thegreatworkofmagic · 5 years
🔮 (for Phoebe of course ^^)
Send 🔮 and my muse will predict your muse’s future!
"I see.. I see a reunion in your future. With someone you haven't seen in years.."
Phoebe said, while she pretended to stare into the glass orb on the table in front of it. But she didn't need that to see the future.. Reaching out a hand, she lightly brushed her fingertips against Sabrina's.
"Someone who's name starts with an A. I want to say.. Alexander?"
She said while she looked up to meet her gaze once more.
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morguexmouse · 4 years
“Do what the fuck you want to. There’s no one to appease.”
She looked up sharply, sighing deeply. The lab really needed better security, they were letting just anybody in these days. Brown eyes cold and hard staring at the woman. “I am, do you see me cowering in his shadow anymore?” She asked her, going back to her work, that was easier to focus on then some unwanted advice on how to live her life. It was easy to see that this was not the Molly Hooper of old, this one was more fashionable, professional, didn’t hide behind pink sweaters and shyness. She had grown up, she had him to thank for it.  “What brings you here, Moran?” She asked with a small sigh, taking out a heart and measuring it as she recorded the measurements on the paperwork. Her work was gruesome but if the other was offended or sickened then the door was over there. 
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//Hey darling, did you miss me ? ^^ More seriously I'm really good and I hope everything's okay for you ! And also be ready for Sabby's comeback ;)
<3 <3 <3
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ericbrandonrp · 5 years
@magpiestigress​ asked: 🔮
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Send 🔮 and my muse will predict your muse’s future! || accepting: NO
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“Sabrinaaaaaaa...” He had thrown a blanket over his head and was now blindly shuffling towards her. Thankfully nothing was standing in his way. “I’m the ghooooost...of future life! I’m here to waaaaarn yooouuuu! Don’t accept the job offer you will geeeeeet! It will only bring pain and sufferiiiiiiiiing to your boyfriend. He will diiiiiieeeee...of boredom and heartbreak while you’re awaaaaay. There will be anotheeeeeer opportunity come uuuuup, a better ooooooneee.”
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// Hello ! I want to interact with your Moriarty but I'm afraid you will turn me down as my Moran is female even if I read you're willing to interact with OC... so would you give me a chance or not ? In any case thanks for your time :)
//It really depends on my mood tbh, sometimes I’m happy to interact with an OC and other times I’d rather stick to my headcannoned characters; overall, your version of Moran is welcome here. <3
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Phoenix, Banshee, Griffinc
Phoenix: Tag someone who is a bright light on your dash.
Nearly everything they do is steeped in community and partnership. They’re always tagging everyone else in their posts because everything they see is through the lens of “Who does this remind me of?” It’s easy to see what a positive person they are, and how their experience here in the rp community is so closely tied to friendship and sharing. 
Banshee: Tag someone who has looked out for you.
I’m going to give this one to @thatchergreene because we have only talked the one time, and honestly they had no real reason to contact me, but they saw I was having a rough time and they slipped right into my IMs with extremely kind words of comfort and support even though we’d never interacted before at all. I never know what to do or say when I’m treated like a friend by someone I don’t even know, but that was a very nice moment, and I’m still touched by it over a week later. 
Griffin: Tag someone whose friendship for you is priceless.
@thelionofnaples and @redxwolf -- at the beginning of the year when I did my Month of Love, I put them both in the same post because when I met them, they came as a set. They are still a set, and they are still wonderful, and they are still extremely close to each other and to my heart. 
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thewxman · 7 years
@magpiestigress liked for a one liner/text message from irene {x}
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[SMS ; SM] A little bird has told me that you may be in need of my assistance, Ms Moran. I’ll have you know I'm not the easiest to work with... IA
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santiagobennett · 7 years
Santiago and Sabrina for the kid meme (could be interesting ^^)
If they had a kid | Accepting
Name: OwenGender: MaleGeneral Appearance: Brown hair, green eyes, olive skin.Personality: Seems to have an unlimited amount of energy, can’t sit still for more than five minutes.Special Talents: Coming up with inventionsWho they like better: Santiago, because (assuming he has by then gotten his job as a detective back) Santiago works a lot of long days is will often not be back until it’s bed time for Owen. Because of this, Owen is desperate to spend time with his dad.Who they take after more: Santiago. Owen always busies himself with whatever he is obsessed with at the time and wants to be cool like his dad who gets to arrest bad guys (assuming he doesn’t know what Sabrina does).Personal Head canon: Since he seems to have a different hobby and/or interest every few weeks, he’ll be worried about his future and about what he’ll want to do for the rest of his life.Face Claim: Jacob Tremblay
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fangsforhirearchive · 7 years
| ℒ |
~  @magpiestigress
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{ Knuckles STRAINED on the steering wheel, rain striking the windscreen of the car he had insisted he drive himself ( not one to trust dodgy hire firms ) sighing in irritation.  Sometimes Jim really pushed him to breaking point and to suddenly announce he was teaming up with Moran and going under-cover abroad and expect him to be a-okay with it? Was it any wonder now was one of these times?                Not that there was anything he could do about it but suck it up and make his way to her residence, taking control in the only way he knew how; getting himself there. Which had been a good call as he was sure Jim’s ‘driver’ would not have sped up upon realising the time, nor slammed on the brakes and honked his horn the second he arrived. } ‘Moran! Get your bags and hurry up, I wanna miss rush hour!’
