#magical baselard
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Kotobukiya, Frame Arms Girl, Megami Device, Magical Baselard
#model kit#plastic model#plamo#plamodel#frame arms girl#magical baselard#megami device#riley cackles
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megami device magical baselard. bad kit only because of the base. i have to put my microphone on it as a counterbalance otherwise it’ll just tip forward. also the arm isn’t sturdy enough to hold up the staff.
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Artig isn't exactly skilled with Magic. It's partially why he had his Artifact, and the ring tied to it, both made to be able to function as Focuses. Thanks to his nature, however, he has quite a vast pool of Aether to power Magic with. Alongside this, he does actually have one niche line of Magic that is rather natural for him to utilize, and can do so without much thought.
Binding Magic. Artig excells at binding items to himself, allowing him to summon them to his hand at will or to recall them after having thrown them. With this kind of Magic in mind, over time after acquiring a Humanoid body, he would gather Knives and start practicing in using and throwing them.
Bit by bit growing more and more compitent with his skill with these smaller blades, and growing more of an interest in other kinds of them. Eventually becoming a collector, he's come to own quite a number of these blades. Butterfly, Hunting, Survival, Bowie, Tantos, Push, Throwing, Stiletto, Switchblade, Gravity, Karambit, Parry, Cinqueda, Pugio, Dirk, Kris, Baselard. Name it, he probably has it, and if he doesn't then he'll look into getting one of it.
Artig has made sure to double up on each kind of Knife too, owning two of each kind at bare minimum if not more of different designs. Of course, however, he's also got plenty of false daggers with collapsing plastic blades just to mess with people too for when he feels like it. Less obvious, he's got plenty of bladeless handles too, should he need to trick, distract, or deal nonlethal damage.
Thanks to his ring now being a Magical focus, he's been able to start practicing infusing his Aether into his blades temporarily. He's still not the best at it, but he's improving bit by bit over time. Same with his attempts at other magics, though those are progressing slower since they're plenty more varied.
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✧・゚:*Today’s magical girl of the afternoon is: Magical Baselard from Frame Arms Girl!✧・゚:*
#frame arms girl#figma#baselard#Magical Baselard#blue hair#magical girl#magical girl of the day#mahou shoujo
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No One Understands Kingdom Hearts
Okay, I know I make the joke of saying “the stupidest thing I’ve ever written” before I write the second stupidest thing I’ve ever written, but this time I seriously, actually mean it this time. I am not sure we’re going to top this one, lads.
There’s no warnings, but heads up this thing is incredibly rough and is unedited/beta-ed. I just had to write it out after a series of snapchats between @commentisunrelated and myself. About you know. Xehanort. And hearts.
It felt like they’d been running for hours. Hours of white walls and white ceilings, ambushing faceless shadows dressed in black cloaks long before they had the chance to strike. Ren didn’t remember the last time they encountered a safe room. If it hadn’t been for his cooking, the Phantom Thieves’ stamina would’ve been wiped out far too long ago, and they’d be stuck traversing through this nightmare of a Palace another day under potentially different circumstances.
He was fast to jump on the first door that looked different – heart shaped, its pink color almost pulsing against the white. Locked, but not a problem. Ren picked locks for so long in his life he was practically a master at it now, Metaverse abilities or not.
“Readings say it’s pretty important,” Futaba said. “Might have a boss inside.”
“What about a map?” Makoto asked.
Futaba shrugged helplessly. “If he’s got a map, then yeah. Otherwise? We’re on our own still.”
Ryuji groaned. “Goddamn it. I hate this place. This…this effing--”
Ren heard a few taps on something behind him, followed by Futaba saying, “Xehanort’s Kingdom of Hearts. That was the key phrase. Don’t ask me why.”
The hefty, heart shaped lock clicked open, dropping to the ground with a resounding thud. Ren turned back to the rest of the group with a grin. “Showtime.”
Unsurprisingly, the room was painfully white. It was also wide open, with absolutely no cover from the singular shadow standing beyond them – human looking, with gold eyes and long silver hair that stood out against the man’s long black and white coat. He watched, motionless, as the group walked in. Just like Futaba predicted. On the corner of his vision, he saw the fuzzy outlines of what looked to be a safe room. This man, clearly waiting for them, was the only barrier between their goal.
