yamusbitch · 8 years
madraaga replied to your post:i know i shouldnt be happy but the guy ive been...
slides in my business card
hello here i am
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shifterhaven-blog · 8 years
“Don’t really got anywhere to go, so..”
“But you’re free now, Kitten. I let you go. I figured you’d go back to your brothers. I’m sure they miss you.” There was a sadness in the assassin’s eyes. She knew no one would miss her if something happened. She was actually disappointed with herself that she had grown so attached to the other that she was sad to let him go. 
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Casually just hides in ithnan's room because he skipped out of a council meeting and his brothers will be mad at him
“Young Prince...aren’t you supposed to be in a council meeting? What are you doing in here?”
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olbathepirate-blog · 8 years
casually smooches
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Casually is harassed smooched by a former prince. “Aren’t you meant to be exiled or something?!”
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shifterhaven-blog · 8 years
@madraaga Alex saw the pretty boy not long after they arrived in the village. She had been following him around ever since, keeping hidden so that he wouldn't notice her. Sometimes she took her animal forms, sometimes she remained human. She wasn't really sure why but she was curious about him. She'd also decided that she liked him, but she wasn't sure how he'd react if she approached him. Finally she got up he courage to come out of her hiding spot and approach him.
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speedliines-blog · 8 years
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Handwriting Meme Thing??? *loud shrugging*
Tagged by: @madraaga
Name: Kælan (most people call me Frost though)
URL: speedliines.tumblr.com
Blog title: -- way past.❜❜
Favourite colours: BLUE!
Significant others: I’m married to Katie. :o (actually incredibly single haha).
Write something in all caps: PRAISE THE MIGHTY LORD GOATEN!!!!!
Favourite bands/artists: ??? I’ve been listening to a lot of Lewis Del Mar.
Favourite Drink: uuuuh............ blue mountain dew
Favourite number: idk thirteen???
Tag ten people: @crimsonliines, @rosefemelle, @foiis, @gunagentshadow, @distxns, @sempiiterniity, @lionkinq, @alhxshaxise, @ebonykxng, @fusiongenius (but you don’t have to do it!!!)
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shifterhaven-blog · 8 years
The assassin was in the dungeons torturing some poor soul to death. She had a creepy grin on her face that indicated she had snapped again. When she grew bored with killing down there she wandered upstairs again, the grin never leaving her face. People took one look at her and ran in the other direction or hid. Even her brothers and sisters didn’t like to deal with her when she was like this. She found her way to her room, where Kouha was and entered, shutting and looking the door behind her, a cruel glint in her eyes. 
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shifterhaven-blog · 8 years
Bruising in general he didn’t mind so much. Bruising his face bothered him more because, well… Kouha cared a great deal for his appearances. But more than that even, he was tired… tired of being punished, tired of hurting…
                  “.. n-no..”
Raife nodded, no sign of a smile on his face. “Good,” he said. “Now I think for what you said to me you can go without dinner tonight. You will stand there and watch me eat. Then we will go to bed.”
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