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Ngl I wanna write a naruhina pirate au now that a misconception is done... is there even an interest for that?
#naruhina#or do I even have the time? lmao not me either raccoon eyes now a days#delete later#magmaspeaks
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Magma! Hiii I hope you are doing well! I just wanted to ask if you’re working on any fics atm?? I miss new reads from you, you’re so talented. Have a wonderful day!
Hello!! Unfortunately I’m not working on anything at the moment ����😭 drowning in work
I wish I had time! Still never got to finish and publish my naruhina pirate au 😂😭
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Hello, question for anyone who might be reading my naruhina fic A MisConception
What are some pregnancy things you’d like to see Hinata go through/experience/struggle with etc. could be fluffy, angsty whatever~ just wondering if anyone had ideas or something they wanted to read
(For example classic stuff like cravings, feeling baby kick etc.) I’m drawing a blank lol 🥲
#magmaspeaks#a misconception#helppp sos 🆘#naruhina#hinata#because YES SHES PREGNANT OK LOL I’m not messing with you guys#lmao 😂#magmawrites
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I've read so much NaruHina smut lately but I absolutely love how you portrayed them in chapter 7 of A Misconception! I love the teasing nature between the two because it clearly shows how much they love and find comfort in each other. Your fic is by far my favorite! I honestly can't wait for your updates and more NH fics from you!
ohmygosh tysm!! (ؑ‷ᵕؑ̇‷)◞ 💕
I may or may not have written another smut scene already...but less fluffy lol... and more possessive... 👀
#and from Hinata's pov this time#but that won't be happening any time soon#magmaspeaks#anon#a misconception
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Hi, I was super happy to see that you updated A Misconception! I also saw your author's note at the end - unfortunately, i've been seeing a lot of my friends in the medical field burning out from working during this pandemic. As excited as I am to see your updates, pls make sure to take time for yourself to rest :)
Thank you so much anon!
I’m answering this as I sit in the ICU lol rough day (as always). my covid patient had nasal/oral bleeding out of nowhere, I have another in a coma...
Things could be better but ngl these fanfics are a good destressor when I have time 😭
Only like two chapters and a half left for my story I think, but I hope you guys enjoy it! 😌
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I'm so sorry but I've been trying to find this fanfic (it's on the fanfiction website not A03) that was really angsty and about naruhina after their marriage. But in it Naruto was still thinking he loved Sakura and would always say her name when we was with Hinata...?
The main bit was that Hinata decided to take a 3year-ish mission away from the village to get away from all of it, and she also took off her wedding ring when she left. It led to Naruto doing some self reflection, realising he loved her and then decided to find her and try to convince her to come home..?
I probably don't have all the details but it's so vivid in my brain and I just miss it so much. Do you know which fanfic it could be by chance? It's okay if you don't but if you do omg 😭
Oh mannn that sounds familiar even to me but I can’t place it 😢 I’m sooo bad at remembering fics- maybe @dayseternal-blog can help? Lol I’m always referring to her for fic recs 😅
Here’s one that’s similar? Its not exactly what you said but it has him with sakura for a while, 3 years she’s away, etc. so maybeee?
Nine years by ovp
Summary: Nine years. Three to realize how much she meant to him, three to date her, and three to be married to her. He didn't want just nine years. He wanted a hundred, a million. He wanted infinity. NxH
Sorry anon :(
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I think your most underrated fanfic is "Mortality" from late-2015. I wish you posted it on your Fanfiction and/or AO3 pages! That way, it can be available on a wider scale, instead of being just limited to Tumblr. But either way, it's a fine read that deserves more love!
Wow, thanks so much! I honestly forgot about that short fic. 😅I found two other short pieces as well and I think I’ll just add all three of them into one chapter in Tales of Two Ninjas. (FF | AO3) Thank you for the message! <3
The three prompts were the following:
Mortality. Anonymous Prompt: Hinata’s death and Naruto’s thoughts
Possessiveness. Anonymous Prompt: Can you write about how Naruto felt about Hinata once Boruto was born?
Memory Loss. Anonymous Prompt: hi i read your work and I have a request if you are up for it! Hinata loses her memory sometime after naruto and her got together
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Hi hi! There's this fic I've been trying to find that I read a long time ago; it includes Hinata realizing that Toneri likely saw her naked since she's in wedding garb, and she starts panicking and hyperventilating. Do you know of any fics that sound like that?
Omg this one I’ve definitely read but I can’t remember! @dayseternal-blog is the best at this so tagging her! @nh-fanfics
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Ngl but I was thinking about that Infinite Tsukuyomi one shot concept all day. 😳
Mind sharing? 👀
LOL yes this is basically all I wrote:
"In which Naruto wakes up and realizes he had been trapped in the Infinite Tsukuyomi.