“Welcome, thieves,” he said. If he noticed Ren immediately grabbing for his baselard, he didn’t say anything, opting instead to continue standing there with his arms crossed. “I see you’re after Kingdom Hearts.”
“Are we?” Ann blinked owlishly. “Wait, did this shadow name the Treasure?”
“Oh no. Kingdom Hearts is one thing: Kingdom Hearts is darkness.”
Ryuji scowled. “Wait what? I thought Kingdom Hearts was—”
“Kingdom Hearts!” the man shouted, as if Ryuji said nothing, “fill me with the power of darkness!!”
The shadow transformed, morphing into a black beast not unlike the ones they’d seen at other points in the Palace. Darkness in the form of inky black smoke pooled around them, cutting off their vision as smaller shadows bombarded them. It was only thanks to Captain Kidd’s lightning and the light from Power’s hama the Phantom Thieves saw anything during the fight. By the end, the shadow disappeared into nothingness, leaving the rest of them exhausted.
“That’s a safe room up there. Let’s pack it up for now and return in a couple days when we have our strength back,” Ren said. He wasn’t ready to process the shadow ate up that much of their energy and didn’t even have the decency to drop a map. That was, apparently, asking for too much.
No one argued with him. They were all too tired.
When they went at it a second time, it was the same thing all over again. White rooms. White halls. Black shadows. Pink hearts. Hoping they made progress.
The answer to their question came at the appearance of another Shadow. Like the previous one, he was tall with long white hair. Unlike the previous one, he dressed himself in what Ren swore was a zebra-fur coat, though simultaneously knew it couldn’t be possible since the man in question didn’t technically come from a place where zebras existed.
“Who’re you?” Ren demanded.
“I am Xemnas. I seek to bring Kingdom Hearts,” he said. His voice rattled just as deeply as the previous Shadow, though different. Hollow.
“Oh…kay,” Futaba said. “And what exactly is Kingdom Hearts?”
Xemnas smirked. With a snap of his fingers, white walls gave way to reveal a monstrous, actual heart-shaped thing in the sky past the windows. “Kingdom Hearts,” he said slowly, almost in a drawl, “is how us Nobodies will feel again. It is a heart for all Nobodies!”
“And what does that have to do with it being darkness?” Morgana asked.
“Yeah, the last guy told us Kingdom Hearts was darkness!” Ryuji shouted.
Xemnas didn’t answer. Rather, the instrument of apparent darkness used to make Nobodies (whatever those were) to feel again shot a beam of light through the room.
The fight afterward was grueling. Physical attacks did almost nothing to him, resulting in Ryuji and Yusuke taking a backseat as the heavier magic-aligned Persona users blasted him. Kingdom Hearts – at least, what Xemnas claimed was Kingdom Hearts – proved to be its own problem as well. While Xemnas attacked them with his own laser beams, “Kingdom Hearts” shot at them from afar. It managed to catch Ren’s coat more than a few times, singeing the tail.
Still, they managed to end the fight. Xemnas faded away into darkness, and Kingdom Hearts disappeared from the window along with him. Where Xemnas once stood, a map lay crumpled on the floor in his place.
“Oh thank goodness,” Haru said.
“I was beginning to get worried we’d never find it,” Makoto said.
Ren nodded wordlessly in agreement. He picked it up, scanning it for any relevant details.
“I have good news.”
“Oh?” Yusuke asked.
“One more push and we’re at the Treasure. Looks like Xemnas even had the thought to tell us what it’s called.”
“Really?” Morgana’s eyes shone brightly. He hopped up onto Ren’s shoulder, and Ren swore he felt every excited vibration running through the cat as he scanned the map up and down. “Wait, that’s not the Treasure name! That just says Kingdom Hearts!”
Ren used his free hand to point at the arrow pointed neatly to the big red spot marked in a suspiciously large chamber toward the center of the castle. Above the arrow was the name Kingdom Hearts scrawled in dark ink. “You sure? Looks like it’s pointing to a treasure to me.”
“But he said Kingdom Hearts was a heart for all Nobodies,” Ann said.
Haru frowned. “The man before said Kingdom Hearts was darkness,” she said.
“Perhaps it is both?” Yusuke closed his eyes as if in contemplation. “Maybe all so-called Nobodies have hearts filled completely in darkness, and Kingdom Hearts is a collection of all of those.”
