#mags flanagan is my wife real
w3bheadz · 8 months
Fishhooks Chapter 8
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AN: This was a filler chapter, hope you like it :)
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Then, it moved to her sitting down on the docks or on the coast while I strummed away at my guitar.
I couldn't tell you when she finally became a regular in my routine, but when she did, she didn't leave. I didn't like hanging around many people. I didn't keep many friends for that reason. I mean, sure. Tigris and I sent letters back and forth, Roe sat around in silence as I sang, but that had been the extent of it.
Then, Roe came around for dinner one night with her brother. Thats when I felt a change. This wasn't two people being alone together in the miserable routine we called life. This was a friendship. It started with one dinner, then two, and now she and Ezra were eating every night at my home. For once, I didn't feel so alone.
"Roe, a little help here?" I called from the kitchen, trying to grab the plates she just so happened to put on the top shelf last night.
Roe came into the room, leaning against the doorframe with her arms crossed over her chest, a smirk on her face. "Whats the matter Flanagan? Having some trouble?"
I rolled my eyes "Rowena, I swear to god, if you want dinner then you should help me get these plates down."
She rolled her eyes, walking up behind me, leaning forward, pressed up against my back as she leaned up, grabbing three plates. She was warm, a feeling I hadn't really felt since before the games. But, the feeling went away just as soon as it came. She backed up, setting the plates on the counter beside the stovetop. "Anything else, shortstack?"
I groaned, shoving her away "Leave me alone-" In response to my obvious agony, she snuck up behind me, wrapping her arms around my waist and lifting me up "C'mon, drop the 'tude Flanagan. it doesn't look good on you, which isn't good considering everything looks amazing on you"
I felt my face flush, though I couldn't begin to understand why. I felt weird about this. It was like my body was on fire, her touch ice cold. She finally let me down, tugging slightly on my braid "Earth to Magdeline, you in there?"
"Yeah, yeah- sorry, just tired I guess" I responded with a laugh, walking over to the pot to dish out the food. It was almost bubbling over "shit- its burnt..." The rice had gone a bit mushy, the red soup of the jambalaya now turning to a dark red brown. "Gross-" I mumbled under my breath "We won't be able to eat this-"
Roe stuck a spoon into the pot, sipping the soup quietly. She tried not to show it, but I could tell it wasn't good. "mmm- yum" she choked out. I burst into a fit of laughter, the sight of her "oh my god, just spit it out and say it's bad!"
she shook her head "nope, its great.."
"Ezra! Come in here and try this please!" I called from the doorway. He came in, an eyebrow raised "What's going on?" he asked. "I need you to try this, because Roe says its good, but it's burnt as shit and I think she's trying not to hurt my feelings." Ezra just nodded, grabbing his own spoon and trying it. He immediately made a face of disgust "Oh my god... Roe why would you put that in your body-" he ran to the sink, rinsing it out of his mouth. "No offense Mags, you know how much I love your cooking. I just, I don't think that was EVER good."
It started a whole new round of laughter between the three of us. I couldn't remember a time where I'd felt this nice. Sure, the food sucked. Sure, my family was all gone. But I was finally making a new one. I was letting people in, and I was going to be okay. I had to be.
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w3bheadz · 9 months
Mags, throwing her head into Rowena's lap: Tell me I'm pretty! Rowena, lovingly stroking her hair: You're pretty fucking annoying, that's what you are.
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w3bheadz · 9 months
Stylists Fishhooks Chapter 2
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Chapter 1 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7
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I remember the first time I met Dolion Graystone. I was only 5 when we met, but he helped me catch crabs on the beach when I could, so he was alright in my books. He’s been around for a lot of my life changing events. He was there the most when Peggy was reaped for the 9th annual hunger games. She never came home. He had always been such a nice friend. I couldn’t really remember a time without him. I might have to now. When Peggy died, he came and took me to the meadow. We sat in the flower field for a few hours. He had listened to me cry, held me close as I talked about how cruel the games were, how unfair the world was. Peggy was engaged. Her and her fiance had been killed together in the bloodbath. It had been her last year in the draw. She was almost in the clear, for gods sake!
