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#Blackhair is made of #MagicthreadsandDreams and that’s probably why idiots have consistently made us feel our #hair isn’t beautiful. we’ve been told that we can’t wear our #naturalhair, such as #Afros, #Locs (aka #Dreads), or #Cornrows / #Cornbraids. this is why i personally can’t stand when people appropriate our hair “styles”...like, so many of our folx have lost jobs JUST for wearing their hair natural; craziness......... anyways, yeah #subwayads #conanobrien #tbs #teamcocoa #ether9 #ether9hair #ether9 #itsJUSThair, people. #Bushwick #queerandconscious #photobyjendoglonewolf #ilovejendog #BrooklynArtist #CaymanianArtist #JendogLonewolf #Jendog #ProductOfBushwick #FemalePhotographer #AfricanDiaspora #FemaleMC #HipHopMC #Lyricist #MC #BlackPhotographer #BlackPhotography #BlackWomenPhotography #BushwickArtist #Bushwick #VisualPoetry #herbandphotography (at Scalp) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsjgYjmBefX/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1l7j9ivnjlxwz
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