#magene sensor
kosmos2999 · 10 months
Star Trek: The Animated Series 50th Anniversary Episode Review
Episode: The Time Trap
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Season: 1
Episode: 12
Stardate: November 24, 1973
Original airdate: 5267.2 – 5267.6
Written by: Joyce Perry
Directed by: Hal Sutherland
Music by: Yvette Blais and Jeff Michaels
Executive producers: Lou Scheimer and Norm Prescott
Studio: Filmation Associates
Network: NBC
Series created by: Gene Roddenberry
Captain James T. Kirk (voice by William Shatner)
Mr. Spock (voice by Leonard Nimoy)
Dr. Leonard “Bones” McCoy (voice by DeForest Kelly)
Lt. Uhura, Devna, Magen, Kali (voice by Nichelle Nichols)
Lt. Hikaru Sulu, Kuri, Klingon #1 (voice by George Takei)
Eng. Montgomery Scott, Kaz, Kor, Xerius, Gabler (voices by James Doohan)
Nurse Christine Chapel (voice by Majel Barrett)
The crew of the USS Enterprise was assigned to survey a sector of the galaxy known as the Delta Triangle. More precisely, to research about the mysterious disappearance of a high number of starships on the region from ancient times.
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Once there, the ship had a massive failiure of its sensors and to make the situtation worse, they were received by a squadron of three Klingon battlecruisers, Captain Kirk orders Lieutenant Sulu to fire phasers to the IKS Klothos. The shoots made point blank on the Klingonian vessel but it disappeared, not destroyed.
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One commander of the remaining two Klingon ships blamed Kirk, but the captain decides to move forward to the same place the Klothos was at maximum warp speed. As closer it gets to the place, the ship's crew felt very dizzy by the effect of an ion storm. Suddenly, they were in a place the captain describes as “an interstellar Sargasso Sea” filled with a lot of centuries-old alien starships. One of them, the USS Bonaventure.
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The Entrerprise had another encounter with the Klothos, but right at the moment both of the captains orders to attack their foes, they were suddenly transported to one of the ships. The one that gathers the Ruling Council of the area named Elysia. That council is composed of 123 races that learned to live peacefully over one thousand years. Every act of violence is punished severely. It is not a parallel universe, is a place with no stars nor planets, a place where time ceased to move, a pocket in the garment of time.
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Captain Kirk and Captain Kor are facing charges of committing acts of violence and they are both facing a sentence of a hundred years of immobilization of their ships and crew. The council's leader, a Romulan named Xerius pardons both of the captains due to their ignorance of Elysia's law. They were turned back to their respective ships.
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At the Ruling Council, an alien female with psionic powers named Magen perceived both of the crews from the Enterprise and the Klothos are planning to escape. Another of the Ruling Council members, an Orion slave girl named Devna was opposed to that idea because she deemed they will die and appealed to Xerius to stop them but the council's leader told her it does not infringe any of the Elysian's laws to try to escape from there.
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At the Enterprise, Kirk tries to find the way to escape from there. He has to do something quickly before the disintegration of the dilithium crystals. The Klingons tried first, but they were unsuccessful. Spock devises a formula based on the failure of the Klingonian ship. He proposes Kirk a solution by linking both their ship and the one of their foes using both warp drives together as one.
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During the gathering of both captains and first officers aboard the Klothos, Spock showed very friendly with the Klingons. It made Doctor McCoy very suspicious about the welfare of their first officer. He asks Kirk to talk with him about the subject and he agrees. Spock tells the captain that he felt the thoughts of the Klingonian officers and knows that although is not clear for him, they are planning something evil.
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The Elysians celebrated a party for both Federation and Klingonian crews. After performing a dance, Devna told to the federation captain that she wanted to be on her home planet again but she thinks it is impossible to move out from this place and begs Kirk not to try. He told her that his home may not be perfect as Elysia, but it is his home no matter its imperfections. Also, during the feast, a Klingon officer started a fight with McCoy. Both ships' captains were on trial by the ruling council again as responsible for the conduct of their crews.
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This time, Kirk begs pardon for Kor and his crew because they need them so much for their escape plan. Xerius understood Kirk's intentions and granted the way out of the punishment to the Klingons. During the trial, a female Klingonian officer named Kaz, put an explosive capsule in the warp drive control computer system of the Enterprise.
As the launch of both of the ships' begins, Magen perceived the sabotage to the federation's ship by their counterparts. And the council sends the message to Kirk. Spock throws out the capsule out of the ship before it explodes at warp 8. Both of the ships made their way out of Elysia. Kor takes all the credit for their success, but it is unimportant to Kirk.
