#magnifico x myrah
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kingmagnificoofrosas · 11 months ago
The royal soulmates ❤️✨️
I'm happy to finally show them to you! It was high time.
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kingmagnificoofrosas · 10 months ago
The air was heavy with thick hot smoke as screams of agonizing terror pierced the night. Bright flames devoured building after building, mercilessly destroying and killing everything in its way. Man, animals, objects. Everything crumbled to ash.
Magnifico stood on his balcony, eyes wide in horror and limbs frozen in panic. “No …” he uttered breathlessly, “No …”
His entire kingdom had turned into an inferno. In an instant he turned, stumbled through his room and down the corridors. 
“Myrah!” He hollered, “Myrah, where are you?”  A window to his left suddenly exploded and he gasped. More flames leaped onto rugs and furniture and spread down the hallways within seconds. “Myrah!” He cried once more, frantically searching for his wife. “M’fhíorghrá, answer me!”
Dashing from door to door, Magnifico dodged the growing fire and falling debris. But no matter how much he cried for his wife, he got no reply.
Fear and shattering guilt overcame him like an avalanche and he had to hold onto a wall. Right at that moment, one of the curtains crashed in front of him, cutting off his way. Magnifico flinched backward, coughing and shielding his eyes from the spitting flames.
It happened again. How did it happen again? 
In the blink of an eye, he was suddenly right outside his palace. People ran in all directions, wailing, yowling, burning. He recognized their faces, knew their names, remembered their former wishes. 
Before he could call out to them however, one of the stone pillars near him cracked, seconds from collapsing. He noticed a child standing below the crumbling roof, calling for its mother, and without hesitation threw himself at it, shoving it out of the way just in time. The pillar fell, the mother sweeped the child into her arms and Magnifico rolled to the side, hardly escaping being crushed. Dust and hot ash filled his nose and mouth and he coughed. The glowing heat made it almost impossible to breathe.
Lightning shot through his nerve system at the sound of his soulmate's voice. She was there! She was alive! Within seconds, he scrambled to his feet and hurled around. His heart leapt in his chest for a second before being ripped into shreds. Myrah tumbled toward him, almost burned to the bones. Crying out like a beaten animal, he dove forward to catch her before she could fall and sank to his knees with her.
“No! No no no! My love ... my life! Hold on I’ll-” Magnifico desperately tried to recall his supernatural abilities to heal the wounds he knew were her sure death, but the blue light refused to surface. “Come on!” He growled at his shaking hands, “come on!”
His head turned back to her, “Hold on, my love! I’ll fix this! I’ll save y-”
“Magn-” Myrah coughed, compulsing in pain and trying to move her lips to talk to her husband, but before his name could fully come over her lips, her strength left her, her eyes closed and her body went limp. 
“Myrah?” Magnifico breathed, “Myrah? Sweetheart?”
No response.
"No. Oh God, no! Myrah!” He gently shook his wife, utter panic flooding his being, “Please! You cannot - I cannot lose you too! Please!" Again he shook her, stroked her face and hair over and over and wiped ash, dirt and blood away from her cheeks, but her eyes stayed closed. The limpness of his wife cut his soul like a hot sword. His mind refused to believe it. Once more he shook her but to no avail. “No, my love! No! Wake up! Open your eyes, darling! Myrah!” 
“No ....”
The queen, his wife, his soulmate was dead but he couldn’t accept it. How could he accept it? 
Her broken body tightly in his hold, he bent over with a choked sob. Tears came like a flood as his entire being was consumed by indescribable agony and he let out the loudest, most heart-broken wail a man could ever sound. 
Myrah woke in an instant as she felt her husband cramp and twist in their sheets, flailing his limbs between breathless whimpering. Immediately she rose and reached out to hold his arms down. 
“Magnifico!” She called, “wake up, mi vida! ” 
His head tossed left and right and Myrah almost had to climb onto her husband to pin him down. 
“Shhht! Wake up! Wake up!” 
Suddenly he shot upright with a scream, his blue eyes wide as plates, his chest rising and falling in quick heavy breaths. 
Myrah sighed in relief. Now that he was awake, it was easier to get him out of his panic attack.
“All is well, mi amor. It was just a nightmare.”
Still disorientated and caught in the terror of the things his mind had played on him, he hyperventilated, sweat dripping from his forehead. The pain of losing his wife and the guilt of failing to keep the past from repeating was ever so present. He could still hear the screams, smell the horrible stench of burning flesh mixed with blood, dirt and fire. But even worse than the sight of the burned corpses, was his dead wife in his arms. The emotions overwhelmed him, nausea rose in his throat and he gagged.
