#magic users who work with/around occult related things also feel it
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sleepy-writes-stuff ¡ 2 years ago
(#) = Notes at the end of post
(*) = Other ideas relating to the prompt
To Let Sleeping Dogs Lie
Jason stayed dead for about six months before he was resurrected. That left his spirit plenty of time to fully manifest in the ghost zone, but time flows a little weird in the Infinite Realms so it feels like he's been dead a lot longer.
Regardless, six months is enough time for him to make plenty of friends and enemies alike. Enough to fall head over heals for the white-haired boy named Danny who just so happens to also be his king. Enough time for Jason and Danny to finally confess their feelings for each other and form a relationship. Enough time for them to grow to adore each other down to their very cores. Enough time for Jason to become the King's consort and earn the title of Prince of the Infinite Realms.
Not enough time, however, when Jason's spirit is unwillingly dragged back to the broken husk of his body buried in a coffin six feet under. Not enough time when the sheer amount of trauma his body and mind suffered causes his memories of the afterlife to sift out like grains of sand through a colander, mindless in his continued existence and search for a man named Bruce that he only half recalls.
Not enough time for when his body is stolen and dunked into the foulist pools of ectoplasm to ever surface in the living world and he comes back with unbridled rage he only half understands. Where is he? Where was he? Why does green flood his vision? Something is missing but why can't he remember? He shouldn't be here. Why was he here?? (1)
Jason tries to navigate his way through the world he'd previously left behind and discovers what happened after his death. The Joker was still alive. Another child was running around in a traffic light costume in the dead of night. Bruce had replaced him, seeming to forget he ever existed and the consequences of training a child to be a vigilante. That just won't do. He cries. He rages. He plans.
Meanwhile, the King of the Infinite Realms is apocalyptic over the fact that his lover was ripped from his arms, their kingdom, their home. He can sense Jason's torment like echoes in a cave. Can sense when his body enters the fringes of his territory when dunked into the toxic Lazarus waters created by the previous king. How dare they taint his lover's spirit with such filth?! Danny's core rears its head, chanting, growling to protect his soulmate.
Danny is beyond unhappy and he's about to make it everyone's problem.
(1) Jason forgets everything he experienced in the afterlife with Danny and is even more confused than he previously would have been when resurrected. Memories only come back to him in bits and pieces when he comes into contact with beings of the supernatural and Danny himself or possibly when he sleeps.
(*) I believe an interesting way to show the events and progression for this prompt would be to switch back and forth between the current events of Under the Red Hood/Phantom's anger and the days they spent together in the Infinite Realms before they were literally torn away from each other. Either as standalone info or through the dreams Jason has as he sleeps but doesn't remember when he wakes.
The events of Under the Red Hood still happen, there's just the question of where he even was for the six months that he was dead added into the equation. Dead on Main tossed in there for flair, because why not? Been seeing a lot of "Jason becomes Danny's Fright Knight" fics, but I wanna see one where they're literally just a royal couple who rule the Infinite Realms with a just and fair hand.
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joonkorre ¡ 4 years ago
@drarrymicrofic prompt: remake
not gonna say much on this. yall should find out what's going on yourselves :D. ao3
“What do you think, Mr. Malfoy?”
Draco doesn’t need to think; he’s done enough of that in the past two months, since the day he opened his front door to see the strange woman’s sharp smile. But he thinks anyway, one last time before he answers.
He’d have to leave the wizarding world behind. Of course, it doesn’t have to be that drastic. However, if he doesn’t want his frequent disappearances to catch the Ministry’s attention, then it’s best to withdraw into the Muggle world altogether, as far from its control as possible. Mother has Aunt Andy, Teddy, and friends from her book club now, she’ll be fine with him visiting only a few days each year.
Other than that, there are no downsides. He has nothing to lose except maybe his life somewhere down the line, but everybody dies at some point, don’t they?
He lifts his gaze to the buzzing light on the ceiling, its shine cold and apathetic. To the mahogany bookcase, filled with tomes upon tomes full of ancient rites and rituals, of creatures considered ‘cryptid’ even to wizardkind. To the bookend that is shaped like a crow, which flaps its wings when its beak is tapped five times, unlocking the hidden safe behind the bookcase. The safe that stores all the actual research and data he’s collected, jealously and fearfully hoarded.
He doesn’t know everything, but he knows enough. He knows enough to be aware that the lore Pansy snorted at when he first mentioned them, the creatures Mother dismissed as another of her bored rich son’s new obsessions, are the same ones Unspeakable Granger narrowed her eyes at when she walked past his table in the canteen and caught a glimpse of his notes. He had a feeling then that he shouldn’t even make any indication that he was interested in these things, which was proven to be correct when Ministry personnel started loitering outside his office more after that day.
He doesn’t know everything, but he knows his findings are not safe in anyone’s hands but his. The Ministry still repeats its tendency to care more about itself than the common people. The Department of Mystery, practically its own entity due to how even the Minister is forbidden from accessing most of its files, has motivations he can’t comprehend, which means motivations he can’t predict. There is no way to know if his colleagues are truly interested in “that old wife’s tale, that Bigfoot, Cthulhu shite Malfoy’s into” or will report him to those who know how to deal with him, to Unspeakable Granger, to the Department of Mysteries. His findings are not safe in anyone’s hand but his.
But if he says ‘yes,’ they are.
Draco dips his quill in the ink bottle the woman—“Dr. Stewart,” she’s introduced, calm and sure—provided him and signs his name on the contract and its related documents. No hint of anything other than indifference is shown on her face, and he wonders how many others before him has she recruited.
Once his thumbprint has been collected, the last step of the process, he Vanishes the ink on his finger. Dr. Stewart raises a brow but says nothing more. She stands up, holding out a hand.
“Welcome, Dr. Malfoy. The SCP Foundation is glad to have you with us.”
Shaking her hand, Draco feels something slide into place at his new title. He smiles politely, heart thundering in his chest.
“Have you worked with wizards before, Dr. Stewart?” Draco asks as he starts packing the valuables at his work desk into his briefcase. Dr. Steward has come to the Ministry by Floo, and though she seemed a bit disconcerted after stepping out of the Ministry Public Floo #13, she didn’t hesitate to follow him to his office. Thus, seeing her reaction to a simple Vanishing spell has certainly been a bit strange.
Dr. Steward gathers the documents to secure in a folder.
