#mafia! au croatia nt
chyouchyou07 · 6 years
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The reason I made this video is because I want to see my innocent boys like sassy badasses. Fighting for the people they love and kicking some asses disrespect them.
Zlatko, Don Dalić, is the boss; Suba and Čarli are the strongest and unbreakable guardians, protecting all their partners. Luka and Ivan are duo for years, and Luka, as a captain, also commands his teammates and organizes each actions. Domo, Dejan and Šime probably are aggressive and crazy ones, but they always can surprise you. Mandzo, Ante, Ivan P and Andrej are excellent and reliable yet seem angry all the time. As for Epic Brozo? Who knows what’s in his head. 
That’s just my brief headcanon about Mafia!AU CroNT in this video. And of course, headcanon is just headcanon, all of them ARE pure and naive cinnamon rolls in the real world.
Relevant content: Croatian Men’s National Team in suit
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croatian-nt · 5 years
Mafia au-Part one
Summary: When an unassuming artist saves a man’s life at the shooting at the gallery, he ends up in the midde of the war between two mafias and as he gets dragged deeper into the whole thing, he soon learns the line between the sides and right and wrong blur more than he expected.
Pairings: Dominik Livaković/Bruno Petković, Luka Modrić/Šime Vrsaljko mentioned
Word Count: 1832
Warnings: knife throwing, I guess death? Only in a dream tho, blood, (ya know what, just be prepared for violence in general in this fic), making out
Notes: Finally, a mafia au is here! I am really excited about this and I hope y’all like it. Also, if you didn’t see my previous posts about this, there are three aesthetics with more info about this on my blog. Anyways, I hope y’all like it
The day wasn't warm to begin with, but the cold, February wind chilled to the bone. It wasn't stopped by the high fence that prevented outsiders to see the inside of the training field.
 And yet, Livi's palms were sweating, and he was gripping the knife in his hand way too forcefully. He wondered if he could snap it in half if he gripped it tighter.
 "Livi. Breathe. And just throw the knife. I can catch it," Luka said nonchalantly, as if it was such an easy thing to do.
 It wasn't that Livi didn't know how to throw a knife. He was taught how to handle both knives and guns since he was a child. Throwing a knife with the intention of it ending in someone's skull well...that was a different story.
 "Unless you'd prefer we exchange places this second, I recommend you throw that knife. Now." 
 With a deep breath, Livi closed his eyes and let the instinct of habit take over. Lovre's advice came back to him, as clearly as the day he said them.
 It doesn't matter who or what you are throwing the knife at. It's important how you throw it." 
 Lovre wrapped his hand around Livi's raising it so it was in height of Livi's head.
 "You should know how much force to use by the heaviness of the knife."
 Livi concentrated on the cold feel of the handle, of how it's weight felt in his hand.
 "Then you focus on the target-imagine it as a red dot."
 Red dot. No skin, no bones, no piercing brown eyes. Just the red dot.
 And...throw it."
 The knife flew through the air, and for a second, it was as if the time slowed. 
 He watched as the knife cut straight through the air to towards his target. Livi was suddenly filled with dread-straight throw with a deadly accuracy. He should have threw the knife with a spin. 
 It happened in a split second-Luka's hands moved impossibly fast-and he stopped the knife between his palms.
 Livi relased a breath he didn't know he was holding. 
 Luka lowered the knife, and caught Livi's gaze again, evaluating him. It was unnerving, especially since Livi has known him for two years now. At first, he hoped it was a thing that will pass and that Luka will stop looking at him as if he is trying to figure out all of his secrets and weaknesses.
 Then again, better Luka than Dalić.
 "Good throw. Now you only need to learn to catch it that way as well."
 Livi's face twisted and he resisted the urge to bite at his nails.
 "I just learned how to catch a knife by the handle. I am not sure if-"
 "But that only works if the knife is thrown with a spin doesn't it? And if your first instinct was to throw it straight then...we both know Lovre won't do it any other way either."
 Livi never failed to flinch at Lovre's or Suba's name being brought up. It was a bad habit. and he didn't failt to notice the way Luka's eyes traced the small motion, as if he was testing him to see if he would still have the same reaction.
 Thankfully, Šime came to distract Luka and end his misery for the day. Or at least Livi hoped so.
 "While I am sure you are having fun torturing a baby of the team-"
 "I am not even the youngest one here!" Livi protested.
 Šime shot him an amused smile, but otherwise ignored him.
 "You are going to be late to an important thing that I cannot talk about."
 Luka rolled his eyes.
 "You weren't even supposed to know about it. But yes, I am coming. Just let me put the knives away."
 "I am sure Livi can take care of that. I wanted a minute to talk to you."
 Šime smirked, gently tracing the scar on Luka's exposed shoulder. Luka shivered and Livi quickly looked away, clearing his throat.
 Luka instantly stepped away from Šime and Livi could swear he was blushing. It was almost fascinating how easily Šime could melt away Luka's cold calculation that he seemed to otherwise have at all times.
 Well. Almost at all times. There was one moment in particular that Livi remembered, when Luka showed and said more than he wanted.