“Magnifico! Look at me!” Myrah gently touched his face, “Look at me, my darling!”
Her husband flinched for a second but then slowly turned his head and she smiled. “There you go! Keep looking at me! Breathe with me! Deep breaths!”
Magnifico followed her breathing until his own had calmed and his pulse slowed down. 
“Well done, mi vida." She wiped his loose bangs and the sweat from his forehead and kissed his trembling lips. “I’m here. It was a nightmare.”
“M- …. Myrah.” He choked through his rising tears. “Rosas ... burned … people … my people burned … You were … I- I lost you! I couldn't-”
“Shhht!" Lovingly she caressed both his cheeks, continuing to wipe his tears and sweat. “It was another nightmare. I'm safe. Rosas is safe! All is well, mi vida.” 
He mustered her for a while, assuring himself he was truly awake. “Myrah?” 
“Yes, mi vida. I’m here.” She kissed him again, once more swiping his bangs away. 
She was real. She was there. It truly had only been another one of his raging nightmares. Utter relief flooded him and he sobbed. His head fell into the nape of his wife’s neck and she wrapped him in her arms. 
“Shhht! I know. I know.” She whispered, stroking his back as he cried. 
“Oh, Myrah!” He whimpered hoarsely, “I’m … so … tired!”  
Myrah felt her own throat tighten and her heart ache. 
“I got everything I could have ever dreamt of and more. Everything is perfect and yet … the past just won’t let me rest! I … I can’t bear this anymore!” 
His entire body trembled in her embrace. Her strong husband, who usually always carried himself proudly, now wept against her shoulder like a child. Right in this moment, he was no longer king but the boy once broken so many years ago. 
“Oh my darling, my life!” She breathed as she carefully lifted his face to rest her own close to his and combed through his dark silver hair.
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“I know this is incredibly hard, it hurts terribly, and you just wish to forget, but it will get better. I promise you! And I'm here to help you in this pain. Each step of the way I will go with you, mi amor. Until the pain has faded into a scar and the memory of the past into yet a mere shadow. I’m here for you and I will be for eternity!”
The next time Magnifico woke up was early in the morning. As soon as his eyes opened, he turned his head to the side to check for his wife. And there she was. Deeply asleep. Her weight on his chest immediately filled him with relief and his pulse calmed once more. Gently, he stroked one of her auburn locks from her forehead and kissed it. Taking in her beauty for a few more seconds. God, he loved and adored her beyond comprehension. 
He must have fallen asleep in her arms after his melt down and over the course of the last hours their position had shifted. 
Carefully, he removed himself from the embrace, made sure she lay comfortable and then left their bed as quietly as possible. Throwing his thin morning robe around his shoulders, he passed the edge on which Julius was rolled up, sleeping as well, and fondled his head before striding out on the balcony. 
The sky was already turning indigo and the horizon, at the edge of the ocean, pale yellow. 
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Magnifico closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He still felt awfully tired. Exhausted. As if he'd not slept at all. 
The sweet singing of birds painted a stark contrast to the roaring sounds of terror that still gnawed at the edge of his consciousness. 
Why couldn't he just forget it? Why did his past still haunt him like a never tiring predator?  
Before he knew it, his eyes started burning again but this time, he refused to cry. Instead, he stubbornly forced himself to concentrate on the sunrise. 
A light breeze hit his face and made his loose bangs sway back. He closed his eyes once more, breathing in the salty air and savoring the scent of oleander and roses it carried along. 
Sometimes he still couldn’t believe that he didn’t need to endure his regular mental episodes alone anymore. Now there was Myrah, who caught him whenever he fell. 
But as grateful as he was that she helped him through his pain, he rather had the whole trauma be done with once and for all. 
Slowly the sun started climbing over the edge of the ocean, throwing its first rays across the land. Magnifico blinked into the golden light, sounding yet another tired sigh. 
Suddenly there was a soft rustle behind him. Two gentle arms wrapped themselves around his waist from behind and he smiled. Her touch felt like taking a deep breath after a long dive. 
“You’re up already?” 
“I wanted to watch the sunset.” Not a lie, more a forced truth. 
The hold around him loosened and his wife stepped next to him. There was no fooling her and he didn’t mean to. 
“When did it stop for you?” He asked quietly. 
“The nightmares?”
His lips slimmed. 