“If that’s the case, all the better we’re changing his heart,” Morgana said.
“But wait.” Makoto shook her head. “Earlier in the Palace, we came across books calling Kingdom Hearts all sorts of different things. Some called it light, others called it a portal, others said it was used to make a sword. How can it be all of those things and also a heart for Nobodies and a representation of darkness?”
“Maybe it’s whatever the summoner of Kingdom Hearts desires?” Haru said.
“Whatever it is, it can wait until after the Palace is completed. Come on, we’ve almost secured a route.”
After the fight with Xemnas, the rest of the Palace was a breeze. Ren tried not to focus on the noticeable physical similarities the grunt shadows shared with Xemnas and the other shadow from earlier, but as their difficulty seemed to melt away, it proved more and more difficult. By the time they reached the Treasure and secured a route, Ren was absolutely certain every single shadow was merely a stand-in for the Palace owner himself.
The following days started as normal: send the calling card (an unusual circumstance, but Futaba made it work), infiltrate the Palace and steal the treasure. Ren sold some of their treasure (hearts, they were all somehow related to hearts) off at Iwai for some extra cash that he immediately traded off for medicine at Takemi’s clinic. He didn’t know what to expect, and after months of doing this he learned to prepare for the worst.
And by worst, Ren meant fighting the Palace ruler.
Needless to say, shortly after they took the Treasure – which had taken the form of, what else but a silver gray heart – ahead of them stood the palace ruler, Xehanort. An old man, balding with a long gray beard and a notably similar outfit to the first man they found.
“You really think you can just come here and take Kingdom Hearts? After all the work I’ve done to bring it about?”
“What?!” Ryuji shouted. Thank God it was Morgana who held the Treasure, otherwise Ryuji would’ve dropped it right there. He marched straight up to the old man, grabbing him by the lapel of his coat. It was almost like their previous conversation about the nature of Kingdom Hearts never happened. “What do you mean this is effing Kingdom Hearts?”
“Skull! Get back here!” Ann shouted.
The man’s lips curled into a smirk. “Yes Skull, return to your friends.” He pushed Skull away with a shocking amount of strength for an old man. With the flick of his wrist, the Treasure morphed from a heart into the strangest, key-shaped weapon any of them had ever seen in their life. Another wrist flick, and the blade disappeared out of Morgana’s paws, moving straight into Xehanort’s hands. “And yield, Phantom Thieves to the true power of Kingdom Hearts!”
As Xehanort’s hands touched the Treasure, darkness surrounded his form. It twisted and shifted around him, the influence of the Metaverse taking over to turn the Shadow into his true form. The first time it happened, back with Kamoshida, Ren had to admit it frightened him. Now? Ren was numb to the change.
At least, he would be, except Xehanort’s form shifted into something quickly becoming painfully familiar to the Phantom Thieves: a twisted, dark shadow in the shape of some sort of malformed heart with eyes and a mouth. Spindly, monochromatic limbs popped out of either side to give it some semblance of arms and legs. It clung onto the key-like blade of a Treasure for dear life. A horrific monstrosity, truly, but not in the way Ren ever expected.
“Kingdom Hearts! Come, consume me with your power!!”
Ryuji sighed. “So what, now he’s Kingdom Hearts?!”
“Perhaps the nature of Kingdom Hearts isn’t important, only what it means to the self,” Yusuke said.
“Yeah right! If it didn’t mean shit this whole place wouldn’t be Kingdom Hearts.” Ryuji grabbed his pipe and pointed it at the giant heart, ready to charge. “I’m starting to think this yahoo doesn’t even know what Kingdom Hearts is!”
And with that, Ryuji bolted forward toward the shadow.
“Skull wait!” Morgana exclaimed.
It was too late. They were left charging in after Ryuji for a fight unlike any they’ve had before.
#my writing#shitpost writing#this is not getting tagged with any fandoms#they dont' need to know about this#hopefully its cursed enough#i have actual stuff i should be working on and i chose this instead
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And done.
So this is going to be a bit different from my other Radiant Dawn posts, as I finished the game... early this morning. The Endgame wasn’t exactly short, except the second part. Zelgius went down like a punk after Ike was equipped with a hammer.