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Fascinating Facts:
This episode was written by actress and writer Joyce Perry. It was inspired by legend of the Bermuda Triangle. A region located between Bermuda, Florida and Puerto Rico. According to the myth, there was a lot of mysterious disappearance of ships and airplanes in that area. An urban legend very popular in the second half of the 20th century. It was the source of inspiration for many science fiction and fantasy works of that time.
Also, it is a mention of the Sargasso sea. A region in the north of the Atlantic Ocean that has an abundant brown seaweed called sargassum. It also bounded by four currents forming an ocean gyre.
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This is the second time the Klingon character, Kor has appeared in a episode. The first time was in a season one episode, “Errand Of Mercy”. It was played by actor John Colicos. He was not available at the time this episode, the voice for Kor was played by James Doohan. Colicos returned to the Kor character years later for three episodes of Deep Space Nine.
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This is the last time the Klingons made their appearance with smooth foreheads. Years later, their appearance changed for the 1979 film, Star Trek: The Motion Picture.
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This is the episode were Nichelle Nichols played the most characters in a single episode. A total of four: Uhura, Devna, Magen and Kaz.
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Most of the designs for the starships stuck in the area of Elysia were unapproved designs for the insectoid pod starship from the pilot episode, “To The Farthest Of The Stars”.
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magxit · 1 year
Magen what happened with matty? Im confused with the recent asks, did he say or do something??
This is last tweet.
I told Lucy Dacus that ‘Boygenius’ had inspired me and George to start a new band called ‘Girl****rd’. I don’t really hear from her that often.
I sensored the word that he actually tweeted. He said the word years ago and apologized for it but now he is trying to make jokes about it. Lucy actually unfollowed him from SM in July. So there is that.
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eurekadiario · 1 year
Hamás afirma haber capturado soldados y civiles israelíes en el ataque a las ciudades fronterizas de Gaza
Informes no confirmados de medios de comunicación árabes dicen que 52 israelíes fueron llevados a la Franja de Gaza. Varios vehículos, incluido un tanque de las Fuerzas de Defensa de Israel (FDI) y dos ambulancias Magen David Adom fueron capturados. La UE considera aborrecible la toma de rehenes.
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Palestinos regresan a la Franja de Gaza con el cuerpo de lo que parece ser un soldado israelí el sábado 7 de octubre de 2023. (Foto AP/Ali Mahmud)
El grupo terrorista Hamás publicó imágenes que muestran a sus miembros capturando a varios soldados israelíes durante un ataque a una base militar en la frontera con la Franja de Gaza el sábado.
El grupo palestino con sede en Gaza lanzó un ataque sin precedentes contra Israel por la mañana, disparando miles de cohetes y enviando hombres armados a comunidades israelíes por tierra, mar y aire, matando al menos a 40 personas e hiriendo a más de 700.
Hombres armados de Hamás invadieron al menos una base militar y se movieron a través de comunidades fronterizas israelíes, matando y capturando residentes.
Los medios de comunicación árabes afirmaron que 52 israelíes habían sido capturados. Algunos de los secuestrados parecían haber sido asesinados. El ejército israelí todavía no difundió información oficial sobre los rehenes.
Las redes sociales están repletas de vídeos de combatientes de Hamás haciendo desfilar por las calles lo que parecían ser vehículos militares israelíes robados, incluido un tanque, y al menos un soldado israelí muerto dentro de Gaza siendo arrastrado y pisoteado por una multitud enojada de palestinos que gritaban “Dios es grande”.
El servicio de rescate médico Magen David Adom dijo que dos de sus ambulancias habían sido capturadas y que al menos un doctor había muerto.
Seis horas después de que comenzara la invasión, los militantes de Hamás seguían librando tiroteos dentro de al menos siete comunidades israelíes y una base militar, en una sorprendente demostración de fuerza que sacudió al país.
La infiltración de combatientes en el sur de Israel marcó un importante logro de Hamás que obligó a millones de israelíes a refugiarse en habitaciones seguras, protegiéndose de las explosiones de cohetes y de los continuos tiroteos. Las ciudades y pueblos se vaciaron cuando el ejército cerró las rutas cerca de Gaza.
Israel tiene una enorme valla de seguridad a lo largo de la frontera con Gaza destinada a evitar infiltraciones. Se encuentra a gran profundidad y está equipada con cámaras y sensores de alta tecnología.
El sitio de noticias israelí Ynet informó que las fuerzas de seguridad están examinando si los recientes disturbios a lo largo de la frontera de Gaza fueron en realidad una tapadera para que los terroristas colocaran explosivos que se utilizaron para romper la barrera.
Las imágenes publicadas online mostraban la barrera completamente rota en varios puntos, con vehículos de Hamás circulando sin obstáculos.
