#mafia johnny suh
neobomb · 11 months
NCT fic recs [Pt. 1]
A collection of mature dark themed nct fics. mostly yandere, mafia or horror (or just messed up themes) includes all units (nct 127, nct dream, wayv, nct u and former members bc i miss lucas sm)
yuta x reader: Wolf [nakamoto] by @neo-cult-ure
jaehyun x reader: Devoted by @maknaesdancersrappers
mark x reader: Creepin by @killshotbabe
jaemin x reader: PL4YGIRL IS LOVE... by @domjaehyun
doyoung x reader: Invisable by @aehyei jaehyun x reader: devotion/obsession by @whereisten yuta x reader: heathens by @yutaholic sungchan x reader: Infatuation - Sungchan [Pt. 1], [Pt.2] by @stayarmytinyzenmoa-l
taeyong x reader: Late Night Adventures with a Green-Haired Kingpin by @whereisten mark x reader: zugzwang by @recklessmark kun x reader: Spoonful Of Sugar;; QK by @kpoptrashlord-007
mainly johnny x reader but some jaehyun x reader: the art of eye contact by @peachydyoung
mark x reader: freakshow by @peachydyoung
lucas x reader: Stranger Danger by @whereisten
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peanutpinet · 9 months
Love is A Beauty - Mafia! Johnny x innocent, traumatic fem reader - 100th Tumblr Post
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A/N: this is the 100th Tumblr Post and I’m dedicating it to another comfort idol, the one that probably heals so many others’ broken inner childhood, Johnny :’)
Was inspired by a Tom Holland mafia fic that I read (was called ‘Call Me King’) and @smileysuh Johnny fic: Lone Digger
Pairings: Mafia/CEO! Johnny Suh x Innocent! Fem Reader
Warnings: cursing, human trafficking, shitty ex-relationship, traumatic events, sexual themes, degrading names, cursing, brutal torture, guns, implied death, fire, burning (not literally), kidnapping, angst :)) I swear there are also some fluff scenes
Summary: Johnny Suh is the CEO of Neo Entertainment Agency which handles multiple celebrities, some of which are actually part of the NCT mafia like the infamous racer, Lee Jeno, the top supermodel/actor, Jung Jaehyun, and even the comedian actor, Hendery.
Despite being in the glamour and gore at the same time, Johnny has enjoyed it all. He enjoys the fame and attention from everyone including girls. Though with the power and attention Taeyong gave Johnny, he never abused his status or power until he met a girl who seemed too pure and innocent to have to work in a shitty place. Little did Johnny know that he would soon find out that love is actually beautiful.
As Taeyong was slowly making a name for himself and his group, NCT, Taeyong knew that he needed several other businesses that would help his members, especially his core members have some sort of cover-up.
While Taeyong is more than grateful that his selected core members never questioned his leadership, Taeyong couldn’t help but want to give his members another career path aside from just being part of the mafia alongside him.
That is how Taeyong, Kun, and Mark decided to build some businesses to allow their core members to explore what they wanted to do. Taeyong mainly focuses on the tech company while also overlooking the entertainment agency, hospital, e-commerce, and several other businesses that took up the majority of Seoul. Mark co-owns the entertainment and publishing agency whereas Kun focuses on the hospital and healthcare.
Additionally, some of the older members like Johnny also co-owns several of the businesses with Taeyong or Mark. One of which is the entertainment agency where they would cast several of their members as actors and public figures like Jaehyun, athletes like Jeno, or even other artists like Ten.
As the years passed, not only did NCT grow as a whole mafia group but their businesses also grew. Almost every other business is associated with those companies under NCT and the majority of fresh graduates wanted nothing more but to be able to intern or even work full-time under one of the businesses that NCT owns.
Even with the amount of businesses that NCT controls, Taeyong doesn’t limit his members to only work for him but allows each of them to explore whatever their likes and dislikes are. What each of them is good at and even allowed them to build their own business just like Johnny built a famous bar and restaurant in Seoul which soon became an exclusive spot where a lot of the upper-class, the richest, and business partners meet one another.
But even with all the fame and fortune that Johnny had gotten from being part of NCT, co-owning some businesses with Taeyong, and even building a business on his own, not once did he misuse his power, fame, and fortune for anything.
Heck, even the employees who work under Johnny consider him to be one of the best bosses they could have asked for. All of his employees aren’t obligated to work overtime if unnecessary and even if they do, he would pay them well. Each employee was given a month’s worth of work leave, health insurance, up to 2 months of work leave, and every other benefit that one could have dreamed of (A/N: honestly me).
But with all that reputation, there was one part of Johnny’s life that he felt wasn’t complete and that’s a relationship. Sure, Johnny has had several flings and one-night stands here and there. Even some women would throw themselves at Johnny which might have attracted him in his early days in NCT but as time passes, Johnny can’t help but be envious of some of his members, his younger members and their long-term relationships; especially when he had a bitter relationship in the past.
Though Johnny isn’t the only member in NCT who wasn’t in a relationship, the thought of how his younger members were doing much better in this aspect left a bitter taste in his mind. Though not everyone knew each other very well despite being in the same team, Taeyong knew all of his members, especially his long-term friend, Johnny, inside and out.
When Taeyong first met Johnny, he was fresh out of college and was working for a well-established modelling agency as a photographer. Johnny was not only doing well career-wise but he was also in a long-term relationship with his then-girlfriend who was one of the models in the same agency he worked in.
But it was shortly before Johnny’s probation ended did he found the bitterness behind all the good things that had happened. He was being framed for sending the wrong photoshoot to a business partner and when he needed his girlfriend the most, he felt betrayal like never before. How his then-girlfriend was the one who framed him and that she was sleeping with a senior editor in the modelling agency.
Ever since, Johnny was broken. He was fired from his job, he was angry at his then-girlfriend but one thing that came out of that probation period was meeting Taeyong and the rest was practically history between the two.
Taeyong was there when Johnny fell, Taeyong was there when Johnny was heartbroken and betrayed, Taeyong was there to help pick Johnny back up into the strong, bubbly, and confident self he once was but just like a broken vase, you can’t completely put it back together like it used to be and that is how Johnny currently is.
While Johnny has slowly grown more mature, loveable, and confident once again. He has yet to open up to any kind of relationship. One of the reasons why he was actually envious of his members who do have healthy relationships. Johnny was too hurt and betrayed to truly see that love was actually something beautiful.
“Apparently I got word that Brams and his men are going to meet up with some people regarding that human trafficking issue that’s been going around” Jaehyun mentioned, grabbing Johnny’s attention
“Well good evening to you too, Jay. You’re done with your shoot today?” Johnny asked, heading over to his mini fridge to grab a bottle of whiskey and two glasses, pouring one and offering the other to Jaehyun
“Yeah. I was done since an hour ago and both Jungwoo and Doyoung told me about their findings. Since Taeyong is out with his girlfriend. You know how he is when he’s with his girlfriend” Jaehyun chuckled, grabbing the drink Johnny just poured
“Yeah, I know. He texted me about having the whole of next week off and handed me a list of the things he wanted Doyoung and me to check out. Just send Hendery, Mark, and Jeno to look at it” Johnny mentioned, brushing off the issue Jaehyun mentioned
“Well, the thing is, they’re meeting in your bar” Jaehyun stated, making Johnny stop drinking the whiskey. “You know Taeyong respects you so much that he refrains from having some of his backup men spy on your bar. But Jungwoo and Haechan found that the human trafficking issue is going to be dealt in your bar. I suggest that we head there to finish it before it escalates more” Jaehyun suggested, Johnny instantly drowning the whiskey
“When is the deal going to happen?” Johnny asked. “This Friday night. Honestly, Taeyong is smart to not have his members be publicly known. We get to have more fun that way” Jaehyun smirked, making the older member chuckle
“Alright. As long as you finish your brand shoot earlier, the drinks this Friday are on me. I’m going to get Yuta, Hendery and Ten to keep a lookout” Johnny mentioned, texting his upper management for the meeting details
“Sure thing, boss. I’ll keep you updated if Haechan or Jungwoo finds anything. Do you need any of the dreamies to go?” Jaehyun asked but Johnny shook his head. “Nah. The kids deserve a break. Especially Jaemin after what happened with his dad” Johnny replied. “And don’t call me boss. I may be as old as Taeyong but I’m not like him”
“Whatever you say, John” Jaehyun waved the older one goodbye
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Friday night rolled around sooner than Johnny wanted but he knew that Jaehyun was right. And that he had to act fast before it escalated any further. The past several months, there had been reports of missing young girls who were in college and there were rumours going around that they were either working at a brothel, illegal strip clubs, or even being sold to human trafficking.
Arriving at his bar, both Johnny and Jaehyun were greeted by Johnny’s upper manager, Ted. Because the supposed illegal businessmen hadn’t arrived yet, Johnny dismissed Ted to grab some drinks for both him and Jaehyun along with some light bites.
Because Jaehyun had only been to Johnny’s bar once in a while, he decided to scan the place and took in all the details of the bar until his eyes landed on a certain waitress who looked a bit too young to be working in the bar.
“Yo, John, doesn’t she look a bit too young to be working at a club?” Jaehyun asked, looking over to a young girl wearing the waitress uniform, serving some drinks to old sweaty men
Johnny who was just trying to drink and enjoy his night eventually followed Jaehyun’s gaze and landed on the girl that Jaehyun was describing.
Sure, Johnny might’ve opened his own bar with Taeyong’s permission but that doesn’t mean that he allows just about anyone to work in his bar. And while he doesn’t deal with all the miscellaneous work in the bar, he surely memorises his staff and the girl Jaehyun pointed out was never in any parts of Johnny’s memory.
Instead of confronting the girl, Johnny immediately called another waiter to get Ted and question about the girl whom he learned was technically legal to work in a bar as she was 21+ and the manager mentioned that she was only a part-timer on the weekends since they needed more help.
Right when Ted was explaining to Johnny, he saw one of the old men put their hands on the girl’s bare thigh which scared the girl. Angered at the behaviour, Johnny stood up and stomped his way to the scene before the man could go any further.
“This is an exclusive bar and I make sure that all of my staff are always on their best service. But that doesn’t mean that you could just harass them like this” Johnny growled, gripping the older man’s arm tightly that the people nearby could hear a bone crack
“Especially when it’s an old man harassing a young girl” Johnny grunted, pushing the man that he fell off his chair; the other men around the table started to get up, about to put up a fight when Jaehyun came beside Johnny, shielding the girl
“I suggest you all sit your old sweaty asses down unless you want your old bones to be broken” Jaehyun taunted. “Or shall we call Taeyong? Because he’s the co-owner of this bar and I don’t think he would be pleased that his supposed business partners were in his bar, harassing a girl”
Of course, upon hearing Taeyong’s name, the men instantly cowered in fear and apologised for their behaviour which Johnny scoffs because he knew that they weren’t sorry for what they did but instead, they were scared of what the Taeyong could do to them.
Turning around, Johnny’s stern gaze immediately washed away when he saw the scared girl looking down to her feet and bowed at him; apologising for getting him and Jaehyun involved. Something that Johnny rarely encounters in bars. Even in his own.
“You don’t have to apologise for getting me and my friend involved. They should be the ones apologising to you. Are you hurt?” Johnny asked but the girl shook her head, still not wanting to look at the much taller man
“Hey, my eyes are up here. I’m not going to hurt you so can you please just look at me so I know that you’re ok?” Johnny asked again, this time in a much softer tone
Slowly, the girl lifted her head, her (Y/E/C) eyes met with Johnny’s now soft dark brown eyes. Johnny slowly took in the girl’s appearance in front of him. How her (Y/H/C) hair was tied up and some of her bangs were somewhat covering her eyes. Her eyes filled with worry and anxiousness that made her bite her own lip. “She’s clearly uncomfortable being here” Johnny thought to himself
Unfortunately, before Johnny could ask anything else to the girl, Ted called him and Jaehyun regarding the meeting about the human trafficking issue. “We’ll be right there, Ted. Thanks” Johnny replied, before looking around and spotting Ten, Hendery and Yuta.
“Sweetheart, I’m going to have to leave but can you help serve my friends over there?” Johnny mentioned, his eyes directed at Ten, Hendery and Yuta who were by the corner of the bar
The girl turned and followed Johnny’s direction before going back to face him and nodding; somehow making Johnny smile. “Good. I assure you that they’re fun to be around with. I’ll tell Ted that you’ll be serving my friends tonight and no one else. I promise you that you won’t get in trouble, alright?”
Another nod
“Alright. I’ll see you around then” Johnny mentioned, nudging Jaehyun to follow him as he walked past the 3 younger men. One of his hands patted Yuta’s shoulder. “See it that those old men are taught a lesson about touching a girl without their consent” Johnny whispered, Yuta immediately nodded, understanding his member’s request
“Ten, Hendery, the girl who was harassed is gonna come and serve you guys. Don’t scare her. And make sure she gets back to her place, safely” Johnny added, the younger men nodded
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Without wasting anymore time, both Johnny and Jaehyun went into the VIP room where true to Jungwoo and Haechan’s findings, Brams was having a deal with an illegal business partner regarding human trafficking.
Angry at their bluntness about women being used to satisfy men, it didn’t take long for both Johnny and Jaehyun to beat both groups to nothing but a pulp. Johnny then had some of his own back-ups to take them back to the NCT base to get more information out of them.
After Johnny and Jaehyun were done, the two went out of the VIP room and met up with Yuta, Hendery, and Ten whereas the other employees were already told to leave early by Ted. “Apparently those old men who were harassing the girl worked for Brams as well. They were selecting some girls to be sold in the human trafficking” Yuta mentioned, making Johnny even more worked up than he already is
“Fucking hell. I promised TY that when I opened my bar, I’d make sure that it wouldn’t ever come to this. How’s the girl?” Johnny asked
“She was very nervous. She was worried that Ted was going to fire her. You didn’t let her know that you were the boss?” Ten asked and Johnny shook his head. “Not exactly. Didn’t think that I would need to”
“Well, you should’ve. The poor girl didn’t even want to leave until she met you but I told her that you were busy and it was past her working time. I also told her that she’d most likely see you more often now” Ten mentioned
“Thanks for making her go home. Wouldn’t want her to see the violence or blood” Johnny spoke, somewhat shocking his members
“Did the Johnny Suh actually care about a girl and not want her to see him being violent or blood on him?!” Ten snickered
“Is that really your main concern right now? There were several groups in my bar, dealing with human trafficking. Hendery, did you get any other information out of anyone in the bar?” Johnny asked and Hendery filled him in on his findings
“I found out from a regular customer that the group Yuta beaten up weren’t the only group that was dealing with Brams’ group about human trafficking. There are other several small groups who are willing to kidnap any other girl to be sold to Brams for human trafficking” Hendery explained
“Yuta, did you get the group or let them off?” Johnny asked. “Of course I brought them back to the base. Just for a little practice session for the new recruits” Yuta replied
“Get whatever information you can out of them along with Ten and Hendery. I need to have a discussion with Doyoung and Jaehyun about this situation” Johnny mentioned
“Oh, by the way hyung, her name is (y/f/n). Just in case you’re wondering or if you want Haechan to dig information about her” Ten mentioned, giggling before he left with Yuta and Hendery
“You’re going to ask Haechan to dig up information about her, aren’t you?” Jaehyun asked, getting into the car with Johnny
“Why on earth would I even do that?” Johnny questioned back, driving off with Jaehyun
“I mean, the way you look at her and defend her says a lot you know” Jaehyun stated, the grip Johnny had on his stirring wheel got tighter
“She’s just some girl, Jaehyun” Johnny tried to avoid the conversation. “A girl that you defended and even spoke softly to. Haven’t seen that in a long time”
“I don’t hate girls if that’s what you’re implying. Plus, she’s different. She seems so out of place. Like, why work there if she doesn’t even try to hide her dislike” Johnny wonders
“See, this is what I mean. I know you don’t hate girls but typically you wouldn't give two shits on other people’s business. Let alone a girl who’s basically as old as the 00 liners. She got you hooked, hyung” Jaehyun chuckled, making Johnny glare at the younger man
“Would you just drop it? She was just a girl who coincidentally was on the scene and a target for human trafficking. The only thing that I’ll be doing is making sure that this shit never happens in my bar. Ever again” Johnny stated, rushing back to the base
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It didn’t take long for Johnny to get the information he needed from Brams and the other little group that was involved in the human trafficking issue. The main reason why they chose Johnny’s bar was that there were many well-known business people who needed some young girls for business reasons or even personal, self-indulgent reasons. Additionally, they knew that every staff in Johnny’s bar would never utter any word regarding any dealings in the bar.
Disgusted at their answers, Johnny allowed Yuta and some other members to take their time in torturing the group into getting answers on who their buyers were. Meanwhile, Johnny’s mind wandered off to the scared girl that he encountered. Until a knock on the door caught him off-guard.
“Yeah, come on in” Johnny stated, trying to look over the files of the Brams’ group to make himself look busy
“Hyung, so, Haechan and Jungwoo managed to gather more list on the small groups who are helping Brams, some missing girls, etc” Jaehyun mentioned, coming into Johnny’s office, holding a tab
“Okay, and? Is there anything that I don’t know of? If not then I don’t see the point of the report, Jae” Johnny brushed off Jaehyun’s findings
“Sure about that?” Jaehyun scoffed, sliding his tab right in front of Johnny, the page showing the girl that Johnny helped
“What about her?” Johnny asked, raising his eyebrow and scrolling the tab until he stopped at a specific information that made him grip the tab a little too hard and even slam it on his desk; even scaring Jaehyun a bit
“What the fuck did you mean that she was hired in my club through those illegal bastards?!” Johnny angrily slammed the tab
“None of us knew, John. We almost never handle anything that goes around your bar. But if what Haechan found is true then something ain't right with your staff. You should probably question each of them” Jaehyun suggested but Johnny thought otherwise
“I want all the information” Johnny stated, his tone firm
“Sure, I’m sending you potential information about your staff so you can…” Jaehyun replied but Johnny stopped him
“Not all of them. Just one. Her. I want to know everything about her” Johnny mentioned, turning the tab around to show Jaehyun the girl that they both helped
“Isn’t that like stalking? Judging from her looks and the snippet of history I read, I doubt she’s involved with anything illegal and is pretty much clean. You can just have a civil conversation with her or…” Jaehyun suggested but Johnny was firm
“No. I don’t want to talk with the other staffs because it’s possible that they might be doing it together. But her. Just like you said. She was brought here because of that fucked up group doing illegal trafficking. I want all information about her then I’ll talk to her in a civil way. To make sure what she says is true because she could also be playing along with whoever is doing this dirty work in my bar” Johnny reasoned
“Alright. But I’m telling you. From what I’ve read and what the others have seen of her, she’s clean, man. Don’t scare her too much when you see her” Jaehyun warned
“I’ll be the judge of that, Jeong” Johnny growled
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“Well, here you go man” Jaehyun mentioned, handing Johnny a tab with a file already opened. “All information about (y/f/n)”
“Took you a long time” Johnny snickered, taking the tab and reading through each piece of information that Jaehyun got
“Taeyong’s back” Jaehyun pointed out, making Johnny's ears perk up and stop scrolling for a moment. “I’ve updated him about the human trafficking but left out that we found more dirt about it in your bar”
“Shit” Johnny cursed suddenly. “What?!” Jaehyun asked
“Her parents were killed when she was 16 because the human trafficking gang needed a victim to be sold?! She’s just 22 now ” Johnny exclaimed. “Did you not read her information?”
“I’m not the stalker kind of guy. I just know the basic information. I didn’t go that deep and now that you’ve said it, that’s very fucked up. I’ve heard kidnapping and drugging, but killing girls who had parents because they needed a victim is another level of fucked up” Jaehyun mentioned
“And apparently someone in my bar hired her through this fucked up system. I…” Johnny growled, grabbing a glass and pouring himself a glass of whiskey; immediately swallowing the liquid in one shot
“Do you know her schedule?” Johnny asked and Jaehyun nodded
“Good. Find any days when she’s not working at the bar and let me know where she is. I’ll go to her myself. And don’t mention any of this to Taeyong. Not until I get to the bottom of it myself first” Johnny mentioned
“Alright. Just don’t scare the poor girl. You might have bad history with women but not all of them are like…” Jaehyun didn’t even get to finish his sentence before Johnny growled at him. “If you dare to say her fucking name…”
“I’m just saying. Oh and don’t act like a creepy boss who magically got her background information. Just take it easy and talk like you genuinely want to know her. I’ll always be around if you need a wingman” Jaehyun joked
“And if somehow you start to feel something, don’t push away. The poor girl already had a hard time surviving” Jaehyun mentioned
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Johnny’s POV
It was the middle of the week and somehow I found myself in a small cafe that was a few blocks away from my bar because Jaehyun told me that (y/n) was also working part-time in the cafe since I found that she was trying to save up for college ever since she was 18.
Walking into the cafe with Jaehyun, I looked around and saw (y/n) cleaning one of the tables in the corner which is the table that Jaehyun and I decided to sit at.
“Excuse me, is it alright if we sit here?” I asked in a softer tone
Turning around, I could tell that (y/n) was shocked to see me and Jaehyun but she managed to hide it well and allowed us to sit down at the table she just cleaned. Before she was about to leave, I managed to catch her attention.
“(y/n), after you’ve brought our order, come and sit with us, alright? I promise you won’t get in trouble” I stated, making (y/n) look a bit scared but she nodded anyways
“Well you’re very frontal” Jaehyun commented at our little interaction
“Well how would you do it, valentine boy?” I scoffed
“Well, I’d lead on the conversation from ordering like what’s the best seller, how long have you been working here. You know, actually make some kind of conversation instead of jumping straight in. She looked nervous. You could’ve smiled at least” Jaehyun pointed out, making me roll my eyes
Not long after, (y/n) came to our table with our order. After placing everything down, I looked back at her to make sure that she wouldn’t leave and turns out she actually obliged and sat beside me.
“A-am I in trouble?” (y/n) finally let out actual words instead of nodding or shaking her head. Her voice was soft but shaky
“No. Of course not” I started. “I’m Johnny. I’m actually the owner of the bar that you’re working in. Sorry I didn’t properly introduce myself last time when I asked you to serve my friends” I added, extending my hand for (y/n) to shake but she was unsure and I put my hand down
“This is Jaehyun. He’s a good friend of mine” I introduced Jaehyun who looked at (y/n) was a softer smile that showed his dimples
“Hey. I’m Jaehyun. You can call me Jay” Jaehyun smiled
“D-do you also work in the…” (y/n) didn’t finish her question but Jaehyun chuckled first. “No. I’m just a good friend of Johnny. He also co-owns an entertainment agency with another friend of ours. I’m an actor and model actually”
“I um, was wondering why did you work in the bar. I saw that you were uncomfortable and while I don’t manage the recruitment process anymore, I would visit every now and then. You know that you’re not forced to work there if you don’t want to” I bluntly told (y/n) who looked down and played with her fingers
“I, I was looking for a simple job” (y/n) started, taking a deep breath before continuing. “Just to keep me alive. I wanted to go to college but I couldn’t”
“I worked at this cafe first but it wasn’t enough. One of my friends said I can try to work in the club. It pays well. I’ve been saving up. Sorry”
“There’s nothing to apologise for, sweetheart” I replied but no one said anything after a while
“I, I should get back to work. I’ll do better at your bar, Mr Johnny” (y/n) excused herself, standing and bowing formally to me and Jaehyun
“Just Johnny, sweetheart. And you’ve done nothing wrong. I just said you looked uncomfortable and not that you were doing a bad job” I pointed out
“T-thank you for stopping by and coming to the cafe” (y/n) thanked us again then left to the back room
“Well, that went well, didn’t it, sweetheart?” Jaehyun commented and I gave him a side-eye
“She shouldn’t be working there Jaehyun” I mentioned, ruffling my hair out of frustration
“At your bar?” Jaehyun asked and I nodded “But you heard her. She needs the money and frankly, I will admit, working as a waitress in a prestigious bar brings some good paycheck. Plus, now that she knows you own the bar, she’s gonna know that if she gets a raise or anything it’s because of you”
“Find out what school she wants to study and let me know” I mentioned, finishing my coffee
“Dude, don’t tell me what I think you’re going to do. Taeyong is gonna be onto you. And we have yet to find out about the human trafficking gang that took her and sold her. Heck, they might still be keeping tabs on her or something” Jaehyun pointed out
“One at a time, Jae. I’ll deal with Taeyong. You find the school for her. You know what to do. As for the human trafficking, I’ve asked Yuta and Winwin to look into it since there’s a good chance it was done overseas” I stated
“Damn, Taeyong really has rubbed on you, hasn’t he? You’re one step ahead already” Jaehyun chuckled, patting my shoulder as we left the cafe
“You have no idea. I have Ten and Yangyang to watch over her shift tomorrow and on the weekends. Also update me on any other weird behaviours at my bar while I sort about her working in the bar” I mentioned, taking one last glance at (y/n) who was serving some new customers before going into my car
“Man, I’d never thought to see the day that you would get whipped for another girl in years” Jaehyun commented which I didn’t confirm nor deny his statement
Maybe I was actually starting to get interested in another girl after so long. Maybe…
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NCT Entertainment - 2:09 pm (Johnny’s POV)
“Wait, hyung. Let me get this straight. You talked to all of these universities and applied her to them on your own without her knowing, asking each university if they could provide a scholarship for her and even paid for like the majority of her tuition when you barely held a conversation with her?!” Jungwoo commented as he and Haechan were in my office at NCT Entertainment
“I didn’t pay her way into the university. I just sent out her information to the universities to get some scholarships for her and paid the rest. There’s a difference” I replied
“Damn. I don’t think I’ve seen you this interested in a girl since the day I met you” Jungwoo mentioned
“It’s not just you. Everyone who knows about this whole shenanigan is just as shocked. I was when Jaehyun-hyung asked me to dig up information about a girl per Johnny-hyung’s request. I was even more shocked to find out that she has nothing to do with his type of lifestyle” Haechan added on
“Has it been that long since you got laid, hyung?” Jungwoo joked
“You comment about my sex life once more and I’ll tell your girlfriend about how desperate you were to find love that you hacked into Tinder for each girl that swiped match with you only to find out that they were either very underage or over” I threatened Jungwoo who instantly cowered in fear
“Y-you wouldn’t dare” Jungwoo stuttered as Haechan laughed. “That was quite a phase. Especially when you, Jaehyun, and Doyoung-hyung accompanied us and Jeno to Milan. Gosh I was so jealous that they went to a fancy dinner” Haechan mentioned
“So have either of you found something regarding my staff and how the hell did they get involved in the bloody human trafficking activities?” I asked
“Hey, be grateful that I created the system to help us check each of your staff instead of doing it manually or worse, having to confront them one at a time and then you would have to replace your entire staff. Which honestly, now that I’ve said it out loud, you probably should. It’s best that way” Jungwoo pointed out when we heard a knock on the door
“Mr Suh, I ummm, there’s…” my secretary, Vivianne stuttered but a loud shout was heard not long after the door was opened
“Johnny Fucking Suh!!” we heard Taeyong’s loud voice from my office and not long he barged in along with Doyoung and Jaehyun
“You can leave Vivianne. And make sure that no one disturbs us at all” I mentioned and Vivianne immediately understood, closing the door
“Why the fuck is it that everytime I went on a small leave or handling something else, a small group of my members would always be up to something. 00 liners, and now 127? Universe, give me strength when it comes to WayV someday” Taeyong sighed, sitting across me as I eyed Jaehyun who just kept a straight face and shook his head
“Tae…I swear that I have everything under control. We’re looking into the possibility of the human trafficking being from overseas and…” I was explaining when Taeyong stopped me
“Cut the crap, Johnny. That’s not the only thing I’m going to be discussing. One. I gave you the freedom to have your own businesses without my involvement but I hoped that you would at least have one of the other members in it because look at what happened now. Your staff is involved in with the human trafficking activities because none of our trusted members was there to help you with the recruitment process. Two. One of your staff is hired through the human trafficking which indirectly means you’re involved in it if the public ever knows about this. Three. That staff of yours, that girl, seems to have caught your attention so much that I found you paying a hefty amount of money for her college. I’m glad that you’re opening up again but shouldn’t you be handling the human trafficking activities and taking it slow with a traumatised girl?” Taeyong stated
“Tae. I swear I had no idea about the human trafficking being in my bar. I was getting to that with the other members” I replied as the other members just stayed quiet
“I know. I just hope that you would open up more on what’s going on in your personal business with the other members even if it’s not with me” Taeyong replied back
“Honestly, after this event, I intend to do so. Sorry” I apologised but Taeyong shook his head
“There’s no need to apologise. I give my members free permission to do as they please as long as it’s not illegal. But I also want them to involve one another even if it’s not me because if you don’t trust your core members. Then who would you trust? When I started with this group, it took time for me to trust you guys if I’m going to be honest. But slowly, the more I get to know you all, the more I feel that I could trust you and I want that trust to keep going between you all even if I’m not part of it” Taeyong stated “And that goes for everyone in this room as well as our other core members”
“So, you all going to update me about what we have so far or what?” Taeyong stated, making me chuckle
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Of course, in the end, Johnny told Taeyong about the current situation. How Brams and some other groups have been having illegal meetings about human trafficking in his bar. How (y/n), one of Johnny’s staff was one of the victims and was hired by a mole amongst the other staff who was part of the human trafficking group.
Though Jungwoo has helped by making a whole system to help ease us in finding the mole amongst the staff, Jungwoo mentioned that whoever was dealing with this illegal business clearly had done it for a long time because every single one of the staff was clean which raised the question on how (y/n) was hired through human trafficking. And the only possible way to know is for Johnny to actually talk to her and be honest.
(y/n) on the other hand, was shocked that one of the colleges that she applied for actually replied back and offered her a full scholarship for her undergraduate. Though (y/n) was confused, she didn’t reject this big opportunity and immediately accepted it.
Knowing that she was fully funded for her undergraduate. (y/n) decided to tell Ted that she would stop working part-time at the bar and she’d just be working at the cafe.
Coming back to her small apartment after resigning from the club, (y/n) had just opened the door to her apartment but she could sense that there was another presence in the place and stopped in the middle of opening her door until she was met with a taller familiar figure. Johnny.
“Sorry I came uninvited and even got into your place without your consent. But we need to talk” Johnny spoke, his voice came out calmer which eased (y/n) enough to close the door
“Okay…” (y/n) breathed out
The two sat in front of each other, Johnny was trying to find his words as he examined the girl in front of him who looked skinnier than he last saw her whereas (y/n) was fiddling with her thumbs; a habit whenever she was nervous.
“Can you tell me how you actually found my bar and who hired you?” Johnny asked
“I, I’ve told you. A friend suggested your bar and the one that hired me is the manager, Ted” (y/n) let out
“Ted?!” Johnny let out a sarcastic chuckle, confusing and scaring (y/n). “Out of all my staff, it had to be Ted”
Johnny took his phone and was dialling Jaehyun when (y/n) spoke again. “H-he saved me”. Johnny ended his call with Jaehyun before the younger member even answered
“What do you mean he saved you? Who did he save you from?” Johnny asked, this time his tone was rougher
“H-he saved me from the bad people. The people that killed my parents. The people who forcefully took me and…” (y/n) started sniffling making Johnny sigh and got up to hug her
Pulling (y/n)’s body to his chest, Johnny patted (y/n)’s back, letting her cry on his chest. The feeling of having someone other than his members close to him was foreign but it brought some comfort and warmth knowing that Johnny was capable of opening up once again.
“Hey, I’m not going to hurt you. I promise. I just needed to know” Johnny softly uttered, stroking (y/n)’s head
“I’m, I’m sorry. I got your shirt wet” (y/n) sniffled, pulling away but Johnny shrugged
“It’s nothing. Feeling better?” Johnny asked and (y/n) nodded
“A bit. Ever since my parents were killed, I, I had no one. I didn’t know where to go but I know that I should keep going somehow” (y/n) sniffled and it broke Johnny hearing how could the world be cruel to someone so young and innocent
“Hey. It’s okay. You’re okay now. You’re such a strong girl. You didn’t give up even though you could’ve and that’s something to be proud of. Not everyone can do that. Especially under your circumstances” Johnny mentioned, cupping (y/n)’s cheeks. “I’ll take care of them, okay?”
Johnny handed (y/n) his phone for her to key in her phone number which she did. Johnny wanted to make sure that those people would pay for what they did before he fully opened up his heart again.
After making sure that (y/n) was better and even ordering dinner for her, Johnny excused himself because Yuta found that it was an overseas joint business and he was on the hunt for the people. But before Johnny left, (y/n) asked him about something that was lingering in her mind.
“W-was it you? The one who helped me get my scholarship?” (y/n) asked
“Your life was ripped away from you and you didn’t deserve that. You deserve to enjoy your life and figure out what you want to do. I know I’m not involved with those men nor did I have the chance to find you back then but I’m sorry that your life was suddenly ripped away from you. I’m sorry that I can’t bring your parents back. But at least let me help you because I know how it must be when something good is suddenly ripped away from you. Granted I didn’t experience it to your extreme but I know and I was lucky enough to be given a second chance. So should you” Johnny explained but what he didn’t expect was (y/n)’s response to his explanation
“A-are you not just trying to…”(y/n) mumbled. “Trying to what?” Johnny asked
“Trying to sleep with me or…” (y/n) let out but Johnny just chuckled at her question
“Sweetheart. I may own a bar but that doesn’t mean that I sleep around. Maybe I did when I was in my early 20s because I was cocky at the time but I’ve grown out of it and I don’t just sleep with anyone anymore. I actually haven’t slept with anyone in years because just like you, I too have my own trauma” Johnny admitted
“S-sorry” (y/n) apologised but Johnny shook his head. “Nothing you should apologise for, sweetheart. You take care of yourself alright? I’ll see you soon. You just leave those nasty people to me and focus on your studies” Johnny mentioned
“I, I will. T-take care too, Johnny” (y/n) stuttered but smiled as she bid Johnny goodbye which made the taller, older man smile as he left (y/n)’s apartment
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The next few days were filled with Johnny and the members looking for the overseas group that dealt with human trafficking activities. Occasionally, Johnny would drop by his bar along with Jaehyun to check up on things and make sure that there weren’t anymore groups that were doing any illegal activities in his bar.
Additionally, Johnny has slowly involved some of his members like Ten, Yuta, Hendery, and even Jaehyun in his bar. Yuta and Ten being the members who visit and look after Johnny’s bar the most compared to the other members.
Aside from keeping tabs on his bar, Johnny also had Haechan keep tabs on (y/n) to make sure that she was always safe, no one was following her or anything out of the ordinary. Sometimes, Johnny would even send a few gifts every now and then to (y/n)’s apartment.
Flowers, some groceries, her favourite snack and coffee, even a fair few things that she had always wanted but could never had. But even so, Johnny had never dared to make any further move since he visited (y/n)’s apartment for the first time. Well, until Jaehyun smacked his older member being the valentine boy he is.
“Dude, I get it that you’re not ready to go into a relationship because of your nutjob ex but like this is getting too excessive. Especially coming from one of the most extrovert members in the group” Jaehyun complained, storming into Johnny’s office after his shoot
“Either your shoot didn’t go too well or is there something else that’s bothering you?” Johnny brushed off Jaehyun’s ramble
“Did you just neglect what I said? I’m saying that you’re being a coward right now and leading (y/n) on but you’re uncertain yourself. It’s not fair for her end, you know” Jaehyun complained, making Johnny sigh
“What are you afraid of? That (y/n) will turn out to be like your ex?” Jaehyun asked but there was no answer from Johnny. “Or are you afraid that you’ll be the one hurting her because of your past?”
“True but not quite” Johnny let out. “I don’t even know if she’s into me. I mean, I was her boss and then I found out that she was a victim from the human trafficking group and I don’t want her to think that I’m just taking pity on her and feel responsible because those groups were doing illegal business in my bar”
“And this is what happens when you haven’t actually dated anyone in years” Jaehyun sigh, sitting in front of Johnny
“What are you now, a love therapist because you’re valentine boy?” Johnny joked
“No. Well, maybe. Only for you though. Seriously tho, why are the younger members having better luck compared to us?” Jaehyun questioned
“Because they’re young? We’re already in our late 20s and honestly, we don’t make stupid decisions anymore. Also because they were taught by Taeyong since they first join so they wouldn’t do stupid things we did when we were their age” Johnny argued
“Well, if you want my advice. Go on a date with her. Get to know her like Jaemin is with the girl he saved from his dad. As messed up as your situation is, his is a next level, I’m not gonna lie” Jaehyun mentioned, recalling the time when he had to help his younger member operate on a girl because of his father
“That was crazy, I’m not gonna lie. I heard that his girlfriend is studying law. Must be a smart couple” Johnny chuckled, drinking some beer
“But for reals. If you don’t want her to think that you’re taking pity on her, just talk to her. Communicate? Hello? You’re like the most social person ever but when a girl finally interest you, suddenly, you turn dumb” Jaehyun nagged
“I, I can’t” Johnny sighed. “You can’t or you’ve forgotten how to? Like it’s not that hard. You already know her apartment anyways” Jaehyun mentioned
“It’s not just that, Jae. You can’t just suddenly ask someone out without making sure that they also have an interest. Plus, we’re still in the middle of looking for the overseas gang” Johnny pointed out, making the younger member rolled his eyes
“Taeyong said that it was gonna take a while. And the only way to know if (y/n) does have an interest towards you is if you go to her and ask. Take the chance while you still can. Maybe you’ll find a thing or two on the gang that took her. I’m not saying you take advantage of her or the situation but it’s a possibility you should keep in mind” Jaehyun suggested
“When did you get smart?” Johnny joked
“When your ex ruined your love life and made you numb” Jaehyun laughed back as the two continued to discuss their mundane tasks
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It’s been 2 weeks since (y/n) last encountered Johnny. She didn’t expect to see him after the incident in the bar let alone found out that he was the owner but Johnny somehow managed to get her to talk about her not so normal past and even made her feel comfortable compared to any other people who took pity in her. But Johnny managed to see right through her fake smile and “normal” face.
But it’s been a while since (y/n) actually saw Johnny who popped by her apartment which she needs to address the next time she meet him because even though he was her boss (well, ex-boss), how on earth did he manage to get into her house in the first place.
Sighing, (y/n) just kept a mental note as she opened the door to her small apartment, bringing her groceries which she bought on her way home from campus. Right as (y/n) closed the door and turned around, she held her groceries tightly that she felt a rip on the paper bag as she saw none other than Johnny Suh sitting in the living room, reading a book.
“Goodness, how on earth did you get in here?!” (y/n) exclaimed, trying her hardest to balance her groceries but Johnny immediately rushed to help her
“Honestly? The landlady gave me a spare key when I told her that I was your boyfriend which is a red flag about this place. You sure you don’t want to just move to your campus’ dorm instead?” Johnny asked, helping (y/n) put her groceries away
“It’s quite expensive and while I still work part-time, I don’t think it would be enough. I’ve been living here for the past 2 years and it has been alright so far” (y/n) mentioned as Johnny just hummed
“Y-you kept the flowers and little gifts I gave you” Johnny pointed out, scanning (y/n)’s small apartment
“The flowers were pretty and as much as I don’t want to accept such expensive gifts, I don’t have the heart to pass it to anyone since I don’t really know anyone anyways” (y/n) replied. “Um, not to be rude but why are you here again? D-do you need someone to assist with the weekend crowd?”
