#magi friending meme
lord-shitbox · 2 years
Magi Friending Meme! (original post)
how it works:
fill out the prompts
paste everything in a new post
tag this new post as “Magi friending meme”
stalk the tag to find and befriend other Magi fans!
Your Name: Jelly!
Favourite Characters: HAKUREN & judar i guess....maybe hakuryuu....whatever (jk i love them)..KOUGYOKU AND MASRUR AND MUU AND
OTPs: juhaku. hakuren x happiness. sphintitus and sharryamu also up there.
Manga, Anime or both? both. manga are almost always better but i like the anime ost (thank you shiro sagisu)
Any fandom contributions? @shitbox-drawn is my art account !! also fic am jellyfish_brains on AO3. send me art ideas or smn i may doodle. sometimes i am on magi-labyrinthofmagic wiki to add hakuren details (SO HAKURYUU'S OUTFIT CHANGE IN KOU CIVIL WAR ARC RIGHT—) (i am forcibly dragged off the stage kicking and screaming about hakuren's outfits)
Anything more to add? SEND ME UR ART OR FANWORKS I WILL SAY NICE THINGS TO YOU I PROMISE. I PROMISE. I AM AN ART TECHNIQUES NERD AND I ALSO KNOW A LIL ABOUT WRITING AND I WILL SAY NICE THINGS 2 U HIIIIIII. OH ALSO JUHAKU ANTHOLGY IM THERE friending meme DO’s + DON'Ts: 1) DO tag your post with “#Magi friending meme”. This way we can find each other! 2) Don’t tag it with the normal Magi tags so they won’t get swamped by this party! 3) DON’T REBLOG this post. Make a new post with your details, or it won’t show up in any tags! 4) Adding these guidelines and/or a link to the original post would be swell.
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discolesbo · 2 years
Magi Friending Meme
Original Post Here
fill out the prompts
paste everything in a new post
tag this new post as “Magi friending meme”
stalk the tag to find and befriend other Magi fans!
Your Name: jeumiumau
Favourite Characters: Judar. (Also Hakuryuu.) I like most.
OTPs: Juhaku, do I even need to say it. I’m not really a shipper but I’m really into them. They’re my only ship of anything.
Manga, Anime or both? Manga. I’m actually not very fond of the anime.
Any fandom contributions? Uhh. Fanart, fanfics, fanvids, websites and blogs, fan events, scans, translations, roleplay, cosplay, fanchats, more I probably forgot something. And if things go as planned, there will be more in the future.
Anything more to add? Not really I’m just really into Magi. Let’s be buddies if anyone so wishes.
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devilrosola · 2 years
Magi Friending Meme
Original Post Here
fill out the prompts
paste everything in a new post
tag this new post as “Magi friending meme”
stalk the tag to find and befriend other Magi fans!
Your Name: Refi-chan
Favourite Characters: Ja'far, Koumei, Muu, Kouen, Sinbad, Ugo, Spartos, Armakan, Hakuyuu & Hakuren, Hinahoho, Rurumu, Vittel, Yunan, Drakon, Saher, Pipirika, and Irene
OTPs: ENJA! Me x my Bishi Harem but I also ship Drakon/Saher, Rurumu/Hinahoho, Spartos/Kougyoku, Spartos/Koumei, Kouen/Yam, Yunan/Yam, Ugo/Yam (just giving her the braniacs yk?), Ja'far/Yam, Ja'far/Alibaba, Ja'far/Koumei, Sharrkan/Ja'far (thanks to a cute little fic), Muu/Kouen, Kouha/Pisti, Sinbad/Seren/Kouen (heehee) Mahad/Parsine, Serendine/Muu, Vittel/Irene (a couple of accidental ones I discovered while writing an au) and tons others
Manga, Anime or both? BOTH! I started with the Adventures of Sinbad anime on Netflix. Later found out it was a prequel to the Magi series so watched that. When there was no hints at more anime in the works I went to the manga (it was about Slave Arc in SnB and I think Civil War arc as far as fan translations in English were at that time) and followed with it to the end. Still, it was a couple of years after it finished before I joined the fandom when I had time to write again.
Any fandom contributions? More than 1% of the Magi fics on AO3, even though I've only been posting for just over 3 years. Hosted Enja Week. Occasional bad drawings, fan theories, and keychain photography. Roleplaying, mostly as Kouen. Got a few cosplays, but not much reason to use them yet 😿
Anything more to add? Everything relates back to Magi. I used to voice act so I’m particularly fond of comparing the English VAs with other animes for crossover or AU ideas.
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daydreamerwonderkid · 25 days
If someone ever asks me what the plot of Madoka Magica is, I'm gonna send this to them and refuse to elaborate >:3c
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snaatheduck · 2 years
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They are literally the same character
They did nothing wrong
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orionscelt · 1 year
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Finally put together a character sheet and some details for Tristan - bunch of info under the cut.
