You’re My Person
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Fandom(s): Vincenzo Series
Pairing(s): Vincenzo Cassano x Female!MafiaReader
Summary: A surprise visit. A night of drinking. What could could happen?
Disclaimer: I do not own any character mentioned in this work. Every character and scene belongs to the writers, producers, and directors of Vincenzo. I am simply borrowing dialogue and characters to create this work of fiction.
A/N: Y/N-Your Name. This was a request, I hope y’all enjoy it. ✨-Stands for a time skip. I made Vincenzo a much softer character than he actually is because we love a soft Vincenzo. @acupnoodle​ I really hope I did your request justice and that you enjoy this piece of work.
Warning(s): Out of character moments?, Alcohol consumption, a bit of teasing, open ending?
Word Count: 4,833
Vincenzo had been away from Italy for a few months now. When he left you told him not to worry you’d keep everything in order for him. With Luca’s help of course. In this world Vincenzo and Luca were the only two people you could truly trust and rely on. When you heard that Luca would be going to Korea, you knew what you wanted to do.
“Please, Luca.” You stopped Luca in the hallway, blocking his path. “Take me with you. I want to go too.” “Y/N, I’m not going for pleasure. I need to deliver what Vincenzo has asked for.” “I hear what you’re saying, you can leave me at the airport and I’ll find him on my own. I won’t get in your way. Just don’t tell Vincenzo about my arrival.” You pouted at Luca. He sighed heavily and ran his right hand through his hair. “Fine. You know the rules. Do not distract me, stay out of trouble, do not bring unnecessary attention to yourself, and always make sure you aren’t being followed. Understood.” Luca said giving up on saying no to you. “Understood!” You responded excitedly. “Go pack, we leave in fifteen minutes.” Luca told you.
About an hour later the two of you were on a flight to Korea. While the flight attendant made the announcements they mentioned that it would be an eleven hour long flight. The plane you were on wasn’t as crowded as you had thought it would be. You looked around at the passengers surveying them and your surroundings. You didn’t see anyone you recognized or anyone that would recognize you, so you began to relax a little.
“You do know that I can’t just leave you alone at the airport, right?” Luca asked quietly. “Why not?” You gave him a puzzled look. “Vincenzo would kill me if he found out I did that to you. Instead I’ll take you to where he is. You can surprise him first, then I’ll deliver the items.” Luca replied to you. You laughed a little at his statement but nodded your head in agreement. When it seemed like the conversation was over you decided to get comfortable and sleep. Because what else were you going to do for eleven hours.
Time had seemed to fly by, no pun intended. It seemed like you had fallen asleep not even five minutes ago. You yawned and stretched the best you could in such a small space. “Here already?” You asked as you stood up next to Luca. “You slept almost the entire flight. Did you know that you talk in your sleep?” Luca asked with a smirk as he grabbed his brief case and your carry on bag. “I do not.” You playfully smacked his arm. He only shook his head and lightly laughed at your antics. Your face grew warm trying to think of what you would be saying in your sleep, and hoping that you didn’t say anything embarrassing. You silently followed Luca off the plane and into the airport terminal.
At one point Luca had to stop before the two of you got separated in the crowd. You had gotten distracted by your thoughts and wasn’t paying attention to where you were going. When the two of you made it to luggage claims you saw your suitcase right away. After grabbing it and turning to see Luca grab his, you followed his lead.
“Luca, why didn’t we take our private jet?” You asked him curiously. “Simple, I didn’t want our enemies to notice that we both left Italy. It’s best that we never bring that chaos to Korea with us.” Luca explained as he held the exit door open for you. “This way.” Luca directed the two of you to a black SUV sitting in the pick up lane. “Way to stick out.” You teased him. Luca rolled his eyes as he opened the trunk door. “It was the only rental vehicle they had available when I set everything up.” He told you as he put all the bags into the vehicle. You glanced inside and noticed someone sitting at the driver’s seat. You turned to Luca with a skeptical look. “Don’t worry. I trust this man.” Luca said when he noticed the look on your face. He closed the trunk door and walked around to the passenger side. “I trust your judgment.” You told him as you walked to the door behind his seat. Once the two of you were buckled in the driver began to drive away. Luca told the man where to go. The car ride to the plaza was silent. You stared out the window taking in all the sights and buildings passing by. After awhile the SUV came to a stop in front of a building.
“This is the suite you’ll be looking for.” Luca turned to hand you a piece of paper. You took it from him and stared at it a moment before opening your door to get out. Luca followed your lead and got out as well. He knew you were able to get the bags yourself but he silently offered his help when he noticed how nervous you looked. “Just so you know, I’m only here to deliver this briefcase to him, nothing more.” Luca told you in a reassuring tone. You nodded your head as you took your luggage from him. “All I ask is, try not to get hurt during your visit.” Luca told you as he stretched his arm up to bring the back door down to close it. “I’ll be with Vincenzo, you never know what could happen, but I’ll try my best.” You said before walking off. “I’ll see you later.” Luca yelled out his window as the SUV drove away.
