#madia is SO sleepy now poor bby
mozart-the-meerkitten Β· 2 months
Kittens have been microchipped!
Madia and Farid, the babies from my Bengal rescue adventure that we kept, have been microchipped, since we take them outside sometimes (Farid on a harness and leash and Madia in a pet transport backpack).
They also had a well check. Farid weighs ten pounds and my tiny little Madia somehow weighs EIGHT?! Peanut is PACKING on the pounds these days, I remember when she weighed less than eight OUNCES.
Anyway, here's some pictures from their adventure today:
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Bengal kittens do not cower, they EXPLORE the vet exam room!
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Okay, a little cowering MIGHT be in order...
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Nope, back to exploring.
And then, after their exams/chips:
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We are ready to go home now. Look at us, all packed and ready. Take us home, mama.
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And don't worry, my anxious peanut doesn't hate me, we snuggled like this for a while once we got home. And now...
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She's curled up at my feet like this and keeps looking up at me when she hears a noise like 'is there danger, mama?' and when I tell her it's okay she snuggles back up like 'okay, I sleep then.' I love her so much 😭
Madia does have one health concern but it is not urgent or life-threatening. She has what's called an "umbilical hernia", where for some reason the spot where her umbilical cord attached didn't heal up right and there's a weird bump there now. Normally it would have been fixed when she was spayed, but since we had 14 cats who needed spayed and neutered and we took them to clinics instead of an actual vet's office it didn't happen. But the vet says as long as it stays squishy and doesn't cause her any discomfort it should be fine! If we ever need to we'll get it fixed, but for now she has a clean bill of health. πŸ˜ΈπŸ’œ (We knew Farid was healthy, the exam was just required for the microchip xD)
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