#magic shrooms shop
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weedvapeca · 1 year
Exploring the Benefits of Psychedelic Experiences with Weedvape
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Discover the transformative power of magic shrooms with Weedvape. These mystical fungi have been used for centuries to promote spiritual growth, enhance creativity, and improve mental well-being. Weed vape offers a range of products that provide a convenient and controlled way to consume magic mushrooms. Experience profound insights, expanded consciousness, and a deeper connection to the world around you. Unlock the potential of magic mushrooms with Weedvape for a truly enlightening journey.
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Ansterdam yesterday was such fun <3 bought some nice things at Brandy Melville and Uniqlo, had some magic mushrooms ( LOL dont recommend honestly it was insane) dunkin’ donuts <3 I mainly wanted to buy some cute basics I have a lot of graphic tees and floral prints and stuff
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eldritch-spouse · 5 months
Currently you're sitting at a table with your master, waiting on your meal. You have complicated feelings on Nebul. He doesn't necessarily treat you badly, he takes care of you but that's because you've been cooperative, you've seen him less gentile…..
The chef walks on by dragging a man screaming and wailing. His eyes look searching for someone, until they fall on you.
“Help me!” He looks at you with pleading eyes. “He's going to kill me!”
You are no savior, you have no power here. You look down at your lap, hearing his cries for help become more and more distant. Dread and despair grows in your heart.
[I can write this out from his perspective.]
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Nebul enjoys pets like you.
One might glance at him and think that perhaps the trainer would prefer a real brat. Someone who stomps their feet, bitches and whines and spits. The kind that just won't take it lying down and nearly breaks themself in their effort to be free of his controlled dominance.
But they'd be quite mistaken.
Nebul loves a pet who instantly recognizes their place. A darling thing like you, smart enough to realize that you have no chance of ever escaping intact, and thus, become subservient to your rightful master. You know Nebul will protect you, will provide for you, because you're learning to be the perfect pet he's training you into on a daily basis. There's something just insanely satisfying and obscenely arousing about your immediate submission to Nebul, he savors it slowly, preens you, makes sure you'll last him long.
Many were the tests you've been subtly subjected to since your time under his care. Some were elaborated to get a feel for your character, others for the amount of progress in obedience and loyalty you've developed. The undead quickly adjusts his methods depending on your performance, though you've been nothing if not stellar thus far. Very impressive, very good.
This moment is both another test and a reward. You have earned yourself time outside of the shop, time watching others, pretending to be a member of a community. Not that this particular community sees you as anything but a breathing toy, but he knows it's enough to bring a semblance of comfort to a contact-starved psyche like yours.
See, tonight you're having dinner at The Clergy's restaurant. And the place is quite packed, much to Nebul's distaste. His organism, unalive and magic-riddled, may not require food, but yours sure does. Nebul did take the care to make sure you will not be ingesting "human products", as he already ordered your meal a fair bit ago. Now, he's just making idle conversation and attentively mapping your reactions to seeing so many monsters ogling you like a steak. At certain times, it feels as if you want to sit next to him on the ground, where you have correctly learned is safest, and he glows with pride.
Many a client have stopped by and wordlessly pointed at you, every each one receiving a polite and consice explanation that you're not for sale or a free-use treat. He relishes the dread in your eyes, but even more so the relief. Gratitude that you had been picked by the wraith, and not some uncaring, sadistic entity looking to rip you open.
Yes, the sooner you understand how good you have it here, the sooner you'll drop silly ideas of escape and freedom.
Your rhythmic fidgeting with the silver tag of the collar around your neck is harshly interrupted by the sound of the closest elevator parting its doors, and a very angry monster stomping out, dragging a badly injured human man by medium-length hair.
Nebul senses the way your breath catches and a spike of adrenaline makes you pale, eyes wide, so tense you might pop.
He diverts his attention to Morell. The chef looks more than agitated, genuinely irate. It's not likely that the human actually managed to place a dent on that cinderblock of a monster, but it is a possibility that it outsmarted the chef in a moment of stressful workflow. And that, Nebul knows, will have the shroom smashing through furniture.