Date of birth: 7th of January Nationality: British (English/Scottish) Blood status: Pureblood Height: 6’0 House: Ravenclaw Wand: Hawthorn , dragon heartstring core , 12 ½”,slightly springy.
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Boggart: Public ridicule. Patronus: Sparrowhawk Polyjuice: Metallic blue , lake water and Iron. Amortentia: Pear , green tea, rain.
Best subject: Study of Ancient Runes Favourite subjects: Charms, Potions Favourite teacher: Professor Sharp (ex colleague of his father, he really enjoys talking to sharp out of class about his and his fathers adventures at work - what he was allowed to hear at least ). Worst subjects: Divination ( he has 300 better things to do than stare into a ball for an hour). Transfiguration ( his mind wanders constantly and more often than not the results are a tad disastrous). Least favourite subject: Divination Least favourite teacher: Professor Binns , self explanatory. Quidditch: Keeper - mostly plays casually , usually he's too busy to play official matches so acts as a reserve. 
Best friends: Sebastian Sallow,  Ominis Gaunt , Amit Thakkar , Samantha Dale
Clothing style: Muted blue , green and brown. Practical and warm - scuffed muddy boots, a navy blue pea coat with a bronze trim, his house scarf. Yule Ball: 1890s formal dinner jacket with a white waistcoat and periwinkle ascot tie.
In no particular order~ Traits: Dependable, Humble, Curious, Analytical, Too trusting, a lil Socially Awkward, will misinterpret things if people aren’t straight forward with him. Likes: Researching sites of ancient magic, swimming, keeping pet beetles on the windowsill next to his bed, cricket, quidditch (keeper) , horses, cider, Edinburgh rock (sweets), morning tea with his Ravenclaw roommates,  buying his friends gifts. Dislikes: too much noise, people staring, his friends being passive aggressive or indirect... dugbogs.
Favourite Beasts: Unicorns and Nifflers
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Residence: Coombe , Oxfordshire.
Father: Gowan Sterling  Mother: Laith Sterling (maiden name Knox) Paternal grandparents: Graeme Sterling - Agnes Sterling
Both parents are aurors (as well as his ex-auror grandmother) - His mother; a particularly stubborn and headstrong witch continued her job after Tristan was old enough to be without her; his grandparents have looked after him for most of his life. Much to his parents dismay; after still not showing any evidence of any magical ability in his early teens he was assumed a squib, so was sent to an academy in Oxford in hopes of a successful career in the muggle world. He receives his letter on a trip with his classmates to London. Fig happens to be an old classmate of his grandfathers.
His grandparents run their farm where they mostly grow wheat , trees and a small range of magical plants tended to by his grandmother. He’s particularly close to his grandfather.
Future Occupation: Ministry of Magic Independent researcher/ magi-archaeologist
✨bonus dumb meme i can't get out of my drafts✨
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holograham-crackers · 2 years
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I made magi memes for a friend of mine's/my own enjoyment
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best-underrated-anime · 11 months
Best Underrated Anime Group J Round 1: #J4 vs #J5
#J4: Kids conquering dungeons to change the world
A Magi is a magician whose inclination toward magic is so immense that they can be said to shape the world. With their significant influence, each Magi chooses a worthy candidate to become a king, then helps them conquer strange labyrinths called "Dungeons" and acquire the power of mythical djinns within. Above all else, the Magi supervises their elected representative as they build a country that might one day bring the world to its knees.
Aladdin is a young Magi wandering the world in search of his true self. However, his journey is not a lonely one, as he is accompanied by his friend and mentor Ugo—a djinn he summons using his flute. On his travels, Aladdin also befriends Alibaba Saluja and guides him to a nearby Dungeon. With this newfound friendship, they begin an epic adventure across the world, witnessing various irregularities that seem more frequent than ever.
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#J5: Girls live in a school, but not by choice
Carefree high school senior Yuki Takeya looks forward to the School Living Club every day. Consisting of the president Yuuri Wakasa, the athletic Kurumi Ebisuzawa, the mature Miki Naoki, the supervising teacher Megumi Sakura, and club dog Taroumaru, the club prides itself on making the most of life at school. There is only one rule the club members have to follow: all members must live their entire lives within school grounds.
[Admin: I didn’t notice it while screening the submissions, but the submitter’s original trailer and tagline contained MAJOR spoilers for episode 1. Luckily, I’ve watched this show before, so I can edit it safely.]
Titles, propagandas, trailers, and poll under the cut!
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#J4: Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
Propaganda 1:
Imagine characters from Arabian Nights/1001 Nights coming to life in an anime. Even though it is loosely inspired off of the tales, it is a unique time and place from most anime settings. It has action, humor, and deep concepts. One of my favorite parts about Magi is how well-developed the background characters are.