 It was few days after Livi defected and was trying to get used to the news environment. The memory came to him easily, despite being painful. He went through those memories often, scared they will fade and that he will slowly forget how he ended up here in the first place. Why he ended up here in the first place.
 It's not anybody was cruel to him after he joined them. Quite the opposite. And even Modrić-or Luka as he was told to call him-came to talk to him at one point. 
 "I know you were close with Subašić before you joined us. If you already had to trade your life from someone else's, at least you did it for someone who deserved it."
 Livi raised his head, studying him. Despite the fact that Livi was sitting, Luka still seemed quite short compared to him. And yet, there was something about him that just screamed "dangerous" from all the angles.
 "Is this your way of saying he is a good man?"
 Luka chucked, shaking his head. 
 "None of us would be in this kind of business, especially not that high up, if we were good men. No, Suba isn't the good man,"
 Luka paused, locking his eyes on Livi's, peering into his soul, in a way. 
 "But he is a loyal one. So, if you already had to take a fall for being loyal, at least you did it for someone who would do the same for you."
 Livi's eyes stinged, and he looked away. This just reminded him that he will never see Suba again. Or if he will, he won't see him as a man who raised him. He will be the enemy.
 "I used to be close to him as well," Luka continued, grabbing Livi's attention again.
 "What happened?"
 Luka smiled and Livi was reminded of an wounded animal, baring it's teeth in defense.
 "Unlike you, I didn't leave to protect his life. I did it to protect mine." 
 Livi didn't dare to ask any further questions, despite a hundred of them being on a tip of his tongue. 
 That night, his dream involved him holding a gun, with his finger on a trigger. But it was Suba that he was aiming at, and while he knew he should pull the trigger, he stood there, frozen.
 The sound of the gunshot rang through his ears, but it didn't come from his gun. Livi turned his head and saw Luka holding a gun. He shot Livi a smile-it held no warmness and all terror before he spoke.
 "You will have to do a lot of things to protect yourself Livi. Better get used to it."
 Suba's blood was deep, dark red. It soaked through Livi's jeans as he fell to his knees, and stained his fingers. 
 When he woke up, he washed his hands and brushed his teeth several times, but the taste of cooper lingered. He didn't fall asleep again that night.
Livi blinked, realizing he missed one part of the conversation, and that Luka was putting his blazer on. He and Šime shared one more meaningful look Livi couldn't decipher and then Luka turned to him.
 "Clean the knives and out them away. We'll continue tomorrow."
 And with that and a salute from Šime, they were gone.
 Livi sighed, quickly gathering the knives and bringing them to the building. As he walked through the familiar hallway, Livi spent a few moments pondering over the irony of how beautiful and well lit the whole establishment was.
 When you imagined a place where mafia members frequented and had some of their weapons you would probably see a cold, dark place, far away from everything. Which is stupid, considering the fact that these things were usually hidden in plain sight.
 Livi reached the weaponry, and started cleaning the knives one by one, easily falling into the soothing habit.
 After a few minutes though, he heard the door open and quick, sure steps approach him. H knew who it was before the other man even opened his mouth.
 "I thought I'd find you here," Bruno said, looming above him.
 Livi put away the last knife and stood up, trying to minimize the height difference as much as possible. He knew, logically, that Bruno wouldn't hurt him, but a part of him wanted to be prepared and on equal footing in case something did happen.
 "What are you doing here?"
 Bruno smiled, lazily stretching his hand until it cupped Livi's face and stroked it with his thumb. Livi unconsciously leaned into it, fighting against his inner voice screaming that he shouldn't be doing this.
 "Can't I just drop by when I want to see my badass boyfriend?" Bruno whispered, brushing his lips against Livi's.
 Livi snorted, but chased after Bruno's lips for another kiss before answering.
 "Well, said boyfriend isn't complaining...but you could persuade me to not tell Luka you are snooping around."
 Bruno pulled him closer but left just a breath of space between their lips. Livi's heart was pounding, and Livi concentrated on that, rather than the voice in his head.
 You are leading him on. You don't even know which side you are loyal to anymore. How could you even-
"Well that can be arranged," Bruno said and kissed him, stopping Livi's thoughts from spiraling further.
 However, after a few moments Livi's phone pinged, signalling he got a message. Livi froze. It wasn't the sound of a message from the phone he used every day. It was from the old one that he kept in his bag and used only for...
 "What's wrong?"
 Livi ignored the question and Bruno's narrowed eyes as he opened his bag and fished out the phone. He had one unread message from unsaved number, but the one he recognized. And even if he didn't only one person contacted him through this phone.
 There is going to be a shooting at the gallery at the main square. You might want to warn Luka before it's too late.
Dread pooling in Livi's stomach and his mind raced. Why would Luka be at the gallery? What kind of shooting? How did Posavec know about this?
 And most importantly, if Livi was to warn Luka, how would he explain how he knew about it?
 Livi glanced back at Bruno, considering his options.
 You'll knew you had to choose, sooner or later. Your loyalties can't always be dancing on a line between them.
Livi made a decision. He just hoped it would be the right one. He turned back to Bruno.
 "I need your help with something. It's about Luka, and you can't tell anyone."
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