He was never Hokage. He never married. His kids didn’t exist.
But all of his feelings are still there."
I'm like 99.99999% sure I read a fic where Naruto was in the Infinite Tsukuyomi and his whole life was just that- but I can't remember what or where?? So I guess if I ever did write this it would just be my take on it lol because I feel like it's already done?
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Magma-sama, I want to send you lots of love and respect and appreciation for all the NH fics that you have written. The ToTN was a very beautiful read. Kept me up late a few nights lol. MisConception is absolutely amazing! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I read everything in one go and I'm on edge of my seat waiting for the future chapters. Thank you for blessing us with your awesomeness 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
Omg tysm I really needed this lol
Got a few nasty comments on A MisConception and it’s really discouraging lol they don’t like that I have narutos friends tease him or “abuse him” (??? Like???) 👀 👀 umm they’re def gonna hate the next chapter 😂
but still lol sucks because i literally have to draft only like one or two more chapters for the end but I’m like 😒😥 and don’t have the energy for it and June’s coming to an end and I’ll be busy after and ahhhh I just wanted to finish
Ok sorry now I’m just ranting
#man I dunno I def don’t think I’m having everyone shit on naruto like wut#sigh I dunno 😪#anon#magmaspeaks#I’m usually a pretty happy person but I’m so tiredddd lol#Sorry anon I turned your nice post into my rambling mess
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Hi! I recently read a short one shot au, I’m not sure if it’s yours or not, where she is a queen (elven if I’m not mistaken) and everything she dreams comes to pass. She dreams that she has to kill her forbidden love Naruto but hopes this one time her dream is wrong. If you know of this fic or could provide me with a link I would really appreciate it! Please and thank you :)
Oh man I don’t think this sounds familiar to me at all! But hopefully one of the other many fans can help you out anon!
@shamylicious-blog @dayseternal-blog @your-internetfriend @waterrolls
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you usually post weekly will you be updating a misconception soon? not trying to rush you im just in withdrawal 🥺love the story!
Hi anon, sorry for the wait lol. I've been busy (just graduated medical school! officially an MD now 😌) but I'll try to update within the next few days 🥺 My chapters are pretty long but I might change that soon lol it's rough keeping up 😂
Here's a snippet though, hope you like it!
He hadn’t seen or spoken to her since that night. And all the days after he spent in bed, agonizing over what happened. If he said something wrong or did something wrong. What was going on in her life that made her look so pained and conflicted?
His concern for her trumped his ill feelings.
He couldn’t stop thinking about her. He had gotten a taste of her- a feel of her and he really wished he could have more. Despite everything he didn’t want to lose her. And now she was in front of him, less than an arms breadth away and even though he knew they shared the same feelings he couldn’t act on them- and that was painful.
#naruhina#a misconception#magmawrites#magmaspeaks#most things I post are queued lol so it might seem like im here but im notttt
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can you believe it? I'm actually drafting the epilogue of A MisConception 😤🤧
I predict ~21 chapters total (because I'll be splitting the longer ones into parts now lol)
#delete later#magmaspeaks#im just talking to myself here#a misconception#but wow at least this won't go unfinished#just need the push to actually finish cleaning up/editing/posting lol#BUT at least most of it is drafted#wow what a freakin accomplishment#prolly going to be ~100k words
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For which fanfics are you actively waiting for an update?
Beast Tamers by @mavda
Komorebi by Dizzydodo
(Those are ff links but they're also on AO3)
#these two are def my faves that I'm waiting on rn#I dont read too many ongoing fics tho because Im impatient and like to know what's gonna happen LOL#magmaspeaks
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Hiiiii! I've read your latest chap for A Misconception and it was awesome.
Just curious though, has any of your readers guessed correctly on how Hinata got pregnant there? Of course I know you wouldn't do any revelations yet, but I was just wondering if someone managed to hit a bullseye with their speculations?
Thanks and keep up the great work you're doing! Really looking forward to your updates! 😊
Thank you so much, anon!
Hmm, I don’t think anyone has guessed correctly yet 🤔 🤔 Maybe that’s my fault and my idea is far out there? LOL. But I honestly don’t think so...it’s just very unconventional lol. Very.
But hey, in a world where you got people like Orochimaru creating all kinds of things or even where the dead can be brought back to life (sort of) I think anything is possible 😂 (Orochimaru is not involved!)
Anyway thanks again! 🥰
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Omg i would totally love if you did a fic with shamylicious highschool naruhina art🤭
Listen anon- ME TOO. I don’t know why high school/modern aus were never my cup of tea but her art reallllyyy tempts me LOL
I feel like she has a cool plot in her head and I’d definitely write it out if I could/knew it/had permission/time 😂
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