“My colleagues have—some of them have Muggleborn and Halfblood relatives—but not me personally,” she answers. “My apologies, I still need to get used to seeing magic in… this way. Ironically, we have more luck with magic users from other dimensions than from our own, especially with what happened in recent history.”
The Second Wizarding War ended barely a decade ago. Its victims, both people and nature, still bleed. “I can see why you aren’t very keen on interacting with us up-close these days,” Draco nods, careful.
“Precisely,” Dr. Stewart says. “So, believe it when I say you’re the exception.”
Draco stiffens. “Thank you. I’m sorry, it’s still a bit hard to, ah, believe that.”
“You are the exception,” she says. “We need professionals in the occult, especially those who dabbled in the Dark Arts along with other types of magic. Not many wizards of your kind in Great Britain remember the Original Gods and Old Magic, but you have that link, whether it be through honest religious belief or just intensive research.”
She crosses her legs. “We’ve had our eyes on you for a while, Dr. Malfoy. We need someone who’s willing to look for the oddity in the mundane, and when our people heard rumours of the infamous Malfoy heir having a—highly accurate, by the way—fixation on conspiracy theories and cryptozoology, visiting various parts of the world in pursuit of those ‘tall tales,’ we knew we need your intellect.”
Draco doesn’t quite know what to say. He was sure everybody thought him unhinged; even Luna seemed off around him these days instead of enthusiastically rallying after his theories like she usually would, gradually gravitating toward Granger whenever they’re in the same room.
“Our goals are different; the SCP Foundation wants to keep humanity safe and alive, you want knowledge and just knowledge. But I hope you find yourself in your element while working with us, finally having access to all the information you’ve been working so hard to find out.”
She tilts her head just so, and Draco can tell she knows he likes what he’s hearing. His thirst consumes him, makes him risk, makes him sin. He has to go insane to stay sane. Despite the small price of most likely dying from working with dangerous anomalies at the Foundation no matter how pretty Dr. Stewart advertises it, every cell in his body sings at the chance to know what is lurking beyond the folds of reality.
He thinks of Mother, of Aunt Andy, of little Teddy, of Pansy, of Blaise. The vision of them killed, maimed, snapped from existence because he didn’t do anything to help makes his gut twist, his throat parched. He’d kill himself from the guilt, a well-casted Sectumsempra. He decides.
His goal is no different than the Foundation’s from now on, and he has no qualms about that. With this opportunity, he is free at last, free to do the work he knows is important, to help and change without outside interference.
He is reborn.
Draco’s back straightens, and he moves his wand this way and that, orchestrating a cacophony of tomes and devices to levitate from the heavy bookshelves to the duffle bag he brought along.
“Dr. Malfoy, did I not tell you where you’ll be stationed?”
Draco halts the objects’ action mid-air, staring at Dr. Stewart.
“I was under the impression that I am to be working at Site-91,” he says, “in Yorkshire?”
“As I thought, I forgot something,” Dr. Stewart sighs, the first sign of human imperfection leaking through. She searches through her briefcase, long nails clicking through the files. “Sit down, please, and there’s no need to pack up your belongings.”
Sending the objects back to their original places, Draco takes his seat, brows furrowed. He toys with his wand, a tick he hasn’t been able to be rid of ever since Potter’s returned his wand after years of what seemed to be perpetual emptiness without it.
“There we go,” Dr. Stewart says and flips open a thick, stapled stack of paper. “You are to stay here for the duration of your first assignment. Count yourself lucky, starting work right away.”
“Stay here? But—”
“There is an anomalous individual working here,” she says, hard lines etched on her face. “You will act like you’ve not changed your career and continue to ‘work’ in the Ministry. Because of your proximity, we expect you to gather as much information as possible about him. You can use any method, as long as you stay alive and well to report back to us and receive your salary. Not to worry, we will assist you as this individual is, like most of what we deal with, deadly when pushed.”
She slides the file toward him and settles back against her chair. Draco is admittedly no less surprised than before.
“Wake up and get ready by 6 AM this Saturday, for we’ll come to get you at your house and go to Site-91. There are other information and protocols you need to know, and you’ll also get the equipment suited for this assignment,” Dr. Stewart adds.
Draco has a few questions, but from the way she ends with a close-mouthed smile, he reckons any at all would be regarded as idiotic. Well, at least she told him something.
With a slight sigh, he opens the file. The peculiar layouts and code words fly past him—he’d have to ask for a manual of some kind, Muggle science-y terminology has never been his best suit. However.
“What,” he breathes, leaning close to the file, eyes wide, “what is he—what is—”
However, there are two words he can’t mistake, no matter how sleep-deprived he is or how blind. A name, in fact.
“What is Harry Potter doing in this file?”
“Isn't it obvious?” Dr. Stewart asks, lacing her fingers on her lap. “Think. His lifelong exposure with the Dark Arts and artifacts, how volatile and explosive his power is, and most importantly, how dangerous he is even to the brightest magic users. There’s a reason why we don’t meddle with your kind. You already have the means available to contain certain anomalies, but Potter is different, and we have to step in this time.”
Draco stares at her, then at the name in the file, at the picture attached, slack-jawed.
“The oddity in the mundane, Dr. Malfoy,” Dr. Stewart leans forward, a knowing look on her face. Draco's legs feel like wooden trunks, sunken into the ground. "Get used to it, and get focused. Because if left unchecked, Harry Potter might very well get powerful enough to become a reality bender."
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mountain-of-divine-fire ¡ 6 years ago
Crystal skulls. Whats the appeal? & Their ancient, phony history. 💀☠️💀☠️
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Disclaimer: Most of my posts about magic are my personal craft, and my opinions. I hope they inspire you in your craft, but as always, they are just opinions. my word is not the authority , and neither is any other blog post.
The history
If you want some well sourced and better written information on how these skulls came about, I suggest the wikipedia article for crystal skulls.
In the early 1900′s, there was a trend of the occult, adventuring, archaeology, and treasure. This resulted in a lot of fake artifacts that people produced solely for fame and fortune, and a lot of frauds.  (similar things come to mind, like the Ica stones, Ectoplasm photography,The trade of shrunken heads, and pretty much anything to do with Ed and Lorraine warren, in my opinion at least.) 
Tldr, think about stuff like the plot of the disney tarzan movie. White dudes, trying to make money off of some culture theyre actively harming.