It took you a few minutes to find the office. But you found it and became overwhelmed with excitement. Before opening the door you calmed yourself down so that you could quietly sneak in. You silently set your luggage down beside the door when you stepped inside. Luckily enough for you Vincenzo was the only one present at the moment and he was distracted by watering the plants that lined the shelf by a window. “Long time, no see.” Your voice broke the silence making Vincenzo jump a little. He would only do that when he was too lost in his own thoughts. “How many times do I have to tell you not to sneak up on me.” Vincenzo playfully scolded you. “And how many times do I have to tell you to not get so lost in thought.” You retorted. Vincenzo rolled his eyes. “Also good to see you too.” You smiled at him and leaned against the table you were standing next to. “It’s good to see you.” He tried to hide the smile that graced his features. Truth be told he was happy to see you, because of all the people to miss he missed you the most. However he would never admit that out loud to anyone.
“Now that we took care of that…” You turned your attention to the man and woman that had just walked into the room. The woman’s words trailing off when she noticed your presence. Eyeing you suspiciously. “Mr. Nam, Cha-young, this is Y/N. She’s a close friend of mine from Italy.” Vincenzo stepped away from the plants to stand next to you as he spoke. You smiled and waved at them. “It’s nice to meet you.” Mr. Nam stated politely. “Hm, since it seems Vincenzo trusts you, I’ll trust his judgment.” Cha-young told you. “That’s fair enough.” Was the only response you could think of. You felt that it would take time for her to warm up to you. “I’ll grab everyone a cup of tea.” Mr. Nam announced as he walked off somewhere in the office. You decided to take a seat at the table. Vincenzo and Cha-young following your lead. Before Vincenzo sat down he caught a glimpse of your bags beside the door.
“Do you have a place to stay?” Vincenzo asked. Your face grew warm when you realized you hadn’t thought that far ahead. “I’ll figure it out.” You told him. “Here we are.” Mr. Nam said as he set a cup down in front of everyone, before taking a seat with his own cup. “No need to figure it out. You’ll stay with me.” Vincenzo stated as a matter of fact. You hid the smile that graced your features behind the mug you sipped from. “Are we expecting any more guests today?” Mr. Nam asked curiously. “Well, Y/N is a surprise guest. However Luca said he’d be stopping by sometime soon.” Vincenzo gave you a look as he spoke. You could tell that he figured out how you got here.
“So, Y/N do know what Vincenzo has been up to here lately?” Cha-young asked, putting all the attention on you. You nodded. “I have a bit of knowledge of what is going on. Has something to do with a chairman and a company named Babel.” Cha-young nodded her head at you. Vincenzo looked from you to Cha-young. He could tell that although she had seemed to be pleased with your reply, she also seemed wary of you. He silently hoped that would change soon because he felt that may cause problems for all parties involved.
Before anyone could say anything else Luca walked into the office. Vincenzo stood up from the table to greet him, and to direct him back out of the office. Wanting to speak to him for a moment alone. His actions left the three of you in awkward silence.
“Is she causing trouble already?” Luca asked as Vincenzo closed the door behind himself. “No, her presence is just a surprise to us, especially me.” Vincenzo crossed his arms over his chest as he leaned against the wall. “She found out about my trip to Korea. She begged to come with. It was either I leave her alone there and allow her to create chaos out of boredom, or bring her with.” Luca said with a smirk. Vincenzo nodded, knowing full well the havoc you create when you’re bored. “Here, everything you asked for.” Luca said as he handed the briefcase off to Vincenzo. “I’ll be sticking around a few days, just in case I’m needed.” “Good idea. I appreciate it. Don’t worry about Y/N, she’ll be staying with me.” Vincenzo stated. Luca nodded his head before walking away to wherever he had decided to stay.
“See, this is Jang Han-seo, he’s not the real chairman.” Vincenzo saw Mr. Nam showing you pictures and explaining the entire situation when he walked back into the office. “I’m still pissed at Jun-woo.” Cha-young stated angrily. “That sort of betrayal would make me angry too.” You looked up from the pictures to Cha-young as you spoke. You noticed how she relaxed a little and nodded at you. You took her gesture as a good sign. “I see you’re getting brought up to date on what’s going on.” Vincenzo set the briefcase down on his desk before taking a seat at the table. “I figured that you wouldn’t mind. Seeing as she’s a close friend of yours and could possibly help us.” Mr. Nam said. “You’re not mad about it, are you?” You asked him with a small pout. “Not all. I prefer this opposed to you sneaking around and getting into unnecessary trouble for it. Just to gather the information that you wanted.” Vincenzo said. “You know me so well.” You responded. “Will you be willing to help us, if we ask for your help?” Cha-young asked you. “Of course. While I’m visiting, I’ll help in any way possible.” You replied with a smile. Mr. Nam continued on for a few more hours. Cha-young and Vincenzo chiming in every so often.
