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babineni · 4 years ago
Burned lady and pilgrim's crown from the pillars 1 asks :>
Thank you 💖
I already answered the burned lady one here.
Pilgrim's Crown: Where did your Watcher come from? What brought them to the Dyrwood?
Gaura was born and raised in the Living Lands, but her parents are from the Dyrwood and she still had an aunt living in Defiance Bay (who was also a Crucible Knight). She came to Dyrwood in part to meet her (which didn't happen thanks to Heritage Hill) and to experience the Dyrwood herself. Raedric's free real estate deal was tempting too but she only heard about that after she joined the caravan.
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orokin-made · 4 years ago
Bloodmoss + cave coral for the flora in eora asks ^^
:D Thank you!
Blood Moss: Did the experiences in game one lead to any major wounds (physical/mental or both)?
Physically he gets off more or less fine (thanks, Fire Godlike racial ability!) but even after things are Resolved with Thaos, he doesn’t sleep as well as he used to, and he still gets Watcher Night Terrors every once in a while, especially if he’s stressed or over-tired for whatever reason. ((Realistically I want to say his horns probably get chipped/broken at some point -- they’re so big and just... out there, begging to get fallen on wrong and snapped -- but I love them too much have that happen so it doesn’t!! They’re...made of metal or something. Titanium god horns.))
Cave Coral: Does your Watcher conform to the culture of the Dyrwood, or do they stick to their roots? (This could mean appearance wise/morally/how they speak etc.) 
Elehal prides himself on being able to comfortably integrate into whatever culture he happens to find himself in at the time, so while he’s living at Caed Nua the only thing that really marks him as a foreigner is his height and the fact that he’s much more polite than your average Dyrwoodian. If the gods come up in conversation it can get a little more obvious though, since he still can’t shake the habit of referring to them by their Huana names, and in general he’ll start to slip into more Deadfire/Huana typical speech patterns on the rare occasions he has the chance to speak with another Island Aumaua.
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shimmer-like-agirl · 5 years ago
25, 35 + 36 for adira!
Thank you <3
25. Answered here
35. How does your character behave around people they like? 
When Adira likes someone, she’s more likely to joke with them...think gentle teasing and light sarcasm. She’s also a fan of physical affection, so she likes to touch people a lot, but only if they’re comfortable with it. She will also go out of her way to make sure they have the opportunity included in whatever it is that she’s about to do.
36. How does your character behave around people they dislike?
Unfailingly polite, but there’s no warmth there. If someone she genuinely dislikes makes it a point to stay near her, she’ll go out of her to let them know they aren’t welcome. It takes a great deal for her to lose her temper, but she’s been known to go for her daggers when someone crosses the line.
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adraveins · 5 years ago
💎 for Kit and Hakona?
Thank you!
💎 Does your OC collect anything? Is there a reason? When did they start and is it beginning to turn into a little bit of a hoarding issue? What do they do with their collection?
At Caed Nua, Kit keeps all sorts of odds and ends that might be useful to research / projects, and it absolutely becomes a bit of a mess, between her utilizing the Brighthollow lab, the library, the Artificer’s Hall, and remaking some of the rooms in the first level of the Endless Paths into labs for bigger projects. She would insist that it isn’t a mess because she knows where everything is, and she does, for the most part…. but it’s still a mess. It’s a lot harder to do this on a ship, but she eventually gets a galleon to have the extra room for it.
Hakona, meanwhile, has a pretty big collection of books in Caed Nua and on the Defiant. She learned how to read in order to learn more about Magran and the gods, at first, but it was also out of spite for her clan and the Glamfellen. So she likes reading, anything from fiction to nonfiction, and she’ll pick up pretty much any book to add to that hoard. It’s meticulously organized because she’s a neat, orderly person.
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ariela-of-aedyr · 5 years ago
aubrey + weather!
- actually really likes when the weather is changeable. She adores unpredictability in life!
- prefers clear conditions when she can have them, though. She’s spent most of her life on the move, and spent a good amount of time working on ships, so she knows how much more difficult travelling can be when there’s fog.
- isn’t a huge fan of the rain once it sets in. A little shower here and there can be quite refreshing, but her fur gets all poofy if she’s been soaked through before drying.
- equally, she enjoys a bit of snowfall, but hates if it lays too deeply. There’s nothing worse than trudging around in snow that’s up to her waist.