Theres a lot of “history” about them being Mesoamerican artifacts, important in aztec, inca, and whoever else they've decided to pass it to’s religious practices and magical rituals, but this is simply not true. There probably have been skull shaped idols/icons in the past, but these perfect, “ancient aliens” style , magical, all knowing , perfectly carved crystal skulls were made up purely to sensationalize them. Anything about getting “all 13″ or however many together for some ritual,, i call BS. 
Most modern carved skulls might have had these older ones in mind when they were made, but truly, have nothing to do with them.
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(a modern skull that was originally passed off as an artifact, who resides in the British museum)
So whats the appeal of modern skulls? 
First of all, from a lapidary standpoint, skulls are challenging and fun to carve! having a style, giving it an expression, the markings that end up on it from the inclusions in the stone, all very fun for someone who cuts stones. Its simply art, even if you dont use them for anything else. alot of the time, due to the quality of the materials, and the effort that went into their creation, they end up higher end of the price range. Its worth it if youre willing. 
In magic, the skull shape is symbolic of many things. of the self, mankind, of consciousness, maybe a memento mori, or a figure to represent death or the cycles, for retaining knowledge, or maybe just for ancestor worship. (And probably more im overlooking.) They have so many uses and are very versatile just for their symbolic meaning. Skull candles are also very good for magic no matter what kind of magic it is.
This next part is something ive learned/realized in my work~
The skull shape also gives the crystal spirit a stronger personality. by giving the crystal a Human-ish shape, or one that represents us at least, it can easier express itself in terms a human can understand. Crystal skulls a lot of the time are more talkative and opinionated than regular crystal spirits, simply because now they have a link, and a way to relate to humans a bit better. Another part of this is because a human put work and effort into making it, and the love that comes with the craft contributes to its personality and strength. 
These skulls are known to be knowledgeable. If you have questions, try asking a crystal skull. 
A lot of skulls have their own likes and dislikes, and relationships. One skull might name itself the protector ,mother, or leader of a group of skulls. They might have likes and dislikes concerning the way you cleans them, what music to listen to, who should be put where, And the fairness of house spirit rules.
(my sisters skull, the dumortierite with the mask on the left there, wasnt fond of my rules when i put them into place. just try and work it out with them if they have any scruples.) 
Crystal skulls are good to have as companions for those who want to start spirit work, but start somewhere kinda small. Theyre a step up from plant spirits, but are probably easier than more complex spirits. They help in divination and meditation because of their opinions, and in general, theyre just really fun. Even if you start out off put by the imagery of a skull, try adding one to your family. You might just find that youve fallen in love. I didnt buy my first skull, it was given to me as a gift,i never considered getting one. But ever since then my family has steadily grown.
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Good ole grainy pic of my little family. Left to right, Doomy, Princip, Seft, Jasper (whom isnt a jasper), And Tibbs! theres still room for more on my shelf, too~
Like the ideas in my Crystal spirits post ,Which you should totally check out if you dont know how to work with crystals, btw,  These skulls work the same way as regular crystals. once you get to know them for a while, ive found most of the time they WILL give you their name, if they have one. If you have problems trying to work with crystals, get you a skull. they seem to be much stronger. 
Certain crystals might have preferred roles. Some like to work in healing magic, some like to help in divination, some may help in grounding/warding/protecting, and some may just like to hang around with you just for fun.
There are also other shaped skulls, some looking like aliens,some being bird skulls,  some having decorative carvings on them, or druzy body horror aspects  (my seftonite up there, the big guy, has a snake on his head~)
Im sure other folk use these crystals in different ways, but personally, thats how i work with them. 
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 What if I think skulls are spooky and gross, and i dont want them in my craft!
Dont be scared when i tell you this, sit down for a sec. Grab your own hand. Poke at it a bit, Feel that? The hard stuff? That means youve got a skeleton in you, Right now! Dont be scared of them, we all have one. Theyre pretty neat.
Im mostly jokeing, but being grossed out by something that helps you live is kind of funny~ 
I know skulls are given a bad rep. some known as “deaths head”,and in the instance of one crystal skulls in specific, “the skull of doom” . Because they can be used to do hexes/curses, and predict/cause deaths. But most of this is because of the aforementioned sensationalism. Skulls bring up ideas like death and decay, evil, and general bad omens. some people just dont like looking at things that are considered “gorey” or “macabre”. but let me sway you to think about it on both of the sides. Anything symbolizing death also comes with the ideas of rebirth and regrowth. Anything negative must be analyzed to find the positives. Even if you “CAN” theoretically use them in negative magic, you dont HAVE to.
💀☠️💀☠️ 💀☠️💀☠️ 💀☠️💀☠️ 💀☠️💀☠️ 💀☠️💀☠️ 💀☠️💀☠️
If youve found this post as a magic user who was unsure but curious about skulls, i hope youve come away with some more knowledge on how to work with them/their history. 
If youve stumbled upon this post somehow because you are a parent, and are concerned for your kids obsession with “morbid” things, or possibly that they are a practicing magic user, just be aware they are probably just exploring their creativity and bringing positivity to the world.
A lot of things you can use crystal skulls for, is the same or similar as candle skulls, and real bones. (the discussion of bone magic and the ethical problems with owning actual remains, whether human or animal, is for another time, and definitely not for this post. I only work with crystals and candles and therefore dont have a dog in that fight.) 
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And after all, if you dont WANT a skull. you dont absolutely need one. But i would definitely recommend trying them at least once. most of the time they are friendly, and willing to help. I hope this post made at least a little bit of coherent sense. 
Admin Fifa~
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shirlleycoyle ¡ 4 years ago
Internet Occultists Are Trying To Change Reality With a Magickal Algorithm
Symbols carry an undeniable power—whether it's the Ankh, the crucifix, or the golden arches of McDonald's. 
For thousands of years, runes, glyphs, and icons have been used in occult rituals and spiritual practices to mess with reality. Today, drawings imbued with the desires of their creators—called sigils—are undergoing a resurgence. Advocates insist they really work, and a new app called the Sigil Engine automates the whole process, aiming to make inventing reality even more accessible.
A sigil is a symbol used for magickal practice, typically created from scratch by the practitioner, and imbued with psychic energy to influence events. (That's magick with a k, to differentiate these rites from pulling rabbits out of hats.) Aspiring sigil creators could already tap into a wealth of resources to learn how to draw their own magickal signs, from online libraries to how-to guides on TikTok, or influential "chaos magick" texts like Liber Null and Condensed Chaos.
