utaitemusic · 2 years
Please wait! don't throw away your destiny—no, our destinies
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enigmari · 3 years
Call Boy Translyrics
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Original song by Syudou English translation by @magenetratranslations​
Hidden beneath the sector for conducting business Idiots toast to their self-proclaimed genius In this rundown bar's a haven for those who want to use And those who wanna be used Syrup and ice mixed into a cheap bourbon Suits the shallow taste of someone like you Won't even matter when the buzz starts to hit 'Cuz it'll taste the same no matter what It's not that complicated, they're just here to drink Try to drown out our loneliness and vomit up our sorrows And all it costs is just your liver, cash, and time- Hey, I'll cover the tab for us tonight So why not come with me? Ah, don't give a damn whether it's good or bad, 'cuz I Won't even remember a single thing you've said tonight (Haha, really?) Enough excuses to get by Even if they say that the next day you'll pay If I stop drinking now, I won't make it to tomorr'w at all (You’re kidding me!) I’m sick of it, another shot Don't stop! Without a care, another shot! Business tomorrow and business for tonight, So long (as) I'm here, I'll forget it all entirely If your sense of pride's already been tossed aside Then love's another easy lie Shh- I’ll raise a single finger to my lips It’s late, (so) I don’t think we need to speak a word Won’t even matter, it’s the same kind of buzz Whether you keep it to yourself or not It's hypocritical, the way they go around Setting traps with a sweetened lie, it's all part of the hunt now Sake that's bleeding, burning bitter in my throat Hey, I'll take care of everything tonight So don't leave me alone Ah, talk all you want about love and devotion You’ll forget that you cared after we’ve gone a couple rounds again (Haha, really?) Roll with whoever you can get Not good enough to be “whoever” picked by anyone, I’ll Cover up the lump in my throat and make another toast (You’re kidding me!) I’m sick of it, another shot Can't stop! It's meaningless, another shot... A haze of idiots go bar-hopping in hand Seeking out their escape from hell upon a spider's silk thread The more you hang around this shit, the worse it gets But hey, y'know the biggest shithole of them all Was always you, moron Ah, don't give a damn whether it's good or bad, 'cuz I Won't even remember a single thing you've said tonight (What the hell?) So sick of it, I’m on the edge How is it fair that you don't have to care When you've not had a drop, you're the reason that I drink at all (You’re kidding me!) I'm sick of it, another shot Won't stop! Before I die, another shot!
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forgetfulsubs · 6 years
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Music and lyrics by Hitoshizuku-P × Yama△, from the album Shape of lovE which you can watch the crossfade for here. Please buy the album and support Hitoshizuku-P × Yama△
Translated for @magenetratranslations :3c
閉ざされた箱庭の園で一人の少女が 偉大なる神その人に真実の愛を求める All alone within the sealed miniature garden, the girl wishes for love from that person-- "the mighty god"
人の欲に疲れた神の想いは博愛 貴女だけ特別に愛せはしない、分かってくれ Grown tired of people's wants, the god’s feels only a general ‘love’ for humanity I will not love you and you alone, in the special way you wish, please understand that
それでも私は貴方だけ、ただ切に愛しましょう ...Nevertheless, I will earnestly love you, and you alone
愛を捨てた神を求め縋り、 いじらしく哀れな少女は願う Continuing to pursue and cling to the god who threw love away, the naive and piteous girl wishes on.
報われぬその愛を永遠に閉ざし、 定められし時を生きてゆけ Lock away that love never to be granted for all eternity, and live the time you have been destined--
博愛という名の(薄情?) 人の世のものさしで(私を図れはしまい) (Apathy) by the name of love for humanity? (I cannot be weighed) by the measures of the human world
神の愛に(生まれ落ちた) 人はやがて(欲に溺れ) 神を忘れ(蔑む) その[不条理] (Humans born) by divine love, eventually (indulge in their desires) They forget god, (and scorn) that [irrationality] of his
閉じた園で一人思う 何のために作られたと意味を求め 愛を乞うが与えられる答えはなく (博愛主義者の男の愛は) I think alone within the closed garden “For what sake was I created” -- I search for meaning, and ask for love but no answers are bestowed upon me (The true love of a philanthropist...)
神の愛に生まれ落ちた人の欲が"彼"を堕とし 愛を摘まれ愛を咲かす皮肉なさだめ (哀れな少女の愛を蹴散らす) The desires of the humans born by divine love causes him to fall What a cynical destiny, plucking the love of some and blooming others (...Only serves to kick about the pitiable girl’s love)
このゼンマイが止まる日まで ただ切に愛しましょう Until the day these springs stop comes, I will continue to earnestly love you
愛に飢えた神を求め縋り 寂しげに佇む人形は願う Continuing to pursue and cling to the god starved for love, the doll wishes on, standing there looking oh so lonely
動かぬその体を抱き上げては、 ありもしない熱を探している Lifting up her unmoving body, he searches for a nonexistent warmth
貴方が作った(世界で) 貴方のお人形は(夜毎に歌い踊る) (In the world) you created, your dolls (dance and sing every night)
神に乞われ(生まれ落ちる) 誉れ歌い(熱に入りて) 貴方だけを(愛する) [存在意味] (Born,) requested so by god They honour him and sing, (glowing with self satisfaction) (Loving) you and you alone, [such is my reason for existence]
閉じた園で私だけが真の愛を望んでいる それが答え 貴方が"そう"作った (哀れな男が作りし少女は) In the sealed garden, I alone wish for true love That’s my answer... because that’s how you created me-- (The girl the pitiable man created...)