Propaganda 2:
This anime has a lot of philosophical takes on what fate is. Basically, is everything that happened to you caused by a force you can’t control or is it what you make of it? Is there something or rather someone pulling the strings on what should or shouldn’t be? Is the person you are because you were lucky or unlucky to be born in the wealthy family or not? Why are things the way they are? Why was I dealt with a shitty hand in life? Is it because I’ll never amount to anything, or is something doing this to me? Why are we here just to suffer kind of deal, but you know not the meme version, the really sad and real version. Then you have the side of the people who may have not had the best life, but found a way out of it. Why do some people get to feel the light when you went through the same thing, but still lost and in the dark?
Trigger Warnings: Partial nudity and slavery. One of the mains is a slave in the beginning, but the other two mains help free her from that.
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#J5: School-Live! (Gakkougurashi!)
[Admin: The official trailer spoils ep1, so here, have the opening instead.]
If you like Madoka Magica, you’ll 100% like this series. It’s hard to explain without spoilers, but it has a huge plot twist in the first episode. The anime is a short one with only 12 episodes, but it has an amazing manga as well! It mixes a cute slice of life high school anime with a darker plot, and it’s handled so well. It doesn’t seem like it’s just dark for the sake of being edgy like some other similar series. It covers topics like mental health and grief well, and it has as happy of an ending as possible for a series like this. The plot twists were executed so well, and I was sobbing by the end of the series.
Trigger Warnings: Animal Cruelty or Death, Graphic Depictions of Cruelty/Violence/Gore, Derealization.
[Admin: I had to remove the submitter’s explanations for the TWs because it will spoil the show greatly. You're on your own now. Proceed at your own risk.]
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If you’re reblogging and adding your own propaganda, please tag me @best-underrated-anime so that I’ll be sure to see it.
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stardusttshowers · 3 days
i saw my friend @cosmosogler doing this poll meme that’s going around right now; and i wanted to try it too!!
Make a poll of your favorite female characters (no limits – as many or as little as you want) and see which your followers like the most
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cindernet-explorer · 8 months
It's finally time for an OC pinned post!
Under the cut though because good gods this got long. Will be added onto eventually with more stuff as I see fit.
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U'nia Redfeather
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Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Lesbian/Demi
Bloodline: Duskwight/Xaela
Jobs: Mystic Knight (PLD with more magic w/ sword imbueing), MNK, AST/WHM Hybrid, DRK, FSH, CUL
Height: 7'8"
Short Bio: Selectively mute and willing to sit on the sidelines in a conversation, U'nia seems to most as the stoic silent type. To those that know her, however, she's a beacon of love and care, willing to shine her light on any that will accept. It takes a lot to get her to open up, but when she does you'll never find a more stalwart friend.
Tags: Screenshots || Lore || Aesthetic || Memes
Ship tags: Girls in Red [U'nia/Alisaie/Lyse] || Dreaming in Blue [U'nia/Ysayle] || Void and Ash [U'nia/Flidais] || One Steppe at a Time [U'nia/Cirina] || In Menphina's Arms [U'nia x Zhloe]
A'vyra Mitu
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Pronouns: He/She/They (in that order)
Sexuality: Gay
Bloodline: Seeker Miqo'te
Height: 4'11"
Short Bio: Explosive. A word with many meanings, and all of which apply to A'vyra. She bursts with energy, both on and off the battlefield, and his voice matches in volume. He's often first to act and last to leave, willing to give himself up to buy time for his friends. To know A'vyra is to know unrelenting support, and unwavering devotion.
Tags: Screenshots || Lore || Aesthetic || Memes
Ship tag: The Soldier and the Poet [A'vyra/Alphinaud]
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Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Aro/Ace
Bloodline: Rava Viera
Height: 6'
Short Bio: Prickly and standoffish to those that don't know her, and often to those that do, Oketra seems to most as just another asshole in the world. Yet to those she's close to, that deign to look beyond that, see a woman who cares fervently for any and everyone she may come across. She just doesn't always show it how you'd expect.
Tags: Screenshots || Lore || Aesthetic || Memes
Ship tags: [I haven't come up with them yet. But they're Oketra/Cymet and Oketra/Krile]
Misc ship tags: Synastry [Ancients] || Weaponized Waltz [Allagans] || Beneath the Waterfall [War of the Magi]
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felassan · 1 year
its that time again! 🍵 
Thoughts/wonderings on Dragon Age: The Missing #4, under a cut due to spoilers for The Missing -
I'm probably becoming a lil unhealthily obsessed with this building. what do we think it is? the Archon's Palace is the highest building in Minrathous (tho I guess not, as it has sewers and this is floating). A Circle? it has a similar shape to the logo for the Circle of Magi. the meeting place for the Magisterium senate, lording over everyone below from high above? whatever it is it looks cool and it must be important to be featured on the map. I wanna go there (๑*ᗜ*)
I love Neve Gallus' design. it's fresh and cool, and she just looks so cute and neat okay. also full of detail - the snake pattern on the headpiece, shoulder 'scales' and scales elsewhere, collar & jacket like one of those hooded snakes, snake-'tailcapped' footwear (rather than steel toe-capped), the serpent belt and of course most of all the beautiful snake design of her prosthetic limb. 10/10 character/costume design
this page had me on my knees basically. my heart.
surely this panel is a new meme format hh? same goes for the one where Varric is saying "Then perhaps all this is linked" and Harding says "And we've led them here"
you walked into the wrong neighborhood bro
I also liked this pair of illustrations, they had a nice 'bookend' feel and reminded me a lot of Lord of the Rings.