The sigil creation process usually goes like this: write down whatever you want to achieve, remove any vowels and repeating letters, and then position the remaining letters into a pleasing arrangement. Finally, you've got to "charge" your creation. Methods for this vary, but you could meditate, sing at, or, most commonly, masturbate to your symbol, before finally destroying or forgetting all about it and awaiting the results. 
Skeptics might balk at the idea of drawing our own realities, but others may also find themselves surprised at the results, which believers say work best when they're within the boundaries of your day-to-day life. "There's no point charging a sigil to win the lottery if you don't buy a ticket," chaos magician and comic book writer Grant Morrison once wrote. To test out sigils, Morrison famously modeled a character after themselves in The Invisibles and began to see cruel events inflicted on the fictional figure, such as burst lungs, actually transpire in real life. They decided to be kinder to the character after that.
Users of the Sigil Engine, though, rely on code to do much of the legwork. When visitors land on the URL, they're greeted by a sparkling black background and a prompt to type their "intention." Doing so will set the Engine in motion, drawing the sign in bright red. Co-creator Darragh Mason, who hosts the Spirit Box podcast, describes this flourish as "a prayer or a moment of reverence to the goddess Babalon," found within the Thelemic system first synthesised by British occultist Aleister Crowley. The backdrop alludes to "the great expansive void from which all things spring".
"We wanted to create something that actually felt magical when you used it," Mason told Motherboard. "For a lot of people in their magickal practice, the aesthetic helps give it more potency, so we were very conscious: we wanted to have the process of creating a sigil—removing the vowels, removing repeating letters, creating the actual symbol itself—to be experiential, something that drew you in and [gave] it a sense of wonder."
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A unique sigil generated by the Sigil Engine by typing "Protect the Perseverance Rover on Mars"
To ensure the final sigil is almost guaranteed to be unique, the application logs the speed of typing, the time between keystrokes, and compares these to the entirety of the Liber Cheth vel Vallum Abiegni, a Thelemic text that's contained within the code. 
The measurements are combined to return a unique value for each of the base characters, says co-creator David Tidman. More number-crunching normalizes a very large figure to between 0.0 and 1.0, which is finally used to position each character on a point around the circle—for example, a character with a value of between 0.51 and 0.54 would be located at the 11th of 21 points in total. At the moment, whatever the user types  is stored temporarily and then deleted, but Tidman says in future this information won't be stored at all, and that there are no personal identifiers logged when visitors type their intentions. 
The final illustration generated by the Sigil Engine is placed within a circle—a nod, its creators say, to the Goetic seals of demons in the Lesser Key of Solomon, a medieval "grimoire," or magical book, from the mid-17th century, that more recently made an appearance in Ari Aster's Hereditary. 
Released in late 2020, the Sigil Engine has now been used more than 300,000 times, with people typing their magickal intentions spread across seven continents. According to the creators, at least some of the Engine's users say it works, with success stories covering everything from home renovations to fertility, and even those who have made automated sigil production part of their daily routine.
It was important for both Mason and Tidman to have the aesthetic drive the application, and keep the whole process feeling experiential, magickal, and accessible. "We wanted the input of the intention to feel like part of the app, so we created our own keyboard component from scratch instead — each key touch pulses red, with the key components slightly transparent so particles show through, which really connects the keyboard to the app itself," Tidman told Motherboard.. 
The Sigil Engine was first conceived as a vast, participatory art project, but the sheer amount of interest has made their original idea to project the sigils one after the other in a public place impossible. For Mason, though, the purpose of creating the Sigil Engine was not only to build an experiential, useful tool, but to better understand whether magick could be made to work within a digital context. 
Belief in magick has persisted throughout history, and technological advances have changed mostly the scale, accessibility, and form in which it is executed. In antiquity, magickal rites were performed first through repetition of speech. Then came writing, books, the printing press, and now, the internet and social media. "There's always been that kind of tension between the shift of technology: does it devalue? Does it still work? What's the next step: can it work in digital format?" said Mason.
People have tried to elevate their consciousness, influence reality, and gain special insights with signs and symbols for thousands of years. If you look closely at modern Chinese characters, for example, you can see that they're ancestrally related to something called 'Oracle Bone Script'—where emblems were carved into bone and used for "pyromantic divination," or fire magic—dating back to the 2nd millennium BCE. The Greek Magical Papyri, a book of spells, hymns, and rituals with some components from the 100s BCE, also continues to capture the imagination of practitioners and academics today. 
But sigil practice as we recognize it can be traced to the work of English proto-surrealist Austin Osman Spare, one of the most "charismatic characters to come out of the occult revival of the late 19th and early 20th century," writes David Keenan in his book England's Hidden Reverse: A Secret History of the Esoteric Underground. 
Spare believed that sigils enabled "effective communion with subconscious levels" and the "lodging of a desire or wish at subconscious levels without the conscious mind being involved or aware". In other words, the mere creation of a sigil helps to nest the idea within a person, who can then go about fulfilling their wish, perhaps automatically. "By virtue of the Sigil you are able to send your desire into the subconscious (the place where all dreams meet)," Spare once wrote.
Technology like the printing press has allowed magick to scale, but the Sigil Engine is not the first experiment with sigils of its kind. 
A collective called Thee Temple Ov Psychic Youth (TOPY), formed in 1981 with Throbbing Gristle founder Genesis P-Orridge and others from England's transgressive industrial counter-culture, held sigils at the heart of their practice. This included concerted sigil creation on the 23rd hour of the 23rd day each month, and even mass-masturbation events that coordinated orgasms in tandem. "[The Temple was] remarkable for setting up a non-hierarchical system to explore sex magick and sigils in a co-ordinated international level," P-Orridge is quoted as saying in England's Hidden Reverse. "Nobody else has synchronised literally thousand of orgasms to a single purpose, just to see what happens!"
To Owen Davies, a history professor at the University of Hertfordshire and the author of Grimoires: A History of Magic Books, the latest digital iterations of magick are not far away from their origins. The internet and computers, he says, do not vanquish belief in magick, but create new ways to engage with it.
"The relationship between magic and technology is entwined," Davies told Motherboard. "When we first move from papyrus to books, that's a big technological change—it also shapes and changes the way in which magic is written, disseminated."