Los residentes de las comunidades a lo largo de la frontera describieron su terror y continuaron pidiendo ayuda e informando sobre tiroteos perpetrados por terroristas dentro de los kibutzim y otras áreas residenciales, mientras que a menudo decían que había poca o ninguna presencia del ejército israelí en las calles.
Una residente del Kibutz Be’eri dijo al Canal 12 israelí que su padre fue secuestrado en una comunidad fronteriza del sur por terroristas de Hamás y llevado a la Franja de Gaza.
“Me envió un mensaje diciendo que estaban en la casa”, contó entre lágrimas. “Me dijo que se lo iban a llevar”, y agregó que vio fotografías de él en Gaza.
Por su parte, el mayor general Ghassan Alian, coordinador de Actividades Gubernamentales en los Territorios, afirmó: “Hamás abrió las puertas del infierno en la Franja de Gaza, Hamás tomó la decisión y Hamás asumirá la responsabilidad y pagará el precio”.
Israel ha respondido con mucha fuerza en el pasado a la captura de soldados y civiles.
En 2006, lanzó un ataque masivo contra el Líbano, incluida una invasión de fuerzas terrestres, después de que el grupo terrorista Hezbollah matara y capturara a tres soldados israelíes.
Hamás ve a los prisioneros israelíes como la mejor manera de obtener concesiones de Israel.
En 2011, Israel intercambió 1.027 prisioneros de seguridad palestinos por el soldado Gilad Shalit, que fue capturado en un ataque transfronterizo en 2006.
Tras los informes sobre la captura de soldados y civiles, el jefe de política exterior de la UE, Josep Borrell, pidió la liberación inmediata de los rehenes israelíes.
“Las noticias sobre civiles tomados como rehenes en sus hogares o en Gaza son espantosas”, escribió Borrell en X, el sitio de redes sociales anteriormente conocido como Twitter.
“Esto va en contra del derecho internacional”, escribió. “Los rehenes deben ser liberados inmediatamente”.
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lassmoodoo · 1 year
🚴 Bike Speed & Cadence Sensors 2023 | Xoss, IGPSPORT, CYCPLUS, Magene, C...
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merkabici · 2 years
Guía comparativa Magene L508 luz trasera de radar para bicicleta
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¿Qué es una luz de radar trasera Magene L508 para bicicleta? La luz de radar trasera Magene L508 para bicicleta es un dispositivo de seguridad para bicicletas que alerta a los otros usuarios de la carretera de su presencia. Esta luz emite una señal de radar que se extiende a una distancia de hasta 300 metros, y su intensidad se ajusta automáticamente a los cambios de velocidad de la bicicleta. Esta luz también cuenta con una función de emergencia que se activa automáticamente cuando se detecta un frenazo brusco, para alertar a los otros usuarios de la carretera. La luz también viene con un control remoto para poder controlarla desde la bicicleta, así como con una función de apagado automático para ahorrar batería. Una breve historia de los usos de las luces traseras de radar para bicicletas Las luces traseras de radar para bicicletas se han utilizado desde hace algunos años para permitir a los ciclistas mejorar su visibilidad para los demás usuarios de la vía. Estas luces traseras han evolucionado desde los primeros dispositivos de luz LED de baja intensidad que se conectaban a la bicicleta con una batería almacenada en el cuadro de la bicicleta. Estas luces eran útiles para mejorar la visibilidad, pero no permitían a los usuarios detectar la presencia de otros vehículos a su alrededor. A finales de la década de los 2000, los fabricantes comenzaron a desarrollar luces traseras de radar para bicicletas que funcionaban con tecnología de radar. Estas luces utilizan un sensor de radar para detectar la presencia de otros vehículos que se encuentren cerca de la bicicleta. Cuando el sensor detecta un vehículo, las luces traseras se prenden automáticamente para indicar la presencia de otro vehículo. Estas luces traseras de radar para bicicletas permiten a los usuarios tener una mayor seguridad al estar conscientes de la presencia de otros vehículos a su alrededor. Las luces traseras de radar para bicicletas han evolucionado constantemente a lo largo de los años para proporcionar a los ciclistas una mayor seguridad. Hoy en día, muchos fabricantes ofrecen luces traseras de radar que utilizan tecnología de luz láser para proporcionar una mejor visibilidad para los demás usuarios de la vía. Estas luces traseras de radar también se han mejorado para incluir funciones como la detección de movimiento, la detección de luces de freno y la detección de luces de giro. Estas características permiten a los usuarios estar más seguros al estar completamente conscientes de la presencia de otros vehículos a su alrededor. Los beneficios de tener una