神の御名に縋り落ちた僕の脳は一人巡る 愛を摘まれ愛を咲かす貴女を抱いて (生きてるみたいに優しく笑う) My mind, clinging to the name of a god and only falling deeper, wanders all alone Holding you, who plucks the love of some and blooms others (...She smiled gently, as if she might really be alive)
Plain text - rin’s part Bold - len’s part Italics - both
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mikuedits · 5 years
404: Kyozou (404: False Image) by Shitoo Translyrics!
Based off of summer’s end’s translation! @magenetratranslations​
Alright, our first set of Translyrics! The mods can both do these, so we collaborated and both checked it to make sure it fit and kept the meaning of the song. Please feel free to suggest improvements! Thank you, and please please please credit summer’s end as the original translator and mikuedits on tumblr if you use these! -mods fukase and flower
Surely everyone was living, surely everyone was seeing Surely they’ll never understand the pleasure of separation Everyone always lives that way, their ways seem to be here to stay And although I have arrived now, Could it be that I’m not me somehow?
And with that, I was fine Certainly, completely fine And my stomach aches always hit the breaks, telling me “what a waste” Don’t even think about it, just deceive the public Even if this is fake, as long as it’s seen, it's fine
Jeez, the stupid lies you tell me are so damn funny! Are you just trying to make sure that you exist? Just try your best to find out what the truest lie could be I'm starting to wonder if you will ever know
Everyone was starting to see the flaw in the false reality Surely they were all trying to break off, trying their bests to be free Everyone was living like that, everyone always lives like that Although who it is is not clear, someone new has just gotten here
Come on, put some thought in, the true answer doesn’t exist Your pitiful answer, along with the truth, will never exist I’ll be trying to be hated if I’m trying to be liked Then being fake I’d say is fine, don’t you think so?
God, you love your stupid lies so damn much! But the question is “do these lies truly exist?” Just try your best to find out what the truest lie could be  I wonder if anyone will ever catch on
In the mirror is a face that I cannot stand Everyone is living, but this person is surely--
Jeez, you always create the most ridiculous damn lies! Don’t you want to make sure it’s the truth first? Just try your best to find out what the truest lie could be  Someday these true lies will stab into someone That is, if that someone ever notices me
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utaitemusic · 2 years
Getting drunk again and again, unexpectedly— Ah, it’s not half bad I’m a drunkard unaware of the story
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enigmari · 4 years
There’s a Girl on the Railway Translyrics
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Original song by Tomato Milk English translation by @magenetratranslations​
In the air, a bizarre cadaver dances Splitting up my field of vision into pieces Once again, it’s routine, the bell at midnight Tells me I can’t go back- while the whistle echoes on Painfully, that machine, grinds to a halt and In the night, the third eye of a tabby opens Once again, it’s routine, the ticking needle Tells me I can’t go home until time starts to move again Turning its back inside the maze, the tabby cat continues on (On my own, I follow after your shadow, drawing close) Passing through the crossroads, pushing against the crowd (I just want to ask you this…) Tell me more (I need more now) about how that [Promise to stay true made it through] All of (the threads you hid in)— even if it’s bizarre [I’m not laughing anymore] Noticing the signal but I was oh-so afraid (I said, “See you later” to hide just why I hesitate) It’s time to try, [drive away your doubts, and conquer the night!] “We’re done!” I shout in furious anger Even if we had some things in common It’s not enough to say we’re the same But it felt just good enough to hurt me Deep down, I still hope for a better future, but Justice gets in the way of my dreams and What you really meant- it’s impossible for me to know You claim to know what’s up, but your logic’s just a bluff Don’t preach about facing trouble like you’re helping us But if this cycle of life and death was to resume Take a look now, don’t be alarmed, ‘cause it’s our truth Far-off starts (we’re still apart) unravel in [Tragedies that never see an end] Hopes for (some kind of closure)— if they’re shots in the dark [I don’t mind that anymore] Someone says, “Accept your fate,” but I don’t know whom (They’re woven into the veil of a melody I heard) So within this hymn [offer your belief, broken it may be...] Look on that fingertip, the third signal from you that I denied (Unforeseen, the routine order was broken by those signs)  So before the vultures devour us as well (Shall we aim for heaven, now?) Tell me more (I need more now) about how that [Promise to stay true made it through] All of (the threads you hid in)— even if it’s bizarre [I’m not laughing anymore] Noticing the signal but I was oh-so afraid (I said, “See you later” to hide just why I hesitate) It’s time to try, [drive away your doubts, and conquer the night!] Even the crazy  Far-off starts (we’re still apart) unravel in [Tragedies that never see an end] Hopes for (some kind of closure)— if they’re shots in the dark [I don’t mind that anymore] I’ve just been wishing upon Lady Luck, is that right? (My last moments are now flashing before my very eyes) Take a leap of faith, [piercing through the veil, ahead of the rail…!] - *parentheses are overlapping lyrics, brackets are lyrics in unison
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forgetfulsubs · 6 years
【TaKU.K】The mysterious story of an imbécile's fall - eng sub【GUMI】
✞Music by TaKU.K @ Mylist | Twitter | Piapro | YT ✞Art by Miyukaji (みゆかじ) @ Twitter | Pixiv +Translation by Forgetfulsubs (with permission) +Eng grammar checks by Mage of @magenetratranslations
アンベシル滑落奇譚 The mysterious story of an imbécile’s fall.