So, to start with, I think we had the hardest level in the game, Oliver’s mansion. Hard because you start with three liabilities, have to face a ridiculous number of reinforcements and there’s a priest with a sleep staff waiting to screw you over. This level also made me wish I’d stuck Heather with Ike, especially since on the next map she wasn’t as relevant as she might have been.
Nailah is pretty much the only reason I survived this map, as she killed most of the reinforcements by herself. It was also this map that I realised that apparently Marksmen have +1 range on bows, which is amazing. Finally for this map... Oliver is recruitable ;_;
He is an odious man, but the completionist in me refuses to kill him.
Fortunately, on the next map, we get to kill Izuka, so that eases some of the pain. The chump met his end by rewarping into attack range of Mia. He did not last long. We also got Volke again, and this time as a full blown assassin from the start.
Honestly, I wish that we got him and Bastian earlier, since Volke was my main thief throughout PoR, it would have been nice to have him slightly earlier. Bastian could not compete with Soren, Sanaki and Micaiah, my primary magic users (though the latter became so because they are forced characters).
We find out that Bertram was Renning. To be honest... this didn’t feel like much of a shock, not because the information wasn’t shocking, but because we never really got emotionally invested in Renning.
I also think I may have terrible luck with drawing cards for forging.
My Endgame team consisted of (let’s see if I can remember them all):
Micaiah, Sothe, Ike, Kurthnaga, Ena, Elincia, Sanaki, Heather, Nephenee, Lucia, Mia, Titania, Soren, Reyson, Mist, Nolan and Caineghis (as this is the only opportunity across both games to use him).
The first floor we get to finish kicking the snot out of the Begnion senators. Woo! ...Honestly, I don’t feel like Kilvas being under a blood pact makes much sense. Naesala does not strike me as someone so easily tricked, and during PoR, Kilvas was raiding all ships, including those from Begnion. I thought it might be something like this, but it more feels like a cheap excuse to have Naesala betray everyone... again.
Also, why on earth would Lekain carry around both blood pacts with him?
As I mentioned earlier, in part 2, Zelgius died on the first enemy turn, leaving me no chance to grab the Wishblade *grumble grumble* Mia got Alondite.
Can I just say, I loved the opportunity to bless weapons. It felt so... fitting, good, appropriate, cool... it just worked really well, okay? Of particular note, was Lucia getting a blessed Vague Katti, Titania getting Urvan blessed (because Titania should be the one to use Urvan) and Heather getting Baselard blessed.
...I accidentally got Blizzard on Soren blessed, but it actually worked out rather well, as having an infinite use high range spell was very nice.
Then we fight Deghinsea, and... that is a ridiculous boss to try to kill. Like, actually absurd. Plus we get introduced to the map-wide ridiculousness that late game bosses like to put out. Kurthnaga gets formshift and gets to see his dad die. We also get replacements for Sothe and Ena.
I’d also like to point out that I was bang on the money when I guessed the reason for Goldoa’s neutrality. I really wish that Almedha was a playable character now. Her supports and ending would have been rather interesting.
The first time I played the fourth map, I didn’t check the movement on those fire spirits. ...20 Movement continues the trend of the late game maps being absurd. I also had a difficult time actually killing Sephiran. One turn I got him down to 1HP but couldn’t get that final point of damage. I thought that Sanaki not being able to attack Sephiran was a very nice touch.
We find out that Sephiran was actually Lehran, which clears up a mystery that we didn’t even know was a mystery. Though apparently Lehran spoke for the bird tribes... but what is his actual descent? I mean some of the flashbacks indicate that he might be Branded, but then Yune’s conversation with Ashera about the Branded existing doesn’t make sense. He certainly doesn’t have any external characteristics of the bird tribe though.
Then we get the final fight against Ashera. I think I must have killed her around 10 times before I accidentally dealt a finishing blow with Ike. That, more than anything annoys me. Why on earth did it have to be Ike dealing the final blow, why couldn’t it be someone else, someone equally worthy of killing a god?
I mean, by the end of it, I had a set up whereby Elincia was killing Ashera once per turn (Three dragons surrounding her, with Amiti means she does 4x15 damage per attack, and then galdr her into action again).
Can I also say that Ashera and her aura having Nihil felt... cheap? If you didn’t want the tier 3 Beorc skills to wreck your bosses... maybe just... change them? It’s like I have all these awesome characters, but I can’t actually use them properly.