luz trasera para bicicleta de buena calidad Son varios, en primer lugar, proporciona una mayor seguridad al ciclista. Al tener una luz trasera, los conductores y peatones pueden ver al ciclista desde cualquier dirección. Esto reduce las posibilidades de accidentes. Además, una buena luz trasera de bicicleta también puede ayudar a mejorar la visibilidad en la carretera. Esto permite al ciclista ver los vehículos a su alrededor, así como los obstáculos en el camino. Esto aumenta la seguridad y reduce el riesgo de accidentes. Finalmente, una buena luz trasera para bicicleta también puede ayudar a mejorar la experiencia general de conducir. Al tener una luz trasera, el ciclista se siente más seguro y confiado mientras conduce. Esto hace que los paseos en bicicleta sean más placenteros. Por qué necesita una nueva luz trasera para bicicleta Una luz trasera para bicicleta es necesaria para aumentar la seguridad al montar en bicicleta. Esta luz ayuda a los conductores de vehículos y otros ciclistas a identificar la presencia de una bicicleta en la carretera, especialmente cuando se monta en la oscuridad. Además, ayuda a prevenir que los ciclistas sean golpeados por vehículos que no los ven. Por último, una luz trasera para bicicleta también puede ayudar a los ciclistas a mantenerse seguros al montar en la carretera, ya que les permite ver dónde están yendo. Mantente a salvo en las calles Magene L508 Luz Trasera de Radar de Bicicleta, 5 Modos de luz La Magene L508 es una luz trasera de radar recargable para bicicletas que ofrece 5 modos de luz diferentes. Esta luz trasera está diseñada para ayudar a los ciclistas a estar seguros al ciclar en la noche. Esta luz trasera es recargable por un puerto USB tipo C para una larga duración de batería. Está equipada con un sensor de radar que detecta los vehículos que se acercan desde atrás para avisar a los ciclistas. El dispositivo también ofrece una luz intermitente brillante y una luz constante para garantizar una mayor visibilidad. La Magene L508 es una luz trasera de radar ideal para ciclistas de montaña, de carretera y de BMX. Esta luz trasera es resistente al agua y fácil de instalar en cualquier bicicleta. El radar de L508 utiliza señales de pulso de ondas milimétricas El radar de L508 es una herramienta útil para aquellos que necesitan tener una detección precisa de bicicletas y vehículos. Esto ayuda a los ciclistas a mantenerse seguros al tomar decisiones de manejo apropiadas. El radar detecta vehículos de alta velocidad con un alcance de hasta 700 metros, lo que le permite a los ciclistas tener una idea clara de la situación del tráfico antes de entrar a él. El radar también es capaz de detectar bicicletas de movimiento lento, lo que permite a los ciclistas tener una idea de los vehículos cercanos a ellos sin necesidad de mirar a su alrededor. Esto es útil en caso de que haya vehículos que estén maniobrando a su alrededor, ya que el radar le dará una advertencia antes de que el vehículo se acerque demasiado. Esto ayuda a los ciclistas a mantenerse seguros al tomar decisiones de manejo apropiadas. Batería de larga duración de hasta 16 horas. Puerto de carga tipo C. Totalmente cargado en 3 horas. La batería de larga duración de hasta 16 horas para el dispositivo viene con un puerto de carga tipo C, lo que significa que se puede cargar rápidamente con un cable de carga tipo C. La batería se cargará totalmente en aproximadamente 3 horas. El tiempo de carga exacto depende del dispositivo y de la potencia de la fuente de alimentación. La luz trasera L508 es compatible con la detección de vibraciones También es posible programar la luz para que se encienda automáticamente cuando se detecten vibraciones, lo que mejora la seguridad para el ciclista. Además, la luz trasera L508 es impermeable al 100%, lo que le permite usarla en climas húmedos sin preocuparse. Read the full article
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19th January 2021 - 'The big 300' days since lockdown began in the UK
19th January 2021 – ‘The big 300’ days since lockdown began in the UK
So 300 days of on off restrictions and degrees of lockdown. Different degrees of lockdown, small wedding not allowed, small weddings allowed, different rules and permitted mitigations to learn each time. We carry on with life as best we can and find a new equilibrium with each circumstances, fortunate to be in a position to do so. I had a great time with this couple and their 30 guests at this…
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gay-jewish-bucky · 2 years
I think since Bucky is such a geek and Shuri probably go to know him well, I think she'd make him an arm full of handy gadgets like a laser pointer and a pen holder. Just because she knows Bucky would probably love fancy multitools.