" Fuckin' pig! Ah was gonna make it smooth for ya, make it fast, ya wouldn' even feel much- "
The chef's apron is smeared with splatters of blood, what Nebul thinks might be some kind of sauce, and a decent chunk of dirt from the messy chase. The man, on the other hand, is bruised on the face and limbs, one hand bent at a bizarre angle and his ankles most definitely crudely twisted to a mockery of a ragdoll.
Even through the immense pain the undead can sense emanating from this human, the resilience commonly associated with this species shines clearly, as he screams and tries ever so hard to claw the mushroom monster's skin. Broken nails fail to so much as scratch the calloused pudge of his executioner's fingers, who are so tense around that mangled arm it might just explode.
He tries still, he tries, and will continue to for as long as his organism can supply a powerful dosage of adrenaline.
The mostly pointless squirming does succeed in one thing however, getting on Morell's nerves. Predictably, the chef turns around just enough to land a powerful steel-toed boot kick right to his middle, making the man wheeze like a dying animal. He seems to zone out for a moment, probably due to the immense pain wracking his body.
He doesn't zone out enough to miss you, the only other human present.
Nebul expected his frantic screaming, and he can't lie, part of the undead was looking forward to seeing how you'd react in a situation like this. Do you have any kind of wit in that cranium? It seems you do, because even when he's dragged by, pleading with all the remaining breath in his lungs for the help of his kin, for salvation only you can provide, you hardly react.
Aside from a light twitch of the limbs, as if you're trying to guiltily swat a mosquito away, you hang your head and focus on your intertwined hands on your lap. Your stare glazes, losing its alarmed quality, and your breathing becomes steady. You're effectively out of the scene.
Very good.
Morell makes an apology gesture towards the shopkeeper when he realizes that's the table he just walked past, eyes lingering on you with morbid curiosity before he slams the kitchen doors open and drags the drained human inside.
Nebul doesn't let you dissociate for too long. It's not the first time he's seen you do this, but he needs you quite present for this feedback. A grasp upon said clasped hands gets you to inhale sharply, shaking a bit. You glance at him with fear, as getting distracted in certain moments can earn you punishments.
" You've been performing exceptionally well. " He purrs. " With such exemplary behavior, you're on the fast track to perfection. Pets like you deserve rewards for their discipline, and you will get one once we're done eating. "
You nod hastily, fidgeting on your chair while you try hard to ignore the stains of blood on the floor.
Nebul's mist swirls playfully. " Now, what do we say? "
" I'm sorry, Master- Thank you, Master. "
" Very good. "
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archerinventive · 2 years
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🍄 Happy Mushroom Monday 🍄
With the new year comes new items for the shop, including these new mushroom stakes. ^^
Excellent for those who like Amanita Muscaria but don't want to expose their pets, or themselves to the risk of poisoning, these little shrooms can be used for both outdoor gardens, or in indoor house pots. :)
Wishing you all a Happy New year filled with much magic. ❤️
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use this ask to talk about your random headcanons for any character you like :)
Whoa, boy! It's been a long time since I wrote random headcanons (like, a month ago? idk). A great reason to add another portion of my crappy headcanons about sdv and sve. I hope you like it!
Some random SDV and SVE headcanon:
Once at the Stardew Valley Fair, when many tourists with their children come to the festival, a couple of teenagers began to tease and offend Jas. Shane, of course, was not happy when he found out that some brats were teasing his dear niece. But instead of barking at those little assholes, Shane acted differently. He whistled with all his might, and all the chickens that were in the aviary at the festival came running to his call. Shane gave them the command to 'sic'em, girls', and all his feathered friends rushed at the offenders, clucking and pecking to drive them away. Jas is saved, Shane is laughing his stomach out, mayor Lewis is not too pleased that the chickens are terrorizing the tourists. How Shane managed to train chickens like that - no one knows, except maybe Marnie and Jas. Also, Jas gave her uncle the nickname "The Chicken Lord". Well deserved, some would say.