"When you get the advent of moving from carving on clay tablets to inks, that's a new technology," Davies continued. "When you introduce inks, you can have ink of all different types, and different types can have new meanings and potencies. Then you move to the printing press again, another new technology, which once again democratizes in the sense the production of sigils."
As technology marches towards an even more direct relationship with the physical world, the Sigil Engine may also follow this trend. Mason and Tidman are already considering generating AutoCAD files, so that sigil designs can be easily exported to 3D printers. They are also toying with the idea of creating a full mobile application, which would allow users to save the sigils more easily to their devices, or "dissolve" them permanently within the app, mirroring the destruction of paper sigils in more traditional practice. 
With the exception of the ultra-rich, most of us can agree that reality has been especially shitty lately. As Grant Morrison said of sigils at the 2000 Disinfo Conference: "I'm here to tell you to try it when you go home tonight because it fucking works … We're dealing with some kind of operating system that can be hacked, using words, and words seem to be the binding agent for this thing, whatever it is." 
There's no guarantee we can magick our way out of the various crises we now face. But with the Sigil Engine taking less than 10 seconds to spin up, at least it's easier than ever to give it a metaphysical shot.
Internet Occultists Are Trying To Change Reality With a Magickal Algorithm syndicated from https://triviaqaweb.wordpress.com/feed/
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sylvaetria ¡ 8 years ago
Hey so I've started to realize that the reason I feel so horrible at times with no cause in my boyfriends basement bedroom (and some other experiences) is because there is some kind of bad chaotic energy laying around. I'm not sure if he's generating it or if it's something separate from him that seems to be effecting his energy too. It didn't always feel like this. I was wondering if you knew any ways I could clear it without him knowing
Well, if he is present or relevant in the other experiences you mentioned, will determine whether or not the energy is coming from him or an external source or location. I mean, either way, even if he is present, it isn’t necessarily a guarantee that he is the source.
Regardless I don’t know that I have enough information to work from, to really have a grasp of what’s going on, and to offer accurate enough advice. 
Like, what makes you associate what is happening with “bad chaotic energy?” What do you even define as “bad chaotic energy?”
Like, it could just be energy, or maybe it’s a spirit, or who knows - I don’t, really, based off what you’ve given me. I can’t experience it, discern for myself what it is.
Like, knowing its source alone will be a huge tell as to how you proceed. And I just don’t have that information, can’t tell it off of what you’ve given me.
Also, just because you react negatively to a thing doesn’t mean the thing itself is inherently negative - like, just because you interpret the energy as “bad” and “chaotic,” doesn’t mean that that is the intention, that whatever it is doesn’t mean you harm or anything like that. Sometimes when we encounter things we don’t understand, we label it in ways that we can understand it, that may not necessarily be accurate to the actual tell of the thing.
Also also, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the negativity you’re feeling has an occult source either - maybe your boyfriend is just feeling really bad emotionally or mentally, and it’s coming off of him in waves. Maybe you’re just reacting to his emotions.
There’s a lot of conflicting opinions in this post, and I do apologize because it might seem confusing and all over the place, but it is important to note that it could be one of a variety of different things, or it could also be nothing. Regardless, again, I don’t really have enough information to determine what is happening, and therefore can’t necessarily tell you how to proceed.
This is why I don’t do signs. Like, just because something is different, doesn’t mean it has a “magical” source, that it’s spiritual or occult in origin. It’s like when people say “I saw this, is it a sign?” we can’t often say. 
Just because something feels off, doesn’t mean its source is a spirit or anything mystical.
I kinda took this opportunity to say a variety of different things, and it’s kinda a mess. It also isn’t necessarily all directed at you anon, nor is it meant in a mean way or belittling - I’m not denying your experience or saying it isn’t happening. I just can’t say what it is for you, nor do I think that everything that happens once you become a magic user directly relates to magical or mystical things.
I encourage you to come back, please, with a bit more detail about what’s been going on. 
How long has this been happening - you said it wasn’t always that way, when did it change? 
What other times do you feel this energy - you said you felt it in other experiences besides in just the basement, what were those experiences?
Was your boyfriend present through all of those situations that you felt that energy?
Is it constant when your boyfriend is around, or does it come and go?
What about it makes you think or feel it’s “bad” or “chaotic?” 
Do you feel any malicious intent - as if you’re going to be harmed?
Is it just in the basement - it never leaves the rest of the house, even if your boyfriend is in other rooms?
I hope you can understand what I mean when I say a lot of this, and why I need more info. If you aren’t comfortable sharing more, that is okay, but I personally don’t know if I can help you based off what you’ve given me here. I hope you do understand what I’m saying, and I don’t mean what I’ve said in any harsh way.
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iimmcrtalis-archive ¡ 8 years ago
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     A life begins when you first take a breath, they say. You take a breath, and scream life into the world. You mark the world with your voice and then,  you slowly quiet.
  Sometimes, however, you do not make your mark till later. You didn't cry when you were born, and you aren't crying now. But the world can feel you crawling back. Clawing, etching, your name into the spine of everyone regardless if they know you are not. It is not because of who you are. But what you've done; Survived death for six months.
   This is how she came to be. No memory of who she was. That was the deal. No memories of who she had been. Only of what made her. Dying. Death. Life a new. Death would follow her, threaded through her bones. Threaded through the scar on her throat, knitting together her organs and the wound that let them spill. She would never truly be alive again.
  The snow melted. Hands bloodied. Clothes stained and torn to shreds. She was a corpse walking. Wandering. Lost. But a woman, Eludysia, found her. She spoke with confidence, like a woman that knew everything. Took her away, to the other side of the country. A Grandmother she never knew, apparently. A mentor that would help her truly deal with her magic. But first, they would have to work through how death stuck to her. Work through the questions that rose as she fell into memories of what happened reached her. But that would be years. Years of self destruction. Years that she struggled to think beyond what she had become. A heavy thing to process, until she had a heartbeat. And then she breathed. And the world shifted.
  Nearly dying again had struck fear into her chest. A flash of bleeding, bloodied, lost. A memory replaying in her head shook her to her core. Near death experiences tend to do that, of course. Make you crave life. It turned her around, guided her back to living to live instead of exist.