愚者は錆の現を視た さあ、賢者の番だ A fool has thus gazed at our rusted reality, Now, it’s the “wise man”s turn*
*I’ve used she/her for the pronouns and put “wise man” in quotations as the illustration seems to feature a lady. Though wise man could also have just be translated as sage or switched to wise woman I felt that didn’t carry the same implications.
安寧の日々は滑稽なヒビへ形を変える エス・カーストの最下層 トロイメライ覚め、カオスな今へと 終演間近の演目で足掻く有様、無様! 腐乱(ふらん)、ブラクラを踏み抜けば 破棄場(はきば)が手を招く
My peaceful days changed form to that of a comical everyday The lowest and worst possible s. caste* I awaken from a träumerei* o the chaotic present tThe sight of struggling as the final programme plays, how very unsightly! Decomposition, stumbling on a browser crasher, I found the scrap heap beckoning to me.
* S.caste refers to a form of social class system, appaarently * träumerei is german for dream it’s more so a noun describing the state or the act of dreaming
排せよ栄光、席を崩した 廃せよ願望、縁を下した 拝せよ劣等、支配者の御前(ごぜん)なるぞ 采地の解放、盤面乱れて 才知の落陽、とうとう崩れて 見下す者は見下されていた
Reject glory– I destroyed my position Abandon hope– and let all my relationships fall Worship inferiority– thou now stand in the presence of a ruler The liberation of the fief*, the whole board in chaos The setting sun of wisdom at last crumbling away The one who looked down upon it all was truly looked down upon.
*Fief is “a person’s sphere of operation or control.”
贖う術など知らなくて、 僅かな繋がりすら切れ果てた 見る目が無く、無価値な 愚か者ばかりだな、と吐き血を吐く 悪辣(あくらつ)な香りが路地裏を染める 降り出した雨で肌は冷め、 心は湧いた憎悪で熱を出した 蒔(ま)いた憎しみが芽を出して、 人々に絶望を振り撒けと、 呪詛(じゅそ)のように唱えた言葉は 誰にも届かずに消えてく 延命も、弁明も、許されることなく、 憐れみすら手向けられず、 道化には暗幕が下る
I know not any means of redemption – Any faint connections I had are now completely chopped to bits “They’re all such worthless fools, lacking any kind of discerning eye” I say, spitting up blood. A sharp and unscrupulous fragrance stains the end of the back alley, and my skin grew cold by the rain that began to pour. but my heart burned feverishly by the hatred that welled up inside. “The hatred I’ve sowed begins to sprout, now we scatter despair upon the people.”* The words I chanted like some kind of curse disappeared before ever reaching someone’s ears. Not allowed a long life, nor an apology, or even pity in my passing, the curtains fall upon this buffoonery.
*The words that cover the screen at this point are all negative words disappointment, despair, etc.
愛と優しさは屑箱へ 地位と名誉は懐へ 形の無いモノに価値は無いと 賢者様はおっしゃいました その目は誰より底深く その手は誰より小綺麗で その口はすべてを貪り尽くし その重みで溺れていることを知りませんでした
“Throw love and kindness to the trash bin Tuck status and honour away within your bosom Things without form are without value" Or so the ‘wise man’ said such– With those eyes far deeper than anyone else’s and hands far prettier than anyone else’s and a that mouth devours everything, leaving not a crumb She didn’t realise that the weight of it all was causing her to sink down and down. *
*“weight” and “importance” are the same word in japanese. Connecting with the line above you could take this line as just flatly saying “indulging will make you fat” but there’s also a “importance (power) causes corruption” implication here which I tried to include.
-第二幕開演- -The curtain rises on the second act-
惨憺(さんたん)たる日は閑散(かんさん)なる日が 呑み干してゆく 終末色の末端で、 脆(もろ)い、得体なき灯りが揺れてる 醜悪(しゅうあく)、癇癪(かんしゃく)、 浅薄(せんぱく)、不躾(ぶしつけ)が滲んだ顔 違う、誰だ此(こ)の化け物は 恥、止まり知らず
The leisurely days of inactivity drink up the wretched ones. At the end of the colours of the end, the fragile, characterless light sways A face blurred with ugliness, irritability, superficiality, and impoliteness No– Who is this monster? My shame knows no end.