Every Sunday, when Andy goes to Pierre's shop to pray at the Yoba altar, he always stops for a couple of minutes near the fence at Marnie's ranch and pets the baby goats and lambs, which quickly rushed to the old farmer in search of affection. Only Marnie knows about this little "tradition" and Andy asks her not to spread it, because he doesn't want to be called a slobber. Marnie doesn't mind, especially since Andy almost always brings a couple of his crops to treat her favorite animals. She also sometimes gives him a gallon of milk or fresh goat cheese as a thank you. No, Andy is not shy, go away, shoo!
Sam, Sebastian and Abigail went out one autumn day at night into the woods to perform a 'summoning ritual' using crystals, bird feathers and other crap that they found on the Internet and thought it would be scary and fun. None of them knew that the ritual had actually worked, how the fuck- A portal opened in front of them, from which the head of an ugly horned monster crawled out, ready to destroy everything around. Fortunately for them, Rasmodius felt a strange magical aura and arrived in time, drove the monster back from where the creature got out and closed the portal. Later, he severely scolded the terrified trio and promised to whoop their asses if anyone thought of doing the summoning ritual again. If you are doing magic and occult things, turn to Magnus for help, it's better to do it with a mentor than to do it anyhow.
Lance has repeatedly expressed his desire to explore the deepest levels of the mines in order to study the growth of purple mushrooms, which are in abundance there. To his luck, Marlon just needs the help of a battle mage in clearing those very levels from monsters and finding rubies and diamonds for Magnus's experiments. The hunt went well and Lance was able to pick up a couple of great specimens to study. They will serve as excellent material for the continuation of his book on magical plants and mushrooms, as well as for the brewing of important life elixirs. But the shroom stew turned out disgusting. Well, he still have to eat it, you can’t just throw out food, right?
Olivia was the one who instilled in Harvey his love for truffle oil. When Victor caught a terrible cold that was accompanied by a high fever, a frightened Olivia called Harvey for help. The doctor took care of Victor all week until he fully recovered. Relieved, Olivia already wanted to pay extra for Harvey's services, to which he categorically said no, explaining that this was his job and that he was doing it to save people, not for money. Olivia sincerely understands and respects his position. And yet, the next day, she sent a couple of bottles of expensive truffle oil by parcel to the clinic as a thank you, noting in a letter that she insisted. Harvey has to give credit, with oil the dishes really got a lot tastier and richer. It's better than the Joja ready meals anyway.
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welcomingdisaster · 5 months
Green-blue sea, in places murkier and darker than it ought to look, the waves white where they have been turned over, tilled by the motors of the boat, chopped coarsely into foam. Their crew is less archeological crew and more gentleman’s club. Beyond Thrussel there’s one guy to man the boat that seems the sort to know what he’s doing, two hired-out divers, semi-professional, one sheepish earth sciences doctoral student who swears she can probably, most-likely, almost certainly, maybe run the drill, lawyer, green as the sea, three business majors recently come into lordship of their trust-funds, their ages testaments to the dashed hopes of their progenitors—twenty-one and twenty-five and thirty—all with the same slicked back, square look, beige and white and brown. Thirty has tattoos straight off the wall of the shop display, tribal designs, mangled Tengwar tracing the outline of his bicep. Twenty-one wears bright pink socks with pineapples on them and is plainly insecure of the choice.
Twenty-five likes to know things about people. Likes to get cozy. Between talks of cryptocurrency and carnivore diets and sigma manhood he tries it. Swings an arm around Thrussel’s shoulders and asks, leaning too close, hot breath ghosting along the shell of his ear, “What’s your real hair like, man,” and “You get surgery to have your ears like that?” and, “Want me to sign that jug of yours? Go for millions after we make it—joshing you,” but he’s not, of course, and maybe he’s a little offended Thrussel doesn’t take him up on it.
Well—let him. Thrussel’s there because he’s been paid six months of rent, up front, because they rain money like blood from a severed vein, like wine flowing from a cut water-skin. Thrussel’s there because he was told there’d be translation work, ancient languages—Doriathrim Sindarin, and maybe he’s offended it’s not materialized and doesn’t seem likely to. If they’ve got money to waste, he ought have time; certainly he’s less likely to run out than they. But still he’s stingy. 