“A few years.”
“I’ve got these for over two decades now … I’ve let the past go and it shouldn’t affect me as much anymore but-” 
“Magnifico,” Myrah took his hands into hers, “you are way too hard on yourself! Be a little bit more patient. There is no right or wrong as to how long the process of healing has to be.” 
“How much longer - I … I’m terrified to lose you too one day …this fear …it wrecks me!” he uttered brokenly. “I’ve lost everything I ever loved once before … I cannot bear it a second time …”
Myrah lifted her gaze. Her own eyes burned with tears now. She hated seeing her soulmate in so much distress. “I’m afraid as well.” She admitted, “after you’ve destroyed the book and sacrificed yourself to save Rosas … I thought I had to die as well. To have to live the rest of my life without you until I could see you again on the other side? … That was hell on earth. But-” she reached out to touch his cheek, “the great father let you return to me. And nothing can ever separate us again!” 
“How do I deserve you?” He smiled lovesick, chuckling along as she did. 
“Only you deserve me! Mi vida.” 
Leaning forward, he kissed her and her hands dove past his face into his hair. 
“I love you!” He breathed into the kiss, “I love you so much-” 
Her hands wandered from his hair down to his neck and back and then to his chest.
“I love you!” She replied, once again locking eyes with him. “I cannot erase your past, but I can help ease the pain.” 
He almost shuddered at the touch of her fingertips spreading on his chest.
“I can help you forget those nightmares for a bit …” 
Oh God! 
Her lips traveled across his skin like bolts of electricity all the way back to his neck and jaw before she gently pulled him closer to her body. 
His mind started swimming. In the best way possible. Whatever she did, it always worked. Always cracked him open and lightened up his soul. She was his beacon, his lighthouse in the darkest night.
And he held onto her as well. Like a drowning man onto a rope. Kissing her passionately between gasps for air. If she hadn't guided him back into their bedroom, he would have helplessly stumbled against the next pillar or wall, maybe even face planted the floor. 
She smiled against his lips and Magnifico wondered for the billionth time how it was possible for his stomach to tingle that strongly. 
Yes, right. She was his soulmate, this was everyday life and yet it was new to him every time. 
He let her guide him all the way to their bed, he’d forgotten how to walk anyway. With the most gentle pressure, she pressed him down on his shoulders to sit and before he knew it, she was on his lap. Together they shifted backward further onto the bed. 
Julius used the momentum to head to the door. Smirking to himself as he left the royal bedroom. He would take a long stroll through the gardens.
Oh, Lord! Am I still dreaming? Am I truly awake?  “Myrah …” 
More and more of her tender kisses showered Magnifico and he prayed she wouldn’t stop. Each place her soft lips touched tingled, almost burned. Once more they found his and he closed his eyes, tightening his hold around her back and waist. 
Could one get drunk on love? One part of him wanted to reply with as much intensity to everything she did but this time he just couldn’t fight against her and he didn’t want to. There were times where they both equalized each other while melting their endless love and their souls together, there were times where he gave more to her and this time it was her, who gave more. 
He had to do nothing but let her flood him with all the love her soul could offer. Let her give herself to him fully. This kind of giving was the highest peak of joy. An honor, a pleasure like nothing else on earth. 
She was bone of his bone and one flesh with him. Only her soul made to link with his like no other. A unity for eternity. Ever growing in love and wisdom. 
“Myrah!” Her name was the only thing left leaving his lips in gasps, breathless hisses and whimpers of purest pleasure. One gaze into the sun-flooded forest of her eyes, that intense look grazing every part of his soul, was almost enough to send him over the edge. 
Her love indeed silenced every sound in his mind, calmed the raging storm in him and pushed the hellish memories away. He thanked the great father exceedingly as his world was filled with Myrah. Tenderly and deeply passionately. 
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kingmagnificoofrosas · 11 months ago
"I love you with every beat of my heart, with each breath I take and every fiber of my being to the depths of my soul. For all eternity."
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- Magnifico & Myrah
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kingmagnificoofrosas · 10 months ago
Can we see that one scene in the curse realm, where Magnifico and Myrah realize they're soulmates and confess their undying love for each other in that song?