“No, gosh no. I’m not letting you back in my bar or club” Johnny blurted, making (y/n) frown. “Well, at least not without me or my members. Anyways, I was thinking. You’re probably confused and nervous but honestly, I was just going to ask you out”
“A-ask me out? L-like a date?!” (y/n) exclaimed, feeling the heat rushing to her cheeks
“Yeah. I actually have some free time this weekend. I know surprisingly” Johnny mentioned
“I, I never been on a date. I mean, you probably know my past and…” (y/n) ranted
“I know. Well, I just know the surface level. I was hoping that taking you out would help ease your mind from what happened in your past” Johnny added but (y/n) stayed quiet for a moment. “I promise you that I’m not doing this to take advantage of you to find out about who made you into a victim or in any other way. I just want to get to know you because trust me, I too haven’t been on a date in years”
“That’s hard to believe, honestly” (y/n) admitted, making Johnny chuckle. “It is, isn’t it? We don’t even have to talk about your past or any business or human trafficking issue. Just think of it as if we’re college friends doing a group project” Johnny tried to convince (y/n)
“O-okay…As long as you don’t show up in my place so suddenly like this. I might have a heart attack” (y/n) tried to joke, making Johnny smiled even more
“I would make sure you won’t. Promise. Plus, you didn’t reply to any of my texts” Johnny said in defense
“I, I didn’t know it was you. I thought it was…nevermind…” (y/n) mumbled. “So um, when do you plan to take me out?”
“This Saturday. Let me take you out the whole day and show you how to enjoy your life” Johnny uttered, instinctively holding (y/n)’s small hand in his
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Saturday - 09:02 am
True to Johnny’s promise, he would text (y/n) before actually going up to her place which she allowed him to. Johnny wore a simple attire compared to his business suits. Johnny wore a simple white T-shirt with black pants and a denim jacket paired with some casual shoes.
Johnny had just arrived with his black BMW since he felt his other cars might be too flashy and texted (y/n) that he was in front of apartment which she replied that she was on her way downstairs. But when it took more than 10 minutes, Johnny was starting to grow worry that he went out and into (y/n)’s apartment building and saw several men in black waiting for the elevator.
Though Johnny knew that (y/n)’s apartment was filled with all sorts of people, he can’t help but be wary of these men; remembering from his past experiences, Johnny decided to take the stairs up to (y/n)’s apartment.
Somehow, it was exactly how Johnny predicted. Those men were going on (y/n)’s floor but when they spot the taller Chicago man, they quickly turned, avoiding Johnny’s gaze. Unfortunately, before Johnny could get a better look at any of the men, the door to (y/n)’s apartment room was opened, revealing the younger, shorter girl.
(y/n) also wore a relaxed outfit with a basic white graphic T-shirt with some baggy jeans and a quite beaten up sneakers but to Johnny, she looked just as soft and etherial as she is adorable.
“H-hey. Sorry it took me a while. I was in the bathroom and I forgot where I put my phone literally after I texted you back so I spent the past like 5 minutes or so looking for it only to see it being dead so I charged it and looked for my portable charge and I…” (y/n) rambled, looking at a smiling Johnny. “I’m sorry, I was rambling”
“No. It’s actually pretty cute. And it’s alright. I was just a bit worried so I went up to see you for myself” Johnny mentioned, moving out of the way. “So, shall we?” Johnny asked, extending his hand for (y/n) to take
The two then head to Johnny’s car which Johnny, being the gentleman he is opened the door for (y/n) before going to the driver’s seat. “So, where are you taking me? Sorry for um, underdressing” (y/n) asked
“Nonsense, you look nice. I mean, I’m being casual myself. We’re just going to a casual restaurant, don’t worry. It’s a friend’s restaurant. He has some of the best Korean food in town” Johnny mentioned
The drive was quieter than Johnny would’ve liked but he knows that (y/n) was still shy and wary of the whole situation and he wants her to be as comfortable as she can so Johnny knows that he has to take it at her own pace.
Lucky enough, Johnny was able to get some conversation out of (y/n) like how was her uni life, how were her lessons, did she make any friends and so on. Whereas on (y/n)’s side, she also started to get to know Johnny like how he took film back when he was in university and he had a love for photography that he used to work at a local studio.
“What?” Johnny asked, seeing (y/n) chuckle
“I just, sorry. I sort of can’t really imagine you working a normal office like job” (y/n) admitted
“Well, it wasn’t really an office job since I get to go around, meet people and do what I love. But that’s in the past now” Johnny replied
“Do you miss it? The mundane routine when you were working in the studio?” (y/n) asked curiously
“Sometimes. Don’t get me wrong, I love what I get to do now and I love that I’m able to really own what I do but sometimes I do miss the simple mundane routine. It makes me feel grounded at times. Probably another reason why you attract me so much” Johnny flirted, making (y/n) rolled her eyes.
“Are you sure you haven’t dated in so long because I swear you flirt all the time” (y/n) groaned, making the older man chuckle. “Good to know that I still can. Anyways, we’re here” Johnny exclaimed, parking his car right outside of the restaurant, ‘Under the Moonlight’ that belongs to one of his member also dear hyung, Moon Taeil.
“Johnny, you said this was going to be casual but we’re at one of the most prestigious, 3 Michelin star restaurant in Seoul” (y/n) exclaimed, her face was filled with worry and panic while Johnny just got out of his seat and opened the door for (y/n) again
“It is casual. I mean, I know the owner. He’s a friend of mine” Johnny mentioned, helping (y/n) out of his car as he handed his car keys to the valet
“You’re telling me that your friend is master Moon?! The famous chef?!” (y/n) exclaimed as Johnny held her hand, walking past all the other customers who were waiting in line
“Yeap. Table for 2 under the name Johnny Suh” Johnny mentioned to the staff who upon seeing Johnny already knew who he was
Without wasting any time, the staff immediately told the other staff inside the restaurant that Johnny and his date had arrived. Immediately, one of the waiters went to direct Johnny and (y/n) into the restaurant as all the other customers eyes her with jealousy.
Inside the restaurant was no different as the outside. All the customers were eyeing (y/n), making her feel even smaller than she already felt when she and Johnny arrived at the restaurant. Noticing her slightly shaking self, Johnny released his hold on (y/n)’s hand and instead wrapped his arm around her smaller shoulder, pulling her closer to his bigger form whilst eyeing at all the other customers until his hyung and member came up to him, himself.
“Johnny! You came! And you finally brought a date” Taeil exclaimed, going to hug Johnny who released his hold on (y/n) for a moment to hug his older member
“Of course, hyung. Thank you for coming down to your own restaurant today for me” Johnny mentioned as all the customers look at the interaction in shock
“No, thank you for coming. It’s been a while since you guys came. I know work must be busy huh? But who’s this cute girl you brought today? The last one that came with their girlfriends were Jeno and Jaemin. They had a cute double date together” Taeil exclaimed, looking over at a shy (y/n)
“This is (y/n). She just went into college but she’s turning 23 soon” Johnny mentioned, softly grabbing (y/n)’s hands to extend for Taeil to shake
“A pleasure to meet you. I’m Taeil. The owner and head chef. I’m so happy to have you here. Johnny typically comes with his colleagues for business meetings so it’s nice to see a change. He even looks brighter these days” Taeil mentioned, making (y/n) blush
“T-thank you for having me. Sorry I dressed very casually. Johnny didn’t tell me that we were coming here. If I had known, I would’ve worn something better” (y/n) replied smiling
“Nonsense. You’re welcome to wear anything you want. Comfort over fashion. Unless you’re Johnny, Jaehyun, and Doyoung who typically dresses well even just for a walk in the park. But please, this way to your table” Taeil mentioned, directing both Johnny and (y/n) to an exclusive table in the restaurant
“Go ahead. Order anything you’d like. It’s on the house” Taeil exclaimed
“W-what?! T-taeil, you can’t” (y/n) stuttered
“I insist. Also, Johnny, do you want some wine?” Taeil asked as Johnny shook his head. “Not today, hyung. And maybe we’ll have something light. I’ll just take your signature steak and salad with sparkling water. How bout you (y/n)?” Johnny asked
“I’ll just have the kimchi pasta. I’ve always wanted to try it” (y/n) mentioned
“Coming right away” Taeil smiled at (y/n) before leaning to Johnny. “My staff told me that there were 2 cars that followed you here. I’ve told Doyoung who had Jungwoo keep an eye out. Jaehyun and Yuta are also around just in case” Taeil whispered to Johnny’s ear
“Thanks for the info hyung. I’d be happy to check out the new interior design you were thinking of” Johnny exclaimed as Taeil slightly bow to (y/n) before leaving
“So…” (y/n) started, catching Johnny’s attention. “So?” Johnny mimics
“Not only do you own a bar and an entertainment agency where the top celebrities like Jung Jaehyun works at but you also know the famous master Moon who owns three 3-michelin star restaurants?! Who exactly are you?” (y/n) questioned, making Johnny chuckle
“Just someone who just happens to know people. I’ve met Taeil when he was just starting out as a private chef for someone who happens to also helped me get to where I am today. Also, did you know that Taeil has a very heavenly voice? I even managed to convince him to sing an OST for a Kdrama we were filming and everyone loved his voice” Johnny mentioned, making (y/n) smile
“And you said I’m the mysterious one” (y/n) joked, making Johnny smile as well
“We all have our fair share of secrets but enough of that, what were you saying about some guy knowing your name?” Johnny questioned, his gaze became serious
“Oh right. So, I actually had my first group, well paired assignment and I was paired with this really fun and smart girl. We were doing our assignment in a cafe nearby our campus when her boyfriend came and he called my name” (y/n) recalled her memories
“Was this the guy that came and called to you?” Johnny asked in a more relax manner as he showed (y/n) a picture of Haechan, making the girl nod. “Yea, that’s him. Wait, you know him too?!”
“Like I’ve said. I know people and that’s Donghyuck. Well, he goes with his game name, Haechan more” Johnny mentioned, making the girl in front of him speechless
“The Lee Haechan? That master gamer and streamer?! That’s what he looks like?!” (y/n) asked in shock
“So you do know a lot of people yourself” Johnny joked. “No, all the people you know are famous people. Often get talked about at your bar. Even you. People would talk about how you could practically model but chose to build an entertainment agency and bar instead”
“I have modeled a few times. Also, don’t tell Haechan that I practically told you about him. Especially when Jeno is around. Jeno is probably going to tease him about it” Johnny mentioned
“Don’t tell me that this Jeno is…” (y/n) mumbled but Johnny finished her sentence. “Lee Jeno. The number one racer in Seoul who just won his like 4th? 5th grand prix? Boy was a prodigy since he was like 18”
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The date went by smoothly much to Johnny’s expectations. Taeil would also often come drop by to have a chat with (y/n) who seemed more open than the morning he picked her up. But sadly, Johnny couldn’t completely enjoy his date as he kept replying the words Taeil told him.
Whenever Taeil would occupy (y/n)’s attention, Johnny would text his members on any updates regarding the people who followed his car. But Jungwoo was taking a longer time to identify the cars and who were in there.
Sighing, Johnny knew that it probably had something to do with (y/n) and he was starting to grow worry when he has to leave her alone later. Johnny was so lost in his thoughts until (y/n) snap him back to reality.
“Johnny. Are you okay? Did something happen?” (y/n) asked but Johnny was quick to regain his composure
“I’m alright flower. Just some work. Jaehyun was texting me about a rude partner during his shoot” Johnny lied
“You sure? I was going to go to the bathroom for a moment. You should splash some water on your face. Just to keep you awake, you know. You look a bit tired. We can head back after I’m done” (y/n) suggested
“Sure. If it’s alright with you, we can spend the rest of the evening at your place of even mine for a movie night and take out?” Johnny suggested back, earning a smile and nod. “I’d like that. I’ll be back”
After (y/n) left, Taeil went closer to Johnny. “Honestly, I support you”
“Well, that was random” Johnny scoffed making his older member laugh
“I’m serious. I like her. I mean, she’s such a soft soul. You can tell that she’s been through a lot and despite you spoiling her, she’s still humble and down to earth. It’s cute that she said she’ll repay you back for the amount of money you spent on her college but I know for a fact that you wouldn’t let her do that, right?” Taeil pestered
“She was a victim, hyung. A victim of human trafficking. She looks so broken” Johnny let out, making the older member sigh
“Just like you were when Taeyong and I visited you the day after we heard you were fired. Are you doing this because she reminds you of yourself or out of pity? Or have you actually taken interest in her?” Taeil asked
“I don’t know, hyung. I don’t want it just out of pity because she’s not like other girls. There are other girls in similar situations like she is but none with her personality. Most girls and staff in my bar would try their best to flirt and throw themselves at me. But not her. She’s, just like you said, down to earth. Even though she has a hard time, she doesn’t want people to take pity of her” Johnny replied
“Do you want to sleep with her?” Taeil genuinely asked
“Not exactly. I’m attracted to her but I also wouldn’t want to sleep with her just out of attraction. This is weird, hyung. I’ve always been scared going into a new relationship” Johnny explained
“It’s called you’re actually falling in love, John. You don’t know why you’re feeling it but one thing that you know is that you want to be with her. You want to always have her in your arms. To make her feel safe and comfortable just as you feel comfortable with her. You want to cherish her and every moment you have together. That’s why you’re going as far as to get to know her. To make her feel welcomed instead of your usual stoic and torture self. Love isn’t a crime nor is it scary. Sure it could be traumatic for some but true love is a beauty, John” Taeil lectured the younger member who seemed distraught by his long-forgotten feeling
Right before Johnny could reply to Taeil’s words, there was a commotion outside of the VIP room. “Sorry that things might get ugly, Hyung. I promise I’ll pay for the majority of the damages” Johnny shrugged, cocking his gun as he went out, followed by a tired Taeil. “It’s part of the job, John. Don’t worry about it”
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Going out of the VIP room, Johnny was on guard at all times but he was instantly confused as to why everyone seemed calm until he saw Jaehyun bringing a terrified (y/n) next to him. In an instant, Johnny went to hug (y/n) who was shaking like crazy.
“Hey, hey, what’s wrong? What happened Jaehyun?! What was the commotion?” Johnny demanded, pulling (y/n) closer to his chest, covering her sight as she sobbed on his chest
“(y/n) started to have panic attacks. I saw her going to the bathroom and not long after, I saw several men wearing black suits going to the bathroom as well. I quickly followed them and forced them out since they were hogging in front of the woman’s restroom. It took Yuta to escort them out and when they left, I heard sobbing in the bathroom and I found (y/n) crouching by the door, shaking and crying” Jaehyun explained, making Johnny’s grip around (y/n) even tighter
“Find Yuta and make sure that he gets those people. I want them” Johnny growled as Jaehyun just nodded and called Yuta
“Flower, it’s okay. Those people are gone. I’m going to take you back, alright?” Johnny spoke softly towards (y/n) who was still sobbing but nodded
Johnny bid Taeil goodbye and that he would meet his older member back at the base since he was bringing (y/n) to the NCT penthouse.
Slowly, Johnny brought (y/n) back to his car whilst telling his fellow members to take care of the people who were practically stalking (y/n). In his car, Johnny turned on a button that made all the glass around the car appear dark from the outside and rushed back to the base.
Along the way, Johnny made sure that (y/n) was completely asleep before calling Taeyong. “Tae, I know that this might be so sudden but…”
“Taeil filled me in. Just directly come to the penthouse. Yuta and his team found the stalkers. They’re on their way here but don’t question them. Let me deal with them. You stay with (y/n) and try to get answers from her. She needs you more” Taeyong mentioned
After turning off the call, Johnny looked over to (y/n) who was sleeping but her body was still a bit shaken up despite wrapped in Johnny’s jacket. Softly, Johnny stroked (y/n)’s head and upon seeing (y/n)’s shaken body, Johnny could feel his anger rising again. “Who did this to you?” Johnny thought to himself
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NCT Penthouse - 8:29 pm (Johnny’s POV)
Arriving at our penthouse, I parked my car and tried to carry (y/n) who was asleep because I didn’t want to wake her but in the elevator, she suddenly woke up and nearly jumped out of my grip if I didn’t hold her tighter than I normally do.
“Hey, hey. It’s alright. It’s just me” I uttered, my fingertips lightly massaging (y/n)’s shoulder, helping her calm down
“W-where are we? This isn’t my…” (y/n) stuttered, her voice sounded a bit rough; most probably from the crying and sleeping
“We’re at my place. Well, mine and my members’ place. It’s our penthouse. No one has access to this place except for us and some of the members’ girlfriends. I assure you that everyone is nice though we all live in different rooms. Some even on different floors” I explained, slowly letting (y/n) down but still holding onto her, worried that she might fall
Just like the first time we were alone together, the ride to my floor was quieter than I wanted; especially after what happened at Taeil’s restaurant. Luckily enough, this time (y/n) didn’t seem to mind me holding her hand which helped calm my frustration a bit more.
Lots of thoughts were trying to consume my mind one at a time. Who the hell made (y/n) into a victim? Why would they keep tabs on her when they’ve basically sold her? Do these people have connections to me? Is that why they’re keeping tabs on (y/n)?
All those thoughts were racing to catch my attention until the elevator door was opened. I slowly directed (y/n) to my penthouse and once we were in, she practically stared in awe at my place. Though I like nice and fancy things, I tend to keep my space as minimal as possible. But one thing for sure, I definitely had one of the best views in the penthouse.
“Feel free to explore, flower. Though there are only like 3 rooms. Mine, a guest room and an office room. I’ll get you something to drink. You can take the guest bedroom or mine. Whichever one you’re more comfortable with. Or you can go and watch some netflix or other shows you’d like” I mentioned, heading to the kitchen
As I was grabbing some water and other snacks, I noticed that (y/n) was just staring out of the view from the glass walls. “Hey, are you alright? Are you scared of heights?” I asked, settling down the snacks but handed (y/n) a glass of water
“A bit. I’m scared of a lot of things but this view is pretty. Oh and thank you” (y/n) replied, drinking the water I gave her
“No one can actually see in the building. Our leader made sure that all the glass walls weren’t seen through from the outside but we could see everything from the inside. If we want even more privacy, we installed curtains as well” I mentioned
“Y-your leader? Is everything like, recorded or?” (y/n) asked and I knew where this conversation was going
“Yes. Our leader. I’m actually part of a group. We’re not dangerous per se. Perhaps not everything we do is according to the law. But we are far from doing anything illegal. Our leader isn’t someone mean or controlling. Well, at least not to us. Me, Jaehyun, Yuta, Ten, Hendery, and several other people are the core members. So we’re the people that our leader trusts the most. When we all moved to this apartment building together, we were given complete freedom to do what we wanted. Along with that, we’re also given privacy. We’re free to install our own security cameras or not. Heck, even if we don’t, our leader would somehow know everything. But there’s nothing to be scared of honestly. He’s a great leader and person. I mean, he’s the one who found and helped us during one of our lowest points. I was one of the first members to be in the group” I explained
“Is finding people doing human trafficking part of the job?” (y/n) suddenly asked
“Sort of. We’re not involved in a way we buy the victims. We’re looking into every dirty and illegal business in South Korea. The government is limited but not us” I stated, looking at (y/n) who wrapped her arms around herself. “You’re not scared of me, are you?”
Turning around, (y/n) finally faced me and I saw her eyes start to be filled with water as she shook her head. Seeing her breaking down again was something I wanted to change. I walked closer and cupped her face. “Sssh, it’s alright. Whoever is looking for you won’t find you. No one outside of people we trust or love comes near here” I shushed (y/n), pulling her into my embrace as we stayed in this position for a while
“I want to help you, flower. Not out of pity. But because I feel at ease with you. I’m. I’m attracted to you. You’re not like any other girl I’ve encountered. You’re like a breath of fresh air from the city. A flower that blooms in winter. You’re special yet you weren’t given the chance to and I want to be the person to change that. But I can’t do that if you don’t tell me everything” I uttered, softly stroking (y/n) hair as she continued to sob in my chest until I heard a name
A name that was hammered into my brain for years. A name that I swore to all my members to never mention in my presence. Ever. A name that broke me years ago and made me believe that love was secretly bitter and toxic. My ex.
“Rox—roxanne…” (y/n) mumbled but the name was clear to me
“She and Axton…” (y/n) uttered another name that I forbid everyone from saying but I stopped her before she continued
“You knew I was the owner of the bar you worked at. You knew that I had nothing to do with those human trafficking but was connected with the people that made you a victim yet you didn’t come to me for help. Why?” I asked and pulled away to wipe the tears from (y/n)’s face but she suddenly looked away
“Hey. Don’t look away from me. I’m not angry. I’m not upset. Okay, maybe I am but not at you” I murmured, slightly forcing (y/n) to look at me. “Please. Tell me why didn’t you ask for my help in the first place when you knew”
“I. I was scared” (y/n) started. “I didn’t know how you would react but I also don’t want to take advantage of you. I’ll just be a burden. And I was scared that…” (y/n) rambled
“That afterwards you would just” (y/n) hiccuped. “Just leave me all on my own” she finally let it out. She finally let out one of the things that everyone was so scared of
“Even at the beginning, I tried to not give in. I tried to not talk so much because I was scared that I would eventually fall for you. After you helped me that night, I really tried so hard. But then you keep showing up and I…” (y/n) rambled on. “We’re here now and I still am scared”
“Flower…” I whispered, my grip was loose that (y/n) managed to back away from me
“I, I don’t know what past you had with them but. I just want to not be involved. I just want to live a normal life. Sort of like you. I don’t want to be broken and sad. I don’t want to live in this constant fear that I could be hurt any day or even any second now” (y/n) cried
“Hey. Hey” I called out to her, trying to calm her down but she took a few more steps backwards making me sigh as I stood away from her
“Who said that I would hurt you? Who said that you’re taking advantage of me?” I questioned
“There were notes and messages. And they weren’t wrong. I’m taking advantage of you right now” (y/n) cried harder, making me ball up my fist knowing that those two people were responsible for another person’s trauma other than my own
“You’re not. I choose to get involved. I choose to reach out to you. I choose to get to know you. Albeit not the best method. And I choose you, flower” I uttered, somehow able to close the distance between us and cupped (y/n)’s cheek, forcing her to look at me
“You’ll get bored of me, Johnny. You’ll get bored and leave and I’ll be broken once again” (y/n) closed her eyes but her hands held mine
“You can worry about a lot of things but one thing you shouldn’t be worried about is me leaving you” I stated but (y/n) managed to make my hand let go of her face as she shook her head, her smaller hands leaving mine
“Th-thank you, Johnny. Really. For helping me and wanting to get to know me. I’m sorry, I just can’t…” (y/n) choked out and suddenly turned around but I wasn’t going to allow her to leave just like that
The second her hands left mine, I grabbed her wrist and turned her around back to me. One of my hands cupped her cheek while the other held her waist as I leaned down and pressed my lips on hers. The first time I kissed someone in years.
Of all the times I’ve kissed before, this felt right. This felt warm and welcoming whereas the previous ones, including the one with my ex, were just out of physical attraction, lust, and distraction. This was out of my own choice, how I care for her and love her.
Feeling her breathing got a bit heavier, I gently pulled away and let my forehead rest on her whilst gently caressing her cheeks. “Sssh, flower. It’s alright. I’m here. I’m not going anywhere and am certainly not going to leave you to break”
“Johnny…” (y/n) mumbled as I kissed right below her ear whilst lifting her and moved to my couch. Sitting down, I gently placed (y/n) on top of me, allowing her to straddle me since I was trapping her in my arms. “Flower. My last relationship was with that shit of an ex that turns out traumatised the both of us. Ever since, I have never, I swear on my members, never actively look for any other girl”
“Throughout those years, I was trying to keep myself busy with work and helping out the group. But in those years, I saw my members falling for their now girlfriends. Going through every obstacle in their relationship and still being together made me jealous but I was still just as traumatised as you were. Until I met you” I explained
“Sure I didn’t really actively look for another girl but that doesn’t mean I would sit around and watch a girl getting harassed like you did. Any normal person would’ve helped you as I did. But I’m glad I was there that day. Because it led us here” I added on
“I don’t deserve you, Johnny…” (y/n) mumbled. “Says who? I’m the one that’s pursuing you. So who the fuck says that you don’t deserve me?”
“Some people, most probably” (y/n) uttered but I kissed her temple, letting my lips linger a bit longer on her temple
“You tell me who they are and I’ll gladly deal with them” I mentioned, finally making (y/n) giggle even just for a bit
“John…” (y/n) called out to me. “If at any point you get bored of me, please don’t hurt me or yourself and just tell me honestly” (y/n) stated but I pulled her closer to me that her hands were on my shoulders for support
“Get that thought out of your mind. If anything, I’m more worried that you’ll leave me” I mentioned. “Do you want to be with me? Do you not want to fall for me?”
“Not like I can just switch off my humanity. I really do want to be with you but I’m just scared. I’m scared and I overthink too much” (y/n) mentioned, making me smile
“Then I’ll have to reassure you every day in every way possible” I joked, making (y/n) giggle. “I promise you that while it’s been a while since I’ve been in a relationship, I’ll make sure you know how much I love and care for you. Afterall, I’m the one who chose this in the first place. If anything, being the man I am, I will stand by my choice and take care of you for as long as this life allows me to”
“May I?” I asked, my thumb slightly brushing past (y/n)’s lips as she gave me a shy nod
Smiling, I moved my head closer as my hand gently brought (y/n)’s head closer to meet in between. Both our lips connect once more and I can finally feel (y/n) returning the feelings I’ve poured out to her. Slowly, I brought her body as close as I could, my other hand massaging (y/n)’s waist, calming her tense body as I deepened the kiss between us.
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Though we just admitted the feelings between us, I asked (y/n) to stay over because I was worried that something might happen to her if she were to be on her own. Surprisingly, she followed through and I ordered takeout as she took a shower.
After ordering, I let softly knocked in her room which was the guest bedroom since I didn’t want to move too fast and make her uncomfortable by sleeping on the same bed as me. I told her that I would also be in the shower and that if anyone knocked on the door, it was probably the takeout that I ordered.
Once I heard an answer from (y/n), I headed to my own room and showered as quickly as I could because I felt bad for leaving (y/n) alone for too long. But after I finished showering, I saw a text from Taeyong regarding the stalkers that he and Yuta were questioning.
TY: they caved and told us that the people who sent them were your ex-girlfriend and senior editor
TY: I’ve had Jungwoo and Haechan to dig up information about them and locate them
John: I know. (y/n) told me about them being the ones who made her into a victim. I want them.
TY: we’re locating them right now. I also need to know if (y/n)’s story checks out with those two. How is she doing?
John: we confessed to each other. She’s staying with me until I make sure that those two are dealt with
TY: I’m glad that you finally admitted your feelings but don’t let your guard down. At least until we’ve sorted those two and made sure that no one can access any more human trafficking in Seoul. Until those two are captured, stay with (y/n). Good night, Johnny
I was so lost in my conversation with Taeyong that I didn’t realise how long I left (y/n) alone outside. I quickly grabbed my hoodie and sweatpants then headed out to find (y/n) sitting by the dining island instead of the dining table and the food that I ordered was already laid out on the counter neatly. There were even two plates and other utensils which my heart warmed up along with the view of (y/n) in my own hoodie and pants as well.
“Hey. What were you thinking about?” I mumbled, coming up next to (y/n), kissing the side of her head as one of my arms snaked around her waist, catching her off-guard for a moment
“Hey, sorry. Was just in my head. Also, thank you for letting me stay over and ordering dinner” (y/n) mentioned as I took a seat next to her
“It’s alright. I hope you didn’t wait too long. Also, it’s no problem. I actually prefer that you just stay over from now on. Only if you want. Of course you don’t have to sleep with me in my room if you don’t want to but knowing that you’re here with me and safe makes me feel at ease…” I rambled that I almost missed (y/n)’s soft answer
“Sorry, what did you say?” I asked again, to make sure
“I said okay. As long as I’m not interrupting anything” (y/n) mumbled, making me grin. “You never are. I’ll help you move later. I don’t want you to go out on your own”
“B-but, I can go to campus, right?” (y/n) asked and I thought for a moment because I forgot that she’s going to college
“Of course. I was the one that helped you to get into college. But you should go with Haechan and his girlfriend. Since you said that his girlfriend is your partner. I’m sure that she’s also staying with Haechan. I’ll double-check with him. Sorry, I might seem a bit too much but I’m worried about you. At least until those two are captured” I mentioned, earning a nod from (y/n)
“So um” (y/n) stuttered. “Have you actually looked for them and…”
“Sorry, flower. I’m not going to let you in much about that. At least until I’ve dealt with them” I sighed, eating some of the chicken
“Y-you’re not going to kill them, right?” (y/n) asked, making me question how much patience and goodness she had because if it were up to me, I would take my time to torture them before killing one of them in front of the other
“We don’t really kill, flower. Sure, we do have some blood on our hands but I promise you that they’re all not innocent” I stated, earning a hum from (y/n)
“I’m sorry” (y/n) uttered. I then pulled her chair closer to me as she looked at me in surprise. “Why are you apologising this time? I swear if you apologise one more time, I’m going to have to kiss you until you’re out of breath”
“Gosh, stop with that flirting” (y/n) exclaimed, covering her red face while I just chuckled, slowly taking her hand off her face. “Well? Why the sudden apology?”
“Because I feel bad that you have to face your ex again” (y/n) murmured, looking down at her lap but I found her so cute that I softly pinched her slightly puffed cheeks
“You’re so adorable. But really, flower, it’s nothing. I have to face them sooner or later in my life. Might as well get it over now. Plus, this is the perfect excuse to confront them” I mentioned when I got a text from Taeyong
TY: we’ve found them. Yuta and Hendery are securing them. You enjoy your night first. Deal with them tomorrow or let them rot for a week then deal with them. Your choice
“Is, everything alright?” (y/n) asked as I wiped the corner of her lip that was dirty from the food she ate. “Never better. Let’s have some dinner while we watch a movie, shall we? You pick any movie” I smiled, grabbing our plates and heading to the living room
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NCT Base - 2:09 am
I didn’t want to leave (y/n) alone but I knew that I need to finish the job. Especially when Taeyong said that those two traumamakers arrived and that everyone was waiting for me to come and question them.
After making sure that (y/n) was completely asleep, I texted Haechan if he and his girlfriend were still awake and luckily they were. I asked them to come by my place to take care of the place and a sleeping (y/n) until I’m done questioning and torturing our guests.
“Hyung. You there? My girlfriend and I are here” I heard Haechan’s voice from the intercom
“Thanks for coming by and staying over. (y/n) actually passed out on the couch so I took her to my room. You both can stay in the guest bedroom if you want” I mentioned, opening the door for the sleepy couple
“It’s fine, hyung. I brought our gaming laptops so we’ll just be playing some games, isn’t that right, honey” Haechan cooed at his girlfriend who just hummed
“Thanks again. There are snacks in the fridge and cupboard. Knock yourself out, kids. But please, don’t makeout on the couch. Do it in the bathroom if you want. Easier to clean” I joked, making Haechan groan and his girlfriend flushed
“I’m heading out now. Enjoy yourself kiddos” I bid goodbye but Haechan came to see me out as his girlfriend was setting up their gaming station on my coffee table
“Hyung. Take care of yourself. Don’t go overboard. They’re not worth your energy. Get what information you need and end it. No point getting stuck in the past” Haechan uttered, making me smile at his matured words
“Thanks little bear. I’ll keep that in mind. You take care of the place, alright? Don’t make a mess. I’ll text you when I get back” I mentioned, waving at Haechan and heading to our base
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I walked down to the basement where we would keep our ‘special guests’ and opened one of the doors with the red light above it; indicating that the room was being used.
Inside the room, I saw both Roxanne, my ex-girlfriend and Axton, my ex-senior editor, chained from above, side by side and were most probably pretending to be unconscious. Taeyong, Yuta, and Jaehyun were standing in the center of the room, behind the table that was in between them and those two.
“How long have you had them chained up here like meat?” I asked, putting on the gloves
“They just freshly arrived from the bay. From Japan” Yuta pointed out, making me chuckle since he continued my joke
“We should probably drench them in some cold water to make sure that we didn’t catch dead meat, shall we?” I suggested and Taeyong just smirked, handing me a controller and I pressed one of the buttons that made the ceiling pour ice water on both of our chained guests, waking them up instantly
“What the fuck…who…Johnny?” I heard Roxanne’s voice uttered for the first time in years; albeit a bit more shaking than what I used ot hear
“Why the shock, Roxanne? Miss me that much? Sadly, I don’t miss you or the man whom you had an affair with during one of the worst times in life. Granted, they weren’t as bad as being a victim because you both needed a victim” I stated, the shocked and scared look was obvious
“Whichever girl is trying to get in your pants this time, she clearly has the wrong people. Or are you just looking for a reason to get back at us for all those years ago?” Axton scoffed while I took one of my favourite knives, the carving knife and dragged the blade across his chest as I heard Roxanne squeal
“I’m going to enjoy my time finishing you up, Axton” I smirked, seeing the blood dripping from his chest and on my blade
“And since you mention a specific case which translates to there being a specific, one girl to have given me information regarding you both which means you both would have kept tabs on this specific girl” I smirked, looking at both their scared faces. “Meaning, what she’s saying is actually true”
“No point hiding. Might as well admit what you’ve done” Jaehyun stated, coming to my side while Taeyong just watched us from his chair with Yuta next to him
“Why her? Why chose her to be a victim when she had a life? She was fucking 16!” I growled, specifically towards Roxanne whom I pointed my knife with Axton’s blood. “What if that was you, huh? What if your parents were killed when you were 16?”
“Because she was the perfect victim” Axton chuckled, making me sick. “She was from a proper family. She was taught to be proper and to be an obedient little sl…” Axton didn’t get to continue as punctured his sternum, releasing a rather unrecognisable scream from him before I let my blade drop to the ground
“Should I carve your balls out to somewhat understand the pain of being a victim or should I pull and cut your tongue out, making a tongue soup and serve it to Roxanne because of the disgusting words that come out of your mouth whenever you speak?” I chuckled
“Y-you’re crazy…at least we don’t kill children” Roxanne tried to argue but my members and I scoffed at her
“Crazy? I may have blood on my hands” I smirked, raising my hands so that the light shone the blood dripping along my arm. “Quite literally. But at the fucking least, I don’t kill innocent people for money”
“Sure. I, and the others might not have the best reason to kill someone but at least I don’t kill other people for no fucking reason. At least when I torture and kill, it’s all for a reason” I growled, gripping Roxanne by her neck, slowly squeezing it to the point before she passed out and let go of her neck
“Whose to say that the girl you saved isn’t secretly using you? She must’ve missed her old privileged life that she planned on making you pity her that much” Roxanne breathed out and I was about to squeeze the life out of her if it weren’t for Taeyong stopping me
“You sure that isn’t the other way around?” Taeyong spoke, standing up and walked beside me as I moved out of the way when Taeyong pulled several documents and pictures to Roxanne
“You lived a pretty pathetic life where your parents constantly fought each other, neglecting you and even sold you. You didn’t get the life or love you wanted until Johnny showed up and you used his fortune for your own until you met that sad of a douchebag and betrayed someone who had genuine feelings for you” Taeyong stated, making me recall the horrific time when I found Roxanne making out with Axton
“You were part of the human trafficking as a somewhat of a victim but instead of trying to live your life, you got a little taste of money and that consumed you. You might not kill innocent life but you’re worse than a killer” Taeyong growled, making Roxanne look even more scared, probably the scaredest I have ever seen her
“You’re like a fire. You get close to your prey, warming up to them” Taeyong stated, lighting his lighter and bringing it close to the documents, lighting them up. “Then you slowly burn them. Letting them burn on their own until all that’s left” Taeyong let go of the documents, letting them burn on their own. “Is just ashes that you can’t rebuild into anything”
“Luckily for those people you burn, I found them. Though I couldn’t save part of them that were burnt, I tried to make do with what you left them to be. I found Johnny and took him in, helping him rebuild his burnt self just as he’s doing to the victim you made. All for your selfishness. Wanting them to feel the pain you did” Taeyong went back to his table. “We’re done here. Johnny, finish them. Jungwoo and Kun already found the other victims and thanks to Yuta, we already cut their connection to their clients and suppliers”
“Wh-what?! You’re killing us?! I, I thought that the government…” Roxane uttered but Jaehyun beat her to it
“Gave us complete authority to do what we please to people like you. When it reached a point of no return, the government gave us complete control. As long as we have given them what they wanted or what they were looking for. In this case, they wanted to cut the connection, aka the parasites, aka you both. They also wanted us to help look for the victims which thanks to your computer, we have all of that. It’s only a matter of time to hack into them” Jaehyun explained
“Y-you were just stalling…” Roxanne breathed
“For someone that could manipulate their victims to get away from everyone they know, you’re slow on things when you’re on the other end of the rope” Yuta scoffed while I cocked my gun
“Johnny…you, you wouldn’t….” Roxanne tried to persuade me with that sweet yet toxic voice
“I’m sorry” I uttered which made Roxanne sigh of relief. Oh, how she was wrong.
“I’m sorry for not being good enough for you that I couldn’t quite save you. But you were already lost in that addiction, weren’t you? At least, for this last time, let me save you. From yourself and from any other victims” I mentioned, a bullet was fired straight to Roxanne’s heart as she mouthed my name one last time as I walked to her slowly dying body, closing her eyes. “I hope we won’t ever meet again in the next life. And I hope you have a better life next time”
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By the time I went back to my penthouse, the sun was already starting to rise and when I reached my place, Haechan and his girlfriend were already back at their place when I texted them that I was heading back.
Luckily, there was a shower at the base so I immediately showered and changed right after we were done with those two because I knew that if I showered at my own place, there was a good chance that (y/n) would wake up.
Back at my place, I headed to my room to see (y/n) snuggling in my bed, one of her legs was out of the bed as the blanket was messed up. Seeing her deep asleep self made me smile and I tucked her back in before going to the other side, finally being able to get some rest.
I laid down and wrapped one of my arms around her waist, pulling her close to my chest which made her snuggle closer. I slowly stroked her head mindlessly because of how heavy my eyes felt. But suddenly, I heard (y/n) mumbling my name and slowly waking up, making me smile.
“Johnny?” (y/n) mumbled
“Yes, flower?” I replied, pushing some of her hair out of her eyes
“Why aren’t you asleep?” (y/n) uttered, slowly opening her eyes, looking up to meet mine
“Haven’t been able to sleep” I lied but (y/n) saw through me. “It’s not good to lie”
“I just got back” I admitted as (y/n) hummed. “W-what happened?”