the more i think about this the more i imagine that he has a few different arms (all designed by shuri with bucky's input ofc), ones that have different purposes, the same way lower limb amputees require different prosthetics for different activities
he of course has the vibranium arm, which is great, but it carries the weight of fighting battles he never wanted to be a part of
i think for day-to-day (when he wears his prosthetic, often he doesn't feel the need to) he'd want one that's no different to a regular arm
because it's not meant to endure the kind of stress his other arms were designed to handle, he is able to have improved sensation (textures/heat/increased pressure sensors) and nerve function
then, since he and steve are building their own house, one that has a bunch of tools/attachments built into it, which is really handy
i also like to think he has different designs on his arms, some are neutral, some are more fun
one of his everyday arms is a rainbow gradient with a magen david engraved on the shoulder, as designed by steve (x)
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oldnwise · 2 years
A ficlet: Jedi Nights (Teen and Up rated)
There's this net series about a pair of Jedi Knights and apparently its quite popular with the Padawans....
Anakin sighed as he walked alongside his ex-Master, hoisting the pack up over his shoulder.  “I just want to sleep for a week.”
He heard the noncommittal grunt and glanced sideways as Obi-Wan tugged at a patch of mud-matted hair.  “As will I, at least as soon as I can shower.  And then…”  He paused at the sound of laughter coming down the darkened corridor.  “That sounds like Ahsoka.”
“At the very least.”  He tapped the sensor for his door control and the door swished open to the swelling sound of chatter and laughter.
The noise vanished as both Jedi walked into the room to find four figures sitting on cushions in front of the large vidscreen on Anakin’s wall.  Ahsoka jumped to her feet, stumbling over a box of cornpops as she gave her Master a hug.  “Master!  I didn’t expect you back for days!”
“Apparently so.”  Anakin dumped the pack on the nearby desk as he returned his Padawan's hug.  “What’s going on here?”
“We’re watching the latest episode of our favorite netdrama.  I didn’t think you’d mind if I invited some friends.  We can go now…it’s almost over…”
Obi-Wan scratched his beard, smiling mildly at Anakin’s confusion.  “Don’t tell me – Jedi Nights?”
Tooma, the youngest of the Padawans, looked surprised.  “You know it, Master Kenobi?”
“Well, I haven’t watched it but I’ve heard the gossip.”  He settled himself into a chair behind Anakin’s desk, kicking his own bag under the desk and his smile widened at Anakin’s voiceless question.  “It’s the story of two rather heroic Jedi having all kinds of spectacularly improbable adventures.”
Ahsoka laughed.  “Yes, totally improbable.  A female Master called Edie Pendoba and a handsome young Padawan called Magen Sunstalker.  Wait,” she said as the commercials faded and the show returned, “it’s the last scene, the Jedi Council meeting…oh wow!”
Unable to resist, Anakin slide down on the spare seat next to Obi-Wan as the two figures on the screen appeared, standing together before a group of figures of various species seated in something vaguely like the Council Chamber.  The older of the two, an attractive woman with elegantly styled blonde hair, stepped forward and tucked her arms inside her sleeves.
Masters, I ask that you reconsider.  Nothing that has passed between my Padawan and myself has been at all improper!
A small green alien with very large ears spoke up.  We have sensed this attachment and wrong it is.  You must consider the Force and not your feelings.  Until then, separated you will be…
And scene faded to dramatic music and end credits.
Anakin turned towards Obi-Wan and saw the bright amusement, and was entirely unable to resist.
He stood and pulled Obi-Wan to his feet.  “Master, I cannot bear to be separated from you!”
The young padawans gasped as Obi-Wan slowly placed his hand on top of Anakin’s.  “My Padawan, we must abide by the dictates of the council or else…”
Anakin sobbed and grabbed Obi-Wan’s hands.  “No, I cannot bear it Master!  I love you!”
Obi-Wan nodded slowly, expression shattered.  “I know.”
They paused for effect, then Anakin heard Ahsoka’s gasp.  “Could you…just hold that thought…I need to get my camera..and if you can just say all that again..”
Anakin laughed and sensed Obi-Wan’s flashing humour through their bond.  “Absolutely not, get out of here the lot of you.”
The padawans stood, laughing and moving towards the door.  “I’ll go with them,” Ahsoka said as she pushed her friends outside, “the Padawans all get together after the show in the Padawan dining hall for snacks and to talk about it.  I’ll be back in an hour or so.”  She turned at the door.  “That was really good, you should write for the show!”
The door closed behind them and Anakin slipped on the privacy lock.  “I know?  Is that all I get for such a powerful declaration of love?”
“Well, it was a cliche so it deserved a platitude in response.”  Arms slid around him and he turned as Obi-Wan’s face came to rest on his chest.  Obi-Wan sucked in a deep breath and coughed.  “You need a shower, badly.”