@strawberrybrunette you're welcome 😉💖
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And love you as one does, I will protect you at all costs ~
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kingmagnificoofrosas · 11 months ago
GOODNESS SAKES SOMEONE GAVE THIS MAN A LOVING WIFE? A WIFE WHO IS LOYAL AND LOVES HIM? OKAY I LIKE IT PICASSO 👌 KEEP AT THE WHOLESOMENESS! (I'm so sorry I saw art of this guy having a loving woman by his side and the feral fangirl came out)
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Also, AAAAAAAAAAAH thank you so much !!! Picasso? Oh pssssh 🫠💖
You will definitely see more of these two soulmates down the line!!! ✨️❤️
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kingmagnificoofrosas · 10 months ago
Question for Magnifico and Myrah, what are your favorite pet names for each other???
Oh, we do have quite a few! But the ones I use most are: Mi vida, which is spanish and means my life. Mi amor, mi corazon - my love and my heart, honey, darling, tesoro - treasure, amor de mi vida - love of my life, mi amor eterno - my eternal love ... hermoso or guapo- handsome ... mi todo-my everything .... precioso-precious, amor de mi alma - love of my soul-
*pulls her into his arms to kiss her* Not possible to pick favourites!
*chuckles* just the ones you use most!
Everything! *kisses her neck*
Focus! Mi amor, focus!
I can't! Not after you went down all those names!
I replied to the question. *turns around and holds is face with both hands* Now, your turn.
What was the question again?
*laughs* Magnifico!
You cannot expect me to look into your eyes and function right! I forget things!
Nicknames, my love! Nicknames! Your turn!
M'fhíorghrà (meer-grah) My mothertongue, irish gaelic. It means, my true love.
Go on. *smiles*
My beloved, my darling, beat of my heart, light of my life ... everything you said above! *wraps her back into an embrace*
*giggles* Forgive my .... *tries to escape* Husband ... he's ... 😆 *clears throat* cuddly today!
No no no! You stay here! You're not going anywhere!
We just left our room, we need to-
Yeah, very questionable choice, really. Why did we?
- compose ourselves!
Says who?
Says us standing at the patio to our front court, facing the person who questioned us and about twenty others watching?
We were about to have breakfast anyway! *leans in to whisper something in her ear*
You see the queen blush and swallow.
Not fair!
*starts smirking* Make it fair.
Hey! Before you two drop your brains on the floor, how bout leaving back inside? The question is answered, the people of Rosas had their first daily sight of their rulers flirting with each other ....
I know the boundries outside of my palace walls, furball. Thank you. And we have selfcontrol.
*narrows eyes* Uhm hm. You sure bout that?
Yes. *picks up his wife, poker faced*
*squeaks in surprise*
That's why we're returning back. *turns* Thank you very much for the question! *carries the queen away*
*sighs* Well, nothing to see anymore! Come on guys, clear the courtyard! Chop-chop! Thank you! 🐈‍⬛
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kingmagnificoofrosas · 9 months ago
How did Myrah and Magnifico meet? Also I ship them so much they're so cute together 💛
Hi anon!
Aww, I'm so glad to hear that! 😊✨️ Yes, these two have my heart.
I have gotten this question fairly often. But I don't mind explaining this one once more. I will give this reply a certain hashtag, so you can find that answer again.
So, how did Magnifico and Myrah meet?
Well, after our dear king had ended up in the curse realm, Amaya made sure that everything in Rosas that was a reminder of him got removed. She also locked his rooms. She wasn't to enter them before anyway, well except the study or if it really was necessary.
When Myrah came to the palace, she only got told by her older cousin, that these rooms are unimportant and locked. And that she shouldn't worry about it. However, since Myrah's stubborness, views, curiosity, temper and attitude often clashed with Amaya and especially her husband - Rowan's, she, after a heated argument, made the decission to explore those locked rooms.
With the help of her loyal pet companion Julius, she manipulates the lock and secretly enters into Magnifico's bedroom. Once inside, she's not only fascinated by his things, she also accidently falls through one of his man-tall mirrors after getting scared by a rather large spider, that had happened to make itself at home in the empty room.
Because Myrah is Magnifico's soulmate, she was able to fall through the portal into the realm in which he was caught. Once again I gotta mention, that while time passes in that realm too, day/night and seasons, time was still frozen for him. That meant, he didn't age, he couldn't die but he could still get horribly sick and feel the full impact but not die from it, which is another form of torture by itself ...
So our princess fell through that mirror. You must know, that Myrah can be a true clutz. Therefore, she didn't exactly land on her two legs like a cat on its fours. Well, Julius had the best landing. Or not. If you consider Myrah landing on the kings chest.