Of all the Fire Emblems that I’ve played, I think Ashera might be my favourite final boss though. That despair as I keep trying to kill her, and she gets up yet again. I managed to blow through about 15 charges on a Fortify staff just to keep everyone alive and killing. Yune bless the Hammerne stave to give me those charges.
To my knowledge, no other Fire Emblem end boss has had in excess of 1500 health (including her auras). She might technically have less, but that’s what she had for me.
Then we get to the bit that really makes no sense to me. All throughout the game the duality of Yune and Ashera gets driven home. So why on earth does Yune not die shortly after Ashera? Please, someone explain this to me.
Anyways, we get the unit endings, which it’s nice to see make a return after their weird semi-presence in PoR.
I’ll post some overall thoughts later I think, as this post has already gone on too long.
...Next time though, I think I’ll play on ‘Easy’.
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FE Warriors Roster Predictions
With the Direct coming within 20 minutes, no doubt I shouldn’t be jumping right before it’s revealed. However, I can, from a (junior) game staff’s perspective, offer what we are likely to expect from the new FE x Warriors game.
First, confirmed characters: based on the five swords in the trailer, Chrom, Corrin, Ryoma, Xander, and Marth are all confirmed.
Now for predictions.
First, any Smash Emblem characters are going to be in. That adds Ike, Robin, Roy, and Lucina.
Because of the prominence of weapons in the FE universe, it would be likely that main characters who utilize these weapons will be featured as playable as well. Being that swords are covered, we have Lances, Axes, Bows, Tomes, Knives, Stones, and Strikes.(While there will definitely be more sword users, I’m not going to place bets on who aside from Lyndis will join in.)
Likely additions, based on their game’s prominence as characters and their legendary weapon viability: Lance: Ephraim - Siegmund, Azura - Blessed Lance Axe: Hector - Armads Bow: Briggid - Yewfelle, Innes - Nidhogg, Takumi - Fujin Yumi Tomes: Cellica - Ragnarok, Micaiah - Thani Knives: Sothe - Baselard, Volke - Peshkatz Stones/Strikes: Corrin’s Alt Weapon, Tiki - Divine Dragonstone Special note that if they’ll do laguz from Tellius: Beasts - Skrimir, Ranulf, Nailah Birds - Tibarn, Naesala, Reyson Dragons - Kurthnaga, Ena Anna could also make a playable appearance due to her basically being the mascot of the series alongside Tiki.
Now, we also know of multiple villains. Gharnef is likely to appear, but let’s also examine some other candidates:
Jugdral - Arvis, Veld Elibe - Narcien, Zephiel, The Reed Brothers Magvel - Valter, Lyon Tellius - Jarod, Black Knight, Oliver, Deghinsea, Lehran, Ashera Ylisse - Gangrel, Aversa, Walhart Fates - Garon, Arete, Mikoto, Sumeragi
Note, these are only the major characters of each game, and not even all of them at that. If Warriors goes full ham, i see an alternate way of them doing things: You get to pick classes and the characters are different skins for the classes. Not all of them would work like that, maybe, but a vast majority of characters fall into standard classes, even non-standard lord characters, so no surprise if they go that route for character inclusion. The element system of Warriors may change to the weapon system, where certain weapon types are better than others for the stages, or it may be added on a la the magic system.
Play wise, it’ll likely be somewhere between FE & DW, leaning on the latter with elements of the former. Keeps/Forts could heal your HP, terrain could change with certain characters... though I doubt we’ll see turn-based strategy be utilized, with real-time management being much more prominent, a la Hyrule Warriors Legends’ party switching.
Supports could come into play and give boosts when the characters are on the battlefield together, though whether conversations are included is anyone’s guess.
Regardless, I’m highly interested in what we have in store. Speaking of which...
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Chester Lewis’ combat / defensive skillset:
Pyrokinesis - ability to control fire
Animal Morphing - ability to shift into Cheshire form, includes domesticated British Short Hair and Black Panther
Telekinesis - manipulate movement of objects via mental ability
Psionic Blasts - overtake another individual’s mind to cause pain, distressful memories, etc.