Twenty-five leans over the edge of the boat and takes a long breath of his vape, trying to make a ring with the smoke he blows out. Pulls a little silver package out from his inside pocket, quite like the foil wrapper of a condom, square and slightly crinkled, and tears it open, dumping a little bit of a bright blue powder onto his palm. Licks it up. “You want some, prof?”
What is it, Fun Dip?
“Hallucinogenics. Lab-grown. Like shrooms, but without any contamination. No mold or bugs or any of that shit.”
He likes his shrooms with mold and bugs, thank you.
Twenty-five laughs like that’s funny. Leans further over the edge of the boat, losing one silver sleeve-button below the surface of the water. Doesn’t notice. Thrussel wonders if he knows how to swim. “Micro-dosing,” he says, “does wonders for creativity. It’s how we came up with—you sign your NDA, buddy?”
Sure did.
“Patented, once we iron some quirks out. Don’t you think about leaving with this.”
Incapable of such thoughts.
“Attaboy.” Twenty-five takes another long pull of his vape. Shore’s far, now. Thrussel is anxious for the dig, whatever it’ll look like. Anxious to feel the sea surround him, to wonder when she’ll finally want him back. “You know the story of Beör and Luthien? Elf chick falls in love with human dude, yada yada, dies?”
Comes with the territory. Surely twenty-five isn’t the sort to think it’s true.
“Oh, it’s all fucking true. You read the Beleriand dig papers, man? Magic and elves and ancient aliens and shit. We’re about to have another scientific revolution. Might be more money in it than AI, even.”
Luthien had a talking dog.
“Well, maybe not the goddamn dog, man.”
Ought to commit to the dog, Thrussel thinks.
“Yeah—listen, whatever. You wanna know what I’m about, prof, or is all this a goddamn joke to ya?”
Dying to find out. Forgive him.
“Yeah, well, thought so. Conservation of energy, right? It can’t go nowhere, that fucking immortality juice or whatever the hell she had. Musta packed it into herself somehow, and been buried with it. We find the girl’s bones, we find it all.”
The secret to eternal life.
“Sure. Millions in it! Billions. Hell’re you laughing at, man?”
Just think she’d find it funny, that’s all.
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lolahaurisfw · 5 months
˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ :Emily: Random Headcanons:;
Would be vegan if Pelican Town had the resources for it
Knows how to read palms/tarot decks/birth charts, is a crystal girl, and can see auras
Probably psychic in some way
Only has lucid dreams
Has a dream interpretation book
In modern days, she'd eventually find out about reality shifting online
Proceeds to shift her first try
Law of attraction enthusiast
Heavy into astrology and knows way too much about it
Cleanses the house with incense every week
Salts the windows
Spell bowls
Has brass witchbell's on the front door and her room door
Moon and sun water
Does an egg cleanse on the last Sunday of each season to clear her energy for the beginning of the next one
Candle magic
Favorite music is Folk, Jazz, and Psychedelic Rock
But also obsessed with the band Toto
Maximalist when it comes to interior design
Organized clutter, but make it aesthetic
Everything she decorates with is colorful and homemade (or bought from a small business)
Etsy lover
Commissions Robin to make every single piece of furniture she owns instead of just buying it from a store
Also commissions Leah for paintings, small carvings, and sculptures as often as possible
Buys everything Elliot publishes
All of her clothes are either handmade by herself, or bought from Sandy
If you have sheep, she will buy ALL of your cloth
If she ever moved out of Pelican Town and to the city, she would either start a spiritual shop that hosts group meditation classes, or an animal rescue & rehabilitation place
Climate change activist, hosts and joins protests in big cities
Green Party member
Rarely watches movies that aren't Studio Ghibli
Doesn't drink except for special occasions (like a graduation or bday party)
But does microdose shrooms and smoke a little weed every now and then
Amazing cook
Specializes in turning meat dishes vegetarian friendly
Gets a lot of "exotic" spices and ingredients from Sandy's shop and the Desert Trader
Makes her own oat milk
Has to make vanilla oat milk for Haley
Sandy imports peanuts and almonds so Emily can make her own nut butter
Makes a lemon pig every New Year's
Would feed the pigeons and squirrels in Zuzu city
Heavy pusher of buses and bikes
Is friends with Krobus and Dwarf
Dwarf still steals from her like everyone else, but she's fine with it cause he's silly and adorable