“Nothing that you should know of, flower. It’s over. Though I’m probably going to get much sleep, at least I can finally sleep at ease knowing that the past is finally behind me and hopefully you” I replied, cupping her cheeks
“It’s been over for me since you decided to choose me, John. So let me do the same and take care of you from now on. We had to go through our traumas alone but now, let’s heal it together and take care of each other. Don’t try to be strong on your own, okay?” (y/n) rambled, making me smile and kissed the top of her head before snuggling even closer
“Now and forever, as long as it’s with you, I think I finally see that love is a beauty” I smiled, leaning down to softly feel (y/n)’s lips on mine before we went to our slumber, ignoring the busy world around us.
A/N: AFTER LIKE A MONTH OF WRITING THIS! I FINALLY FINISHED MY 100TH TUMBLR POST AGHHHHHH Thank you to @mymoodwriting for always wanting to read my snippets and share me your opinion and keeping me company whilst writing the final part of this story. This was a very long one and I hope that you guys enjoy this final story of 2023 from me while I finally do the NCT Mafia Masterlist and start 2024 with the Jaehyun request (which will be a different mafia universe compared to this one). Thank you for everyone who recently followed and read my fics. 2023 had many ups and downs and here's to hoping that 2024 will be better for all of us! Merry Christmas and Happy New year :)) xoxo Vinet
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ivelleciel · 4 months
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Chapter One: Betrayal Genre: Mafia!Haechan, Mafia!NCT, Biker Haechan, Step on me Haechan, Haechan Dom
Pairings: Haechan x Reader (Iris)
Warning: Smut, Violence, Vulgar Language, Mention of blood, MDNI
Intro: Where a girl finds herself trapped within her brother's protection. One would find it a blessing but for Iris, it's suffocation- and she's someone who would often like the thought of being choked, but simply not like this. Raised within thick walls inside the perimeters of their mansion, She finds herself treasuring every opportunity she gets whenever she is given volunteer work for the people in need outside the city of glass she was born in. Fun and Exciting is how she always saw these trips, it was until darkened windows of SUVs blocked their way from going any further in the middle of the desert. It was the only land of nothing dividing the city and the suburbs and yet they were stopped by armed men, six- seven? she couldn't count as she was too in shock, scared even much more so when her side of the vehicle opened and a pair of gloved hands pulled her away from your handmaiden's side. "Giselle!" Iris cried and a bag was hovered over her head and the last thing she remembered was Giselle's screams, Men simultaneously giving orders to her bodyguards and a gun going off. Then there was black.
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"Ha ha. So funny. What then? Bore myself to death by my room's window? waiting for prince charming to save me? No thank you. Give me twenty more of these tasks and consider me the happiest sister ever." Mumbling her last words as she fix her hair to a half-do with a claw clip. Iris saw Johnny's sad gaze through her mirror before he could mask it with a stoic smile. She sighed and faced her brother, leaning in to hug herself tight on his chest.
"Stop babying me.. It's only for a few hours. What's the worst that could happen?"
"I heard there are many forest spiders in the village. Thousands." Johnny exaggerated, trying to coax her with her teasing by blabbering stupid things and then he sighed when Iris only hummed her soft chuckle, unconvinced. "... you're just the only family I have left."
"And so are you to me." Iris sighed, looking up to her brother with an exhausted expression. "But mom and dad would have wanted us to live life with more meaning than in fear.."
"I know.." Johnny sighed, tapping the cap Iris had on before marching to her room's door. "Well chop chop city girl. They're not gonna feed themselves." Chuckling as they make their way downstairs, Iris gave one last look at the frame by her bed. Her late mother, late father, Johnny and herself. Smiling by the lake that held many memories for her and Johnny, some of which they didn't know would end in a tragedy.
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Iris saw Giselle, one of her many good friends, packing extra necessities for Iris and the trip. Back hugging the petite frame, Giselle squealed, too focused on her task in hand to even notice Iris before glaring at the girl. "Silly! What if I dropped your anxiety pills?" she heard Gigi clicked her tongue, Iris resumed with a bratty smile to where Yuta was by their white van. "Everything settled Yuta?" Yuta, clasped his armed weapon on his belt and smiled at Iris, an unspoken answer to which Iris nodded to before getting up inside the van. Settling on the middle seat, between the window spot and the collapsing chair, she earned a perfect view of Mark.
A container in one hand and the other with what looks like an ammunition box, being stored inside another case. "Put the Magazine under the compartment along with out other containers yeah?" Iris could hear him order Jeno in which the latter obeyed to. She couldn't help but gape at Mark and his focused stance. If Iris was a completely eye-roller at Johnny's protectiveness then with Mark it was all heart eyes and red cheeks. Who wouldn't if the male holds glory to the uniform Johnny assigned them to. Camo pants and Army green fitted shirt is one of the fun treats Iris would look forward to with these programs, along with the nurturing feeling of helping other people.
She heard a throat clearing beside her and Iris just continued gawking. "Can a man get any more handsome?" Iris sighed, pouting her lips when Mark left her view to head inside, presumably to bid farewell to Johnny and reassure him that He and Jaehyun would take good care of you and the task in hands. "I wouldn't know, I'm not the one drooling a pool over here." Iris bit her lips, side eyeing her friend with a snort. "Oh please, as if I don't notice how you look at Yuta?" Giselle smacked Iris arm for that playfully before scooting herself on the window seat. "House Rules. We can't date co workers, but nobody said that about drooling over them." Giselle tossed her hair to tease Iris before being silence by the large frame towering by the sliding door. "Everyone ready?" Johnny mused, eyeing all the equipments and bags in the back seat before giving one last stern look at Iris.
"You behave-" Iris groaned when she saw Yuta, Mark and Jeno exchange smiles behind. "I will! It's not like I won't come straight home. Please stop." Iris whined further before she let Johnny ruffle her hair, backing away from the door to close it himself. Yuta and Jeno positioned in their seats in front. She only got lucky twice that she get to have Mark accompany her in the van.
Two vehicles were to transmit from their mansion. One where Jaehyun and Mark would carry with weapons and their tents and boxes of goods, And one where she's on with Giselle, Yuta and Jeno. It was always four guards with too many weapons. Johnny sees it as not enough but Iris claimed it was more than enough given that it was only her in the vehicle and nothing really ever happened to her despite Johnny's protectiveness.
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Somewhere along their trip, Iris was sitting comfy by the window of the collapsing chair with Giselle passed out and a pillow on her lap. She just woke up from her nap and noticed that they were far from near the town they were heading to and yet also too far from home. She checked back as she pushed an air bud in her ear, the van Mark and Jeno are in behind them with safe distance. She played a soft song, ready to day dream about Mark and what would it be like if he was in their van instead of Jeno- that is until she saw a motorcycle beaming his headlights, asking to pass through and overtake. A male in all black sits on the Kawasaki Ninja H2R. Black skinny jeans, black boots, chains for necklace if she knew any better and a black shirt underneath his leather jacket.
His gloves switched the lever of his bike causing it to roar as he zooms pass them, earning a scoff at Yuta. "Cocky motherfucker." he muttered before she hears Jeno chuckle. She could have sworn that the rider could see her through their tinted glass, staring right back at her but that would be silly because again their vans were tinted, to its most darkest available shade at that. Shaking the silly thought away, she went back to staring out her window and enjoying the scenery as they drove through the desert.
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"Target: Flower is in position. 800 meters away from the bullseye."
Static was heard from the other end before he heard the stern voice call back at him.
"We are ready to engage."
Haechan responded with a 'Copy.' before speeding away from the white vans. Certain that he was out of view, he parked behind a boulder , big enough to hide his motorcycle and himself as he positioned a chain of spikes across the road, plan B in place in case "Plan A: ambush" failed- to which it often doesn't, the cocky side of him crediting himself to the lack of mission failing when he's part of it. All he has to do now is wait and upon calculating he has enough time left for a quick smoke. Sitting his helmet on his bike and pulling out the Marlboro stick from his jacket's pocket he lit it up and waited as he leans on the boulder.
Puffing a few smoke, He heard screeches of tires and screams came after that.
Haechan made his way to the scene, stepping on Yuta's back as he tackled on the ground by Jaemin and Jeno wounded by Chenle on the leg.
"Boss said to spare them and just take the girl." Jaemin said as Renjun struggled to open the van's door. "She's won't let me open it-"
"Don't make another move!" Mark was able to free himself from Xiao Jun's grasp, wounded and bleeding on the side when Mark kicked him off but Mark was far from okay as well, with a gash on his lip and an open wound on his arm. Mark aimed the gun on his hand to Haechan, making the tanned skin male chuckle.
"You must be Mark." Mark unfazed by how Haechan knew he his name remained in position. "Don't worry. We won't hurt your princess, lover boy." Mark was then knocked out by Jaehyun from behind. One last look of betrayal from Mark and he was passed out on the ground.
Haechan nudged Renjun away and pulled the door open. Iris yelled and kicked when Renjun tried to manhandle her out to which he succeeded and Giselle screamed behind her before she was knocked out as well by a cloth to their mouths and nose.
Haechan watched as Iris gaze lands on his. Flicking the cigar away before leaning on her with a smirk. Her eyes beamed light brown as she tried to make out what Haechan looked like as he towers over her in front of the sun. 'Familiar' is what her last thoughts were before everything went black.
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note: visit @Ivelle_Ciel on ao3 for faster updates ˆ̑՝̮ˆ̑❤︎
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traumainpyjamas · 1 year
Re-imagining of the archive video "NCT U - the BAT" and the conversation between Johnny and Jeno.
Please enjoy <3
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"Would you please sit down?" Johnny sighed and leaned back in his cold steel chair. He eyed clearly anxious Jeno, who had stood up  and was now pacing around the gray garage.
"I don't understand how you can just sit there like..." Jeno muttered, kicking the metal leg of a nearby chair so it scraped loudly against the bare concrete floor.
"I'll get to it as soon as you put your ass on that bench." Johnny said in a low voice, within it a tone of threat that he didn't even try to conceal.
Jeno measured Johnny's demeanor for a moment before pouring himself into the opposite chair and crossing his arms over his chest, glaring at the older man.
"Thank you”, Johnny said with an almost petty grin and leaned over the table, resting his elbows on it. "If you want to save that girl.."
"What do you mean if!" Jeno snarled and barely prevented himself from storming away at that second. His fists were shaking from the bottled emotions, but he desisted under Johnny's piercing gaze.
“You are young. And foolish. And rushing into stupid situations.” Johnny said, leisurely glancing down to the sheet of paper that was resting on the table between them. He at least needed Jeno to sign it before he ran head first into trouble.
"And you are old, boring and slow." Jeno quipped back with a grin. He raised his arms over his head so that the sleeveless shirt nicely emphasized his arms.
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Johnny smirked at his idiot little brother. So confident.
Jeno continued, "So are you just going to sit here on your ass, knowing that they're going to –"
"Yes”, Johnny stated, “and you will sit too." 
But this time Jeno didn't back down.
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"Why should I!" Jeno hissed between his teeth, slamming his palms on the hard steel table and leaning forward. He didn’t stop until he was so close to his brother's face that he could almost feel his breath. This was the first time he had defied Johnny like this, but Jeno could feel every passing second – a wasted second – carving a burning trail into his pounding heart.
"Sit down." Johnny growled, finally getting up himself and leaning on the table, staring menacingly at Jeno. After a few seconds of staring, Jeno grimaced at his brother's darkening eyes and marched alone out and into the awaiting darkness.
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abandoned-anemoia · 2 years
NCT 127 Mafia/Bad Boy/CEO Moodboard
☯ Pairing: NCT 127 x more fem leaning ☯ Genre: I honestly do not know... Some are more mafia themed and some are more the rich CEO vibes... ☯ Warnings: mafia themes, crude language ☯ A/N: Please Let me know if I need to add any warnings! ☯Disclaimer: None of my work represents any of the idols included in any way. This is merely fictional and all based on my opinion as a joke! I have nothing against any of these idols and love them all dearly.
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marvelous-llama · 7 months
NCT recs
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<<original book
most of the mentioned works is 18+ NSFW, MINORS DNI
pls don´t hesitate to hmu, if any of mentioned links doesn´t work or you have suggestions for more fics... thank you so much for all the love and comments
one shots
Where Angels Fear To Tread by @lisired
Jaehyun x fem!reader (wc - 14.5k) fwb to lovers - fluff, implied smut, angst(ish) Three years ago, you had a summer fling with Jung Jaehyun, and what was simply sex turned into more after you caught feelings for him. Then, you find out he has a girlfriend, and decide to call it quits. Three years later, he’s back in town, trying to come back in your life, and most importantly trying to come back into your heart, but you’re a little hesitant to let him.
Arranged by @smileysuh
Jaehyun x fem!reader (wc - 3.5k) established relationship, arranged marriage, mafia AU - smut you give your arranged marriage to Jaehyun a chance
he fell first, and he fell harder by @taurusdaylight
Jaehyn x fem!reader (wc - 18.7k) childhood best friends to lovers, university AU, mutual pining, change of PoV - angst, fluff jeong jaehyun really loves basketball. but also, he’s terribly in love with his childhood best friend of seventeen years, you.
His Love In Her Force by @anashins
Jaehyun x fem!reader (wc - 28k) slowburn, detective!Jaehyun, ballerina!reader, fake marriage AU - angst, fluff, smut, romance, hurt/comfort Fleeing from a ruthless stalker, you are forced to participate in a witness protection program at the other side of the world, pretending to be the wife of a taciturn undercover detective from now on. Despite all differences, you slowly start to settle with your new life as a married couple - until your newfound happiness is stripped away from you all over again.
Snow in London by @anashins
Jaehyun x fem!reader (wc - 4.2k) idol!Jaehyun, escort!reader - fluff, smut, crack(ish), romance Jaehyun has to spend Christmas alone in London and figures that with money, you can buy anything - even company to make him feel less alone.
All the Pretty and Ugly Things by @anashins
Jaehyun x fem!reader (wc - 27.5k) idol!Jaehyun, established relationship, second chance - angst, fluff, smut, hurt/comfort, romance He stands in the spotlight, but the only one he's looking at is you. Until one day, the sparks in his eyes are gone and the Jaehyun you know privately is only a lifeless shell of the Jaehyun he pretends to be on stage. Crumbling under the pressure of being an idol, you try to share his baggage, but there is only so much a human can take.
wish i never by @lisired
Jaehyun x fem!reader (wc - 27.2k) forbidden love, slowburn - angst, fluff, smut Your brother, Johnny, hates Jaehyun and has never told you why. Although you intend on leaving it alone, unforeseen events thrust you into a forbidden love affair with Jaehyun. In between hookups and stolen kisses, you have to bury your feelings for Jaehyun around your overprotective older brother.
Strawberry Sunday by @babbymochiiii
Dojaejung x fem!reader (wc - 12.6k) friends to lovers - fluff, angst(ish), smut Doyoung, Jungwoo, and Jaehyun each have a crush on you, while you do like 'em as well, but in order to find out if your shy nature with them is because you also feel the same way, they take things to the next level, by themselves and together.
Spot! by @starryhyuck
Johnny x fem!reader x Jaehyun (wc - 3.5k) Challengers AU - smut johnny suh and jeong jaehyun are determined to prove their worth to you in this year’s tennis competition. you all end up receiving more than you expected.
mission: prom by @rosietaeyongswife
Jaehyun x fem!reader (wc - 7k) teenage romance - angst, fluff, hurt/comfort? what happenes when prom is in a month, and you haven't been asked out yet?
[9:22 pm] by @gyeomsweetgyeom
Jaehyun x fem!reader (wc - 1.3k) enemies to lovers, academic rivals, university AU - angst, fluff
just like magic by @starryhyuck
Jaehyun x fem!reader (wc - 4k) university AU - fluff, smut jung jaehyun’s body count is almost as high as yours. however, after yuta spreads a nasty rumor, you learn that jaehyun’s always imagined those girls to be you instead.
No Clue by @xomakara
Jaehyun x fem!reader (wc - 11.9k) best friends to lovers, mutual pining, university AU - fluff, angst, smut You're in love with Jaehyun, your best friend, but he has no clue. You have suffered in silence as you have watched him date countless of girls left and right. Graduation is coming up, and you are running out of time to tell him how you feel. Will he finally see that it should have been you all along, or will he break your heart forever?
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kj0ne · 5 days
Nct fic rec’s
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A collection of some of my favourite fics i have read that are mostly nct but i may add some other groups!
Includes fics/series, smaus, oneshots,drabbles, headcannons and time stamps
S - smut | SG -suggestive | F - fluff
A - angst | M - mature
All credits to the writers! If you would not like your work on here please lmk!
*lm still new to posting on tumblr please lmk if anything is or looks wrong*
(Im a sucker for family au so please expect alot of that here 😅)
Nct wish are not included!
Nct 127
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Johnny Suh
Lee Taeyong
Little taste of heaven | M,F,A - @taelme
Part 1 | part 2 | part 3
R U Ridin? | F - @writemekpop
Taeyong is a mafia boss, and he hides it from you... but what happens when his secret gets revealed?
Nakamoto Yuta
Dad!Yuta | F - @jwirecs
Kim Doyoung
Heaven, fallen | M,F,A - @wincore
6-7am | F - @nctinthehouse
You were beautiful | F,A - @jaelvr
Jeong Jaehyun
Kim Jungwoo
Hard to say goodbye | F - @by-soleil
1:18pm | F - @gyeomsweetgyeom
Part 2 ⬇️
8:25pm | F - @gyeomsweetgyeom
Mark and Haechan in dream down below ⬇️
Nct Dream
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Mark Lee
4:26 | F - @gyeomsweetgyeom
Most couples use pet names for each other, some people would expect you and Mark to do the same, especially since you’re getting married
3:50 | F - @skyrohyucks
The cure | F - @mins-fins
mark shows up to your place bleeding red, and red is your least favorite color.
Madly in love | F - @p0ckykiss
mark had always been the hopeless romantic type
Huang Renjun
Beat you at your own game | F - @cafelattaes
y/n has a crush on renjun, who's not that great with people. despite his standoffish nature, she makes an effort to be friendly. but things take a twist when she starts to ignore him.
Lee Jeno
Glitter | F - @kyufessions
you walk in on your daughter giving your fiancé a makeover
All night long | F - @writemekpop
You’re pregnant, and the baby’s kicking makes it impossible to sleep. Luckily, Jeno knows just how to take care of you. 
Lee Haechan
Na Jaemin
Putting mascara on BF!Jaemin | F - @scarletwinterxx
Day in the life | F - @saturnznct
9:18pm | F - @gyeomsweetgyeom
In which jaemin does his own take of a trend | F - @lololololchips
in which jaemin does his own take of a trend that shows how he tried to confess to his crush over various instagram stories
One bed trope enemy!jaemin | F - @jenosbliss
Bittersweet | F - @polarisjisung
it's routine— you patch up his wounds and watch them heal, he salts your wounds but doesn't stick around long enough to watch them grow.
Love without labels | F - @mystverse
Zhong Chenle
Park Jisung
Naps with bf!Jisung | F - @ofdreamsnwishes
Motorbikes and melatonin | F - @polarisjisung
sleep doesn't find you in the comfort of your own home or under the covers tucked safely into your bed— sleep finds you in the warmth of park jisung's arms
BF Jisung text | F - @polarisjisung
Score that goal | F - @lqfiles
after your college had announced that all the students were required to join a club and attend it twice a week, you were planning on either a) dropping out, or b) join the art club and pretend to be sick most of the times. that was before you discovered that park jisung is a long time member of the football team. change in plans: you LOVE football.
or in which you mindlessly join the football club in hopes of catching your crush’s attention (and to maybe secretly check him out too) who cares if you can’t even kick a ball up in the air?
Sleepy Jisung talks | F - @wonbin-truther
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Qian Kun
7:16am | F - @theficblog
Ten Lee
In progress…
In progress…
In progress…
In progress…
In progress…
Nct 127
Baby 127 calling dad on tour | F - @phoxphenex
Nct dream
Moon and enthusiasm | F - @handlemehyuck
Baby dream calling dad on tour | F - @phoxphenex
Boyfriend texts | F - @handlemehyuck
Orange peel theory | F - @hyuckswoman
7dream nicknames for their partners | F - @swee7dream
Dream on dreaming | F - @diorcities
WayV reaction to a pic of them sleeping | F - @tigermark
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jwirecs · 10 months
hello, hello! here are my nct recs of november! hopefully these beautiful stories get more recognition as well as the writers 💝
** anything in parentheses and bolded are my thoughts that can be disregarded if needed **
🔞smut || 💔angst || 💕fluff || ✅completed || 🔄ongoing || 💯favorite
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Makeup, Make Out || @polarisjisung💕✅
↳ somewhere between testing eyeshadow palettes and mascara wands, renjun tests the prospect of loving you (i love me some soft renjun. soft renjun is prob in my top 5 fics to read about in nct. like how can you not enjoy reading soft renjun fics?????)
Ready For Love || @jnnul💕✅💯💯💯
↳ a boy who has never taken a relationship seriously. a girl who is seriously over relationships. when they end up finding each other, will they let their ideas of what a relationship should be like ruin their relationship before it even starts? (the concept of one person believing in one thing and the other person believing in another but they come to one accord to overcome the obstacle is amazing. literally as op has said in their warnings "match made in heaven", they truly are and i love that.)
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Misses Suh? || @nctsplug02🔞💕✅💯
↳ (there was not exact summary, but if you remember the jeongs fics from this author then i present you the suhs. stop i freaking love these fics from them. i hope theres going to be more suhs.)
Silent Treatment || @polarisjisung💕💔✅
↳ your boyfriend broke some guy's nose for you, but what he doesn't realise is he also broke his promise to you (how does one give jeno the silent treatment???? easy, pretend to be oc cause thats what i did. LOL LIKE HOW CAN YOU GIVE THIS MAN THE SILENT TREATMENT. mans gonna be looking at you with them eyes and you are just gonna fold. gosh hes adorable and sht)
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Trauma || @peanutpinet💕💔✅💯
↳ Being the son of the famous Nam Goongmin came with a heavy price to pay for Jaemin. Though Taeyong managed to get Jaemin out of his father’s mafia business and helped him to heal, there was still some trauma that Jaemin had yet to face. Until he came across a girl that he would soon learn that he can’t always run from his problems (the fact that the story lowkey connects with the other fics that they have is a gold mine. my ass is out here re-reading everything from the beginning aka the first one all the way to this one while i wait for the next one.)
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Enough For You || @midmourn💔✅💯
↳ you wanted to be enough for mark, but no matter what you did, you weren't. (brb let me just sit in the corner real quick. stop, i need more angst nct fics to satisfy my angst side. like you can just feel the hurt that the oc is feeling, cause i know for a fact everyone has been through this once in their life time.)
I'm A Mouse, Duh! || @springseasonie🔞✅
↳ Nomin in police costumes and Y/N in a "mouse" costume (it's literally just lingerie). Will they fuck? Keep reading to find out! (1. i love the mean girls reference. that movie is a classic. 2. another roommate threesome, i may have a problem. BUT THATS FINE. this fic was hella good.)
I Wanna Make You Scream || @nctsplug02🔞✅💯💯💯
↳ (johnny in a scream mask?????????? sir???????? HELLOOOOOOOOO????? like god this fic is, oh child.)
Rent Is Due! || @starillusion13🔞✅💯
↳ (theres no summary, but do you know what else is due??? my insanity after reading this fic. like god dam. had to take a moment to breathe after finishing the fic.)
Strawberry Cough || @hazyhae🔞💕✅
↳ when your longtime bestie and plug moves out of town, he recommends one of his buddies to fill your weed needs. jaemin is glad to deliver that, and maybe even more. (the fact that jaemin automatically has a stock of the strawberry flavor for the oc is cute as sht. mans literally fell in love at first sight.)
The Day That I Met You I Started Dreaming || @nctstar💕✅💯
↳ You watched in satisfaction as the imprint of your lips stained a faded red colour, two semi-circles adorned by fine lines. The smell of strawberry wafted gently, so subtle you could have missed it. Yet, his voice rang in your ears. “You taste so sweet, baby. You always do.” (stop, i think this was one of the "long" jungwoo fics that i have read so far. i should start reading more jungwoo fics ngl. i honestly like how the story went. like it was at a good pace. not too rushed and not too slow, at the perfect pace. )
They're Roommate || @luvyeni🔞✅
↳ maybe those “jokes” your roommates play on you aren’t actually jokes (nomin threesome??? let me at it. lord have fcking mercy on me)
Young God || @jaeminvore🔞💕✅💯💯
↳ in which you were essentially scammed into cohabiting with a ridiculously clingy demon that lives off of sex. It could be worse. At least he staved off from sucking your soul out in exchange of you sucking something else—among other things (demon hyuck is a menace but hes a cute menace you know. hes gonna be like your bffl demon. i honestly fully enjoyed this one so much, like you dont understand. the mans a cute ass menace)
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NCT 127 Texts || @phoxphenex💕✅💯
↳ Baby 127 Calling Dad on Tour (stop i cant wait for them to be parents. like these fans are gonna have to grow a pair of balls and suck it up that these mens are gonna be parents in the future. like can u imagine their kid just texting them. their kid will have them on their knees i swear.)
NCT Dream Texts || @jenosz💕✅💯
↳ Jeno boyfriend texts (the way that i fcking cackled at the first one. i cant, that was literal GOLD. ngl thats prob something i would say to my boo, if i had one LMAO)
NCT Dream Texts || @midmourn💕✅
↳ Your mom hasn't paid me this month (stop jisung would be the one to actually tell his mom. protect this lil sprout.)
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8:57PM || @gyeomsweetgyeom💕✅
↳(faster/2 baddies era jaehyun has me on a fcking chokehold im not gonna lie.)
Do check out all of the other NCT Fics that i have reblogged as well!!
** if there is any fics that you guys would like to recommend, please do! i am slowly running out of fics to read **
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luvyeni · 1 year
SEVEN DEADLY SINS. ( 7k drabble celebration ! )
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hey y'all .... im back with another drabble series. this is in celebration of me hitting 7k!! thank you guys so much for 7k , i'm still in shock that i've made it this far , but it's all thanks to you guys , i love you guys so much and thank you so much for loving my works 🤍
SIDE NOTE. i just put all the members in each group in a name wheel and that's who i decided to use.
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— PRIDE. (park sunghoon)
PAIRINGS: park sunghoon x fem!reader
GENRE: 18+, gods au
CW: 18+ mature content , cock worshipping dirty talk , cum swallowing , sunghoon is not the kindest to reader
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— GREED. (bang chan)
PAIRINGS: bang chan x fem!reader
GENRE: 18+, established relationship , ceo au
CW: dirty talk , breeding kink , exhibitionism
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— LUST. (johnny suh)
PAIRINGS: johnny suh x fem!reader
GENRE: 18+ , demon au
CW: oral (f. receiving), squirting , dubcon (reader is technically asleep)
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— ENVY. (choi beomgyu )
PAIRINGS: choi beomgyu x fem!reader
GENRE: 18+ , yandere au
CW: dark content yandere , perv beomgyu , stalking , non consensual filming , masturbation
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— GLUTTONY. (kim sunoo)
PAIRINGS: kim sunoo x fem!reader
GENRE: 18+ , vampire au
CW: 18+ mature content, non consensual biting turned consensual, unprotected sex , cumming inside
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— WRATH. (huang renjun)
PAIRINGS: huang renjun x fem!reader
GENRE: 18+ , mafia au
CW: 18+ mature content, DARK CONTENT , knife play, blood play, unprotected sex , dirty talk, degradation,
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— SLOTH. (lee taeyong)
PAIRINGS: lee taeyong x fem!reader
GENRE: 18+ , hybrid au
CW: coming soon
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186 notes · View notes
Smut Event!! [March & April ]
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I just reached 500+ followers!! And I would like to write a smut Event to celebrate it (which I've been wanting to write for a long time for sure).
The Details about the event :
The smut Event will start from March and end in April!!
I will be taking 25 requests for the smut Event. So that being said, there will be 25 days of smuts which I will be releasing gradually.
I will be taking requests for any member of ATEEZ Or STRAYKIDS Or NCT
How to request :
Send in a request with a member of either mentioned groups with a kink or a theme you would like to add. [ Ex. Choking kink or Soft Dom themes ]
You guys can also add in an AU you would want for the smut.
That being said : I will be taking requests for, Yandere AU or Mafia AU or Supernatural/Werewolf AU.
There will be a special day kept for my ults of the groups, [ Wooyoung, Jaemin, Haechan & Jeongin ] for which you guys can request the kink for!!
I will not be accepting requests for Gangbang Or Piss kink, for I do not write it. And for this event, I am taking threesome requests but no member x member request.
Current Taglist : @azriel-owns-my-heart @spoorti09 @toxicccred @cherryxsang @k-drizzle @kodzukein @namchan9794 @astrid-peach @exololyunho [ Join the Taglist here ]
The Smuts which have been requested :
1. Jung Wooyoung & Lipstick/Marking kink, { requested by anon }
2. Lee Haechan & Spanking + Overstimulation + public teasing + Angry Sex + Daddy kink { requested by anon }
3. Na Jaemin & [ Vampire AU ] { requested by @exololyunho }
4. Yang Jeongin & Daddy kink + Size training { requested by anon }
5. Song Mingi & Breeding Kink [ Werewolf AU ] { requested by anon }
6. Kim Hongjoong & Softdom! Themes [ Mafia AU ] { requested by anon!! }
7. Choi San & Softdom! Themes + Spit kink
8. Woosan & threesome { requested by 🐻 anon }
9. Woosan & Overstimulation + Creampie { requested by @woosanbby }
10. Choi San & Harddom! Themes + Choking + Overstimulation + Degradation + spit kink { requested by @toxicccred }
11. Kang Yeosang & Spanking [ Mafia AU ] { requested by anon }
12. Jeong Yunho & Softdom! Themes { requested by anon }
13. Jeong Jaehyun & Praising { requested by @kimdoyoungenthusiast }
14. Seo Changbin & Strength kink { requested by anon }
15. Kim Hongjoong & Yandere/pirate themes { requested by anon }
16. Lee Minho + Hwang Hyunjin & spanking + orgasm denial { requested by anon }
17. Kim Hongjoong & safewording [ Mafia AU ] { requested by anon }
18. Park Seonghwa & Harddom! Themes + Face slapping { requested by anon }
19. Park Seonghwa & Mommy kink + Possessiveness { requested by @whatudowhennooneseesyou }
20. Kim Hongjoong & Angry Sex [ Pirate AU + Stowaway! Reader ] { requested by anon }
21. Kim Hongjoong & Humiliation kink [ Mafia/Yandere AU ] { requested by @azriel-owns-my-heart }
22. Choi San + Park Seonghwa & Spit Play + Cum play + Harddom! Themes + Possessiveness { requested by anon }
23. Qian Kun & Choking + Fingering + Overstimulation + Shower Sex + Praising { requested by @namchan9794 }
24. Johnny Suh + Jeong Jaehyun & Fingering + Double penetration + Oral + Choking + Marking + Handcuffing + Spanking { requested by anon }
25. Bangchan + Changbin & Fingering + Size kink + Overstimulation + Praising + Bondage { requested by anon }
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98 notes · View notes
hwxnghyynjin · 2 years
Red Lipstick
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Pairing: johnny suh x reader Genre: mafia!au, angst, suggestive Warnings: kidnapping, swearing, threats, slapping, minor character death, implied sexual violence, speeding (don't speed kids), use of weapons, implied sex (let me know if I missed anything) Words: 9,426
The smell of coffee hit your nose as you walked into the coffee shop, your heeled boots clicking against the ground. Your black cargo pants hugging your legs, tucking your black t-shirt into them. You walked to the counter, the young man behind it giving you a cheeky smile. You just rolled your eyes and gave your order, the man getting to it straight away. 
While waiting for your order, you reapplied your red lipstick to your plump lips. That was your signature trademark: you took that lipstick with you everywhere. Your boyfriend Johnny thought it was funny when you first started dating, but now he doesn’t care. He even nicknamed you ‘Red’ because of it, which you find funny, but accepted it anyway.
Your order was called and you grabbed your coffee, thanking the barista. Running your hand through your hair, you left the coffee shop, sipping on your vanilla latte. As you walked back to your car, you felt yourself being watched. You walked a bit further, waiting for Jaehyun to pull up, as he was picking you up. You suddenly heard footsteps behind you and you froze on the spot. You grabbed your knife from under your pant leg quickly, ready to hurt the person stalking you. You turned around and saw no one, when suddenly, you felt yourself being grabbed from behind, your legs kicking out. 
“Hey, get off me, you bastard”, you shouted, but the person grabbing you put a cloth over your mouth, and you felt yourself getting faint. Your eyes closed and you suddenly saw black. 
When you woke up, you found yourself in a room which looked like a basement. You looked around, trying to see if anyone was in there with you, and when you saw there was no one, you tried to get free. But, to no avail, your hands were tied tightly, feeling your wrists starting to bruise already. A sound of a door opening got your attention, a strange man coming into your view. You tried to look tough but, if you were being honest, you were terrified. 
“Well, well, well. Look who the cat dragged in. Mr Johnny Suh’s girlfriend”, the man said with a sickening smirk. “Let me go, you absolute freak”, you spat, making him chuckle darkly. “Oh darling, we’re not letting you go any time soon. Besides, Johnny has something of ours that we want back. In trade for that, we’ll return you”, he said and you just scoffed. “You really think he will give anything to you? Ha, you really are stupid”, you said, causing the man to frown. He lunged forward, standing in front of you, just staring. Suddenly, you felt a sting across your cheek. “Be cautious with your words, bitch. Cause if not, instead of going back to Johnny alive, you’ll be going in a fucking bodybag, got it?”, he said, gripping your chin, making you look up at him. 
You stared at him for a moment, a smirk on your face. You didn’t even think, and spat in his face. The man wiped his face, looking at you darkly. “You’re going to regret that, whore”, he said, and punched you square in the jaw, knocking you backwards. Your hands were suddenly free and you went to make a run for it, but the man was faster. You grabbed you, punching you in the stomach, knocking the air out of you. You coughed from the impact, and felt a knife on your throat. “Don’t tempt me, bitch”, he spat, digging the knife in your throat deeper, causing blood to trickle down. Your breath hitched in your throat, and you felt yourself becoming lightheaded. 
The man let go of you all of a sudden, and you hoped he wouldn’t touch you again. You hoped too soon as he grabbed the back of your head, slamming it against a table, knocking you out cold. 
Johnny walked into his office, wiping a bloody knife with a cloth. He had finished interrogating someone from a rival gang, which didn’t end well for the other guy. Basically, it was a deal gone wrong for him, regarding money. He put his knife in his pocket, sitting in his office chair. 
“Don’t worry Johnny. We’ll get our money eventually”, Jaehyun said, walking into the office after Johnny. Jaehyun could see the distressed look on Johnny’s face, Johnny rubbing his temples. “I know, I’m just frustrated that the bastard lied straight to my face. He had what was coming to him”, Johnny said, Jaehyun nodding. 
“Also, have you heard back from y/n?”, Jaehyun asked the older boy, confusion evident in his voice. Johnny looked up when he heard the question, looking at the younger. “I haven’t, thinking about it. She was supposed to be back an hour ago. Let me call her”, he said, trying to keep his voice sounding calm. He rang your phone and it rang once. Twice. Three times. But no answer.
“Hey, get Taeil to track her phone, now”, Johnny said, getting up and leaving his office. Jaehyun looked confused but went to Taeil anyway. Johnny knew there was something wrong, as you always picked up straight away. 
Jaehyun ran to find Taeil, and he saw him on his computer. “Hey, Johnny said you need to track y/n’s phone. She’s not picking up”, Jaehyun said, out of breath from running. Taeil nodded and tracked your phone right away. 
“Oh shit”, Taeil said, causing Jaehyun to widen his eyes at what he saw on the computer. “We need to tell Johnny, now”, Jaehyun said, running to find Johnny. He bumped into Yuta and Mark on the way, the two stopping him. “Hey, man, what’s wrong? Wait, aren’t you supposed to be picking y/n up?”, Mark asked, a confused look on his face. Jaehyun realised that he was supposed to be picking you up, and guilt ran through him as if something bad had happened to you, it would be on him. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!”, Jaehyun shouted, being too in the interrogation that he forgot to pick you up from the coffee shop. “We need to find Johnny. y/n has been kidnapped and it’s my fault as I was supposed to pick her up and I…”, his breathing got heavier, feeling himself starting to panic. “Hey, man, calm down, ok? It’s not your fault, you must have been too into the interrogation and that happens sometimes. Don’t beat yourself up. Besides, if something did happen to her, she’s a tough girl”, Yuta tried to reassure him, and he managed to calm Jaehyun down. 
The three of them found Johnny attacking a punching bag, taking his anger out on it. “Johnny!”, Jaehyun shouted, getting his attention. Johnny stopped attacking the punching bag, and looked at him. “We have a problem”, Jaehyun said, Johnny’s face dropping. 
“Please don’t tell me he’s got her”, Johnny said, snarling at the thought of his worst enemy. “Unfortunately, he does”, Jaehyun said, Yuta and Mark’s blood running cold at the thought of him. “Fucking Hyungsik. I’m gonna beat him to a pulp once I get my hands on him”, Johnny spat, storming out of the room and going to change his clothes. 
When you woke up again, you found yourself lying on the floor. Your whole body was in pain, your core throbbing, but not for good reason. You felt dirty and disgusting, fearing what that dirty animal did to you. You tried not to let yourself cry, wanting to seem tough, but it was too much. You cried and cried, wanting this to be a nightmare. You screamed your heart out, screaming until your throat hurt. Your t-shirt was ripped, your pants halfway down your legs. You pulled them up gently, trying not to cause any more pain to you. You’re glad that your bra is still on, glad that you’re not too exposed. You sat up, your whole body shaking. 
Your sobbing had subsided, but tears still ran down your cheeks. You checked the camera on your phone, and saw the mess you were in: your makeup smudged, bruises and cuts all over your face, mascara running down your face. Suddenly, the ringing of your phone made you jump, until you saw the caller ID: Jaehyun. You answered it, your voice shaky. 
“J-jaehyun? Please save me, I’m scared and I hurt all over. The sick bastard has done things to me and I want to go home, please”, you were crying again at this point, your sobbing heard on the other end. “We’re coming for you, baby”, you heard Johnny shout, and you smiled hearing his voice. The sound of a door slamming open scared you, your breath hitching. “I gotta go, please hurry”, you pleaded, and you felt yourself being grabbed again, a loud scream leaving your mouth. 
Johnny heard your scream through the phone and he revved the car, going faster. “Johnny, be careful”, Yuta warned. “y/n is in trouble and if we don’t hurry, she’s going to fucking die”, Johnny spat, shutting Yuta up. He understands that he’s worried, but he also doesn't want Johnny to crash the car.
He pulled up outside the building you were in, and slammed the brakes on. “Yuta, Jungwoo, Mark, you go in through the front. Me, Jaehyun, Taeyong and Doyoung will go through the back. Taeil and Haechan, you stay in the car and try to hack into the surveillance system. Got it? Ok let’s go”, Johnny ordered, and everyone obeyed. Taeil got his laptop out and hacked his way into the surveillance system and turned the cameras off, Haechan helping him. Yuta, Jungwoo and Mark went through the front of the building, taking out anyone who came in their way. Johnny, Jaehyun, Taeyong and Doyoung did the same round the back of the building. 