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library-seraph · 5 years ago
What class/classes are your watchers? What kind of backgrounds did they come from? How'd they all feel about owning a keep and then losing it?
Wauliani (my main watcher, and the one I’ve played the most) is a Death Godlike monk. Tomas is a Hearth Orlan wizard. Petrella is a Wood Elf Druid. Axiti is a Wild Orlan Barbarian. Koami is a Coast Aumaua Paladin of St Elga
Wauliani is from Rautai, and she’s of aumaua descent. Her parents  abandoned her at an orphanage shortly after she was born, and she had a rough childhood, without much affection or support. She learned her monk skills from a old drifter who took a liking to her, and fled the orphanage as a young teenager. She’s not cruel, but she’s very straightforward and unbending.
Tomas was a slave in Aedyr. He escaped as a young man after his mother was sold, stealing a grimoire from his master which e used to teach himself reading and wizardry. He’s nervous and jumpy all the time, but he’s kindhearted, frequently to the point of taking too much on.
Petrella is a noble from Old Valia. She grew tired of the endless politicking and the constant talking of old glories and hopped the first ship to the Dryrwood. She’s plucky and energetic, and wants to be a good person, but she’s still affected by her super-priviledged and sheltered upbringing.
Axiti is a rebel from the Ixamitl plains. She lead an orlan revolt against an oppressive human landlord, but when the rebellion succeeded, they were betrayed by one of their human allies. She’s pretty angry, but understandably so.
Koami is also from Rautai. He was working as a blacksmith’s apprentice when his master died, and he spent time feeling purposeless before he found the Shieldbearers. He’s a pretty cheerful guy, but part of that is natural and part of that is because he’s desperate to be nice and be liked so he feels useful.
I can;t articulate everything, but I feel like Tomas at least was a little relieved because he kept being afraid he’d mess it up
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rannadylin · 5 years ago
27, 34 + 39 from the long list of of questions :>
27. Does your character know how to tie different kinds ofknots?
Hmmm…Xipilprobably does? That would be a useful Ranger skill, I guess? (I don’t have anysailor characters. Welllll maybe Fjóla would have had a chance to pick up some knottechniques.)
34. Do any of your characters collect sea-shells or wear shelljewelry?
Lottie would!Lottie collects all sorts of things that she finds interesting and would happilymake jewelry out of them too.
39. Do any of your characters have the responsibilities of anadult despite being a child, or did they when they were?
Definitely Lenneth,who was still pretty young for an elf when her parents died and she was takingcare of her younger sister and baby brother.
175 OC Questions
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emjs-good-out-here · 5 years ago
🍓 Kitty!
🍓Loves to learn, but a lot of her knowledge is self-taught as she never even finished high school.
🍓Has a fascination with languages & linguistics, and is near-fluent in French and Spanish, as well as knowing a decent amount of Italian, and a very small amount of Arabic.
🍓Is very much a drifter, who has been travelling basically non-stop since her teenage years, but had never travelled outside of the US until some time after her Embrace.
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impossible-rat-babies · 6 years ago
💣 +💩 for aoife and teeth!
Aoife Fawcett:
💣 a stress headcanon
Aoife tries not to let his stress show and he internalizes a lot of it, but it will still manifest in giving people weird vibes, stressing them out, giving them funky visions because of his cipher abilities. Physically, he will fuss with his nails, lips, rub the scars on his back, and trace the lines of his tattoos. He will also be much snippier and have a short temper.
Giving him space to reorganize his thoughts or giving him a long nap helps a lot to cut down on the stress; someone hugging him or cuddling him is something he also loves.
💩 a ridiculous headcanon
He will willingly eat bugs if they are prepared well and taste good. He’s eaten some pretty strange things, so he's up for eating a load of different things. The “try it at least once” plus “it can’t be as weird as some of the other stuff I’ve ate” mentality.
💣 a stress headcanon
Teeth gets very vocal when they are stressed, like grumbling, squeaking, and squawking in a distressed or put-out manner. It’s one of the only ways they know how to get attention from others if they are feeling bad. It’s a lay over from they lost the ability to speak and had to get the attention of others in different ways.
If they are around people who sign, they will talk out what is stressing them out. If they can talk to someone about their problems, they will quickly feel much better.
💩 a ridiculous headcanon
They will occasionally get food stuck in between their “teeth” and will have to clean it out which can be a giant pain in the butt. Thankfully the teeth on their face aren’t super ridged, so they can wiggle em around to get between them.
