trippingtroll · 1 year
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Rahngo is the kind of dude who would stop to pick you up when you get knocked down in the mosh pit.
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iruthomlogs · 30 days
Mermaids and Siren AU
A World of Warcraft mermaid AU for @promptsbytaurie event AUgust 2024 day 23 mermaid/siren featuring my WoW characters for each class of the game and my Siren ocs.
The 13 merfolks swim toward the direction of the mysterous singing that they are hearing and put the eight men of their group in a hypnotic trance. One of the mermaids ask one of her friends, "Where do you think the guys are going, Amelia?" and Amelia, whose have long brown hair and gray scale fish tail, answer the question, "I don't know. I never expected a song so wonderful in the Forbidden Reef." A mermaid said to Amelia and the other mermaids, "Maybe that is why the reef was forbidden in the first place." Amelia have a sense of guilit as she ask her friends Wanda, Aeriala, Zeshos, Sedrise, Chunho, Zhuthel, Rarkel, Rama, Brekk, Wamblessha, Riavaih'mur, and Hjuhrogir check out the Forbidden Reef she hear about.
Hiding behind some rocks, the mermaids see the men swim up to some rocks where thirteen woman with bird wings for arms and talons for legs as well feather on their land on the rocks. Amelia quickly realized that these bird women are winged sirens, a type of the sirens sub-species of mermaids whose can use their songs to control the wills of others and even use them to cause ships to crash into their doom. One of the winged sirens, whose look like a woman of Europe despite her bird features, said to her fellow sirens, "Strange that we got a group of mermen, girls." and another winged siren said, "I'm surprised myself, Caroline. I wonder what we can do with them." A blond hair siren said, "We can eat them as usually." and another blond hair siren said to her, "I don't think we can eat them raw, Felicity." which Felicity said to her, "Don't talk back to me, Susan." Felicity then said to seven of the sirens, "Hyeon, Caroline, Eva, Yania, Paula, Bethany, Donna, since our songs bring them here, I give you the honors of finding to make these meals ready." and then said to Susan and the four other sirens, "Susan, the rest of you, which means Jackie, Allison, Samantha, and Melody, you can keep watch." The sirens get a fishing net and cover it over Chunho, Zhuthel, Rarkel, Rama, Brekk, Wambleesha, Riavaih'mur, and Hjuhrorgir, which Felicity said, "There! That is so our food would not escape us." The five girls knew that they have to get their friends out of there.
With some quick thinking, Amelia, Wanda, Aeriala, Zeshos, and Sedrise managed to get past the guards and were starting to free the men when Rama start crying out, "My queen! My queen, help me!" and Zeshos knock him out, but his shouting cause Felicity and two of her sirens to them and she give orders to the pair, "Bethany, Donna, stop those mermaids!" The duo flew after the mermaids, but they quickly enter the water with the mermen and the pair can't for they don't want their feathers to get wet. Felicity is angry at losing food for the first time while the other sirens watched.
Once they swim far from the Forbidden Reef, the men are back to their senses.
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twotigermoon · 1 year
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Mag’har Orc, Thissal.
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moons-guard · 11 months
I might need to put inktober on hold and either skip or work behind schedule because my doninant hand has something strained or something. I probably shouldn’t injure it further 😭
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ansu-gurleht · 2 years
i wanna give my mag’har orc priest druugar a fucked up tragic backstory. thankfully the current mag’har allied race lore is already fucked up and tragic so it shouldn’t be too hard
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troll-bridge · 2 years
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Leveled this shaman on another server for the Mag’har heritage sets, and it turns out the Frostwolf pauldron and gloves match his current outfit pretty well. :]
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frecklenog · 2 years
last week i was like “man i should make 99 in warcraft i think he’d make a good mag’har priest” and now i’m just like
99 belongs in star trek. i think he would thrive there
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quenthel · 2 years
ok.... best wow characters according to me:
Khadgar: he is like 30 i think and looks 60 bc he got hit by some kind of beam. Funny gay old man who is both very incompetent and competent. Makes leveling in wod fun thanks Khadgar.
Illidan:he is mr world of warcraft for me. he is so big and ourple and my friend. 10/10 would stand next to him on that island where the tomb of sargeras is
Sylvanas, but like wrath era sylvanas before they ruined her and her character made sense
Wrathion: singlehandedly made black dragon’s writing less of a mess AND he is funny and a bit fruity what more do you need
Yrel: but ONLY if we dont count that mess of a story in the mag’har recruitment questline. what even was that bfa rly was a mess huh
Kor’vas Bloodthorn: but only bc of her little “Yes mother :)” bit
Alexstasza: bc i have taste and i love a milf
Varimathras:funny voice lines in antorus that i still think about 
Elisandre: i love evil women
Azshara: i love evil women (2)
Lilian Voss: her writing is like actually good... rare in wow
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copperriddles-tales · 2 years
so I’ve been dragged kicking and screaming back into the vortex that is World of Warcraft just in time for Dragonflight. this side tumblr is a place for some stories and some memes.