You were tied up to a chair again, Hyungsik hitting you constantly. The sound of guns firing got your attention, a smile creeping onto your face, knowing you’re about to be saved. “Hey, don’t just stand there you fuckers. Got take them out”, Hyungsik spat to his men, them running out of the basement. Now it was just you and Hyungsik alone in the basement. 
Hyungsik stared at you, more specifically your breasts, and licked his lips. “Well sweetheart. Since it’s just us, why don’t we have some fun?”, he smirked and you gagged, feeling disgusted. He walked over to you and straddled you, the smell of whisky evident in his breath. You struggled against him, trying to get him off you. What Hyungsik didn’t know was that you found a little knife before he grabbed you, using the knife to cut through the rope that was binding your hands together. 
“Get off me, you sick fuck”, you spat, headbutting him in the face, hearing a crack from his nose. Blood started pooling from his nose, him groaning. “You broke my nose, you stupid slut”, he yelled and he went to grab your legs but luckily, you cut your hands free, using the knife to slice across his face, making him yell from pain. You kicked him in the crotch, running to the door. Unfortunately, you weren’t quick enough and Hyungsik grabbed your legs, pulling you towards him. You screamed bloody murder, your screams mixing in with the sound of bullets being fired. Men yelling outside, the sounds getting closer. Hyungsik pinned you to the floor, before putting his hands around your throat. He gripped your neck, you struggled against him. You hit his arms, trying to get him to release you. You felt yourself losing consciousness, your movements getting slower. 
Suddenly, the door to the basement slammed open, Johnny running in, aiming a gun at Hyungsik. “It’s over for you, Hyungsik”, Johnny spat, Hyungsik smirking. “Well, I don’t know about that. Though, I’m sure it is for your girlfriend”, he said, and Johnny saw you lying there, motionless. Johnny yelled and ran towards him, knocking Hyungsik off you, knocking him to the ground. He punched him in the face numerous times, blood going everywhere from the punches. Johnny grabbed Hyungsik’s head, knocking it into the ground a couple of times, hearing a crack. He let go of his head and grabbed his gun, aiming it at his forehead. 
“Any last words before you die, you sick fuck?”, Johnny said and Hyungsik smirked. “Yes. Your whore of a girlfriend is so tight”, he smirked, and Johnny lost it. He screamed bloody murder and pulled the trigger. One. Two. Three. Four. Four bullets into Hyungsik’s head. Blood started surrounding his lifeless body, his face unrecognisable from Johnny beating him to a pulp. Johnny got off of him and ran to you and checked your pulse: nothing. 
“Fuck! Help!”, Johnny yelled to the others, Taeyong and Doyoung running in, Jaehyun following behind. Jaehyun saw your motionless body, guilt running through him. If only he had picked you up, none of this would have happened. Johnny picked up your body, running to the door. He saw Jaehyun’s face and glared at him. “Don’t”, Johnny warned, Jaehyun confused as to what that meant but followed him outside, Taeyong and Doyoung following. 
It’s been 5 long, painful days for Johnny as you were still unconscious. You had lost a lot of blood, so they had to do a blood transfusion (thankfully, they found your sister and she agreed to it, as she’s type O and they got lucky. Your sister said she would do anything to keep you safe, so she didn’t hesitate to agree). 
When they arrived at their base, they took you to the medical room and they made sure you got the right treatment to keep you safe. Now, they’re just waiting for you to wake up. If you wake up.
Johnny sat by your bed, holding your hand. He was looking down, his tears threatening to spill. “Baby, you need to wake up, please. We made a pact, remember? If one of us goes out, the other goes out with them. So, if you don;t fucking wake up, I’m going with you. I love you too much for you to give up on me, Red. You need to wake up”, Johnny was crying at this point, not caring if people see or hear him. He was shaking in his seat, terrified of losing you, the love of his life. 
The two of you met 2 years ago. You were in a bar, and some random drunkard tried flirting with you, but you wanted him to leave you alone. Johnny saw you from across the room, seeing how uncomfortable you were. He had his eyes on you the whole night, taking a liking to you. He saw the drunk man tried touching you up, and that’s when he made his move. He saved you from getting assaulted, and you thanked him. You spent the rest of the night by his side, and he took you home, the night filled with laughter and little kisses, which turned into soft, passionate love, something which was the total opposite of his appearance. 
After that night, you were surprised to see him the morning after, making you breakfast. That night soon turned into something special, the both of you getting closer and he asked you out a couple of weeks after. You were hesitant at first, due to having a couple of bad breakups in your past. But you soon agreed, wanting to give it a go. You were both inseparable. You didn’t know about Johnny being a mafia leader until a month into your relationship, as he showed up to your house, covered in blood. Johnny thought you would be scared off when he told you, but it was the total opposite. You were so engrossed in his work, wanting to find out more about it. 
You met his members after that, and they were wary at first, as Johnny had a few bad relationships in the past. But you proved to them that you were a good person. Out of all of them (apart from Johnny), you were the closest to Jaehyun and he became like your brother. He taught you how to fight and how to defend yourself. 
There was a knock on the door, and Johnny’s head turned to look who was there. Jaehyun was at the door, and he looked like someone had just kicked a puppy. “Hey, talk”, Johnny managed to speak out, his crying now turned into little sniffles. Jaehyun walked in and sat at the other end of your bed, his leg bouncing up and down. 
Jaehyun took a deep breath before talking. “If only I had remembered to pick her up, none of this would have happened, you know? I’m so fucking stupid”, Jaehyun sobbed out, still feeling guilty about what happened. Johnny sighed and cleared his throat. “Hey, look at me”, he obeyed and Jaehyun looked at him through his tears. “What happened is NOT your fault, ok? So don’t even think that. Stop doubting yourself for a small mistake”, Johnny told him, and Jaehyun felt better, hearing it from Johnny made him feel less guilty.
Johnny and Jaehyun were talking when suddenly, the sound of the machine you were hooked on started beeping. The beeping was going mad, they shouted for help. Taeyong ran in and gave you more morphine, hoping it would help. It seemed to do the trick as the beeping slowed down. They thought everything was ok, so Taeyong walked out again. Until the three of them stopped at the sound of someone’s voice.
“Hello?”, the voice came from you. Johnny placed his hand on your shoulder and you thrashed around. “No, please, don’t touch me”, you screamed and Johnny and Jaehyun had to both pin you down gently, Taeyong holding your legs. 
“Baby, it’s me, look”, Johnny said, making you look at him. “Johnny? Jaehyun? Taeyong?”, you asked, looking at the three of them. You started crying, finally feeling safe as you threw yourself in Johnny’s arms, wincing but not giving a care in the world, just glad to be in his arms again. Jaehyun and Taeyong looked at each other, silently agreeing to give the both of you space. 
You both pulled away from each other, Johnny admiring your face. The cuts and bruises have started healing, the colour in your skin returning to you. He grabbed the sides of your face gently, and brought you into a passionate kiss. He poured all of his emotions into the kiss, kissing you like it’s the last time. You softly moaned into the kiss, tugging onto his hair gently. He pulled away and pressed his forehead against yours. You smiled through your tears, glad to be alive and safe. 
“You scared the shit out of me, Red. Don’t ever do that to me again”, Johnny warned, but you knew he said that out of worry. You kissed his cheek softly and cuddled into his side. “Oh, I think you’re forgetting this”, Johnny spoke up, handing you your red lipstick. You laughed and thanked you, happy you still have it. You never go anywhere without your red lipstick. 
Over the next couple of nights, you woke up in a cold sweat, your body shaking in fear. Nightmares clouded your thoughts, always putting you in a cold sweat. Johnny calms you down whenever you wake up, tears streaming down your face. He always managed to stop you from shaking, kissing your tears away, stroking your hair, and you both fell into dreamland again, cuddling into his side. No nightmares, just happy thoughts. 
Though, this particular night was different. You felt trapped, just black clouding your mind. Hyungsik’s voice kept ringing in your head, his sickening smirk burned into you. You screamed for you to wake up, calling out to Johnny for help. Nothing seemed to work as you laid there, sweat soaking you from head to toe, your body shaking in your bed. 
You soon felt yourself running, your feet hurting. You ran and ran, trying to get away from something, more like someone, chasing you. The thing grabbed you, pushing you to the ground. Before they could do anything to you, you woke up, screaming at the top of your lungs. You fell off your bed with a thud, your breathing getting heavier, tears blurring your vision. 
Johnny heard you scream, running into your shared bedroom. He saw you on the floor, your entire body shaking. He ran towards you, holding you in his grasp. “Sshh, baby, I’m here. You’re safe, no one is going to get you”, he tried calming you down, but your breathing was still erratic. You struggled to breathe, feeling lightheaded. Johnny knew what was happening so he turned you around, making you face him. “Honey, I want you to copy me, ok? Just try and copy my breathing”, he instructed and breathed in and out, hoping you would follow. You followed his breathing, trying to calm down. 
After about 10 minutes, your breathing had gone back to normal and your body had stopped shaking. You just laid in Johnny’s arms, feeling exhausted. He picked you up and laid you down on the bed. He went to leave, but you grabbed his wrist. “Please don’t leave me”, you pleaded, fear in your voice. Johnny looked at you with soft eyes, leaning down to kiss your forehead. '`Do you want to sit with me while I do some work?”, he asked softly, you nodding immediately. He picked you up bridal style, and brought you into the living room where he was doing work on his laptop. 
You noticed Jaehyun sitting on the couch too, smiling at him. He smiled back and you snuggled into Johnny’s chest as he sat down. Johnny and Jaehyun were softly talking, trying not to disturb you, when Johnny’s phone suddenly rang, your eyes shooting open at the sound. Johnny picked his phone up straight away, putting the device up to his ear. 
“Hello? Yeah, that’s ok. Wait, really? How? That’s- wow, that’s great! Ha, we can celebrate. Ok, thanks man”, he said and hung up, a smile on his face. “Why are you so happy, what’s the good news?”, Jaehyun asked, confused at the sudden smile on Johnny’s face. “That was Taeyong. We got our money back”, he said, smiling. Jaehyun cheered, accidentally a bit too loud, as you whined at the noise. “That’s great news, babe”, you said softly, placing a kiss on his chest. Johnny stroked your hair and you soon fell asleep, the sound of Johnny’s heartbeat lulling you to sleep. 
When you woke up, you found yourself back in your bed, your body covered by the sheets. But, you woke up alone. Rubbing your eyes, you got out of bed, putting your dressing gown on and headed downstairs. The smell of bacon hitting your senses, you walked into the kitchen and saw Johnny making breakfast. Johnny turned around at the sound of footsteps, his eyes finding you, and the sight in front of him made his heart warm: your hair messy, your sleepy face, a pout on it. He thought you looked so cute, he wanted to pick you up and tackle you in hugs, but he also didn’t want to burn the house down. “Morning, darling”, Johnny said, plating up plates with bacon, eggs and some toast. You sat down at the table, sleepily eating your breakfast. 
Johnny chomped on a piece of bacon, scrolling through his phone, when he came across something. His eyes widened as he read the headline.
Mafia leader Hyungsik dead, causes uproar as his brother goes on a killing spree, murdering innocent civilians
“Well, shit”, Johnny said, your sleepy self now fully awake. “W-what’s wrong?”, you asked, now you have finished your breakfast. “After what happened with Hyungsik, his brother found out and now he’s gone full on psycho, going on a killing spree. I’m sure his stupid ‘minions’ went straight to Hyungsik’s base after the whole commotion. Fuck!”, Johnny suddenly shouted and instead of flinching at the sudden shout, you felt yourself getting angry too. Yes, you’re glad that Hyungsik is dead but you heard about his brother. His brother made Hyungsik seem soft. “Want to go fuck shit up?”, you said, making Johnny widen his eyes. “Honey, are you sure you’re up for it?”, he asked, worried that you might get hurt again. 
“I’ll be ok. If anything happens, I’ll shout”, you said and got up to put your plate in the sink, and went to get dressed. Johnny just smiled and put his plate in the sink, following after you. You walked into the bedroom, took your dressing gown off and hung it up. You stripped yourself, your naked body now exposed. Johnny walked in as soon as you were fully naked, seeing the faint cuts and bruises all over you. He came up behind you and kissed the area between your shoulder blades, wrapping his arms around your waist. You turned around in his arms, placing a small kiss on his lips. 
“I’m so glad that you’re alive”, Johnny said, his voice soft and gentle. He stared into your eyes, noticing a glimmer in them. You smiled softly up at him, kissing his cheek. “I’m glad that I’m alive too. I’m also glad that the bastard is dead. Now, let’s stop dilly dallying and get ready. I want to kill people”, you said, a hint of humour in your voice. Johnny chuckled at the last two sentences and let go of you, letting you get dressed. 
You tied the laces of your boots, and stood up. Johnny handed a knife and a gun, putting the gun under your pant leg, and the gun under the other pant leg. You put your leather jacket on, and you both went downstairs, ready to leave. A black van suddenly pulled up, the door opening and revealing Taeyong. “You guys ready?”, he asked, the both of you nodding. You got into the van, and Taeil drove away once the door was closed. 
“You remember what to do when we get there?”, Johnny asked you, making sure you remember. “Yup. Go in with you, Jaehyun, Yuta and Taeyong, and if something happens, give you a shout”, you said, Johnny smiling. “Good girl. Now, let’s go”, Johnny said as soon as Taeil pulled up, all of you getting out and heading in through the back of the building. You went with Johnny, Jaehyun, Yuta and Taeyong while the others went a different way. 
You knew you were getting close as you suddenly heard yelling. “Talk, bitch”, the sound of the voice made your blood boil. Hyungsik’s brother, known as Seonjun, was torturing an innocent civilian, making you angry. You went to run in the room when a hand stopped you, turning around and seeing Jaehyun. He mouthed ‘wait’ and you did. Suddenly, a gunshot went off and all of your heads turned towards where the sound came from. “Seonjun, you absolute piece of shit”, Johnny whispered, making sure he didn't hear them. Blood started pooling out from under the door, the poor individual’s body dropping to the floor with a loud thud. 
A loud yell and a slam was heard, the yell coming from Haechan, alerting everyone. Seonjun’s voice boomed through the building, making you jump. “What the fuck?”, he yelled, and you, without thinking, bursted into the room, aiming your gun at him. “y/n!”, Johnny yelled, and they all ran into the room after you, seeing you pointing your gun at Seonjun. 
“Hello there, you pretty thing”, Seonjun said, making you gag. “Don’t talk to my girlfriend like that, you freak”, Johnny spat, standing behind you. The rest of the guys ran in, Haechan coming in last. His nose was bleeding, using his hand to wipe away the blood. 
“Well, well. Looks like the whole gang's here”, Seonjun smirked, and he grabbed another innocent civilian, putting a knife against their throat. “Seonjun, why are you doing this?”, Johnny asked, a hint of anger in his voice. Seonjun scoffed and chuckled darkly. “Why am I doing this? Well, let me tell you. My brother is fucking dead. Because YOU murdered him. I’m going to make you pay for that. Starting with your girlfriend”, he laughed and suddenly, the knife on the civilian's throat sliced the skin open, blood dripping down their neck. Seonjun dropped the body to the floor and suddenly grabbed your arm, but when he reached for you, you grabbed your knife and stabbed him in the arm. Seonjun screamed and then hit you across the face. That caused an outrage and Johnny suddenly shot one of Seonjun’s men and everyone started shooting. 
Dead bodies were on the floor, only a couple of Seonjun’s men were left. Some of the members were injured, but they were only minor injuries. You fought against Seonjun, remembering the tactics Jaehyun taught you. You dodged Seonjun’s punches, kicking him in the stomach. As Seonjun was about to grab you, you flipped and swung your legs around his neck, bringing him to the ground. As you were trapping him on the ground, you failed to notice Seonjun grabbing his gun, aiming it at Johnny. You noticed too late, Seonjun pulling the trigger, hitting Johnny in the chest. 
“NO!”, you screamed, getting off Seonjun and getting on top of him, fighting against him. Something clicked inside of you and you went mental, hitting and punching him. You noticed a crowbar beside you, and you grabbed it. The others saw you and they tried to stop you, but it was no use. You lifted the crowbar, and started hitting Seonjun over the head. Blow after blow, you didn’t stop until you were sure he was dead. Blood splashing you in the face, you dropped the crowbar, getting off of Seonjun’s lifeless body. To make sure he was actually dead, you grabbed a gun and pulled the trigger, hitting him several times in the chest, screaming at the top of your lungs. 
You dropped the gun and ran towards Johnny, blood gushing out of his chest. “Johnny, baby, stay with me, please”, you cried, putting pressure on his wound, making Johnny cry of pain. You looked around and saw his members standing there, frozen. “What are you just standing there for? HELP ME!”, you screamed, the others came to their senses and ran towards Johnny, Jaehyun pulling you off him so Taeyong and Yuta could lift him. You thrashed against Jaehyun, kicking your feet out, crying your heart out. You suddenly felt yourself growing tired, falling into Jaehyun. He picked you up and took one last glance at Seonjun, his body just lying there, motionless. He scoffed and left, holding you in his arms as he followed the others to the van. 
You sat by Johnny’s bed, his body motionless. You held his hand, gripping it tightly. You haven’t stopped crying, your body growing exhausted from the amount of crying you’ve done. “Johnny, you need to wake up soon, ok? Please, don’t give up on me. I didn’t give up on you, so don’t you dare leave me”, you said through your tears. It’s been a couple of hours since he got shot and thankfully, they patched him up just in time. He only lost a bit of blood, but you’re still worried about him. 
A hand moving got your attention, noticing Johnny’s eyes opening. “Oh my god, you’re awake”, you said, smiling, the taste of salty tears on your lips. Johnny sat up, wincing, but managed to sit up successfully without help. “Hey, baby”, Johnny smiled at you, the feeling of your lips on his forehead. “He’s awake!”, you yelled to no one in particular, Jaehyun and Taeyong running in, seeing their leader awake. You hugged Johnny, crying tears of happiness. He hugged you back, not caring about the pain in his chest. 
“By the way, what happened to Seonjun?”, Johnny asked, Jaehyun and Taeyong looking at you. “Your girlfriend literally beat him to death”, Taeyong said, Johnny looking at you with wide eyes. You looked down at your knuckles, all bruised and bloody. Johnny lifted your chin with his finger, using his thumb to wipe the lipstick smudge at the corner of your red lips. 
“Guess we don’t need to worry about him anymore”, Johnny smiled softly, you nodding your head. After beating Seonjun up, you felt….. different. You felt like a different person and to be honest, you don’t like it. You felt like a murderer and Johnny could sense there was something off by your facial expression. “Red, look at me”, Johnny instructed, and you did. Tears pooled at the corner of your eyes, threatening to spill. Johnny wiped the tears away from your eyes, stroking your cheek. 
“What you did, don’t feel guilty, ok? He was a disgusting individual and he got what was coming to him”, he said, trying to reassure you. You sighed and nodded your head, sitting back in the chair. 
A few days had passed since Johnny got shot, and he seemed to be doing better. He sat at the edge of the bed, looking at his bare chest in the mirror. He ran his fingers over the area where he was shot, and he just smiled. “You’re a warrior, you know?”, you leaned against the door frame of your bedroom, admiring Johnny. He just chuckled at you, patting the bed next to him. 
“Well, I guess we’re both warriors”, he smiled at you as you sat next to him. You ran your hand over his shoulder, up to his face and pulled him in for a passionate kiss. Johnny gripped the hem of your t-shirt, lifting it up and over your head. He laid you down softly, your back hitting the sheets. 
Sounds of pleasure escaped your mouths, your skin hot to Johnny’s touch. The night was filled with soft, passionate love making. Your hands gripped his back, nails digging into his shoulder blades. You soon fell asleep in his arms, your head buried into his chest, soft snores leaving the both of you. 
The sound of a door banging woke you up from your slumber, noticing the sun peeking in through the curtains. The clock read 7am, making you confused at who the fuck would be at your door at this hour of the morning. You put Johnny’s shirt over your bare chest, the shirt covering your panties. You tiptoed down the stairs, being on edge. You peeped through the peephole, seeing an unusual man standing at the door. You hesitated before opening the door slowly. You stared at the man as he turned around, when suddenly…
The sound of a gun going off woke Johnny up, and he sat up immediately. He saw your side of the bed empty and got off the bed. He didn’t bother putting a shirt on and ran down the stairs in his boxers, thinking the worst. He stood by the front door, seeing the scene in front of him: you were standing there, blood splatters on your face and Johnny’s shirt, the dead body of a man lying on the doorstep. Both yours and Johnny’s eyes set on the culprit: Jaehyun. “Jaehyun? What are you doing here? And what the fuck happened?”, Johnny asked, holding you in his arms while you wiped the blood off your face.
“Well, I couldn’t really sleep so I decided to go for a drive. I saw a strange looking van and thought I should follow it, and that’s when I saw the van pull up outside your house. I stayed hidden while I saw him get out of his van, and I noticed a gun in his hand. That’s when I quietly got out of the car, and here we are”, Jaehyun explained. “Do you know who this guy is?”Johnny asked and you bent down to identify the body. You turned him around and that’s when you fell backwards out of shock.
“What? Do you know him?”, Jaehyun asked and you looked up at him. “This is the guy that served me my coffee the day I got kidnapped”, you said, your breathing starting to get heavy. Johnny brought you into his arms and calmed you down. If people like him were everywhere, you knew that you’re not safe. 
“What do we do? If they’re everywhere, we’re not safe”, you said, looking at both of them. “Jaehyun, you take his body and dump it somewhere. Honey, come with me”, Johnny said and held your hand, leading you somewhere. Jaehyun picked up the guy’s dead body, and put it in the boot of his car, before driving off. 
Johnny sat you down on the couch in the living room, putting his hands on your knees. He looked you in the eyes, and you didn’t recognise the emotion in them. “You trust me, right?”, Johnny asked and you were confused. “Of course I do. Johnny, what are you thinking?”, you asked, afraid of what he was thinking. Johnny sighed and hesitated before speaking. “What I need you to do is this: run away. Run as far from here as possible. Make sure you leave no trace where they can’t find you. We’ll find each other again, I promise”, he said and you were shocked. He really thinks you’re just going to leave him? After everything you’ve been through?
“No, absolutely not. We’re in this together, don’t tell me you forgot about the pact we made? One of us dies, the other goes too? Well, it’s also about us sticking together, no matter what the fuck happens, ok? So, no. I’m staying here”, you stood your ground, not wanting to leave him. Johnny stood up, tugging his hair. “Baby, I’m doing this to protect us all, and we’ll find each other again. Whether that’s tomorrow, next week or next month. I fucking love you and there’s absolutely no way I’m leaving you, so don’t think that. Now, I’m not asking you, I’m telling you: I want you to run far from here”, he said, you just sitting there, taking his words in. 
Johnny had a point and he didn’t want any of his members to get hurt, and you felt selfish for refusing, just thinking about the two of you. You stood up and stared him dead in the eye. “Tell me what I need to do”, you said and Johnny sighed out of relief, thankful that you listened to him. “Ok so, pack a bag of clothes and a gun, just in case. Don’t take your phone, they’ll be able to track you otherwise”, Johnny said, and hearing him tell you not to take your phone made your eyes widen.
“B-but, how will I contact you and the guys?”, you asked, scared that you won’t be able to contact him without it. “Don’t worry honey. We’ll find each other. We always do, don’t we?”, he said and kissed your forehead, pushing you towards the stairs to get ready. 
You grabbed your duffel bag, leaving the house. You turned around and took one last look at Johnny, the last look you’ll give him for god knows how long. Your sister was sitting in the car, waiting for you to get in. You dropped your duffel bag, ran to Johnny and pulled him in for a passionate kiss. Johnny tasted his tears through the kiss, the saltiness mixing in with the saliva as you pulled away. You were both crying, leaving each other for a while but it was for the best. “I love you”, you said to Johnny, walking to your sister's car. “I love you too, Red”, Johnny said, the nickname he gave you slipping off his tongue. You got in the passenger seat, hugging your sister. 
You told your sister to drive to the airport, and you waved to Johnny, seeing him wave back. You thought it would be best to leave the country, your sister going with you. “You got everything?”, you asked your sister, looking at her while she focused on the road. “Yeah, I even left my phone at home. My poor phone”, she said dramatically, making you laugh. She was always dramatic during situations like these, but she only did that to make you laugh, something she’s done since you were younger. 
You both arrived at the airport, getting your stuff out the boot and walking towards the terminal. You both went through the terminal and then headed towards where your plane is, walking along the bridge side by side. “You ok?”, your sister asked, sensing your uneasiness. “Yeah, just thinking. What if they end up finding us?”, you said, worry in your voice. “Hey, whatever happens, just know that we have each other”, she reassured you and you smiled, walking onto the plane. The steward showed you your seats and you both sat down, getting ready to be in for a long journey.
The plane took off and you both held hands, smiling at each other. You then linked your pinkies together and, at the same time, whispered out ‘together’, which is your way of saying, ‘through thick and thin, I’ll stay by your side, no matter what’. 
After a long 11 and a half hours, you had finally landed in London. You got your stuff and walked off the plane, your sister following behind you. You walked through the terminal, and then you left the airport. You called for a taxi and the both of you got in, telling the driver to take you to the nearest hotel. 
The driver pulled up outside the hotel, putting the brakes on. You thanked the driver and went to pay, but realised you had no money. “Shit, I have no money”, you said to your sister, her eyes widening. “Don’t worry ladies. It’s ok”, the driver suddenly said, shocking the both of you. You thanked the driver and got out, grabbing your bags and heading into the hotel. You went to the front desk and asked for a room. “I already have a room for you ladies, here’s your key. Don’t worry, it’s already paid for”, the lady said, handing you your keycard. You were confused as to who could have done that. The only people who know you’re out of the country are the guys but, how did they know the exact hotel to pay for?
You decided to let it go and grabbed the keycard and went to your room. You used the keycard to unlock your room, and went inside. You saw two king size beds, a flatscreen tv and a bar. You didn’t care who paid for the room, since you were in love. 
Your sister threw herself on one of the beds, which made you laugh. You did the same, and felt like you were on cloud nine. Being in an expensive hotel room, a bar full of wine and staying with your sister was your ideal heaven. If only Johnny was here. You sighed and closed your eyes, feeling the jetlag getting to you. 
It’s been about 3 months since you left Seoul, and you were sitting on the edge of your bed, applying your red lipstick to your lips. “Wow, you look nice”, your sister said, admiring the black dress you were wearing. You smiled at the compliment and put your heels on, grabbing your purse. “You sure you don’t want to come out with me?”, you asked, watching your sister use a towel to run through her wet hair. “I’m sure. I’ll probably have an early night. I’m tired”, your sister yawned, you cooed at your younger sister. “Well, see you when I get back”, you said, and placed a kiss on the top of her head, waving her goodbye as you left the room. 
You left the hotel, heading to a bar, your purse swinging with every step you take. You were admiring the building around you, not looking where you were going when suddenly, you knocked into someone. Your purse fell on the floor, everything falling out of it. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry”, you said, bending down to pick everything up. “It’s alright, honey”, the familiar voice rang in your ears, making you look up. After 3 whole months, the man you love with your whole life is standing in front of you.
“Oh my god, Johnny”, you yelled, not caring if people stare at you, as you stood up and threw yourself in his arms, tears rolling down your cheeks. “I missed you so fucking much, oh my god. Is this real? Holy shit”, you rambled on, Johnny’s laughter ringing in your ears. You pulled away from the hug and inspected him. His black hair was now a light brown, and his hair was longer. Your appearance had changed too: your hair, which was down your back, was now just above your shoulders, and dyed brown. “Where are the others?”, you asked. “Oh, we actually found an empty building and decided to use that as our new base. The others are there now”, Johnny said, and you still couldn’t believe he was standing in front of you. 
You just couldn’t help but stare at Johnny. You were so used to seeing him wearing shirts and dress pants, so seeing him wearing tight clothes just…. did something to you. His muscles were exposed by the white t-shirt he was wearing, accompanied by a pair of ripped jeans which made his legs look longer, and his favourite pair of black boots. 
Johnny smirked as he saw you staring, more specifically at his muscles, and his laughter brought you out of your trance. “Love, you’re staring again”, he said and you blushed. You may have a habit of staring at Johnny whenever his muscles were exposed and even though he didn’t say anything about it, he chuckled to himself whenever he noticed. 
“Oh, you gotta come see our hotel room. It’s so fancy, there’s a wine bar and a flatscreen tv. We felt so expensive just being in there”, you said and Johnny chuckled, following you back to the hotel. Just as you got a couple of feet from the hotel, a massive explosion blasted you backwards, your back hitting the ground with a thud. “y/n!”Johnny ran towards you, helping you up. You saw the whole hotel on fire, a hole in the building. “No, my sister is in there. MINA!”, you shouted, trying to run towards the hotel, but Johnny stopped you. “LET ME GO”, you cried out, struggling against him.
“I know she’s your sister, but you can’t go in there. You’ll get yourself hurt. Let me go”, Johnny said, and ran into the burning building, leaving you there by yourself. You stood there for a few minutes and without thinking, you ran after Johnny, not caring if people called for you to not go in there. 
The flames burned against your bare arms, the fumes stinging your eyes. The sound of broken glass getting crushed under your shoes, along with other pieces of debris from the building. You headed straight to the stairs and ran up them, careful not to trip. You managed to reach the floor you were staying on, pushing pieces of debris out of the way. Smoke clouded your vision, making it hard to see or breathe. The sound of people screaming for help and out of pain were heard from all directions, the sound bringing tears to your eyes. 
Through the fire and smoke, you saw someone carrying a person. The silhouette came closer and you realised it was Johnny carrying your sister. The feeling of hope inside you soon turned to dread as you realised, Mina wasn’t moving. Johnny saw you and he ran towards you, firefighters moving behind you.
“Miss, you shouldn’t be here. As for you young man, come on”, the firefighters guided you downstairs, making sure you were out safely. You left the burning building and coughed your lungs up, feeling smoke getting into your lungs. You were guided to an ambulance, a paramedic putting an oxygen mask over your mouth. You breathed in the oxygen, soon feeling better.
You saw Johnny placing your sister on a stretcher, another paramedic doing CPR. The paramedic did it for a couple of minutes when you soon saw him shake his head, and stepped backwards. You screamed, tears spilling out of your eyes. Your sister was the only family you had left, and now she’s gone. You took the oxygen mask of you, and ran towards her, her pale face covered in burn marks and cuts. You fell to your knees, holding your hand. “No, please. You’re not supposed to leave me so soon. Wake up”, you cried, Johnny putting a hand on your shoulder, everyone looking at you crying. “WAKE UP”, you screamed, startling some people from how loud your voice was. 
You stood up and watched the paramedics take your sister's lifeless body away, putting her in the back of the ambulance. You felt your blood boil, wanting to kill whoever did this. Johnny held your hand and took you to his car, clutching your purse in your hand. 
Johnny sped to the base, his hands gripping the steering wheel, his fingers going white. You had a face like thunder, feeling so angry at the fact that your sister was killed, no, murdered. Johnny arrived at the base, you looking at how big it was. Johnny slammed the brakes on, turning the ignition off. You took your seatbelt off, got out the car and slammed the door behind you, storming into the building. 
You opened the door, walked in, and saw Jaehyun. “y/n?”, he said, and you walked up to him, hugging him tightly. He hugged you back, and you cried. Out of anger, sadness, tiredness and just because you’re so done with everything. Jaehyun rubbed your back and Johnny walked in, seeing the two of you. “What the fuck happened?”, Jaehyun asked, seeing the state the both of you were in. 
“The hotel y/n and her sister were staying in? Some fucker thought it would be funny and blow it up. And now Mina is dead”, Johnny said, voice full of anger and frustration. “Shit”, Jaehyun said, pulling you in tighter. You pulled out of the hug and straightened your dress. You wiped down your dress, getting rid of any dust and smoke that went on it. 
Johnny showed you to where your room was, and you stripped yourself down, your bare body feeling the sudden cold. You walked into the ensuite bathroom and decided to get a shower. 
The warm water ran down your back, the water relaxing your muscles. Your tears suddenly got mixed in with the water, sobs leaving you. You felt someone behind you, engulfed you in his arms. Johnny turned you around, burying your face in his chest, running his hand through your wet hair. 
You pulled away from Johnny and held his cheek, bringing his face down to you, and attached your lips to his. The taste of your salty tears mixed in with the water, the kiss deepening. Johnny pushed you up against the wall gently, holding your hips. You moaned softly into the kiss, his mouth swallowing it up. He stuck his tongue in your mouth, making you gasp. You pulled away, stopping before the kiss escalated. 
You both washed each other's hair and body, and got out of the shower, wrapping a towel around your bodies. You finally felt clean, no longer covered in dirt and ash. You left the bathroom and got dried and dressed, flopping down on the comfy bed. Johnny got into bed after you and pulled you into him, putting your head on his chest. The sound of his breathing lulled you to sleep, falling into dreamland.
It was the day of Mina’s funeral, and you looked at yourself in the mirror. Your bold red lip stood out from the natural eye makeup you had on. You slipped on your black jacket over your dress, smoothing the material down. You put on your boots, and walked out the bedroom. You stood there for a moment, trying to keep your tears in. Johnny walked up to you and held his hand out, a sombre expression painting his face. 
You held his hand and you left the building, heading towards Johnny’s car. Johnny started the car and drove away, following the hearse in front of him. He drove with one hand and held yours with his other, putting it to his lips and kissing it every now and then. 
You arrived at where the funeral was taking place, and you got out of the car. You and Johnny looked at each other for a moment before you walked forward, hand in hand, towards the building. 
The entirety of the funeral was full of crying. It was just you and the guys at the funeral, along with the vicar. It was now time to bury her body, all of you standing round the coffin. You all said a little something before the coffin was lowered into the ground. You looked up and suddenly saw someone walking away, and you let go of Johnny’s hand. “I’ll be right back”, you said through sniffles, and Johnny watched you as you walked away, going towards the figure in all black. 
You caught up with the figure, calling out to them. “Hey, what are you doing?”, you asked, trying to keep your voice steady. The figure just stood there, not moving a muscle. “Hey, asshole, I’m talking to you”, you shouted and it got the attention of the others. They all turned their heads and saw you trying to get the attention of a mysterious individual.
The person suddenly turned around, showing their face. They had a scar across their face, going from the corner of their right eye down to the corner of the left side of their mouth. The man in front of you gave you a sickening grin, taking a gun out of his pocket, aiming it at you. You didn’t even flinch when the gun pointed at you, your eyes just staring at the man. You had no facial expression, you just stood there, emotionless. The guys saw the gun and went to help but you turned to look at them.
“Please don’t get involved, ok? I want you guys to stay there and let me handle this”, you said, sounding rather calm, which scared the others, especially Johnny. They’re not used to seeing you like this, so it frightened them to the core. 
You walked slowly towards the man, taking the gun off him gently. The fact that you were being so calm right now made the man confused, wanting him for you to be scared and scream out. You held the gun and aimed it at the man. 
“How many?”, you asked, your voice sounding calm, which was the total opposite of the rage you were currently feeling. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, darling. You need to be specific”, the man said, smirking at you. “How many of you are left?”, you asked again, being more specific this time. “I don’t know”, the man just replied, shrugging his shoulders. But you didn’t like that.
“HOW MANY ARE THERE?!”, you suddenly shouted, startling everyone around you. The man jumped backwards, fearing you all of a sudden. “It’s just me. I’m the only one left”, the man said quickly, hoping you would believe him. “I swear, I’m the only one left. I’m not lying”, he added on quickly, your face still emotionless.
You looked down at the ground, lowering the gun. The man sighed out of relief, thinking he’s now safe. You suddenly looked up again and stared at him for a few seconds. “Good”, that’s all you said before you pulled the trigger, shooting him right in the head. His body hit the ground with a thud, you dropping the gun to the floor. You turned around and walked towards the guys, ignoring their expressions. You walked to where your sisters had been buried, and just stood there. The guys suddenly appeared behind you, Johnny wrapping his arms around you and putting his chin on the top of your head. “I love you, Mina. Rest well, my angel”, you said, a tear rolling down your cheek. You all went to your cars, hoping your new lives in London would get better. 
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peanutpinet · 6 months
Girl i need more of Johnny ans flower that was soooooo goood. If i understood correctly that requests are open could you do like a scenario where flower and medical girl are somehow together in thr nct tower building and ot goes on lockdown due to an attack pn it so jphnny and taeyong havw to save them together!?
Ours - Mafia Leader! Taeyong x Medic Girl & Mafia! Johnny Suh x Flower
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Official TY’s girl name: Kim Eunji
Official Johnny’s girl name: Chrissanna Lee
A/N: hi anon! I’m glad you enjoyed reading my recent Johnny mafia fic and even read some of my old fics, literally the first NCT fic I’ve ever made. So sorry that it took me so long to write this for you since I was travelling and have been caught up with some freelance work and also recently started a new job which tbh I don't like :') but I hope that you enjoy the story and I'm sorry if it doesn't meet your expectations >.<!
Also, also!! Let me introduce you guys the official names for Taeyong’s medic girl: Kim Eunji and Johnny’s flower: Chrissanna Lee. Lil easter eggs of previous mafia fics
It was a rare peaceful day in NCT. Mainly because all the tasks that Taeyong had to take care of was actually done and he was just going looking over at his members’ businesses when his girlfriend and nurse, Eunji came by to his office, bringing him his lunch.
