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burstfoot · 1 year ago
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There are a lot of chapters in the anthology that are an excuse for yuribait but the magbestos one in Vol. 6 isn't just yuribait. It's more than that. And it's REALLY GOOD
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Cannot sing enough praises for Mastsubayashi Kagume's art, it's absolutely gorgeous
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fishing-lesbian-catgirl · 25 years ago
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mauditeaffaire · 2 years ago
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guiltycrunch · 2 years ago
rest in peace magbestos you will be missed
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sharkgirls · 8 months ago
Looking over everything, I still love that people enjoyed the fic I liked the least overall. It had a couple of good moments though. The Magbestos one still feels like my magnum opus. and it doesn't surprise me at all that the Farcille one is the most popular. It's been a fun year of experimenting on things and pushing new boundaries within myself. I'm definitely stumped for a bit right now but I hope this new year shall be a lot of fun with writing. shit does really spark joy
kinda crazy how i've been writing fan fiction for a year now. Before I would just imagine things and never write them down, losing them forever. Now it's I gotta go write that down and see if anything becomes of it. It's rather fun writing bad stuff. I hope someday I will get to write about original stories though. I still don't feel much motivation to write overall but at least now when something sparks in my head I can key it down quick before I lose it.
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ipmatc · 3 years ago
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I did a poll on Twitter on whether or not Asbestos smokes weed and drew the opposite. My twitter @mkn_bkm
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fishing-lesbian-catgirl · 9 months ago
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I am ashamed to admit it took a friend pointing it out for me to realize that Asbestos has been wearing a Magellanic Penguin keychain this entire fucking time! 🏳️‍🌈❓
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fishing-lesbian-catgirl · 1 year ago
tbf i thought the shrimpy videographer she mentions was click
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While Click is shorter than Asbestos and that would kind of make sense, Magallan is the shrimpy girl to her. Magallan is also literally the only operator that Asbestos is nice to. And given that Magallan’s operator record is about the two of them spending 132 days adventuring together in the arctic, sharing a tent and having nothing but eachother for company, I think I have an idea why
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fishing-lesbian-catgirl · 1 year ago
magbestos cock warming might as well juat have an event on its own with how much time those fruits spend alone together
You’re right and you should say it
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fishing-lesbian-catgirl · 1 year ago
the best part about asbestos' height is that she calls magallan shrimpy. but. she's *shorter* than her.
Yes it’s fucking hilarious. It’s so in character for her too. I hope someday we get an operator record or something that explains why she does this
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fishing-lesbian-catgirl · 1 year ago
Wait hold on why does Asbestos call Magallan shrimpy when Magallan is literally 4 cm taller than her
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fishing-lesbian-catgirl · 1 year ago
I feel like you've talked a lot about Asbestos, but how do you feel about Magallan?
Kind of a funny ask when my pfp was Magallan a few days ago and my pinned is of her. I love Magallan! To me, Asbestos’s schtick of being an asshole who wants to be alone and doesn’t like anyone is improved so so much by the existence of Magallan as the one person who is an exception, even if Asbestos won’t ever admit that to anyone but Mags. She’s a loner who has no friends, except this mostly cheery Penguin girl who is a genius scientist. They have extremely different personalities and that makes their dynamic much better.
But aside from her relationship to Asbestos, I think she’s an interesting character. She’s a Rhine Lab girl, but she’s not actually connected to most Rhine Lab stuff, although she’s apparently friends enough lots of the other girls to have nicknames for some of them. She’s positive and ambitious and has a goal to survey the arctic that, in Arknights, remains largely unknown and very dangerous. Her operator file hints that she may have connections to some sinister stuff occurring in the arctic, like her being aware od the black snow, or like her apparently modifying her drones to have a 4th unofficial configuration that is seemingly like redacted or something in her file(?). Of course the nature of her exploring a remote part of the world, largely alone except for when Asbestos joins her sometimes, means that she isn’t really present in anything until something happens in said remote arctic.
I like her design, I like that she’s an opposite to Asbestos in personality that gives them a very fun dynamic, I like that she’s taller than Asbestos even though Asbestos calls her “Shrimpy”. I don’t have quite as much to say about her because most of my interest in her admittedly comes from her being close to Asbestos, but I do quite like the penguin girl
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fishing-lesbian-catgirl · 2 years ago
Magallan’s operator record might not show it, but I refuse to believe that Asbestos went exploring with Magallan for over 3 months, exploring further than anyone had before, braving the extreme conditions, and spending every moment together without having homoerotic moments. I also don’t buy it that Asbestos went with her for no particular reason. Asbestos loves exploring dangerous places, but she also has a ton of respect for “shrimpy” Magallan. She wouldn’t admit it but I know she went with Magallan more for the opportunity to spend months on end with her than the opportunity to throw herself into danger
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fishing-lesbian-catgirl · 2 years ago
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fishing-lesbian-catgirl · 1 year ago
The internet is a beautiful place. I can search for something so absurdly specific and tailored to my interests and still be able to find something about it I disagree with that makes the whole thing less meaningful to me.
Several months ago I was able to find a whole collection of slutty transfem lesbian Asbestos fanfiction, only to get part way through and think “hey wait she would not get bottom surgery” and find the rest of the works in the collection less enjoyable because of it
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fishing-lesbian-catgirl · 1 year ago
I was thinking about it when I wrote my answer but I totally forgot to include it: Magbestos!Magbestos is a little weird because Asbestos is my favorite character and Magallan is the only character she’s connected to. It makes a cute ship and it made me start liking Magallan because of their relationship, but I can’t necessarily call it my favorite, I didn’t even like Magallan at first tbh. Not to say I disliked her, but I didn’t have her and never saw her in anything and when I learned the one character my beloved salamander girl has a positive relationship with was a weird cheery penguin girl I was initially kinda confused. I also disliked how Asbestos’s entire operator file is devoted to comparing her to Magallan, instead of saying things about her directly. I still think that is weird, seriously to read it and tell me any other operator that has one like it. I understand that the in universe reason for it being like that is that no one knows anything about Asbestos other than that Magallan is her “friend”/the only person Asbestos tolerates and convinced her to get treatment, that she’s an asshole to everyone on purpose bc she wants to be alone, and that she plans to die alone on one of her explorations with no one around (and they specifically mention that Rhodes Island won’t let that happen). But still I think they could have a little more, like Asbestos keeps journals about her explorations and gets parts of them published in magazines and stuff, tell me more about that!
Anyway I do like Magbestos a lot though, I just wish they gave us more in Magallan’s operator record about the two of them spending 100 days together exploring the ice fields with no one else around. There were a few moments but for the most part it was all focused on Magallan and her research, it is her op record after all, but I just want more! The anthology comic had a really good Magbestos chapter but sadly that isn’t canon (although it’s not not canon either)
Despite everything I somehow haven’t been motivated to write a fic about the two of them yet, but I plan to eventually, I just have to finish all the other projects I’m juggling first lmao
What's your favorite arknights couple?
Really tough question. I feel like I have to say Franka/Liskarm though, Friskarm is just so good and its as canon as it could possibly be without them literally getting married or making out in the story. But I also have to say that Skadi/Specter and Gavial/Tomimi fanart are what convinced me to play this game in the first place so they hold a special place in my heart. Also Silence/Ptilopsis, sleepy owl wives is really good too. I've got a lot of them that I really like though so its hard to choose
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