Other thoughts:
Minrathous looks kinda cyberpunk and (despite what Harding says in the opening panels) feels quite clean in this comic
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Is that the person tailing them lurking in the doorway that Harding is catching sight of here?
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These holes in Varric's ear seem to be new. What happened? Injury from the leopard attack?
confused a bit by the perspective flip in this issue. In issue 1, Varric was more like 'stop', and Harding was more like 'talk to him'. it's flipped around a bit here.
Varric smiled when he thought about Neve and then lit up when he saw her. she calls him an "old friend". I wonder how they met and how long they've known each other. something to do with varric's spy network?
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This panel felt a bit meta hh.
When Neve says "Your friend is quite intense" is she referring to Solas or Harding?
Then we come to the two main things we learn in this issue:
We learn that Solas has been in Minrathous causing trouble. He's been attacking Venatori locations in the city, stealing artifacts from them and freeing elven slaves in the process, which has greatly angered the Venatori. The Venatori now want revenge and a "bunch of rebellious elves" are "causing trouble throughout the city, presumably in the name of the one who freed them". I wonder if the artifacts weaken the Veil, are connected to the idol somehow, or are simply sources of great power that Solas either needs for himself/his plans or that he simply thinks should be taken away from the Venatori so that they don't cause harm using them? Tevinter Nights showed agents of Fen'Harel seeking artifacts and referenced rumors of elven artifacts that strengthen the Veil, like the ones from DA:I. freeing folks also makes sense, "I am not a monster" and it's something he has a history of doing
In this issue we also learn that Neve works with a group called the Shadow Dragons, who have been trying to help the former slaves. indeed they're trying to help anyone who is held as slaves in Minrathous. this is our first time hearing about this new group. they make it their business to help those in need and Neve makes it her business to help them. I'm a bit ¿ about their name, just due to how it sounds, but it's exciting to learn about a new group/faction. Each issue of this DA:D prequel comic has shone a spotlight on a faction - Grey Wardens, Antivan Crows, the Veil Jumpers and the Shadow Dragons. two new, two old. it's a nice balance. and it brings to mind the common fan theory/speculation about the PC of DA:D having a different faction background depending on the player's choice. at the very least it feels like a way of saying 'these four groups [or characters from them] will feature in a significant way/be 'players on the board' in DA:D".
thinking about the Shadow Dragons' name in an in-world context, like thinking about why they may have chosen their name: dragons are emblematic of Tevinter. dragon imagery is everywhere there, dragons are a symbol of power and Tevinter heraldry shows a dragon. the Tevinter Imperium is a 'dragon', or several (metaphorically) - Magisters, ruling over the classes below. the "shadow dragons" feel like "the other side" of Tevinter, the side in shadow, the underside, the 'anti-Tevinter'. I'd guess that they are the "Tevinter you forgot", i.e. the Viper's faction. (and if you look at Tevinter heraldry, there is also a snake 'in opposition' to the dragon.) before Missing #4 I wondered if “the Tevinter you forgot” "means they are a group of folks who have fallen through the cracks in Tevinter society or who are the downtrodden in Tevinter society. is it some sort of uprising or anti-Magisterium movement?" - here we learn they're trying to help people Tevinter 'forgot' like slaves and former slaves. I also commented "from the story it sounds like the dark-clad card dealer is the Viper. the magister in the story is afraid of him and tries to claim that the Viper is just a tale, implying that the Viper’s name has become known as a sort of shadowy, stealthy urban legend in Minrathous and that it has a sort of bogeyman effect on magisters." Shadow indeed. Neve later comments that the Shadow Dragons are trying to "help anyone held as slaves in Minrathous". I think it was in the Dorian short story in Tevinter Nights that there's a reference to how there's now an anti-slavery movement in Tevinter. Is that the Shadow Dragons? you can see possible echoes of "the Tevinter you forgot" in later comic dialogue "The Shadow Dragons have vowed to help us restore our dignity. To get back the lives that were stolen from us by the Venatori. To make sure we don't have to scrabble in the dirt for food and warm", imo.
I wonder if Dorian, Mae and the Lucerni know anything about the Shadow Dragons? maybe they've done some work together?
and while the Viper/Viper's faction/the Shadow Dragons themselves didn't appear in issue 4, issue 4 still highlighted them, continuing the pattern I speculated about, of the DA Day short stories (Evka/Antoine/Wardens, Teia/Viago/Crows, Strife/Irelin/Veil Jumpers and Viper's faction/Shadow Dragons), one from each of those short stories per issue.
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Varric is still having a bad time. also he was born in 9:1, and so if DA:D is set in 9:52, he's now over 50. from these comics, he's feeling old and tired. I don't expect that he'll be a companion in DA:D. more like an advisor (off-field), a contact or quest-giver, or the person that recruits us.