環境には妄言(もうげん)をつらつら並べ、 人間には侮蔑(ぶべつ)を込めて責任転嫁 自己愛で満たして、 この愛こそ極上だと言立(ことだて) 嗚呼、御免 当然で失敬 語るまでもない
Carefully lining up thoughtless words in my surroundings, I shift the blame on humanity, casting disdain on them all the while. Satisfying myself with self-love, and making a big thing out of such love, I claim it’s the very best Aa, sorry. Of course, how presumptuous of me That already goes without saying, doesn’t it.
垂れ流れ、浸す世迷言 驕(おご)り、高めることが上手いこと 壊れた玩具(おもちゃ)のように 己を崇(あが)め、讃えてを繰り返す 嗄(しゃが)れた声と雨音の交合い 溶け朽ちてく身体よりも 酸鼻(さんび)な心が蠢(うごめ)いた
Oozing and flowing away, the immersing nonsense Swelling my own pride is what I’m good at like a broken toy I revere myself, repeating my praises. The union of my hoarse voice, and the sound of the rain My excruciatingly disconsolate heart squirmed even more than my rotting body.
見放して、見放され、 賢者様はどこへとゆくのでしょう 流れ着く、その果てで、 呪いと加護の まじないを唱え続けました 自分を信じて疑わない 自分だけしか信じられない かわいそうな賢者様 あわれでみじめな賢者様 さあ さあ さあ さあ 望みを言ってごらんなさいな
Having given up and been given up on in return, just where does the 'wise man’ go Washed ashore, at the very limits, she continued to chant a incantation of curse and divine protection Believing in herself without an ounce of doubt Unable to believe anyone but herself The poor 'wise man’ What a pitiable and wretched 'wise man’ now come, now come, now come, now come, Speak that of which you desire.
終幕 -end-
賢(さか)しさが果てる娑婆(しゃば)になど 塵芥(ちりあくた)程の価値もないなと 跡形もなくこの身を消してくれと 笑いながら叫んだ 分解が始まる 記憶も、身体も ちょっと待て、すぐ果てないだと? 後の祭り 記憶は剥がれて舞った 嘆願(たんがん)も虚しくやがては 言の葉すら紡げなくなってた 唸(うな)り声 虚(うつ)ろな目 不様な顔のまま 身体も剥がれる 願いは叶い、全ては消え果てた 路地裏の骸(むくろ)は鼠(ねずみ)が 新たな住処(すみか)にしてた
“This corrupt world where intellect goes to die can’t even hold a candle to a pile of trash So erase this body of mine from it without a trace” I cried out, while laughing The decomposition begins, my memories and body itself– Wait a minute, this won’t end quickly? Alas, it’s far too late, my memories came unstuck and danced in the air around me My pleas end fruitlessly, and before long I lost even the ability to form words. With a groaning voice, empty eyes, and my face still unsightly as ever, my body comes unstuck and my wish was granted; everything vanished from existence. The mice took my corpse lying in the back alley as their new home.
愚か者だった I was such a fool
閉幕 -the curtain falls-
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forgetfulsubs · 6 years
【Jon】Ano-toxin - eng sub【IA】
🐙Lyrics / Composition / Video:Jon-YAKITORY @ Mylist | Twitter | Youtube 🐙Illustration:Yukima (湯木間) @ Pixiv | Twitter +Translation : Forgetfulsubs (with permission + grammar checks by magenetratranslations)
揺らめく光を一人で見ていた 青い世界を毒に 私が変えた 全てが毒だった 泣くことも耐えた 流れた涙さえ 命を奪う
Alone, I watched the swaying lights, And I changed the blue world to poison. The entirety of me was poison, I resisted the urge to cry For the tears I shed could steal away life
欠点と呪っていたけれど 此処に居場所をくれた
I cursed it as a fault, but I suppose it gave me a place to belong here
水の中だけの 「君が好きだよ」は もう泡に変わって消えてった いつか言えたなら 触れられたのなら 生きる意味になっていく ねえ
The "I love you’s” said only underwater Turned into sea-foam, and disappeared If one day I was able to say it for real, if I was able to touch you That would become a reason for me to live Right?
自問自答をしてた 傷跡に触れた 他人のせいにするような資格はないって 「奪うものじゃないさ、救うものになるよ」 涙をこらえて 頷いた
I soliloquized, touching my scars I don't have the qualifications to blame this all on someone else "It's not a power that steals, it can be something that grants" Holding back my tears, I merely nodded.
「大丈夫、泣いていいんだよ」 その手が頬に触れた
"It's ok, you can let it all out" -- and the owner of that voice touched my cheek
触れないままでした フリだけのキスは Ah もう波に変わって消えてった いつか君の事 抱きしめられたら そんな夢を見ていた
The kisses we shared -- only pretend -- without ever really touching They turned into the waves themselves, and disappeared If maybe one day I was able to hold you close... I was dreaming of that.