“We should stop here for now.” Vincenzo suddenly announced. “We’ve covered the basics for today. We’ll gradually get you fully caught up as the days go by.” Vincenzo stood up from his chair and began to help Mr. Nam organize and put all the documents away. “So, what should we do now?” You asked Vincenzo. “Why don’t we go out for dinner.” Cha-young suggested. “Sounds perfect!” You said in excitement. Mr. Nam silently shook his head in agreement. Vincenzo was silent for a moment “fine, but first we take your luggage to my place.” He looked at you when he mentioned the luggage. You nodded at him. “We’ll wait for you in the car.” Mr. Nam said as he put on his coat and headed out of the office. Cha-young smiled before leaving with him, having put her coat on the moment she mentioned dinner.
Vincenzo made a gesture for you to follow him. He had grabbed your bags on the way out of the office. You silently followed behind him. Curious on where his place was. Of course it was within the plaza so you didn’t have to go too far. As the two of you walked together, he talked about the other tenants. He also filled you in on the gold and getting help from a man named Cho Yeong-un. You tried your best to remember all the names he was mentioning and what everyone did. When you finally made it to his place he opened the door and allowed you to step inside first.
“What’s that noise?” You turned to Vincenzo. You could hear a light tapping and it piqued your curiosity. “I’ll show you.” Vincenzo said as he motioned for you to follow him. You were surprised that he was still rolling around your luggage. You followed him into what you assumed was his bedroom. He set your bags beside his dresser before walking over to the window. Moving the curtain aside you were surprised to see a pigeon tapping on the glass. You curiously watched him grab a small bag of bird feed before he opened the window. “This is Inzaghi. We have an agreement of sorts, it’s why he comes around.” Vincenzo said as he spread some bird feed feed on the ledge. You nodded and decided to wave at Inzaghi. “That’s adorable that you care for a pigeon.” You told him in a teasing tone. “Come on, they’re waiting on us.” Vincenzo said as he rolled his eyes and closed the window. You lightly laughed at him as you followed him out of the room and then out of the apartment. It took a few minutes for the two of you to walk to the car. Mr. Nam was driving, Cha-young sat in the passenger seat. Vincenzo didn’t seem to mind at all. When the two of you got to the car he opened your door to let you in first. Once Vincenzo was in the car Mr. Nam drove away from the building.
The restaurant the four of you had decided to go to seemed like a semi fancy place with a relaxing atmosphere. Even though you were feeling a bit jet lagged you still tried your best to enjoy yourself.  You joined in on the conversation here and there. Aside from that you mostly stayed silent and observed. You were eyeing Vincenzo for several moments. Looking at the way his hair wasn’t slicked back, the way his posture seemed relaxed, and of course that smile of his. It had been a long time since you had seen him like this and it made your heart skip a beat. Your face grew warm when he noticed you staring and he raised a brow in your direction.
“So, how long do you plan to stay?” Cha-young asked. “Hm, I didn’t really think about that to be honest.” You replied. “Are you in the same line of work as Mr. Cassano?” Mr. Nam asked curiously. “That sounds like a loaded question. The only answer I can give is, I can neither confirm or deny that information.” You said. Vincenzo smirked at your statement. “That’s fair.” Cha-young said.
“Fancy seeing you here.” You turned in the direction of the voice to see Jun-woo with Choi Myung-hee beside him. You glanced over to Vincenzo when you noticed that Jun-woo’s words were directed at him. You could see Vincenzo tense up instantly. “I figured this establishment wouldn’t be up to your standards.” Vincenzo said. He looked up to Jun-woo with a glare. “You’re new. What’s your name?” Jun-woo turned his attention to you. “None of your business.” You replied annoyance clear in your voice. “Oh, fiesty. I like that. Don’t worry, I’m sure I’ll figure out who you are. See you around.” Jun-woo said to you. He winked at you as he walked away. Choi Myung-hee eyed you curiously as she followed behind him.
“Good thing we already finished eating, because seeing him would have made me lose my appetite.” Mr. Nam said. Cha-young grunted in agreement with him. Vincenzo looked like he was about to get up and cause a scene. Before he could stand you grabbed his arm and looked up at him. “Don’t, you reacting is exactly what he wants.” You told him. Vincenzo looked between you and Jun-woo. He sighed heavily before relaxing back into his chair. He glanced at the exit one last time to see that they had left. Cha-young and Mr. Nam shared a surprise look with each other. This was the first time they had witnessed someone tell Vincenzo to stop and he actually listened.
A week had gone by since you first arrived. There had been many moments that shocked everyone around Vincenzo. You were used to being one of few that Vincenzo would actually listen to. It seemed like the tenants weren’t used to it though. They had always witnessed Vincenzo do whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted. You were currently talking to Mi-ri about her hacking skills. Vincenzo was sitting at a table with Mr. Ahn, Cha-young, and Mr. Nam.
“I think it’s cute how you listen to Y/N.” Mr. Ahn suddenly said. Vincenzo turned his gaze to him and raised his brow. “No, he’s right. I’ve noticed she’s the only one that you truly listen to.” Cha-young said in a teasing tone. Mr. Nam tried his best to hide his smile. “Are you done?” Vincenzo asked. “You’ve got to admit that listening to her has helped you stay out of trouble.” Mr. Nam chimed in. Vincenzo leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms.