“Hey. I hope that I’m not interrupting anything boss” Eunji asked as she went into Taeyong’s office where Taeyong was with Doyoung and Johnny
“You would never interrupt anything” Taeyong smiled, standing up to greet his girlfriend with open arms and kissed the side of Eunji’s head
“Stop that. Your members are here. Hi Doyoung, Hi Johnny” Eunji greeted the other members
“Hey. It’s been a while Eunji. Sorry to ask you this but how’s Chris? Is she doing better?” Johnny asked, still worried about his girlfriend despite it being a few months since he got rid of the people who made them have PTSD
“Hey. She’s doing much better. She’s opening up more and we’re actually going to hang out together tomorrow” Eunji mentioned, grabbing both Taeyong and Johnny’s attention
“Tomorrow? Is that one of the reasons you wanted to come here and see me?” Taeyong sulked, making Doyoung fake vomit as Eunji kissed his cheek
“No. But I might as well say it whilst on the topic” Eunji replied whilst also handing over some paperwork from the lab
“And this is why I don’t want you coming when there are other members around. We don’t get any alone time and I barely get to see you” Taeyong sighed but Eunji just kissed his cheek, massaging his shoulders
“Well, Mr Leader, we just came back from a one-week trip together. Don’t you think that that’s enough for now? You know that it takes time to train the new recruits” Eunji mentioned
“Eunji is right, hyung, the new batch of recruits takes a lot of time to train because of how incompetent most of them are. The girls especially try to flirt with the dream members but you know how annoyed the boys with girlfriends are” Doyoung mentioned
“You should see Jeno almost wanting to strangle a girl because she was bad-mouthing his girlfriend when she managed to find her socials” Eunji added on, making Taeyong rise his eyebrow
“Jeno took care of it. He had Haechan broadcast a whole Twitter thread that that girl made” Eunji chuckled, remembering that time
“That’s Haechan. You can try to tease him but when it passes a line, he’ll make sure you’ll regret it” Taeyong mentioned, knowing his younger member’s habit of ruining someone’s life through hacking
“So, Eunji. You and Chris? You guys going tomorrow?” Johnny asked again
“Yeap. We’re not going anywhere crazy, trust me. We’re just going into town for a bit and we’ll come back to the NCT HQ. Is it alright to show her around the HQ?” Eunji asked
“I think that’s best. We’re actually going out on a mission tomorrow so if you can make it back before it gets dark, it would be better” Johnny mentioned, making Eunji look at Taeyong
“I too was going to tell you that I’m going to be out tomorrow but you came here first so, here we are” Taeyong shrugged, earning a light smack from Eunji
“How many of you guys are going to be out? What’s the mission this time? I can postpone my outing with Chris if you need me” Eunji asked but Taeyong stopped her by turning to hold her hands in his and kissed them
“No need for that. It’s just some light fieldwork. It won’t take that long anyway. We’ll be back by sundown. That is if Johnny doesn’t mind leaving his girlfriend for one day that is” Taeyong teased but Johnny just eyed him
“I’m not possessive. I just prefer if I was there with her but since Eunji will be with her, I’m completely fine. Chris has always wanted a girls day out” Johnny mentioned. “Thank you for looking after her, Eunji. I really appreciate it”
“Of course, John. It’s the least I could do after everything you’ve all done for me” Eunji mentioned
“Ehem, we should get going. Jaehyun told me that the others are already waiting for us” Doyoung mentioned, interrupting the conversation, making Eunji giggle
“You take care, love. Use my card. If I find you not using it, I’m gonna block yours. Don’t think you can fool me about that” Taeyong mentioned, wrapping his arm around Eunji’s waist as he, Eunji, Johnny and Doyoung left Taeyong’s office together
“I will. You guys take care of yourselves” Eunji mentioned, kissing Taeyong’s cheek
“We will. Call me if anything happens” Taeyong replied as Eunji nodded before Taeyong kissed the side of Eunji’s head one last time before she left the elevator first
The Next Day
Just as Eunji told Taeyong and Johnny the other day, she and Chris would be going out on a girls day together. Eunji and Chris went to the NCT HQ first and met up with their respective boyfriends who gave them each their own credit cards and made each girl promise to use the given cards instead of their own.
After spending almost all morning at the HQ, Eunji finally finished her paperwork and handed back to Xiaojun before bidding her boyfriend goodbye to spend the day with Chris.
“You tell me if anything happens, alright? We might be back by night but if anything should happen…” Taeyong rambled but Eunji shut him up by pecking his lips
“We’ll be alright, Tyong. We’re just going to have some lunch and then shop around town for a moment. We’ll meet you guys back at the HQ. I promise I’ll call if anything happens” Eunji replied, Taeyong still holding onto her hand
Sighing, Taeyong stood up and cupped Eunji’s face, his face softened. “Alright. I’m not going to hold you back any longer. Johnny just texted me that he’s waiting downstairs to send you both off. I’ll see you tonight then” Taeyong kissed Eunji’s cheek and let her off
After bidding Johnny goodbye as well, Eunji and Chriss went into town and headed to a local’s favourite brunch spot and after they’ve seated and ordered their food and drinks, they finally get to have some girl time.
“Do you work at the HQ every day or do you get to go on field missions?” Chris asked, making Eunji look at her
“Mainly in the lab. Ever since the incident, Taeyong hasn’t really let me go on a field mission on my own. I would always have to go with at least 2 of his members or with him. Otherwise, I won’t be allowed on the field” Eunji replied
“You went through a traumatic experience too?” Chriss asked and Eunji smiled back at her
“It wasn’t as bad as yours. Mine happened at the HQ and during one of the fieldwork. Both were because someone from within the recruits was a mole. It wasn’t as bad, trust me. I’m alright now. I was lucky honestly. I did have a trauma with guns since I was little and Taeyong helped me with it. I’ve gotten better” Eunji told Chriss who gave her a sad smile
“I guess we were both lucky to have met such amazing men and people to help us. I was completely alone for years and I didn’t think that Johnny would be the type of person that he is today. Or even when that night that I almost tried to leave but he stopped me” Chriss mentioned
“I know that it’s still hard for you to open up but trust me, you’re safe when you’re in the main circle. No one is judging you. Every other member in the main circle have their own traumas and difficulties. Even Taeyong who’s the leader and is supposed to be the strongest and toughest member. We all have our nightmares and different ways to cope them” Eunji mentioned
“How do you handle being part of this whole thing? I heard that you were one of their recruits back then” Chriss asked as Eunji sipped her coffee
“Well. That’s a long story. But to cut it short, I didn’t have such a happy childhood like yours. My parents were killed in front of me. By the time the police and the government found me, I was so weak and bloody. They took me in but trained me to be part of the NCT recruit system. Eventually, I joined the recruits and rose in the ranks. I partially think it was because since a young age I had to learn everything on my own. I also had to survive on my own. But despite being able to excel in just about anything. I couldn’t overcome my trauma with shotguns. Not necessary that I was afraid of shotguns but I just couldn’t shoot anyone in their vital parts. Especially when someone is holding a gun within an arms range towards me. I would be petrified. It happened once and I fainted on the spot. That’s why since then Taeyong won’t really let me go on field missions without any NCT members” Eunji replied
“Is it scary? To fight and see all the gruesome scenes?” Chriss
“It was in the beginning. But as time went on, the more I trained, the more used to it I was. Well, except for my trauma. But one thing that you should believe me is that the neos will try their best to keep their woman out of anything that relates to the mafia. Even if how they met their woman was through some traumatic experience like you” Eunji tried to reassure Chriss
“Now that last part I believe because Johnny has not told me anything about the mafia. He would tell me a bit of the entertainment agency he runs but aside from that, nothing” Chriss chuckled
The two girls talked and went around town, buying some things for themselves and their boyfriends until they saw that the sun was about to set. Realising that it was going to get dark soon, the two girls took the car back to the NCT HQ and told their boyfriends along the way who were still out with the majority of the NCT team on a field mission.
Arriving back at the HQ, the two girls went up to the top where Taeyong’s office was because aside from the NCT members, Eunji too had access to Taeyong’s office.
Feeling bored waiting for their boyfriends, Eunji invited Chriss to go on a little NCT HQ tour which she was more than happy to go because despite being in the building, Chriss has never actually explored the building because whenever she was with Johnny, he would just bring her to his office or the other NCT members’ office.
The two girls then headed through each floor with Eunji being the tour guide and explaining most of the rooms in the building. Because most of the people in the building knows Eunji, she would often stop by and greet them. Sometimes she would even check in on some of the new recruits.
In the midst of their tour around the building, suddenly, the building went on lockdown due to a breach in the system. Yangyang who was still in the HQ announced to the entire building to stay calm but Eunji grabbed Chriss and headed to where Yangyang was.
“Yangyang!” Eunji exclaimed, grabbing the young member’s attention
“Eunji! What are you doing here and is that…” Yangyang uttered
“It’s Chriss, Johnny’s girlfriend. What happened?” Eunji asked, striding to Yangyang who was overviewing the control room
“Someone tried hacking into the system. Haechan and Jungwoo are working on it. I’m helping them however I can from over here. Winwin, Hendery, and Chenle are searching around the building. Taeil, Doyoung, and Renjun are checking on the recruits and everyone to make sure that everyone is alright” Yangyang informed Eunji
Looking at each of the security screens, Eunji noticed that not all parts of the building were monitored. “Yangyang, what about the floor between 1 and 2” Eunji whispered
“Eun, I doubt anyone besides our internal members knows about that floor. No one should even have the access key to that floor because it’s DNA and facial recognition security” Yangyang replied back
“But you never know. I’ll go then” Eunji uttered
“Eun. Taeyong-hyung is not going to allow that. We’re in complete lockdown. Several of our members are already going around and the others are on their way back from the mission which they succeed by the way. You and Chriss should stay here and that’s final” Yangyang stated
“You’re forgetting something” Eunji stated, walking towards the door, grabbing Chriss with her
Yangyang who realised what Eunji was going to do tried to rush to her but she immediately disappeared behind the door along with Chriss.
“Hyung. I think we need to change our plans” Yangyang stated in his intercom
On the Secret Floor
“Was this place always here?” Chriss asked as both she and Eunji went into the elevator and Eunji pressed both the first and second floor while scanning her ID card
“Since the building was built. This floor is sacred and only the main NCT members and certain staffs…”
“Like you?”
“Like me. Gets their ID card with a specific chip for this. It’s sacred because, on this floor, we keep our top weapons that are still under development. Some of them can be deadly because they’re still unstable. Even if an intruder comes here and steals the weapon, it’s fine because it has a self-destruct system if an unknown person touches it. But the blueprint on the other hand, that’s what I worry about the most. No one should be able to get their hands on it” Eunji mentioned
As the door opened, Eunji instructed Chriss to stay nearby as they made their way through the floor and headed to where the weapon design room was. Going into the room, Eunji went through every single desk to make sure that all the blueprints were there but in the midst of going through the blueprints, Eunji felt something was off and immediately grabbed a backup weapon and turned around to point it only to meet the intruder who held Chriss as their hostage.
“I think it would be best if you put your weapon down and hand over all the blueprints” the intruder spoke, the knife he held almost pierced through Chriss’ skin until I let down my weapon
“You really think this is smart? I think it would be best that you let her go and turn yourself in before you regret it” Eunji tried to sound tough even though deep down she was shaking from the fear of what the intruder had up their sleeve
Within seconds, there were multiple footsteps that came but knowing NCT, those weren’t the typical footstep sounds that they would make and Eunji was right because there were some other intruders who turned out to be pretending to be some of the cleaning staff in the NCT building.
Both Eunji and Chriss were then captured by the intruders and used as hostages to get out of the building. The intruders took the majority of the blueprints that were in the room and were about to head out from the floor when the lights were suddenly off and gunshots filled the hallways along with loud combat boots sounds.
When the light came back on, the majority of the NCT members came, cornering the intruders who were on the floor, bleeding out as the members shot them but not at their vital organs. At one corner, Taeyong came forward while on the other corner was Johnny who did the same thing. Both men looked at the intruder who looked like he was going to pee in his pants but instead of shooting them or doing anything violent, both men moved forward and softly took their girlfriends away from the scene as the other members took care of the intruders.
NCT Penthouse - Taeyong’s penthouse
Back at Taeyong’s penthouse, both Taeyong and Johnny immediately got their girlfriends treated by Kun and XIaojun. After they were treated, Taeyong softly asked Eunji what exactly happened because Yangyang only told them that there was an intruder in the building and that both Eunji and Chriss were heading to the secret floor.
Once Eunji told them everything, both Taeyong and Johnny looked at each other and though the two of them want nothing more to torment the intruders, they knew that taking care of their girlfriends came first.
Taeyong decided to cook for the four of them while Johnny prepared some movie night to calm both girls’ nerves even if he and Taeyong were still angered at what happened.
“I’m sorry” Eunji spoke, grabbing Taeyong’s attention who was softly playing with her hair as she was laying on his chest while Johnny and Chriss were back at Johnny’s penthouse
“What are you sorry for? If anything I’m sorry for always getting you stuck in these kind of situations” Taeyong replied
“It wasn’t your fault, bubu. Plus, I was a recruit before I was your girlfriend. It’s still my duty to deal with these things” Eunji mentioned
“I know. I know you’re still apart of all of this and as much as I want to offer you a normal life, I know that I can’t just yet. But I’m grateful how understanding you are with all of this and how patient you have been with the situations. I just wish that you wouldn’t be so stubborn and go out of your way to deal with this on your own. At least ask a member to come with you” Taeyong lectured while Eunji just draw circles on his chest
“Lil rose…” Taeyong called out, making Eunji stared at him but decided to tease him by softly kissing his jawline, making the mafia leader groan in frustration before turning their positions around and pining the girl underneath him
“Don’t tempt me, babe, I’m already frustrated and annoyed about the intruders” Taeyong warned but Eunji wrapped her arms around her boyfriend
“I’m not. Plus, you’re not the only one that’s frustrated” Eunji smirked before squealing as Taeyong suddenly lifted her up
“Well then, let’s both relieve that frustration, shall we?” Taeyong smirked, softly pecking Eunji’s lips before carrying her to his room
Johnny’s Penthouse - Johnny’s POV
After we’ve had dinner and watch a movie at Taeyong’s penthouse, Chriss looked tired so I decided to let Taeyong know that we would be heading back to my penthouse first before anything else we have to do.
Back at my penthouse, Chriss and I were chilling on the bed while we watch through her favorite show, Avatar the Last Airbender. In the midst of the show, I noticed that Chriss fell asleep and smiled to myself knowing that she was able to rest despite what she had to go through today.
But right when I tucked her in, I noticed that her breathing was out of control and she started to stir around in her sleep. Worried, I immediately sat next to her and gently shook her until she woke up.
When Chriss woke up, I handed her some water before getting under the covers next to her, wrapping my arm around her small body. “It must’ve been scary”
But as I expected, Chriss just cuddled closer and grabbed my shirt, nodding her head. “I know that Eunji is one of your friends here but why did you take the risk and followed her when you know it could be dangerous?”
“B-because, I want to help her. I want to help you” Chriss let out, looking at me with her doe eyes which makes me want to just squeeze her tightly and never let go
“Flower. You’re too sweet but it makes me worry you know. I’m worried that something worse could’ve happened even if it didn’t. I know you’re bored staying here on your own and just going to college but I’m still worried about you. If you wanted to train some self-defense then I can help with that but other than that, I wouldn’t want you to be involved in anything dangerous, okay?” I rambled on which made Chriss chuckle
“What’s so funny? I’m being serious here. I’m worried you know that” I groaned but Chriss hugged me tighter
“I know. But you look funny when you ramble like that. You like more approachable this way” Chriss chuckled, making me smile bigger
“Only for you that is” I smiled, bringing Chriss closer and kissed the top of her head, being with her until she fell asleep
NCT HQ - 1:27 am (3rd POV)
After both their respective girlfriends finally went into their slumber, both Taeyong and Johnny headed back to the NCT HQ together and once arrived, they immediately headed to where they would always keep their captives.
Reaching one of the rooms, the two met up with Jaehyun along with Yuta who were both waiting for them. “Apparently they’re all just some kids. Well, they’re practically in their late teens, early twenties but kids nonetheless” Yuta stated
“I doubt they’re kids if they’re as old as some of our younger members. They’re old enough to take responsibility for their actions” Johnny scoffed but Taeyong made no comment
Instead, Taeyong made his way into the room and unlike previous rooms, this one actually looked like a classroom with the teacher’s desk in the far front and there were around 20 desks and chairs in the room. Only instead of students, the room was filled with the intruders who tried to steal from them and were tied down to their chairs.
“Were you really going to hurt them?” was all Taeyong asked to the intruders, specifically targeting towards the leader amongst them
When he didn’t hear any answer Taeyong sighed and went up towards them and in a blink of an eye, Taeyong managed to scare everyone by pointing one of his knives by the leader’s throat, making them swallow their saliva.
“Yuta was right. You all should be grateful that you’re just a bunch of kids. Granted that you’re as old as some of our youngest members. But that doesn’t mean we won’t discipline you. Isn’t that right, Johnny?” Taeyong stated, looking at his fellow 95 line mate who looked at the intruders with a smirk
“Of course. What kind of leaders are we if we don’t discipline troublemakers” Johnny smirked as the two most feared men in NCT tormented their intruders
A/n: I'm so sorry I've been MIA for 2 months but life has been busy. I travelled for 2 weeks, was sick for 2 weeks and now just started a new job, somehow have a lot of freelance to do and yea, life is pretty hectic. But I hope that everyone's 2024 has been good, if not, we're on the same page then.
Also, am so sad that TY is finally going to enlist but I shall wait patiently for his return :') also", does anyone play nct zone? If you do, please message me so we can be mutuals in the game. Kay. I have one more request for the NCT mafia fic. If anyone wants to request anything, even just a simple one-shot, just hit me up. I shall now go back to suffer this office job that I haven't even worked for 1 week yet :))
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delphiealmond · 7 months
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Chaos By A Rose Bush
Pairings ᯓ★ Lee Jeno x Park Jisung / Johnny Suh x Na Jaemin / Mark Lee x Na Jaemin / Johnny Suh x Xiaojun / Wong Yukhei x Wu Yifan / Kim Jungwoo x Lee Taemin / Ten Lee x Lee Taeyong
Synopsis ᯓ★ Ten Lee is a simple guy who moved to Korea to fulfill his dream job as a doctor. Lee Taeyong is trying to keep everyone safe as much as he can. Wong Yukhei is trying to take over the world. Neozone is well known for keeping the streets of Seoul, South Korea safe. though the people think otherwise. Neozone creates deals with other mafia groups that try to fight against them, and Neozone is known to take down other mafia groups that try to cross their path. Except for one. Lumidome is China's most wanted Mafia group. They are the most dangerous, with members who are strong, smart, independent and dangerous. They want Korean territory. Will Neozone be able to protect their home from invaders?
Warnings ᯓ★ 18+, Swearing, guns, shooting, Blood
Wong Yukhei looked out at the shimmering stars above Sha Tin District. It was a late night as he stood on his complex balcony. His elbows rested against the railing as he looked among the city lights. It was going to be a long time before he saw Sha Tin District again. He was headed to Seoul in the next few hours. Even though he was infatuated with his position and where they were seated, it didn’t fit with his satisfaction of expanding globally.
Lumidome. One of the highest-ranking mafia groups in China, or even among the top ten in the world. People didn’t understand the position of the mafia. Tested their limits and only found out when it was too late of what they were capable of. They overthrew their rivals in a matter of hours in one single night. Their leader, Yukhei, was known to be cold, stone-faced. He had a temper if someone messed with him the wrong way. A person was lucky enough to see the day light at all if they pissed him off.
“Yifan, reports?”
Yukhei’s voice was emotionless as he turned to face the older man sitting on a red velvet couch, wine glass in hand. Yifan had been with Yukhei since they were in middle school. His demeanor didn’t faze Yifan, he was used to the younger being stone faced. He had promised to follow Yukhei in all his activities. Whether they be bad or good. And he just wound up to be part of the bad.
Yifan swirled the wine in his glass before he took a sip.
“Our position here in China will remain the same. Everything will run as per usual. A jet is ready to take off whenever you seize to be ready, boss. Passing through the Korean border shouldn’t be an issue, and if we leave soon, there’s a chance we could be there before midnight.” He replied professionally. His eyes glanced at the younger’s cold expression.
Yukhei hummed in response with a small nod. He expected nothing more and nothing less from the one he trusted most. He leaned against the railing, his arms crossing over his chest as he eyed the older.
“What’s on your mind?”
Yifan set the glass down on the table in front of the sofa before he leaned back, crossing his leg over his knee.
“What we’ll do once we arrive in Korea.” Yifan replied honestly. There was no need to tell a lie to the younger one whose eyes were glued to him.
“Well, we will do exactly what we did once we arrived here.” Yukhei pushed himself off of the railing and stepped inside. “Take over and rise to power. And with you by my side, it should be easy.” He ran a hand through the others blond locks. An act that Yifan grew accustomed to over the years.
“You will be by my side, right?” He muttered. Yifan gave a soft expression to the younger.
“Always by your side.”
“Good. Because I want you to be with me when I take over the world.” Yifan hummed.
“Who is our next target?”
“Simple. Neozone.”
The sun was just setting as a perfect evening ended in a small little pet shop in the center of Seoul. The glow of the sunlight and the colours of the night settling in glimmered through the store windows as Ten went around, making sure to give the pets food for the evening. With the occasional pet to the puppies and to the kittens, Ten double checked that all animals were set for the night with clean cages, and fresh food.
There weren’t many people coming in around this time, so Ten decided to start closing up shop earlier than usual. He was the only person working the shift at this little pet shop, and before closing he wanted to make sure that he got everything done before heading home for the night.
Being raised in a poor family, Ten learned to never slack off during his tasks, and at the moment he needed all the money he could earn. Ten had moved from Thailand to Seoul to pursue his dream of becoming a general surgeon. Although his mother was against it, he still left home to be taught at the finest universities in Seoul. But as a medical student, his mother didn’t send him money due to his run off, so he had to earn every last penny he could.
He needed a way to fend for himself, as well as pay tuition and rent.
Ten honestly didn’t mind at all though. Aside from his studies and the lack of friends, he needed to find a way to keep his mind occupied otherwise. Working with animals always made him forget about his worries, so he figured that this job would be the best to work as he worked away on his studies. If people at the university told him to “try harder” or “work hard”, it wouldn’t matter to him. Ten’s goal was to make his mother happy, to get her approval of his career choice.
Ever since he moved to Korea, he hadn’t made many friends at all. Perhaps it was because he was a foreigner. Or maybe because he focused too much on class and didn’t bother with socializing. Perhaps it was even because he was too focused on his studies or even his job. But in the end, it didn’t matter what he did with his time besides study and work. He had a goal to reach, and if he could reach it, it would make his world seem better.
He was just about to turn off the OPEN LED lights, when a friendly face got his attention and made him smile.
“Taemin?” At the sight of the older man, Ten opened the door and gestured for him to come in.
“Hey, I-sorry to bother you, but I just wanted to check and make sure that you were okay?”
“oh, thank you. I’m okay, I was just making sure that the pets had fresh clean cages and fresh food to have for the night. Come in.”
So far, Taemin was probably Ten’s only friend in Korea since he arrived. Despite seeing the older man walking home from the windows of the pet shop, or sitting outside with him during his lunch break, Ten grew fond of the olders’ presence. Seeing him and spending time with him, Ten slowly stopped seeing Taemin as a casual visit, and more like an older brother he could count on.
“What are you doing out tonight?”
“Oh, just heading down to the café shop before it closes to get a coffee. I decided to stop in and make sure you were doing well.” Taemin stated, glancing at the clock to check if the café would still be open at this hour.
“I see. I hope you get there in time and get yourself a nice warm drink! It’s getting a bit cold out during nights now.”
Taemin gave a small nod and leaned against the counter of the shop, watching the younger clean up the last little bit of the mess.
“I hope so. But I want to make sure that you get back home safe tonight. It’s not safe during dark hours around here. There are bad people out there and I don’t want to see you get hurt.” Taemin announced, going to the shorter and giving him a small hug.
Ten enjoying getting these small hugs from Taemin. It made it feel as if he wasn’t as alone as he was here in Seoul. He gave him a hug back, before smiling to him.
“Don’t worry. I’m closing up shop now and I’ll head straight back to my apartment. But you be careful out there as well okay?” Ten suggested, putting the broom and dustpan away.
Taemin gave a hum in response with a nod.
“Don’t worry. I’ll be alright,” Taemin headed back to the door and smiled to the younger. “I’ll see you later okay?”
Ten gave a smile back to the older and waved.
“I’ll see you later. Bye!” Taemin gave a small wave back before he left the small little pet shop.
As Ten watched the older walk off towards the café, he realized how late it was getting. The sun was no longer visible, but the colours of the sun set still lingered among the darkening sky. He flipped off the OPEN sign lights and grabbed his bag off the counter in one swift motion.
He grabbed the keys and left the shop, saying a small goodbye to the pets for the night. Locking up, he put the keys in his bag and headed on home. Although the walk through the darkening streets didn’t help his paranoia, what Taemin said earlier started to creep into his mind further. The silence of the walk back to his apartment was eerie as he sped walked his way back.
Once he finally made it back to his apartment, he fumbled with his keys a bit before he finally got inside. Leaning back against the door of the apartment, he closed his eyes and gave out a relieved sigh. He locked the door as soon as he could and placed his bag on the counter top.
The place wasn’t much, small, and not very crowded by furniture, but it was all he needed until he finished University. He could live off of ramen noodles and cheap looking wallpapers until he was able to move into a place more suited to his style.
“Damn it Haechan! Stop it, I swear you're gonna blow our cover!!”
“Geez Mark, okay okay… I was just trying to make the mood a little less stressful.” The blue haired boy pouted, crossing his arms. He was clearly upset from the olders words about the fact of his humming.
“He’s right, Hae… Boss trusted us with this mission, no one else could do the task. That’s what he said.” Jaemin spoke up, reminding him of their situation at hand.
The Dreamies. Aka – the innocent but deadly members from Korea’s largest and deadliest mafia groups, Neozone. Neozone is known as one of the world's largest and toughest mafia groups and is black listed on each police station in the globe. Dreamies were the youngest sub unit of that mafia. Unlike most teens their age, these few were reckless and a physical danger to the streets of Seoul. If you mess with their brothers, their family, they’ll make a mess of you on the side of the street. Wide and open for the world to see.
But these few do have their own restrictions from their boss. Although they were minors, they weren’t allowed to do what some of the older members were able to. No clubbing, no overdosing, and no going out past midnight unless they had Mark or Sehun with them. And most definitely. No. Killing.
“Where’s Taemin? Wasn’t he supposed to be going with us tonight?” A red-haired boy announced from the back of the car, slightly annoyed that their hyung wasn’t present.
“Jeno… He’s with boss tonight, across town. We’re merely waiting for the call-in case they need our help as backup. That’s why we gotta keep an eye out the windows.” At the mere comment, all the boys in the car turned their eyes out of the window in panic of being yelled at.
“Wait… Wait! Where’s Jisung?!” Kai practically screeched, in search around the car for their maknae.
“Relax, he’s just in the trunk.” Sehun responded unfazed.
“Oh, okay. Wait what?!”
“Cool it. He has his phone, and there isn’t much space in here for him anyways. He’s fine.” Mark stifled a laugh behind his hand before he turned his attention back to the windows.
Kai at that very moment wanted to throw hands with Sehun. But he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, running a hand through his white locks.
“Okay.. fine, I guess we just wait then.”
Meanwhile, in the quieter part of Seoul, Taeyong sat in the driver’s seat of his sleek black Mercedes-Benzes. His face was stoic, but his eyes glistened with hostility as he awaited the arrival of their rival.
“Boss, you usually don’t come out here… What’s the change?” Taemin and Taeyong were both sitting in the car for nearly over an hour and both men were becoming impatient. Because of Taeyong’s high rank within Neozone, he was usually never on the field. Most of the dealing jobs belonged to the Dreamies or the BLINKS. But apparently, this job was too risky and dangerous for those members to be out on the prowl.
“Somethings come up Tae. Rivals from China decided to slither their ways into the Korean borders. Someone’s gotta stay.” Taeyong stated, his voice blunt but firm, steady. But it couldn’t help Taemin’s curiosity build up in his chest.
Taeyong tilted his head to look at the older member next to him. “Yeah. They’ve already started to wreak havoc in Lotto. Unit 127 is already there with some of our allies, defending that part of the town. These new guys most definitely didn’t come here to play nice.”
“But then why aren’t we there with 127 now?”
“Their leader wants to send us a message. I know it’s risky, but it’s better than having them enter our territory. At this point, we’re not quite sure who we’re dealing with.”
Taemin nodded in understanding. He didn’t want to push Taeyong’s boundaries any further, and especially now wasn’t a time to let their guard down. Despite being in the gang world, Taeyong being younger than him, Taemin saw Taeyong as a younger brother he didn’t get to have growing up. But while in gang speak, Taeyong was his boss.
As another 15 minutes passed the two by, finally a large black Lincoln pulled up from the depths of the darkness around them. Windows tinted all black. If it were anyone else in this position, they wouldn’t have minded the car with any suspicion. But Taeyong knew better than that. His grip on the steering wheel tightened, turning his knuckles white.
Taeyong felt something was wrong in his gut, but the moment a window rolled down and a barrel of a 22-calibre gun appeared in the window, he knew.
“Shit! It’s a tra-!”
Before the younger could even finish his sentence, the first bullet was blown out of the barrel and slammed into the windshield. Not enough to shatter it, but enough to give a message.
Taeyong became furious. He backed the vehicle up as fast as he could, as Taemin beside him loaded his gun.
“I guess that’s our message!”
“I’m calling the Dreamies!” Taemin snapped, the phone already pressed to his ear. “Sehun, get over here now! We’re on the other side of town, close to the university campus!”
As Taemin made the call, Taeyong’s knuckles were white from the tight grip on the steering wheel. He drove wickedly fast, tires screeching around every corner he whipped around. Passing through red lights, just skimming the chances of getting hit.
“Hey! That was a red light!!”
“Damn it Taemin, does it look like I care?! There are no red lights in a damn car chase!” Taeyong fumed. As they continued to speed down the streets of Seoul, going faster by the mile, so was their rival’s bullets. Closer and closer to breaking glass and popping holes in the tires. Taeyong had enough of it and was ready to hit back.
“Take the wheel.”
“What?!” Taemin shouted.
“Jesus-take the damn wheel Taemin!”
Taeyong jumped into the back seat while Taemin moved into the driver’s seat in one fell swoop. But he didn’t dare give a second to forget about his seat belt. The younger surged through the duffel bag stored away in the back seat and loaded a gun. Without a second thought, he leaned out the window, his red fiery hair flaming as fierce as the flames of rage in his eyes. He aimed and shot the driver and must’ve hit for the car swerved as they sped off, hitting a lamppost.
After a few minutes of silence and the hum of the car, Taemin finally broke the silence.
“I think… we lost them.”
“Shit! Look out!!” Neither of the members had time to react, as their rival hit their car head on, forcing the car to stop, crushed against the escalade.
When Taeyong finally deemed back to his senses, he saw three figures exit the escalade, and so he readied his gun and exited his own.
“Sup, assholes.”
“So sorry about that. You must be Taeyong. What my dearest pleasure to finally meet you! It’s such a shame we have to be on terrible terms.” A tall guy with blonde hair stated as a snake-like smile slid across his face.
“what do you want?” Taemin demanded. He stepped out of the car alongside Taeyong. Both of their barrels pointed to the tall blond.
“you’re boss.”
“And why do you want me?” Taeyong’s posture didn’t falter. His stance emanated dominance. If there was anything he valued more than his gang, it was his pride.
“how do I put this… Our leader wants to negotiate… some things with our so-called rivals, and that involves you and your gang Mr. Lee.” The blond stated.
“You’re going to have to go through me first.” Taemin loathed, taking a step forward, his entire body shaking his rage.
“So be it.”
One of the two didn’t hesitate to charge at Taemin as both of them aimed to rip each other apart. Despite Taemin’s height, his opponent was stronger and threw him against the window of the Mercedes, completely smashing it.
Going back to his own opponent, Taeyong turned around just in time to pin the taller one against the door of the Mercedes by the neck. The taller swallowed and smirked down to the shorter.
“oh, kinky.”
Taeyong rolled his eyes and pushed the man onto the ground, foot against his chest and gun aimed at his head. But before he could even pull the trigger, a sharp pain entered his torso. He groaned and dropped the gun, clutching his side which was turning crimson red. His hands clutched his shirt against a deep blade wound as he faltered down to his knees. Taeyong struggled to pull himself back to his feet but was met with stars and a rush of pain. He glanced back behind him to be met with a woman wearing a bandana.
She raised an eyebrow at him and held up a knife which was now covered in blood. She knelt down, wiping the blood off the knife on a bandana from her pocket.
“I like your eyes Mr. Taeyong. They’re beautiful…”
“Seulgri, no.” The blond stated, standing as he dusted off his pants. “Boss wants him alive.”
“I’d listen to your friend,” Taeyong wheezed. “He seems to be the smarter of the two.” Even though he was beginning to bleed out, Taeyong still found the strength to give an evil smirk.
This made Seulgri growl, as the other lady grabbed her gun and walked around the car to join sides with her.
Before either of them could lunge forward at Taeyong, a small car slammed into the three, sending them flying against the road.
“Are we late, boss?”
“Just on time, Mark.” Taeyong groaned, forcing himself up into a sitting position.
Taemin got up off the ground and touched the wound on his forehead. His hand was covered in blood before he noticed Taeyong’s injury was worse.
“oh my god, you’re bleeding!”
“No Shit Sherlock!” Haechan yelled from the back of the car.
“Boss, what do you want us to do?” Sehun then spoke up, even through the situation, his expression remained the same as his voice barely faltered.
“Take the Dreamies back to the zone. Get inside and lock up the building. No one goes in and no one goes out.” Taeyong slurred, feeling himself fall in and out of consciousness. There was no way he would be able to make it to the hospital in time, and never mind being arrested once he arrives.
“but what about you? We can’t just leave you here!”
“Jaemin, there is no time! It’s fine, I know where to go now, get back to the zone and lock up!” At this point, most members forget how aggressive and demanding the soft hearted Taemin could be.
He had already lifted Taeyong. An arm around his waist, keeping Taeyong close to him. He could only think of one place to take him.
“I’ll see you soon.”
“Now Jaemin! Go!” Jaemin knew that there wasn’t time to fight with Taemin. He smacked Mark’s arm and Mark sped off.
Taemin gave a small nod before he pulled his attention back to Taeyong, whose eyes were closed as his skin was already turning pale. “Hey no! Open your eyes!” He demanded, worried that if the younger's eyes closed, they would never open again.
Taeyong could barely open his eyes, as he mumbled, “Taemin, I’m dying. You gotta get ou-“
“No! No Taeyong! I’m not leaving you! And you’re not leaving me! You promised me!” The guilt washed over Taeyong. He did promise. Both promised to stick by each other's side through thick and thin.
Taeyong had a family, and that was too much to lose. “Fine.”
After minutes of staggering around the alleyways of Seoul, Taemin turned the corner of run-down apartment buildings. At this point, the older member was practically dragging the younger. He struggled to contain his tears through the hallway, mumbling incoherent words through his quiet sobs.
Taemin finally made it to the last door, and desperately knocked on it. Over and over again. After a brief moment of silence, the door finally opened.
Notes : Welcome to my creative little mind!! I've had this story under my belt for a few years now, and I really wanted to post this because of my dear bestie @hyuuukais! I hope you guys enjoy the story, I've worked really hard on it and spent a bunch of time on it! It's my baby!! The inspiration for this was literally a collection of nct music videos and I went "oh! I wanna write a mafia story!" and well here we are! It's gonna be a long one, so jump in for the ride! If you wanna be in a taglist for this story, don't be afraid to reply and ask (18+)!
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lillotus17 · 2 years
okay so like a couple months ago I posted that I really wanted to write an NCT MARVEL AU FF... I might have deleted it I honestly cant remember I also added other SM ARTIST as side/extra/antagonist characters in the plot and right now im currently debating if i wanna find more Marvel characters that I think fit Shohei, Eunseok, and Seunghan.. idk lmk. im still working on the first few chapters and the moodboards of all the characters but it's going to take a while and i've been working very slowly since i am currently in school and have a part time job because in this economy... oof a girl's really struggling. anyways here is a small draft (with no mood board sorry im still woking on it :( ) of which MARVEL Characters the NCT members are going to be portraying
Playlist: Villian by Key ft. JENO | Hero by Martin Garrix and JVKE | Wish you were here by SUPERM | more to be added!
Lee Taeyong as Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers)
okay so i actually considered Iron Man, Falcon, Captain America, and gamora in mind for Taeyong but Iron Man matched johnny a bit more because of his personality and jaehyun suited captain america more imo
taeyong still fits a character with a strong leadership role, cus i mean cmon NCT tired dad/leader-nim
Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel is just tryna fit in and find herself/remember who she is and she finds out that she's a super powerfull highkey baddie and HELLO? Taeyong is that
she has a strong and emotional sense of leadership, willingness to help and protect others and like come on is that not tayeong???
she's (one of) the first avengers and asdfghjkl;
so yeah
carol danvers is a baddie
taeyong is a baddie
Moon Taeil as Moon Knight (Marc Spector)
okay so like
this kinda just clicked? lmaoo i feel bad- well more like a geek but like MOON Taeil and MOONknight
i finished watching the MoonKnight series on Disney+ a while ago and loikeeee
Marc Spector is a hot SOB
steven grant asdfghjkl; dont get me started
oki tho im like lowkey debating if I want to include Marc's multiple personality but like he's not Moonknight with out steven soooo
might add a little twist to it
but Taeil gives me more Steven Grant vibes than Marc Spector ngl
he's a lil nervous anxious dork yknow?
did consider falcon and war machine for taeil though..
like tony and rhode's relatinship screams johnny and taeil LMFAOO
idk might make some changes...
Seo Youngho/Johnny Suh as Iron Man (Tony Stark)
cocky lil shit and a sexy ass mf
like tell me it doesn't make sense?
homie just wants to spend money and build suits
smart, hot, and rich? yes please
his wit and smart mouth
like imagine johnny "Jae (Cap) you've got a potty mouth"
tony has a heart(?)- there's proof LMFAOO
his sense of humor just screams johnny
had star lord (peter quill) in mind for him too
Nakamoto Yuta as Winter Soldier (James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes)
one intimidating bitch
but a highkey softie
gonna kick ur ass if u fuck with him or anyone he cares about
highkey mysterious
did consider hawkeye, war machine, and falcon for him tho
also considering changes in characters lmk what yall think too!
Qian Kun as Dr. Strange (Stephen Strange)
man can fly a plane
lmaoo sorry that literally has nothing to do with him being a doctor but tell me why in every goddamn MAFIA AU i read, he's the medic
his relationship with yangyang and ten remind me of dr. strange and wong lmfaoooo
lowkey a perfectionist/perfect man asdfghjkl
Kim Dongyoung/Doyoung as Dare Devil (Matt Murdock)
had hawkeye, war machine, and falcon in mind for him
war machine cause of his sense of duty and seriousness- and his relationship with johnny also reminds me of tony and rhodes
also thought about making him nebula (and falcon) cus of his relationship with taeyong
anyways matt murdock is a hot mf
a lawyer? yes please
doyoung likes to argue cus cmon 127 is always on his ass for no reason headahhh lmfaooo
ngl thought there were a lot a members and i did put some thought into this and he matched daredevil best imo
Li Yongqin/Ten as Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff)
bad bitch right here
assassin, bad bitch
have you seen the way he moves?
have you seen the way she moves?
no words, no explanation, it just is and it just makes sense
like fr let's argue
IM JP don't come at me
had hawkeye in mind for him too
Jung Yoonoh/Jaehyun as Captain America (Steve Rogers)
america's ass
like cmon manz representative emoji is a peach
can't really put my finger on it either
like maybe it the masculinity (not meant negatively tho!) and altruism in the both of them(?)
both hot as fuck for no reason
other characters that i think suited him were falcon, winter soldier, (kind of) hawkeye, and black panther
Dong Sicheng/Winwin as Hawkeye (Clint Barton)
oki so i did have black widow in mind for him
and if im being honest it was kind of hard to settle with hawkeye for him
winwin is someone is focused and serious much like clint barton
i mean cmon man was a dancer and that shit takes dedication and patience
like learning how to use a bow and arrow
also had vision in mind for him too
when i first started to get into NCT winwin kind of came off as a timid person, and he's not really affectionate so it kind of screamed vision vibes
Kim Jungwoo as Quick Silver (Pietro Maximoff)
his cute lil personality
"bet you didn't see that coming?" ackkkk
is a caring sweetheart
like pietro wants nothing but for his sister to be happy and protected
jungwoo makes his members happy
Wong Yukhei/Lucas as Thor
okay so like NCT 2018 Halloween special kind of took over
personality wise, lucas and thor are kind similar(?)
like their sense of humor
thor is lowkey the most laid back avenger despite being a prince
and most of the time i can't take lucas seriously
also another character i was kinda of iffy unsure about
idk maybe its just me but lucas seems like the type that would shy away from responsibilities and his asgard duties as king for something more chill
then again thor did do that soooo...