囚われたあの日の あの砂浜には もう何も残っていなかった 消えない足跡はいつの間にか消えてた 君が呼ぶ声がする
Nothing now remains On that sandy beach, I was captured on, on that day The never-supposed-to-fade footprints faded in the blink of an eye I hear your voice calling for me
水の中だけの 「君が好きだよ」は もう昨日に変わって消えてった 言えたあの日から 何か変わったかな 生きる意味は持っている さあ
The "I love you’s” said only underwater Turned into yesterday, and disappeared I wonder if anything's actually changed, since that day I brought myself to say it I possess a reason for life, Now, come on.
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forgetfulsubs · 6 years
🔶Magic Lantern - english translation
Music : Misumi @ Twitter | Mylist | Bandcamp | Soundcloud | Spotify Illustration: Kogecha (焦茶) @ Twitter | Pixiv +Translation (Captions) : Forgetfulsubs, feat. grammar checks by @magenetratranslations ♡
*The title refers to [this]
嘘をついては除け者になった 揺れ踊る影 闇を呑み込んで 理想的な自分の形を 取り繕ってた
I told a lie, and found I had become an outcast The flickering, dancing shadows, gulping down the darkness I smoothed myself over into my ideal visage.
神様探し空を見上げて 祈りと愛をそっと囁いた 倫理の外へ思い巡らす 溢れて流れる
Searching for god, I looked up at the sky And gently whispered a prayer, and my love to the heavens. My thoughts, going beyond ethics and morals, overflow, and stream away.
一歩一歩もう一歩 鈍色の呼び声 雨の気配
Going step by step, after taking yet another I hear dark grey shout-- A sign of rain.
悲しみが通り過ぎてく 失望が通り過ぎまた朝が来る 息を吸って吐いた 最低な白けた朝日 破り捨てた手紙 ただ生きていた 理不尽が覆い尽くして沈み行く 何度遠く嘆き祈っても 涙は枯れぬ 問いはまだ解かれずに
Sorrow passes through me Despair passes through me, and again, the sun rises. Inhaling, and exhaling The awful morning sun that turns everything white, a torn up discarded letter I simply lived The unreasonableness of it all shrouds me and deeper (I) sink However many times I mourn and pray far away These tears of mine do not dry. My questions remain unanswered still.
深い惑い 迷い眩暈 痛みも嗄れ果てたこの声も 青い日々さ 手を伸ばしている
A deep bewilderment, a puzzled vertigo. This voice, from which even pain has grown hoarse from, Blue days are these. I reach out my hand.
救いなんて何一つなかった 空虚を食べて今日をやり過ごす どこにも行けず佇んでいる ただ抗ってる
Not a single hand of salvation was offered. I eat down the emptiness and let today pass me by, Unable to go anywhere, I simply stand. Simply opposing it.
いっそいっそもういっそ 終わりなき世界を 裏に返せ
Why don't we just-- I mean, at this rate, we might as well Flip this endless world Inside out
悲しみが通り過ぎてく 絶望が通り過ぎまた夜が来る 唄歌って泣いた 最悪な淀んだ闇と殴り捨てた光 ただ生きていた 不条理が覆い尽くして僕を裂く 何度遠く嘆き夢見ても 言葉は足らず 問いはまだ解かれずに
Sorrow passes through me Despair passes through me, and again, the night falls. Singing songs and crying The awful, stagnating dark and the light I threw away I simply lived The absurdity of it all shrouds me and chops me to pieces However many times I cry and dream far away These words of mine still fall short. My questions remain unanswered still.
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forgetfulsubs · 7 years
【See-kun】Ressentiment Club - eng sub【Flower】
✖️Music:Seekun / Shiikun (しーくん) @ twitter | youtube | mylist ✖️Illustration:Mitsuki Sanagi (みつきさなぎ ) @ twitter | mylist | pixiv ✖️Mastering:Tame (ため) @ twitter | mylist + Translation : Forgetfulsubs (Feat. line help from @novakiaki​ and Kagamine_neko (@magenetratranslations​))
排他的な空間に堕ちた 盗聴を行うグルービン ハイドアウト ちっこい耳穴かっぽじってよう聴け ダンス・パーティ・ダンス・パーティ 無意味なサイダー
I crashed down into an exclusive place A grooving hideout, {full of} wiretapping. Peck out a little ear hole and listen well now. ‘Dance party dance party’ A nonsense cider
代替可能 僕らの存在 これは違う違う 掻きむしるダンスナイト ちゃっちい頭フル回転してよく考えろ ダンス・バディ・ダンス・バディ 背徳ピストン
Our existences, easily exchangeable. No this isn’t it, this isn’t it. A rending, harrowing dance night. Use all the brain power you got in that tiny head of yours and think about it carefully now. ‘Dance buddy, dance buddy’ A piston for corruption
「才能なんて関係ない!」 「コネなんて関係ない!」 「思いの丈を創造にぶつけろ!」
“Talent has nothing to do with it!” “Connections have nothing to do with it” “Just throw your heart into your work!!!”
「あの子はやっぱり天才だ!」 「大御所の宣伝だ!」 「愚痴垢を作ったんだ!」
“That kid’s a genius! Just like I said!” “They got promo-ed by the big guys!” “They just made a vent account!”
は? Wait, what?