  She sought after knowledge, and power. Made a web of people she knew, connected over things she had interest in. Plays the role her grandmother hoped her to. Not a pawn, not truly. But as her right hand. The Heir to being a Watcher. Meant the world was her playground and she'd have to explore it at the behest of Eludysia.
So she does.
  She travels, place to place. Under the guise of it being a teaching job, or studying plants and what not. Good thing, her doctorate, covers for a lot
Name: Revas Ramsey Nicknames: Vas, Little Witch, Witchy Bitch. Titles: Death Seer Age: 27 Birthday:March 19th Gender: DMAB. Trans-Woman. She/Her pronouns only. Sexuality: Pansexual │ demiromantic Birthplace: Unknown. Residence: California Relatives:                 Eludysia Ramsey [ Grandmother ] (alive)                 Jacob Feldt [ Father ] ( Alive )                 Rani Feldt  [ mother ] ( Alive )                 Miriam Feldt [ sister ] ( alive )                 Jacob Feldt Jr [ brother ] ( alive )
Height: 5'2" Weight: 140lbs Character’s body build: Curved, muscular. Eye Color: Emerald green. Hair Color: Dark red. Type of hair: Very thick. Hairstyle: Usually in a long braid or high tight ponytail. Hair down will go past her calves.  Complexion and skin tone: Freckled & light brown Scars: Multiple facial scars. Deep scar across her throat. Mannerisms: Revas used to stumble a bit while she was nervous. Now she speaks very cooly, and tends to have her arms crossed; a sign of being closed off. Usual Body Posture: Warm. Usually bouncing or inviting to others. Or cold and shut off. Tattoos:
Black work wings on her back
Hebrew for Freedom on her wrist.
Galaxy sleeves.
Class/race: Witch. Half-fae.
Powers & Abilities:
Offensive Magic:
Magic Attacks
Magic Combat
Power Absorption
Defensive Magic:
Force-Field Generation
Healing Magical
Energy Absorption
Miscellaneous Abilities
Elemental Manipulation
Magic Aura
Magic Detection
Magic Generation
Magical Constructs
Magical Energy Manipulation
Magically Enhanced Physiology
Personal Domain
Potion Creation - for various purposes (i.e. explosive, healing)
Spell Casting        • Spell Amplification        • Spell Creation        • Spell Destabilization        • Spell Mixture        • Spell Negation
Precognition:  perceive future events before they happen
Retrocognition: to discern events of the past
Death Sense: To detect who was going to die and when their death will occur, but may not be able to prevent it.
Divination: Gain insight of future events by the use of occult ritual.
Clairvoyance:  gain a direct visual information about an object, person, location or physical event through means other than the user's physical sight and allows them to act when they are unable to use their eyes and allows them to hear things at distances.    can sense/see/hear spiritual/psychic beings and other person's presence and perceive emotions, thoughts and memories of others. Some users can project themselves onto the spiritual world.
Empathic: To receive precognitive flashes of the future when exposed to extreme emotion.
Flash: To see things seconds or minutes before they happen.
Dreaming: To perceive future in dreams, whether symbolic, direct or from the perspective of another being.           • Can also alter and manipulate the dreams of others. Usually has       to be in close proximity to the other person ( same house will work best. ) 
Dream Scrying: to dream actual ongoing far-off events.
Psychic Navigation: to locate people/objects or create a mental map of an area.
Psychometry: to perceive the residual information of an object and/or person. This ability isn’t one of her major ones, thus it’s usually only when she focuses on an object/person. 
Shared Vision: to view another user of clairvoyance sight.
Visual Linking: to link one’s vision to others.
Teen: Tag    Takes place between the age of 14 to 18. Mostly your standard highschool au yo.
College: Tag    19 to 26. Standard college au dude. College buds. Hell ye. Watch my girl earn her doctorate.
Future: Tag   45 to whatever age. She's pretty much immortal y'all. Ngl here. So your muse future shit? Older revas time.
Inquisition Related:
    •  Companion: Post │ Tag     Left clan Lavellan at 12. Became a first for another clan. Murdered two people. Left that clan. Became a traveling Keeper. Hung out in Kirkwall for awhile. Went back to being a keeper for a while. Then ya know. Sky explodes. 
  • Advisor: Tag        Instead of a companion the Inquisitor can make her an advisor. She acts more as an ambassador for the dalish and often consults with the mages so their voices have a say in how shit goes. Shit stays relatively the same. just more stress :))
  •    Inquisitor: Post │ Tag   Sort of the same deal. But instead of just leaving for another clan bc too many mages, she used blood magic to try and keep her parents alive post a darkspawn attack. Then all the other shit happened. In Trespasser she's no longer a devotee to Mythal but to Falon'din. 
  • Grey Warden:  Post │ Page │ Codex       Tag ( awakening ) │ Tag ( da2 & dai ) │ Suledin Tag │ Rosal’nan tag   After killing two clan members, she travels Fereldan for three years. After the Blight she joins the wardens. Variants are based on the Wardens choices made by her. Or default if no choices are made.
  •   Specific Talen ( svcraficed ) Warden AU: Tag │ Shora Tag  Plucked outta the woods, half dead and injured, the Warden took her under his wing. Finding him a part of her new family, she takes the name Shora. 
  • Commander  of The Inquisition Forces AU: Tag          Based on a dire need with @desiderrium‘s Cullen to have him actually fucking not be in charge so Revas takes his place. Why is she qualified, you might ask. Well, for the same reason people say that Merrill is. She’s lead people and is trained to lead people, to command and protect her people. Also she’s like. strong as heck so. why not. 
DC: Post │ Tag     What do you do after you've been murdered but aren't dead dead? Ya get the fuck outta dodge. Except it leaves an impact. So you become a goddamn vigilante.             • Side AU: Blue Lantern verse where Revas is chosen to be a blue Lantern.
Fallout: Post │ Tag    Primarily between Fallout 3, NV & 4.       • Standard: Revas is a former Courser turned Gunner, turned Mercenary. Her age is unknown. Her Identity as a Synth even more so. She travels with Faron, a sniper.        • Other one: Instead of being a synth, she's a Psyker with seer abilities & telepathy.
Overwatch: Post │ Tag    All I know is that she died. Got really fucked up. I'm thinking Nanobots to control plants & shit ya know. We'll see I think. Just know shes dead. Dead ish. Like genji “””dead” but also Reaper dead. Cybernetic nanobot cloud of fuck you. Tho she's melee af yo.