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criminalsandtea · 7 years
★ ❤ ♔
questions about your character. | Accepting@magpiestigress​
★ - Do they prefer daytime or nighttime and why?
Ever since Jim was a child, he has always prefered the night over day. Nights are usually filled with silence, which allows him time and space to think. He enjoys nature a lot more when it is dark and he prefers the city when only the occasional human can be found on the streets. It also makes his job a whole lot easier when the world’s turned dark, of course, so that does add to his long list of reasons he likes the nighttime. 
❤ - Do they have a love interest?
Very heavily depending on the verse and all of that, but he does have a big appreciation towards Moran which may be considered a love interest to some.
♔ - Do they value loyalty?
Loyalty is one of the most important traits a human can possess if you were to ask Moriarty. Even the dumbest, most annoying person could be of worth to him as long as they were loyal to him. In the end, loyalty is one of the pillars his web is built upon, so if he finds out someone is unloyal to him, he will not hesitate to kill them immediately. 
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magpiesandmurder · 7 years
Side Effects
           He was gone. Vanished. James Moriarty, disappeared for weeks and the employees of the criminal’s network immediately notice the absence.
                                                            Whispers set out.
          Whispers varied from the gruesome to the over glorified— he was truly dead, Moriarty wanted a different job, he had a family he wanted to keep safe, Moriarty lost an arm to that nasty Turkish client who had a fetish for meat cleavers...
          Most whispers collected into a rumbling of concerned throughout the inner rings of Moriarty’s network, underlings concerned for their boss’s safety, concerned for his whereabouts. Yes, the consulting criminal has a long listed history of dropping bags and disappearing from the radar to do his own thing for up to months on end, but someone always knew he was safe and reassured the rest of the colony of such.
                    But this was different.
          Weeks into the criminal’s disappearance, whispers started to come back, come back to one of Moriarty’s most loyal underlings - TINKERBELL. Difficult as it was to get those whispers to respond through the dark Underground, concrete information boiled up. Mycroft Holmes and his government dogs had their boss incarcerated in one of their nifty government buildings, most likely in the West Sussex area; it was a tip from an associate on the outer rings of the Holmes operations, one that could not go further into detail than that, but enough to give TINKERBELL a reason and direction to dig.
          Digging holes into the government was difficult enough - to find the right hole hiding the location of their boss? Borderline impossible.
                But they found him.
          TINKERBELL knew who to contact - the stability in the colony, the chief of staff, the loyal marksman - and that was Sabrina Moran. With a few calls, the agent was in the presence of the woman on her lunch break. She had to know of the news - they had Moriarty and there needed to be a plan put in place to get the Irish bastard out.
                                                            “They’ve got Moriarty, Miss.”
          It was the first thing he said upon his entrance into the sniper’s domain. The Scottish operative continued, tone professional and one of military background.
          “The Elder Holmes. We’re not sure as to Moriarty’s status, but he is alive and in solitary.”
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@magpiestigress | starter call
“So...” Rosamund mused as she filed her nails into a point, her gaze drifting back and forth between what she was doing and the blonde before her who she had been working with ever since she had been intertwined into Jim Moriarty’s web. “What’s the big man got you out doing now?”
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@magpiestigress Continued from [x]
Jim is not one to allow himself such recklessness until he knows he is in the presence of someone who is capable of handling any given situation; someone he knows holds his best interests to heart. His companion now is fit for drinking, and he knows that even a bit unsteady herself, she is still more than enough to look after him should a situation arise. 
“It’s early,” he responds, sounding for all the world as though he’d like to take her for an idiot. It wouldn’t be taken kindly, he knows, and besides, he doesn’t actually mean it. “Why would I want to leave? Another round.”
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watsonofagun · 7 years
@magpiestigress liked the starter call.
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John might not have Sherlock’s extraordinary skill in observation, but he knew human nature. And he believed in the detective, rather than the false news on the fabrication of his achievements. In other words, something drove the wise hat detective to suicide.
       “-----So I figured that it might be because his friends were in danger.       But I didn’t imagine Jim’s henchman to be a henchwoman.”
Tracked her down he did, but maybe he should have been more prepared for the meeting. Or maybe she was expecting him anyway; no good hitwoman would have simply allowed him to catch up so easily, he thought. He was just an army doctor.
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fangsforhirearchive · 7 years
magpiestigress please !
Do I Follow Them?: Yes. Of course I do.
Why Did I Follow Them?: I really loved the fact I found a female Sebastian that works.Most others, Lucien has wanted to, just, erase from existence and not clicked with it all.
Do We Role Play?: Yes!
Do I Want To Role Play With Them: Always. I just need to get my arse in gear. XD
An AU Idea For Our Muses: AU. UH….Lucien hiring her instead of Jim? Or post fall and they take over his empire and kick arse.
A Song For Our Muses: Lucien said ‘Tata Young - Sexy Naughty Bitchy Me.’ for Sabrina. XDUhm but I’m clueless for them. Do you have any ideas?
Do I Ship Our Muses?: No. But I kinda do in a weird way? I mean he’s mainly gay, ‘cause he likes cock.
What I Think About The Mun: I think she seems awesome!
Overall Opinion:
Blog Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
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so-touchingly-loyal · 7 years
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