As for Magnifico, if someone would have told him, that the first time he would meet his soulmate would be by being knocked over to the ground because she'd drop on him like a fish pulled out of water, he would have laughed. But this is exactly what happened.
Don't worry, I will eventually post the whole scene in form of a snippet here for you to read. Because it would be way too long to explain the whole thing in detail now.
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kingmagnificoofrosas · 10 months ago
How suspiciously the royal couple began to openly flirt after the question about the heir.
Hehe~ Magnifico is naughty~😏
Oh they do that everyday! Heir or no heir. Believe me. 😏
And seriously, Mags forgets his surroundings exist when it comes to Myrah. They're soulmates and it shows. They're oozing their love everywhere they go.
Also, you'd think Mags is the one who leads the flirting and teasing right? Hohoh ... you haven't seen Myrah on a good day 😂 and how hard Mags has to try to compose himself!
Mags held a speech not too long ago to inform the citizens of the upcoming summer festival and, don't ask me why Myrah did it -you must know, they stand close next to each other whenever there is an announcement, in the middle of him talking she goes *smacks lips* ✋🏻Bang! Spanked his butt. 😶
Flat hand ✋🏻 *smack*
You have no idea how hard I had to keep myself from laughing. I bet some of his guards were also fighting for their lives not to howl with laughter. Jonathan's shouders were trembling and Rowan even left the patio 😂
The people of Rosas at the front saw nothing but Magnifico's face suddenly growing stern. And Myrah just smiled as if nothing ever happened. We had this next to each other
😚🎶 - 😐
He forgot his words for a few seconds. 😂
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kingmagnificoofrosas · 10 months ago
Dude imagine if Magnifico sang the demo of At all Cost but it was him falling in love again so it would change the "Promise as one does" to "Love you as one does" towards Myrah. Pfft! Magnifico loves his wife so much pfffffffffffft! Bro respects and loves his wife-ppppfffffffffttttt! (Jokes aside I'm turning into a fan of this ship)
Hi @strawberrybrunette
You know, now that you mention it, I might as well spill the tea on this 😏
This is exactly what happened. And yes, it is just as romanitc as you probably already assume it was!
The only difference is, that Magnifico never truly loved someone romantically until his soulmate/Myrah came along ❤️ And I'm SO glad you love them together 💖
Also, there is a surprise coming ✨️🎶 I've been planning to show this for a long time but now that you reminded me, pat yourself on the shoulder once it is posted 😉
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kingmagnificoofrosas · 11 months ago
My majesty, here is a humble gift :) *gives him some cheese and a daisy*
Hello again, my little friend! *squats down and holds hand out for the mouse to come onto, then rises again*
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Awww, that is really sweet of you! Thank you! What a wonderful present! You truly found the most beautiful daisy of all. Do you have a name? If not, how'bout we call you Daisy? Like the flower you just gifted to me. *carries her further inside the palace*
I don't know where you've been living so far but I guess inside my palace walls you're a bit saver. You know, not every single cat in Rosas is like Julius ... I don't want anything to happen to you.
The queen comes down the stairs of the entrance hall and immediately the king's expression softens.
Oh, look, the most beautiful woman on earth blesses us with her presence! ☺️
*laughs* Good morning, my darling! *kisses her husband before lowering her gaze to his hand* Oh! Is that the same mouse from earlier?
Yes. She brought me a few gifts.
Oh, how adorable! *gently strokes the mouse's head with her finger* Where did you plan to bring her?
To our gardens. She'll be safe there.
🐈‍⬛ *yawns and streches* Gooood Moaaarninnnn
It's noon, querido.
Julius! Good you're here! I have a task for you.
🐈‍⬛ *looks at the kings hand* The mouse??
I need you to make sure that this mouse and her family will be safe! No mouse hunting inside my palace! *lets the mouse down*
🐈‍⬛ *lifts a brow* Are you serious?
Do I look like I made a joke? ����
*wraps her arm around his* You could have woken me, you know?
And disturb your deep sleep? No, I thought you could need it.
You underestimate my energy level, mi vida.
You keep on surprising me *smiles*
🐈‍⬛ Eugh! Ok, before your tsunami of fliriting drowns me, I'll better keep going. *turns to the mouse* Come on, the quicker we're gone the better.
Someone's haven't had the best sleep tonight, I see.
🐈‍⬛ well and guess who's fault that is!
Oh, Julius, be so kind and show our little guest around a bit, yes?
🐈‍⬛ Mphh
🐈‍⬛ Yes, irritantico!