If you’d like to read a bit about my characters, press on! If not, well, I think we’re all proficient at skipping dialogue.
⚙ Ivy :: plague gnome. tinker. hopeful codebreaker. ⚙ Nehelennia :: blood elf. paladin. anu belore dela'na. ⚙ Nosawi :: darkspear troll. druid. medic. ⚙ Alphonsine :: forsaken. priest. ““medic”” ⚙ Regs :: goblin. warrior. little league footbomb coach. ⚙ Roshala :: highmountain tauren. rogue. almost made it to Dragonflight undetected.  ⚙ Sevigny :: nightborne. monk. witchberry enthusiast. ⚙ Zioshelle :: blood elf. mage. selama ashal'anore. ⚙ Nanyang :: huojin pandaren. warrior. damn good cook. ⚙ Orizhki :: orc. mage. lok'tar ogar. ⚙ Lekwa :: darkspear troll. rogue. Griftah’s sworn enemy. ⚙ Ekinka :: mag’har orc. shaman. secret steamy romance novelist. ⚙ Taztha :: orc. shaman. pretty much 85% of Ekinka’s impulse control. ⚙ Vanaissa :: forsaken. warrior. forgefinder extraordinaire. ⚙ Rieusrobie :: nightborne. warlock. the Black Harvest’s next top model. ⚙ Izjo :: darkspear troll. monk. direhorn wrangler. ⚙ Zazie :: goblin. hunter. robosquirrel wrangler. ⚙ Schoenneau :: nightborne. priest. Xal’atath apologist. ⚙ Ashni :: vulpera. shaman. wolf-sister. ⚙ Hunzeli :: zandalari troll. paladin. Krag’Wa’s #1 fan. ⚙ Nikkia :: vulpera. rogue. treasure-hunter and/or thief (depending on who you ask). ⚙ Fyottha :: tauren. druid. Cenarion Circle’s literal greenhorn.
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Ivy Copperriddle is a plague gnome tinker. She was found half-dead and heavily irradiated by a team of Horde investigators in the ruins of Gnomeregan, who were there for totally legit reasons that the Ironforge leadership never needs to know about. Ivy was injured and at an advanced stage of radiation poisoning, but she was stabilized by the team medic’s experimental serum. That’s a win for science! And, well, it left her amnesiac and with intensely green eyes, but that’s still a win! What’s that? You want to know wha-- Oh, no, you don’t want to know what was in that serum. Trust me, you don’t. Just be happy for Ivy. The team brought her back with them to Orgrimmar and she’s been putting her life back together ever since.
Gnomes like Ivy are usually referred to as “leper gnomes” in WoW lore, but that feels awkward to say in 2022. I’ve opted for “plague gnome” instead, reasoning that the experimental serum used to stabilize her condition could have been made from Forsaken research into various plagues and blights. I’ve also opted for tinker over tinkerer and tinkologist, but I have a simpler reason for this one: “tinker” is just easier to say.
… okay, so maybe things haven’t been that simple for Ivy. She’s been trying to recover her past identity. She’s been trying to help plan a wedding. She’s been trying to get her inventions to work out right (that is, with a minimum of explosions). She’s been trying to figure out where she fits in this new world: forgotten by the Alliance, adopted but not entirely trusted by the Horde, infamous among her neighbors for her laboratory’s nightly explosions. She’s been working up the nerve to tell her crush how she feels about her. And she’s been trying her best to decode a mysterious journal she had on her when she was found, though each success raises new, unsettling questions.
And now the Dragon Isles are awakening! How does a landmass awaken? Well ... uh ... I guess we’ll find out!
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sekhisadventures · 2 years
Galdia's Memories of Draenor
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Galdia didn’t have much on her homeworld, personal possessions weren’t really something you worried about when you got used to having to abandon a camp quickly when the enemy came marching through, but she did have a few keepsakes. She kept them on a pouch in her belt and she had it on her when Grimo and Etrigg took the Mag’har refugees back to Azeroth to escape Yrel’s army. It’s the only thing she has of her old homeworld anymore besides memories.
Bone Necklace
A necklace she wears at all times sporting several worg fangs and a small skull of some rodent like mammal.