“Dark Magic” - extreme, uncontrollable outbursts of raw power
Hand-To-Hand Combat:
No official training in combat, but personalized style most resembles sparing
Glock G43 Pistol - current day
Baselard ( dagger ) - youth in enchanted forest
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Pony Canyon Explains How to Open "Frame Arms Girl" TV Anime Blu-ray Box in Video
To promote the release in Japan tomorrow, Pony Canyon's official anime YouTube channel has posted a special video to explain how to open the Blu-ray box of the 12-episode TV anime Frame Arms Girls and to show its bonus contents: a 64-page booklet and a set of 12 illustrated cards.
The TV anime inspired by Kotobukiya's popular model kit series of the same name featuring robot girls equipped with various armor and weapon parts was animated by ZEXCS and studioA-CAT, and aired in Japan from April to June of 2017. The box includes the anime's whole 12 episodes, along with the creditless OP (early version) and ED movies. The box art is newly drawn by the anime character designer Kousuke Kawamura (OniAi, Anti-Magic Academy: The 35th Test Platoon). The price in Japan is 23,999 yen (about 226 US dollars).
Box art
【3/7BD-BOX発売】 いよいよ明後日発売『フレームアームズ・ガール』初の全話収録Blu-ray BOXは、描き下ろしケース/特製ブックレット/エンドカードブロマイドなど豪華封入特典満載‼️きゃにめ&コトブキヤショップ限定特典は"鍋敷き"です詳細はこちら⇒https://t.co/WXDvlvm66G #FAガール pic.twitter.com/Qb99MMYSvB
— 「フレームアームズ・ガール」アニメ公式 (@fagirl_official) 2018年3月5日
TV anime 2nd PV with English subtitles
Key visual
Main Staff:
Original Story: Kotobukiya
FA Girls Base Designs: Fumikane Shimada (Strike Witches, Girls und Panzer), Takayuki Yanase
Director: Keiichro Kawaguchi (Please Tell Me! Galko-chan)
Series Composition: Deko Ako (Amanchu!, Urara Meirocho)
Original Character Design: Fumikane Shimada
Mechanic Design: Takayuki Yanase
Anime Character Design: Kosuke Kawamura (Anti-Magic Academy: The 35th Test Platoon)
CG Director: Yuichi Goto (studioA-CAT)
Music: Keigo Hotari (MONACA), Sho Ishihama (MONACA)
Sound Director: Riki Iida
Production: Heart-Bit
Anime Production: ZEXCS/studioA-CAT
Project Production: Kotobukiya/FAGirl Project
Main Voice Cast:
Ao Gennai: Yoko Hikasa
Bikuko Kotobuki: Kanomi Izawa
Gourai: Narumi Kaho
Stilett: Yu Ayase
Baselard: Rika Nagae
Materia Black/White: Erii Yamazaki
Architect: Hibiku Yamamura
Hresvelger: Rika Abe
Source: TV anime "Frame Arms Girl" official website
©KOTOBUKIYA / FAGirl Project
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[ Nocturne: Rebirth ] Reviel’s Weapons

Description: A normal and commonly-used longsword.
Stats: Atk 38, Crt 38, Mag 36
Element: Physical
Comment: You’d think an ancient vampire ancestor wouldn’t be using bargain-bin weapons.
Description: A sword that is easy to wield and possesses great strength.
Stats: Atk 44, Crt 40, Mag 32
Element: Physical
Description: A curved sword with great sharpness.
Stats: Atk 42, Crt 50, Mag 22
Element: Physical
Main Gauche
Description: A short sword used for self-protection. Imbued with magic.
Stats: Atk 36, Crt 44, Mag 52
Element: Physical
Description: A large sword that lacks sharpness but possesses huge strength.
Stats: Atk 58, Crt 30, Mag 30
Element: Physical
Recipe: Broadsword x1, Longsword x1, Hexagram Crest x1
Description: A sharply pointed sword that is light and easy to wield.
Stats: Atk 40, Crt 66, Mag 40
Element: Physical
Recipe: Scimitar x1, Longsword x1, Hexagram Crest x1
Viking Sword
Description: A pirate’s favorite sword. Heavy and has great strength.
Stats: Atk 50, Crt 44, Mag 34
Element: Physical
Description: A curved sword born in the desert. Excellent cutting edge.
Stats: Atk 46, Crt 54, Mag 38
Element: Physical
Kris Naga
Description: A twisted short sword imbued with magic.
Stats: Atk 44, Crt 42, Mag 56
Element: Physical
Description: A balanced long sword used by a knight.