"But why? What did he get out of it? Surely, he wanted something in return" was an interesting line. because like on one hand "I am not a monster", he has a history of freeing people who were enslaved and he's shown as valuing freedom and not enjoying needless suffering. setting people free definitely is the only decent thing. but he's also smart and does things with purpose, always playing 4-D chess, and has been outwitting Varric and Harding at every turn throughout these comic issues, always one step ahead. it seems like a 'it's both' situation. like two birds, one stone. he would free people and it's the right thing to do, and he also gains from it strategically. Varric lampshades this in the final page: and it's three stones, actually. Solas freed people, dealt with the Venatori on his tail and slowed Varric/Harding down long enough to escape all in one move.
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Also, at first I wondered if the brown-haired elf was sort've projecting his own perceptions on Solas (with the "his kin" lines). but look here. the leader of these Venatori has a pouch round their neck. the others don't, it's prominently placed and it's consistent on this Venatori in every panel they're in here. and where have we seen that before? around the neck of the Venatori stalker that saved Varric from the leopard in Issue 3. I think we're supposed to conclude that the ringleader of the Venatori that attack the elves in this issue is the Venatori person that's been tailing Varric and Harding all throughout these comic issues. the Venatori ringleader seems to recognize Varric in a later panel, with the "You!". They fight and Varric starts demanding answers from the Venatori leader. but then, just as he's about to get answers, the brown-haired elf intervenes and kills them at that very moment. they won't hurt their people anymore, and conveniently also (more than one purpose to things again..), now Varric and Harding won't get any answers. and also this:
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another - not two, but - three stones. when the brown-haired elf kills the Venatori ringleader, A) preventing them from further harming his people and B) preventing them from giving any answers to Varric and Harding, C) the killing blow also cuts that pouch from their neck. a very specific thing to depict. presumably in the chaos of the Venatori leader's death (you can't see the elf's hands in the very next panel) the brown-haired elf has grabbed the pouch, and part of his goal all along was to take it. I think we're supposed to conclude that the pouch contained the crucious stone and that the brown-haired elf works for Solas. so the "You're too late, I already have the crucious stone" letter from issue 3 was a Solas fakeout, the Venatori at that point in time did in fact have the stone (having beaten Solas to the vault, and as-shown by the Venatori who saved Varric from the leopard having the pouch around their neck), and the events of issue 4 were part of Solas' plan to steal it/steal it back from them (and going by Neve's earlier dialogue, it's not the first artifact he's stolen from them). so two things here: one, Solas' 'three stones' are actually-actually four (free the slaves, deal with the Venatori on his tail, delay Varric/Harding long enough to escape, and steal the crucious stone artifact from the Venatori [my head hurts]). and two, the brown-haired elf was working for Solas after all. he'll give the pouch (and the contents, the stone) to Solas, "he set us, his kin, free" wasn't projection considering that he does work for him, and him being there in the alleyway when he was, with the information that he had, was part of Solas' plan to escape and get the stone. otherwise, it's pretty convenient that one of the former slaves at the place Neve's aware of where former slaves have been eating scraps, at the time when she takes Varric/Harding there, just happened to have helpful info about the meeting that Varric/Harding needed and also happened to kill the Venatori leader and in the process cut the pouch from their neck. idk if it means all the elves here were working for Solas or just the brownhaired one or the brownhaired one & the blond one, but yea. definitely the brownhaired elf is I think.
Neve fighting was cool: staff-less magic and then as a mage using a dagger or shortsword.
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party combo-kill! ice spell + finishing blow - a comic depiction of Shattering :)
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Brown-haired elf missing his elven ear here.
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A cool panel. Also, you can't see his other hand..
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just really liked these two panels :) also, they missed their chance, they missed this chance, in this, a comic called The Missing... is that why it's called that?
[clenches fist] vowing to protect Neve and her good heart at all costs
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and he stole the crucious stone artifact from the Venatori.
I am not sure that I agree with the premise of this article that BioWare retweeted, that The Missing is required reading before DA:D. I enjoyed issues 2 & 3 a lot! I was hoping for a bit more from the end of issue 4, perhaps a small Solas appearance like at the end of Dark Fortress or just a bit more insight into his plans or things in/the setup for DA:D. finishing on the Dread Wolf mural from the DA:D TGA 2020 trailer as a reminder was neat but the highlight reveal from these comics as a whole was definitely the new mural depicted in issue 3.