Lee Minhyung/Mark Lee as Spider-Man (Peter Parker)
do i even need to explain?
lmaoo oki so like i was reading a post about how some people don't like mark
which i lowkey found hard to believe but then it made sense
like no disrespect
anyways I do believe mark is a hard working person and he does try to be humble about it but like also its okay to bathe in the glory and be shameless- then again easier said than done, again no disrespect- i love mork
pure hearted and true to himself
much like peter parker
Xiao Dejun/Xiaojun as Shang Chi (Shaun)
lmaoo man is 1/3 of wayv's walking meme group
every time im on tiktok lmfaoooo
lmao i guess the way i picked theses characters to match the members is based on the relationship the members have soo
lmaoo shaun's relationship with katie reminds me of luxiaodery (is that the correct name for them?... wayv 99 liners)
again hot asf
like imagine xiaojun in the bus fighting scene
Wong Kunhang/Hendery as Ant Man (Scott Lang)
also 1/3 of wayv's walking meme group
man is fxcking hilarious
another "do i even need to explain?"
just makes sense
lmaooo well actually i did consider Star Lord for him
Huang Renjun as Yelena Belova
okay so hear me out
i though of gamora or nebula for him too
lmao he's a tiny lil agressive man
ready to bite at any moment
very deadly
snarky (<< affectionate) and witty like Yelena
"i don't get my period dip shit. i don't have a uterus" *said with a russian (chinese) accent and the fact the renjun doesn't have a uterus*
like that line screams renjun lmfao
Lee Jeno as Black Panther (T'Challa)
RIP to Chadwick Boseman
when mark graduated from dream *sad noises*
jeno gave me hard leadership vibes
like he filled the role so well without actually filling it
and i've noticed how popular he's become lately with all these stage collabs with other idols
prince king jeno
nice ring to it ;)
sense of what is feels right and does what he believes is right
wants to do well for himself and his members
did consider him for hawkeye and falcon
Lee Donhyuck/Haechan as Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff)
sassy lil birchhh
haechan is a very caring person and althoug sometimes it seems like he's acting a certain way to hide his feelings i do believe he is very emotionally inteliegent- however he is kind of impulsive (emotionally)
reminds me of wanda
powerful bitch, like hello vocals?
fight with so much effort and purpose
needs support and is his members number one supporter
Na Jaemin as Falcon (Sam Wilson)
oki so like
this was also a toughy
consider hawkeye, black panther, winter soldier, dare devil, war machine, and a bunch of other... also docor strange cus mans wanted to be a surgeon if he wasn't an idol lmaooo
but tbh no characters really ever stuck with me for jaemin
he's lowkey someone is doesn't gaf and doesn't want to be here but still knows how to have a good time or make up for time
serious and yet isn't
loyal and supportive to his members
Liu YangYang as Kate Bishop
lmaoo renyang and kate and yelena vibes
like "bro what if i killed you, (renjun/yelena)?"
but like he didn't soo???
lmaooo curious and nosy
liek sticks his nose into everyone's business
whether its for funsies or a mission
but he does well in getting whatever information he needs
gave me loki vibes tho
Osaki Shotaro as Vision
he's so cute ackkk
kind of came off as an awkward lil bean to be but i think that was just because of the language barrier with the other members
but it also a reason why i thought he was a good fit to portray vision
cus they're bother still learning
not afraid to ask questions
supportive and kind of goes along with things
a bit naive and questions his morals or rights and wrongs
fast learner imo
Jung Sungchan as War Machine (James Rhodes)
okai so like
idky but i though he would have been a good match for star lord
kind still iffy ish because is he young and although this is a ff i fell like he would have matched a younger role/character
also thought he would have been a good fit for shuri
can't really say much
i feel bad cus this is a bit more of a last pick
i really did want him to have a character that was more interactive with shotaro since that are really close
also thought of a cloak and dagger duo for sungtaro
again might make dome changes so lmk yall's opinion
like im tryna take this seriously and make it make sense but also im not cus again this is for funsies
Zhong Chenle as Loki
again, im sorry but another "do i even need to explain?"
boy is hella mischievous with that lil smirk he always has
when he messes around with his members, esp jisung
lmao poor jisung
like "oh yall need an illusionist you say? no problem lessgo fuck around with some bad guys"
i know he's supposed to be a lowkey two-faced, flippity floppity bad guy but idc im making him good
cus deep down loki does have a good heart
Park Jisung as Shuri
hear me out
i know he doesn't seem like the brightest but like he really is
and i know yall agree because hacker!jisung?
yeah, that's what i thought bro
considered vison for him too
and kate bishop
and groot- well like a modified hybrid version of him
big brother jeno and little brother jisung duo
just yeah
Shohei, Eunseok, and Seunghan
okay so like
im not really sure what marvel characters suit them best
im tryna stray from X-men charcters
but idk might have to make some changes
js that haechan might justbe switched to deadpool cus cmon
and as i was writing this i had a bunch of second thoughts about with members were portraying which characters
im a bit of a perfectionist as you can see
Anyways! thanks for reading this and please feedback is and will always be appreciated! again i apologized for my pace! i am currently on winter break but im working so i haven't had much time to write anything :(.
anyways comment and reblog if you wanna see what i have in mind for other SM Artist and who they'll be portraying!
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smileysuh · 11 months
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works. 19 I words. 197k
solo works. 6 works featuring other members. 13
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Heart Aches - Jaehyun
💕 preview. Your ex finds your sweet spot as easily as ever, as if it hasn’t been two years since his tongue stroked this specific patch of skin and made your whole body tingle with pleasure. You let out a shaky sigh, threading your fingers through his hair and relaxing against the pillows. “Don’t leave me again,” you whisper. “Never again,” he promises.
tw/cw. foreplay, fingering, mutual masturbation, hand job hand fucking, spitting, finger sucking, inklings of oral fixation, praise, dirty talk, pining, reminiscing, breast worship, teasing, Jae being a simp, unprotected sex, handholding while fucking, Jae is pretty vanilla but pent up as hell, etc… I pet names: (hers) baby.
🌸 rating.18+ explicit I wc. 5.3k
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Christmas Puppy - Jaehyun
💕 preview. “God, you’re so jealous,” you laugh. Your best friend’s brother doesn’t usually act this way, at his frat, everyone knows you’re his, no one would dare come near you- but here, in your hometown, surrounded by past crushes and would be romancables, it’s open season, and it’s clear that it’s making Jaehyun uncomfortable.
tw/cw. multiple sex scenes, airplane sex, best friend's brother Jae touching reader while his sister is drunk/asleep next to them, fingering, multiple orgasms, phone sex, dirty talk, praise, slight stalking/use of snapmaps to obsess over a crush, jealousy, unprotected sex, Jae is a munch, sibling antics, 'loser' jae, exhibitionism, directed masturbation, etc… I pet names: (hers) angel. (his) puppy.
🌸 rating.18+ explicit I wc. 11k
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Racer - Jaehyun
💕 preview. You feel like a chew toy caught between two rottweilers, and it kills you to give Jaehyun one last look before turning your back on him, following your brother to his car. Jaehyun is watching you as you get in, and when you close the door, you let out a deep breath you hadn’t realized you were holding. “I know, what a killer race,” Johnny grins, starting his engine. “Could have been better though, he could have actually died.”
tw/cw. car crash/injury, Johnny maybe slightly tried to kill Jaehyun, illegal street racing, protected sex, dry humping, blowjob, hand job, pining, praise, slow sex, slight wrist restraint, admitting you love someone while balls deep, sweet dirty talk, hair pulling, etc… I pet names: (hers) Lil Suh, baby.
🌸 rating.18+ explicit I wc. 6.7k
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Arranged - Jaehyun
💕 synopsis. you give your arranged marriage to mafia!Jaehyun a chance.
cw/ tw. arranged marriage, unprotected sex, multiple positions, soft dom Jaehyun, etc…
🌸 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 3.5k
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Team Captain - Jaehyun
💕 synopsis. Jaehyun is a notorious lady killer. He’s captain of the soccer team and everyone on campus wants him… except for you, Yuta’s best friend. A camping trip featuring some of the rowdiest members of the frat ends in drinks and a game of truth or dare, there’s laughs, horny men, and way too much pining to be healthy, just another day with NCT House.
cw/ tw.  lots of shenanigans in the frat, lots of dirty talk, finger sucking, Haechan exposing secrets, semi-exhibitionist/public sex, unprotected sex, oral (f receiving), switch x dom(switch)power dynamic, multiple orgasms, choking, biting, pet names, etc…
🌸 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 14.2k I frat au
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Heat - Jaehyun
💕 synopsis. He’s a hot, young, rich, alpha in an all alpha pack, and he’s been sugar daddying you and taking you on public dates for a while now. You finally decide whether or not Jaehyun is the alpha who gets to claim your omega side
cw/tw. a/b/o au, abo class systems, power dynamic focus, mentions of werewolf men being creepy to omegas, inclusion of omega on heat, sugar daddy Jaehyun, knotting, sex without condom, breeding kink, multiple rounds, alpha Jaehyun, fingering, cum stuff, baby making, dirty talk, etc...
🌸 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 5.8k I a/b/o au
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Cam Baby series - Jaehyun I ft. others
💕 synopsis. Jae makes you regret not coming to see him earlier for your cam show.
cw/ tw. cam sex,dom/jealous/competitive Jaehyun, choking, overstimulation, oral (m/f receiving), face fucking, fingering, biting/marking, petnames, daddy count (2), submissive reader, ‘fucked you stupid’, begging/worship kink, etc…
🌸 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 5.2k I 1 part
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Switch Series - Jaehyun I ft. Johnny & Haechan
💕 synopsis. Ceo!JohnJae celebrate welcoming a new CEO into the NCT Empire, and when they find out that he has a crush on you, their girlfriend, Jaehyun gets jealous and invites Haechan to join a night of fun. But the tables turn when Haechan turns out to be more of a switch than the sub that he appeared to be at first.
cw/tw. 4-some, soft dom Johnny, dom Jaehyun, switch Haechan, oral (f/m receiving), extreme pussy eating, BIG DICK Haechan, Petnames, sub to dom Haechan!!!!, whiney Haechan, multiple orgasms, unprotected sex, spanking, slight degradation, man handling, voyeurism, etc…
🌸 rating.18+ explicit I wc. 29k I 4 parts
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Send In The Clowns - Jaehyun I ft. Mark & Haechan
💕 synopsis. “She’s not the reason we’re dressed as clowns,” Hyuck is quick to insist. He’s such a good liar. Jungwoo would almost believe it, if you hadn’t told him your Halloween clown plan. It’s no secret to you that your three frat friends all have crushes on you, so you’d decided to tell Jaehyun about wanting to fuck a clown, just to see who would actually follow through with the costume. You’d expected one, maybe two- but here are all three men, dressed as exactly what they are: clowns. And it’s obvious to Jungwoo that they think this is their own idea. As if you’re not the puppeteer behind this all. God, Jungwoo loves having you as a best friend, even if your bucket list includes a frat clown Halloween orgy with three of his best friends.
cw/ tw. clown kink? orgy, foursome, unprotected sex, semi-inexperienced reader, oral, blow jobs, pussy eating, cum eating, squirting, fingering, masturbation, guided masturbation, spanking, choking, spit-roasting/Eiffel tower, cum/filling kink, praise, dirty talk, first time anal, cock warming, double penetration, triple penetration, multiple reader orgasms, dacryphilia, overstimulation, deep throating, face grinding, etc… I pet names: (hers) barbie, babe, baby.
🌸 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 10.6k I frat
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The V Week Spy - Jaehyun I ft. Jungwoo, Haechan, etc...
💕 synopsis. Every year, seven days before Valentines day, sororities and frats are paired together, and eligible himbos, hoes, bimbos and fuckboys alike volunteer to be raffled for a chance to become the year’s V Week Spy. V Week is open season, with outings and parties tailored to be the perfect excuse for sexscapades, with the knowledge than 1 boy and 1 girl are undercover, grading sexual performances. Once the week is over, at the annual Valentines Day Party, the evaluations are presented- It’s a bad time to be unsure about someone’s feelings towards you, and an even worse time to fall in love.
cw/ tw. multiple smut scenes, fingering, oral (f receiving), mentions of mirror kink, lots of sexual implications, dry humping, boob worship, corruption kink, dacryphilia, service dom, dirty talk, praise, dom/sub themes, ‘service dom’, thigh riding, unprotected sex, etc…
🌸 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 20.1k I frat
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Sandwich - Jaehyun I ft. Jungwoo
💕 preview. He watches Jungwoo kiss you, lifting you off the ground and spinning you around, announcing to the world ‘my good luck charm ducky baby!’ and if Jaehyun didn’t love his roommate so much, he’d have barfed at the sickly sweetness of it all… Or maybe from the jealousy. But he’d never admit that to himself.
cw/ tw. threesome, exhibitionism, unprotected sex, shower sex, spit roasting, praise, inklings of hand/size kink, deep throating/choking, oral, etc… I petnames. (pretty) duck/ducky
🌸 rating.18+ explicit I wc. 11.6k I frat
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Home - Jaehyun I ft. Yuta
💕 synopsis. A lot has changed since university, but at the same time, so many things are very much as they’ve always been. Jaehyun is wonderful, but doesn’t fully meet your needs, and your best friend Yuta is as enticing and eager to please as ever- things have always been up in the air, and when you make a decision that fractures everything- you find yourself pondering the age old question: where is home.
cw/ tw. multiple sex scenes, so much Oral (f/m receiving), exhibitionism, unprotected sex, ‘daddy’ count (2) im sorry, sir, dom!Jae, switch dom leaning! Yuta, Yuta is a massive tease, overstimulation, dacryphilia themes, phone sex, masterbation, teasing, BDSM themes, shibari, toys, blindfolds, handcuffs, vibrators, Love Triangle jealousy as dirty talk, shower sex, degradation, praise, lots of man handling, body worship, spanking, spit roasting, face fucking, deep penetration fixation, etc…
🌸 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 34.6k
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Marks - Jaehyun I ft. Johnny
💕 synopsis. your soulmate sold your soul to not one but two demons.
tw/cw.: ex Haechan, threesome, some dirty talk, oral (f receiving), unprotected sex, choking, tiddie worship, multiple orgasms, fingering, etc… I pet names: (hers) princess, kitten.
🌸 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 14.2k
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Soft - Johnny I ft. Jaehyun
💕synopsis. Jaehyun’s never been able to deny the fact that you and Johnny are simply soulmates. But he can’t deny the way he feels when he starts to see your body changing due to your pregnancy, and your lover, Johnny, has always been a very non-jealous type, which honestly, probably makes the whole situation that much harder . 
cw/ tw. Jaehyun verified pregnancy kink ya’ll, he wants all up in those mommy milky knockers … i mean, sort of, no sex while pregnant, romanticization of pregnant body ?, pregnancy kink, unprotected sex, ‘daddy’ in a pregnancy kink capacity, the SOFTEST SMUT etc …
🌸 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 8k
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Birthday Boy - Jaehyun I ft. Johnny & Doyoung & Taeyong
💕 synopsis. There’s only one thing Jaehyun wants from his friends for his birthday, and that’s a taste of their girlfriend. She’s already used to dating three idols, what’s one more?
cw/ tw. fivesome, oral (m/f receiving), unprotected sex, spit roasting, no anal, sploshing/nyotaimori/food play, dom Johnny/Jaehyun/Doyoung, switch reader/taeyong, dirty talk, daddy count (4), sir, choking, biting, marking, bdsm themes, slight bondage, overstimulation, shower sex, jealous Doyoung, vouyerism themes, it’s just a LOT, etc…
🌸 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 13.1k
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Invidious - Jaehyun I ft. Johnny
💕synopsis.  You’re Johnny’s fuck buddy and usually, he doesn’t care about who you’re sleeping with. Until he sees a bite mark that looks awfully familiar on your ass.
cw/tw. Dom/jealous!Johnny, giver!Jaehyun, daddy kink, choking, size kink, degradation, spanking, oral (m receiving), fingering, unprotected sex, spit roasting/double penetration, cum play, facial, etc… I petnames. (hers) princess, baby girl, kitten, little slut, etc…
🌸 rating.18+ explicit I wc. 4.1k
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mint-yooxgi · 3 years
In Your Debt - Yandere!Mafia!Johnny X Reader
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Yandere AU & Mafia AU - Based off of This Drabble and its Sequel
Genre: Mature, Horror, Angst, Smut (Slight Asphyxiation, Master Kink, not as intense as you might think, but there's a desk involved!)
Pairing: Johnny X Reader
Words: 22,730
Warnings: Some mentions of slut shaming and instances of physical violence. This is a Yandere story, it will contain themes such as stalking, violence, obsession, possessive natures, and just general overall creepiness and swearing. You have been warned.
A/n: Here it is!! Woo!! Damn, I definitely didn't think I would be able to finish this before I had to start getting ready for work, but here we are!! I'm really happy I managed to finish it, as I really wanted to get it out before I had to leave for work. I really hope you all enjoy this one, and I advise you, there's quite a bit of foreshadowing in this one, so hopefully it comes across well! I do not believe Johnny would act like this, for this is just my interpretation of the archetype. As always, I hope you enjoy this one (hopefully as much as I've enjoyed writing it)!! Feedback is greatly appreciated!!
The night is calm, the moon shining brightly in the sky, contrasting the internal storm raging inside of you as you race to your shop. Worry swirls inside your chest, the air cool against your skin despite the uneasiness you feel.
Something’s wrong. Something is definitely wrong, considering you got an alert of an unknown entry from the front of the store not even two minutes after Minju texted you to meet her there. Both of you only ever use the back entrance at this time of night. You just hope that you make it there on time, and that she’s okay.
Reaching the corner, you halt all movements and attempt to catch your breath. You take a moment to assess the situation from the outside, noticing how none of the windows seem broken, nor does the door look forced from where you’re standing. In fact, the shop looks practically untouched, but then again, you cannot see too far into it from your position at the corner of the street.
Your brow furrows, checking the notification you got once more, sure that there had been a break in of sorts and that was the reason Minju texted you to meet her here.
Swallowing your nerves, you quickly take the final steps towards your shop, deciding not to waste anymore time. Rushing in, you freeze in your spot.
“What is the meaning of this?” You do your best to maintain the steadiness of your voice despite the panic that wants to seep in as you walk in on the scene before you.
Your eyes are slightly wide as you see your business partner, Minju, being roughly held by her hair as she’s forced to her knees. Her hand desperately holds onto the one in her hair, as if to lessen the pain of it being held so roughly.
Two more men stand off to the side, one guarding the back, while the other one guarding the front smirks at you, appearing from behind the front display. You know for a fact that he let you pass, only serving to raise your suspicions as he moves to stand behind you now, blocking your only rational exit.
Crossing your arms, you turn your gaze towards the final man. This one is directly in front of Minju, looking down upon her with a smug expression on his features as he crouches to be in her face. You swallow the dryness in your throat as he stands, his attention now being drawn to you with a pleasant expression on his features.
“Ah, so nice of you to join us,” he hums, taking a step towards you and noticing how you stand your ground.
See, this is exactly why he likes you. Strong, even when faced with the threat of the unknown.
“Who are you, and what the hell are you doing in my shop?” Your brow furrows, straightening your back slightly to appear more menacing than you feel.
“Oh, where are my manners?” The man chuckles. “Name’s Johnny Suh, and you owe me money.”
“Excuse me?” Your eyes widen in disbelief, blinking a few times as you look at him, dumbfounded.
“Hmm, maybe I should be more specific,” he grins. “It’s not you that owes me money, but rather your partner here.”
The way he spits out those words as he rounds on Minju has your blood running cold. Clearly, there’s something more going on than just simply owing someone some money.
You can hear Minju let out a whimper as the man holding her hair tightens his hold, her whole body flinching as her face contorts in pain.
“Minju,” your eyes reflect nothing but worry as you meet her fearful gaze, “what are they talking about?”
“Oh?” Johnny’s eyebrow raises in amusement. “You mean you didn’t tell her?”
“What? Tell me what?” You’re started to become irritated by how smug he’s looking, but you know you can’t do anything. At least not yet. Not with four men standing menacingly around you. You’re pretty sure that you saw the gleam of a gun earlier on one of their waists, too.
“Your little partner here took quite a loan from us to start this business with you, and now she can’t pay it back when it’s due,” he says, sharp eyes locking on Minju’s trembling figure.
“How much does she owe you?” This can’t be happening right now.
“And I suppose you’re going to pay back her debt for her?” Johnny muses. This is going exactly as he planned, and he could not be happier.
“How much?” You manage to get out through gritted teeth.
At the amount Johnny tells you, you nearly fall over on the spot. That’s nearly triple what you make in two months, and then some. There’s no way you have enough money to pay him back right now. Hell, you don’t think you’d be able to gather that sum even if he gave you an extra six months.
“Minju, what the fuck!” You round on her, seeing tears already staining her cheeks. “I thought you said you got the loan from the bank?”
“The bank didn’t approve,” she replies, voice barely a whisper as she avoids your gaze. “I know how much this business means to you, so I wanted to do whatever I could to help you live your dream.”
“Minju,” your eyes soften. She only had your best interests in heart, but she was led down the wrong path it seems.
“Yes, yes, so sweet,” Johnny rolls his eyes, a bitter taste in his mouth at the way you’re looking at your business partner. “Now, who’s going to pay me what I’m owed?”
“Please, if we could just have a little bit more time-”
“No.” His voice is firm. “We’ve already given you an ample amount of time to provide the money. It’s time to pay up what’s due.”
You meet Minju’s pleading gaze, and panic once again builds in your throat.
“And if we can’t?” Your voice is low, barely audible even in this tense silence.
“We have other means in which she can repay her debt,” at his words, the three other men start chuckling menacingly, only causing Minju to sob louder.
“Let her go,” your voice is firm, eyes narrow as you meet Johnny’s pleasantly surprised ones. “She has nothing to do with this anymore.”
Minju looks at you with wide eyes, mouth parted slightly in a gasp.
“Oh, but she has everything to do with this,” Johnny smirks in response.
“No. She doesn’t,” you reply, shaking your head once for emphasis. “This is my business. That’s my name on the sign. Your debt is with me. So, let her go.”
Johnny looks at you with a quirked brow, amusement shining in his eyes as your name falls no more than a plea from Minju’s lips. You meet her gaze, assuring her silently that everything will be alright. She only sobs harder in response.
“You heard her,” Johnny locks gazes with the man still holding Minju by her hair, only for him to release her in the next second after receiving a jerk of the chin from Johnny.
Her sobbing can be heard the whole time as Johnny personally escorts you out of the building, begging you not to do this, and begging for Johnny to change his mind. If only her pleas didn’t fall on deaf ears.
“Don’t worry, Princess, I’ll make sure to take good care of you,” never have his words been more truthful tonight, and you nearly shiver in disgust at the undertone of affection that drips from his tone. Johnny frowns slightly as you move away from his touch, but he shakes it off for the moment. After all, it’s only a matter of time before you’re all his. “From now on, you’re never leaving my side.”
“Like I have a choice,” you spit, eyes narrowing as he opens the door to the car that seems to have pulled up to the curb while you were all inside discussing certain matters.
Sliding into the backseat, you meet his gaze as he closes the door behind you, the click of the lock sealing your fate.
“With me,” he leans against the car, talking to you through the open window with a smug look resting on his face, “you always do.”
Without another word, the car takes off into the night, and you begin to wonder what exactly Johnny has in store for you in order for you to pay off this debt.
The whole ride over your heart races in your chest, your hands having not stopped fiddling with each other in your lap. You eyes frantically take in the scenery around you, committing the route to memory least something were to happen and you get abandoned somewhere in the middle of buttfuck nowhere.
You practically breathe a sigh of relief when you turn upon a long, gravel driveway leading up to a large, private estate.
As soon as you arrive to the mansion, your breath gets stolen away. You didn’t even know an estate such as this one existed so close to the city. The only trouble is, the diver makes you wait outside until Johnny makes an appearance.
A shiver races down your spine at the cool night air.
Not even ten minutes later, a second car is pulling up the ridiculously long driveway, headlight piercing through the darkness as it comes to stop right beside you. You have to jump back a bit in order for the door not to hit you once it’s flung open.
“Why aren’t you inside?” The question is directed to the man who had driven you here.
“You said to wait until you got here-“
“Inside,” Johnny sighs, slamming the door shut a little too harshly. “I told you to wait inside.”
Shrugging off his jacket, he goes to wrap it around your shoulders, but you shrug him off. At his calculating look, you begin to walk behind the driver and to the front door, but not before turning to glance at him from over your shoulder.
“I don’t want to have to owe you any more than I already should,” your tone is blunt, and you turn around just in time to miss the way his fist clenches a little tighter on his jacket.
Letting out a breath through his nose, Johnny is quick to recover. Tossing his jacket over his shoulder, he needs only take a few light steps and he’s already reached your side, hand already finding purchase on your lower back once more. You jolt at his touch, only causing him to frown.
Stepping inside the mansion, you attempt to hide your wonder filled gaze as you take in the architecture. You’ve only ever dreamed of living someplace so grand, that you find it hard to believe that you’ll be kept prisoner here. Hopefully there’s no secret torture dungeon in the basement.
“Come.” Not an offer, but a command. “I’ll show you to your room.”
A frown tugs at your features as you watch Johnny begin to make his way over to one of the two grand staircases lining either side of the grand foyer.
“Almost seems as if you were expecting me,” you mutter, reluctantly following behind.
Johnny says nothing as you ascend the stairs, and your suspicion only grows once he opens the door to a massive room already cleaned and furnished to the utmost care.
“I’m always close by if you need anything,” he says, motioning to the door across from yours with his head. At the way you apathetically look at him, he’s quick to narrow his own eyes, “don’t get any ideas.”
“What?” You huff. “You really think that I’ll sneak into your room in the middle of the night? To what? Kill you?” You roll your eyes, grasping the edge of your door in your hand tightly as you prepare to close it. “I’m not a murderer.”
With that, you slam the door in his face.
The next morning, you’re awoken by whom you can only assume is one of Johnny’s maids. You grumble incoherently as you get out of bed, irritated that what little sleep you had been starting to get got interrupted.
“Good morning, Miss,” she greets you. “I’ve been instructed to get you ready for breakfast with Master Suh. You are to discuss your terms of service with him effective immediately.”
You blink at her until it all comes rushing back to you. Minju. Your shop. The debt. Fuck.
Tossing the covers off of yourself, you follow her to the attached ensuite to freshen up. She protests as you practically force her out of the bathroom, but there’s no way in hell you’re letting someone else help you bathe. You can do that just fine on your own.
“Look, uh…” you pause, not knowing how to address her.
“Justine,” she supplies, and your lips quirk slightly upwards.
“Justine,” you attempt an actual smile, “I can wash up and everything by myself. Though I don’t suppose you could wash my clothes in twenty minutes, could you?”
She looks a bit appalled by your statement, “you have a closet full of clothes at your convenience, I’m certain you wouldn’t need to wash all of them in twenty minutes.”
You blink at her in disbelief, causing her to only tilt her head at you curiously. With a nod of her head, she motions for you to follow her to the closet. Sure enough, as soon as you open the door, you’re greeted with the sight of both extravagant and casual clothes, all ranging in style and colour. There’s a variety in different sizes to suit your taste and comfort, too.
“Okay…” you trail off, taking note of the clothes once more before grabbing hold of the first few items you see that look comfortable enough to wear. At the worried look Justine shoots you, you opt for a nicer shirt out of the collection. There seems to be an unspoken rule about looking more ‘presentable’ in the house, for she breathes a sigh of slight relief when you do.
“I will wait here until you’re done and escort you to the dining room,” she tells you as you reenter the bathroom, only offering her a nod of understanding in return.
Once the door is closed, you’re quick to flick the lock into place. Turning on the water to the shower, you wait for it to become the appropriate temperature before stepping in. As the water runs over your body, you think over all of your options and what you know so far.
One: Minju made a deal with this Johnny Suh in order to get your business up and running. This deal ended with her in a massive amount of debt, which he has now subsequently come to collect on.
Two: instead of leaving Minju to deal with the consequences, you took her place. The last thing you want is for her to come to harm from her well-intended mistake. You know she’s probably already beating herself up from the guilt and grief of this incident, so you’re glad you could at least ease some of the burden off of her shoulders. As long as you cooperate, she should be safe.
Three: you have no idea what Johnny will make you do in order to pay off your debt, but after you left the shop, he didn’t seem all too worried about getting the money back immediately. Plus, you haven’t been thrown in some abandoned lot just to be beaten or killed, or much worse. Just what is he playing at?
As soon as you come out of the ensuite, dressed and ready to go, you notice your bed has been made and the curtains opened to let in the light of day. If only the clear blue sky reflected the somber way you felt inside.
Justine stands by the door. “The Master is waiting. We’ve kept him long enough.”
Without waiting for your answer, she begins to lead you out of the room and down the stairs. You follow behind her with pursed lips, steeling your expression while you prepare yourself for whatever is to come. Perhaps he only wants to lure you into a false sense of security while you’re here, only to rip out the rug from underneath you and laugh as you fall. Who knows what he has planned for you.
Pushing open a set of double doors, you enter what appears to be a grand dining room. As you halt on one end of the table, you look up to lock eyes with Johnny who sits at the opposite end, a variety of untouched food spread before him.
“Ah, so nice of you to finally join me,” he hums, eyes trailing over your figure and causing a shiver of disgust to run down your spine.
“I apologize for the delay, Master Suh,” Justine bows, only to be waved off by him.
“Don’t worry about it,” he replies, gaze never leaving your figure for one second. “You’re dismissed.”
With another bow, Justine takes her leave, closing the doors as she goes. The sound of them clicking into place behind you only serves to seal your fate as you continue to stand stiffly at the end of the table.
“You don’t expect me to call you ‘Master’ while I’m here, too, do you?” Your voice pierces the silence as you meet his gaze. His eyes widen slightly, him nearly choking on his drink as he begins to cough. “I noticed Justine calls you that, so I’m assuming all your other servants do as well.” You take a moment to observe him carefully. “You got a kink for that or something?”
It’s slight, but you swear the tips of his ears turn red.
He clears his throat, sitting a little straighter in his seat, “no. I do not.”
You eye him skeptically, observing him carefully.
“Mmhmm,” you hum. “If you say so.”
“If you’re that worried about what to call me,” he begins, “you can call me whatever you want.”
At this, you quirk a brow in response. Interesting to know.
A moment of silence passes over the both of you. You opt to remain quiet for now, not wanting to expel any more energy than is necessary on him. He doesn’t deserve it, not after what he’s done to you or to Minju. Besides, he could be about to tell you that he’s going to start ‘whoring’ you out in order to pay off your debt, and you don’t want to give him the pleasantness of a decent conversation if you don’t have to. You’re pretty sure you know how guys like him think.
“Sit.” Johnny motions to the chair opposite him with his head, and you know he’s not asking.
Another silence settles over the both of you as you slide into the seat carefully. Swallowing your pride for the moment, you figure it’s best to get this whole situation over with sooner rather than later. It’s best to be prepared, and attempting to take things at your own pace doesn’t hurt. At least this way you can pretend to control the conversation.
“You wanted to discuss things?” You ask, placing your hands in your lap as you stare intently at the empty plate before you.
“I do,” he nods, “but first, let’s eat. You must be starving.”
Your lips tighten into a thin line as you watch him start to gather food onto his plate. Thinking over your next move, you choose your words carefully to gage his reaction. “I would prefer to know the fate of my own life fist before committing to anything.”
“Oh?” Johnny quirks a brow at you, pausing in his movements to observe you carefully. Once he sees how serious you are, he smirks. “Very well. In payment of your debt, I’ll have you working as one of my personal bodyguards. This way, I can keep a close eye on you should you decide to get any ideas.”
“Bodyguard?” Your brow furrows. “I’m not the protecting type.”
“I know,” he chuckles, and again, you feel his eyes roam over whatever part of your body he can see above the table. “Which is exactly why I’ll be training you so you can protect me.”
“Aren’t you worried I’ll use that training against you to take you down?” You counter.
At your remark, Johnny lets out a boisterous laugh. “Darling, there’ll be years of experience between the two of us. I’m positive I’ll be able to handle myself.”
“Who knows,” you lean back in your seat, eyeing the food spread out before you as your stomach twists in hunger, “I may just surprise you.”
“Oh, believe me,” he smiles, taking another sip of his drink, “I’m counting on it.”
A moment of silence passes over the both of you as you let his words sink in. You’re not quite sure how to take them, but what you do know is that they make you tense. Hopefully he isn’t expecting too much from you, but learning how to defend yourself wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing. Besides, you have no idea how long you’ll be trapped here with him.
For the rest of the morning, you remain quiet, not bothering to speak with him any longer than you have to. After all, he did just ruin both yours and Minju’s lives, and your business’ future. The last thing you want to do is suddenly be acting all buddy-buddy with him. He’s an asshole, for crying out loud! At least, that’s what you think.
Once you finish breakfast, you notice him stand from across from you, the scraping of his chair against the floor causing you to shift your gaze to him.
“Take today to rest,” Johnny tells you. “We’ll start your training tomorrow morning.”
Without waiting for you to respond, he takes his leave, allowing you a few moments to yourself. You only wish you could have started this stupid training today. The quicker you get it started, the quicker you pay off your debt, and the last thing you want is to be stuck here any longer than you have to be. Who knows what else he has in store for you, anyways.
That evening, you’re confined to your room. Justine informs you that while Johnny isn’t home, you are to remain in the comfort and safety of your bedroom. You know it’s just code for he doesn’t trust you roaming around on your own yet. Oh well, at least you’ll be able to tell when he’s out or not based on whether or not you’re allowed out of your room.
The room itself is pretty spacious: a large king sized bed, sitting area, walk-in closet, ensuite, and vanity. There’s even a small balcony overlooking the backyard for you to use if you want some fresh air, always in the presence of Justine, though. There’s no telling what you might do if you’re left alone— Johnny’s words, not yours.
Morning comes, and once again, you are woken by Justine. This time, though, she brings you a tray of food to eat before leading you down the stairs. A furrow creases your brow as you continue to follow her into the basement, your heartbeat picking up slightly as you continue down the dimly lit, narrow stairwell.
It’s just as you thought. Johnny wanted to lure you into a false sense of security, didn’t he? They’re finally moving you downstairs into whatever horror filled dungeon where they keep the people indebted to them. At least, that’s what you think. The idea of training completely slipping your mind for the moment until you reach the bottom of the stairs.
A large, open concept space greets you, Johnny already standing in the centre of what looks like a combat ring.
Unknowingly, you breathe a sigh of relief.
“Thanks for bringing her,” Johnny directs his attention towards Justine for the moment. “You’re dismissed.”
Bowing, she sees herself out, leaving you alone in the room with Johnny. You stand in your spot, back straight as you watch him cautiously.
“Well, are you going to join me for our first lesson or will I have to drag you over here by force?” He quirks a brow, and from his lighthearted tone you think that that’s his attempt at being funny. You don’t laugh.
Moving stiffly, you enter the ring, keeping as much distance between the two of you as you physically can for the moment without being suspicious. Unfortunately for you, he notices.
“Relax,” Johnny sighs. “I’m not going to hurt you.”
Your lips purse into a thin line, having to bite back the remark you want to spit at him. Instead, you opt to ask him some questions that popped up in your mind while you were thinking on this matter last night.
“Why are you the one training me? Why can’t you just get one of your other lackeys to do it?” You huff, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Because,” amusement shines in his eyes as he mirrors your stance, and you hate the way his muscles are now on clear display, showcasing just how out of your league you are even if you wanted to catch him off guard, “I don’t trust anyone else to teach you properly.”
Narrowing your eyes slightly, you let out a breath through your nose. This’ll be a long morning.
“Fine,” you uncross your arms, somewhat reluctantly. “Let’s get this over with.”
The next few hours are spent with Johnny going over basic defensive maneuvers and him having you repeat them until he deems them good enough to move on. You even learn how to get into a fighting stance and throw a few punches. Needless to say, you think you impress him, but perhaps his prideful gaze is just a trick of the light. Not that you want to impress him, anyways.
Throughout all of this, one thing still grates at your mind. You still don’t quite understand why he’s making you protect him in order to pay off your debt. It’s better than what you originally thought he would make you do, but still. He could have simply had you work as a maid, or even as a chef considering your business did cater food. So, near the end of your first session, you voice your concerns. “I mean, why go to all this length to teach me combat skills?”
“Because to me,” he takes a breath, something flashing behind his eyes as he meets your gaze, “you’re a liability.”
Geez, you knew you weren’t physically trained for something like this, but you didn’t think he would so bluntly point out your weaknesses. Shouldn’t he be trying to get on your good side if he wants you to protect him?
You frown, and Johnny can clearly tell you don’t like his answer.
“Think about it,” he continues with a sigh. “I’ve already told you that this is the easiest way to keep an eye on you. If I made you a cook, there’s no guarantee you wouldn’t poison the food you serve either me or my people. I don’t trust you enough to be roaming around the house as a maid by yourself. Besides, my bodyguards are paid the highest compensation for the risks they have to take, so I figured you’d want to spend the least amount of time paying off your debt.”
“That’s…” you pause as your eyes narrow at him, “considerate of you.”
“What can I say?” He shrugs. “I’m a nice guy.”
“Yeah,” you scoff, rolling your eyes, “sure.”
“I want you to join me for dinner this evening-“
“Like hell I’m going to agree to that-“
“You don’t have a choice,” his eyes narrow sharply, clearly displeased at your attitude.
“I thought I always had a choice with you.” You throw his words from the other night back at him.
At this, he lets out another sigh, expression smoothing out as he meets your gaze. “Think of it as taking an extra bit of payment off of your debt.”
“So, me spending time with you outside of our little arrangement takes more off of my debt?” You ask him, tilting your head slightly as you quirk a brow and sounding a bit too hopeful for his liking.
“If you want it to.” He frowns.
You huff. Why didn’t he tell you this before? You’d obviously be planning to spend more time with him then, but you have a feeling there’s more to his words than meets the eye. You bet it has to be something he also agrees upon, rather than you just being in the same room as him. Either way, you might just find yourself doing some extra small favours for him in the foreseeable future to help with your debt, and you have a feeling that he knows that that’s exactly what you plan to do.