Mass Effect Trilogy:  Post │ Tag    Still debating if Revas is gonna be a Quarian or just a Jewish woman from Earth. Who knows. Probably human bc its easier lbh. Powerful af Biotic human who's a badass merc w/ her pal Faron. Y'all catching a pattern?
Mass Effect: Andromeda: Post │ Tag   Human Biotic. Came to Andromeda because she wanted to get away from bad shit. She studied botany and agriculture so ya know early release to help with food but. She sided against the Initiative and fucked off to Kadara.
Elder Scrolls: Post │ Tag   Wood elf magic user who is sort of a cannibal and eats general kills. Because religious reasons. Stumbles into Skyrim w/ Faron bc she wants to travel and help her people everywhere.
The Raven Cycle:  Post │ Tag      Crossover with her normal verse. Revas works at Aglionby Academy as a history teacher. Her involvement in the series is up to You. 
Murder Mom:  Post  │ Tag        The verse post is Graphic. Tw for abuse ( childhood sexual abuse ), rape implied, murder, violence, death, & murder.      A Modern Conversion of her Inquisitor verse. Revas’s parents are murdered when she’s twelve. She gets taken in by an abusive family that sort of planned it all. Ends up murdered. Comes back and fucks their shit up. She’s an extremely powerful witch in this AU, as well as a CEO of her grandmothers company. She’s not afraid to kill. 
No Death: Tag     Based on this drabble. Not extremely explicit but does have mentions & implications of abuse, sexual abuse, trauma, depression, suicidal thoughts, suicide attempted, cancer, & family death.        In this AU, it’s a case of if Revas didn’t die at all. Instead of dying, her magic lashed out and killed her attackers. & she forced herself to stay alive because of hope and wanting to. Her magic sort of hit an awoken state that gave her high abilities in healing magic, usually on herself. Thus keeping her alive even when the guilt from murder got too much. In her early 20′s and late teen years, her parents passed away and she was left with her younger siblings, twin toddlers. Took a deal with a shady grandmother for money & immortality, mainly the money. & now still lives in a brownstone in New York, studying history working two jobs & trying to be a good mom for her siblings. 
general • about • isms • face • aesthetics • abilities • ic 
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thaiamulet-us ¡ 5 years ago
Powerful Bracelet-Nine Fox Tails Deity By Mae Lersi Pakinee
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Most Powerful Bracelet : Limited Nine Fox Tails Deity
The powerful amulet Of Accelerates Your Life Using The Purest Magical Subjects For Attractiveness & Charm Aura
Powerful Bracelet - Made By Mae Lersi Pakinee **************************************************************************** An extra empowerment was performed using occult incantations in order to enhance the natural magic power of the Bracelet By Maelersi Pakinee It is a magical amulet constructed and empowered for high levels of attraction and fascination powers, begins to work its magic on everyone around you! It brings about Material and Spiritual Wealth through hidden powers that fulfills all our wishes and helps change our life for the better. Using this Bracelet-Nine Fox Tails Deity  helps one achieve Greater Affluence, Peace and Prosperity, Balanced Energy, as well as Harmony in Relationships. It helps in breaking obstacles in our life - both spiritually and materialistically. **************************************************************************** Powerful Bracelet will change your life, never try you will never know! This is one of the most popular Bracelet now due to it's good effect and wealth. >> If you've been waiting for something to bring you luck and stimulate your earning power, wait no more , The Bracelet is waiting to Increase luck riches upon you. The Bracelet-Nine Fox Tails Deity are so small they can be easily carried on one's person, allowing the wearer to call upon the Bracelet for protection and for Increase luck ,before leaving the house. The Bracelet will help attract money and riches , This particular magical quality is especially useful to people who would like to increase their chances of winning in games of change, such as gambling and lotteries. However, the magic Bracelet-Nine Fox Tails Deity can also be used to increase one's financial income; indeed, the mystical properties of the bracelet amulet serve to generate more profit through a boost in commercial sales which improves business success. Another example is to utilize the Bracelet It can assist the user to gain love, sympathy and affection from their partner,It will increase the user’s personal magnetism and authoritative presence , This Bracelet will give you success in all the fields of life and will improve your relations with your business staff and family members. Also this Bracelet has the power of attracting each other and will keep a very good relationship between husband and wife. Powerful Bracelet There are no difficult mantras to recite or rituals to conduct. The Bracelet is discreet; simply wear this Bracelet on your arm  
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  +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ We offer our services for people of all ages, religions, nationalities, as well as any social and marital status. All you need to do is to contact us and make your order, and magic help will come shortly! You can keep magical items that you’ve bought from our store for your family or friends at your place, and they will still produce the desired effect. But if the person who you want to help believes in magic and witchcraft, you can give your present to him. However, don’t forget to tell him how to handle his new magic item. From our experience in selling and dealing with talismans we have had clients, who are able to experience, feel & see certain things with talismans and some people are not able to feel or see anything at all. This dependent mainly on the person’s psychic level, sensitivity to the unseen world. We have had many clients who have been able to experience various feelings and sightings. Most of our items get on with most people, as it is usually fated. However in the event If at any point in the future after some time of trying you find that the energies of the item are not suitable with you, you can plant the item under an old tree or release in running water (river/sea). Note : > All items will come with an Item Instruction Paper. > An Items may vary in size, colour and appearance from the image shown; however its purpose will remain the same as that described above. > The information given for this item is not intended as diagnosis, treatment or prescription for any disease, nor is it presented as an alternative to regular medical attention. If you are in need of medical attention please contact a health professional. Some information we supply is obtained from historical sources, own experiences or represent opinions of a published author.