"He knows us too well, we need to find/use people he doesn't know" is the same conclusion that was reached at the end of Trespasser (and Harding was present for that conversation). I guess the meta irl reasons for The Missing are: A] since it'll be almost 10 years irl between games, to refresh folks about that conclusion and the fact that it will be a new PC and why it has to be 'someone he doesn't know', since most new players to the franchise at DA:D aren't going to buy years old DA:I and DLC and play til it the end of Trespasser B] fill some irl time C] do some marketing/advertizing and D] highlight these four groups/factions and introduce the two new ones (Veil Jumpers and Shadow Dragons) in advance of DA:D, and possibly highlight these specific characters (Strife, Teia, Evka etc) the same way (though I speculate those characters are more like DA:D 'contact' cameos rather than that they will be companions themselves). Certainly if I was Varric at the moment when Harding asks "So who are you thinking?" at the end here, after the events I had experienced and people & groups I had met in recent weeks, with those being fresh in my mind, I would be thinking about the Grey Wardens, the Antivan Crows, the Veil Jumpers and the Shadow Dragons, both as groups and terms of the mental list of people that I had recently met who Solas doesn't know. again it makes you think about the popular speculation that the DA:D PC will have the background of being from one of these groups. also, those 4 groups aren't ones which were referenced in Tevinter Nights as keeping an eye on Solas/as Solas having some info on them in turn (unlike some other groups like the Mortalitasi, the Executors, the Ben-Hassrath etc).
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14 20 26 28 31 for the writing ask, please! 😊
Hahaha annnnd here are my replies, two months late lol
14. Write and share the first sentence of a new fic. Just that.
There's something uncanny about becoming the prey animal when, for so long, a man is used to being the hunter.
20. Do you work on a single project or many at the same time? How does that work for you?
I definitly am a multi-project person. I'll cycle through them, depending on what I'm in the mood to write.
For example, at the moment I've got:
What Makes a King pt. 2 (Eomer/Grima; Grima/His Internal Desire to be Lady Macbeth)
The Magi (original story - but it's Ficini/Cavalcanti)
A Discworld fic that's a meditation on illness, disability, and politics (Downey/vetinari)
Shardlake fic (Shardlake/Barak)
Napolington rework of Pale Before the Fall (what it says on the tin)
Elegy for those still breathing (Hastings/Poirot)
poetry manuscript
Lucieta (original story - prequal to the Venetians/House of No Return)
Letters (Downey/Vetinari - a new fic I'm working on with a friend)
annnd I think that's all for now.
26. What would you describe as OOC?
For Grima I've answered that Here :D
28. Any writing advice that works for you and you feel like sharing?
I'm not the best at sharing advice because I find everyone is so different that it's really just about figuring out what works for you and your style and what the story needs.
Also, what I have to say is all stuff that's been said before:
Write everything out first then edit. Just, word vomit all over the page then go back with the scalpel to edit and adjust.
Outlines can be as detailed or as high level as you need them to be.
Sometimes you just have to kill your darlings, sadly
Step away from a piece when you're done before going in to edit. Give yourself a solid break from it - that will lend some perspective to the editing process.
Not every scene needs to be written. We don't need to see the characters do everything - we can just jump to the next important part.
Be self-indulgent when writing, especially the first draft, even if you do end up removing portions of the self indulgence later. It's important because it gives you pleasure, keeps you writing, and allows you time and space to get to know characters/the story/the world.
31. What was the most difficult fic for you to write (but in the end you made it)?
There were times when I was losing steam for the LOTR Trilogy rewrite. Definitely some hard moments there. But it's written! It's done!
Thus Always - I had to rewrite the entire thing I had stopped for so long lol
hmmm there are a few others that I remember being a challenge to write. Mostly it's about losing momentum - if I lose steam and interest it's hard to get back into it.
Thank you so much for the ask!!
[ask meme]
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stepswowdsen · 4 months
【Magi】 JuAli Comic Idea (Dialogue Script) 🖤❤️💛
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CW: R-15, slightly suggestive
I put my dialogue scripts and rambles under the cut as usual ✌️
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(CW: Sexually suggestive, R-15 implicit warning)
(EDIT: 8/09/2024)
I also added rambles to this in the meantime <3
Had a jumpscare moment cuz I accidentally clicked the Delete button but thankfully didn't click Yes 😭
God I can't delete one of the most based things I've ever written!!!
Also, rereading back JuAli's scenes together in the Kou Empire, it's really so funny how empty Judar's threats and insults towards Alibaba are.
Sure, he tried to kill him before.
He'll get all hissy like a fussy moody cat towards him. But it's not out of genuine hatred.
JuAli are true opposites in terms of their personalities, morals/ideals/world views...
In JuAli's chapters together, I think it's sexy how Judar expressed his frustrations with Alibaba's character, basically, what he perceived as Alibaba's naivety.
Like, Judar is clearly frustrated by Alibaba's whole deal, being unable to understand Alibaba or really get what's going on with him (despite Alibaba being really straightforward as a person)
Especially when he has such a childish personality and black and white morals and worldview of boxing people into Strong vs. Weak.
It's like... At that moment, he (Judar) is not ready to face that.
Alibaba is someone that he clearly sees and perceives as "weak and naive" but also challenges his world views, cuz he just... does not get Alibaba's humble nature, at all.
In the sense of being frustrated by someone's bright (dazzling) radiance.