So then, why does he look so… disappointed?
“We’re done for the day.” He states bluntly, turning away from you. “See you at dinner.”
Without another word, you exit the basement, leaving Johnny to himself. If only your obvious rush to get away from him didn’t make his heart ache in his chest, even if he didn’t necessarily see you leave. If only you had turned around one last time to see the way his fists had clenched at his sides.
Running a hand through his hair, Johnny sighs. This is going to be a long and painful process. For him or for you remains yet to be seen, but something tells him that he’s the one that’s going to end up suffering the most.
Dinner that evening passes much too quickly for his liking, yet much too slowly for yours. Every opportunity Johnny makes to converse is immediately shut down by you, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of acting all friendly towards one another. This is a business transaction, after all, between two opposing parties none-the-less.
Almost each day is more of the same. Training with Johnny takes place in the morning, followed by dinner in the evening with him. You don’t know how, but the chefs have managed to make some of your favourite meals at times, and you grow suspicious of how Johnny seemingly already knows little things about you. Perhaps Minju told him in order to reduce your debt, but no matter how you look at it, that just doesn’t make any sense.
There are even some days where he’s not at home and you actually get a break from him. Most times this happens, he’ll usually return a little beaten up, and you know he’s been ‘doing business’, as he so puts it. There are some instances where he up and disappears for a few days at a time, and in the back of your mind, you wonder if he’s actually coming back. Who knows what really happens to him during these little trips of his. You’re honestly surprised he hasn’t ended up dead in a ditch somewhere, but then again, each time he returns, you realize just how much he lives up to his reputation.
Every time he leaves, there’s always only one thought on his mind: coming home to you. No matter what state he’s in, as long as he knows that you’re waiting for him, that’s all that matters. Even if it may not be in the way he hopes for.
Soon, he tells himself. You’ll look forward to him returning home to you each time soon.
True to his word, ever since you went with him on that fateful night, you haven't really left his side. He keeps a particularly close eye on you when he’s around; you've hardly had a proper moment to yourself over these past two months serving under the infamous Johnny Suh. Sure, you can retreat to the confines of your room if need be, but it’s still not the same when you know he’s practically lurking around ever corner of his mansion should you decide to venture out. Needless to say you were quite surprised to learn of the power than man holds over quite an amount of people, yourself included. You only wish it hadn't come to this.
You consider yourself one of the lucky ones, though. Most of his debt collectors are brutal, killing and taking without a second thought. The few times he’s returned from those little day trips with hostages makes you shudder in disgust. Some of those people you hardly had been able to recognize as human after you saw what he and his men have done to them.
One thing you were right about, however, was the secret dungeon like holding area that resides beneath the forest of the mansion. Accessible through the little shed in the corner of the backyard, Johnny has only ever taken you down there twice. The first time served as a warning to you, of what could have happened should Johnny have decided to not be so kind in your debt collection.
The other time was when he instructed you to accompany him as his bodyguard, one of your first official tasks by his side. You still can’t get the way his eyes shone, smile turning sadistic as he revelled in the way the screams of the man he was torturing for information filled the air.
You haven’t been able to look at him the same since. You really shouldn’t be surprised, you always knew there was a beast hiding just beneath the surface of his well-tailored suits and somewhat charming smile.
One thing that does surprise you, though, is the trust Johnny has in his men. He’ll leave them to go out on their own every time to collect on people's debts.
So then, why was he there to collect on yours?
Now, you know better, or at least, you think you do. For him, it’s all about control, wanting to keep you on a tight leash under the guise of ‘just in case you do something drastic’. You have to do whatever he says, lest you want dire consequences to fall upon your shop or Minju. Which means you still have to join him for dinner practically every night. Only now, you have to wear whatever he has picked for you that evening, and the outfits are getting more elaborate each time.
Tonight is no different. You can tell just by the way his eyes roam your figure, drinking in the way the satin clings to your body as you sit across from him at the table. Clearly, he picked this outfit specifically for his own needs. Not that that would be any different from any of the other outfits he’s had you wear. You have to say, though, he does have an eye for colour, the lavender complimenting you nicely beneath the candlelight.
"Are you enjoying the wine?" He asks, taking a sip of his own glass as he watches you carefully behind hooded eyes.
"It's fine," you reply gruffly, taking another bite of your meal to avoid talking to him.
"I want to know more about you," he says, placing his glass back down on the table. "Tell me about yourself.”
After all, it has been just over two months since you started living with him, and you’ve barely told him a thing about yourself.
"You don't deserve to know me," comes your blunt response.
You go through this every time, and you still refuse to comply with his inquiries into your life. Not that he needs to ask, he already knows everything about you, down to your favourite colour and comfort food. Johnny only wishes you would open up to him on your own; he wants that connection with you, to know that you trust him enough to let him in.
He sighs. If only you would trust him. "Not even your favourite colour? You know, given the situation you're in, things could have ended up a lot worse. Consider yourself lucky to even have this chance to stay by my side and not end up dead in a ditch somewhere due to your partner's incompetence.”
Recently, he’s taken to making little comments like these. You can tell whatever grace he’s allotted for you regarding this situation, it’s running out, and fast.
You nose flares, "how dare you-"
"Many debt collectors don't care how the debt is payed," he cuts you off, fingers grazing the stem of his wine glass as he watches the liquid inside intently. "Many choose to let their men have their way with their clients before torturing them, beating them, or even killing them. You know what my men are capable of. What I’m capable of.”
Not that he’d ever dare to lift a finger against you, and if he had ever learnt of one of his men doing so, he wouldn’t hesitate to gut them right where they stood. No one gets to touch you. No one gets to hurt you. Not unless they want to suffer the consequences.
You remain silent as he meets your gaze, his eyes cold and calculating behind dark irises.
"You remain protected under me," he continues, tone sharp. "Tell me, have my men or I ever forced anything upon you?"
Clenching your jaw, you understand exactly what he's implying. "No."
"Have I not provided for you a roof to sleep under, a warm bed to rest your head, and a means of now defending yourself?"
You opt to remain quiet, your silence speaking volumes.
"All I ask, is to get to know you better," he says, the ghost of a sigh on his breath as he averts his gaze from yours finally, worried he may have gone too far this time and crossed the line. The last thing he ever wants is for you to be scared of him, or worse, hate him.
He’s trying, can’t you see that? If only you wouldn’t make things so hard for him. Maybe then the both of you would be further along in your relationship by now instead of whatever this tense agreement is.
With slightly wide eyes, his head is snapping up to meet your gaze as he hears you mutter something under your breath.
"I'm sorry?" Tilting his head slightly, he observes you carefully.
"My favourite colour,” you repeat, noticing the way his eyes practically light up as you tell him this little tidbit of information about yourself, “is red."
"There," he smiles, watching you avert your gaze for the moment in what he can only assume is embarrassment. How endearing. "Now, was that so hard?"
Your lips tighten into a thin line, slightly downturned at the edges. Quickly, you grab your own wine glass in order to distract yourself, taking a small sip.
“My favourite is blue,” he offers up, and he notices how you quirk a brow at him. His gaze pierces your very soul. “Though I’ve always had an affinity to the way silver glints in the sunlight.”
Watching you nod your head in response, Johnny’s heart warms. Finally, it feels as if he’s making progress with you. After all, progress is still progress, no matter how small.
“I enjoy the way rose gold shines,” you comment, noticing how his eyes seem to brighten as he looks at you. “If we’re talking metals.”
“We can talk about anything you’d like, Love,” the corner of his mouth quirks upwards.
Your eyes narrow slightly at the nickname, “I thought you wanted to get to know me.”
“It goes both ways,” his gaze is cool, calculating, as he watches your eyes narrow ever so slightly at him in response.
Biting back the remark that rises in your throat, you take another sip of your wine. Personally, you’d rather not tell him that you’re not interested at all in getting to know him better, but for now, you’ll play this little game of his to keep him satisfied. Besides, you view it as just another obligation for your debt collection.
“What would you like to know?” You ask, noticing how two servants enter in to clear your plates away, only to bring out one of your favourite desserts right after.
“Honestly?” The small lilt to his voice lets you know he cannot believe you’re actually complying to his wishes this time. Leaning forwards, he rests his elbows on the table, clasping his hands in front of him as he stares intently at you. “Everything.”
To say you’re taken aback by his words would be an understatement. You didn’t realize he would care this much about getting to know you given the circumstances on how you’ve come to know each other, but you can’t lie to yourself. Even you are the slightest bit curious to get to know him as well. After all, understanding your enemy is the best way to bring them down.
The rest of the night is spent with the two of you just talking, asking each other different questions and getting to know one another better. A few times, he even manages to make you smile, and you have to catch yourself before you start to laugh too loudly at some of his jokes. The last thing you want is for him to think you’re actually enjoying sending time with him.
You’re not. At least, that’s what you keep telling yourself.
Johnny would beg to differ. This evening could have gone a bit smoother, but finally, finally, he’s getting you to open up to him. In the back of his mind, he starts to believe that maybe, just maybe, you’re starting to trust him. Especially when, by the end of the night, you allow him to walk with you back to your room and even go so far as to bid him a goodnight.
Staring at your door even after you’ve closed it, a large smile spreads itself across his face. Heart racing in his chest, Johnny retreats into the comfort of his own room, falling onto his bed with a sigh once he knows he’s alone.
Bringing a hand up, he runs his fingers through his hair. How you can get him, a grown ass man, the current head of the Suh’s, to act like a stereotypical, giddy schoolgirl who has a crush, baffles him. Yet, here he is, face all red and heated as that ear splitting grin never leaves his lips.
Normally, he would blame how he’s feeling on the wine, but even he knows that that’s not the case. Only you have this affect on him; only you could ever make him feel this way.
For the next two days, you’re surprised that Johnny doesn’t make you join him for dinner again. In fact, he even postpones your next few morning training sessions with him. As an ‘apology’ for this, you return to your room on the second evening to a small gift resting directly in the centre of the desk. Opening the box reveals a simple rose gold necklace with a small diamond pendant.
You hate the way his gift makes your heart warm.
The third day, you begin to question why you haven’t seen Johnny around the house despite him being home. At least, you think he is, for he hasn’t told you of any upcoming ‘business trips’ of his. Maybe he’s avoiding you for some reason, but in the back of your mind, you don’t think he ever would.
Sitting at the kitchen counter one morning, you decide to ask her about his behaviour the past few days.
“Oh, Master Suh went on a business trip,” Justine tells you. However, you fail to see the knowing glint in her eyes when you do. “The last few days have been used to prepare for his departure, he left yesterday afternoon while you were napping.”
“Did he leave anything for me?” You notice her eyes briefly glance at the pendant around your neck and your brow furrows when Justine shakes her head. “That’s strange, normally he would have me run through basic drills or something.”
“Master Suh has instructed me to make sure you take the next few days off to relax,” Justine says, drying some of the dishes in the sink. The both of you have just finished breakfast, an almost daily occurrence now since your second week here. You wanted a friend and she was more than happy to oblige.
Oddly enough, she practically does whatever you ask of her.
“So then, what am I supposed to do?” You lean forward slightly, resting your arms on the counter.
“Anything you’d like to,” Justine replies.
“Anything?” Your brow quirks.
“Anything.” She confirms with a single nod of her head.
“I want to visit my shop.”
She blinks at you, pausing her movements of wiping off the pan in her hands before she’s regaining her composure just as fast. “That can be arranged.”
Which is exactly how you find yourself entering your small business exactly two and a half months after that fateful night.
“I’ll be right with you!” You hear Minju call from the back, and you wait patiently in front of the counter for her to appear.
Justine begins to wander the shop and takes in all the little cakes and sweets your bakery has to offer. You don’t notice, but she makes sure to keep a close eye on you despite keeping her distance. Johnny has made it clear to his entire syndicate that you are their top priority, and should be treated with the utmost care and respect. No one has dared to disobey him yet.
As soon as Minju comes out of the back, she nearly drops the cake box that she’s holding. Her movements are slow, almost robotic as he places it gently on the counter between the both of you. Only then is she quick to run around and tackle you in her embrace.
“I’ve missed you so much! Are you okay? You’re not hurt are you? How did you manage to get away?” Immediately, she bombards you with questions, her grip nearly vicelike around you until she’s pulling away to observe you carefully, checking you over for any injuries. You notice her eyes lingering on the new necklace you’re wearing before she meets your eyes once more.
“Minju, I’m fine.” You assure her. “I have been fine, please don’t worry about me.”
“I thought I would never see you again,” she breathes out, her hands still resting on the sides of your arms.
“Surprisingly, Johnny hasn’t been too bad.” You tell her, and she looks at you in clear disbelief.
She blinks, “I don’t believe you.”
“I wouldn’t either,” you agree with a small shrug, “but hey! Look at what I can do now!”
In an instant, you’re showing her how high you can kick. She jumps back, placing a hand over her heart in shock. “Oh my!”
“Right? Who would have thought!” You grin, leaning against the display case beside the front counter. “How’ve you been? How’s the shop?”
“Surprisingly, business has been booming,” she replies. “More so than before everything happened, though our regulars miss you. It’s been a little difficult handling things on my own, but I managed to find some extra help. Actually, one of them should be here any minute for the start of his shift.”
“That’s good,” you nod, a sort of sad gleam shining in your eyes. “I miss everyone, too. I would have come sooner but-”
Just as you’re speaking, you notice a man come rushing into the shop. He seems out of breath. “Sorry I’m late.”
Minju turns to look at him briefly, “it’s okay, Jungwoo. Once you’ve clocked in can you finish preparing this cake for Miss Han. She should be here soon to pick it up.”
“Sure thing, boss,” he salutes, shooting you a quick friendly smile as he walks past and into the backroom.
If only either of you had noticed that way his eyes had glinted with something sinister as he had done so, but Justine did.
“Anyways, as I was saying-“ you go to continue, but this time it’s Justine that interrupts you.
“I’m so sorry, Miss, but we should head back now.” She looks worried.
Your brow furrows. “Justine, is everything okay?”
“But you just got here!” Minju protests, quick to lower her voice into a harsh whisper, “hasn’t he taken enough from you? From us?”
“Minju, it’s okay.” Again, you assure her. “I just wanted to pop by and see how the shop was doing anyways. I’m just glad I got to see you again.”
“Okay.” She doesn’t look happy about this at all. “Come visit again soon so I know you’re still alive.”
You laugh, “of course!”
“Miss, we really need to go,” Justine cuts in before you can hug Minju goodbye, her eyes darting nervously out the front window every few seconds. “Now.”
“Okay, okay,” you sigh. “Sheesh.”
Wordlessly, you follow Justine out of your shop, making sure to wave quickly to Minju before you do. Just as you see the door fall shut, you notice the new worker, Jungwoo, come out of the back room, gaze trailing after your figure the whole time.
Making you way back to the car, you walk beside Justine. Her pace is quick, almost as if she’s in a hurry to leave. You frown, rounding the corner to the alleyway you parked in.
“Justine, what’s-“
“So, this is the bitch who’s got Suh wrapped around her finger, eh?” A voice drawls, a figure stepping out of the shadows in front of you.
Justine tenses, a hand coming out to stop you from going any further, and serving as a means of protection. “What do you want?”
Your eyes narrow slightly. What the fuck is going on?
“Isn’t it obvious?” A second voice calls out, and you turn around to see two more men have blocked your exit out of the alleyway.
Justine spares a glance at you, which only causes your confusion to skyrocket. “Get in the car.”
“I can fight.” Whatever it is, you can tell that these men aren’t here to play any games. You’ve surmised that they’re probably rivals of Johnny’s, but you still don’t understand why they’d be targeting you or Justine. Then again, they probably don’t even need a reason.
“No need,” she replies. “I can handle this in two minutes.”
“Large words coming from such a dainty little girl,” the third one from behind you chuckles menacingly as the three of them stalk towards you.
“Get in the car,” Justine doesn’t bother to spare you another glance as the three men charge you. “Now!”
Ducking beneath the first man’s attack, you manage to counter his blow and swipe his feet out from under him. Deciding it best not to disobey Justine’s commands, you’re quick to dodge another punch sent your way and hop into the passenger seat of the car. Slamming the door shut, you watch the scene before you with a nervous gaze.
Already, Justine has managed to take two of the three guys down. You hold your breath as the last one pulls out a knife, your hands gripping onto your thighs for dear life.
Justine manages to dodge his first attack, parrying him with ease. Unfortunately for her, one of the men on the floor grabs her ankle, causing her to nearly lose her balance. The one with the knife manages to use this opening and swipe her side, a large gash appearing as her shirt gets torn.
Luckily, it only takes her two more blows to get away from them. Rushing to the car, she’s quick to jump in, turning the ignition and speeding off just as two of the three get back to their feet.
Panic settles into the pit of your stomach, watching as blood seeps into the side of Justine’s shirt. “Are you okay?”
“I should be asking you that question,” she replies, sparing a glance at you out of the corner of her eyes. “Thank you for listening to me and letting me take care of things.”
“If I had helped, maybe you wouldn’t have gotten hurt because of me,” you reply, lowing your gaze to your lap.
“I have strict orders from Master Suh to make sure you do not engage with any hostiles while out on your own,” she informs you. “Besides, I handled it just fine.”
The smile she sends you is supposed to be reassuring, but it only makes you feel worse. “Why did they attack us, anyways?”
At this, she quirks a brow. “Because,” a slight pause, “you’re a liability.”
In the back of your mind, Johnny’s same words echo, causing you to frown. Your lips tighten into a thin line. So that’s how it is. “I guess if they killed me he wouldn’t be able to collect on his debt, huh?”
Justine sighs, glancing at you once more from the corner of her eyes, “let’s get you home.”
“Wait, shouldn’t we get you to a hospital first?” You turn your gaze back on her, the worry clear in your voice.
“I’ll be fine,” she responds, and at your sceptical look, she adds, “I promise. It’s just a scratch, anyways.”
As soon as you get back to the mansion, you help Justine through the door. What you aren’t expecting, however, is to see Johnny in the midst of walking down the stairs. His eyes nearly bulge out of his head when he sees the state you’re in, rushing over to you in the next second.
“What happened?” His voice demands, summoning two more of his servants to help take care of Justine. Before you can follow them, his hands are firmly grasping your shoulders, forcing you to look into his piercing gaze. You know he won’t let you go without an answer.
You sigh, explaining everything that’s just occurred in the past hour or so. His hands never cease their hold on you, gaze only leaving yours to assess your body, making sure you’re not hurt. Once he deduces you’re fine, he tentatively releases his hold on you, eyes lingering on the jewel around your neck. The corner of his mouth twitches upwards.
“I’m just glad you’re okay,” he sighs, and you swear it’s in relief.
“I’m fine,” you reply gruffly. “It’s Justine you should be worried about.”
“She’ll be okay,” he straightens, and your eyes narrow at the lack of concern he seems to display for her compared to you. After all, you weren’t the one slashed with a knife. “The Kim’s will pay for this.”
“The Kim’s?”
“I didn’t think it would come to this so soon.” Johnny frowns, beginning to pace back and forth in his front foyer with a hand on his chin.
“What?” You inquire.
“I’m used to being targeted,” he turns to you. “It’s practically in my job description. Then again, my men are targeted all the time.”
He goes back to pacing, worry creasing his brow. You hardly catch what he’s muttering to himself, but from the snippets you do hear, you don’t like the sound of things. When he shifts his dark gaze back to you, you straighten at the intensity.
“I can’t lose you.” He states. “You’re far too valuable to me.”
You blink, schooling your face into a neutral expression. You do not knowing how to take his words. That is, until a white hot rage boils within you. The events of the day, combined with your whole situation are finally catching up with you, and you find you can no longer control your emotions.
“I get it,” you huff. “Wouldn’t want to lose out on me repaying my debt, right? Can’t do that if I’m dead.” You roll your eyes. “I don’t get why you care so much about one measly little loan, though. Mine, none-the-less. None of this would have happened if you and your men didn’t take advantage of Minju, then I wouldn’t be stuck in this mess. Maybe I am better off dead.”
Without another word, you storm past Johnny and up the stairs into your room, leaving him stunned by the front door. What a day you’ve had, not to mention the past almost three months being stuck in this hellhole. You really were naive in thinking that it wasn’t as bad as it seemed; today has really been an eye opener.
Only now do you truly realize the danger you’re in, the danger you’ve always been in, while staying with him. You’ve become a target for his enemies to hunt, and on top of that, he expects you to continue to protect him in order to pay off your debt. It’s just too much.
As you lay on your bed, face buried in your pillow, the first of many frustrated sobs wrack your body. How did things end up like this?
Perhaps if you had had a weapon on you, things might have gone differently. Unfortunately, Johnny has refused to teach you how to handle a blade, and refuses to arm you with a gun. His reasoning: you could use them to harm him.
For a guy who seemingly wants you to trust him, he still can’t seem to trust you.
You turn onto your side, clutching your pillow to your chest as tears stream down your face. You just wish you could go home, back to the life you lived before any of this had happened to you. More than any of that though, you miss the freedom you once had.
Standing outside your door, Johnny grits his teeth as he’s forced to listen to your sobs echo through his ears. He wants nothing more than to be able to go to you, to open the door and pull you into his arms, comforting you in any way he can. He wants to tell you that things will be okay, that he’ll take care of everything and not to worry. Unfortunately, for the moment, he cannot.
Hanging his head in shame, he forces himself to walk away.
A fire lights in his eyes as he descends the stairs once more. The Kim’s will pay for this. No one gets to target you without major repercussions, and once Johnny finds the men responsible for hurting you… they’ll wish they’d never been born.
For the next week, Johnny doesn’t bother you at all. He even relieves you of your guard duties for the time being, stating you should get some rest after the situation you’ve just been through. You don’t argue. Not that you really can. You just don’t like the fact that taking time off only adds to the amount of time you still need to stay with him in order to pay off your debt.
Three days after the incident, Justine is back and tending to you like nothing has happened. Constantly, she reassures you that she’s fine, even if she grimaces ever so slightly when reaching up to dust the higher shelves in your room. Your offer to help her immediately gets turned down, too.
The whole week Johnny spends tracking down those three men that hurt you feels like an eternity to him. Being away from you for so long, despite being in the same house for the most part, is agony. He misses the way you smile at him, even if it’s only ever been a handful of times. Knowing he was the cause of it each time sets his heart racing, even as he thinks back on those moments now.
All he wants to do every night when he gets home is crawl into bed with you, pull you close and fall asleep with you in his arms. Sadly, he cannot do that. Yet.
Once he finds those men, it takes little work to dispose of them. Of course, he does so himself, not trusting anyone else to do it properly. After all, they did threaten you. They scared you, and they injured a loyal worker of his.
Besides, he needs to send a message to the Kim’s. Target what’s his and he’ll hit back twice as hard.
He just can’t wait until he gets home that evening. Finally, after a literal week away from you, he’ll get to see you.
Earlier that very day, you had woken up to Justine sliding the curtains open to allow the bright sunlight into your room. Groaning, you had turned over and away from the sun, mumbling something about wanting five more minutes of sleep.
“I’m sorry to disturb you, Miss,” Justine begins, “but Master Suh has instructed for you to learn how to handle a blade in the possible event of last week recurring again.”
At this, your eyes fling open, hoping you don’t sound too excited as you let out a, “really?”
“Of course,” Justine nods, and you notice the way her eyes shine as she adds, “Giyuu is quite skilled, if I do say so myself.”
“Giyuu, huh?” You shoot her a knowing look as you toss the covers off of yourself and climb out of bed. Glancing at the clock, you see it’s the early hours of the afternoon, meaning you should probably get up anyways.
Her cheeks flare, “y-yes.”
You hum, raising your eyebrows slightly in a suggestive manner as you walk past her into the ensuite in order to get ready for the rest of the day. A chuckle escapes you as you turn around just in time to see her looking out the window with a fond expression on her face.
About an hour later, you find yourself standing in front of a man with black hair holding two different blades in his hands. He observes you with a stern expression, and you shift slightly form foot to foot. The twin blades you hold in your own hands weigh heavy in your grasp.
“I don’t know what he sees in you,” are some of the first words out of his mouth.
You laugh awkwardly, “yeah, I’m not much of the protecting type.”
“That’s not what I meant,” he sighs.
You blink at him in response, a small silence settling over the both of you.
“Well,” he says expectantly, “show me what you’ve got.”
Not having to be told twice, you charge him. Using everything Johnny has taught you, you extend that knowledge to fighting now with blades. If only Giyuu didn’t deflect your every blow with ease.
“Is that all?” He quirks a brow, seemingly bored with your predictable and weak attacks. “Are you even trying to hit me?”
You grit your teeth, beginning to get frustrated the more you spend fighting him. He’s taught you nothing on how to wield a blade, so of course your attacks are going to be sloppy and miss their mark each time.
A hiss escapes your lips as Giyuu manages to nick your hand slightly while deflecting your one blow, causing you to drop your one blade. Immediately, he takes this opening to swipe your feet out from under you, managing to cut the side of your cheek in the process.
“Dead.” A blade presses to your throat. “You’re horrible at this.”
“It would help if you actually taught me something,” you snap back, moving to stand only to be pushed down by Giyuu in the next second.
“Watch your mouth,” his eyes are sharp, blade threateningly pointed at your throat.
Your lips tighten into a thin line, and he takes his sweet time backing off from you. He didn’t even apologize for cutting you. Twice.
“If you’re expecting an apology from me, you won’t get one.” Turning his back on you, he finally lets you stand.
Picking up your fallen blade, you prepare yourself to fight him once more. In the back of your mind, you start to wonder why Johnny ever picked this guy to train you with blades. He’s an asshole. Plus, you really don’t know what Justine sees in him.
The next twenty minutes are spent being beaten by Giyuu each time you go in for an attack. He offers no pointers or useful comments on how to improve, either. He barely teaches you anything, only ever making snide comments and insulting you the whole time. Near the end of your session, you’re beaten and bruised, blood trickling out of small cuts all over your body.
“What the fuck, dude!” You shout as he disarms you quite harshly, kicking the centre of your chest to knock you to the ground once more.
“Can’t take the heat?” He quirks a brow. “I always knew you were useless.”
“You don’t even know me.” You glare, attempting to steady yourself on shaky arms.
“I know you let Justine get hurt because you’re a weak little bitch who can’t take care of herself,” he huffs, crouching down to get in your face, harshly pulling at the back of your head to force you to look at him. “You’re nothing but someone for Suh to play with, and once he gets bored of you, you’ll end up much worse than this, believe me. I’m just preparing you for what’s to come; you should be thanking me.”
“Fuck you,” you spit, hating the way he holds a knife to your throat once more.
“You’re lucky I don’t kill you,” he stands back up, and you nearly breathe a sigh of relief at not feeling the pressure of his blade at your neck anymore. That is, until he kicks you quite harshly in the head.
The last thing you remember before your world goes black is his menacing smile and the pain of being hit once more.
A few hours later, your consciousness returns. Letting out a groan, you go to move, your whole body stiff and aching all over. A small bit of dried blood resides on the floor beneath you, the metallic taste sitting bitterly in your mouth.
Pushing yourself off of the floor is a slow and harrowing process, your limbs throbbing in protest. Gritting your teeth, you manage to get back onto your feet.
The room in the basement is now abnormally dark, and you begin to wonder just how long you’ve been unconscious for. Besides, the fact that no one, not even Justine, has come to check on you raises your suspicion. One thing is for sure, you’ll be on your guard, even if defending yourself at this point might hurt you even more than you already are.
Limping to the stairs, you take a deep breath in, mentally preparing yourself for what you’re about to do. Slowly, you begin to ascend, using the wall to support you. Each step sends a shockwave of pain coursing through your body, and you’re pretty sure some of your deeper cuts have reopened.
You’d hate to see what state you’re really in.
Making it to the top of the stairs, you attempt to catch your breath, the whole left side of your body is aching, and you can already tell you have some bruises forming. Faintly, you can hear a few familiar voices arguing in the front foyer.
“I said,” Johnny’s voice is firm as he fixates a dark look at Giyuu in front of him, “where is she?”
Giyuu shrugs, “did you check the basement? She told me she wanted to continue training on her own after we finished sparring and not be disturbed. As per your orders, that’s exactly what I did.”
“And no one’s bothered to check up on her since?” Johnny’s eyes narrow at the man before him, watching as Giyuu shrugs one of his shoulders once more in response. “Do you even know how-“
Johnny’s voice dies in his throat as he sees you limping towards him, beaten and bloody. Immediately, he’s rushing towards you, moving to support you just in time for you to practically collapse into his arms.
“Who did this to you?” His voice is low, deadly calm as he attempts to rein in his emotions for the time being. At the smug look Giyuu wears at seeing the state you’re in, Johnny has his answer. He sees red. “Get out of my sight.”
Giyuu does not need to be told twice, turning and walking out of the room with his head held high, smug expression still resting on his face.
Turning his attention back onto you, Johnny’s gaze softens, worry pulling at his features. “Come on, let’s get you cleaned up.”
Helping you up the stairs, Johnny is careful not to aggravate any of your wounds. It’s a miracle he’s able to remain this calm at the moment, instead of doing what he originally wanted to and dragging Giyuu to the dungeons and beating him to a bloody pulp. That can wait. Besides, you are Johnny’s first and most important priority.
Entering into your room, he’s quick to lead you into the ensuite and sit you on the counter in front of him. He instructs you to stay where you are, but at the way your eyes droop, he knows you’re not going anywhere. Not even a minute later, he returns from grabbing the med kit from his own room.
A thought tugs at his mind as he takes a quick glance out of the bathroom door. This is the first time he’s entered your room with you present. He only wishes it were under better circumstances.
Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, he turns his attention back to your hunched figure. Placing the med kit onto the counter beside you, he cups your face in his hands. Carefully, his eyes trail over you, irises shining with many different conflicting emotions you didn’t even know he was capable of feeling towards you as he assesses the damage. Your brow furrows slightly as you see the worry on his features, taking in the way his whole body tenses before you as his thumbs gently stroke the sides of your cheeks. Luckily, he’s managed to stop shaking.
Carefully, and a bit reluctantly, he removes his hands from your face in order to take out the proper supplies he needs to treat your wounds.
The whole time he moves, you watch him carefully. You didn’t know Johnny would care this much at the state you’re in, but something within you warms at the fact. Even if you don’t like it.
The first press of the alcohol to your skin causes you to wince, Johnny muttering out a small apology at the fact. He barely notices his hands have started shaking again, but you do.
“I can do this myself,” you say, going to grab the cotton pad from his hand only for him to move it out of reach before you can. Your eyes narrow slightly. “You don’t have to do this for me.”
Johnny pauses briefly. “I want to.”
“Yeah, well,” you turn your head away, voice sounding bitter as you practically spit out your next words, “I don’t want to be even more in your debt.”
“Some debts don’t need to be repaid.”
Your head turns back to look at him in shock, eyes slightly wide as you meet his surprisingly tender gaze.
“Just let me take care of you,” he smiles softly, his heart warming at the fact that, despite your initial hesitance, you nod ever so subtly.
Taking his time, Johnny makes sure to treat each wound that he can see carefully, thoroughly cleaning and bandaging them. Once he’s done, he cups your face in his one hand, thumb stroking over your cheek once again.
“Get some rest,” he instructs you, pulling away from you in order to leave you to yourself.
Just before he can exit the bathroom, the call of his name stops him. Glancing over his shoulder, he sees you looking down at your hands almost shyly.
“Thank you,” your voice is barely above a whisper as you lift your gaze to his, but he still manages to hear.
A soft smile pulls at his features, tilting his head ever so slightly in acknowledgement before he’s leaving your room. Finally, he’s making progress again, and nothing could make him happier. Again, he only wishes it were under better circumstances.
Walking down the hallway, his smile turns sinister as he allows his rage to bubble to the surface. A fierce gleam is in his eyes as he makes his way to where he knows Giyuu will be. Stepping through the door to Justine’s room, he sees Giyuu sitting on the chair to her desk, Justine standing worriedly in front of him. Knowing her, she was probably just giving him a lecture about what he did today.
Looks like Johnny wasn’t the only one to put his trust in the wrong person.
“Master Suh, good evening.” She bows slightly out of respect. “What brings you to-“
“Giyuu,” his voice is firm as he cuts Justine off, and Johnny’s blood boils at the way the younger male looks at him apathetically.
“What can I do for you, boss?” He replies, quirking his brow ever so slightly.
“What was it that you were instructed to do today?” Johnny asks, condescendingly.
“Teach the whore-“ Justine elbows Giyuu quite harshly, a hiss of his name on her lips as she sees Johnny’s nostrils flare. Giyuu clears his throat, rubbing at the now tender spot on his side, “teach the one the ways of the blade.”
Johnny’s eyes narrow, “and what did you actually do today?”
“I taught (Y/n) the ways of my blade.” Giyuu replies, that same smug smirk tugging at his lips as he leans back in his chair.
In a flash, Johnny’s hand is around Giyuu’s throat as Justine lets out a startled gasp, hands coming up to cover her mouth.
“Don’t ever speak her name again.” Johnny’s voice is low, commanding as he tightens his grip on the younger man’s throat.
Giyuu desperately claws at Johnny’s hand as Justine pleads for him to let go. With a wave of his opposite hand, Johnny silences Justine, the girl bowing her head and sitting on her bed. There’s no use trying to reason with Johnny when he gets like this, especially not when it concerns you.
“You really thought you could get away with hurting what’s mine?” Johnny nearly scoffs, a sadistic smirk pulling at his lips as he sees Giyuu struggling to breathe. “Come. Why don’t you show me exactly what you did to her?”
In the blink of an eye, Johnny grips Giyuu’s hair in his opposite hand, not even giving the male a chance to catch his breath as he releases the hold on his throat only to drag him down the hallway and outside to the backyard in the next second.
The whole time Johnny drags him into the shed and down the stairs to a private, empty room, Giyuu struggles. The smug look has finally been wiped clean off of Giyuu’s face as he realizes the situation he’s put himself in. Johnny has always been stronger, that’s why he’s the boss, and whatever Johnny wants, he gets.
Which is exactly how Giyuu finds himself beaten and bloody, strapped to a chair as Johnny drags another blade across his skin. His screams fall on deaf ears, a malicious smile taking over Johnny’s features each time Giyuu begs for his life. Only when morning comes do his screams finally stop, Johnny wiping off his hands as he observes the unrecognizable corpse of one of his formerly trusted allies.
They all know the consequences of touching what’s his. He did warn them.
Heading back to the main house, Johnny makes his way to his room, wanting to wash the scum’s blood off of him as soon as possible. Before he enters his room, however, he takes a quick peek inside your own. A smile tugs at his lips as he sees you sleeping peacefully, glad to know that you’re safe for the time being.
Johnny already has to worry about The Kim’s coming after you now, so there’s no way in hell he’ll stand for any of his men doing the same. Which is exactly why he had to dispose of the trash.
Standing in his shower, Johnny allows the water to wash over him, watching as the blood pools at his feet and slides down the drain. Resting his one hand on the wall in front of him, he sighs.
Things had been going so smoothly with you up until last week. Well, as smoothly as they could have been, given the situation you’re both in. He knows he’s got to do more to prove to you that he’s really not as bad as he seems. He wants you, and badly at that.
The sooner you’re in his arms, the sooner you both can be happy together. At least, that’s what he keeps telling himself.
The only good thing to come out of yesterday was that he was able to get some information out of the three men that had attacked you before killing them. Now, he knows that The Kim’s plan to send an assassin after him in the next coming weeks, so all Johnny has to do is find them before they find him. Should be easy enough, he’s always been good at tracking people down, especially with the help of his team.
One thing’s for sure, though, is that you’ll be staying by his side a lot closer in the upcoming weeks. In fact, he doesn’t plan on letting you out of his sight until he finds this assassin of his and takes down The Kim’s. Then, and only then, will he leave you briefly in order to eliminate those problems. Once that’s out of the way, he can finally focus on his forever with you.
You. Who has captivated his heart since he learned of you all those months ago.
Ever since your partner Minju had come to him to solidify that loan, Johnny has been keeping tabs on you. Minju had plead your case, and Johnny wanted to see for himself just how hardworking you could be. Needless to say, what he learned impressed him, and he couldn’t help but start fantasizing about if you were to apply that same thoughtfulness, that same passion towards him and his own business.
Johnny knew it would be no easy task to make you fall for him after everything is put into motion, but he still has hope. Hope that one day, you’ll finally return his feelings. Feelings which have only gotten stronger ever since you moved in with him. He only wishes you weren’t as bitter towards him at the start, but he understands.
After all, what’s a relationship without its small hurdles? Hurdles which the two of you can overcome together.
Of course, it took nothing to inform his subordinates of your importance. What he wants, he gets, and they all know not to stand in his way. Many were eager to help, happy to finally see their boss passionate like this about someone else for a change, and eager to finally see someone stand at his side after all this time. Especially someone that he wants standing there beside him, every step of the way.
Johnny will stop at nothing to ensure that that happens. To make you his, especially after all this time, would be like a dream come true. When he finally has his way, it will be.
The following weeks have Johnny practically doting on you hand and foot, much to your surprise and amusement. During this time, he rarely goes out on those ‘business trips’ you’re so use to him leaving for. Plus, he hasn’t assigned you to guard him recently, though you just chalk that up to you being injured.
One thing that you do not expect, is for Johnny to suddenly start gifting you things under the premise of not wanting anything in return. Originally, you had been suspicious of his intent, thinking he had wanted to increase your debt to him with these presents, only to be proved wrong each time.
Laying in bed one night, the pendant he first gave you lays heavy around your neck. Unclasping it, you hold it in front of your face to take another good look at it. It is a really nice necklace, simple in its design and seemingly perfect for you. As you let in dangle before you, the gem gleaming in the moonlight, you think back over everything that has happened to you these past few months.
Johnny’s words like to echo around in your head during times like these, but more than all of that, his actions are clear. Obviously, he’s attempting to win you over, and not just in a friendly way. These attempts to court you have not gone unnoticed by you, and you begin to wonder about his true motives on taking you in with him in order to pay off your debt.
Your eyes widen. That’s it, isn’t it? He’s always wanted you, in some sick, twisted way of his. So maybe, just maybe, you can give him what he wants. He hasn’t been that bad to you since you entered into his life, and he has taught you how to defend yourself, even if it hasn’t really come in useful at any point yet. You just wish he would arm you with a gun. You’d feel safer and have a better means to protect yourself with. Besides, you did great at target practice just this morning.
Either way, you decide that it wouldn’t hurt to at least be a little nicer to him. After all, he has been taking rather good care of you, and what better way to repay him than with kindness?
The following day, you wake to your room empty. No Justine to wake you, not even Johnny knocking at your door.
Your brow furrows. Sliding out of bed, you make your way downstairs, noticing how oddly quiet the mansion seems to be. You start to wonder where everyone has gone.
Entering into the kitchen, you figure you should at least make yourself some coffee to start your day. Your gaze locks onto the lone figure standing in front of the stove, the smell of burning eggs reaching your nostrils.
“I think those are done,” you voice manages to make the person jump, them quick to switch off the stove and turn to you.