“I have what I need right here,” Anakin whispered, stroking his face across Obi-Wan messy hair.
“We could definitely get a job writing for that dreadful show.”  Obi-Wan lifted his head and accepted the kiss, eyes sliding closed in weary pleasure.  “Especially if they ever increased the rating.  I don’t imagine they have any idea what it’s like to make love to a Jedi.”
“Okay then,” Anakin whispered against his lips as he started pulling off his tunics, “into the shower for both of us, and you can make notes…afterwards…a long time afterwards.”
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breakthecage · 4 years
//Vi has been going on about wanting a wife for Lee and I love character creation especially of Naruto OCs so below the cut is a profile I’ve worked up and that we’re toying with rping on discord. I’m still learning to line in Sai.  Don’t judge the art too badly.
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Name: Miu Lee (美梦 リー)  (nee Hasukawa)
Age: one year older than Naruto's group
Rank: Jounin
Gender: Female
Blood Type: O-
Birthday: December 31
Personality: Miu is a sweet girl, intelligent and contemplative.  She's overtly friendly to others and makes friends easily,  frequently going out of her way to inject herself into situations even if it's only with a few words.  Due to things she saw as a child, she has strong faith in herself and is upset by very little.  In the academy, she was one of the popular girls and still keeps a large circle of friends.
Good Trait(s): trustworthy, unshakable, selfless Bad Trait(s): petty, inflexible
Like(s): sweets, girlish things
Dislike(s):  being talked over or ignored, abruptly forceful people, bitter foods
Hobby(ies):  collecting different varieties of tea,  knitting Fear(s):  Falling/heights
Strength(s): Miu's specialty is stealth.  She's an intelligence kunoichi known for her ability to slip and out of anywhere undetected.  Even when confronted, she can charm her way out of any situation.  To aid in her missions she uses a combination of genjutsu and taijutsu.  Her combat style is aggressive and she can hold her own in a fight.
Weakness(es):  Disadvantaged against sensor types
Personal Quote:  "If you don't get your hands off me, I am going to stab you."
History:  Miu's family fled war in Tea Country when she was only a small child, hiding out in the Mist with distant relatives for safety.  Miu was enrolled in the academy in what was supposed to be a temporary thing while her family found somewhere else to live but she took to it like a fish to water and her family ultimately decided to stay in Kiri.  As a shinobi, she didn't stay with her team for long after chuunin promotion, joining the intelligence division and bonding with them more than anyone. [Unfinished]
Chakra Types: Yin, Water Lightning
Signature Jutsu:         
Kirikagure no Yume (Hidden Mist Dream) - Combines the signature Kirigakure mist ninjutsu with an illusion which travels through the mists.  The illusion looks like a dream in its ethereal nature and when used by Miu, takes the form of the target's fears.      
Magen  : Suimen Mahi  (Sleep Paralysis Demon Technique) - A technique which cuts off the target's senses, blinding them with illusions and rendering them unable to remove.  Requires skin to skin contact, can be broken by a moment of physical separation.
Taijutsu Style: Xing Yi Quan
Theme: Rain in Jiang (Dizi ver) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIPt62zXfWI
Special Ability: Can use one handed hand signs.
Miu is a vegetarian.
Her favorite food is wagashi and her least favorite food is lemon grass.
Her family name Hasukawa, is a reference to the lotus river in Tea Country where she is from.  Her clothing is adorned with lotus drawings in multiple places and she bears the lotus kanji scarred onto her right shoulder.
Her favorite phrase is "Moving forward."
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amtaham · 3 years
XOSS G+ vs MI Smart Band 6
XOSS G+ vs MI Smart Band 6
XOSS G+ (XOSS) vs Mi Smart Band 6 (MSB6) Setelah menggunakan MSB6 selama kurang lebih 14 hari, saya membandingkan fitur WORKOUT (WO) pada MSB6 dengan bike computer XOSS G+. Saya sudah menggunakan XOSS G+ selama kurang lebih 1 tahun. Perangkat dukungan XOSS G+ menggunakan sensor Speed dan Cadence, serta Heart Rate Monitor (HRM). Ketiganya keluaran dari Magene. Perlu diketahui fitur WO pada MSB6…
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Was mich immer wieder erstaunt, ist die Präzision mit der sich Kinder auf schlechte Zeitpunkte und ungünstige Orte stürzen. In unserer Wohnung ist es etwa so, dass es einige Zimmer gibt, in denen sie spielen können. Und obwohl immer etwas rumliegt, fehlt es nicht an Freiflächen. Aber wenn sie ihre Tierkrankenhäuser, Autorennbahnen und Legoschlösser bauen, tun sie das entweder im Flur, durch den ich dauernd laufen muss oder direkt vor Türen, das heißt Durchgängen. Und weil wir keine von diesen Wohnküchen haben und unsere Küche zu klein für einen Essplatz ist, renne ich täglich gefühlt tausend Mal zwischen Küche und Esstisch hin und her. Und auf diesem Weg befinden sich mehrere opulente Duplobauten, die ich auf keinen Fall berühren, geschweige denn kaputt machen darf. Das heißt, ich steige und hüpfe permanent auf Zehenspitzen durch die Wohnung, über konzentriert hockende Kinder oder Bauwerke. Es ist nicht so, dass ich sie nicht bitten würde, einen Meter weiter zu rücken, um einen Gang zu lassen. Wenn ich diese Bitte äußere, verschieben sie ihre architektonischen Meisterwerke um fünf Zentimeter, zeigen auf den entstandenen Spalt und sagen: Da kannst du durch.
