thegermanspelunker · 7 years
[Continuing from X] @mademoisellerochefort
❝What? No, I don't❞ Leo eyes were red and full of tiredness and annoyance. He couldn't believe that Lili made him jump out of his bed only to ask him where her manager went. When Lili would have gone away, he would have returned to sleep.
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"This whole spoiled brat thing is just an act. The Lili that everyone knows is not the real me. Never was."
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bluexbiird-blog · 7 years
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❝ You again ! ❞ Being graced with EMILIE DE ROCHEFORT’S attention was nothing new for her, not that she’d ever even ask for it; all Asuka knew was that she was FED UP with the rivalry that the RICH BRAT in front of her had cooked up in her little head. ❝ Do I have to say PISS OFF in your own damn language just for you to GET IT ? ❞
@mademoisellerochefort ❤’d for a starter !
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"We need to find the others and fast. I have a bad feeling about this."
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lasangredelobo · 7 years
@mademoisellerochefort ❤ ‘d for a starter! 
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“...Heh. And you think I take orders from YOU?” Although his expression changed little, immutable as she made her demands, he found himself unable to keep himself from scoffing. “In my world, out here in the STREETS, princesita, the world unfortunately doesn’t always revolve around rich, spoiled little BRATS like yourself. Daddy’s credit card could only do so much, huh?” 
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bryanhasanswers · 7 years
"Mind your tongue Fury."
See? Again with the orders! It’s like a sickness with you… Listen kid - that tippy-toe performance art you call a fighting style may look all jazzy and shit - but it’s gonna get you in trouble. You need to pay attention to your dad and let that goofy butler do your fighting for you. At least he’s, uh, old - y’know - lived a full life and all… so I won’t feel too bad when I beat him to death.
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thegermanspelunker · 7 years
❝W-WHAT?!❞Leojumped and fell from the bed. The blanket followed him and he openedthe eyes by realizing that he was on the ground. Near to him therewas Lili and she was very angry.❝IAM AWAKE!❞ He said as he stood up fast.@mademoisellerochefort
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demon-blood-youths · 7 years
Love Language Test
People show and recognize love in different ways: gift giving, words of affirmation, quality time, physical touch, and acts of service. These different ways are called love languages, and while everyone understands a little of each language, we all speak and understand one or two better than we do the others. Our love language is how we most feel loved.
use this site to determine your character’s love language! then repost with the results!
Tagged by: Awesome @soaring-above-the-heavens
Tagging: @rumbling-tides @mademoisellerochefort @thegermanspelunker @meazukichan @magical-monkey-king @dorksoftakeda(Yukimura) 
Tae/Tiff/Oblivion: You respond to quality words.
Once your partner gives you their full attention, for you and only you, you feel fulfilled. You feel grateful when they listen to you all the way, without interrupting, trying to understand your thoughts and feelings, without necessarily giving you their point of view or ‘advice’. Another of your essential needs is the need to share time together. Whether for an activity: a short walk, a movie, a spot of shopping, a romantic dinner, a weekend away together, a meaningful discussion… even watching a TV programme that you will discuss afterwards.
     The main thing is that you share a quality moment together – and not with your partner’s attention elsewhere. During these moments, you feel loved and appreciated – ‘My partner is interested in me and is ready to spend time with me and for me to share something that I like doing’. Some advice: If your partner has understood your language of love, then you are happy. However, if this isn’t quite the case, then you can perhaps make a few suggestions that will help forge your couple even further (You can even show them these test results). 
      While you are both talking, teach them the art of paying attention to you, doing nothing else during that time. Explain to them that you aren’t looking for answers, but more of a sympathetic ear and empathy, that can even been in silence. To be sure that they’ve understood you and that you’ve understood each other, ask them to paraphrase whatever it is you’ve told them and what they understood about your thoughts and feeling. Good listening comes from the desire of the listener to understand your thoughts, feelings and emotions. Finally, to make sure that you actually get time together, why not open your agendas and fix your common activities, at home or outside – at least once a fortnight?
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"Why do you hate your father?"
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thegermanspelunker · 7 years
[Continuing from X] @mademoisellerochefort​
❝Oh... I hope it's nothing serious!❞ Leo exclaimed worried. Leo knew well that Lili loved sweets and he actually had to check her and to make sure that she didn't eat too much of them. Luckly nothing happened to him, but now yes and she was a little sick but she still wanted to eat a doughnut. ❝Lili, I would listen to Sebastian. One sweet thing could make worse your illness to the stomach. Also doughnuts are really full of sugar and fats, so for now do not eat them and do not eat anything of sweet❞
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“I dunno.“ she says with a shrug.
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thegermanspelunker · 7 years
rules: tag 10 of your followers. repost, don’t reblog.
tagged by: @spanish-snake
tagging: @mademoisellerochefort  @teslagravity @artisxagni @ninja-chan @rollingsnowsmasher @ruinosusangelus @sweetestdumpling @gctsugas @raijinfist @thelilkicks @theobscuracamera
name: Leonhardt “Leo” Kliesen
nickname: Leo
zodiac sign: Aries
gender: Male
favorite color: Red, green
average hours of sleep: 8-9
last thing you googled: “Natural Parks”
height: 5′ 9″
name: Daniele
nickname: Danny
zodiac sign: Virgo
gender: Male
favorite color: Green, Red and light blue
average hours of sleep: 8-9
last thing you googled: “Measuring converter”
height: 170 cm (I actually don’t know how to write height in English xD)
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