He understands and recognizes that Alibaba draws others to him, but just can't seem to understand why. It frustrates him how he doesn't get it. And that in itself shows a form of inner curiosity, a desire to know more.
I wanted to convey that feeling in my own dialogue scripts.
Judar's insults… They don't hold true weight.
Like the insults he throws are so empty.
It's so funny like he (Judar) says it with his whole chest.
I can't hide the image like you can on Discord with spoiler marks. So here you go!
I really love them so much... That's why I wanna draw and write for them more.
Recently revamped a JuAli dialogue script idea I had. Judar and Alibaba kiss with banter ❤️ 💛 I added more to it. I last updated it in December, so I might as well post it again since I added some new lines.
It's just them kissing but just gonna put a warning cuz it's kinda suggestive/sexually implicit though.
Yeah I think my moots know why I mainly post rambles on Insta and Tumblr, it's cuz I usually do long rambles for character thoughts + analysis, and Twitter's character limit is super annoying for that. I tend to post discussions cuz my friends have insightful things to say (and I feel like it flows more naturally in convo format than just to summarize what they said)
I need to talk more about my Magi faves on here (I miss them) because I had many thoughts while reading, so I just roughly drafted ideas right now. I need to write my character/ship ideas down before I forget.
JuAli core ship posts
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Anyways I made the 1st image's meme edit myself <33
JuAli with tan Alibaba so true~~
Me: I wanna say this tweet is JuAli but none of them would talk like that. They would so do this though
C: No this is literally Judar he just words it differently lmao
Me: I'll consider it... Tbh I want it to be in drawn form if I post it publically. I could post the meme along with my arts in the future
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The inspo for this idea
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Me: It's based off this tweet LMFAO
Seeing this made me go like "Oh that makes me want to write dialogue now." Oh yeah I can draft some Judar stuff then. Then I wrote some ideas based on that tweet.
C: Omg
Me: Thinking about this again so I wrote a thing kinda based off it
JuAli but warning cuz it's kinda suggestive/implicit though
Completely in-character for Judar
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I imagine Judar wears something VERY similar to this hanfu (that I bought because it has Judar colours)
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Me: I actually originally wrote Judar's last line as "Show me the kind of spark that charmed Hakuryuu so much." Because Judar makes a note in Ch. 266 that Hakuryuu is charmed by Alibaba in the fan-TL :) And also the official EN TL by Viz. They still keep it (whews) but remove the 1st mention of it, "What about Alibaba charmed Hakuryuu…"
But I don't tend to reference other ships in my ship stuff since I usually focus on ships solo. Like in my AU stuff, I tend to focus on just the ship/characters itself. Like I would rather deal with my multiships in their own separate AUs, since it’s easier for me to work with. I do love AliHaku though. But I liked that line so I still tried to include it though. NGNGNNG.
C: OOOH I SEE…. Valid as heck. It's a good one
My fave ship tropes <33
JuAli's "Love-Hate" relationship is soooo interesting to me <33 They're so sen-core.
Obviously they're more complicated than that but "Love-Hate" is just to simplify it
They're Enemies to Lovers too, but very different from LimGuda (Douman/Ritsuka) obviously. But they share most of the Sen-core ship tropes I love. I think JuAli has HoroRen (SK) kinda~ish vibes.
Like y'know. Yin/Yang. Light/Darkness. Protagonist/Antagonist. Angel/Devil. Enemies to Lovers. And then JuAli also has Fire/Ice going on with them. Sen-core meow meow mf/ship strikes again. I really adore JuAli and AliHaku, heehee. It's very typical Sen-ship trope core with their Sun/Moon/Eclipse symbolism going on.
My most favourite ships are usually Opposites Attract (the good kind). There are bad Opposites Attract ships out there obviously (charas who just bicker and literally nothing else). I'm just built different though. JuAli and HoroRen just fall into my kind of rather rough and violent end of Opposites Attract ships. Twink on twink violence is their love language /lh
I love Opposites Attract ships that are also combined with any of these tropes: Narrative parallelism (Yin/Yang, Light/Darkness, Sun/Moon tropes), Protagonist x Rival/Antagonist/Opposing Figure, Apoptosis, Reconciliation of Opposites, Fated Enemies/Rivals, etc.
JuAli rambles continued
Me: For JuAli, I feel like at first, Judar hates Alibaba with so much love. Like when you hate someone so much it’s love. And Judar would just constantly be like "I really don't get this guy at all" and "I don't understand what he's thinking at all!"
Tsundere catboy badboy is verbally harsh (violently tsun) and demands around verbally a LOT, like a needy cat that wants attention and affection.
I feel like in the early stages of them catching feelies they’d both be really awkward around each other and constantly headbutt each other… They'd always be pretty competitive with each other, like “Casual sex implies the existence of ranked competitive sex” vibes (LMAO) but they'd warm up to each other over time.
I'm busy so Idk when I'll sketch this all out but it was based off this idea I had in my head.