Stats: Atk 56, Crt 54, Mag 44
Element: Physical
Recipe: Viking Sword x1, Scimitar x1, Hexagram Crest x1
Whirlwind Sword
Description: An oriental sword that excels in magic and has fine cutting edge.
Stats: Atk 54, Crt 58, Mag 62
Element: Physical
Recipe: Shamshir x1, Main Gauche x1, Hexagram Crest x1
Description: A balanced sword presumed to be used in jousts.
Stats: Atk 54, Crt 50, Mag 46
Element: Physical
Description: An unrefined curved sword. Great sharpness and easy to wield.
Stats: Atk 50, Crt 58, Mag 40
Element: Physical
Description: A sword foliated with wood and imbued with earth magic.
Stats: Atk 46, Crt 50, Mag 62
Element: Physical
Templar Sword
Description: A sword with holy blessings. Imbued with magic.
Stats: Atk 66, Crt 54, Mag 68
Element: Physical
Recipe: Spata x1, Kris Naga x1, Hexagram Crest x1
Description: A sword that excels in stabbing one’s vital points.
Stats: Atk 50, Crt 80, Mag 50
Element: Physical
Recipe: Shaska x1, Shamshir x1, Hexagram Crest x1
Description: A thick and single-edged straight sword. Easy to wield.
Stats: Atk 62, Crt 54, Mag 50
Element: Physical
Description: A sword with a monster head-shaped pommel. Excels in slashes.
Stats: Atk 58, Crt 66, Mag 40
Element: Physical
Rune Dagger
Description: A light dagger with low destructive power and imbued with magic.
Stats: Atk 50, Crt 54, Mag 68
Element: Physical
Great Sword
Description: A large metallic sword that will no doubt mow down an enemy.
Stats: Atk 78, Crt 34, Mag 42
Element: Physical
Recipe: Seax x1, Spata x1, Zodiac Crest x1
Description: A beautiful shiny sword. Has great sharpness and strong magic.
Stats: Atk 62, Crt 68, Mag 70
Element: Physical
Recipe: Kastane x1, Katar x1, Zodiac Crest x1
Walloon Sword
Description: A balanced thin broad sword.
Stats: Atk 68, Crt 60, Mag 56
Element: Physical
Description: A curved sword without a guard. Light and great sharpness.
Stats: Atk 64, Crt 74, Mag 46
Element: Physical
Description: A delicately-crafted carved dagger imbued with strong magic.
Stats: Atk 58, Crt 62, Mag 76
Element: Physical
Description: A sword that specializes in cleaving an enemy.
Stats: Atk 80, Crt 72, Mag 60
Element: Physical
Recipe: Walloon x1, Kastane x1, Zodiac Crest x1
Description: A thrusting sword with the ability to penetrate any armor.
Stats: Atk 62, Crt 98, Mag 64
Element: Physical
Recipe: Talwar x1, Kastane x1, Zodiac Crest x1
Description: A basket-hilted sword widely used in desert countries.
Stats: Atk 76, Crt 68, Mag 60
Element: Physical
Sinclair Saber
Description: A thin and light sword that specializes in slashes.
Stats: Atk 70, Crt 82, Mag 52
Element: Physical
Description: A treasured sword with magic that was originally an ornament.
Stats: Atk 64, Crt 70, Mag 84
Element: Physical
Description: A 2m-long great sword. Boasts massive destructive strength.
Stats: Atk 106, Crt 40, Mag 50
Element: Physical
Recipe: Schiavona x1, Walloon Sword x1, Yggdrasil Crest x1
Description: A ceremonial sword used by the Hospitallers.
Stats: Atk 88, Crt 70, Mag 92
Element: Physical
Recipe: Schiavona x1, Janbiya x1, Yggdrasil Crest x1
Description: An undulating long sword. Great strength and sharpness.
Stats: Atk 84, Crt 76, Mag 64
Element: Physical
Description: A single-edged sword with the ability to unleash many slashes.
Stats: Atk 78, Crt 90, Mag 54
Element: Physical
Description: A sword imbued with strong magic and is originally an ornament.
Stats: Atk 72, Crt 80, Mag 92
Element: Physical
Description: A sword signifying bravery. Sought after by sword enthusiasts.