Genau das gleiche ist es mit dem Timing. Als meine Tochter gerade den Windeln entwachsen war, musste sie immer genau dann unbedingt sofort pinkeln, wenn wir gerade im Supermarkt waren, der Korb voll und die Kassen  auch. Heute passiert das immer noch. Es ist nur keine Überraschung mehr. Man gewöhnt sich an ein Leben im absurden Theater. Besonders schön ist es, wenn das große Geschäft in ungünstigen Augenblicken zu erledigen ist. Kannst du´s anhalten? ist dann die Frage und die Kinderaugen bekommen diesen leicht panischen Ausdruck, so dass du die Antwort schon weißt. Eine Freundin hat sich für diese heiteren Momente solche Hundekotsäckchen zugelegt, die sie dann ebenso benutzt. Ich schaute ein wenig neidisch, entschied mich aber innerlich dagegen, ihr auf diesem Pfad zu folgen. 
Wahrscheinlich haben Kinder einen Sensor für schwache Momente und genau da hinein kommen sie dann mit ihrem Mist. Bekommen Magen-Darm und Läuse wenn die Eltern auch grad krank sind oder wichtige Abgabetermine haben und übergeben sich in einem vollen Bus. Um die Eltern härter zu machen und um die schönen, stressfreien Momente besser genießen zu können. Hauptsache schön intensiv alles. Himmel und Hölle. 
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govipul · 3 years
Heart Rate Monitor - Chest Strap
Which are the best heart rate monitor device is it, Heart Rate Monitor bands or armbands or chest straps confused? 
Chest straps are the most accurate and best heart rate monitor.
 Do you want to be in shape, gain speed, and strength? With these wearables, all you have to do is listen to the heart you should go for.
 Whether you're a beginner runner or a serious athlete, using a heart rate monitor is the greatest method to obtain more data from your training sessions. Everyone can benefit from keeping track of their heart rate. 
For fitness training, cardio, and cycling, HRM tracks intensity, heart rate, and calories burned in real-time. Heart rate monitors can assist you in securely achieving your workout goals. 
And heart rate monitors aren't just for athletes. The latest technologies can help you keep track of your heart rate 24 hours a day, recognise disease, stress, and exhaustion, and even alert you when it's time to take a break.
HRM chest strap that tracks your heart rate might be useful whether you're just getting started with an exercise regimen or are a dedicated fitness fanatic. Heart rate monitors can help you exercise at the proper intensity by instantly telling you how fast your heart is beating.
This is our list of favourites after reviewing and testing nearly every heart rate monitor on the market.
Top fitness tracker picks for all budgets in 2021 
Fitness tracker wearables for all budgets
 Compatible Heart rate Devices
 Monitoring of Heart Rate The Chest Strap measures your heart rate, heart rate zones, and calories burned during any workout activity. Using the stylish chest strap, you can track your progress and see better results.
 1. Actofit Elasticised Fabric Heart Rate Monitoring Chest Strap
 2. The Polar H9 Heart Rate sensor chest strap
 3.  Garmin HRM-Dual Chest Strap
 4.  Magene H64 Heart Rate Monitor Chest Strap
 5.  LIVLOV V6 Heart Rate Monitor Chest Strap
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sarainvnrun · 3 years
Vietnamese said that start from yesterday is the beginning of ghost month which means: “In Vietnam we believe this month is for ghost or devil from hell can go around our life to find something to eat or can usurp our body. So in those day people normally met the unlucky things, unlucky business. And we not go outside at night”
I was on my way back home from running and 2 policemen on motorbike called me while I was immediately walked towards VinMart. One of them showed a photo of me running in the morning on one of the alleys. One of them was shouting and yelling at me using google translate to ask my name, where do I live, nationality, and told me that I’ve violated the govt Directive No. 16 and asked me to join them to Quang An police station. I pretended to cry and said sorry. He shouted at me to say it louder. I repeated to say sorry and he told me to go back home. I waited until they drove off and I sprinted back home.