“Why so gloomy?” You asked when you sat down at the table with them. Mi-ri had to leave due to an appointment. “Ah, come on. We’re just teasing. No need to be so gloomy about it.” Cha-young said with a mock pout. You smiled at Cha-young. You knew exactly why he was being teased. You decided to lean forward and poke Vincenzo’s cheek. “Turn that frown upside down.” You told him. You gently pressed your finger by the corner of his lip. Making it look like he was half smiling. Vincenzo softly pushed your hand away. “You know I can get away with murder right.” His tone was casual. You only laughed at his statement. “Of course we know.” Mr. Nam said.
Vincenzo rolled his eyes as he stood up. “I’ll be in the office.” “Now, you aren’t going to do something that Y/N would tell you not to, are you?” Mr. Ahn said with a smirk on his face. Vincenzo didn’t respond instead he kept walking. Leaving you with the others laughing a little.
You had stayed with them for awhile longer before you went back to the office. You smiled to yourself as you made your way there. You noticed that the sun had set. In fact it looked like it had set at least two hours ago. You hoped Vincenzo was still in the office. He would have texted me if he decided to go home. Wouldn’t he? You thought to yourself. When you finally made it there and opened the door you were pleased to see him sitting at his desk.
“Oh, good.” He turned his attention to your voice. “Are you here to tease me as well?” Vincenzo asked. You only shook your head no at him. Walking around his desk to stand next to him. You rested one hand on the back of his chair and the other on his desk. Leaning forward slightly to see what he was looking at. “Huh, seems boring.” You turned to face Vincenzo. You jerked back as your face grew warm. You hadn’t realized that the two of you were close enough to bump your nose into his.  He didn’t jump the way you did. Instead he showed you a soft smile. You weren’t sure what to think of that reaction.
“So, do you think you’ll ever return to Italy?” You asked, changing the subject. “Eventually. When I’ve completed everything here.” Vincenzo said. He noticed how you were looking anywhere except at him. He stood up from his desk. “Why don’t we head home.” Vincenzo said as he stepped away from his desk. You knew he meant his apartment but you couldn’t stop yourself from saying “home is in Italy. With Luca” with a pout gracing your features. “Home can be here too. With me.” Vincenzo said, directing you to walk beside him. You barely heard the last part of what he said because he had said it so softly.
You walked quietly beside him as the two of you walked to his apartment. You did miss Italy, but it seemed like Vincenzo was beginning to settle in Korea. You glanced at him a few times. You did notice that he had become a bit softer. That wasn’t a bad thing, but considering what he does, if he becomes too soft it could cause problems. “I can feel you staring.” Vincenzo’s voice brought you back to reality. Not realizing that you were still staring at him, you hadn’t intended to do that. “Sorry.” You said. Vincenzo turned his attention to you only to notice that you were looking straight ahead.
“Oh, look. We’re here.” You said. Vincenzo smiled and shook his head at the way you were acting. He pulled the key out and opened the door. Allowing you to step inside first. “So, I was thinking we eat take out tonight. Have a few drinks. Just relax.” Vincenzo said. “That sounds perfect. It has been a long week.” You told him as you plopped down on the couch. “All right, I’ll order for us. And also grab the drinks.” Vincenzo said as he turned towards his kitchen area.
A few hours had passed since the two of you came home. At this point you were a little drunk and currently snuggling up against Vincenzo on the couch. “No, don’t leave.” You whined when Vincenzo tried to get up. “Y/N, I’ll be right back.” Vincenzo tried to reassure you. He hadn’t drank as much as you did. “Fine. Don’t take too long.” You said with a pout. Vincenzo was finally able to stand after you unwrapped your arms from around him. He smiled down at you before walking off.
After about five minutes he had come back with two bottles of water. You shook your head at him when he attempted to hand one bottle to you. Instead you pulled him onto the couch with you. He laughed a little when he finally got comfortable with you snuggled up against him again. He had forgotten how clingy you become when you’re drunk. However he didn’t mind. You didn’t drink too often anyhow, unless it was with him or Luca. Poor Luca had experienced your clingy behavior once. Except when you clung to him you had said that he’s not Vincenzo but he’ll do. Luca of course didn’t take that personally because he understood your feelings for Vincenzo, even if you hadn’t admitted them to him yet.
After about twenty minutes had gone by he decided to glance at you. Noticing that you were beginning to doze off. “Come on, let’s get you to bed.” Vincenzo gently said to you. “I don’t wanna. I wanna stay with you. Right here.” You replied to him. “You’ll be in pain if the two of us pass out here.” Vincenzo tried to reason with you. You slowly raised yourself to a sitting a position to look at him. He lightly laughed at the way you were pouting at him. He found it to be quite adorable. You tried to stand up but stumbled and fell back on the couch again. “Hang on.” Vincenzo said as he leaned down to lift you. He made sure to hold you close to his body as he carried you to his bed. With the intention to let you sleep comfortably on the bed while he took the couch.
