#mag 119 music playing in my head so much lol
artphantom · 2 years
help why have i gotten attached to the music i cannot listen to easily ?? aka the circus music in mag 119 (maybe i could grab the clean audio at the start and loop it ??) and the hotel music in the post season 5 mag retrospective crew qna (maybe i could grab the audio from their brief pauses ? but thats like nothing !!)
so if anyone has any advice on how to possibly stop these themes from playing in my head without being able to listen to them, that would be greatly appreciated.
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maggieisalarrie · 7 years
Hiiii! 2,4,8,13,16,19,25,63,68,70,113,119,127,150! Sorry if it’s a lot, I’m just curious!!
Hiiiii! Lol, thank you for sending all of these! 💕
2. Are you outgoing or shy? 
Definitely more on the shy side. I’m an introvert to my core and I can be outgoing with people I know or in certain situations or moods, but typically I’m the quiet person with the resting bitch face who gives off “leave me alone” vibes because #SocialAnxiety 
4. Are you easy to get along with?
I chuckled reading this one because I want to say yes because I try really hard to be as nice and welcoming as possible, but I actually think I’m not too easy to get along with in real life. Like I said, I have a mean resting bitch face and my anxiety gets the best of me a lot of times so I throw walls up every chance I get and sometimes it comes across the wrong way. So. I try to be but I don’t think I am lol
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
Sam Smith (even though he(?) recently came out as non-binary, I’m still counting it. In a non-offensive kind of way, obviously). His album comes out tomorrow and I’ve been listening to his music for weeks to get myself pumped for it. I love that precious little baby so much AND I GET TO SEE HIM IN CONCERT IN JUNE! 
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? 
Mmmmmm. Tricky, this. Yes and no. When someone I know very well asks to play with my hair, I’ll say yes if I want it. I have a weird thing about touching, like I don’t really enjoy people touching me in general. Weird, I know. So when someone I don’t know comes up and just starts touching me my whole body goes into Red Alert mode, like I tense up and alarms start going off in my head. I do like how it feels to have my hair played with, but I only like it when someone asks permission first. 
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed? 
Nope. Partly because I don’t think I actually remember who it was (it’s been a while, although I have a pretty good guess) and partly because, if I’m thinking of the right person, I don’t want to even talk to them again. Ended badly and all that. 
19. Do you like bubble baths?
I think so. I’m not much of a bath person because we don’t have a tub deep enough for a true soak, but I think I would enjoy a bubble bath if I ever end up in a home with a nice, giant, soaker tub. (Plus, bath bombs fascinate me)
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
I have a hard time with this question because I’m all about body positivity and loving yourself and feeling comfortable with what you’ve been given in this life, but at the same time I’m honestly terrible at practicing what I preach sometimes. I have trouble accepting myself and appreciating my body, so I’m uncomfortable with pretty much all of it. Even though I’m the first to tell other people how beautiful they are, how they should try to see it from a different perspective, and that sort of thing. So. Yep.
63. Ever been in love?
Nope. I thought I was a couple times but I was young(er) and stupid(er). I fall fast and hard, as much as I try not to, and I’m not good at identifying and labeling my emotions.
68. Twitter or Tumblr?
Tumblr, right now. It used to be Twitter but I’ve kind of separated myself from it because of everything going on in the world and it just brings me more anxiety and stress. Tumblr is my happy place.
70. Names of your best friends? 
Sorry to disappoint, but I’m a freak about security and I obsess over staying anonymous here, so I won’t give their names but their initials are L, K, M, S, and C. (also, I use “best friends” loosely. Those people are like my only friends anyway lol)
113. What was your childhood nickname?
I guess Mags. Nicknames are hard with a name like Maggie. 
119. Favorite book? 
I really like The Picture of Dorian Gray. I spend pretty much all of my reading time on fanfics rather than books or published novels. 
127. What makes you happy?
The first thing that popped into my head was cats lol. I love cats, they’re so funny and cute and their bean toes give me life! Um, the cliche/normal things make me happy, I guess. Like reading, writing, music and going to concerts… yeah lol 
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? 
So the closest “book” is actually my journal/planner because I’m “working” and page 42 is my notes about the UN Women’s HeForShe initiative lol. So the first line reads “UN Women - HeForShe” and then some bullet points under that. That might be cheating but oh well *shrugs* :) 
Send me one of these!
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