バイバイ全部放り出す 美的センス絶望 天と地の差をまざまざと見せつけた スイスイスイ泳ぎ出す 息が出来ないんだ 僕はただ描くのが好きなだけなのに キンキンした声で 恐竜は叫び出す 「9割9分の努力でここまで来ました」 バイバイ全部放り出す ハイハイ全部その通り 「ハイハイそうね」「ハイハイそうね」 鳴いていた
Bye bye throwing everything away, my sense for esthetics lies in despair. I oh so clearly displayed the difference between heaven and earth. Smo-smo-smoothly swimming off, I can’t breathe-- Even though, I just like to draw… even though that’s all it is... In a shrill, piercing voice the dinosaur lets out a roar “I got here on 99.9% effort” Bye bye throwing everything away, yeah yeah it’s all just like that. “Yeah, yeah, sure.” “Yeah, yeah, sure.” {I} cawed
マジカル頭脳 何も当たらない 「これだ!」「あれだ!」「それだ!」 もう全部当たらない 「最早僕はセンスがないとかそういうやつなんだ(早口」 ダンス・パーティ・ダンス・パーティ 飲めや歌えや
This magical brain of mine, can’t seem to land a single {good} thing. “This is it!” “No, this!” “no, that--!” Nothing hits the mark anymore. “I’m completely tasteless I’m just one of those kinds of guys” Dance party dance party Let’s drink and sing!
「私の作風そっくりだ!」 「何処でも見るような構図だな」 「もっとアクを出した個性よポセイドン」
“This is exactly like my style!” “You’d see this kind of arrangement anywhere...” "Poseidon had more malice in his personality, you know"
*likely based off the debate of whether poseidon was good or evil.
「特徴的すぎる」 「好き嫌い分かれるな」 「他の人を真似たら?」
“I think it’s just a little too... different” “...well... everyone has different tastes” “How about you try copying other people?”
はい Sure
アンラッキーな境遇 美的センス絶望 他人の土俵でフラフラ踊ってる バット担いで キャンバス フルスイング あらゆる雑音とさよならまたね 凛とした声で 人前に立ちたい 「9割9分の努力でここまで来ました」 バイバイ全部放り出す ハイハイ全部その通り 「ハイハイそうね」「ハイハイそうね」 鳴いていた
Unlucky circumstances, my sense for esthetics lies in despair. I’m dancing unsteadily on the opponent's field, Carrying the bat on my shoulder, on the home place, I take a full swing. All kinds of sounds and a bye bye see you later I want to stand in front of the crowds with a dignified voice {and say} “I got here on 99.9% effort!” Bye bye throwing everything away, yeah yeah it’s all just like that. “Yeah, yeah, sure.” “Yeah, yeah, sure you did.” {they} cawed
バイバイ全部放り出す これ全部逃避 逃げ道をせっせと切り開きましょう スイスイスイ泳ぎ出す みんな速いなあ 僕はただ描きたい あーもう死にたい
Bye bye throwing everything away, this is all an escape, Let’s clear the escape paths clear and wide. Smo-smo-smoothly swimming off, everyone’s so so fast… I just want to draw… ah, I wanna die.
バイバイ全部放り出す 美的センス希望 天と地の差をまざまざと見せつけた スイスイスイ進み出す 溢れ出るもの 僕はただ描くのが好きなだけなのだ キンキンした声で 小物は叫びます 「9割9分の努力でここまで来ました」 バイバイ全部吐き出す バイバイ全部吐き出す 「うんうんなるほど」「うんうんなるほど」 「ハイ 没ね」
Bye bye throwing everything away, I’m hoping for some sense for esthetics. I oh so clearly displayed the difference between heaven and earth All the things overflowing, smo-smo-smoothly progress off. I just like to draw… that’s all. In shrill voices the little pieces screech out, “I got here on 99.9% effort” Bye bye throwing everything away, bye bye vomiting everything back up. “Uh-huh. I see.” “uh-huh, so that’s how it is.” “Yeah, this one’s for the bin”
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forgetfulsubs · 7 years
【See-kun】Disappearing like a cloud of smoke - eng sub【Flower & Len】
🔸Music:See-kun / Shii-kun (しーくん) @ Twitter | Youtube | Mylist 🔸Illustration:Mitsuki Sanagi (みつきさなぎ ) @ Twitter | Pixiv | Mylist 🔸Mastering:Tame (ため) @ Twitter | Mylist +Translation : Forgetfulsubs (feat. tricky line help from @shiopaca​, @novakiaki​ and @magenetratranslations​!) *I have permission from Seekun to sub their songs.
I’m gonna be a singer, but.. actually writing songs is all greek to me.