When he made it into the room and gently lay you down, you grabbed his wrist before he could walk away. “Stay with me, please.” You looked up to him as you spoke. Vincenzo only nodded and made his way to the other side of the bed. When he laid down beside you, you decided to curl into his side. He smiled to himself as you finally settled against him. After a few minutes he felt your breathing level out, showing the sign that you had fallen asleep.
Vincenzo was beginning to doze off himself until he heard you speak. He glanced down at you with a puzzled look. “You’ve no idea how much I’ve missed you.” You mumbled. He noticed that your were completely asleep. He had no idea that you sometimes talk in your sleep. In fact you didn’t even know. “How am I supposed to tell you that I love you more than a friend?” He raised a brow when he heard you say that. “Because I truly do love you.” You snuggled up closer to him when you said that. In turn Vincenzo held you tighter. He gently kissed the top of your head. “I love you too.” He whispered back, even though he knew you wouldn’t hear him. He decide that he would tell you what was said in your sleep in the morning.
You groaned as you began to open your eyes. When you turned over you came nose to nose with Vincenzo. At the moment he was still fast asleep. You smiled to yourself as you moved a little to be able to look at him. He looked so peaceful as he slept. You wished that he had always felt that way. “I can feel you staring.” Vincenzo said in a groggy voice. “Sorry.” You whispered to him. Instead of replying to you he decided to pull you onto him as he rolled over on to his back. “Vincenzo, what are you doing?” You laughed as you settled on him. “Felt like having you close to me.” He glanced at your face as he spoke. “Did you know you talk in your sleep?” The way he looked at you in that moment made your face grow warm. “I do?” You questioned. He responded by nodding his head yes.
“Tell me, what do you feel towards me.” Vincenzo said. His voice was gentle. Your eyes grew wide realizing what you might have said. You sat up beside him quickly and hid your face in your hands. “I confessed didn’t I?” You uncovered your face and looked over to Vincenzo. He rolled over on his side. Leaning his head on his arm to look at you. “Based on that look, I’d say I did.” You said softly. “So, tell me while you’re awake.” He said. “Fine. I love you. More than just a friend. More than a close friend. Happy?” You said in a rushed tone. For a moment you thought that was a mistake because he silently stared at you. You watched him with suspicion as he moved to sit up, facing you.  
Instead of saying anything, he gently pulled you onto his lap. Leaning in for a kiss. That wasn’t what you had expected, but you happily accepted it. The kiss was gentle but still firm enough to show that he had reciprocated your feelings. After a few moments you pulled away from him sighing happily. You looked into his eyes searching for any lie. All you saw was just how much love he held towards you.
“Why didn’t you say anything sooner?” He asked softly. “Vincenzo, with what we do for a living there was never a good time.” You admitted with a sad smile. “But here, even with the chaos you’ve gotten yourself into, I can tell you’ve become comfortable. You leaned forward, resting you chin against his shoulder. “That much may be true. However, it wasn’t like that until you arrived.” You sat up again to look Vincenzo in the eyes again. “You’re my person. You’ve always been my person. I just never knew how to tell you this.” Vincenzo admitted. He sat up more with a look of concern as he wiped tears from your cheeks. “Sorry, they’re happy tears.” You said and laughed a little. Vincenzo only nodded before pulling you in for a hug.
“Does this mean I get to wake up beside you every morning?” You asked him. “Of course it does.” He replied softly. “Guess we should tell Luca to send over more clothes for me.” Vincenzo laughed softly at your statement.