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thaiamulet-us ¡ 5 years ago
Powerful Bracelet-Nine Fox Tails Deity By Maelersi Pakinee -Red Color
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Most Powerful Bracelet : Nine Fox Tails Deity
The powerful amulet Of Accelerates Your Life Using The Purest Magical Subjects For Attractiveness & Charm Aura
Powerful Bracelet  Made By Mae Lersi Pakinee **************************************************************************** An extra empowerment was performed using occult incantations in order to enhance the natural magic power of the Bracelet By Maelersi Pakinee It is a magical amulet constructed and empowered for high levels of attraction and fascination powers, begins to work its magic on everyone around you! It brings about Material and Spiritual Wealth through hidden powers that fulfills all our wishes and helps change our life for the better. Using this Bracelet-Nine Fox Tails Deity  helps one achieve Greater Affluence, Peace and Prosperity, Balanced Energy, as well as Harmony in Relationships. It helps in breaking obstacles in our life - both spiritually and materialistically. **************************************************************************** Powerful Bracelet will change your life, never try you will never know! This is one of the most popular Bracelet now due to it's good effect and wealth. >> If you've been waiting for something to bring you luck and stimulate your earning power, wait no more , The Bracelet is waiting to Increase luck riches upon you. The Bracelet-Nine Fox Tails Deity are so small they can be easily carried on one's person, allowing the wearer to call upon the Bracelet for protection and for Increase luck ,before leaving the house. The Bracelet will help attract money and riches , This particular magical quality is especially useful to people who would like to increase their chances of winning in games of change, such as gambling and lotteries. However, the magic Bracelet-Nine Fox Tails Deity can also be used to increase one's financial income; indeed, the mystical properties of the bracelet amulet serve to generate more profit through a boost in commercial sales which improves business success. Another example is to utilize the Bracelet It can assist the user to gain love, sympathy and affection from their partner,It will increase the user’s personal magnetism and authoritative presence , This Bracelet will give you success in all the fields of life and will improve your relations with your business staff and family members. Also this Bracelet has the power of attracting each other and will keep a very good relationship between husband and wife. Powerful Bracelet There are no difficult mantras to recite or rituals to conduct. The Bracelet is discreet; simply wear this Bracelet on your arm  
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  +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ We offer our services for people of all ages, religions, nationalities, as well as any social and marital status. All you need to do is to contact us and make your order, and magic help will come shortly! You can keep magical items that you’ve bought from our store for your family or friends at your place, and they will still produce the desired effect. But if the person who you want to help believes in magic and witchcraft, you can give your present to him. However, don’t forget to tell him how to handle his new magic item. From our experience in selling and dealing with talismans we have had clients, who are able to experience, feel & see certain things with talismans and some people are not able to feel or see anything at all. This dependent mainly on the person’s psychic level, sensitivity to the unseen world. We have had many clients who have been able to experience various feelings and sightings. Most of our items get on with most people, as it is usually fated. However in the event If at any point in the future after some time of trying you find that the energies of the item are not suitable with you, you can plant the item under an old tree or release in running water (river/sea). Note : > All items will come with an Item Instruction Paper. > An Items may vary in size, colour and appearance from the image shown; however its purpose will remain the same as that described above. > The information given for this item is not intended as diagnosis, treatment or prescription for any disease, nor is it presented as an alternative to regular medical attention. If you are in need of medical attention please contact a health professional. Some information we supply is obtained from historical sources, own experiences or represent opinions of a published author.   Read the full article
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thaiamulet-us ¡ 5 years ago
Powerful Bracelet-Nine Fox Tails Deity By Maelersi Pakinee -Blue Color
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Most Powerful Bracelet : Limited Nine Fox Tails Deity
The powerful amulet Of Accelerates Your Life Using The Purest Magical Subjects For Attractiveness & Charm Aura
Powerful Bracelet - Made By Mae Lersi Pakinee **************************************************************************** An extra empowerment was performed using occult incantations in order to enhance the natural magic power of the Bracelet By Maelersi Pakinee It is a magical amulet constructed and empowered for high levels of attraction and fascination powers, begins to work its magic on everyone around you! It brings about Material and Spiritual Wealth through hidden powers that fulfills all our wishes and helps change our life for the better. Using this Bracelet-Nine Fox Tails Deity  helps one achieve Greater Affluence, Peace and Prosperity, Balanced Energy, as well as Harmony in Relationships. It helps in breaking obstacles in our life - both spiritually and materialistically. **************************************************************************** Powerful Bracelet will change your life, never try you will never know! This is one of the most popular Bracelet now due to it's good effect and wealth. >> If you've been waiting for something to bring you luck and stimulate your earning power, wait no more , The Bracelet is waiting to Increase luck riches upon you. The Bracelet-Nine Fox Tails Deity are so small they can be easily carried on one's person, allowing the wearer to call upon the Bracelet for protection and for Increase luck ,before leaving the house. The Bracelet will help attract money and riches , This particular magical quality is especially useful to people who would like to increase their chances of winning in games of change, such as gambling and lotteries. However, the magic Bracelet-Nine Fox Tails Deity can also be used to increase one's financial income; indeed, the mystical properties of the bracelet amulet serve to generate more profit through a boost in commercial sales which improves business success. Another example is to utilize the Bracelet It can assist the user to gain love, sympathy and affection from their partner,It will increase the user’s personal magnetism and authoritative presence , This Bracelet will give you success in all the fields of life and will improve your relations with your business staff and family members. Also this Bracelet has the power of attracting each other and will keep a very good relationship between husband and wife. Powerful Bracelet There are no difficult mantras to recite or rituals to conduct. The Bracelet is discreet; simply wear this Bracelet on your arm  
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  There are no difficult mantras to recite or rituals to conduct. The Bracelet is discreet; simply wear this Bracelet on your arm
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  +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ We offer our services for people of all ages, religions, nationalities, as well as any social and marital status. All you need to do is to contact us and make your order, and magic help will come shortly! You can keep magical items that you’ve bought from our store for your family or friends at your place, and they will still produce the desired effect. But if the person who you want to help believes in magic and witchcraft, you can give your present to him. However, don’t forget to tell him how to handle his new magic item. From our experience in selling and dealing with talismans we have had clients, who are able to experience, feel & see certain things with talismans and some people are not able to feel or see anything at all. This dependent mainly on the person’s psychic level, sensitivity to the unseen world. We have had many clients who have been able to experience various feelings and sightings. Most of our items get on with most people, as it is usually fated. However in the event If at any point in the future after some time of trying you find that the energies of the item are not suitable with you, you can plant the item under an old tree or release in running water (river/sea). Note : > All items will come with an Item Instruction Paper. > An Items may vary in size, colour and appearance from the image shown; however its purpose will remain the same as that described above. > The information given for this item is not intended as diagnosis, treatment or prescription for any disease, nor is it presented as an alternative to regular medical attention. If you are in need of medical attention please contact a health professional. Some information we supply is obtained from historical sources, own experiences or represent opinions of a published author.   Read the full article
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