*chuckles* Leave him be, amor, he'll flatten his fur in about an hour. He needs to learn that too much catnip isn't the best idea.
I did not complain 😏 *slides an arm around her waist, leading her into the opposite direction* Now, a wonderful lunch is waiting for us!
But the dinner hall isn't this way.
Who said dinner hall?
*laughs* What did you do?
Organized a few things. Surprise, my love.
🐈‍⬛ *rolls eyes then shakes head and flicks the tip of his tail* Let's go. Before I show you around, mouse, we'll pay the kitchen a visit. I need a big bowl of milk!
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kingmagnificoofrosas · 11 months ago
Hello, Your Majesty. I wanted to ask... How did you manage to meet your soulmate? I mean Mirah.
*sighs* Well, she stumbled into my life when I was at my darkest ... hopeless ... locked in this cursed cage, frozen in time, awfully lonely, hurting deeply ... I didn't know it at that moment but she was able to come over to my side because she's my soulmate. She quite literally knocked me off my feet! *chuckles* Heh, she still does ... every day.
How I deserve this angel on earth ... I don't know.
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Oh, I will never forget that moment ... *smiles* her surprised face, her eyes ... that golden green, like a forest during sunrise.
She found me and she was the first and only one who ever truly saw, heard and understood me. She listened and never judged. We, out of many things, also connected over our losses. She brought and still brings light into my life. I would still be lost without her.
She's the most incredible person I could have ever dreamt of and I adore her endlessly.
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kingmagnificoofrosas · 11 months ago
Hi, new fan here! I just think seeing other Wish enjoyers is *magnificent* to see! Just wondering, what’s the tea on Myrah and Magnifico? 👀✨ Their relationship is so goals!!
Agreed. It's a good feeling to know the majority is on Mags' side ✨️
What's the tea on Myrah and Mags? 😏 Heheh. First of all YES! Second, oh there is A LOT of tea.
But in order to tell you, I would need to give away a whole lot of what I'm writing down in my book. (I'm writing Mag's story. Everything. Yep. In a real novel. )
So, here's the thing : If the majority of you guys here would be ok with having that spoiler, then I'd make a tiny summary post, explaining everything around Myrah and Magnifico. How they met and how she played a part in breaking the curse.
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kingmagnificoofrosas · 1 year ago
Oh you have an OC? Suddenly your anti-Magnifico/Amaya stance makes sense.
Actually no, anon.
My dislike for them as a "couple" has been around way longer than Myrah ....
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My OC came around after I came to my conclution. When I watched the movie for the first time as it came out, I noticed what I already throughly explained in my analyses. Then I watched the movie a second time, and a third, and a fourth time. And no, my Oc has 0 to do with me not shipping Amaya and Magnifico. She is the result of it! I wanted Magnifico to get what he deserves! And Amaya (who wrote him off like trash in the end with a happy smile) doesn't deserve him.
She gave him up, so I'll give him to someone who won't 😌🫴🏼
When I first got the idea of "Of stars and Roses" I knew I wanted to give Magnifico not only a salvation/redemption story, I wanted to give him a happy ever after. I wanted him to get his true love. Someone who gets him, who loves him unconditionally. Someone who'd gladly lay down her life for him and fight to her last breath for him if needed. Someone who'd stay even if the whole world is against him. Someone who'll truly understand the depth of his trauma and can connect with him over it and help him heal.
And for the last time, I am fine with Amaya x Magnifico shippers! But I'm not one of them and please! I want to be left alone and in peace about it just as much as I leave the shippers alone. 💙 This is a plea from the bottom of my heart! I try very hard to make my blog a safe and enjoyable place and I really don't want to fill it with posts where I constantly have to repeat and defend my opinions when I already have over 10 explaining posts.
So, here is that : If you're not sure about something, please try looking through my posts first to try and see if you find an answer there. If that isn't the case, and you still have an ask to Magnifico or me regarding my blog and or him, then you can gladly do an open ask. Requests for scenes or interactions are included.
If there are private or personal questions to me however, I kindly ask you to private message me first. I don't mean this in a bad way. I just want to keep my blog positive 💙
I hate venting 🥲
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pussinbootsandbountyhunter · 10 months ago
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This is absolutely beautiful 😍 I truly love it with all of my heart 🥰🥹
Can we see that one scene in the curse realm, where Magnifico and Myrah realize they're soulmates and confess their undying love for each other in that song?
@strawberrybrunette you're welcome 😉💖
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And love you as one does, I will protect you at all costs ~
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