[emoji headcanon meme]
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lindagoesmushrooming · 6 years ago
Your photography is so beautiful! I love seeing your work on my dashboard
Oh my, thank you so much!
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babineni · 5 years ago
☀️ + 🦋 + 👑 for gaura?
Yaaay thank you 💖💖💖
☀️ What makes your OC genuinely happy? A person, an item, their hobby? Where is the place they’re happiest, or most at home? What is the happiest they’ve ever been? 
Music does make Gaura really happy, both if she gets to play it and if she gets to listen or dance to it. But the happiness she feels in these scenarios are different, of course, and I’d say having the space and time for her to sit back and play her violin is what makes her the happiest especially after she becomes a Watcher.
She also gets really giddy over books, ruins and fluffly animals the smaller the better
And about home: as much as Gaura missed the Living Lands and as mush as she liked the Defiant, neither came close to Caed Nua.
🦋 If your OC could change everything (or just something) about their life would they? What would they change? What do they think would happen if they did? What would their loved ones think? 
I don’t think Gaura would change anything about herself permanently but she’d feel tempted if she was given the option. She would probably consider undoing her Awakening or getting rid of the Godlike chime for the sole reason that Magran can just take her soul at any time but like I said I don’t think she’d fully commit to these ideas.
But if she did change these aspects of herself, I don’t think any of her loved ones would judge her for it
👑 If your OC was made royal (or is royal) how would they use their power? Are they a good leader or bad? Do their subjects like them or is it ‘off with their head’? Do they enjoy being royal? 
Well it not royalty technically but Gaura was a pretty gentle Lady of Caed Nua, I mean she prioritized keeping her people happy or at least content and she made sure she had the money and infrastructure to pull it off. She felt initially a bit overwhelmed about governing but once she got the hang of it, she kinda liked being a gentry.
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artofemmyk · 6 years ago
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I got carried away with the watercolor Clip Studio brushes, that program cures acne. . . . . #digitalart #ghost #creepy #conceptart #monsterdesign #visualdevelopment #illustration #clipstudiopaint #magicskull #artofinstagram #monster https://www.instagram.com/p/BygpoqiFtGX/?igshid=1kmejvl0x1jp8
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hollyand-writes · 7 years ago
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@magicskull @aban-asaara @writeshivaniwrite @kagetsukai @barbex -- thanks for your replies! I think I will copy-and-paste it all to Tumblr for someone’s reference, I might as well save someone else from going through all this LOL 
And god, YES, it WAS so much bloody work. I even tried to record the names where I could of each elf that was speaking, to get a sense of their relationships to each other etc (because I live for all that backstory shit, I swear. I have so many handwritten background notes on Merrill already, from the books and the games, it’s crazy). 
Seriously, Merrill is lucky that I love her so much and that she’s half of my OTP, or I wouldn’t bloody bother doing all this for her backstory and history. Most people don’t XD
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drawsshits-inactive · 7 years ago
@magicskull replied to your post: ive tried to guess who beetroot was gonna have...
I think you can kill Merrill if you’re pro-templar? If you don’t have enough friendship/rivalry
oh! beetroot is going to kill merrill too i guess just... wipe out the entire clan coolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcool
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ariela-of-aedyr · 5 years ago
OC fact swap: Cass used to worship Ondra. His mother was a sailor, and he found the idea of her embracing loss and forgotten things comforting in the dangerous life of a sellsword. A necklace depicting a moon and cresting wave was one of the only things he brought with him to the Dyrwood.
ahh, I’m always very interested to hear about what kind of items a character has that hold personal significance!
Ariela has a bracelet that once belonged to her mother, which was one of the only things she kept from her life back in Aedyr (she pawned most of the other items she took with her when she fled). She always used to keep it safely stored away, but started wearing it fairly regularly in the years that she was settled in Caed Nua.
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aldidimorah · 5 years ago
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I've finished this drawing as the last activity of my day, I'd would call this "the magic lamp" #linearart #artline #digitalart #digitalsketch #coloredsketch #conceptart #digitalconcept #digitalpaints #digitalillustrations #digitalillustrator #sketchbook #magicskull #skulllamp #aldidimorah #illustratorsofinstagram #illustragram #darkart #obscureart #artnight #nocturneart https://www.instagram.com/p/B6r3ioRph0J/?igshid=1u6h1y9tppket
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