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Link to use: http://bit.ly/2A8HNJT 🌠 The love story continues… 🌠 The Beautiful Years II by Annie Rose Welch Click the link in our bio to get your copy. Read what on blogger says about Brando and Scarlett… “I have to say that Brando and Scarlett's love story feels like you're walking on eggshells or that you're just waiting for the other shoe to drop. I know it's going to happen and it will probably obliterate me, but I know them being together will be the end game.” ~ Romance Schmomance Book Description: The moment Scarlett Rose appeared in the window of her parents’ dance studio, twirling like a beautiful figurine in a music box, she became mine. Irrevocably. She knew me better than I knew the lines of my own hands, though I had never confessed to her whose blood ran through my veins, the famiglia that I belonged to. My legacy created a savage beast that lurked beneath my skin, ready to battle for family and honor, but he only went to war for one—her. There was one catch, an arrangement she didn’t know about. I sent her away so that she could follow her stars. But now, I was back to retrieve what had always belonged to me—my ballerina girl. Book II in a seven-part Mafia Romance saga. • • • #mafiaromancereaders #mafiareaders #mafiaromancenovels #mafiaromancesaga #readingromance #romancebooks #readnow #igbooks #bookishlife #bookaddiction #booksandtea #booksandcoffee #essentialsforbiblio #ContemporaryRomance #ContemporaryRomanceReads #romanticsuspense https://www.instagram.com/p/BvLbMwwnSoq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=xmhnp9m6098g
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joyffree · 2 years
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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬 (Keir & Sailor) Book 1 of 2 by USA Today bestselling author, T.L. Smith is on sale for just $.99! One Click your copy today. 𝑺𝒚𝒏𝒐𝒑𝒔𝒊𝒔 Sailor My husband sold me. Not only did he sell me, but he told me he loved me while doing the deal. What lies he tells. Only fools believe him. Unfortunately, one of those fools was… me. Keir I’m not in the habit of buying women. I didn’t need to. I was a king of my realm, the devil you whispered about in your sleep. So when his debt fell due, he sold me his wife. And I was happy because I wanted to play with her like any fool would. And play with her, I did. Pity, in the end, I would have to kill her. 𝑶𝑵𝑬 𝑪𝑳𝑰𝑪𝑲 𝑳𝑰𝑵𝑲𝑺 Apple ➜ https://apple.co/3CHGUX9 Kobo ➜ https://bit.ly/37xZ1Ai B&N ➜ https://bit.ly/3CEotT8 Amazon ➜ https://amzn.to/3lTsFIS Amazon Aus ➜ https://amzn.to/3jLBlOI Amazon UK ➜ https://amzn.to/3lX5ey7 GR ➜ https://bit.ly/3s9ynYc
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kadijahs-world · 4 years
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♥ 𝐍𝐄𝐖 𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐄 ♥ 𝒞𝑜𝓇𝓇𝓊𝓅𝓉 𝒷𝓎 𝐸𝓁𝑒𝓃𝒶 𝑀. 𝑅𝑒𝓎𝑒𝓈 is available now! What you need to know: ☑️ Mafia ☑️ Obsession ☑️ Romantic Suspense ☑️ Forbidden Romance 𝐁𝐔𝐘 𝐍𝐎𝐖 ⇒ https://books2read.com/u/3JDlrg #𝐓𝐁𝐑 ⇒ https://bit.ly/2U87rbs 𝐆𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐘 ⇒ https://bit.ly/2Ql43Y9 𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ⇒ https://spoti.fi/3bKxWdE 𝐂𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐆𝐍 ⇒ T.E. Black Designs 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒 ⇒ 𝒮𝒾𝓃 (𝐵𝑒𝒶𝓊𝓉𝒾𝒻𝓊𝓁 𝒮𝒾𝓃𝓃𝑒𝓇 𝒮𝑒𝓇𝒾𝑒𝓈 #𝟣) 𝐁𝐔𝐘 𝐍𝐎𝐖 ⇒ books2read.com/sin-sin 𝒞𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓉 (𝐵𝑒𝒶𝓊𝓉𝒾𝒻𝓊𝓁 𝒮𝒾𝓃𝓃𝑒𝓇 𝒮𝑒𝓇𝒾𝑒𝓈 #𝟤) 𝐁𝐔𝐘 𝐍𝐎𝐖 ⇒ https://books2read.com/u/3JJY2A 𝑀𝒾𝓃𝑒 (𝐵𝑒𝒶𝓊𝓉𝒾𝒻𝓊𝓁 𝒮𝒾𝓃𝓃𝑒𝓇 𝒮𝑒𝓇𝒾𝑒𝓈 #𝟥) 𝐁𝐔𝐘 𝐍𝐎𝐖 ⇒ https://books2read.com/mine-beautiful-sinner #corruptreleaseboost #corruptelenamreyes #elenamreyesauthor #mustread #buynow #tbr #goodreads #spinoffseries #standalone #romance #newadult #suspense #CorruptRelease #beautifulsinners #criminalminds#mafiareads #romanticsuspense Hosted by Enticing Journey Book Promotions https://www.instagram.com/p/CERjBibAM_K/?igshid=ayuk4bp8ijll
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list of fics i'm in the process of writing-
"heartbreak" (yandere!swap sans/tavia)
"honey and peanut butter" (swap papyrus/inventivereader)
"Booked for the weekend" (killer sans/bookgeek reader)
"Deadly circumstances" (mafia!killer sans/mafiareader)
"Raining in our hearts" (mafiafell!sans/ava)
"Welp. Not what I was expecting." (cross (....and pretty much the entire nightmare gang)/outcode reader)
"Rey." (rey (new oc)/sait (another new character, doesn't belong to me tho. and also that is oonly like part of the story, it's... man it's huge)
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shyspider · 3 years
Funky Fresh Tag Game!
Rules: Share the titles of some of your wips, and if your followers ask about them, share a preview of the one that is most interesting to them! Tag 10 people who you're curious to see what they're working on.
Got tagged by @ss-shitstorm Check out their response:  https://ss-shitstorm.tumblr.com/post/662133918582161408/funky-fresh-tag-game-rules-share-the-titles-of
Yeah, I’ll play. I don’t get many of these, let alone have an opportunity to share what’s sitting in my folders. Some of them are WIPs, some of them are abandoned which could be picked back up, and some of them are just on a very long hiatus. But I’ll share previews of some.