Stats: Atk 98, Crt 102, Mag 74
Element: Physical
Recipe: Flamberg x1, Sinclair Saber x1, Yggdrasil Crest x1
Stainless Sword
Description: A polished sword that excels in many areas.
Stats: Atk 92, Crt 98, Mag 102
Element: Physical
Recipe: Cutlass x1, Cinquedea x1, Yggdrasil Crest x1
Description: A fire sorcerous sword. Surrounds wielder with intense heat.
Stats: Atk 70, Crt 58, Mag 64
Sorcerous Effect: Vit +20, continuously deals 8 fire damage to wielder
Element: Physical, Fire
Recipe: Broadsword x1, Garnet x1
Comment: All sorcerous sword damage can be reduced or outright negated with matching elemental resistances and reductions.
Description: An ice sorcerous sword. Slowly reduces HP for magic.
Stats: Atk 76, Crt 82, Mag 88
Sorcerous Effect: Men +20, continuously deals 8 ice damage to wielder
Element: Physical, Ice
Recipe: Katar x1, Aquamarine x1
Description: A wind sorcerous sword. Slowly reduces HP for speed.
Stats: Atk 76, Crt 88, Mag 82
Sorcerous Effect: Spd +10, continuously deals 8 wind damage to wielder
Element: Physical, Wind
Recipe: Shaska x1, Opal x1
Description: A thunder sorcerous sword. Its surging energy can hurt wielder.
Stats: Atk 82, Crt 88, Mag 76
Sorcerous Effect: Vit +10, Men +10, continuously deals 8 thunder damage to wielder
Element: Physical, Thunder
Recipe: Spata x1, Pearl x1
Description: A dark sorcerous sword. Slowly reduces HP for attack.
Stats: Atk 94, Crt 88, Mag 82
Sorcerous Effect: SCT -20 (not a flat reduction), continuously deals 20 dark damage to wielder
Element: Physical, Dark
Recipe: Seax x1, Amethyst x1
Description: A prohibited sword that carries all kinds of curses.
Stats: Atk 82, Crt 88, Mag 94
Sorcerous Effect: Small chance of inflicting poison, paralysis, blind, and silence with a normal attack, continuously deals 6 physical damage to wielder
Element: Physical
Description: A fire sorcerous sword. Surrounds wielder with intense heat.
Stats: Atk 100, Crt 86, Mag 92
Sorcerous Effect: Vit +40, continuously deals 12 fire damage to wielder
Element: Physical, Fire
Recipe: Flamberg x1, Ruby x1
Description: An ice sorcerous sword. Slowly reduces HP for magic.
Stats: Atk 86, Crt 92, Mag 100
Sorcerous Effect: Men +40, continuously deals 12 ice damage to wielder
Element: Physical, Ice
Recipe: Baselard x1, Sapphire x1
Description: A wind sorcerous sword. Slowly reduces HP for speed.
Stats: Atk 86, Crt 100, Mag 92
Sorcerous Effect: Spd +20, continuously deals 12 wind damage to wielder
Element: Physical, Wind
Recipe: Cutlass x1, Emerald x1
Description: A thunder sorcerous sword. Its surging energy can hurt wielder.
Stats: Atk 92, Crt 100, Mag 86
Sorcerous Effect: Vit +20, Men +20, continuously deals 12 thunder damage to wielder
Element: Physical, Thunder
Recipe: Cutlass x1, Topaz x1
Description: A dark sorcerous sword. Slowly reduces HP for attack.
Stats: Atk 108, Crt 100, Mag 92
Sorcerous Effect: SCT -40 (not a flat reduction), continuously deals 30 dark damage to wielder
Element: Physical, Dark
Recipe: Flamberg x1, Peridot x1
Description: A sword that holds the divine spirit of speed.
Stats: Atk 92, Crt 108, Mag 100
Sorcerous Effect: Spd +80, continuously deals 16 physical damage to wielder
Element: Physical
Description: A legendary sword made by Roshule. Boasts incredible attack.
Stats: Atk 100, Crt 108, Mag 92
Element: Physical
Comment: Obtained via story event only.
Full Moon Sword
Description: A sword with a jet-black blade. Ups mentality & downs SCT.
Stats: Atk 140, Crt 124, Mag 132
Sorcerous Effect: Men +120, SCT -120 (not a flat reduction) , continuously deals 16 physical damage to wielder
Element: Physical
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