Buys your void eggs/mayo to gift to Krobus
Tries to make Dwarf and Krobus friends but it doesn't really work
Wants to be friends with Rasmodius but he's a major introvert & hermit
Will bother him until he let's her in though
He'll eventually become Emily's teacher and give her that forest spirit potion he gave you
The Junimo's adore her and see her as both a motherly and spiritual figure
Also after drinking the potion, she'd visit the talking bear in the secret woods every weekend, making sure to bring him fresh syrup in exchange for stories of the magical world & his life
Naturally clumsy and accident prone
It stresses Harvey out
Is Shane's only friend, besides you
They get along surprisingly well
Probably because she was so persistent in getting to know him
And she's very accepting and caring
Opposites attract i guess
She bought a blue chicken from him and let's it live free-roam in the house
Haley hates the chicken
It pecks her when Emily isn't around
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mithrunsiphone · 7 hours
Hello Mr man
My name is shroomy shroom
Legally I am the adopted son @realcourtjester and puckpattichils (tumblr won't let me @ for some reason) I'm an acquaintance of @flekisquestionplace
I run a shop over at @shroomysshop where I sell alchemy and magic item related goods and services!
I'm well behaved and very responsible
- @ask-walking-mushroom
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Are you accepting any more adoptions? Or more hands at your alchemy shop?
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imreallyloveleee · 2 years
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At the sound of his name, Jughead shoves his phone into his back pocket, looks up, and freezes. 
The woman standing in the doorway — with a bouncy blonde ponytail, collared sweater, and the greenest eyes he’s ever seen — is not what he’d envisioned when he scheduled a consultation with a tattoo cover-up specialist. 
“Jughead Jones?” she repeats, sounding slightly unsure this time. 
“Yeah, no, that’s me.” He clears his throat as he rises to his feet, and she smiles.
“Nice to meet you. I’m Betty.” With a wave of her hand, she leads him into a small room at the back of the shop, gesturing towards the black tattoo chair in the corner for him to take a seat. “And you’re looking to cover up a back tattoo, is that right?”
“That’s right.”
“Great.” Betty blinks at him for a moment, then asks, “So can I see it?”
“Right. Yeah, of course.” With a slight shake of his head, Jughead pulls his t-shirt over his head, taking care to ensure his gray beanie doesn’t come off with it. 
He twists around so she can see the tattoo in question, a name spelled out in black script across his left shoulder: Jessica.
“Okay,” Betty says after a brief pause. “So this is either going to be fairly easy or really hard, depending on what you want.”
Jughead cranes his head over his shoulder to see her, and immediately regrets it. From a distance, she was distractingly pretty; up close, she’s dazzling. 
Turning back towards the wall, he says, “Easy, please.”
“Oh — so you don’t have a design in mind?”
He glances at her again. “Not really. Was I supposed to?” 
“Well, usually, but — we can work together on something. That actually might make it easier. Some people come in with, like, a big black Celtic knot on their chest and think I can magically turn it into a field of yellow daisies.” 
Betty smiles again, and Jughead feels his insides turn to goo. 
He’s here to erase the final vestiges of his latest romantic entanglement — not knot himself up in a new one. Especially not with the woman doing the erasing, for that matter. 
“Of course, you could also go the laser removal route, if there’s nothing you’re excited to replace it with,” she continues, oblivious to the fact that she’s utterly charming him with nothing more than what is probably her standard spiel for new clients. “But since it’s black, you’re probably looking at at least ten to twelve sessions, and there still might be kind of a smudge left there at the end.”
Jughead had in fact looked into laser removal, and come to the similar conclusion that driving over an hour back and forth to the dermatology clinic in Greendale a dozen times was an exorbitantly long amount of time to spend undoing a decision that he’d made in roughly ten seconds. Besides, spending more time around Betty hardly seems like a chore.
“I’m sure we’ll come up with something I’m excited about.” 
Betty leaves the room, returning with an armful of books and binders filled with design ideas. “See if anything in these inspires you, and I’ll tell you if it’s doable,” she explains.