Ian offered in HC chat group if anyone wants to borrow his dumb trainer during lockdown. I immediately said yes! He’s being the usual kind-Ian came over after his family dinner and helped me to set my bike. I also borrowed Vincent’s rear wheel including the cassette. Then I asked Tri what to do if I want to “connect” to virtual world (zwift) and he advised me to buy Magene speed sensor because everything must be connected with Bluetooth: speed sensor & iPad; unfortunately my cadence sensor & HRM are only ANT+ after that I asked Rob for some advices and he shared links from shopee to buy Magene sensors and how to set up dumb trainer to zwift. I got the same answer from Matthieu. He bought his sensors from Nam Anh.
Today after monthly meeting with Pak Arif, he asked where am I? And bottom line he asked me to discuss with Pak Danang whether he prefers to live in house in Vinh Phuc or in Hanoi because can’t keep two houses if I’m the only one live in Hanoi for cost saving. I asked pak Danang and he said he prefers to live in Vinh Phuc during this pandemic. This made me heart sank, I can’t imagine to live in a “village” although I have no issue to commute 50km everyday but one thing that made me survive living abroad is to have personal/social life other than just work, work, work which is what going to happen if I live in the shared house in Vinh Phuc.
Grant advised to me to answer to Pak Arif that Pak Danang will return to Hanoi after the pandemic, made sure that Pak Danang keeps this confidential only between me & him, don’t say anything unless Pak Arif asks next month. This will be my strategy. I hope this works #prayhard
Tonight I got my Magene speed sensor and I managed to join the zwift virtual ride for the first time.
They said it’s unlucky month but I believe Mr. G is bigger than my problems in this so called unlucky month.
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suimen-mahi · 4 years
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Name: Miu Hasukawa (美梦 リー) 
Age: one year older than Naruto's group
Gender: Female
Blood Type: O-
Birthday: December 31
Personality: Miu is a sweet girl, intelligent and contemplative.  She's overtly friendly to others and makes friends easily,  frequently going out of her way to inject herself into situations even if it's only with a few words.  Due to things she saw as a child, she has strong faith in herself and is upset by very little.  In the academy, she was one of the popular girls and still keeps a large circle of friends. Good Trait(s): trustworthy, unshakable, selfless
Bad Trait(s): petty, inflexible
Like(s): chocolate, girlish things
Dislike(s):  being talked over or ignored, abruptly forceful people, bitter foods
Hobby(ies):  collecting different varieties of tea,  embroidery
Fear(s):  Falling/heights
Strength(s): Miu's specialty is stealth and hand to hand combat.  She's an intelligence kunoichi known for her ability to slip and out of anywhere undetected.  Even when confronted, she can charm her way out of any situation.  To aid in her missions she uses a combination of genjutsu and taijutsu.
Weakness(es):  Disadvantaged against sensor types
Personal Quote:  "If you don't get your hands off me, I am going to stab you."
History:  Miu's family fled war in Tea Country when she was only a small child, hiding out in the Mist with distant relatives for safety.  Miu was enrolled in the academy in what was supposed to be a temporary thing while her family found somewhere else to live but she took to it like a fish to water and her family ultimately decided to stay in Kiri.  As a shinobi, she didn't stay with her team for long after chuunin promotion, joining the intelligence division and bonding with them more than anyone.
Chakra Types: Yin, Water, Lightning
Signature Jutsu:         
Kirikagure no Yume (Hidden Mist Dream) - Combines the signature Kirigakure mist ninjutsu with an illusion which travels through the mists.  The illusion looks like a dream in its ethereal nature and when used by Miu, takes the form of the target's fears.      
Magen  : Suimen Mahi  (Sleep Paralysis Demon Technique) - A technique which cuts off the target's senses, blinding them with illusions and rendering them unable to remove.  Requires skin to skin contact, can be broken by a moment of physical separation.
Taijutsu Style: Xing Yi Quan Theme: Rain in Jiang (Dizi ver) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIPt62zXfWI
Special Ability: Can use one handed hand signs.
Miu is a vegetarian.
Her favorite food is wagashi and her least favorite food is lemon grass.
Her family name Hasukawa, is a reference to the lotus river in Tea Country where she is from.  Her clothing is adorned with lotus drawings in multiple places and she bears the lotus kanji scarred onto her right shoulder.
Her favorite phrase is "Moving forward."
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