“Passenger” - DelinquentReader/Knockout (abandoned for many reasons. May rewrite.) “Business Partners” - MafiaReader/Thunderhoof (abandoned/long hiatus. Chose other fics to work on.) “Memory Glass” - RangerReader/??? (long hiatus. Fantasy DnD AU. ALLL the fantasy tropes 💕) “Untitled” - ScientistReader/??? (3rd installment of a series. Drafting stage. Sorry, no spoilers.) “Untitled” - LiaisonReader/First Aid/Ambulon (nsfw. Gift fic in the process of getting added on. Will not be released to the public, only released to her. Any previews will be short and safe.) 
Other Fandoms
(Many of these are ‘abandoned’ but hey, I might change my mind and want to work on them. Right now, I don’t feel like taking on another fic on the regular and getting into another fandom.)
“Forged from Ash” - Skyrim: Reader/???  “Shadows in the Forest” - Critical Role: LycanReader/Mollymauk  “While the Shepherd Sleeps” - Mass Effect: OCs/OCs  “Cold Shadows” - Naruto: Reader/Shino, Reader/Garra. “In Blood, In Bondage” - Dragon Age 2: OCmage vs OCrogue (sister Hawkes)
Tag 10 people?? I don’t even know ten writers, let alone feel like I can tag any of them. Uhhh @limited-practice - I’m sure your fans are dying to know what’s good. @authorticity - you’ve been quiet for a while, you workin on anything?  (No pressure from either of you 💖💝 it IS the busy season, so you can totally ignore.)
Anyone who wants to jump in and share their wips, do it. I want to know what you all are working on. Thanks for tagging me @ss-shitstorm. I have now acknowledged all my neglected works, bathed in shame, and ate cupcakes to cope. Just another day.
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Rosè x MafiaReader Drabble
•On the run•
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N 5 and 11 from the Fluff list
The bright red numbers on your alarm clock read 02:45 AM, picking up your phone, dread set in your stomach, good news never came at this time. You felt Chaeyoung shift slightly by your side, her hand resting lightly on your bare leg,
“Y/N, you need to get out of there.”
In a second you were on your feet, Chaeyoung’s tired gaze following you in confusion before immediately recognizing the look in your eyes,
“We just got word that they’re on their way, two black suvs, you need to move, fast.”
You already had your clothes on, heart leaping in your chest you grabbed the two bags you always had ready for a situation like this one. Passing one to your girlfriend you grabbed the glock from your bedside table, cocking it once before tucking it in your jeans,
“How the fuck did you find out about it so late you idiot? You’re supposed to be aware of their every fucking move.”
Hopping down the stairs two at a time, you looked back, Chaeyoung following you in silence, a bag slung over her shoulder and your cat in her arms, she looked so scared you couldn’t even look her in the eyes.
“I’m so so sorry, I swear it will never happen again.”
The panicked words of one your assistants only made you more angry, so the best idea in your opinion was to throw your phone against the wall.
As you reached the garage you quickly got in your SUV, as soon as your girlfriend was in the car you took off, you hadn’t even left the driveway when you heard the first shot, it hit the back window, which fortunately had been made bullet proof a while ago, a string of course words fell from your mouth as you pressed down on the gas, taking a sharp left and praying to lose the big car behind you.
As you took another sharp turn you heard Chaeyoung let out a surprised little yelp, guilt spread through you as you chewed down on your bottom lip,
“I’m so sor..”
Your words were muted by another bullet, this time it hit your wind mirror, the glass on it shattering, thankfully you had arrived just outside the big city, where the streets ran thick and streetlights barely worked, having grown up in these outskirts, you knew every little alley like the back of your hand, feeling the cold of your gun against your skin you focused, zoning out everything around you and before you knew it you were out of trouble, parked in a dark alley just next to your old public school.
Allowing yourself to finally breathe, you closed your eyes, a small hand made its way to your thigh, giving it a reassuring squeeze, you finally looked at her, she was still in her pijamas, hair disheveled and an unrecognizable look in her eyes, you immediately reached for the heating and turned it up, taking your sweater off you handed it to her, when she shook her head you found the courage to smile at her, “just take it please.”
And so she did, as she kept staring at you, you gently played with her fingers, lifting them to your face and placing a soft kiss on each one of them,
“Are you warm enough?”
Smiling softly she nodded and scooted closer to you, understanding her intentions you pulled the seat back and welcomed her in your arms as she crawled on top of you, straddling your waist she placed her forehead against yours, her soft red hair creating a little curtain around you,
“I’m perfectly fine Y/N, we’re both okay, everything is alright.”
Her words whispered against you lips didn’t have the reassuring effect they usually had, this time you had really risked it, and yes, risk was a always a big part of your life and you had let her know about it since the very beginning of your relationship but the guilt that swam around your stomach was always present, now more than ever.
“I’m just glad you’re safe, I wouldn’t know what to do if I lost you.”
Her words made your heart melt as you held her even tighter, she loved you more than anything and you the same, so you knew that no matter how much guilt ate at you, you would always be too selfish to ever let her go. She kept you alive and sane, so as you held her tight you placed a light kiss against her neck, whispering to her how much you truly loved the woman she was.