To his surprise, rather than leaving Jughead alone to peruse the artwork, she settles back into the chair opposite him and begins to flip idly through one of the books herself. “Feel free to tell me if I’m being too nosy,” she says lightly, “but sometimes it’s helpful with creating a new design if I know the story behind the old one.” 
Jughead cringes — he’d figured this was coming. “There’s not much of a story,” he admits. “My now-ex-girlfriend and I did shrooms on a weekend trip to the city and she somehow convinced me to get her name tattooed across my back while I was tripping balls.”
Betty clucks her tongue in disapproval. “A decent artist wouldn’t tattoo a guy who shows up tripping balls.”
“A decent artist wouldn’t get the phone number of the girlfriend whose name a guy was getting tattooed across his back,” he replies. “And a decent girlfriend wouldn’t text him for a booty call literally the next day. But that’s why she’s an ex-girlfriend, not a decent girlfriend.”
Betty snorts, immediately followed by a soft gasp as she claps her hand across her mouth. “I’m sorry. That’s not funny.”
Jughead grins as he flips to the next page in his book. “No, it is. And it was months ago, I’m over it. You’re welcome to viciously mock me for my poor decision-making skills. Everyone else in my life already has.” Chief among them being his sister, JB, but even his best friend Archie — who himself harbored a laundry list of embarrassing romantic mishaps — had got in a few good digs. 
“I have one rule: I don’t make fun of my clients,” Betty insists, though the slant of her mouth suggests otherwise. “But maybe it’ll make you feel better to know that you’re not alone.” 
“Honestly, it makes me feel like a cliche.” 
“Well, everyone deserves a second chance.” 
Something about the way she says it draws his gaze back to her face, but her own eyes are trained down on the pages in her lap. Jughead feels a sudden, desperate urge to know more about her. 
“Feel free to tell me if I’m being too nosy,” he begins slowly. “But most tattoo artists I’ve met are pretty much covered in tattoos themselves.” 
A faint pink flush rises on Betty’s cheeks as she meets his questioning gaze. “How do you know I’m not?”
It’s a fair point. The only bare skin she has on display is that of her hands, her neck, and her face. 
But the mere suggestion of more — the thought of peeling away her clothes to find the warm, smooth, inked up skin beneath — is too much for him to handle right now.
With a sly twist to her lips, Betty holds one arm out towards him, pushing back the sleeve of her sweater to reveal the underside of her wrist. What looks like the curled end of a dragon’s tail peeks out from the edge. 
“My parents strongly disapprove, so I don’t get inked anywhere that I can’t cover up with my clothes. It’s silly, but makes visits home a lot easier to bear.” She shrugs. “And it’s cold out today.” 
Jughead swallows. “That’s a shame. Just that little bit of it looks pretty cool.”
“Maybe I’ll let you see the whole thing when you come back for your next appointment.” 
Betty holds his gaze for a beat. Then — to his horror — she bursts into laughter.
She presses her palms to her cheeks, which have grown bright red. “I’m so sorry. I’m not normally this…I didn’t mean for that to sound like…god, you must think I’m so unprofessional.”
“No, no. It’s okay.” Jughead laughs, too, certain his own red-hot face matches hers. “I — well, I’d like that.” He closes the book in his lap, leaning slightly forward. “Maybe we could keep working on a design over drinks tonight?”
Betty presses her lips together, her nose scrunching up adorably. “I actually have two rules. I also don’t date my clients.” 
Jughead shoots her a crooked smile. “Then I guess I’ll have to go with the laser removal, after all.” 
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mushroom-chocolate · 7 months
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Mushroom Chocolate - Polkadot Shroom Bars For Sale
Dive into a realm of extraordinary taste at our digital haven: https://mushroomchocolate.co/.