ウブだった ソーリーモード  耳張った トークショー  ズルかった マスターっすか?  Win-Win だって 通り越して  「あ、多分こうしまして」  知ったかのツラ下げて  「あ、人気出た出た!」  うおーうおーすごいすごいうおーうおーうおー(棒) The apology mode that was so very naive And talk show that strained ears were you that crafty master? It surpasses even being a win-win situation -- “Ah, I guess we’ll do it like this...:” Daring to show a face of feigned understanding... “Oh! It got popular!” Wow wow so cool amazing wow wow (*deadpan*)
便利な友達ですね  「僕は 歌手になります!」  「なので 勉強してます!」  そもそも作曲なんてちんぷんかんぷん What a handy friend to have, eh? “I’m gonna be a singer!” “So I’m studying {it}!” ...I mean, actually writing songs is all greek to me
ねえねえ書いて ソング ソング  幽霊ライター ソング ソング  金出して「俺の!」  「歌上手いのに曲も!」 Hey hey come on! Write a song, a song! A ghost writer -- song song Forking up cash - “Mine!” “Gosh, you’re so good at singing, but you can compose too!?”
息吸うようにウソを重ねて欲は  承認を諸に諸に待遇要求してて Piling up lies just like breathing, my greed, demands completely, completely for compensation of the agreement--
廃材すらないインマイハート  でも煩悩だらけで不安定なんだ  あくせく地道に頑張るのは  つまんない つまんない There’s not even bits of scrap wood in my heart But I’m filled with polluting thoughts, and so very unstable. Carefully and honestly trying your best, Is just so boring. Just so boring.
だいたい知らず五月蝿いや  もう言いたいな「ハリボテパーティなう」  そうやって四面楚歌の中  「Do it. Do it. Do it. Do.」 Knowing pretty much nothing, they're just so annoying God how I want to spill it “paper mache party now!” Like so, I’m surrounded by enemies from all sides {all saying} “Do it. Do it. Do it. Do”
同意 ジャスティス 崩落  チヤホヤ メディア  クリエイションの秘密を  お伺いします Agreement, justice, crumbling, The pampering media Would like to enquire, All the secrets of how I made them...
(ヘッヘッヘッヘ)  そりゃズバリ ヒラメキです  (わー…わー…わー…)  あらよっと キープ キープ  重大な fun fun ファンサービス (hehehehehe) ...It was just a flash of inspiration. (wowowow) Ah oof, I’ll hold on to that, -- It’s that very important, fun fun fanservice.
繰り返すライブ 素晴らしいねえ…  君だって分かってる こんなんじゃヤバイこと The repeating live shows. How wonderful... Even you know, just how sick this is.
廃材すらないインマイハート  でも煩悩だらけで不安定なんだ  友達の「この人知ってる?すごいよなあ」  すごいでしょ? There’s not even bits of scrap wood in my heart But I’m filled with polluting thoughts, and so very unstable. My friend’s “Do you know this person? they’re so amazing!” Yeah, just amazing, right?
だいたい知らず生きたいや  もう言いたいな「僕の時代なんだ!」  自惚れ放題 どうだい?  「Do it. Do it. Do it. Do.」 I wish I could live knowing pretty much nothing, I just wanna say it “this is my era!” With as much pretension as I like... what do you think of that? “Do it. Do it. Do it. Do”
だんだん物足りないような  ホラあの時みたいな曲書いてやんな  はいダメ これダメ ホントお前  つまんない つまんない Gradually I feel more and more like it’s not enough, I just can’t write songs like the ones I did back then. Yep, this is useless. This too. Really you’re so Damn boring. Utterly boring.
だいたい知らず五月蝿いや  もう言いたいな「ハリボテパーティなう」  そうやって四面楚歌の中  「Do it. Do it. Do it. Do.」 Knowing pretty much nothing, they're just so annoying God how I want to spill it “Paper mache party now!” Like so, I’m surrounded by enemies from all sides {all saying} “Do it. Do it. Do it. Do”
ウブだった ソーリーモード  耳張った トークショー  正直に言いましょう  「真っ赤な嘘」ロードショー  ブーイング 喝采 号外  スポンサーバイバイバイバイ  ハリボテサクセス 無に帰す音 The apology mode that was so very naive And talk show that strained ears ...Let’s tell it all honestly now “It was all downright utter lies” the roadshow Booing, cheers and an extra in the newspaper All our sponsors go buy-buy bye bye Paper mache success. The noise of returning it to nil.
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forgetfulsubs · 7 years
🌸Run, Dazai - english translation
◆Music & Illustration : Teniwoha @ Youtube | Twitter | Piapro | Album  ◆Translation : Forgetfulsubs (feat. checking by kagamine_neko)
Teniwoha appears to have updated their terms, so text only for now!
A gift for Megan @magenetratranslations​, who likes Dazai Osamu a whole lot. A lot of the lyrics are references to things related to him so I’ve added links and scattered tl notes throughout -- Warning for mentions of suicide in the lyrics and notes.
ある朝起きたら太宰になってゐた 昼夜問わず中也と争い ひとまず小説を書いてはみたが また落選 ギブミヰ頂戴 芥川賞
One morning I awoke to find, I had transformed into Dazai Fighting with Chuuya regardless of it being day or night.* For starters I thought I might try to write something But again I was rejected, gimme gimme Akutagawa Prize*
*”Chuuya” and “day and night” have the same pronunciation.