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kayjay63 · 4 years
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Pope seeks to ”liberate” Virgin Mary from the Mafia Pope seeks to ''liberate" Virgin Mary from the MafiaRead More
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𝒞𝑜𝓇𝓇𝓊𝓅𝓉 by Elena M. Reyes is available now!
#OneClick today → https://books2read.com/u/3JDlrg
Corruption is the key to success and I'm the collector of all debts.
The first time I laid eyes on my little flower, she was dressed up—a beautiful temptation wrapped in perfection that I wanted to own. Possess. To take away from the pseudo perfect life that reeks with the narcissistic chains—the demands—holding her down.
She's a pawn.
The daughter of my enemy.
Solimar Quintero is the future Mrs. Alejandro Lucas and doesn't even know it. She isn't aware that the man she smiles at—taunts to come closer—is a criminal. A wanted man. A nightmare for his enemies and her future.
I always get what I want.
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Main Masterlist
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Bloodhounds Series:
The Sound of Magic Series:
Do You Believe Me? (Ri-eul x BestFriend!Reader)
Vincenzo Series:
You're My Person (Vincenzo x Female!MafiaReader)
When Fear Becomes Strength (Jang Han-seo x BestFriend!Reader)
So, This is Love? (Jang Han-seo x Paralegal!Reader)
Teasing An Gi-seok
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow Series:
Facing Your Feelings (Mick Rory/Heatwave x Reader)
Insecure (Ray Palmer/Atom x Reader)
Supernatural Series:
Trickster’s Sweet Tooth (Gabriel x Reader)
Sacrifice (Winchesters x AngelFriend!Reader)
Closure (Dean Winchester x Past!Reader)
Do They Know About Us? (Mick Davies x Hunter!Reader)
Hawaii Five-0 (2010) Series:
Pure Happiness (Steve McGarrett x Reader)
Movie Night With Danny
Marvel Cinematic Universe Series:
A True Hero (Tony Stark x Reader)
Shenanigans (Avengers x Friend!Reader)
Blindfolded (Avengers x AvengersInTraining!Reader)
Soulmate Mark (Loki x FemaleWinged!Reader)
Somebody to Lean On (Friend!Tony Stark x SuperSoldier!Reader)
Night Changes (Tony Stark x Avenger!Reader)
Mission Gone Wrong (Tony Stark x PastWife!Reader)
Bowling With the Avengers
Once Upon a Time Series:
Memory Potion (Archie x Female!Reader)
The Hobbit Cinematic Series:
Surprise Confession (Dwalin x FemaleHuman!Reader)
Until We Meet Again (Fili x FemaleElf!Reader)
Enchanted Mirror (Bofur x FemaleModernHuman!Reader)
X-Men Cinematic Series:
Meet Your Son (Logan/Wolverine x Female!Human!Reader)
Lucifer Cinematic Series:
Lucifer’s Desire (No Pairing)
Being Human (US) Cinematic Series:
Vampires, Ghosts, & Werewolves. OH MY! (Aidan Waite x Female!Reader)
Wynonna Earp Cinematic Series:
This Time is Different (Doc Holliday x Reader)
The Librarians Series:
The Truth Is (Jacob "Jake" Stone x Reader)
Crossover Fanfics:
Something There That Wasn’t There Before (Hawaii Five-0 (2010)/Bones): (Danny Williams x FemaleRommate!Reader)
A New Life (Hawaii Five-0 (2010)/Avengers): (Steve McGarrett x Reader & The Avengers x FemalePastAvenger!Reader)
Sam, Dean, and Cas meet John Constantine
Lucifer and Chloe meet John Constantine
Any Fandom:
Falling Through Ice
P.S.-all works also found on AO3 under mirajanefairytailmage
Writing Prompts:
Songbird Enchantment
Death's Apology
Original Works:
Forget The Rain
My Nightmare Will End
I Wish
Main blog
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mafiaparkingonly · 7 years
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(via Mob Mentality: 10 Great Novels About the Mafia)
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joyffree · 4 years
#NewRelease Tour with #Giveaway
Beautiful Thief Series: Omertà Law Dark Mafia Romance by M.N. Forgy
My name may be Romeo, but I’m far from romantic. My brother betrayed the family, forcing me into the role of underboss beneath the criminal mastermind that is our father.
I’ve never been a merciless criminal, and my father tests my resolve by giving me a stolen woman, knowing the situation disturbs me. What he doesn’t know is the disheveled beauty intrigues me.
She tried to kill me with my own gun on the first night, pushing my fixation into a dangerous addiction.
She’s unknowingly teaching me the power I have, and now I’m going to take over my father’s empire.
It’s a cold dark path to the top and I’m finally ready to lead the way.
#beautifulthief #romanticsuspense #mnforgy #wildfiremarketingsolutions #omertalaw #criminalromance #darkromance #mafiaromance #oneclickread #kindleunlimited #forbiddenromance #mafiaread
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