Discover the alchemy of flavors in our Mushroom Chocolate collection. Satisfy cravings with a touch of magic! 🍄🍫✨ 𝗚𝗲𝘁 𝟮𝟱% 𝗢𝗳𝗳 𝗢𝗻 𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗙𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁 𝗣𝘂𝗿𝗰𝗵𝗮𝘀𝗲! Joe's Chocolate Bars 🍃
Shop Now: Mushroom Chocolate
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the-broken-truth · 1 year
Kagari Cat - Yandere Diana Cavendish x Akko Kagari [Part 1]
Summary: When Diana Cavendish wants something, she makes it happen. And what she wants now...is for Atsuko Kagari to be her obedient little kitten.
[Luna Nova Magical Academy - Team Blue's Dorm]
Hannah and Barbara looked confused at Diana when she walked into the room with a brown bag in her arms - she normally doesn't go shopping alone. Diana placed the bag on her table and started placing the contents on the table: A Cat Wand with a feather attached at the end, a small bottle of catnip, 3 different colored bell balls, a small cat brush, a cotton chew toy for the cat nip to go inside, and a bright blue collar with a golden bell and a nametag attached to it. Hannah and Barbara looked at each other confused before watching Diana, who lifted the collar in her hand and smiled at it with a blush on her face.
"Um, what's with all the cat stuff, Diana? Are you getting a cat?" Hannah asked as she watched her best friend and leader get her wand out of her sash with a toothy smile before looking at the girls,.
"Yes. Come with me, girls. It's time for me to get my little kitten." Diana said as she walked out of the room with her wand out and her collar in her hands - Hannah and Barbara were even more confused. What was Diana going to do with her wand? The two girls follow Diana as she walked down the hall to the Red Team's Dorm and knocked on the door. The door opened and Lotte revealed herself with a nervous smile.
"Hello, Diana. Is there something I can help you with?" The Orange haired girl asked but the leader of the Blue Team just smiled at her before pushing her out of the way and walking into the room. Sucy was tending to her shrooms while Akko was sitting on the bed with a book in her hand. Diana walked over to Akko with a smirk before lifting her wand at the Japanese girl, causing her to drop her book and hold her hands up in a surrender motion.
"Whoa! Diana! What are you doing?!" Akko asked in a panicked voice as Diana's magic shined with magic before Diana spoke the incantation.
"Metamorphie Fociesse!" The magic shot out of the wand and hit Akko in the center of her chest, engulfing her in a cloud of smoke Soon enough, the smoke cleared and in Akko's place was a red-furred ca with some of its fur in a ponytail on the back of its head and blood red eyes.
Diana turned Akko into a CAT!
"Diana, what did you do that?!" Lotte asked as Diana walked over to the cat and attached the collar around Akko's neck before picking her up and walking out of the room with a smile on her face.
"Time to come home with me, kitten. I'm going to be the perfect master to you." Diana said to the struggling cat in her grasp. She finally had her little kitten and she wasn't going to let her go.
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aceofhearts-189 · 1 year
Hello everyone!
My first tumbler post :3 I’m gonna be explaining what I’m going to use this for.
Tumblr seems to be the one place (aside from a few tiktok users and possibly Pinterest) where I can find other people who live for love Paper Mario The Origami King to the extent that I do.
Thus, I will be using this account (and whole social media platform) to interact with and post PMTOK content, including multiple AU ideas I’ve come up with.
I already have an AU that I post about, the Humanity AU, which you can find on my tiktok (@lookingforalex189), but on Tumblr, I’ll be focusing mainly on my Fallen Folds AU, with occasional posts about minor AUs.
The rest of this post will be explaining this AU, so if you don’t wanna read that, click off now and have a good rest of your week! :3
Instead of the events of the canon game taking place, it’s a new set of events, this time centered around the Legion of Stationery (like my goddamn mind is).
After folding Olly and Olivia, the Origami Craftsman got his hands on some magic powder from a sketchy shop, which he was told was just glitter.
The ‘glitter’ spilled onto his stationery, and bada bing bada boom, the Legion of Stationery was born!
At first, everything was normal, the LOS became normal citizens in the Mushroom Kingdom, and everything was ok for a few months.
But then, the LOS went a little… crazy. They didn’t quite understand how the real world worked, so they did things how they wanted to, without seeing any repercussions.
