#madoline thomas
letterboxd-loggd · 2 years
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Painted Boats (The Girl of the Canal) (1945) Charles Crichton
August 6th 2022
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Sound-Acoustic Films: Stories with only Music and Sounds Effects that travels you through their sound-line to places, scenes Sound Director: The composer on these types of films is the one that decides where, when and why effects, phrases and instruments are chosen and play.
All CopyRights for Sound-Acoustic Films are reserved from the Fine Art Academy of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, the Art Factory Hellas S.A. 27 more minor labels and the artist Thomas Nakas.
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zwartmagazine · 6 years
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n\e\w: leshorriblestravailleurs.bandcamp.com/track/correspondances-nr-3 Correspondances - nr. 3 (Segment of a soundwork) part of z\w\a\r\t magazine Nr. 19image: detail of a page X  X X  X r\e\q\u\e\s\t : for a sound project \ a series of compositions titled 'Correspondances', that will be part of z\w\a\r\t magazine Nr. 19 i am looking for: a collection of single, long-lasting tones, "Vaste comme la nuit et comme la clarté" (Charles Baudelaire), caused by a variety of instruments and electronic devices. if you create one or more tones that can be integrated (maybe reworked) in the composition, please send it in wav format to: rawforms at xs4all point nl X X X X Contributors to the project so far: ASHTORETH - Guitar + effects E.M.I.R.S. - Analoge synthesizer Thomas Park - Flute ; processed NASA sounds ; Trombone Hopek Quirin - Mandoline ; Bass Thorsten Soltau - Voice Steven Vinkenoog - "Madoline zither with rusty strings" + ebow Nora Kuiper - Viola Anja Kreysing - Accordion ; Guitar Floris van Rijswijk - Guitar + ebow Jacob DeRaadt - Synthesizer X X X X event page Facebook: www.facebook.com/events/2057845494230765/ X X X X z\w\a\r\t magazine: zwartmagazine.tumblr.com www.facebook.com/ZwartMagazine rawforms.blogspot.nl   
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kwebtv · 5 years
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Shelley  -  ITV  -  October 11, 1988 - September 1, 1992
Sitcom (71 episodes)
Running Time:  30 minutes
Hywel Bennett as James Shelley  known as Shelley or Perce 
Belinda Sinclair as Francis Shelley (née Smith) known as Fran (Series 1-4)
Josephine Tewson as Edna Hawkins known as Mrs. H
Warren Clarke as Paul England
Madoline Thomas as Mrs Radcliffe (Series 2-3)
Garfield Morgan as Desmond
Sylvia Kay as Isobel
John Barron as Cyril 
David Ryall as Ted Bishop
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thekratales-blog · 7 years
Story bits “Finis”
It was a warm summer's eve, though a more tolerable part of the day(which ironically had a lot less "day" going on) it was still pretty humid, and it would probably melt an iceberg in a few hours given the chance. Still, it didn't stop me and her from enjoying a cooler chock-full of beverages legal enough to not have us arrested should anyone catch us with them. "You were how old?" she asked, taking a coke out. "117." I replied. "Weird times, but also some of the best times." "Yeah, too bad about that landmine eh? You might have actually made it to the end of the war like all of your other comerades." she said, downing her can in one go. "Well, it is the hardest level in Medal of Honor: Allied Assault." I countered. "Seriously, I can never figure out how the landmines are-what? What are you looking at me like that for?" I asked, seeing her expression change. "You're doing it again." she said. "I do a lot of stuff, so you may have to specify." I said as I picked out an ice-cold Pink bottle of Gatorade. "That thing you do, when you're talking about your...you know." she stopped, looking at my expression. I shrugged and downed my Gatorade. "You talk about all these things in the past, like you were actually there, and then you sideline into something else that...well...you know." she puts her hands up in exasperation, seeing nothing from me, she puts them down. "Like you're not being serious about it anymore." "Be real with me man." she asks, "how do you know all of this stuff? The World Wars, both of them, the Tang dynasty, and all the rest? You even one-upped our underpaid History teacher once like you were talking about something that happened to you a week before, not like a century ago." I gave her a half-smile. "I read a lot of history books and learn?" She slugged my arm lightly."Very funny, as smart as you are you can't remember jack from any other books other than the Harry Potter series...seriously dude, what, are you still gonna be reading that on your rocking chair in your wrinkly years?" "Always." I smiled, enjoying her facepalm as I used that famous line. "Ugh. You are such a dork." she said, muffled by her own hand. "Ah, but a dork you spend a lot of time listening to eh?" I say as she rolls her eyes at me and downs her second can of cola. "In the dark? Under the stars? I must say my dear," I say seductively. "You picked quite a romantic night just to hear me tell a few stories..." "Never in a million years." she flips me off with one hand as she crushes the can she had chugged down with her other hand. I looked into the starry sky, "Yeah." I say nonchalantly. "In a million years." She notices my tone of voice and looks over at me expectantly, she knew what was going to happen and to be fair so did I. Why did this always happen to me? I don't know, maybe it was what she said, maybe because of the number of Gatorade bottles I had drunk, or perhaps an almagamation of both? Either way, I did it anyway. "What do you think of it exactly?" I ask her. "The long stretch that we know as life? How we live? And how we choose to live?" She says nothing, but she listens intently. "I was forty-four on that day on the beach Madoline." I said. "But my body at the time was around 20, oh yes, I was quite a young man born into that life you see. A lot of young men were drafted into that beach, some of which were my friends..." "Thomas Yons, that was him. The man who risked his life by dragging poor Joseph out of the line of fire when he was gunned down, always close those two, and always watching each other's backs." I sighed. "But me? I didn't know that. I could have just stayed where I was, perhaps I could have waited it all out, but my gut instinct was to see if they were okay, perhaps I could get them to a medic. I never made it, I wasn't even gunned down, no, my death came at the sound of a click underneath my right boot, and then there was nothing." I downed the rest of my gatorade and continued, "We all make choices, most folks aren't as lucky as I am, to know what kind of choices can get you killed." I smirked. "Heh, even now I'm not even sure, this is a different life after all." "I've lived to see some incredible things Madoline, centuries come to past...but I've had to see my loved ones die off throughout the years...Thomas, Joseph, Elizabeth, my wives, my children, my grandchildren, and so many more..." I trailed off, looking up into the night sky again, the evening's breeze rustling the trees around us. "And you too Madoline, one day, you'll be gone like the others, and I'll have to stay." "Oh I'll die for real eventually, that I'm sure, I have no illusions of immortality. But I will wish for death, long before death finds me, in truth, I wish for it already." I finish with a sigh. I look over at her, her eyes are wide, and I snort and chuckle. She pulls her head back in surprise. "Liked the ending?" I ask her as she looks at me in question. "Got that quote off The Green Mile." I grin. "Great film. One of the only movies to make me cry I swear." She facepalms again and shakes her head in disbelief. But I see her supressing a smile. "Gods damn it." she groans. "I was sure I had you this time." "Ah well, let's settle for that final toast eh?" I reach into the cooler and find only one bottle of Pink Gatorade left. "Ah damn, all out of coke, sorry." "Gimmie one of your empty bottles, we'll split it." she points at my stack of bottles neatly propped against each other. I give her one. "Well." she raises her half-filled bottle. "To the end of mortality." I raise mine, remembering another final moment where I had raised my goblet as a lord of the court right before realizing it was poisoned as I drank it... I was pretty sure the same words had been spoken then too. I return myself to the present. "Yeah." We clank our bottles and down the last of our chilled beverages. "To the end."
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