Judar is mostly verbally harsh (violently tsun) and demands around verbally, like a needy cat that wants attention and affection. And both of them are really awkward around each other. They'd always be pretty competitive with each other but they'd warm up over time.
Sen-core fave ship tropes:
Meow meow mf x ball of sunshine, morally questionable/morally bankrupt x morally agreeable, freak x freak who freaks them out (human that tames them), etc.
Because LimGuda, IdaTatsu, XanLena, and JuAli are all "Freak x human/freak who freaks them out/tames them"
Freak x normie where the normie/more normal S/O has the freak ™️ on a leash
Re: My Writing Ideas
Me: I don't really post my writing ideas on main cuz my dialogue scripts are more like guidelines for me to practice writing dialogue for comics, and also to help me remember my art ideas. I write down my ideas so that I don't forget them (cuz they come to me spontaneously during the day), and also so that I can hopefully turn them into comics one day 🙏
My mutuals/friends can read them though! I post them because I'm not sure when I'll get the chance to turn my ideas into art form, and because I think the dialogue scripts are interesting to read.
Also me doing this still technically counts as a form of art. Even if they're written almost like play format, it's still a form of creative writing
I've definitely gotten sm better at it like I've been refining the way I write Idate's dialogue (and other WATGBS AU charas) over time
Because when I write these scenario ideas down, I think in terms of visuals. When the ideas come to my head, I imagine and see them all visually in my head. I'm a much more visual person, so I see things through visuals, and then try to turn them into words.
I think I first started critically engaging with and analyzing media at 18 (which is a good thing, because art is a form of expression and social commentary). I think I only really got good at doing media analysis at 18+ and it refined even more at 19 - 21+
It used to be so hard for me to put my thoughts into words, but I got much better at it through practice (by doing all the thought rambles)
But I'm literally so much better at analytical writing (ie. Series and character analysis, meta) than creative writing (ie. Novel and fanfic writing), so that's why I only do dialogue scripts. It'd be interesting to try and take up fanfic writing in the future though... But it definitely won't be soon, so I'll stick to my main creative form (drawing) for now
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pan-magi · 9 months
I made something for people to use! And by that I mean anyone.
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It's a caption thing with Judar. Feel free to use for whatever. If anyone wants to. No need for credit or anything. All I did was edit a screenshot. It took a while, but it's not a piece I'm too worried about getting somewhere without permission or credit. Anything else, yes. But this is a silly gift for the Magi fandom for the New Year.
I wanted to do the manga panel Judar first shows up in but I couldn't find a good quality scan in time and too lazy to find my own. That's why this is in black and white because I'm stubborn.
Do whatever you want. Fill in with caption, color, this or that. Have fun with it. Largest size for Tumblr posts so could be resized to whatever.
I'll appreciate seeing what if anything people make with this but also not required. So, if you want to spam your friends with Magi memes in Discord or something without reblogging a copy or whatever feel free.
That's it. Happy New Year!
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I wanted to add something sufficiently gay and meme-y but couldn't find a good quote on short notice so here we are. Plus, shitpost is funny enough XD.
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sakurarisen · 5 days
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Dropping a quick update to note a rule addition before I go back to working on the Halcyon sideblog: Despite writing in Magi-based settings and the fact I'll be adding a Magi verse once I'm done re-reading the manga/watching the anime, I will not be interacting with the fandom past incredibly close friends, and this will be considered a closed, private verse. Having once been a part of the fandom while it was far bigger than what it is now, I've been incredibly soured on the fandom as a whole, and have no intentions on interacting with it past my small group of trusted friends who've convinced me to give the series itself another shot. Due to this, I will not answer anything IC with this verse aside from with these friends, though I will do OOC and HC memes for it if it's specifically requested, albeit not often.
Also! Infinite and eternal thank yous to @honorisen / @yoroiis for my new dividers and post headers, I love her so much they're so gorgeous and I can't wait to use them more TWT <33333
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babymagi · 10 months
My friend who hasn't seen/read Magi and all she knows about it is from what I tell her honestly has some of the most hilarious takes on the characters and show I've ever heard here's some highlights
About Ja'far "He's so.... green. I was not expecting him to be that green."
Used to mix up Alibaba and Judar, all she knew for a while was that they were my favorites and I shipped them
Constantly makes fun of Sindria, whenever we watch movies and there's a snobby character she's always like "Oh you must be from Sindria" in the most distasteful voice ever
^ Memes on Sindria ALL THE TIME now
Refers to the countries as "Not-(real place they're adjacent to)" like "Not-Eygpt" and "Not-Saudi Arabia" and "Not-Hogwarts", she just calls sindria by name though
Mixed up Kouha and Morgiana a couple times because "well they're both pink"
Makes fun of me (affectionate) for crying when Magi was taken off Netflix but also BRUTALLY roasts on Netflix for removing it
"Sinbad would have discord nitro, and discord kittens"
Hakuryuu -> Wannabe Zuko
Thought Alibaba would be one of the most thirsted-after characters after Sinbad and before Hakuryuu
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