(Jean Pierre) Colored Pencils (The 12th) started blowing up anything he wanted, Rubber Band was kidnapping people, Hole Punch would steal peoples faces and force them to dance with him, Tape caused havoc anywhere he could, Scissors went on a murdering spree, and Stapler tried to keep his friends sane because he’s a good doggo and wanted to keep his friends from being bad :3
Olly was at first trying to reason with his legion, but after Stapler was accidentally harm in one of CP’s explosions, any chance of peace vanished.
Teamed up with Mario and Olivia, Olly used the magic powder that started it all and locked the LOS away I’m different areas, putting a curse on each one so anyone who entered could never leave, to prevent the LOS from escaping.
Olly was able to control the curse, so just in case anyone stumbled into the areas by accident and needed rescuing, he could go in, get them, and open the curse just long enough to get out without risking escape from the LOS member in that area.
Colored Pencils was stuck in the lookout tower, Rubber Band was trapped in Shogun Studios, Hole Punch was sealed away in the Temple of Shrooms, Tape was stranded on the Sea Tower, Scissors was locked away in Bowser’s dungeon, and Stapler stayed free because he did nothing wrong :3
(Notice how it’s all the streamer locations?? And I wanted to make Rubber’s the whole park instead of just the theater for story reasons.)
The Legion, however, had no clue what they were doing was wrong and was confused as to why their friend had suddenly betrayed them like this. They thought they were just having harmless fun…
And so, a few years passed, and all was well in the Mushroom Kingdom… until it wasn’t. 😉
Reports of people going missing spread through the Mushroom Kingdom. Worried, Olly checks each of the LOS’s prisons to make sure none of them had escaped…
Uh oh.
The curse on Shogun Studios had been broken.
Rubber Band was loose in the kingdom, searching for their fellow legion members to free them and continue their fun.
Olly teams up with Maurica, a talented adolescent demi-girl with a knack for technology and astronomy, who is on the search for her missing boyfriend Michael Jon Luke, or MJ as she calls him.
Will Olly and Maurica stop the Legion of Stationery’s reuprising?
Or will the legion be free to roam again, and possibly plunge the Mushroom Kingdom into insanity?
Only time, and this tumblr acc, will tell.
Anyways, I’m gonna post the designs and maybe some comics, and if you guys ask for it, more details about the story.
🩵 🧡 Ace of Hearts, signing off. 🧡 🩵
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shroomsshroom · 8 months
Savor the Magic: Explore Shroom Edibles at Shrooms911
Immerse yourself in a delightful fusion of flavor and enchantment with our premium Shroom Edibles collection, exclusively available at Shrooms911. Crafted for those who appreciate the subtleties of psychedelic experiences, our Shroom Edibles promise a delectable journey into the mystical realms. Trust in Shrooms911 for top-tier quality and a seamless shopping experience. Elevate your indulgence – order Shroom Edibles now and savor the magic of each bite, only at Shrooms911.
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weebird20art · 2 years
Thought I'd join in Art vs Artist this year and also do a little intro for any new followers.
I'm Laura, the artist behind weebird20art, and I love to illustrate the weird and wonderful! I also like to dabble in handmade book binding and creature sculpts!
This last year has been a whirlwind of new things for me as I've illustrated a children's picture book titled 'Miss Perilla Magilla and Her Marvellous Desk', about a steampunk inventor and her crazy creations.
I really love to create intricate ink drawings, and this year I learned they're called wimmelbilds, a german term meaning 'teeming picture'. My first wimmelbild, Castle Teapot got accepted to be displayed in a gallery! It's still there on display in the Ulster Museum until Jan 23rd 2023.
I took part in Game of Shrooms in June and hid my very first Rootle sculpts around the grounds of Belfast Castle (though back then they were called Root Dudes) for people to search for and find to take home and enjoy. I met some lovely people as they joined in the fun and hope to take part in June 2023!
I've started up an Etsy store selling my wimmelbild illustrations, custom portraits and leather books and have these things as well as my little Rootle sculpts in a local shop that sells handmade goods.
I hope you all stay with me going into 2023 and thank you so much for all your support by liking and sharing my posts as well as purchasing my art....it allows me to spend more time doing what I love and creating magical things!
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hope-in-my-bones · 1 year
Fucking love shrooms dude
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