“When an orc is young we find a worg to bond with for life. Mine was called Nightpelt because he had fur as black as a moonless night and two eyes like glowing stars. The skull here is the first thing we ever hunted together… yeah it was only a big rat but, well, I was just a kid and he was barely a puppy. Heh…”
“The fangs… they’re his. When I got older, about fourteen summers in, he and I were out hunting when we got discovered by a Lightbound patrol. We were able to kill them all but… one of them got an arrow off and it went between his ribs and got him in the lung. I…”
“He… didn’t die immediately, but he was suffering and I knew I wouldn’t be able to carry him back to camp to the shaman in time… so I took my axe and… he didn’t even fight, like he knew what was coming and he just… grr…”
“After that I took his fangs and put them on here. Whenever we’d raid a Lightbound base I’d wear them and make sure to go for the enemy’s throat as often as I could so the blood would splatter and his fangs would taste it, so his spirit would taste it too and know another one of those Light-cursed bastards was dead.”
“… at least, that WAS how it was. I owe Sekhi BIG for this, but she found Nightpelt’s soul in Ardenweald! Thanks to her I got him back to Maldraxxus and those abomination-makers made him a new body! Sure he smells like a corpse pile now and his body is all green ‘n shit, but its him! Even death ain’t separating me from my brother-in-spirit ever again!”
Broken Totem
A small totem carved from a rock and showing the orcish symbol for Earth, broken cleanly in half.
“There was this shaman boy I used to like. He was a bit of a wuss, but he was good at hearing the elements and decent at healing. We… well, there weren’t a lot of free orcs left and we had to find mates where we could okay?”
“He was a cowardly streak of piss though. One night he came to my tent and told me he was going to sneak out of the village and go to Shattrath to surrender himself. He said that the war was pointless, he was sick of fighting and it was obvious Yrel was going to win. He handed me his totem and asked if I’d go with him.”
“… I broke the thing in half, punched him in the face, threw him out of my tent, and chased him off with my axe! Told him that if I ever came back he’d never have to worry about fighting anymore because I’D GUT THE SPINELESS SHIT ON SIGHT! I dunno if he made it to Shattrath and I don’t give a damn. Dunno why I kept this piece of junk…”
Iron Ring
A ring of pure iron, worn shiny as if handled many times. It’s the kind of sturdy iron ring an orc might wear in their ear or nose.
”I never knew my parents… they got killed in a Lightbound attack when I was little. Grom gave this to me, said it belonged to my mother. He said she held back the Lightbound by herself while he carried me to safety. I… yeah, I dunno… forget it…”
A whetstone made from some sort of stone not found on Azeroth. Galdia’s favorite to hone the edge of her sword with.
“Heh… this one Blackrock girl named Zayera gave me this. We grew up together and… well… we were close. Like, close close. Not like sisters but… heh… remember how I said that we had to find mates where we could? Well, maybe some of you Azerothian wusses get all pissy about it, but on Draenor we said, ‘if you think you can stop me go ahead and try, but I’ll fucking kill you if you do.’”
“She gave me this a few months before Nitika and Etrigg showed up. Best damn whetstone I’d ever used, can never get an edge this good with any others. But… I didn’t see her when I woke up on Azeroth… I… I don’t remember if she was at the camp that day… I kept thinking maybe I’ll see her in Orgrimmar someday but…”
“Well… Sekhi did that ritual in Ardenweald… and, well… I heard Zayera’s voice. She told me died on Draenor, said she killed over thirty of those Lightbound bastards and forced them to kill her instead of turning her. Heh… girl was always a damn great fighter, strangled the last one with her bare hands after her axe broke she said. I… I really owe Sekhi big, for a lotta shit.”
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machinedramon · 2 years
my hubris knows no bounds
instead of leveling this little mag’har hunter i have decided to go and camp a rare pet because ✧༺♥༻∞aesthetic∞༺♥༻✧
i need to be leveling. i don’t need this red warp stalker. but. i want.
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trippingtroll · 2 years
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If you don’t like orcs unfollow now and never talk to me or my metalhead orc son ever again.🖤💀🖤
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out here suffering from orc brainrot so i made this playlist for playing my mag’har orc, Nazgorom.
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wyrmguardsecrets · 7 months
““Lightbound aren’t the Alliance you can’t blame them for what happened.” Sure, but when a Mag’har who lost their home to light zealots comes to Azeroth and sees a faction who openly welcomed light zealots I imagine the PTSD hits different.” You clearly don’t even know the lore or what you’re talking about. They jump out of their magic excuses, plot armor portal. No sooner do their boots hit the ground they’re goose stepping, and openly in dialogue calling for Draenei genocide. Get fucked freak.
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moons-guard · 11 months
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Inktober day 15: Dagger.
It’s my beautiful Mag’har orc rogue whom I never play because I’m addicted to healing :’)
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ansu-gurleht · 2 years
i’m setting my zanda pally atulho to the side and doing her last. so next up is my dwarf monk hughum, who is currently at 54. i’m having to slog through maldraxxus atm :/
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