth and Fifth, Fourth and Seventh, Fourth and Ninth, Fourth and Tenth, Fourth and Eleventh.
 Fifth and Seventh, Fifth and Ninth, Sixth and Tenth, Fifth and Eleventh.
 Seventh and Ninth, Seventh and Tenth, Seventh and Eleventh, Ninth and Tenth, Ninth and Eleventh, Tenth and Eleventh.
 Exchange of Ninth and Tenth is also forming Raj Yoga.
 All the above-mentioned Yogas are auspicious and give very good results during their Dasha.
 Kahala Yoga: Lord of Ascendant is placed in a sign whose depositor is in its own house or in exaltation sign and that too in a quadrant or trine then Kahal Yoga is formed.
 In short depositor of the sign where Lord of the sign occupied by rising sign is placed, if it is in its own sign or sign of exaltation and side by side which is also an angle or a trine, then the Kahal Yoga is formed.
 One who is born in Kahal Yoga is endowed with purity and intelligence of higher order, happiness. He/she will do good to others. He/she will be respected and honored by the masses.
 The inauspicious houses make other Parivartan Yogas too. Exchanges between the Trik house, sixth, eighth and twelfth houses form them. So do exchanges between these and trinal or quadrant houses.
 There are about thirty-eighth types of Parivartan Yogas which are formed between these houses. Thirty Yogas amongst these are called Daiya Yogas and the remaining eight yogas called Khala Yogas. Let us understand both these types in detail.
  Dainya Yoga: There are thirty Yogas which are termed Dainya Yoga. As the name suggests, these are inauspicious and give bad results. One who is born in Dainya Yoga is a fool and is engaged in disapproving and backbiting others.
 He/she indulges in bad deeds and suffers through enemies. They are fickle minded and use sarcastic and filthy language. He/she will meet with obstacles and hurdles in whatever work is taken up.
 The formation of these thirty Dainya Yogas is formed between the houses as given below.
  Sixth and First, Sixth and Second, Sixth and Third, Sixth and Fourth, Sixth and Fifth, Sixth and Seventh, Sixth and Eighth, Sixth and Ninth, Sixth and Tenth, Sixth and Eleventh
 Eighth and First, Eighth and Second, Eighth and Third, Eighth and Fourth, Eighth and Fifth, Eighth and Sixth, Eighth and Seventh, Eighth and Ninth, Eighth and Tenth, Eighth and Eleventh.
 Twelfth and First, Twelfth and Second, Twelfth and Third, Twelfth and Fourth, Twelfth and Fifth, Twelfth and Sixth, Twelfth and Seventh, Twelfth and Ninth, Twelfth and Tenth, Twelfth and Eleventh.
 Khala Yoga: There are eight Khala Yogas. Those born in Khala Yoga are fickle minded. At times he follows a good path and on other times he is on the other side of the fence.
 Sometimes he is endowed with good fortune and sometimes loses all and as such poor and unhappy. His temperament, fortunes, happiness fluctuates between good and bad.
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Khala Yogas are formed between the following when they mutually exchange positions.
Third and First, Third and Second, Third and Fourth, Third and Fifth, Third and Seventh, Third and Ninth, Third and Tenth, and Third and Eleventh.
There are some other Yogas which are formed when the Lord of the Sixth, Eighth and Twelfth houses are placed in one of these houses according to the best astrologer in India.
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kundlilive · 7 years
महाभाग्य योग, कुंडली में बनने वाला राजयोग से भी बड़ा योग स्त्री और पुरुष ...
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kundlilive · 6 years
माँ लक्ष्मी करती है धन की वर्षा : लाखों में से किसी 1 के कुंडली में बनता...
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