I remember how warm I felt as he held me, and how I craved it so desperately when he finally let go. I didn’t know it then, but I had finally fallen head over heels. If only I had known then how much it would cost me. 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 Dolion sat across from me on the train, staring out the window. His expression was cold, and he had avoided looking to me for anything. “Dolion? Why are you avoiding me, we have to do this together if we want any chance here-” I asked quietly, resting a hand on his. Dolion jerked his hand back “ Pairing with people you care about doesn’t seem to work well. Look how it ended up for Peggy.” he responded coldly. I felt my face pale, my expression going blank. “What did you say..?” I questioned “You heard me.” He stated, standing up and going to his room on the train. I sat frozen, not knowing how to process what had just happened. My heart ached, and I didn’t really know why. I wish I didn’t care about what people said, but in the end, no one can bear the burden of life itself without cracks in their facade. I stayed alone the rest of the train ride, though Dolion came to apologize for his cruel words before we stepped foot in the capitol’s train station. I forgave him verbally, but did I actually..? It seemed I didn’t quite know, myself.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 We were taken to an apartment where we would stay for the remainder of the time before training. It was much nicer than the zoo the tributes stayed in last year. I felt bad for them. I was reminded of Lucy Gray and her beautiful dress when I saw the colorful vases of flowers all over the main room. We were told that we were needed downstairs, and then led to a hallway of rooms. Dolion and I got our own rooms, and were told to put on a gown that looked like something you would see at the doctors if you were going into a surgery of some sort. I slipped off my dress and replace it with the gown, cringing at the papery texture. Soon, there were 3 people in my room, forcing me to lie down so they could ‘access my features’. I laid there, trying to let them do their thing. Finally, they left. A woman by the name of Tigress walked into my room next. “Hello, My name is Tigress. I’ll be your stylist for the remainder of your stay in the capitol.” She smiled warmly. She reminded me of my Aunt Cassandra, her soft blond hair spiraling to frame her soft-featured face, her kind brown eyes filled with golden specks. She was in an extravagant rose gold colored gown, a matching barrette in her hair to pin some of her curls out of her face. “Hello, My name is Mags.” I responded, smiling back at the woman. “Why do I need a stylist, exactly..?” “Well, My job is to make you look sponsor-able. People in the capitol can sponsor you, help you gain materials you could need in the arena.” Tigress explained, holding up a hunter green fabric square and then shaking her head. “We will be working on your parade costume, and then your interview gown. I was told for district four, we wanted to go with a fishnet aesthetic.” She hummed, holding up a cerulean blue fabric “Aha! Blue is most definitely your color, Mags.” Tigress picked up her sketchbook with a smile, sketching out a design for the parade costume. It was a lovely thing, really. I don’t think I’d ever worn anything in my life that could amount to how nice it was. “Do you trust me..?” Tigress asked softly I don’t exactly know what compelled my response, but I nodded.
“Yeah, I do.”
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w3bheadz · 9 months
Reaping Day Fishhooks Chapter One
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Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 AO3
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The canons sounded. I listened to the first few before turning and going back to sleep. It had been sounding off with the deaths of the first day, I assumed. Maybe I was wrong, now that I think about it. Next thing I knew, Finnick was panicking, shaking me awake and telling me to get on his back. Something bad must’ve happened. As I took a moment to wake up, I realized that there was a fog coming in. Then, it touched me. I felt a pain so nauseating that I almost got sick. It felt like boiling water being poured onto my back, slowly and painfully melting the flesh off of my bones. I couldn’t speak, for the capitol had taken that ability away from me long ago. The fog came in closer, Finnick, Peeta, and Katniss running faster and faster. I felt bad that I was slowing Finnick down. Just a second later, Finnick and I got separated from the others, but we found our way back. We ran faster and faster until Peeta fell. He couldn’t get up. Finnick let me down so he could see what was wrong with Peeta, and I smiled softly. I didn’t know how to explain it. It was a feeling of overall calm in spite of where I was. I knew it was my time, and I was okay with that. Why was I okay with that? I crouched down and kissed finnick on the cheek before standing and walking into the fog. I heard Finnick calling out for me, but it was like I was on autopilot. I had no control over my body, and suddenly, I felt myself fade away into the fog. I didn’t feel any pain, I just felt free. 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 DISTRICT 4 REAPING FOR THE 11TH HUNGER GAMES Fish.