“I told Johnny I wasn’t good at this kinda stuff,” Mark sighs, taking the pan off of the stove and tossing the charred remnants of the eggs he had been cooking into the bin.
“Where is everybody, anyways?” You ask, sliding onto one of the stools at the counter once you’ve poured yourself a cup of coffee. “I’m surprised Justine isn’t here to wake me.”
“Oh, did no one tell you?” Mark’s brow furrows. He knows Johnny told him to look after you today, but he didn’t realize that you had been told nothing. “They’re raiding the main branch of the Kim family this evening.”
“What?” Your eyes widen, clear panic in your voice.
You just hope Justine will be okay. From what you’ve heard, Giyuu had gotten shot on his last mission which caused her to break down in front of you the very next day. Needless to say you offered her nothing but your comfort and support, but you can tell she’s still affected by his death all the same now as she was a few weeks ago. Grief doesn’t just magically disappear in such a short amount of time, no matter how strong one might seem to be.
“I’m surprised no one told you,” Mark says, “but I’m here to spend time with you today. Boss’ orders!”
You just manage to shoot him a small smile back at his own.
“So, was that supposed to be my breakfast then?” You quirk a brow as your eyes trail to the pan still clutched in his hand.
The tips of his ears turn red. “Cooking is not my specialty.”
“I can see that,” you chuckle, standing up and taking the pan from him. “Here, I’ll make us both something to eat.”
At your words, the two of you switch positions, him now sitting at the counter watching as you stand in front of the stove.
A peaceful silence settles over the both of you. You’ve only ever met Mark a handful of times before, and mainly just in passing. He’s a pretty funny guy, and he’s one of Johnny’s closest confidants, so you trust him. Plus, he got you ice cream in the middle of the night that one time when Johnny was out on a trip and you were craving your favourite flavour.
The rest of the day is spent hanging around with Mark. Unfortunately, you aren’t allowed to go anywhere, as per Johnny’s orders, especially with the events that will be unfolding in the evening today and what happened the last time your went out, but it doesn’t bother you too much. There’s plenty to do, and Mark is good company to keep.
The closer to the evening it gets, the more you keep asking Mark if there has been any updates about the raid. So far, there’s been a few before it’s begun, but about an hour after it’s supposed start time, all contact has seemingly ceased.
To say you’re worried would be an understatement. The whole time you sit in the drawing room with Mark, your mind wanders to what could possibly be going on, and if things are going well. Of course, Mark notices the way you chew at your bottom lip, eyes glancing past him every few minutes towards the front entrance.
“Don’t worry, I’m sure he’s fine,” he tells you, and you only shoot him a slightly confused look in response.
Letting out a sigh, you stand up from your seat, “I think I’m going to head to bed.”
Slowly, you begin to make your way up to your room. Even as you get ready for bed, worry continues to gnaw at your stomach. You’ve already seen Justine hurt once because of The Kim’s men, you don’t want to see it a second time. Or worse.
Tossing and turning in your bed, sleep evades you. No matter how hard you try to close your eyes and tune out the world around you, every little sound you hear has your eyes flinging open and heart racing.
Maybe it’s not really just Justine that you’re worried about…
Around two in the morning, you hear some shuffling outside your door. Sitting up in bed, you’re quick to toss the covers off of your body. You thought you had heard some people arriving back to the house, but you didn’t want to jump to any conclusions. Still, this time, it doesn’t stop you from racing to your door and flinging it open.
To say Johnny is surprised to see your worried face practically throwing open the door to your room at two in the morning to find him standing in the hallway before his own room would be an understatement. His heart throbs in his chest as he notices the way you look at him, and for a brief second, he swears worry crosses your features.
“Sorry for waking you,” he says, wiping at the side of his face with the back of his hand. Pulling it away reveals blood smeared against his skin, and he grimaces. Looks like the cut still hasn’t stopped bleeding. “Go back to sleep.”
You blink at him. Once. Twice, before retreating back into your room.
Johnny lets out a sigh as he enters into his master suite, shutting the door quietly behind him. Of course it would be wishful thinking that you’d offer to comfort him after getting home from a particularly gruelling mission. Sure, it went pretty well, but he did lose quite a few men, and he wasn’t able to capture the assassin that had been hired to take him out. At least The Kim’s shouldn’t be a problem for you both any longer.
Just as he’s making his way over to the bathroom to clean himself up, a small knock on his door causes him to freeze in place.
He has to have imagined it, right? Obviously, in his tired and worn out state, his mind is playing tricks on him.
As soon as the second knock sounds, a little louder this time, he’s opening his door in the blink of an eye.
There you stand, med kit clutched in your hands as you meet his gaze. His heart skips a beat.
“Are you okay?” Your voice is somewhat small, quieter than he’s used to hearing from you, but it warms his heart none-the-less. “I mean, I can clearly see that you’re not. I just-“
“Better now,” he smiles as he stands a little straighter despite his whole body groaning in protest.
You pause, taking him in seemingly for the first time. Yeah, that’s definitely worry he sees shining in your eyes. “Come on. Let’s get you cleaned up.”
Without even waiting for his answer, you brush past him into his room.
Normally, under any other circumstances, were you anyone else, Johnny would have cussed out anyone who even dared to step into his own personal space without his permission. However, you are not just anyone, especially to him.
Johnny nearly lets out a chuckle as you stop just inside his room, looking a little lost as your head shifts side to side.
“The bathroom’s over there,” he points to one of the doors off to the side, and you shoot him a small smile in response, motioning for him to join you with a tilt of your head.
He doesn’t need to be told twice.
Just before he enters into the bathroom, a thought crosses his mind that has him stopping in his tracks. Immediately, his mood plummets and his heart constricts in his chest, feeling as if someone is squeezing the life out of him.
“If you’re only doing this because you feel the need to lessen your debt to me,” his voice is small, gaze avoiding yours for the moment since he knows that if this is the case and you see his eyes, he’ll break, “then leave.”
Blinking at him in shock, you place the box in your hands gently on the counter. Cautiously, you step in front of him and you notice his eyes shining with unshed tears. He nearly jumps at the way you tenderly cradle his face between your hands.
“Maybe I’m doing this because I want to,” you say lowly, and you watch his eyes finally lift to meet yours, “not because I have to.”
Johnny swears he stops breathing, an indescribable happiness growing within him that sends tingles down his spine. You’re doing something for him, because you care.
After months of pining after you, of wishing for more, finally, he gets just that. This is everything he could have ever hoped for, even if this is such a small act. Knowing that you want to be here, to take care of him after coming home to you, beaten and bruised, makes his head spin.
This time, it’s him that sits himself wordlessly on the counter of his own ensuite, watching you intently as you go to clean his wounds. Each time before you press the alcohol soaked pad to his skin, you warn him, and each time he has to fight the smile that wants to tug at his lips at your considerate nature. Who would have ever thought all those months ago that you would be assisting him like this now.
His hands are the worst, the skin of his knuckles practically torn apart, dried blood caked across the surface of his skin. You can tell he had gotten into a few fights with only his fists tonight, and you wonder just how bad his torso is considering it’s still covered by his shirt.
Once you’re done addressing the wounds you can see, you meet his gaze. Smiling softly at him, you don’t realize that you’re still holding his hands in yours, but Johnny does.
Slowly, carefully, you bring his hands up to your lips, kissing his knuckles gently. As you do so, your whole body tenses, realization coursing through you as you somewhat awkwardly place his hands back down in his lap. Your face flares with heat.
“Sorry,” you mumble. “Force of habit.”
He quirks a brow at you, heart thundering in his chest at your actions. If it weren’t for the way that you avoid his gaze at the moment, he would have already pulled you in for a kiss. “Habit?”
“Yeah,” you laugh airily, “ever since I was small my parents would kiss the back of my hands whenever I hurt them.”
Smiling, he meets your eyes, “that’s sweet.”
You look away from him, clearly embarrassed. “Any more that I should be aware of?”
“I can take care of them,” he replies softly.
“So can I,” your one eyebrow arches ever so slightly as you turn back to look at him, “but if you’d rather do it yourself, then I’ll respect your privacy like you’ve always respected mine.”
Johnny’s breath hitches, tender gaze meeting yours as he whispers out an ‘okay’. Shortly after, he’s gripping the bottom of his shirt and tugging it over his head, letting it fall to the ground in the next second.
Now, Johnny has never been one to feel the need to be insecure about the way he looks. He knows he’s got a good body, he works hard for it, and a handsome face to match. Yet sitting beneath your careful gaze, he cannot help but shy away.
The whole of five seconds pass by, and they feel like an eternity to him as your gaze trails over his body, drinking him in for the first time. He knows the circumstances aren’t the same, but fuck does he ever hope you like what you see.
Only you could make him like this. Only you have this effect on him. After all, he’s all yours, and he hopes to whatever’s out there that you’ll be his.
At the bruises you already see blooming on his skin, you grimace. “Please tell me the other guys look worse.”
“Don’t worry, Love,” he chuckles, a shiver running down his spine as he feels the ghost of your touch trail over his skin ”They do.”
“Good.” Is all you say as you begin to gently rub ointment onto his bruises, Johnny’s eyes never leaving your face the whole time. He watches you carefully, hoping beyond anything that you cannot feel the way his heart is racing uncontrollably in his chest just from your touch alone.
Once you’re done, Johnny stands back on his feet, you taking a small step backwards to give him some room.
“I have one more on my back,” he tells you, and you nod, waiting for him to turn around. Once he does, you let out a low whistle. “Yeah, someone caught me by surprise with a wooden plank.”
“You know,” you begin to say, already working on treating his wound, “this normally isn’t how I enjoy seeing scratches on a man’s back.”
Johnny blinks, his breath getting caught in his throat momentarily before he lets out a slight laugh. Are you flirting with him? “Oh yeah?”
“Yeah,” you confirm, a slight smirk tugging at the corner of your lips as you feel his skin heating beneath your touch. “Normally I’m the one who put them there.”
Just before Johnny can turn around to see your expression, you’re patting him lightly on his shoulder. “All done.”
Finally turning to face you, he clears his suddenly dry throat, “thanks.”
“Anytime,” you smile back at him, cleaning up the supplies you’ve used and tucking the med kit neatly against the wall by the counter. “Now, you should get some rest. Maybe take a shower to wash the excess blood off.”
“I will,” Johnny replies, caring gaze set upon you. “You should get some rest, too.”
“Believe me,” you hum, “I plan to.”
With those words, you’re exiting his bathroom, leaving him slightly disappointed that this tender moment with you has come to an end. However, what he’s not expecting, is to see you make your way over to his bed and climb beneath the covers, fluffing the pillow shortly after as you attempt to make yourself comfortable.
“What are you doing?” His eyes narrow ever so slightly, amusement shining within them.
“Getting into bed. What does it look like I’m doing?” You huff, settling beneath his sheets.
“In my room?” He leans against the doorframe to the bathroom, crossing his arms across his chest.
“Look,” you sit up slightly, using your arm to support yourself as you stare at him from across the way, “I couldn’t sleep earlier not knowing what was going on. I was worried, and I’d feel much better not being alone for the night. Besides, I think you could use the company, too.”
Johnny blanks, doing his best to control his breathing for the moment as his mind fills in what you’re really trying to say to him. You were worried about him, about whether or not he was safe. About whether or not he would return home to you.
He smiles bashfully at the ground before looking up to meet your gaze, “I’ll be right there.”
Never has Johnny taken a shower quicker in his life. The water cascading down his body is refreshing, and what’s even better is the thought of you waiting for him in his bed. Soon to be your bed, too.
Wrapping the towel around his waist after finishing drying off, Johnny slips out of the bathroom and heads towards his closet. He notices you shift slightly as he reenters his bedroom, and he can feel your gaze on his back as he moves, your words from earlier drifting through his mind.
A shiver races down his spine, and he’s glad that he’s blocked from your view inside his closet. You really will be the death of him someday, whether you know it or not.
Making his way back out into his room, he’s quick to flick off all of the lights and crawl into bed beside you. So badly does he want to pull you into his arms, holding you close to him and maybe even have you rest your head on his chest, but he doesn’t. He can’t, at least, not yet.
A few moments pass by in silence until he hears you shifting onto your side to face him. He turns his head to look at you, noticing how you’re already staring at him with tired eyes.
“I know I asked this earlier, but,” you blink, “are you okay?”
Shifting onto his side so that he can face you, Johnny smiles faintly, “better now.”
“You said that before, too.” You comment, a twitch to your jaw.
“It’s true though. I’m home,” with you, “and The Kim’s should no longer be a problem for us.”
“You defeated them?”
“Not all of them,” he admits, bringing his arm up to rest beneath his pillow, “but we managed to take out the major heads. That’s why I was gone for so long.”
“Oh.” You nod slightly. “I see.”
“The rest are nothing to worry about,” he assures you, failing to inform you of the assassin that’s still out there hunting the both of you for the moment. He doesn’t want to worry you any more than you already are, nor does he want to scare you away. Not after all of this progress that you’re making with him. “Their organizations are bound to fall apart now with so little people left to govern them, too.”
“Are they your only rival?”
His lips twitch upwards in a smirk, “are you asking to know more about me, Love?”
“Maybe,” comes your response. “If we’re going to be living together like this, then I should know what I’m getting into.”
You opt to omit the fact that you’ll probably be stuck with him for who knows how long, anyways, which is the real reason why you’re asking. Besides, you’d rather not have any more surprise attacks by any of his enemies on your few days out of the mansion.
“I’ll tell you anything you want to know and everything you need to know,” his eyes shine, his heart swelling with joy at your words.
“I’d like that,” you shoot him a tired smile.
“Perhaps tomorrow, though,” he chuckles lowly. “You look sleepy.”
“No,” you pout. “I don’t think I could sleep yet even if I tried. Besides, I want to know more.”
A warmth spreads through Johnny’s chest, knowing that you want to stay awake to talk with him. To spend more time with him. So, he tells you. About his family, about his organizations, his work. Every detail is yours for the taking, just like his heart is for you and only you. The way you listen to him intently, despite your tired state, only serves to prove to him that he definitely made the right choice in choosing you to pursue, to have by his side through everything. Even the questions you ask him at times show him just how much you’re actually listening to him.
Once he’s done speaking, he gives you a chance to tell him more about yourself, too. Johnny most definitely is not the type to dominate a conversation like this and make it all about him, especially not with the person he loves more than anything or anyone else in this world, and would subsequently do anything and everything for. Besides, he wants to know more about you, especially if you’re willing to share those parts of yourself with him. He may know quite a bit about you already, but he doesn’t know everything. Yet.
Sometime in the early hours of the morning, just as the sun is peeking over the horizon, you fall asleep. A soft smile graces Johnny’s lips as he forces his eyes to stay open to take in this beautiful sight before him.
In the quiet of the morning, beneath the covers of his bed, you are his and he is yours.
Ever so slowly, he carefully brings a hand up to trace the side of your face.
Perfect. This moment here in time with you is perfect, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
The next few weeks pass by with you not leaving Johnny’s side, though this time, it’s by choice. The two of you seemingly grow closer each day, and you’ve made it almost a nightly occurrence for one of you to sleep in the other’s room.
You have to admit, it is really nice to have him as company. He’s nothing but a gentleman to you, that it almost makes you feel bad for what you have planned to do. Regardless, your debt hasn’t been mentioned in almost two weeks, and you’re starting to wonder just what is really going on.
Still, Johnny refuses to arm you with a gun despite how well your training is going. Not that you’d really want to be carrying one, anyways. Now that you’re practically inseparable with Johnny, there’s no need for you to have one since he usually always has one on or near him at all times.
Of the many things you’ve noticed over the past few weeks, the one that is the most obvious is the way that Johnny looks at you. Pride would accurately begin to describe the way his eyes shine whenever you catch him staring, but also wonder. Awe, desire, happiness, longing, amongst many other emotions swim within his irises, but more than all of that, love.
Your heart races every time you catch him looking at you with that lovestruck expression on his face. Never before has anyone ever gazed so tenderly at you, so fondly, and you wonder why you’ve only started noticing Johnny do so now. You’ve always felt his eyes lingering a little longer on your figure ever since you got here, but only now have you ever really stopped to consider just how he’s been staring at you.
You won’t lie to yourself, you love it. The power his gaze gives you. Plus, he’s not afraid to continue showering you in gifts, never failing to slip in compliments here and there.
He’s really down bad for you, isn’t he? How have you never noticed it before?
Oh, but you have. You just never wanted to acknowledge it until now.
Which is exactly how you find yourself standing just outside the door to his room on this very night. Taking a deep breath to calm your nerves, you knock softly on his door. A small ‘come in’ can be heard from within, and as you open the door, you prepare yourself for what you’re about to do.
“Johnny?” Your voice greets him, and immediately he’s turning around in his chair to face you.
“Yes, My Love?” He smiles as he sees you walk over to him after shutting his door to give you both some privacy.
“Are you still working on that stuff?” Your brow furrows slightly as you walk over to him, leaning over his shoulder briefly to sneak a peek at the papers scattered on top of the desk he’s been sitting at practically all day.
“I don’t have to be,” he replies, his lips quirking upwards slightly as you crawl into his lap, his hands coming to settle on your waist as yours find purchase on his shoulders. You smile, and just like every time, his heart races in his chest as he knows it’s just for him. “I missed you today.”
Of course he did. He’s spent the whole day doing paperwork and investigating that stupid assassin that’s still out to get the both of you.
You, on the other hand, had spent the whole day with Justine. Visiting your shop and seeing Minju again after so long was a nice change. You even got to catch up with her this time, even if the first little bit was just her complaining that Jungwoo just up and disappeared one day, never to be heard from again. Smiling at her, you had offered your reassurance, changing the subject shortly afterwards considering you know exactly what had happened to that boy after Johnny had told you. He was the reason you were attacked that one day so long ago, after all.
“I missed you, too,” you say, the corner of your mouth tugging upwards as you stare into his eyes.
Like every time you spend apart recently, he asks about your day, and you tell him, doing the same for him shortly after. The smile he wears the whole time you tell him about what happened on your outings with Justine pulls at your heart, and you find your grip subconsciously tightening on his shoulders ever so slightly.
“By the way, I got you a surprise today,” at the mischievous grin that tugs at your lips, Johnny quirks a brow.
“Oh?” He mirrors your grin. “Just what might that be?”
Sparing a glance at his lips, you lean in closer to him, voice a low drawl right by his ear, “you’ll have to unwrap it to find out.”
Immediately, your words have the desired effect, his grip tightening on your waist as he swallows thickly.
“You shouldn’t tease me, Love,” he warns, voice dangerously low to match your own tone.
You pull back slightly to look into his eyes. Eyes which have suddenly become dark as he gazes intently at you, who speaks with mock innocence, “I would never dream of doing such a thing.”
That teasing smirk is back on your lips, and Johnny swears it’ll be the death of him. Especially when you shift forward slightly, pressing yourself further into his lap.
“This surprise…” he trails off, eyes roaming your figure unashamedly, gaze catching on the pendant you still wear around your neck ever since he gave it to you.
Slowly, you bring one of your hands down and hook your finger beneath the bottom of your shirt, catching the material as you drag it up your body slightly so that a portion of your skin gets exposed. “Care to unwrap it?”
“With pleasure.”
Instantly, your shirt is on the floor and Johnny’s breath gets caught in his throat as he takes you in. A low curse escapes his lips once he remembers to breathe once more, eyes hungrily raking over your upper body.
There you sit, wearing an intricately laced royal blue bra with silver detailing, and he knows you wore this just for him.
His favourite colours on his favourite person.
Before you realize what’s happening, Johnny has stood and flipped you around. Your back hits the top of his desk as he leans over you, sending papers flying to the floor. Slowly, his hand trails up the side of your body, causing a shiver to run up your spine. Once his hand reaches your breast, he strokes the material carefully, dark irises meeting your own.
“What a pleasant surprise,” he hums, voice low as his hand squeezes your breast softly, causing you to let out a little gasp. He smirks against the skin of your neck, “did you wear this for me?”
“Just for you,” your hand comes up to cup his cheek, pulling him in for a kiss.
Happily, he obliges, pulling your body closer into his as he claims your mouth with his own. Fuck, your lips feel perfect against his, and it only serves to confirm what he’s always known.
The two of you are made for each other, and nothing is going to change that.
Parting from your lips, he trails his own down your neck, nipping at the skin. At the breathless gasp you let out when he bites down on a particular area, he smirks, taking his time to enjoy the sounds you’re making for him, and only serving to make him that much more excited for what is to come. The way your hands eagerly grab at his back lets him know you’re just as eager as he is, too.
Slowly, he grinds himself into you, causing another gasp to escape your parted lips. He pulls away from you briefly, eyes shining as he stares into your own.
“You have no idea what you do to me,” he admits, his hand coming up to tenderly cup your cheek once more for the briefest of moments, thumb stroking over your skin.
The way you say his name, a breathless whisper on your lips, nearly sends him to his knees.
Bringing his lips back to yours, you decide to take this opportunity to begin unbuttoning his shirt. Once the last button is undone, you trail your hand down his chest, sending a pleasant shiver running up his own spine.
Eagerly, he rolls his hips into you once more, loving the way he can hear your breath hitch at the contact. Tonight, every sound you make, every expression, every reaction, is his. He wants your everything, and tonight, he’s going to take it. After all, when it comes to you, he’s insatiable.
All too soon, he’s pulling away from you, only to begin trailing his lips down your body in the next moment. He stops briefly when he makes it to your breasts, hands cupping each one separately as he takes his time to appreciate the lace covering your skin. Giving them an appreciative squeeze, he begins his descent down your body once more until he’s on his knees before you, hands resting on your clothed thighs.
“May I?” He meets your gaze as his hands slide up your thighs, trailing dangerously close to the waistline of your pants.
“You may,” comes your immediate response, and like everything that has to do with you, Johnny does not need to be told twice.
Not wanting to wait a moment longer, he’s sliding your jeans down your legs, tossing them somewhere behind him in the room. Trailing his gaze to the apex of your thighs, his breath hitches once more at seeing the matching panties you wear, the centre of the fabric already darkening due to your wetness soaking the material.
Johnny’s head is spinning as his eyes lock with yours once more, “you’re so beautiful.”
Pushing your thighs further apart, Johnny settles himself between them, running his hands over your skin. The tips of his fingers tingle wherever they touch you, electricity coursing through his veins, and he wants more.
Finally, after what feels like ages, he brings his lips to you once more. Trailing them over your inner thighs, he takes his time nipping at your skin, loving the way you whine for him, especially when he noses at the damp spot on your panties.
“Now who’s the tease,” you groan, hands clutching desperately at the edge of his desk as he pulls back with a chuckle.
“Patience, My Love,” he hums, tongue darting out to wet his lips. “I’ll take care of you, all in due time. I just want to savour this moment with you for as long as I can.”
Your heart nearly skips a beat in your chest at his words, and you bite your bottom lip. You severely underestimated just how much you mean to him, and his words alone are proof enough of that.
Soon, he hooks his fingers around the waistband of your panties, looking at you once more for permission before sliding them down your legs. Everything he does to you will always be with your consent. Nothing more, nothing less. Your comfort and pleasure is his number one priority.
“Only you could bring me to my knees,” he tells you, thumbs gently stroking over the sides of your thighs.
Focussing his attention back between your thighs once he’s discarded of your panties, he swallows. The sight of your glistening cunt causes his mouth to water, pure desire swimming in his irises as he feels his cock throb in his pants. Fuck, he’s always wanted to taste you, and now that he gets the opportunity, he doesn’t want to waste any more time.
The first swipe of his tongue on you causes your breath to hitch in your throat. A moan builds in his own throat as he tastes you on his lips, taking his time to explore your body, and finding out exactly what gets the most reactions out of you. He starts off slowly, tentatively licking at your entrance before dragging his tongue between your folds, loving the way your whole body shudders from his touch and his touch alone.
Tightening his grip on you, he pulls you closer into him just as he wraps his lips around your clit, suckling lightly as he flicks his tongue over the small bud. The moan of his name he receives falling from your lips is like music to his ears, his heart fluttering in his chest as your one hand comes to grip his hair, fingers tangling in his locks as you pull him closer into you.
The way you start to grind against his tongue lets him know that you’re getting close to the edge. Bringing his one hand down, he decides to help you along even further, inserting a finger into you in the next second. Slowly, he begins to stroke the inside of your walls, groaning appreciatively at the way you clench around him when he adds a second digit.
If you feel this good around his finger, he can only imagine how heavenly you’ll feel wrapped around his cock.
The moan that escapes your lips only serves to make him quicken his pace, tongue flicking over your clit as his fingers continue to massage your inner walls. Your own fingers tighter their grip in his hair and he looks up at you, meeting your gaze briefly only for you to tilt your head back in pleasure in the next moment.
And just like that, you’re falling apart for him.
Your whole body shakes as he helps you ride out your orgasm, not stopping his movements until you’re practically pushing his head away from overstimulation. Your breath comes in ragged pants, your legs twitching ever so slightly as he removes his fingers from you, savouring your taste on his tongue as he sucks every last drop of you from them.
He hums contently, eyes falling shut briefly as he revels in this moment with you. This is better than anything he could have ever dreamed of. He should know, he’s only ever thought about this for months. Much more than he’d like to admit. Though, nothing could have ever prepared him for the real thing.
Sitting up on the desk, you watch as Johnny stands back onto his feet, removing his shirt fully in the process. Just as you go to stand, your hands already fumbling with his belt, he stops you.
“Not this time, Love,” he smiles at you, heart warming at the fact that you want to take care of him just as he’s taking care of you. “I promise, the next time you can do to me whatever you’d like. Tonight, I want you all to myself.”
His words cause your heart to race in your chest, your tongue darting out to lick your lips as you watch him slide his pants down his legs, kicking them off in the next moment. Your eyes trail his figure hungrily as you watch his cock spring free, his underwear following his pants shortly after.
Taking a step towards you, a smirk tugs at Johnny’s lips as you trail your eyes back up his body to meet his own. At the lust he sees swimming within your gaze, he knows you like what you see, and pride swells in his chest. It’s only right, since he’s all yours.
Bringing his hands up to cup your face once more, he attaches his lips to yours, slowly moving them against you and pouring all of his emotions into the kiss. All of his love, his desire, his passion, he wants you to feel; to know just how desperate you make him in every meaning of the word.
Parting from your lips, he rests his forehead on yours, staring deeply into your eyes as he admits to you what he’s always known.
“I love you,” he breathes out, “and I always will.”
The only response he gets from you is your lips on his again, hand coming up to grip the back of his neck as you push him into you. That’s all he needs. At least, for now.
Taking this opportunity, he slides his hands around your back, unclasping your bra and parting from you briefly to help you slide it off. Again, he’s left speechless at you standing before him, his mouth suddenly going dry as he takes in the sight that is you.
“Beautiful,” he whispers, and he sees the faintest upturn of your lips in response.
Before Johnny has the opportunity to do anything else, he watches you turn around, leaning over his desk and looking at him from over your shoulder with hooded eyes. The devious smirk on your lips matches the way you arch your brow at him, sticking your ass out slightly in the process.
He takes the hint, stepping in behind you, one hand gripping his cock while the other caresses the skin of your ass appreciatively. Only, before he goes any further, he’s stopping himself.
Your brow furrows, watching as he pulls open one of the drawers beside you, rifling around until he finds what he’s looking for. As soon as he pulls out a condom, realization flashes in your eyes, and you shoot him a grateful smile.
“Still okay?” He makes sure to check in on you before he opens the package.
“Still okay.” You confirm, and as soon as he hears that, he tears open the condom.
Once he’s rolled the condom on, he aligns himself with your entrance. One of his hands rests on your waist while the other guides his length into you, teasing you slightly by dragging the tip through your folds before slowly pushing in. You can hear him curse lowly from behind you as he feels your warm walls enveloping him for the first time, a small groan parting your lips as you feel him stretching you out.
As soon as he’s fully seated in you, you feel his whole body resting just above yours, the heat form his skin causing you to clench around him in anticipation. He grunts, doing his best to hold himself back until you let him know it’s okay for him to move. Not even a moment later, you do.
The first roll of his hips into you is slow, deliberately calculated, wanting you to feel every inch of him buried inside of you. A movement of which draws moans from the both of you. At the sharp snap of his hips into yours the second time, your breath hitches, Johnny beginning a brutal pace as he fucks into you from behind.
Straightening his back, he lifts you up with him, one arm around your waist as the other comes up to caress your breast, fingers rolling your pert nipple between them. The continuous whimpers that tumble from your mouth, along with a few breathless cries of his name are music to his ears.
Again, his lips find purchase on your neck, teeth grazing your skin as he drags his tongue along the spot he’s just bit, soothing the mark. Slowly, the arm around your waist dips lower, hand reaching down as his fingers find your clit once more, rubbing circles over your sensitive nub.
In an instant, Johnny brings his other hand up to wrap around your throat, but just as his fingers touch the sides of your neck, he hesitates. He promised himself that he would never touch you without your permission like this, and besides, he doesn’t even know if you’re even in to this kind of thing, anyways.
However, your next words have his hips faltering as he hears them fall from your lips.
“Do it,” you practically hiss out, your one hand clawing at him from behind in order to draw him in closer to you. “I’m yours, Master.”
“Fuck-” he can feel his cock twitch inside of you, a growl building in his throat as he tightens his grip around your throat, squeezing the sides, “you’re mine. All mine.”
“Yours,” your confirmation is everything to him, and he knows that just from your words alone, he’s close.
“And I’m yours,” he groans, head buried in the side of your neck as he releases his hold on it, letting you catch your breath. “Isn’t that right?”
“Yes,” your breath hitches and he can tell from the way your walls clench around him that you’re nearing your second orgasm of the night. “You’re mine, Master.”
Never in his life has Johnny heard such beautiful words fall from from anyone’s lips. The fact that it’s you saying them to him makes this moment all the more sweeter.
If only this moment could last forever.
A few more thrusts, and he’s coaxing you to come with him, knowing that he won’t be able to last much longer. Luckily, from the way your whole body shakes, he knows you’re orgasm is washing over you for the second time this evening, him following close behind.
Hips stuttering, he pulls you impossibly closer into him, a moan of your name on his lips. “I love you.”
Resting your hands on the desk in front of you, you stand on shaky legs. The both of you attempt to catch your breaths, nothing but the sound of your pants filling the air. Finally, he pulls out of you.
Watching as he disposes of the condom, you lean against his desk. Your gaze follows him as he disappears into his bathroom, coming back a few moments later with a damp cloth and helping to clean you off. You shoot him a lazy smile in thanks, to which he smiles back at you.
Five minutes later and you’re laying in bed with him in one of his oversized shirts, him having slid on a pair of sweats. Your head rests on his chest and you listen to his heartbeat, noticing how it palpitates every so often when you do something. His arm is around you, hand resting on your waist as it pushes his shirt up slightly to expose your skin. Softly, his thumb brushes against you, savouring this moment in time with you.
Resting you hand beside you head on his chest, you begin to draw small patterns against his own skin with your finger. He smiles fondly down at you, basking in your afterglow.
“Johnny,” your call of his name draws his attention.
He hums in response.
“What are we?” You turn your head slightly, meeting his gaze for a brief moment and pausing in your movements of drawing random shapes on his chest with your finger.
“Whatever you want us to be,” comes his reply, and he’s surprised when you don’t push the matter further. He’s not complaining, though. He’s already decided that you’ll become his wife a long time ago. He’s already got the ring and everything. All he needs to do now is propose, and he knows exactly the time to do it.
Another brief silence passes over the both of you.
“I’ve been wondering,” you begin, “well, more like thinking about what you told me about certain parts of your business practices again.”
“Yes?” His heart warms. Perhaps you’re open to helping him with these sorts of matters already. After all, it will soon become your duty when you take your rightful place beside him as the two heads of the Suh family.
“You deal in trafficking, right? What types were they again?” You turn back around, not wanting to strain your neck by looking at him from that angle anymore than you have to.
“All different types,” he replies. “Anything from weapons to drugs. You name it, we probably sell it.”
You sit up on your arms, eyes slightly wide as you turn to meet his gaze, “so even, like, human organs?”
“If the market calls for it.” He tilts his head in a shrug. At least he’s honest, but of course, he would never lie to you. “Yeah.”
“So then, what exactly is the value of a human life?” You ask, oh, so innocently.
Johnny remains none-the-wiser.
“Well, on the black market, a kidney usually costs about…”
The whole time he talks, you listen intently to every word he says, nodding along as he lists off different prices to you for different organs and such. Once he’s done, you hum in contemplation, returning to your original spot and starting to trace designs on his chest once more.
“Thanks for telling me,” you say, “I’ve always been curious about this kind of stuff, but I’ve never really had anyone to talk to about it without thinking it’s weird or fucked up of me for wanting to know.”
“Of course,” he grins, arm squeezing your figure slightly. “You can talk to me about anything, Love.”
“I appreciate that,” you tell him honestly. A brief pause before you add, “it goes both ways.”
“I appreciate you,” he replies, kissing the top of your head.
You smile. “So then, do different people have different values placed on their life depending on who they are?”
“In this world?” At the nod of your head, he continues, “yes.”
“I see,” you hum. “May I ask how much you’re worth?”
Johnny chuckles, listing off a number that has your eyes going wide, your head snapping in his direction in disbelief. After a few moments, you manage to close your parted lips, clearing your throat as you regain your composure.
“Not going to lie,” you flick you brows teasingly at him, “that’s kinda hot.”
Smirking, Johnny pulls your body closer to his so that you’re now half laying on top of him, his free hand coming up to cradle the side of your face. “Glad to know you find me hot.”
“Of course I do, dummy,” you playfully roll your eyes. “If I wasn’t attracted to you, do you really think I’d stay with you like this?”
His expression softens, grip tightening ever so slightly on you. In his mind, Johnny knows you’ve already made the decision to stay with him, and tonight confirms it. Knowing this, he could not be happier, ready to start his forever with you as soon as possible. Tonight, you did just that.
“I’m curious, though,” you add. “How much do you think my life is worth now?”
“You?” Johnny blinks, fingers moving to tilt your chin slightly upwards so he can place a tender kiss upon your lips. “Priceless.”
Shyly, you avoid his gaze, a warmth spreading through your chest at his words. Curling into his side even more, you allow yourself to fully relax. Finally, you can see a light at the end of this long and dark tunnel you’ve been traversing for the past so many months. To say it’s a relief would be a massive understatement.
The rest of the night is spent in each other’s embrace, the two of you talking in between bouts of Johnny making love to your body over and over again. Everything he’s ever dreamed of is coming true right before his very eyes. Finally, everything he’s been working towards, especially with you in mind, is paying off.
The next day comes and the two of you spend it doing practically nothing for the better part of it. Johnny instructs his servants to leave you be until dinner, and he revels in the time the both of you share together. The only thing that makes this whole ordeal even better is the fact that he gets to look forward to the rest of forever with you by his side. Tonight will only serve to solidify that fact, too.
Evening comes, and the two of you prepare to have dinner together like usual. For once, Johnny lets you pick out your own outfit, your debt to him long forgotten in his mind. After all, to him, you’re staying with him now whether you like it or not. It’s just a bonus that you chose to do so using your own free will.
When Johnny sees you enter the dining room that night, you take his breath away just like always. The gown you wear serves to accentuate your figure beautifully, the bright crimson red of the fabric complimenting you perfectly.
As soon as you’re near him, he takes your hand, kissing the back of it. “You look gorgeous.”
You offer him a smile in response, a small ‘thank you’ leaving your lips.
For the first time since you’ve started having dinner with him, he pulls out your chair for you, tucking you in gently before coming to sit across from you.
The start of dinner goes smoothly, the two of you easily conversing with one another. He manages to make you laugh, and if that doesn’t make him fall more in love with you each time you do, he doesn’t know what will.
The box with your ring in it sits heavily in his pocket.
All too soon, the two of you have finished eating and are just sipping on the remainder of the wine. Johnny can feel his nerves starting to get the best of him, worry clawing at his chest for the first time in years.
What if you say no? You couldn’t possibly, not after everything the two of you have been through together. Especially not after last night.
Deciding that it’s now of never, he pulls out the box, clutching it tightly in his hand beneath the table.
“Actually, there’s something I’ve been meaning to talk to you about,” he begins, and at the nod you send him, he continues, “I care about you. More than anyone or anything in this goddamn world. If I haven’t made that clear before, I am now. I honestly don’t know what I would do without you in my life, and I want you to stay by my side. Through everything, I want it to be you. I need it to be you. I love you, and I know you love me, too. It’s time for you to become who you’re meant to be. So please, will you do me the honour of officially becoming mine?”
Carefully, he places the now open box onto the table before him. The ring glints in the light, and you notice that it matches the necklace you’re currently wearing.
For a moment, all is silent.
“Wait,” you blink, hands clutching the side of the table for support, “you thought that I- that I actually felt something for you?”
Johnny swears that his whole world stops. He half expects you to follow up with a quick laugh, teasing him for believing the words that have just come out of your mouth. However, at the way you continue to stare at him, an expression of amused disbelief on your face, he knows that that’s not the case.
He swallows thickly, “but I thought…”
“You thought what? Just because I slept with you I’m in love with you?” You scoff. “Seducing you was easy, once I knew exactly what you wanted. I only did what I had to do to pay off my debt.” When he remains silent, you add, “it is what you wanted, wasn’t it? It’s one of the reasons why you kept me here.”
Through clenched teeth, he manages to get out, “I only want your everything.”
He feels numb, his heart aching uncontrollably in his chest as the pain of your confession sinks in. No, this can’t be happening. He won’t let it. He can’t lose you. Not now. Not like this.
The only thing that could make this worse is if-
A bullet whizzes past his head, barely missing him as he remains stunned in his seat, followed immediately by another which knocks you out of your own seat and to the ground. Johnny no longer has a visual on you, so he automatically assumes the worst.
This has to be the worst day of Johnny’s life. To go from such a high to an immediate, devastatingly unbearable low makes him feel as if his heart is suffocating, the pain constricting his chest as he continues to sit there, a vacant expression on his face.
The sound of shattering glass reaches his ears, but Johnny doesn’t bother to move, even as two of his staff run in to assess the damage and help him. In fact, he barely registers the scene going on around him, even as both of his staff drop dead, bullets in both of their heads.
You’ve been killed, right before his very eyes, and are probably bleeding out just as his two subordinates are. That thought alone makes it hard for him to breathe.
The sound of footsteps menacingly approaching him reaches his ears. Turning to look at the man standing before him, a gun raised to his head. Blinking, Johnny recognizes the face of the assassin that he’s been trying to track down for weeks.
He closes his eyes, preparing himself for the end. What’s the point of living if you’re not here with him?
A single gunshot rings throughout the room.
Furrowing his brows, Johnny opens his eyes cautiously, surprised he isn’t dead. What he doesn’t expect to greet him, though, is you, standing across from him perfectly unharmed, a gun held firmly in your hands.
Shifting his gaze to the floor, he sees the body of the assassin laying dead with a bullet in the back of his head.
Immediately, your voice is drawing his attention back to you.
“There.” A smug smirk pulls at your lips as you meet his gaze one last time. “Now we’re even.”
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