人間失格 ロマネス   ク 八十八夜 キリギリ   ス 時は流れて
No Longer Human, how romanes-que The 88th day from the start of spring, a crick-et Time flows on by
文学じゃ食えんのでラノベ書いてみた 文体古いと叩かれた パンチラを文学的に描写すれば 「風立ちぬ、下着若干あらはなり。」
You can’t put bread on the table with {classic} literature, so I tried writing light novels and I got flamed that my writing style was old fashioned. Trying to depict a panty shot in classic literary style “The Wind Has Risen, a certain number of underwear have graced my eyes.” 
人間失格 ロマネス ク 八十八夜 キリギリ ス 手近な女性捕まえて 玉川上水 グットバイ
No Longer Human, How romanes-que The 88th day from the start of spring, a crick-et Grabbing a nearby lady In the Tamagawa aqueduct, goodbye*
*Dazai died in a double suicide with his mistress in the tamagawa aqueduct. *goodbye is the title of his last (unfinished) work.
君 文学こじらせたでしょ 君こそ太宰 君こそ堕罪 臍の緒みたく繋がれ 女性徒諸君沈み込め 君思春期に素晴らしき かの挫折胸に抱き 落丁 乱丁 繰り返す 愛とはどんなんだい?
You merely complicated literature, did you not? Thou art Dazai, thou sink into sin. Tied like an umbilical cord, sink O’ schoolgirls Wonderful in thine youth, holding those frustrations in your breast. Missing pages, all out of order, repeat. What is love like?
選ばれてあることの恍惚と不安 七対三で 不安が勝っちゃって 着物質屋へと恥にまみれて 泥臭いのは流行らん もういい 歩けメロス
The anxiety and ecstasy of being chosen, At a ratio of 7v3, the anxiety won. On to the clothing pawn shop, stained with shame I don’t think smelling of mud will ever be fashionable. It’s fine... walk on, Melos.
死にぞこなってるのさ 死にぞこなってるのさ 僕ら四六時中 死にぞこなって    死にぞこなって 本棚混んでるのさ    魚の棚混んでるのさ 後悔なんてないさ
We’re ending up almost almost dying Almost dying We, 24/7 Almost dying, almost dying Our bookshelves crowded, *Unotana crowded as well... But I have no regrets.
*a fish market, according to google.
君 文学こじらせたでしょ 君こそ太宰 君こそ堕罪 臍の緒みたく繋がれ 女生徒諸君沈み込め 君思春期に素晴らしき かの挫折胸に抱き 落丁 乱丁 繰り返す 愛とは?とは?とは?
You merely complicated literature, did you not? Thou art Dazai, thou sink into sin. Tied like an umbilical cord, sink O’ schoolgirls Wonderful in thine youth, holding those frustrations in your breast Missing pages, all out of order, repeat. What is love? Is love? Is love?
1948 6月13日 何度でも時間は巻き戻る もっとマシな結末書かせろ 加筆する 修正する
1948, June the 13th* Again and again time is rewound, Forcing my hand to write a better ending Revising, amending.
*Dazai’s death date
君 文学こじらせたでしょ 君こそ太宰 君こそ堕罪 思春期に素晴らしき かの挫折胸に抱き 落丁 乱丁 繰り返す
You merely complicated literature, did you not? Thou art Dazai, thou sink into sin. Wonderful in thine youth, holding those frustrations in your breast Missing pages, all out of order, repeat.
aidonwanadai (“I don’t wanna die”)
桜桃香れば 筆先に花咲く
When the cherry tree smells fragrant, on the tip of my brush, do flowers bloom.
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forgetfulsubs · 7 years
Hello Myo-San, I just wanted to thank you for your lovely contributions to the vocaloid community! I have a few questions as well; what is your native language and how are you able to translate things so fast? Also, Happy New Year!
Hiya!! Thank you for the kind message ;w; my native language is english! 
I think the fast (but accurate) translations come down to experience and practice at it www. It’s probably not wise to try and go as fast as you can when you’re still a Japanese beginner or are just starting to translate without checking (I did and really don’t like those translations anymore ;-;)
On top of that and hopefully gaining general Japanese knowledge I think working with @magenetratranslations and checking their translations has really helped me develop my own personal proofreading skills! So I can more quickly check my own translations (it used to take me the longest of all to feel confident they were done and accurate) \(*T▽T*)/
Happy new year to you too!!!
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forgetfulsubs · 7 years
You know, I never was in the vocaloid fandom, but seeing it´s been ten years... I sudddenly want to get in to the western fandom... Any blogs you reccomend?
Sorry for sluggish reply! Did I have to type out this post out twice because tumblr’s @ -ing feature messed things up? maybe
Went through my following and tried to find all the vocaloid blogs I follow for you! There are a bunch more personal blogs of people from the community and art blogs who occasionally post vocaloid that I follow too but I tried to do blogs that primarily post vocaloid for you here?
MitchieM (follow mitchie he’s sweet he follows u back)
( I actually tend to be kind of stingy with following people though, since I like to keep up with posts and know who everyone I’m following is. but I’ve been wanting more vocaloid content on my dash recently so if people wanna suggest other blogs or me to check out your blog feel free to reblog or like this post or something, that would be rly nice! )
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