It always smelled of fish when I woke up.
It meant my father had gotten back from his morning boat trip, which also meant I had to be up to take care of my siblings and then sell the haul in the market on the docks. I sat up in bed, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. That was when I realized what day it was. Reaping Day.
I normally felt anxious on reaping days, but this felt different. It felt like impending doom. It was as if someone were sitting on my chest, but no one was there. Today would not be a good day. I removed the protective warmth of my blankets, feet hitting the cold tile of the room as I stood. I dressed quickly.
Everything in life was a routine. Mine was the same. Every. Single. Day. It had to be. I promised I’d protect them, even when they reminded me that all they saw was Peggy when they looked at me.I still worked day and night to try and make them proud. I knew it would never happen, but I could still hold onto the small sliver of hope. I walked into the kitchen, making quick work of slicing fruit and bread for my siblings to eat before heading to the docks. I had to sell the haul before the reaping. “Jasper, Lily, Zella, Annie!” I called up the stairs. They rushed down quickly, which meant it was time for me to go. I kissed all four of their heads before rushing out the door and running to the docks. That impending doom still sat in my stomach like an anchor in the ocean, but It’d go away eventually, right? I stood in the same place I had stood in for 2 years exactly today. The same spot Peggy used to occupy. It almost felt wrong. I sold all the fish that I could, and there was a great deal gone by the time I had to head home. I bathed and slipped on the formal dress I had been given for the event. It was a bit tight considering it was my reaping day dress last year, but it’d have to do. I have no money to spend on a new one. My family walked with me to the town square, but went to gather amongst the rest of district 4 when it was time for them to prick my finger and join the ranks of the teens. I saw my friend Dolion in the back of the rows and waved at him. He and I had been friends for years, and recently I’d gained a different type of feeling for him. I didn’t know how to explain it other than when I looked at him, I felt jittery like if I had drank too much coffee, or happy as if I had spent the day in the meadows. I stood in my place as a woman from the capitol stood center stage. “Welcome to the Reaping Ceremony!” She called into the microphone “Happy Hunger Games, everyone! Now, the time has come to announce one courageous man and woman for the honor of representing District four in the 12th annual hunger games! As Usual, ladies first.” The woman walked over to a bowl, sticking her hand in and stirring around the papers for a second before emerging with a slip. She made her way back to the microphone before opening the slip and speaking. “Mags Flanagan!” I felt my face pale. That was my name she had just called, wasn’t it? “Mags, where are you, dear?” She asked, smiling slightly “Come on up!” I felt my body go on autopilot as I made my way to the stage, looking down as I felt all eyes on me. I wished to curl up into a hole and die, right then and there. “And now, for the Male Tribute!” She said, walking over to the bowl, swirling her hand around in the bowl before plucking one of the papers and deciding the fate of another poor soul, lost to the games. “Dolion Graystone!” She announced. I felt myself grow nauseous. Oh how cruel life could be. It was Dolion. My Dolion. And now we were headed into a battle of life and death. There was only one winner in the games, and I had a feeling it wouldn’t be me.
I was spaced out until the woman cleared her throat “Well..? Shake hands, you two!” I swallowed nervously, taking a few steps to meet Dolion in the middle of the stage, shaking his hand. There was something off about him now. He didn’t look scared, quite the opposite if I was being honest.. “Happy Hunger Games, and may the odds be ever in your favor!” The woman announced finally as peacekeepers came up to us, practically dragging us into the mayor's office. I stumbled by as I was thrown into an empty room, only being told that if they wanted, my family would say goodbye.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 I sat in the room alone for 20 minutes.
No one came.
I didn’t expect them to.
After a bit, the peacekeepers came into the room and took me to the train. As I sat on the train, it started moving away from the district, and from the only home i’ve ever known. I wonder if I’d ever see it again.
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